Annual report 2013

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Annual Report 2013



Contents One company – 70 countries – 170 branch offices – 7,400 people who work there. The Umdasch Group believes that is worth a story. And it is this story which we are presenting in our Annual Report 2013 in addition to the facts, figures and data. The story consists of many small stories. And they are told by our employees themselves. They tell of past and future, of curious incidents and serious ones, of obvious things and less obvious ones, of pleasures and worries. Because all these aspects contribute to the success of a company. We invite you to come with us on a journey through the Umdasch Group. 8:00 am

Why this particular time? Because, despite all the interculturality and diversity it represents a time which links us together. Whether we are in Amstetten, in Mumbai or in Jeddah – it is at this hour that people start their day’s work. And that seemed to us to be a sufficiently interesting reason to make “8:00 am” the main title of our Annual Report 2013.

umdasch group

doka group

umdasch shopfitting group

figures data facts

012 Forword 018 Dynamogram 020 Network

066 Review 068 Preview

152 Foreword

198 General Information

028 032 036 042 046 050 054

Corporate Services Corporate Communication Finance & Controlling Human Resources Information Technology Internal Audit Legal & Public Affairs The values of the Umdasch Group

Europe 070 Central Europe 078 Western Europe 088 Southern Europe 094 Eastern Europe

102 106 112 118 124 126

Overseas North America Latin America Africa Middle East West & Central Asia East Asia & Pacific

132 Sales & Marketing 140 Engineering & R&D 144 Production & Operation

158 166 172 184 188 190

Fashion & Lifestyle Food & Care Premium & Travel Retail ViBiz The Josef Umdasch Research Prize Marketing

194 Euroshop

200 202 204 205 206 210 212

Consolidation Range Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Income Statement Statement of Cash Flows Accounting and Evaluation Methods Development of Non-Current Assets Auditors’ Report

umdasch group

8:00 am every moment

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If a concern is to act responsibly it must act carefully. It must take care of what it has been entrusted with. And it must take care of what will happen to it in the future. Companies are not static constructions; they are living organisms which continue to develop, change and adapt. Entrepreneurial responsibility lies in recognising this, and in accepting and supporting it to the best of one’s ability.

“The price of greatness is responsibility.” WINSTON CHURCHILL



umdasch group

umdasch group

8:00 am Headquarters Amstetten, Austria ANDREAS J. LUDWIG CEO Umdasch Group

Times of change Change originates in people. Their views, ideas and evaluations are important indicators of a new spirit. That is why Andreas J. Ludwig actively seeks contact with his staff, be it at 8.00 in the morning on his rounds through the works, during a CXO breakfast or when visiting one of our locations worldwide. He sees open dialogue as an important part of promising future developments. Adaptation to changing markets and economic framework conditions is a task which must be pursued proactively in order to ensure that developments are positive ones. Andreas J. Ludwig regards the insider knowledge and input of the entire concern as being of great importance. And so is dialogue. A company in which staff members can clearly recognise the value of change for the common good will act in concert and place constant growth on a strong foundation. In dialogues which take place at eye level with his staff, Andreas J. Ludwig challenges them to recognise change, to encourage it and to put it into practice. To do this each and every one must take responsibility for using his or her own initiative on the way to new solutions. A global concern like Umdasch must continue to develop actively. Marking time is not an option: “All change must be driven from the inside out. If we want to be successful in a sustainable manner, we must reflect these changes within our organisation and our processes – transparently and in a cooperative and targeted way. ”

“Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator.” ROBERT KENNEDY



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You are holding the annual report of the Umdasch Group in your hands – evidence of a positive business year. It reports on our successes and also our challenges during the past financial year by means of figures, facts and explanations. But this year our annual report shows more than that. It provides information on the work behind the balance-sheet results. I should like to offer the observant onlooker a glimpse of the Umdasch world which he or she may find unusual. We are often described as “Hidden Champions”. It is an expression which certainly applies, because it was never the company’s style or intention to blow the trumpet with regard to its successes. And so over the decades, unobtrusively, in contrast to the publicity with which comparable companies operate, the Umdasch Group has reached an international dimension which few people are aware of and familiar with.

Dr. Andreas J. Ludwig (CEO)

increasing transparency In times of increasing transparency, however, the demands made to companies as regards the public’s perception of them has increased too. In the tension field between attractive employer, responsible corporate citizenship and active communication with stakeholders we have taken a conscious decision to open up and to direct our perspective from the tip of the iceberg down to the regions of the company in which our successes – both large and small – have their origins. To the place where people focus their efforts on a dayto-day basis in the interests of continuation and growth; where innovation functions as the motor for a business model; where strategies are not just developed but also put into practice; and where we do not cease to question ourselves every day and hence never tire of taking a new path with new challenges.



umdasch group


the strategy of sustainable increase in value To operate in a sustainable manner means to continue to develop the entire group of companies towards an increase in value in the long term. The concept of economic management contains the essence of all business activity – a concept which is the most sustainable of all. In traditional family firms like the Umdasch Group that is not necessarily anything new – here, decisions have always been taken with a view to the impact on future generations. Although they may not always be popular, they nonetheless form the basis for ensuring that the entire concern can continue to stand securely. And that was also our motto for 2013. The past year has been a successful one for Doka. That makes us proud, because it proves that our expansion strategy is the right one. Our expansion policy in recent years, with its extensive investment in markets, has paid off. Severe currency losses in almost all non-European markets and considerable bad debts, especially in Southern and Eastern Europe, have left an indelible mark on our results during 2013. Nonetheless we have succeeded in increasing the operating income of the group as a whole. For us this was confirmation that the technology, quality and safety of our products and the expert knowledge of our engineers represent a worldwide benchmark and continue to be in demand.

tackling tomorrow’s major issues today

securing of capital

securing of staff

In order to be able to continue to develop successfully, we must adapt to the changed conditions which are affecting all areas of society and the economy as fast, as flexibly and as efficiently as possible. This applies to every company, including our own, and above all to the development of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group. During 2013 the Umdasch Shopfitting Group experienced all too painfully just how quickly one can fall behind. The major changes in the retail sector – especially in the fashion and textiles sector – resulted in a massive drop in both orders and overall result for our shopfitting subsidiary. It was a powerful warning shot which is challenging the team to achieve top performance in future. This is being prescribed by a new management team around Silvio W. Kirchmair; its implementation requires above all one thing: the absolute determination to adapt quickly and flexibly to the changed overall conditions. In this context a quotation by Charles Messier could not be more appropriate, despite the fact that it is more than 200 years old: “it is not the strongest who will survive, nor the most intelligent; it is the one who adapts most quickly to change.”

With equity capital resources of over 50% the Umdasch Group is conservatively, but safely, endowed. In addition there are also borrowing requirements which must be covered as intelligently as possible.

When we speak of change in society, this is based on change within the individual. People change, and hence so do their expectations of their place of work. Companies are well advised to prepare in good time to face the challenges that dealing with a new generation of employees will bring.

foresighted actions To spot developments in advance and to anticipate them ahead of time through pioneering decisions and modified processes is one of the most important tasks of management. This is where I see the biggest challenge for the immediate future. For example, when it is a matter of making available the two most important resources of a company: capital and staff.

In recent years capital has been available on favourable terms. That seems tempting, but firstly things will not remain that way for ever and moreover, in particular for medium-sized companies which operate in sectors which are as cyclical as ours, it is not always available sufficiently flexibly to meet our needs. And so our growth is financed to a considerable extent through capital which the owners leave in the company. But that only makes sense if the returns exceed the capital costs. Achieving this goal depends directly on the development of a number of important key figures. One of the most important for the Umdasch Group is the free cash flow, which we were able to increase within a single year by € 102 million. The most important contribution to this was the reduction of our working capital by € 30 million – despite the increase in revenues. In this context we also focused intensively on our risk management, which we developed considerably during 2013. In an organisation which is as widely and deeply ramified as ours, we need standardised but highly transparent processes which make equally high demands on our systems. Transparency helps in the control of risk, so our risk monitoring and controlling are supported by a strong compliance organisation and the newly formed internal revision team.

Today’s employees demand more of their employers than their indisputable need for fair wages. But beyond that, how can we live up to being the “best place to work”? That is a question which we have focused on very intensively during the past year. The fact that in both our business areas we need highly specialised staff, and that many of our locations – including our headquarters – lie far away from attractive metropolises, encourages us to focus all our energy on sustainable models of staff development. During the course of our considerations we have committed ourselves to filling up to three-quarters of all executive positions which become vacant with staff from our own ranks. That requires us to focus attention intensively on potential candidates. Our international talent management programme and the employee dialogue introduced in 2013 are important instruments for identifying and discovering potential, and are crucial steps on the way towards creating a strong training ground for new executives.



umdasch group

Key data Key data of the Umdasch Group at a glance

working together interactively A further milestone project that was developed and launched during 2013 is 2gether – our worldwide internal communication and collaboration platform. Employees need tools in order to be able to gain information, to network with each other and to work together interactively. The Intranet will make us faster and better and will bring together knowledge and expertise that are widely scattered. With this change in our communications policy we aim to do justice within the company to the demands of a society that is increasingly based on information and networking, while at the same time profiting from increased efficiency in our processes. I am delighted that the launch was carried out largely without a hitch, and I observe how within just a few months this tool has become an essential part of our daily work.

As you can see, we can look back on a very busy year work-wise, and on one in which the course was set in important respects for the further development of the Umdasch Group. In the interests of sustainable competitiveness we shall continue to progress rapidly along this path against a background of a rapidly changing environment which is in a state of constant transition.


