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Board Notes
REMINDER TO ALL CONFORMATION JUDGES – OVERSEAS APPOINTMENTS A reminder to all Conformation judges, that when accepting an overseas judging appointment (except New Zealand) you must submit a copy of the invitation/contract to Dogs Queensland within 14 days of acceptance of the contract, to confirm the invitation is from a recognised Controlling Body.
CONFORMATION JUDGES – APPOINTMENTS Dogs Queensland would like to remind all Conformation Judges of the time and distance restrictions between judging appointments as per Rule 69.3.
SCHEDULE DEADLINE REMINDER In keeping with the Dog Queensland Rules and Regulations (42.4 – page 43), clubs are advised schedules are to be submitted to the DQ office at least 3 calendar months prior to the month of publication of the Show Schedule. Please note that schedule advertising must appear in the Dog World magazine 2 months prior to the event (a total of 5 months).
Late schedules will appear in the following edition of Dogs Queensland’s Dog World magazine.
For example, the schedule for a show to be held on 8 October 2022 would need to be submitted to the office by 8 May 2022. This allows for the 3 months prior to the schedule being published in the August 2022 Dog World magazine, which is the required 2 months prior to the date of the show.
To submit Schedules up to and including March 2023 or for more information contact Ian at ian@ dogsqueensland.org.au
SCENT WORK RULE CHANGE – UPDATED SUBMISSION DATE The following rules and regulations are scheduled for review over the next couple of years in order for the new rules and regulations to take effect from 1 July 2024.
All submissions for changes to these Rules and Regulations should be submitted to Barb Murfet, at cbmurfet@bigpond.com no later than Monday 30 January 2023. • Rules For The Conduct Of Scent Work Trials
• Regulations Part 3N For The Conduct Of Scent Work Trials Judges Training Scheme
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST – RETRIEVING OR RATG JUDGES SEMINAR Expressions of interest are sought from those interested in becoming a Retrieving or RATG judge.
Ron Jackson, RAFT Chair & Judges Training Coordinator, will be holding a Seminar offering a teaching experience for possible upcoming judges on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November, 2022.
If you are interested in becoming a Retrieving or RATG judge, email Ron Jackson at raft.qld.sec@gmail.com
JUNIOR HANDLERS SPONSORSHIP Dogs Queensland wishes to thank all Members and Jeremy Cook from Show Manager for their ongoing support of the Dogs Queensland Junior Handlers.
When any Member enters a Show, they are asked if they wish to round up their amount. Through nearly 13,000 donations, Show Manager have just donated $6,849.45 from the last 12 months.
This money will be utilised to further fund Junior Handler activities throughout Queensland.
DOTY AND POTY ENTRIES VIA SHOWMANAGER Members are advised a fee of $20, via Showmanager, is required to qualify for the 2023 DOTY and POTY. To help navigate the process, the link below will guide members through the steps to complete payment.
https://showmanager.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/ articles/5101861172367-How-to-enter-the-DogsQLD-DOTY-2022-2023
The updates rules can be viewed by clicking here.
AMENDED RULE BOOK Members are advised of the following changes to the Rules (Updated Dogs Queensland Rule Book).
V3.5 Rule 44.7.(3) The following Rule has been amended; 1/10/22
44.7.(3) The dog is entered in the Exhibition in the name of the owners, however after three (3) months of being exhibited in accord with Rule 44.7, the imported dog, if still in Australia, must be registered to a financial member of an ANKC Ltd member body
Rule 44.8
Rule 20.2 Rule amended from 6 months and 1 month respectively; 1/10/22
44.8 No person shall exhibit or handle at a Conformation Exhibition under a Judge if that person has billeted that Judge within a period of twelve (12) months prior to and twenty four (24) hours after the Exhibition at which that Judge is officiating. However, a Judge for a Breed/Group Specialty Show may be billeted by an exhibitor after the Show, provided that such information is published in the Schedule, or is known to the Committee, or is published in the Club’s newsletter
The following has been altered in line with ANKC Ltd Regulations; 1/10/22
20.2 A litter shall be eligible for registration on the Register which is maintained under these Rules if:
V3.5 Rule 70.6 (1) (i) The owner is a resident of Queensland irrespective of where the litter was whelped; (ii) Where a prefix is jointly owned in more than one State or Territory, the litter must be registered in the State or Territory in which the litter was whelped;
The Rule below is altered from 7 weeks to 4 weeks; 1/9/22
70.6 Puppies under the age of three (3) months will not be admitted to the precincts of the Exhibition at any time, nor shall any person at any time allow the mating or whelping of any bitches, nor bring nor allow to remain any bitch more than four (4) weeks in whelp, within the precincts or upon the grounds of any Exhibition, whether or not any such dog or bitch is entered in the Exhibition
V3.5 Appendix 5 – Dogs Queensland Complaints Procedure In addition, and in order for the complaint to progress, a lodgement fee of $200.00 is required. This fee will not be required for any complaint by anyone lodging a complaint who is not a member of an ANKC Member body. This fee will only be refunded if the complaint is referred to a Breaches Panel and thus deemed non-frivolous
Dogs Queensland Show Bag/Puppy Packs For Sale Now!
Dogs Queensland have additional stocks of Show Bags for sale. Priced at only $20.00 (plus postage), these bags make perfect Puppy Packs. Each value-packed bag contains: • Nexgard Tick, Flea and Worm Chewable (size to suit your dog) • Plush Puppy 100ml O.M.G Multi Purpose Grooming Spray • Royal Canin Educ Nutritional Supplement 50g • EAC Animal Care Pre-biotic 20g • Dog Toy – one only • Hair Remover or Royal Canin Spray Bottle Dogs Queensland • Dogs Queensland Water Bottle • Dogs Queensland Calendar and Carry Bag To purchase a bag simply visit the Office at Durack from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday or alternatively email Pina at pina@dogsqueensland.org.au.
Please note: The Prize Draw is no longer included in the bag.

Dogs Queensland Calendars For Sale
The Dogs Queensland 2023 Calendar is hot off the presses, featuring dog breeds showcased on the Dog World magazine covers. Dogs Queensland have calendars available for purchase at the competitive price of $10.00 each (or $12.00 each including postage) from the Office at Durack or by email to pina@dogsqueensland.org.au. With limited stock available, members are advised to get in early to avoid disappointment on missing out.
Members are invited to submit dog related stories of interest for inclusion in upcoming issues of our Dog World magazine. All canine topics are accepted whether they be unusual, quirky or factual and can include ‘pawfriendly’ walks and cafes, heart-warming tales or antics while in lockdown to name a few. Dogs Queensland would like to showcase your dog’s story to the wider canine community. To see your story published simply send it through tobarbara@dogsqueensland.org.au