What You Must Know Before Hiring a Dog Trainer

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What You Must Know About Dog Training Methods Before Hiring a Professional to Train Your Dog The world of dog training is unregulated so anyone can potentially call themselves a professional Dog Trainer or Dog Behavior Counselor. Learn more about basic dog training methods so you can consult a professional from a position of knowledge.

What are the key training methods? There are hundreds of dog training books in the market place and even more dog trainers, all suggesting that their methods are different, unique or customized to meet the needs of the individual dog. In reality there are only a few ‘types’ of dog training methods and just as few philosophies. Effective and efficient dog training and dog behavior counseling methods are based on science and the principles of learning theory. Within this scientific arena there are opposing approaches, those that rely on compulsion and those that rely on praise. In other words, do you want to teach your dog what to do by teaching them new and more acceptable behaviors or do you want to punish them for the wrong behaviors, risking your relationship with your dog and the level of trust you share?

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At The DogSmith we utilize both lure-reward training and marker-training. We teach our students to teach their dogs more acceptable and appropriate behaviors. If their dog is exhibiting a problematic behavior then we teach the dog to do an incompatible behavior instead. This makes the problematic behavior ineffective and inefficient for the dog and as such the dog chooses to do the new behavior and is rewarded for doing so. For example if a dog has a jumping problem (its goal is to seek owner attention), we teach the dog to sit/stay instead. The dog earns the same reward, the owner attention, and the jumping ceases. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), a professional organization of dog trainers who are committed to becoming better trainers through education, describes the three key methods as: 1. Lure-Reward Training — the trainer entices the dog into the desired position by typically using a hand-held food lure, like a treat. For example, the trainer lures a dog to sit by placing a treat in front of its nose and moving it backwards over its head. The dog follows the treat or ‘lure’ into the desired position. Reinforcement is generally giving the food reward along with verbal praise at the completion of the desired behavior. 2. Compulsion-Praise Training — the trainer manipulates the dog into a position by using physical placement or training equipment. For example, the dog may be physically manipulated into sitting by applying pressure on its bottom or brought into heel position with a head halter or collar correction. Reinforcement may be verbal praise and/or a food reward. 3. Marker-Training — the trainer uses a sound, word, or clicker to ‘mark’ or immediately indicate the moment a dog is correct with a behavior. For example, the moment the dog’s bottom hits the floor in a sit, a trainer would use his desired marker to tell the dog that was the right behavior. A marker is followed by reinforcement with food and/or verbal praise. The marker creates a brief separation between food or touch and the performance of the behavior, so food is a reward, not an enticement. Behaviors can be shaped, captured or lured using a marker.

The scientific basis for this is the reinforcement of the behavior. If a behavior is reinforced then it is more likely to reoccur in the future. Reinforcement can take place in two ways: 1. If the dog’s behavior evokes the presence of something good then the behavior has been positively reinforced. For example if a dog sits rather than jumps and it is given a treat then the sit behavior has been positively reinforced and is more likely to occur in the future.

2. The other side of this is negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is when bad things stop. An unpleasant situation is removed the minute the dog engages in something more desirable.

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So if a dog is on a walk and pulling badly on their leash and the owner stops still and then only moves forward when the dog stops pulling, the ‘not-pulling’ behavior has been negatively reinforced. The difficulty with negative reinforcement is that to remove something bad, something bad has to be presented and this can cause severe fallout with your dog. It is also easier to teach a more appropriate behavior in a more positive manner.

What are reinforcements in Dog Training? Reinforcement is something a dog seeks to obtain, something they will work for. This could be a toy, a stroke or a piece of food. Reinforcers that animals innately like (they do not have to learn to enjoy), are called primary reinforcers. Reinforcers that dogs are conditioned (learn) to enjoy like toys and balls are called secondary reinforcers. Dogs are natural predators and are energy efficient. Dogs, like most animals, do things (exhibit behaviors) to access something they consider of value. Contrary to popular belief dogs do not exist and are not just waiting to please us. When teaching any student, human or animal, we first need to understand

how to motivate them and make their learning worth their while. Not all behaviors are worth the same reinforcement. Complex behaviors need us to pull out the big guns - the really yummy treats, whereas a simple sit may just warrant a small treat. Using food in training is very motivating for the dog and is also a powerful reward. During the training process we use food to encourage and reward new behaviors. Food is then very quickly replaced with life rewards, such as petting, toys, access to the outside, dinner, going for a walk or anything the dog considers valuable. It is a valid concern when people express concern about not using food in training because they consider it bribery. Incorrectly using food in training can create a dog that will only behave when food is present. This can happen if food is used as a bribe rather than a reward. The goal is to make sure that food is being used as a reward and not a bribe. There’s a big difference between the two and a professional trainer will understand this.