Consolidated revenues in EUR million Foreign share Total number of employees (annual average) in Austria in other countries Investments in EUR million Cash Flow from operating activities in EUR million Operating income in EUR million Net income in EUR million






955 88 % 7,256 2,917 4,339 40 219 81 53

908 87 % 6,881 2,699 4,182 39 123 66 37

968 87 % 7,114 2,777 4,337 55 -46 82 47

1,059 88 % 7,430 2,850 4,580 97 2 73 40

1,092 88 % 7,411 2,772 4,639 47 104 74 23



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Umdasch Group Dynamogram

Umdasch Aktiengesellschaft

Change means that structures must be questioned and traditional patterns

umdasch group

Supervisory board Hilde Umdasch (Chairwoman) Alfred Umdasch (Vice-Chairman) Dr. Jörg Jakobljevich Ernst Röck Dr. Reinhold Süßenbacher

abandoned. This “dynamogram” should be seen not as a replacement for

Doka Components F. Westkämper

Form-on F. Hochholzer

Central Areas

Internal Audit B. Löcker

Controlling E. Liebensteiner

Information Systems & Process Management A. Korn

Legal & Public Affairs W. Reicher

umdasch shopfitting group Management Silvio Kirchmair, Thomas Birnleitner, Roman Fußthaler, Petra Böttinger-Barth, Gerold Knapitsch

ViBiz P. BöttingerBarth

T. Birnleitner

Corporate Services

Information Technology J. Hochstöger

Finance & Controlling G. Pechura

Controlling Doka Wood Processing C. Mayr

W. Pfleger

Human Resources K. König

doka group Europe

Eastern Europe I. Pasker

Central Europe M. Ripfl

Food & Care

C. Pum (MD) Western Europe P. Zumaglini

Product Lifecycle Management R. Steppan

Africa K. Steindl

West & Central Asia P.-J. Dewulf

S. Kirchmair (to 30.4.14)

G. Knapitsch (from 1.5.14)

Austria S. Kirchmair (to 30.4.14) G. Knapitsch (from 1.5.14)

Middle East S. Ramsden

Premium & Travel Retail R. Fußthaler

France P. Marquette

Overseas United Kingdom Ireland R. Fußthaler

L. Pekarek (MD)

Management Josef Kurzmann (to 30.4.14), Jürgen Obiegli (from 1.5.14), Harald Ziebula, Ludwig Pekarek, Christian Pum, Rainer Spitzer, Johann Strunz

Central Europe A. Wolfschwenger

East Asia & Pacific G. Heinrich

J. Strunz (MD)

Latin America L. Fasching

North America A. Mair Middle East P. Vogel

Operations C. Haring

Production & Operations

Purchasing H. Ritt

Southern Europe K. Vomela

(from 1.5.14)

Germany J. Brandstätter

Marketing B. Priesching

Doka Metal Construction W. Hillinger

Germany H. Neher, G. Schwers

Switzerland M. Höffinger

Italy H. Gamper

boundaries are the ones in our heads.

Facility Management A. Oberleitner

Austria T. Birnleitner

Fashion & Lifestyle

H. Ziebula (MD)

Corporate Communication E. Roseneder

Strategic Marketing P. Böttinger-Barth Strategic Procurement T. Klikowitsch

to growth and that development is open in all directions. Because the only

Sales & Marketing

Executive Board Dr. Andreas J. Ludwig (CEO) Josef Kurzmann (to 30.4.14) Jürgen Obiegli (from 1.5.14) Silvio Kirchmair

Andreas Schauer (Chairman of the works committee of salaried workers) Josef Steinböck (Chairman of the works committee of wage employees)

the organigram, but rather as an extension. It shows that there is no limit

Sales F. Hochholzer

Production Services M. Bruderhofer Management System J. Danzer

Doka Drevo C. Mayr, M. Lassak

Engineering P. Reisinger Research & Development J. Peneder

Engineering and R&D R. Spitzer (MD)

Business Development L. Hochpöchler

Competence Center R. Spitzer Corporate Formwork Instructors R. Mayr



umdasch group

“There is hardly ever a quiet moment in the porter’s lodge.” Network

8:00 am Headquarters Amstetten



At the very heart of things

It can be found in every company. The hub, the pivot – the place where all the bustling corporate power can be observed. The porter’s lodge of the Umdasch Group is one such place. 8 o’clock in the morning. Leopold Jetzinger started his shift a few hours ago. The porter’s lodge at Gate 1 is where he works. And has done since 1986. Even he can only hazard a guess as to how many people actually come past here every day: “It must be several thousand,” observes Jetzinger. But so far he has never had time to count them. In almost 35 years at Umdasch, most of them as porter, he has experienced a great deal – including ministers and VIPs from the world of business or society. But not only them: people looking for a job, others asking the way, jealous wives, confidence tricksters and even the odd individual who couldn’t find his way home from town on Friday night. Employees, job applicants, suppliers, visitors, messengers and of course customers: an active company is always a hive of activity. In almost 150 years of corporate history at Umdasch a wide-ranging network has been established which is marked by one common factor both internally and externally, regionally and globally, visibly and invisibly: it links people together. And you can gain a brief impression of all that if you visit the porter’s lodge at Gate 1.



umdasch group

Umdasch Group worldwide


Making relationships comprehensible our customers

As a result of the countless interconnected activities, the Umdasch Group has developed a network over the past decades with which and in which it interacts reciprocally. Today a dense network of subsidiary companies, branch offices, logistics hubs and delivery warehouses covers the entire world. We currently have 170 locations in 70 countries.

Part of our business model – and indeed of our corporate strategy – consists of being present within the markets. Customer proximity consists, of course, of a physical proximity which continually focuses on their needs and expectations. Similarly, we also operate a presence on site. The locations policy of the Umdasch Group decentralises important customer processes such as, for example, quality management, while the decisive development and support areas are gathered together in our headquarters for reasons of efficiency and concentration. For us the study of pioneering trends within the various sectors is a part of our policy of customer proximity in exactly the same way as our concern for current trends and market developments.

The customer structure of both the Doka Group and the Umdasch Shopfitting Group reflects a broad spectrum. The Doka Group has at its disposal a wide-ranging customer base of small and medium-sized building firms, which represent the sound foundations and the main structure. The cutting edge of Doka’s business is formed by outstanding and unique construction projects throughout the entire world; they provide ample testimony to the company’s expertise in the individual competence fields and leadership in the field of technology. The customer structure of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group is similar. It often includes individual luxury projects as well as roll-out contracts, for example for retail chains, which extend over a long period and numerous branches. A balanced customer structure on a broad basis is an essential competitive factor, since market fluctuations and economic cycles balance each other out over time, thereby considerably reducing risk.



umdasch group

suppliers The extensive network refers not only to our sales markets. In 2013 we commissioned a study which investigated the company’s multiple connections within the regional economy. The mode of operation and its effect on the creation of value within the region are considerable. For example, the Umdasch Group worldwide purchases a volume of € 274 million from 3,575 suppliers. 75% of the suppliers – representing a purchasing volume of € 166 million – are to be found in Austria. And of these, about one quarter come directly from the regions around Amstetten and Leibnitz – the most important production location of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group. Expressed in figures, this corresponds to a value of € 46 million in Amstetten and € 12 million in Leibnitz. In addition to the direct effects from the added value generated by the company itself, these indirect and induced effects serve as important multiplying factors, thereby representing a decisive value not only for the national accounts but also for development within the region.

the employees In a broader context the worldwide network of suppliers plays an important role as a tool that guarantees flexibility. A flexible and broadly based network of partners is a decisive factor as a measure which counters the increasingly fluctuating demand, because it permits peaks and downturns in demand to be balanced out quickly and without having to adjust staff numbers.

The company’s employees play a crucial role in connection with the added-value network. More than 7,400 workers are employed worldwide, some 2,770 of them in Austria.

The Umdasch Group is thus not only the biggest employer in Amstetten; it also contributes the lion’s share of the total municipal taxes within the community – over 21%.

Umdasch’s relevance as an employer for the job situation in the region can be clearly seen from the examples of Amstetten and Leibnitz:

The situation of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group in Leibnitz is similarly dominant, since here the company is responsible for more than 13% of the municipal taxes.

Employment Leibnitz

Employment Amstetten ~15%


Umdasch Group = 1,664

Umdasch Group = 423

Total employees Amstetten region

Total employees Leibnitz region



The Umdasch Group lives up to this role as a responsible employer in many different ways. And more than that: if we include the indirect and the induced employment (suppliers and downstream consumer stimuli), the result is additional employment for about 2,300 people. That means that the number of directly employed people is almost doubled as a result of the widely ramified sourcing structure and the regional purchasing policy.

Umdasch Group Indirect employment Austria


indirect and induced employees

economic total account The direct added value, in other words the employment, the taxes paid and the profits generated by the Umdasch Group amount to a total of € 245 million in Austria. If we include the downstream added value thus generated, this figure increases to € 384 million, which flow directly into the BIP. These figures clearly show the important role played by industrial concerns like the Umdasch Group with regard to the national account. And they show how decisively they contribute to the development of an entire region and thus to the securing of income and quality of life for thousands of employees and their families.



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A company leads, directs, decides and forms. It has a duty to be strong and to remain so. To do this it needs support. From central support units, for example – important strategic divisions and their teams, who contribute with advice, support and liaison work.



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Corporate Services

8:00 am Corporate Communication EVI ROSENEDER Head of Corporate Communication

2gether This is the story of the Annual Report 2013, which is at the same time a story of cooperation. Because many people were involved in its creation and contributed with their experiences and reports to presenting a somewhat different view of the company. Annual Reports tell of successes and challenges, of figures, facts and data. This year’s report on the Umdasch Group aims to do more. It provides insight into the world of thought of the employees, into their way of working and thinking. It is the people who work in a company that make it into a living organism that moves, develops and changes. The employees stand behind the successes and achievements of the company. They contribute their expertise and their experiences and are the main multipliers of the Umdasch spirit. This publication has been produced through dialogue: in the exchange of ideas, in the interlinking of thoughts. Through listening and understanding. And comprehending what makes people tick.

We should like to thank the following people for their time, their commitment – and their valuable stories: Manfred Aigner, Markus Babinger, Tino Bretschneider, Leopold Bruckner, Ralf Bürger, Eva Maria Ecker, Daniela Ehrenreich, Helmut Gruber, Stig Haglund, Gerald Hartinger and his family, Markus Kamleithner, Evelyn Kössler, Selva Kumar, Birgit Löcker, Leopold Jetzinger, Esther Ong, Josef Palme, Gerd Pechura, Bernhard Prüller, Franz Raffezeder, Robert Riesenberger, Martin Stefan, Eduard Tatay, Martin Wenger, Axel Wieland, Christine Wiesinger, Rudolf Wilfling, the apprentices in the Doka training workshop, the site workers in Dakar, the prizewinners of the Josef Umdasch Research Prize and all the more or less willing helpers.



umdasch group

Corporate Services

Corporate Communication

Start the dialogue Corporate Communication encourages transparent and open communication The change which society is currently undergoing is based on a complete change in the way we communicate. New technologies have created a worldwide non-stop supply network which makes it possible to send and receive information at any time and in any place.

Intensive scientific and philosophical discussions are already taking place about the advantages and disadvantages of this development. The fact is that the information society is increasingly penetrating every area of our lives. This is also changing the expectations and requirements made of companies, which must correspondingly also change the way they handle information and knowledge. The Umdasch Group also finds itself in a process in which corporate communication is being redefined. An open communications culture and transparent reporting are not only the concern of and assignment for the executive board, but also form the basis for a new approach to work. It is the task of Corporate Communication to initiate this development and then drive it forward. And since change lives through symbols, time and again it is a question of pointing the way for this new dialogue-thought process and creating new forms of exchange of knowledge and information.

