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12: General Specials at Open Shows Policy
1.4 If, at any Exhibition, an exhibitor considers that the heat conditions are or may be prejudicial to the comfort or welfare of their exhibit/s, they may leave the grounds with no penalty or other consequence in relation to any award that may have previously been made at that Exhibition, however they MUST inform the Event Manager to be exempt from Rule 70.10.
2 Extreme Weather (Flooding)
2.1 South of the 26th parallel – The Event Manager may cancel or reschedule the Exhibition up to and including the scheduled start time on the day, if roads within a five (5) kilometre radius are flooded and there are no alternate routes to safely travel to the Exhibition.
2.2 North of the 26th parallel – The Event Manager may cancel or reschedule the Exhibition up to and including the scheduled start time on the day, if roads within a two-hundred (200) kilometre radius are flooded and there are no alternate routes to safely travel to the Exhibition.