1 minute read
Recording Observations 2
Iwantedtofurthertheideaofflowersand developitwithameaningbehindthe image.Iusedtheshoestosymbolise people,whilesuggestingtheirfeelings. Forexample,thecolouryellowis associatedwithhappiness,soIhadone shoefilledwithyellowflowers,andthe otheroneempty.Theoppositeshereare usedtoindicatetheemptinessonemay feelandthehappinesstheotherfeels.
Camera: Canon EOS 1300D
Lens: 18‐55mm Mode: Av EXIF: f/4.5; 1/400 sec; ISO 800
Recording Observations 2
household object of wasteful food
Camera: Canon EOS 1300D Lens: 18‐55mm Mode: Av EXIF: f/4.5; 1/400 sec; ISO 800
Camera: Canon EOS 1300D

Lens: 18‐55mm Mode: Av EXIF: f/4.5; 1/400 sec; ISO 800
Here is a third example of me doing the same set with another household object of wasteful food packaging; I carried on the theme in presenting a short ‘before and after’ timescale of its use.
Ireallylikethefact thattheshoesare dirtyandwornout. Whilethisismuch moreaesthetically pleasingthanclean, whiteshoes,italso representstheway thepersonwouldfeel astheythemselves couldfeelwornout andbreakingdown. ThisiswhyIalsotook someimagescloseupoftheshoes themselves,aswell asfocusingonthe flowers.Theimageon therightisoneofmy favourite’sasIreally likethewaytheshoe isblurredandframes theshoewithflowers inthebackground. Thepinkbackground, whilequitelightisstill pleasingasIlikethe fadedlookinthe back.IfIweretohave usedreditwouldbe toobold.

Recording Observations 2 household object of wasteful food
Camera: Canon EOS 1300D Lens: 18‐55mm Mode: Av EXIF: f/4.5; 1/400 sec; ISO 800