2gether – the new intranet

seeking dialogue

During 2013 the introduction of a new internal communication and collaboration platform represented a milestone in these developments. A project team of six members of staff from different areas worked together for a year to set it up and implement it. 2gether raises the significance of communication and global partnership within the company into a new dimension. It aims to encourage the group-wide exchange of experience and knowledge as well as social communication. It must also do justice to the demands made of concern-wide reporting. The introduction of this important strategic tool is a pioneering development leading to more openness and transparency and is a further step towards more efficiency and effectiveness in procedures and processes.

In the evaluation of the communications policy of companies it is particularly noticeable that two judgement criteria occur regularly: the supply of too little and the supply of too much information. To find the right amount is a challenge which the Umdasch Group focuses on with intensity and which can be encountered under two important aspects:

The tasks of Corporate Communication ●●

Communication hub of the concern


“Newsroom” assembles the measures and topics of the entire concern


Communication planning and execution throughout the concern


Inter-departmental publications (annual report, staff magazine, newsletter, press releases etc.)


Presentations of the Umdasch Group in external stakeholder dialogue


Development of new formats and ways of communication


Strategic conception and content of the measures


Execution and implementation of the measures




Internal and external campaigning


Media enquiries/Media information service


Away from the top-down information policy to a dialogue and feedback culture


Development away from the obligation to provide communication to the obligation to acquire it

The Corporate Communication department focuses on these two strategic points in particular. Further development and innovation arise through the correct management of knowledge and ideas. To raise this potential and make use of it is one of the important tasks of any company. In the Umdasch Group a series of initiatives is being started which take dialogue as their content and which encourage transparency and better understanding.

Members of the Executive Board of Doka and company employees at a Round Table



umdasch group

Corporate Services

8:00 am Finance Controlling GERD PECHURA Chief Financial Officer

Smart Finance

“You need to understand the information behind the figures.” GERD PECHURA Chief Financial Officer

Gerd Pechura is a finance expert. If you meet him at 8:00 am while he is preparing the Key-Financials Reports you will know at once what the position is: complexity is no problem as far as he is concerned. Figures are his favourite topic. And he understands them – down to the last euro, yen, dollar, rouble .... Gerd Pechura is well-known for his penetrating analyses and his pointed comments. As a German in Austria, however, he is also aware of the language barrier: “Germany and Austria are separated by their common language – so people say. But I refuse to be bound by proverbs,” comments Gerd Pechura, proving his quick-wittedness once more. As the Chief Financial Officer Gerd Pechura has had a profound effect on Umdasch as he coaxes the figures to reveal their secrets every day. “Finance is like a huge brain-teaser. I need to understand the figures down to the very last detail. How they have arisen, how the money is flowing and whether there are any weak points in the system. Lots of people believe that figures speak for themselves anyway, but that is rubbish. You can’t trust figures until you are sure that they are not deceiving you. And then you also know how you can optimise the financial system.”



+ 40






umdasch group

Corporate Services

Finance Controlling

Project of the year 2013 Introduction of “Tagetik”, a new consolidation and reporting package

Creating transparency – putting diversity in a nutshell Corporate Finance & Controlling embraces a wide range of tasks Like all central support departments in the Umdasch Group, Corporate Finance & Controlling has been faced in recent years with a profound broadening and deepening of its range of duties. This is linked on the one hand with the rising demands of an organisation which is rapidly becoming more international. And on the other – and that is perhaps the more significant fact – the demands for transparency are rapidly growing, especially in complex subject areas. It is a development which the Umdasch Group is glad to face, indeed which it actively encourages. As a part of corporate policy, transparency is not an instrument of control, but serves instead to promote the culture of trust within the entire group. In the field of Corporate Finance & Controlling the question of taking into account the needs of internal and external stakeholder groups is allotted top priority.

In the dialogue with the owners and the supervisory board, with management and the specialist departments and also in dealings with government agencies, banks and insurance companies, an open approach forms the basis for a trusting working relationship.

corporate treasury Treasury is an important strategic competence area in the company. It is indispensable for securing the liquidity of the concern and its companies. The main tasks of Corporate Treasury include the development, use and continuous optimisation of the appropriate instruments together with the monitoring of the capital structure of the entire concern.

corporate controlling This area defines reporting standards for the reporting process throughout the group. Here the goal is to make use of meaningful KPIs to create the maximum possible degree of transparency.

Further areas of responsibility

currency management During 2013 the department was faced with a particular challenge with regard to currency management. The devaluation of almost all export currencies in comparison with the euro and the associated risk limitation were important topics for the Umdasch Group throughout the entire year and can ultimately also be clearly seen in the result. As a result of the diversity and the broad geographical constellation it is essential to develop and manage safety mechanisms that will make the currency risk calculable and correspondingly reduced in scope.


Internal reporting


Reporting to external recipients




Transaction processing (Accounts receivable/accounts payable)


Assets accounting


Questions of retail and tax law


SAP Application support throughout the concern

corporate accounting During the course of the Corporate Accounting 90 companies have to be consolidated and assembled to create a balance sheet for the concern. This permits us to draw up a continuous and transparent corporate balance and profit and loss account.

Corporate Finance & Controlling shows very clearly the processes for change in which globally operating companies in particular find themselves. The question is no longer one of specialists versus all-rounders. A state-of-the-art approach to modern global controlling calls for the placement of specific expertise in the main key positions within the company, together with a broad overview of the company and its macro-environment.



umdasch group

Corporate Services

8:00 am Human Resources EXPATS IN SINGAPORE Gerald Hartinger, Bernhard Prüller, Tino Bretschneider, Eduard Tatay, Christine Wiesinger

“I lived abroad as an ‘expat child’ for eight years. I think the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.”

Home Sweet Singapore



Umdasch Group employees on the way to work – in the works bus, by public transport or by private car. It’s a familiar sight. The only difference is they do not live in the countries in which they began their career in the Umdasch Group. One of the many expats worldwide is Gerald Hartinger. To leave one’s home country for a few years in order to work in a foreign place – that is a valuable experience for many people, and for some it is a dream come true. For the Umdasch Group it represents a remarkable gain. “My father was an expat in Pretoria, South Africa, together with the entire family. For my career it has been very helpful to have lived in a foreign country as a child. It has broadened my horizon permanently. I wanted to give my children this experience too and so I leaped at the chance. We are glad that we chose this path,” comments Gerald Hartinger, who moved to Singapore with his family in 2012.

Doka employees in Singapore on their way to work. Eduard Tatay and Christine Wiesinger

You cannot learn about a foreign culture from books; there is no substitute for practical experience; and to learn to think interculturally you need to gather experience in the big, wide world. As a company one needs no further reason for investing actively in expat programmes. Every expat, whether a guest in our headquarters or at one of our locations throughout the world, represents a significant asset for the entire concern.

Bernhard Prüller and Tino Bretschneider



umdasch group

Corporate Services

Human Resources

Accompanying people through change Human Resources as business partner and strategic companion Milestones 2013

The growing demands made of our business and our processes also require a strategic approach from the key position Human Resources. In former times it was seen as an administrative accounts department, but today it is a highly complex unit with a great deal of experience and even more expertise. This section has a staff of 30 and manages the use of our human capital worldwide. Joined-up thinking is called for. It is a huge challenge to employ suitable people in the right positions and locations where they can make use of their experience and expert knowledge in the most efficient manner. The motto is “Human Capital”: a win-win situation between the company and its staff can only occur when they can develop at their place of work and produce the best possible performance accordingly. To operate

internationally also means fielding one’s staff in an international context. One of the central tasks of HR is to establish and expand the relevant structures, as is reflected for example by all ten regions of the Doka Group. The lively exchange between the different nations not only ensures that Austrians have the opportunity of working abroad and vice versa. It also represents the living diversity which is essential for the development of a global organisation.

staff development Staff development is of strategic and hence of increasing importance. The Umdasch Group is paying increasing attention to the subject because personal development that takes into account strengths and qualities and also bears in mind personal ideas and expectations is in line with

a new zeitgeist which demands a new approach on the part of those responsible. Our aim is to develop two-thirds to three-quarters of our future executives from within our own ranks – a high aspiration which we are pursuing with great energy and with the assistance of newly developed initiatives and priorities. Since we cannot fulfil our quota of qualified staff entirely from our own ranks, staff recruiting is an important area of activity. In this context the significance of staff marketing is growing too. The responsibility of presenting the Umdasch Group and its two business areas as an attractive employer by means of a sustainable employer branding strategy has also become one of our central tasks.

functions of hr – an overview: ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●●

Staff management Staff development Recruiting Staff marketing Staff planning Organisation development Staff training including e-learning Ideas management Staff allocation Time tracking Staff data management Supervision of corporate organisation Intranet and collaboration


Start of further flexitime measures within the concern


Variable reward system in Sales


Support in the establishment of Doka Austria


Accompaniment of the re-structuring of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group


Worldwide on-boarding standards established

challenges 2013 ●●


Introduction of the Intranet by a highly qualified project team


Strategic talent and succession management


Introduction of the Employee Dialogue


New edition of the target agreement discussion


Accordingly, execution quota increased from 60% to 80% worldwide


International establishment of the training programme L.E.A.D.E.R.S. with 360-degree feedback


In 2013 the special challenge lay in doing justice to the growing demands for quality, volume and intensity within the HR agendas – while employing the same resources. During this year important initiatives were launched in the areas of staff and organisation which have a central leverage effect on the strategic points within the company. Accordingly, the Human Resources department plays an important key role with regard to the strategic change management.



umdasch group

Corporate Services

Human Resourses

changing opportunities for trainees

Success is a job in the Umdasch Group Andreas J. Ludwig referred in his foreword to the enormous importance of the availability of staff. It is a core concern within the company that people, as the future capital of the Umdasch Group, should be treated with respect and care – and not only since Corporate Social Responsibility came into fashion. Our corporate policy therefore also deals in a targeted way with the role of the Umdasch Group as an attractive employer, and defines at the same time its expectations of its staff with regard to customer orientation and willingness to perform and accept change, not to mention acting on one’s own initiative and with commitment.