What’s the Reality of Reality Dog Training The recent popularity of dog training reality shows has impacted the dog training industry in several ways. The most important and deceptive component of most dog training tv shows is how quickly behavior problems are resolved. Good dog training takes patience, consistency and commitment. Like any new skill, learning needs instruction, practice and more practice. The skill has to be learned, practiced in several environments, proofed for consistency and then integrated into everyday life. This does not and cannot happen in 60 minutes. As stated on the APDT website, “You’ll see many TV dog training programs where very intense problems are seemingly ‘cured’ in just a few minutes by the change of body posture on the part of the owner or by uttering a particular syllable in a certain way. But in reality, long-term training and behavior problems are just not going to go away in minutes!”

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Common Myths in Dog Training There are so many myths in dog training and far too many to detail here. The myths that are most misleading and have the most impact on the living conditions of our pet dogs are the following. Myth #1 - Dogs that do not learn are stubborn or stupid. This is very inaccurate. Like Humans, dogs learn at different paces and are motivated by different things. Dogs also have different drives and sensitivities. Many dogs fail at training due to inappropriate training methods, poor instruction or a lack of clear and concise cues or simply because owners expect them to learn just for the reward of pleasing the owner. As an example, your dog’s physical condition and health must always be considered. A dog that is suffering from hip-dysplasia may not be able to do ‘sit’ and ‘down’ exercises.

Myth #4 - My dog does this because they are dominant.

Myth #2 - Puppies cannot go to training class until they are 6 months old.

This is one of the more popular misconceptions used by dog owners when they are trying to explain an undesirable behavior their dog is displaying. Dominance actually describes a social relationship between two or more individuals. Dominance is not a character trait.

This myth originates from the days when training incorporated many harsh leash and collar corrections. Using the proper modern methods, puppies can join a well-run puppy class when they are 10 weeks old. You can start training them at home the day you bring them home using the new more effective methods. It is important to socialize your puppy as soon as possible by exposing it to as many new people and things as you can. This will help your dog grow up to be behaviorally healthy.

The APDT notes that “Despite what many people believe, dogs do not spend their time seeking to establish control over humans.” Dogs display behaviors that work for them. If your dog runs through the door before you it does not mean he is dominant. It simply means your dog is excited to go outside and does so in a rambunctious manner because they have not been taught to sit and wait for the door to open.

Myth #3 - My dog knows when he has been bad since he looks guilty. We all love to attribute human emotions to our dogs. In most cases humans make these comments when they arrive home or catch a dog soon after it has exhibited a behavior that it has been punished for. The look of guilt is actually a look of anticipation of something unpleasant about to happen since the dog has learned that if it does this and then the human appears, it is punished. The dog is displaying appeasement behaviors which are intended to cut off conflict.

If your dog pulls on the leash they are not being dominant. They have simply learned over time that if they pull to get to the smells or to explore what they want and you follow. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior recommends that veterinarians not refer clients to trainers or behavior consultants who coach and advocate dominance hierarchy theory and the subsequent confrontational training that follow from it.

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Myth #5 - Positive reinforcement training is not preferable with large breeds. Positive reinforcement is the common protocol with marine trainers and many trainers of exotic animals, such as those trainers preparing animals for movie roles. If the methods work with whales, dolphins, lions and bears then there is no reason they should not work with large breed dogs. Research supports the consensus that using aversive training methods on fearful or aggressive dogs creates fallout and leads to aggressive tendencies, learned helplessness and anxiety disorders. Reward based training helps empower animals, creates confidence and develops strong trusting and safe relationships between dogs and their owners.

In Summary If you are thinking about hiring a dog trainer you need to find out which training method they use so you can protect your dog’s well-being and you are assured of an effective treatment plan. Simply ask the prospective trainer to describe their training process and how they will assess your dog’s behavioral problem and what framework they will use to change the behavior. Competence is the measure of actual professional performance, not the level and amount of education an individual has. As in all professions it is unlikely that one companion animal trainer or behavior analyst will be competent in every aspect of their profession. Based on their answers you will be able to determine what is best for your pooch. Most importantly is that the dog training method used should enhance and not damage the relationship you have with your dog

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