4 minute read

From the Chairman

(a) Judge the same Breed or Breeds or Classes of the same

Breed or Breeds of dogs at another Show held in NSW within 200 kilometres by the shortest road of the first mentioned

Show sooner than three (3) months thereafter. (The distance reference to be taken from https://www.google.com/maps).

This Regulation applies to Judges Contracts received before 1

July 2020 and does not apply in the case of a person who has been appointed as an Emergency Judge. (08/19)

(a) (i) Judge the same Breed or Breeds or Classes of the same Breed or Breeds of dogs at another Show held in NSW within 250 kilometres by the shortest road of the first mentioned Show sooner than four (4) months thereafter. (The distance reference to be taken from https://www.google.com/maps). This Regulation applies to Judges Contracts received by the Office of DOGS NSW after 1 July 2020 and does not apply in the case of a person who has been appointed as an Emergency Judge. (02/20)


The Executive Committee approved an amendment to DOGS NSW Regulations Part XIII-Code of Ethics, Clause 4, as follows:-

Currently Reads:-

4. A Member commits to compliance with both the Prevention of

Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 and the Companion Animals Act 1998 and their related Regulations as well as to the NSW Animal Welfare

Code of Practice – Breeding Dogs and Cats.

Be amended to read as follows:-

4. A Member commits to compliance with both the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 and the Companion Animals Act 1998 and their related Regulations, so far as those Acts and Regulations relate to animal cruelty and welfare, provided that a member is not required to commit to comply with as well as to the NSW Animal Welfare Code of Practice - Breeding Dogs and Cats until it is substantially updated.

(ii) Judge the same Breed or Breeds or Classes of the same

Breed or Breeds of dogs at another Show held in NSW within 200 kilometres by the shortest road of the first mentioned Show sooner than three (3) months thereafter. (The distance reference to be taken from https://www.google.com/maps). This Regulation applies to

Shows held before 31 December 2021 and does not apply in the case of a person who has been appointed as an

Emergency Judge. (02/21)

Attention Affiliates

At its meeting on 10 February 2021, the Board of Directors confirmed that Affiliates are not able to restrict the entry to their Shows/Trials, etc, to “Online Only

Office Closure - Easter Period

DOGS NSW Office will be closed for the Easter Long Weekend 4.00pm on Thursday 1 April 2021 and re-open at 9.30am on Tuesday 6 April 2021.

Royal New South Wales Canine Council Limited (RNSWCC Ltd) ACN 062 962 118 Trading as DOGS NSW



At the 2021 Annual General Meeting of RNSWCC Ltd, five (5) members of the Board of Directors will retire by rotation pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of RNSWCC Ltd. Accordingly, the Board has resolved to call for nominations to fill the said vacancies.

The successful nominees shall each be elected for a term commencing at the conclusion of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of RNSWCC Ltd and expiring at the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting held more than 30 months thereafter.

These five (5) positions are to be elected from the following Regions:One (1) representative from the Metropolitan Region One (1) representative from the Hunter Region One (1) representative from the Illawarra & South Eastern Region One (1) representative from the Northern Region One (1) representative from the Southern Region

Retiring Directors are eligible to nominate for these positions provided that they continue to comply with the requirements set out in the following paragraph.

Members seeking election will be required to reside in the Region for which they seek to represent and will also be required to be full financial members of RNSWCC Ltd. It will be necessary to be nominated by two (2) full financial members of RNSWCC Ltd who also must reside in the same Region.

Nomination forms are available from RNSWCC Ltd, PO Box 632 St Marys NSW 1790, or secretary@dogsnsw.org.au

Nominations must be lodged with the Secretary of RNSWCC Ltd at the Company’s registered office, 44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills, on or before 3.00pm Friday 4 June 2021. Nominations may be posted to reach the Company’s registered office on or before the closing time.

Nominations must include the full name, address and telephone numbers (both home and business) of the nominee and accompanied by a resume and photograph as described on the RNSWCC Ltd official nomination form.

Each full financial member of RNSWCC Ltd will be eligible to vote for the candidate/s in the Region in which they reside.

Please Note: Associate, Junior Members and Affiliates of RNSWCC Ltd are not entitled to vote.

Members seeking election should also note that the Board of Directors meets at The Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs, 44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Each meeting commences at 2.00pm and generally concludes at 6.30pm.

NOMINEES RESUMES and photographs (if submitted) will be published in the DOGS NSW July 2021 Magazine.

BALLOT PAPERS will be inserted in the July 2021 Magazine and voting will close at 12 noon on Friday 6 August 2021 (with the count on Saturday 7 August 2021 at Orchard Hills).

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