The average period of employment within the company is 13.5 years; the average within the Austrian economy is 9.5 years. This level represents an indication of the attractiveness of the workplace. Conversely, the concern profits from the experience of its staff who have worked there for a long time.

service provision – as the umdasch group sees it The basis for a “good deal” is that performance and counter-performance should correspond, or should be regarded as corresponding. This also applies to the relationship between a company and its staff. In a sensitive market environment like that of the Umdasch Group and its business areas this balance is not always an easy one. No concern that operates in a responsible manner within a market economy can give a job guarantee like the one provided by a civil service position. The demands, especially those made on the export-oriented production industries with their fluctuating sales markets and wide range of political and economic challenges require a high operational readiness and flexible conditions. It is one of the important tasks of management to explain this situation and to remind repeatedly of the global context. So, too, is their duty to assess and pay for performance which is fair and appropriate.

further training as a corporate duty

performance factor wages and salaries A study was commissioned which examined the situation relating to remuneration and incentives of the staff at Umdasch.

Average income € 1,931

Lower Austria

€ 2,850

Umdasch Group *Based on median gross income

Expenditure for further training

138 Average in manufacturing industry in general

Percentage of graduates

of the staff of the Umdasch Group

5.7 %

within the Mostviertel

Manufacturing industry in general Umdasch Group

social and health promotion The health and well-being of staff play an important role in their performance. In order to allow for a climate which promotes motivation and commitment, the Umdasch Group has introduced a number of measures.

Measures offered ●●

VITAL health programme


Factory canteen


Works bus service


Voluntary bonuses


Working clothing


WGU – Umdasch works association


Heating supplements


Accident insurance


Works accommodation


Additional trainee remuneration


Gratuities for jubilees and upon retirement


Per employee

The reason for the above-average payment is, on the one hand, a remuneration model which allows for achievement-oriented payment, and on the other for a large number of highly qualified jobs:

8.5 %

Number of trainees 2013 Umdasch Group

€ 2,094


The extensive investments which the Umdasch Group makes in the training and further training of its staff make an essential contribution to the long-term securing of our competitiveness. Not only our products but also the expert knowledge and skills of our highly qualified employees have contributed to the company’s position as market leader in many areas. The continued development of the education standards is not only a social obligation but also represents a necessary and indispensable aspect in order to guarantee the success of the Umdasch Group in a sustainable manner and in the long term.

Traditionally, the training of apprentices has played an important role in manufacturing industry. This applies in particular to the Umdasch Group. The aim of filling up to three-quarters of the specialist and executive positions from the concern’s own ranks requires an institutionalisation of the training of apprentices in order to secure the best young people as qualified staff members. One opportunity available here is to complete the Matura, the Austrian matriculation qualification, alongside the apprenticeship. Another lies in the active encouragement of girls in technical professions.

€ 653 € 848

In order to adapt the further training opportunities as closely as possible to the concern’s requirements and to link them closely with the possibilities and abilities of the staff, the Umdasch Group has established the Umdasch Academy. It is an educational platform which offers practical education opportunities as well as systematic training for skills and methods.

Number of female trainees 2013 Umdasch Group 22 % Average in manufacturing industry in general 16 %

The Umdasch Group pays a voluntary financial incentive per employee amounting to approx. € 2,200 per year.



umdasch group

Corporate Services

8:00 am Information Technology AXEL WIELAND Head of IT Software Management

“A new era is dawning – 2gether.” AXEL WIELAND

Linked via the net 8:00 am in the IT department. A group of employees gathers around a calendar that they have made themselves. Once more a task within a project has been completed, and another leaf has been torn off the calendar. A nice tradition that has been introduced here.

It corresponds with the communications culture of the Umdasch Group that projects should be made public and that not only the start and finish but also their progress should be accompanied in this communicative way. In future all this will happen in the Intranet.

It will soon be completed. Lotus Notes is being replaced, and every single tile which disappears is celebrated with the removal of a leaf on the calendar. In fact, what they are celebrating here is something which will never end. Because IT is a constant cycle in which one project gives way to the next. Standstill is not an option. But the calendar clearly shows something which can be felt in many areas of the company: increasing transparency. When it comes to the question as to how to communicate the replacement of a system, Axel Wieland is very creative. He promptly started a countdown which shows the progress of the project from day to day. “The replacement of Lotus Notes is part of a major process of consolidation within our systems,” explains Josef Hochstöger, Head of Corporate IT. Numerous systems, functions and applications which previously used tiles within Lotus Notes, are being replaced and better integrated into the overall system. The functionality is designed in such a way that the communication culture as a whole will thereby change.



umdasch group

Tasks Securing the operation of the IT infrastructure ●● Development and rollout of new services ●● Provision of specialist infrastructure for projects ●● Advice for specialist departments on a project basis ●● Trend observation and examination for potential und relevance for the Umdasch Group ●●

Corporate Services

Information Technology

Tasks Implementation of changed corporate processes by means of program adaptations, data and interface management ●● Central consolidation of data from various sources ●● Constant updating of the system in line with changing laws, regulations and guidelines ●● Operation and adaptation of and between existing applications ●●

IT Systems and Infrastructure

Milestones 2013 Introduction of MS Sharepoint ●● IT infrastructure for the Intranet ●● Each workplace was equipped with MS Lync ●● Changeover of all Tipos users to Windows 7 completed ●● Decision in favour of Windows 7 as standard operating system ●●

Milestones 2013 Intranet – 2gether ●● Enterprise search ●● Preparation for abandonment of Lotus Notes applications ●● Doka CockPit – Tool for planning, introducing and controlling important core processes ●● Implementation of a new Doka product structure ●●

Information more than Technology

Corporate IT Josef Hochstöger

“We ensure that from Japan to California, the business processes all run smoothly.” JOSEF HOCHSTÖGER

Corporate IT – the company’s cardiac-respiratory system

49,233 4,700 650 Help Desk tickets




250,000,000,000,000 Bytes data volume


Linked-up locations

More than virtually any other department in the company, Corporate IT supports the organisation on its path towards greater efficiency and better performance. A staff of 65 works non-stop to provide the necessary software, infrastructure and services. Increasing cost pressure, continuous structural measures and the associated constantly changing requirements in all business areas confront the IT specialists with new challenges every day. And then there is the rapidly changing information and communication society which demands a continuous observation of trends and a perpetual adaptation of technology. The strategy and the tasks are in line with the requirements of a multi-national concern. Thus Corporate IT becomes the conceptual partner in the implementation of important corporate goals.

IT Software Management

Tasks Worldwide Help Desk – acceptance and processing of users’ enquiries ●● Service Demand Management ●● 1st Level Support ●● New services /Service catalogue ●●

The IT Help Desk is one of the central support tools within the company. The main focus of its efforts lies not only in the continuous improvement of the functionality, but also in the establishment of a network of relationships to clients in order to understand even better the needs and requirements made of the corporate IT.

IT User Service

Corporate Service Director IT



umdasch group

Corporate Services

8:00 am Internal Audit BIRGIT LÖCKER Corporate Service Director Internal Audit

A Culture of Openness As the head of the Internal Audit, Birgit Löcker’s central task is to accompany and facilitate the process of change towards greater openness and transparency within the Umdasch Group. The top priority is to focus attention on the cooperation, the connecting element and the common goal, and to involve all staff members in the process. In her work as Internal Auditor at Umdasch, Birgit Löcker makes deliberate use of the experiences which she has gathered as a world traveller – her ability to adapt openly and genuinely to new people and situations.

“The principles of the code of ethics for internal auditors are: integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and competency.” CODE OF ETHICS IIA*

Birgit Löcker herself is constantly on the move – in both her professional and her private life. For her, travelling itself is an important part of the process of preparing to meet new challenges. “When I go travelling for pleasure, it is to get to know the country, its culture and the people who live there and to understand them better – you won’t get far with fixed opinions.” Figures, data, facts and assessments are important tools in corporate management, but exactly how this information is used for the benefit of all lies in the skills of a talented internal auditor. “Modern auditing requires transparency in process and organisational units. The more openly a company communicates internally, the better and more effectively its staff will be able to understand the goals that have been set and then to implement them.”



umdasch group

Corporate Services

Openness creates trust

Internal Audit

It is a phenomenon that developers of organisations recognise: especially in companies that are usually run in linear fashion, the aim of creating more transparency within the concern and the corresponding measures lead in the first instance to a feeling of increased control. “Revealing,” “looking into” and “examining” are terms that are frequently used in connection with an internal audit. Yes, the internal revision does have a control function, which it exercises within the framework of corporate governance. And it does indeed carry out an examination. But in this way the department encourages openness and trust throughout the entire company, down to the smallest unit. The Internal Revision procedures within the Umdasch Group follow a systematic approach in order to evaluate the network of governance, risk management and control processes so that they can be continuously improved.

Internal Audit – where objectivity meets integrity and transparency meets confidentiality governance processes During 2013 the Umdasch Group developed and introduced a wide-ranging compliance organisation (page 52). Internal Audit designs management and monitoring processes to promote and maintain the (ethical) norms and corporate guidelines. The basis for these lies in the concern-wide compliance guidelines, corporate policy and defined corporate goals.

Internal Revision

Efficiency and effectiveness of processes and internal controls

Reliability of balances and reports Goals

Minimisation of risks

Observance of laws and guidelines

risk management processes Governance processes

Risk management processes

Control processes

Content of internal reviews

Internal Audit has an important function in the recognition and evaluation of important risk potential. This applies to the control processes, all corporate processes and information systems and the development and introduction of appropriate counter-measures if required.

control processes Every internal control serves to examine the correctness, reliability and efficiency of the issue, whether it is a process, recorded key figures or an entry into a system. The management takes over the control and works together with the Internal Revision department towards further development and improvement.

internal audit – value-oriented The Internal Revision within the Umdasch Group acts in a value-oriented manner.

Objectivity The execution of the tasks is carried out in an unprejudiced manner; the assessment of the issue takes place without interference.

Care The execution of the activities of the Internal Audit is subject to due diligence.

Integrity The justification of trust creates the basis for a reliable verdict.

Confidentiality This includes the duty of secrecy; the maintenance of the legal provisions relating to data protection; and the confidential treatment of all the information and documents received during the course of the procedure.

Internal Audit is an important instrument for ensuring quality, profitability and integrity within the company. It carries out numerous control and monitoring functions and enables a comprehensive overview of risk. It creates wide-ranging transparency and a decision-oriented perspective. In addition it also pursues the overarching goal of developing perception and sensitivity to areas which demonstrate a potential for improvement and optimisation and thus makes a decisive contribution to change in the sense of a constant further development of the organisation.



umdasch group

Corporate Services

8:00 am Legal & Public Affairs

“People very quickly realise that compliance is not a matter of prohibitions or controls, but rather of transparency all down the line.”

EVA MARIA ECKER Legal & PA / Compliance Officer

WERNER REICHER Chief Compliance Officer

Fully ‘compliant’ The legal expert Eva Maria Ecker is holding a compliance training session. Everyone was expecting it to be a dry legal lecture. But it is not like that at all: she tells a story which she uses to show why the Umdasch Group acts as it does: according to a strict code of behaviour. Eva Maria Ecker does her job because she personally believes in law and justice. That is why she became a lawyer. And that is why she also considers it important to institutionalise the feeling for what is right and for legitimate action within the company. And because she likes telling stories just as much as she enjoys lecturing, she fills her compliance training sessions with any number of stories in the form of case studies from other companies. “Because stories are simply more interesting than rules which are listed as bullet points,” as she observes. And lo and behold, the training sessions are very well received.

Eva Maria Ecker has plenty of stories on tap.



umdasch group

Corporate Services

Legal & Public Affairs

All entrepreneurial activity is public.

Volker Klenk

Clear rules for fair dealings with each other

fair play – long run To carry out one’s business in a demanding and ambitious way whilst remaining upright and reliable means to do so in a sustainable manner and with a focus on future generations. Within the Umdasch Group that is no CSR initiative. Following the example of the honourable merchant, the company has always acted in this manner: responsible behaviour forms the basis for sustainable economic success.

“We have consciously set very high ethical standards with our compliance organisation. Because we want to set an example, both within the company and outside it, that in the Umdasch Group all our dealings with each other are fair. Any behaviour to the contrary will not be tolerated.” ANDREAS J. LUDWIG

compliance organisation as an institution

corporate legal & public affairs

The Umdasch Group takes both its social and its politico-legal responsibility very seriously. For this reason not only was a unit set up within the organisation, but a process was also established which controls and examines the development, implementation and compliance with our guidelines.

The need for a viable and consistent compliance organisation is not the only requirement to grow with the expansion of the Umdasch Group. The importance of an experienced legal department also increases proportionally with increasing internationalisation. Because the latter also implies growing complexity with regard to both competition and contracts administration. The corporate legal and public affairs department operates across national and departmental boundaries and has at its disposal a high degree of interdisciplinary understanding as well as legal expertise.

the compliance process

A clear mission for the compliance organisation of the Umdasch Group During 2013 the department of Corporate Legal & Public Affairs was characterised by the roll-out of the compliance organisation throughout the entire concern. For a company which operates on the international stage as extensively as the Umdasch Group this was an inevitable necessity. To be present in 70 countries throughout the world means having to manage at least as many cultures and mentalities under a central understanding of corporate ethics.

“Glasshouse Axiom”

CEO Umdasch Group

as thick as thieves: compliance & transparency Once again, the keyword here is transparency. Especially in dealings with sensitive topics, openness is also not an option but a necessity. Throughout the entire added-value chain of a concern there are numerous potential places where compliance can be brought to bear. Clear guidelines create an awareness of difficult situations and define in detail what is allowed and what is not. And derived from this are corresponding courses of action which if need be provide orientation and a sense of security.

All employees of the Umdasch Group – whether they have worked here for many years or have recently arrived – receive training in the general compliance guidelines and the code of behaviour of the Umdasch Group. The process applies to Headquarters and to all the branch offices throughout the world, in which the organisation is rolled out through its ambassadors. The central topics are anti-corruption, anti-trust law and export control. The code of behaviour of the Umdasch Group includes rules governing dealings with others within the company and outside it which may appear to many people to be a matter of course. However, the diversity of the cultures to be found beneath the concern umbrella makes such explicit formulations necessary, to ensure that all employees start out from the same basic understanding. In order to make that possible and as a sign of the priority attached to the subject within the company, all documents were translated into 30 languages. Another important measure is the establishment of a multilingual Ethic Line, via which suspected or actual contraventions of the compliance guidelines can be reported anonymously.

The core competences ●●

Contract law


Competition law


Corporate law


Intellectual Property Rights (IPR – Copyright and patent law)


Data protection


Facilitation of administrative and legal cases



umdasch group


“Farming and my job – it’s always worked very well.”

8:00 am Amstetten / Neumarkt LEOPOLD BRUCKNER Forklift truck driver


On his tractor in the morning and the forklift truck in the afternoon In today’s new working world it is essential to respond flexibly to the circumstances and life planning of one’s employees. Leopold Bruckner has worked as a forklift truck driver at Umdasch for the past thirty years; he is also a part-time farmer and an enthusiastic deep-sea angler. You will find him on his tractor in the morning and the forklift truck in the afternoon. When Leopold Bruckner, who is approaching retirement, thinks of his two roles in life, he often waxes nostalgic. “I always enjoyed the variety. It is good when you don’t have to decide between two important parts of your life, and especially when you love both of them so much.” The balance between private life and work demands flexibility and understanding for the specific needs of the other from both the company and its employees. That it can work can be seen in the example of Leopold Bruckner, who has pursued his love of farming part-time for many years.

“The farmer has to bring in the harvest when the sun is shining.” A saying which could not be more appropriate. Because it applies not only to Leopold Bruckner but also to the company. Andreas J. Ludwig comments: “We also have to produce when the demand is there.” Flexible ways of working and flexible working hours represent a win-win situation and are extremely valuable. Not only for individuals, but for each and every one of us. Leopold Bruckner has worked for Umdasch for thirty years and is also a part-time farmer.



umdasch group


Creating value Fostering values Living values It has become very trendy to speak about corporate culture. Completely new business areas are arising around value-oriented corporate management, growth that is generated sustainably and ethically impeccable business behaviour. The Umdasch Group also reports on the role which the good of society plays for the company. The difference is that the company has been living according to this maxim for generations. The values matrix of the Umdasch Group shows the cornerstones on which our corporate policies are based. The fields beneath define the areas which are the particular focus of the sustainability policy of the Umdasch Group and its two divisions. Each area is linked to every value. That is important. Because the company does not act in a single dimension but is interlinked and interconnected. The demands made of companies grow with the demands made by people and society. In an increasingly individualised world which is increasingly governed by the desire and striving for value-oriented lifestyles, companies in particular are called upon more and more to reflect these developments and to adapt the working environment and working procedures accordingly.



umdasch group

leading and creating Values

Today’s executives find themselves facing very special challenges. They are required to think and act strategically and operatively; they are confronted daily with far-reaching decisions; they are responsible in part for the success of the company. These various duties are augmented by the leadership and development of employees. This is an increasingly challenging activity. Along with the spirit of the times, attitudes and behaviour change too. Transparent communication plays an important part here.

Fields of activity

The fields of activity of the Umdasch Group


the product It sounds self-evident that products and services should satisfy the highest demands with regard to quality, long service life and safety. But it isn’t. And yet, all three aspects are vital criteria for a sustainable business model, since they guarantee important competition factors such as cost-efficiency and employment of staff.

When it comes to staff development and further training, the company makes a considerable contribution to corporate citizenship. Numerous initiatives and high investment demonstrate the commitment of the Umdasch Group in this field, which is extremely important for future competitiveness.

Innovation management plays a crucial role here. The aim is to develop products which make sparing use of resources in every respect, and at the same time to employ new, environmentally-friendly technologies.

In the interests of its value-oriented approach the company is committed to a respectful and appreciative attitude towards its staff.

It is no accident that the value that lies behind this is openness. Open innovation, transparent customer relationships and a fair price structure, as well as respectful treatment of partners, make dealing with the Umdasch Group a matter of fair play.

The careful use of resources and hence care for the environment are highly valued within manufacturing industry. Resource efficiency in production in particular as well as within the organisation in general is not just something which it is nice to have, but something which we must have. Both business areas have appropriate environmental management systems based on ISO 14001 certification. Implementation is examined and of course carried out according to the criteria consumption of energy and raw materials, efficient use of water, refuse management, CO2 emissions, logistics and harmful substances.

the employees A chapter dealing with values will not be complete without the staff. They are important multipliers of the Umdasch culture. And so the Umdasch Group places great value on protecting them and ensuring their well-being. This ranges from measures relating to work safety and health at the workplace to barrier-free working conditions. Fair pay models, fair contracts and profit-sharing for employees together with diversity and equal opportunities. All these are important criteria for sustainable management within the Umdasch Group.

the environment

Responsible treatment of our environment represents an important contribution towards the maintenance of the quality of life for future generations. As a family-owned company the Umdasch Group thinks and acts with a view to the long term. In future it will continue to draw up measures which do justice to this responsibility.

Do companies have a responsibility towards society? Or, to put it differently: who, if not companies, is responsible for society? It is a fact that the business sector makes an increasing contribution to global socio-political development. Through this commitment it becomes increasingly relevant. In times in which the public sector can contribute less and less to the common good, it is the business sector increasingly fulfils this mandate.

Umdasch Group Values matrix

As does the dialogue, which the Umdasch Group encourages with all the means at its disposal. Discussions serve to permit the exchange of information but also the understanding of important steps as well as the company’s activities. For example when it is a question of implementing strategy or achieving targets. Measures like the employee dialogue are important tools which promote openness and understanding in the sense of a value-oriented corporate culture.

You will find more about the societal, economic and social commitment of the Umdasch Group in the concern’s sustainability report, which is available as a download in the internet or which can be requested under




In essence and in principle it is a question here of creating and maintaining jobs and thus securing prosperity. In the past – and increasingly in recent years – the Umdasch Group has become involved in the subject of education. In regions far away from the main centres of education in particular this is absolutely essential. Both with regard to its own employees and also through campaigns outside the company, Umdasch demonstrates its support for the right of the individual to acquire knowledge.

A relationship of trust between executive and employee is a basic requirement for top performance. Because only motivated employees are committed employees.

leading and creating respectful



On the subject of education, which is crucial for the future and which is the guarantee of prosperity, the Umdasch Group thus adopts an active socio-political position and promotes trust in the talents and potential of people, so that they can develop to the full and lead a self-determined and autonomous life.

environment trusting responsible

doka group

8:00 am anywhere

doka group



doka group

Norway – a winter of darkness in which the sun never rises, with torrential rain and winds of extragalactic speeds. Qatar – temperatures of up to 45 degrees; the humidity can reach 85%; and the dusty-dry Shamal blows from the north-west. A company like the Doka Group that operates worldwide in the construction sector is subject to extreme conditions. The demands made on people and materials are high as a result of the weather and the climatic conditions. And the demands made by the market and the customers with regard to performance and products are equally high. The daily challenge consists of facing these conditions and adapting to them in a flexible manner.



doka group

doka group

8:00 am Headquarters Amstetten JOSEF KURZMANN AND JÜRGEN OBIEGLI Chairmen Doka

Change at the Top Change is mostly a process which cannot be detected at a specific moment because it does not take place suddenly. An organisation that is undergoing change does not usually do so from one day to the next. But sometimes that is exactly how it happens. Because then change makes its presence clearly felt. Like the surprising change at the head of the Doka Group. Whereby it was not quite so surprising for one person: Josef Kurzmann. “Suddenly, there it was – the decision to make a complete change in my career path once more. To have 30 years in the job behind me meant at the same time that I still had at least 15 professional years ahead of me. And I should like to change the content of those years once more. What I shall take with me is the Doka Spirit – the enthusiasm and the passion for whatever you tackle.” Did Jürgen Obiegli have to think for a moment before agreeing to the offer to take over the management of Doka? “No. I have had close

links with the company for more than 20 years. It is both a pleasure and an honour to take on this huge but inspiring task.” He has great plans for the next one-and-a-half years. “There are some important topics to be tackled. I am not afraid of the challenge of helping to determine the course we are to take, because I know that I have a wonderful organisation behind me.” What Josef Kurzmann handed over to Jürgen Obiegli in the first months of this year is indeed of great value: a network that branches out to cover the entire world; market leadership in many business areas; and a team that offers its commitment and expert knowledge 1,000 percent to Doka. Those are the best possible preconditions for the journey which Doka is currently undertaking – into a strong future.



doka group

Review 2013 Doka Group – with increased revenues of 7 % back to the level of the previous year

The situation of the Doka Group has settled considerably since the economic crisis. Revenues increased for the fourth successive year. During the business year 2013 the Doka Group achieved revenues of € 911 million and thereby more or less returned to the level before the crisis. With a strategy that is clearly focused on profitability the course is set for a successful development of business in the long term.

The continuing volatility of the global economy and the challenging framework conditions on the international markets were the dominant topics in 2013. While an easing of the situation is a long time coming in Eastern and Southern Europe, the construction sector in our main market, Central Europe, showed definite improvements. The resulting concentration on markets with a large potential led to an increase in revenues that lay ahead of plan. The decisive stimulus for growth in 2013 can be traced back to the dynamic performance in the overseas markets. Developments in North America and the Middle East were especially positive. In connection with a very solid business performance in our core markets Austria, Germany and Switzerland, the Doka Group achieved revenues of € 911 million. That corresponds to an increase of 7% percent compared with 2012. New products and premium

services with measurable added value were among the highlights of 2013. This diversification forms the foundation for the business of the Doka Group in the coming years. It is in this way that the company can secure its future in the long term. The following Status Report provides insight into the main developments within the Doka Group in the business areas Europe, Overseas, Sales & Marketing, Engineering and Research & Development as well as Production & Operations.

Share of revenues by region Doka Group 2013 East Asia & Pacific 4%

North America 8%

Central Europe 27%

West & Central Asia 3%

Western Europe 13%


Middle East 21%

Doka Chairman until 30 April 2014 Africa 3%

Eastern Europe 10%

Latin America 6% Southern Europe 5%



doka group


The main topic of the Annual Report 2013 is change. It extends right through all strategic and operative areas of the concern. As the largest business area the Doka Group in particular is profoundly affected. We are in a good position. However, we must not rest on our laurels in this knowledge. Only if we recognise in time where our macro-environment is heading, will we be able to set the course correctly and introduce the appropriate measures.

To state one thing clearly at the outset: it is no longer appropriate to talk about crisis. Nor can we be allowed to blame everything on the crisis. We have now achieved our pre-crisis level again. We did this primarily with a consistent strategy of market penetration. The main motor driving our growth is our overseas business. However, during 2013 large sections of Europe also developed in a very gratifying way – for example Central and Western Europe, where we continue to see some potential for 2014. Important key figures, especially the continuously rising revenues, show clearly that the Doka Group is successful on the market. There is an unbroken demand for the quality, safety and reliability of our products, paired with the expert knowledge of our engineers and project managers. That is a good thing, because top products and high-quality services are the basic requirements for successful business activity. However, it is also the purpose of business activity to achieve the highest possible profitability. We shall examine the year 2014 very carefully under this aspect. The crisis accelerated trends towards change and brought to the surface things which had previously been hidden. It made the world more transparent and more sensitive. We are faced with these facts on a daily basis – in the form of increased demands and changed market situations. And we must adapt to them – throughout our entire organisation and in all the processes that take place within it. Flexibility is the new magic word. If we react adaptably to the changed conditions and pre-requirements, this strengthens our competitiveness in the eyes of the world. Equally, however, we must also examine carefully the workflows and processes within the entire organisation. The prime principle is to increase profitability. To do this we must focus even more intensively than before on all the areas within the company, in order to identify weak spots and introduce appropriate measures. Great potential lies in the focus on the activities which create added value. The correct setting of priorities is an essential characteristic in an increasingly complex environment. The performance of the national subsidiaries will be the subject of particular study. Local companies

which are currently being established will be given the support they need in order to establish themselves. However, our strategy of international penetration will most certainly not see its task as to occupy territory at any price. In order to achieve our target of performance optimisation, however, we have a number of other adjusting screws which we can and will turn. What is very important in this context is the innovation of our products and services. The Doka Group is a big force for innovation in the formwork technology sector. However, we shall not be resting on our laurels in this respect, but rather will be investing more funds and resources in the expansion of this area in which we are leaders, in order to offer our customers still better products with regard to performance, convenience, speed and safety. Last, but not least, I should like to mention one more point which is important both for the increased performance and for our profitability – our human resources. A very important aspect of our future success lies in identifying talents and potential leading personalities from among our own ranks. The staff development of the Umdasch Group has institutionalised this factor, which is of great value for the development of the Doka Group in particular. As you can see – standstill is not an option. The Doka Group lays its entire strength within all value-adding and administrative areas of the company in further development and growth. They are the guarantee for a successful future for Doka.

JUERGEN OBIEGLI Doka Chairman of Sales and Marketing from 1 May 2014



doka group

8:00 am Kühnsdorf, Austria ROBERT RIESENBERGER Group Leader Engineering

The DokaCC formwork carriage was used for the first time for the upgrading of the Koralmbahn. Thanks to its innovative design it guarantees costs as well as punctual completion and quality.

The Premiere Will it all work the way we calculated it would? Will the prototype live up to what the theory promised? The new DokaCC formwork carriage was used for the first time during the construction of the Grüntunnel near Kühnsdorf as part of the Koralmbahn. For the development team and Robert Riesenberger this is the moment of truth, when theory becomes practice.

It is 8:00 am. Robert Riesenberger and his team are excited. In a few minutes they will experience their prototype in action for the first time. The new formwork carriage represents two years of intensive development work and much blood, sweat and tears. Now it is standing in front of them and must show its paces. “We have put so much work into this project. We can hardly believe that we are here and that we are about to see how our ideas are transformed into reality. To work on something for months on end that you can only simulate on the computer and not try out – it’s nerve-racking.” Will everything work as planned? How will it behave? How big is the advantage compared with other models? Soon they will know. “The formwork carriage works exactly as it should. The first 12 metres have been concreted and now we can move forward. That’s a load off our minds. It’s the best feeling you can possibly experience.”

“With prototypes there are always theoretical questions which only practice can answer.” ROBERT RIESENBERGER Group Leader Engineering



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Central Europe

Austria General economic situation Trend continues unchanged

Residential building + 2.0 % and rising

challenges 2013 ●●


Transfer of the Austrian sales organisation into an independent company in order to increase flexibility and improve customer proximity Bankruptcy of the construction firm Alpine also left its mark on the Austrian construction industry. The resulting takeover of construction sites represents a huge challenge.

Civil engineering activities show a slight downward trend

Revenues volume increasing

targets 2013 ●●




Milestones 2013 Development Doka Austria

Austria, Ganglsiedlung tunnel

1. Successful launch of the Dokadek 30 panel floor formwork in the Austrian market strengthened the significance of Doka especially in residential building 2. Launch of the Concremote concrete monitoring tool for the optimisation of quality, time and costs together with increased safety during construction 3. Numerous contracts for tunnel and bridge formwork for the construction of the S10 Mühlviertel Highway

Expansion of the range of services through FRAMAX Xlife plus for one-sided handling for efficient and safe formwork Continued optimisation of flexibility, speed and customer proximity Further developments for more safety during construction Maintenance and expansion of market leadership on the home market

Austria, S10 construction project: link road to Czech Republic

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doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Central Europe

Germany Development Doka Germany Business with new material at level of previous year

challenges 2013 ●●



Service business at level of previous year ●●

Business with used material increased

●● ●●

Rental business considerably increased



Shorter construction times are tending to increase need for fast and compact materials supply Increase in rental business means a considerable logistics challenge Rental prices and discounts in particular and consequently contribution margins are under strong pressure Improvement of customer delivery in small number of compact part deliveries Optimisation of rental pool and stocks Reduction of complex processes, for example in business handling and logistics Detailed definition of services in the rental sector – especially technical planning Claims management for the payment of additional services

Germany, Sinntal Bridge near Bad Brückenau

targets 2013 ●● ●● ●● ●●

Increase contribution margins Increase delivery capacity Increase customer satisfaction Optimise processes

Milestones 2013 1. Optimisation of logistics and production locations Wide-ranging optimisation project for logistics and production service includes ●● Commissioning and move into a new central logistics centre in Apolda near Erfurt ●● Far-reaching logistics measures in eight German branches ●● Customer benefit: even better availability of Doka formwork on construction sites

Germany, Eider Barrage

2. Further optimisation of processes and inventory management

Deutschland, Eider-Sperrwerk

3. New products Dokadek, I tec beams, FF100, XP sideguard system and Mobil working scaffolding were well received by the market and promise further revenues potential 4. Sales of services were successfully maintained although large-scale projects from 2012 had to be compensated for

Germany, office and production building Thales bei Stuttgart


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doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Central Europe

Switzerland General economic situation Intensive construction activity in the urban centres of population on the axis Eastern SwitzerlandZurich-Swiss Plateau-Bern and in Western Switzerland

Development Doka Switzerland Revenues increasing

Switzerland, Park Tower Zug

challenges 2013 ●●



The total integration of Doka Schweiz AG into the Doka Group was completed successfully during the course of 2013 Following the integration the high-performance portfolio with the entire range of Doka products and services can be offered to customers throughout the Swiss market The launch of new IT tools brought significant process improvements, especially in the customer processes which could therefore be designed considerably more efficiently and faster

Milestones 2013 1. In 2013 the main focus of activities of Doka Switzerland lay in the realisation of industrial, trade, residential and infrastructure construction projects 2. Doka Switzerland also profited especially from the expertise in power station construction and realised successfully two demanding power station projects: the Linth-Limmern Barrage and the extension of the Nant de Drance hydropower station in Valais 3. With a well-equipped and competent production service, Doka Switzerland manufactured to schedule tailor-made special formwork of remarkable dimensions and forms

Switzerland, Linth-Limmern Barrage, Canton of Glarus



doka group

8:00 am Norway, Sarvsfossen STIG HAGLUND Sales Manager

Cold country, hot coffee Norway derives 98% of its energy from renewable sources. The Norwegians derive theirs from vast quantities of strong, black, hot coffee.

“We in Norway work whatever the weather.” STIG HAGLUND

Work continues on the arched retaining wall of the Sarvsfossen Dam, which is 50 m high and 150 m long, whatever the weather. There is a short break only at Christmas.

Stig Haglund is a true Norwegian. When he has his first meeting of the morning with a customer at 8.00 am in winter, not only does he already have more caffeine flowing through his arteries than an average Central European would need during the entire day; he will also have several hours to go before sunrise. “In winter it is damp; it’s cold and dark. But we love our cold winters. And then in the summer we travel south and stock up on sunshine – so that it lasts through the entire winter.”

Work continues every day on the Sarvsfossen Dam near the town of Bykle, which has just 1,000 inhabitants. Even at temperatures of minus 10 to minus 15 degrees. During the construction of the arched retaining wall Doka’s D35 dam formwork is used for the first time. The standard system ensures success first time round with concreting sections 5 metres high and an integrated safety and logistics concept – whatever the weather.



doka group

Belgium, Waaslandshaven

Status Report 2013 Business Division Western Europe

Belgium General economic situation Optimistic economic mood

Development Doka Belgium Revenues and result slightly down on the previous year – nonetheless it was possible to maintain the market share

highlights 2013 ●● ●●

Doka Belgium celebrated its 25th anniversary Successful participation at the Matexpo, the international specialist fair for machinery, equipment and technology for the construction industry

Milestones 2013 1. Successful realisation of two major projects during the restructuring of the port of Antwerp 2. With the participation of Doka N.V. the world’s largest sea lock is being constructed by 2016. It will require the use of 795,000 m3 concrete 3. Zaha Hadid is famous for outstanding architectural achievements. Doka N.V. supplied the formwork for the Nieuw Havenhuis, designed by Hadid’s firm, which sets new standards in architecture, design and innovation

Status Report 2013 Business Division Western Europe

Netherlands Milestones 2013 1. Doka Nederland succeeded in positioning itself as the first-choice formwork supplier for the prestigious Botlek Bridge project. After completion the Botlek lift bridge near Rotterdam will be the world’s heaviest lift bridge, with the highest lift frequency and the highest lift speed 2. With the supply of formwork for the railway station in Arnhem, Doka Nederland successfully realised a fair-faced concrete project which represented an exceptional challenge for the national company because of its complexity and high architectural demands

Netherlands, Botlegbrug

General economic situation Difficult market conditions in the Netherlands The construction industry continued to suffer as a result of the crisis, especially in residential building



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Western Europe Status Report 2013 Business Division Western Europe

France, Trélazé Salle

United Kingdom General economic situation Construction sector in the UK improving

Development Doka UK and Ireland Revenues volume UK As a result of the positive economic influence within the construction industry, Doka UK 2013 was in the ascendant and increased both revenues and result by a clear margin Market and price situation continue to be difficult


highlights 2013 ●●


highlights 2013

New sales strategy of Doka UK focused on local customer requirements Together with the optimisation of processes, since 2013 sustainable work has continued towards the activation of efficiency and quality potential




Milestones 2013 1. In 2013 Doka UK accompanied the challenging high-rise projects 3 Merchant Square and Indescon Square in the heart of London 2. By using Doka Shape, the tailor-made formwork for complex building geometry, Doka UK successfully acquired the Kingsgate House project

United Kingdom, Paddington Basin, London

With participation at the French construction fair Batimat in Paris the position of Doka France as formwork expert was further strengthened As a result of new product developments in particular we expect good growth in residential building In spite of considerable pressure on prices Doka France is continuing to expand the component business

Milestones 2013 1. Successful introduction of a light floor formwork system for residential construction, designed for the French market – a product which thanks to its minimal weight permits ergonomic and safe working 2. Expectations for the element floor formwork Dokadek 30 were exceeded again in 2013. We saw the establishment of Dokadek 30 as an economical formwork system on the French market further strengthened 3. In the key Tour Incity project in Lyon, a 200-metre-high office building, Doka France once more demonstrated impressively its standing as a building specialist on the French market

Development Doka France In spite of a slight reduction in revenues, process optimisation in warehousing and transport logistics resulted in an improved result



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Western Europe

Status Report 2013 Business Division Western Europe

Finland General economic situation As a result of the stagnant construction sector a small reduction in building investment could be observed in Finland

Development Doka Finland In spite of the difficult conditions, Doka Finland succeeded in asserting its position on the market and completed 2013 successfully with a positive result

highlights 2013 ●●



Opening of a new branch office Oulu, in order to be able to provide optimal service for customers in Central and Northern Finland Through the expansion of additional sales capacities linked with increased efficiency in logistics processes, Doka Finland continues to invest in customer proximity, speed and service quality for customers Successful market launch of Doka Shape implemented

Milestones 2013 1. Doka Finland sold the first Doka Shape project with the project Tikkurilon matkakeskus in Vantaa, north of Helsinki. The project covers formwork supply for the construction of a railway station, parking spaces, apartments and an office building

Denmark, Urban Media Space, AARHUS

Denmark highlights 2013 ●●


Restructuring measures put in place to increase process efficiency were successfully finalised Investments in the sales network for increased market present and more customer proximity

Milestones 2013 1. As a specialist in the field of fair-faced concrete, awarded numerous contracts in this sector during 2013 2. The sideguard system XP was successfully launched on the Danish market

General economic situation The market conditions in Denmark continue to be difficult. Residential and building construction have levelled off at a low level

Development Doka Danmark Doka Danmark completed the year successfully despite the low price level The market share was further expanded with increased sales



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Western Europe

Sweden, Bergeforsens

Status Report 2013 Business Division Western Europe

Norway General economic situation A slight improvement in the Norwegian construction sector was noticeable

highlights 2013 ●●

●● ●●

Development Doka Norge The previous year’s revenues and results were appropximately reached in 2013

During 2013 Doka Norge succeeded in establishing itself as a reliable partner in particular in bridge construction using sophisticated Doka formwork solutions Doka Norge focused on safety as a main topic in sales Altogether the positioning as leading formwork supplier on the Norwegian market was successfully defended

Sweden highlights 2013

Milestones 2013


1. With the world’s first use of the newly developed D35 dam formwork Doka successfully completed the Dam Sarvsfossen project for the construction of a dam for Skarg power station


Consistent cost and staff management was continued at Doka Sverige The experience and competence of Doka Sverige convince customers and are an essential factor in our success

Milestones 2013 1. With a formwork solution for the Bergeforsens Kraftverk hydraulic power station in Eastern Sweden, Doka Sverige once again proved its competence in power station construction

Norway, Dam Sarvsfossen

Construction sector in Ireland unchanged

After a good first half of the year, the Swedish construction sector flattened off during the second half-year

Development Doka Sverige In spite of a small reduction in revenues the result was maintained and the market position successfully defended


Ireland General economic situation

General economic situation

Development Doka Ireland Market and price situation continue to be difficult Doka Ireland was successful in defending its market share during 2013



Iceland continues to struggle with the consequences of the financial crisis; the economy is only recovering slowly The cooperation with the Doka chief agency is developing positively, so that Doka in Iceland is well equipped to profit from the upswing



doka group

8:00 am Bosnia Herzegovina

When Josef Palme travelled to Bosnia Herzegovina he surprised the construction firm of the A1 Pan-European Corridor Vc with the news that thanks to the Doka Group the estimated building time for the bridges could be considerably shortened.

JOSEF PALME Sales Director Bridges/ Business Development

Good News

“When I was able to inform the construction firm during the morning meeting that the building phases could be extended from the assumed 3.5 metres to 5 metres as a result of our high-performance Doka formwork traveller, it was clear at once to everybody that the savings in time and resources would be enormous. Nonetheless we were all amazed to discover that it would also mean that the timing could also be shortened by as much as 20%. It’s always great fun to announce ‘surprises’ like this.” Customers don’t like surprises, especially not news which affects their time planning. With Doka it’s different, because the innovations in the formwork technology are always pursued in order to offer the customers additional advantages.

“Customers don’t like surprises, apart from news from our bridge department.” JOSEF PALME

The Studencˇica Bridge with a span of 555 m and a height of 88 m, and its little sister the Trebižat Bridge with a span of 365 m and a maximum height of 59.5 m.



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Southern Europe

General economic situation First hesitant but positive signals in the Spanish construction industry are recognisable The economic situation of Portugal’s construction industry remains unchanged in 2013

Spain Portugal

Italy highlights 2013 ●●

highlights 2013 ●●

Development Doka Doka Ibèrica

Status Report 2013 Business Division Southern Europe



Successful launch of “Doka Full Service” DFS through the acquisition of first major projects like the construction of a railway station as part of the expansion of the Vigo high-speed line Doka Ibèrica takes over the sales activities in Portugal

On the basis of its leading role in Italy, Doka Italia secured contracts for major projects by international investors despite the limited building activity Doka Italia scored as the supplier of the most technologically advanced self-climbing technology and acquires the major project for the construction of the 202-metre-high Isozaki Tower in Milan

General economic situation

Doka Portugal’s activities markedly reduced

Italian economy remained weak

General economic situation Development continues unchanged

Greece highlights 2013 ●●

Development Doka Hellas Positive revenues development

Public and private infrastructure investments in Italy continue to be on hold


Budget target for 2013 achieved Project contract for Corridor 10 in the Republic of Macedonia Italy, Torre Isozaki



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Southern Europe

Status Report 2013 Business Division Southern Europe

Israel, S hahar Tower, Tel Aviv


Croatia Slovenia


General economic situation

General economic situation

General economic situation

The construction industry in Israel is in the ascendant

Construction projects by public and private investors in Croatia are still on hold

Increased activity can be discerned in particular in the construction of residential accommodation and infrastructure as well as civil engineering

Investors are continuing to await developments in Serbia too. The Serbian construction industry failed to gather speed in 2013

The Slovenian construction industry is also in a waiting position

The expected upswing in the energy sector has not yet taken place

Development Doka Israel Because of the increasing shortage of building land the demand for climbing technology is growing on the Israeli market As a result of the leading role of Doka as a supplier of high-performance self-climbing technology, Doka Israel has observed increased demand in the high-rise sector. The company was nominated as the supplier for the 200-metre-high Shahar Tower in Tel Aviv

Development Doka Doka Hrvatska and Doka Slovenija successfully defended their market position with the nomination as formwork supplier for the Studencˇica and TrebiŞat bridges

Development Doka Serb In order to increase customer proximity, service quality and process efficiency, Doka Serb invested in the construction of a new building for its branch office in Belgrade Serbia, Building site in Budva



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe

General economic situation Business environment more difficult than 2012

Development Doka Rus Retained market share

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe


Baltic Region

highlights 2013

highlights 2013

The market position of Doka Rus is being further strengthened with the expansion of our sales network Continued expansion of activities in the infrastructure sector and in housing construction



Milestones 2013

Milestones 2013

1. Nomination of Doka Rus as supplier of formwork technology for the Khlebnikovo flyover in the Moscow metropolitan area

1. In Estonia we supplied Doka cantilever equipment to the company K-Most AS for the Tartu Idapoolne Ringteesilt project, where it was successfully employed

2. Doka Rus successfully employed the protective Xclimb 60 shield in the construction of the Olympiyskiy residential complex in Yekaterinburg, consisting of three towers each with 37 storeys 3. During the course of the construction of the western High Speed Diameter, supply of formwork technology for the construction of a bridge pylon across a shipping canal in St. Petersburg

Russia, Khlebnikovo flyover, near Moscow

Doka systems, especially the modular floor system Dokadek 30, were very successfully employed in a series of building construction projects As the market leader in the Baltic region Doka was also able to profit from the economic recovery

4. Mosfilmovskiy residential complex (Moscow) with an overall area of more than 150,000 m2

Russia, Mosfilmovskij

General economic situation There are clear signs of recovery in the Baltic crisis states

Development Doka Baltic With a noticeable increase in total revenues Doka Baltic completed 2013 with a positive result In detail: Estonia and Latvia were able to improve on both revenues and results; Lithuania completed the year at the same level as the previous year

Baltic Region, Tartu Bridge across


the Emajõgi River

With the support of capacity from Doka Rus and the assistance of the headquarters in Amstetten important customer contacts were established and contracts generated: ●● ●●

Project “Art Complex”, company “IMK+” Project “Pine Tree”, company “DMC”

Lithuania, Naresta large construction site



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe

Bulgaria General economic situation The construction sector had difficulty building up momentum The economy was very sluggish and public and private investment stagnated

Development Doka Bulgaria Declining revenues As a result of consistent management of stocks and costs it was nonetheless possible to achieve a clearly positive EBIT

Milestones 2013 1. Following the halt and re-allocation of the large-scale Ljulin Mall project Doka Bulgaria was once again chosen as main supplier for the delivery primarily of flooring formwork systems 2. Services and formwork systems play a central role for Doka Bulgaria in particular in the winning of the Lukoil project. During the building of a new refinery Doka will supply three sub-contractors in Eastern Bulgaria with formwork technology


Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe

highlights 2013 ●●

Ukraine highlights 2013 ●●


Increased competitiveness in housing construction through the successful market launch of framed formwork Framax Xlife 3.00 m Successful expansion of market share

General economic situation Construction sector in the Ukraine stable


Doka România scored during 2013 in the environmental projects supported by the EU. The local teams prevailed in particular in formwork solutions for sewage plants and water treatment facilities as well as in bridge-building for the motorway corridors in the North Contract for the supply of all the formwork for the second construction phase of the National Cathedral

General economic situation Very sluggish economic development

Private investors and public bodies seemed reluctant to invest

Development Doka România Very positive revenues development during the first third of the year Noticeable deterioration from the middle of the year

Milestones 2013 1. With the successful acquisition of the Postova Square project Doka Ukraine continued to expand its market position as a leading supplier of formwork systems for civil engineering 2. Successful use of the new Framax Xlife 3.00 m, which was positioned on the market for the first time in The Pearls residential complex project

Development Doka Ukraine In spite of the difficult ecnomic situation in Ukraine it was possible to increase revenues The improvement in process quality and the sustainable qualification initiative had a positive effect on performance



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe


General economic situation

Poland, v iaduct in Gdansk

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe

Milestones 2013 1. Successful completion of the NOSPR Katowice fair-faced concrete project

The continuing crisis in the Polish building sector and the associated overcapacity led to a further intensification of the competition situation during 2013

2. With the successful acquisition of PKM Gdansk, Doka Polska was nominated as formwork supplier for the biggest infrastructure project of 2013

Development Doka Polska

3. Doka Polska continues to be strengthened through investment in the sales network

Nonetheless, Doka Polska successfully continued to expand its market share and strengthened its image as a competent and efficient formwork partner

Czech Republic highlights 2013 ●●


Česká Doka demonstrated its strength in particular in infrastructure projects The newly installed management has built up a compact, qualified and motivated team which is now well prepared to meet future challenges

Milestones 2013

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe

General economic situation The building sector in Slovakia gathered speed only during the second half-year

Development Doka Slovakia After a subdued start to the year, both revenue and result were doubled during the second half-year

Slovakia, four-lane bridge

Slovakia highlights 2013 ●●

Formwork technology contracts were acquired for interesting infrastructure projects including the construction of the SO 208 motorway bridge – a section of the D1 Fricˇovce –Svina motorway

1. With the modernisation and extension of the logistics centre in Prague, Česká Doka expanded its portfolio. With its improved offers of equipment and services it can respond more flexibly to the requirements of its customers and guarantee top quality

General economic situation The construction sector in the Czech Republic continues to experience difficult times – and that continues to put pressure on the formwork sector

Development ˇ eská Doka C Good results were nonetheless achieved in 2013

2. With the supply of environmentally friendly fork-lift trucks Česká Doka is setting a good example in its work towards local sustainability

Czech Republic, Veleslavin underground system



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe

Status Report 2013 Business Division Eastern Europe

Belarus Development Doka Belarus

highlights 2013 ●●

Increased revenues in 2013 compared with 2012 ●●

Market position strengthened

Hungary Milestones 2013

Interesting projects were realised in the industrial sector. In particular formwork technology was supplied for the construction of a cement works and a panelling works The sales capacity was expanded especially within the staff sector

1. Efficient supply processes and a high degree of formwork expertise by Magyar Doka were decisive in winning the formwork contracts for the construction of two UEFA category IV football stadiums

The result reached a similarly good level to that of 2012. It was possible to compensate for exchange losses in the local currency

2. Further projects include the supply of formwork for the construction of hospitals, waste-water treatment plants and the finalisation of underground line no. 4 in Budapest

During 2014 the goal is to improve the sales structure further in order to expand the market position

Hungary, Budapest, underground system

Hungary, Györ Stadium

General economic situation The construction sector in Hungary is showing modest signs of improvement Positive effects can be observed in particular in infrastructure construction and in building construction

Development Magyar Doka With further process optimisation Magyar Doka is continuing its restructuring activities and finished the year with an increased result



doka group

8:00 am USA, Virginia MARTIN WENGER / MARTIN STEFAN Senior Engineer / Senior Project Technician

“Being prepared for everything is a challenge which we face every day.” MARTIN WENGER

Senior Engineer

Tunnel segments weighing 13,000 tonnes are transported 320 km by boat and then lowered into the water at their destination.

Down Under It is a huge challenge to maintain an overview of a complete formwork solution for tunnel segments that are over 100 metres in length and that must be manufactured precisely and economically and must also be watertight. Sometimes you have to heat up the situation a little in order to achieve that. It is a bitterly cold winter’s morning in Baltimore. The formwork is ready for concreting. The huge tunnel elements which are being produced here have a long journey ahead of them. They will be transported by boat over 320 km to their final destination, where they will be lowered into the Elizabeth River. But that is not important at the moment. The formwork is too cold. Far too cold to guarantee concrete of the required quality. It would cool down much too rapidly, which is not good. But the team on the building site is prepared. Huge gas-fired heating units are put in place. The concrete can be poured in an hour.



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division North America

Status Report 2013 Business Division North America

USA General economic situation

highlights 2013 ●●

The building sector in the USA still in the ascendant ●●

Development Doka USA


Consolidation of the sales network through the establishment of a branch office in South Florida and expansion of cooperation with partners and dealers Opening of a HUB for North America in Chicago with the aim of improving the efficiency of the market processing and shortening delivery times Continued focus on qualification of sales staff and technicians

As a result of favourable conditions Doka USA succeeded in increasing revenues and market share In order to reduce delivery times the expansion of the sales network continued apace

Canada Milestones 2013

Milestones 2013

1. Successful deployment of the Doka Super Climber during the construction of the tallest residential building in the Western hemisphere at 432 Park Avenue in New York City

1. Doka Canada was able to prevail as the formwork supplier for the Tour DeLoitte high-rise project in Montreal

2. Doka USA demonstrated the competitiveness of Doka formwork systems in energy infrastructure in numerous projects, including the Willow Island hydroelectric power station in West Virginia 3. Selected as sole formwork supplier for World Trade Center Tower 3, after proving our success on Tower 4, Tower 2, WTC Memorial and Transportation Hub

The high-rise sector and commercial buildings continued to represent important growth fields

2. Doka Canada is demonstrating its skills in formwork technology in the construction of the Nipigan Bridge, the first cablestayed bridge in Ontario 3. Successful market launch of the Super Climber in Canada at the 35-storey West Hastings Tower in Vancouver plus the launch of the Doka Truss on further commercial building projects in both Eastern & Western Canada

4. Doka USA continued to expand in the North American market and gained great success in the Hawaiian formwork construction market place with recent projects, which included the construction of the 120 meter tall Symphony Tower luxury building in Honolulu

Doka USA scored successfully with the Super Climber for contracts in the major cities New York, Boston, Miami, Houston and San Francisco

USA, 432 Park Avenue, New York

Canada, West Hastings Tower, Vancouver

General economic situation Canadian building sector still in the ascendant

Development Doka Canada Doka Canada is absorbing the growing market potential in particular in infrastructure projects and civil engineering



doka group

8:00 am Venezuela, Orinoco MARKUS KAMLEITHNER Group Leader Piers and Pylons

Beware of Snakes! Snakes, crocodiles, high waves and the lush green of the jungle near the Equator. When Doka supplies formwork solutions for the 135-metre-high pylons for the bridge which itself is over 11 km long, everything is a challenge. Markus Kamleithner is on his way through the rain forest of Venezuela en route for the Orinoco Bridge construction site. The landscape is breathtakingly beautiful; here, so close to the Equator, the plant and animal life is abundant and the Orinoco, two to three kilometres wide, is a natural spectacle in its own right. “The dimensions of the Orinoco and its tall waves make it look more like the open sea than a river.” You become aware of the dangers lurking here when you read the signs at the entrance to the construction site: ’Alcohol prohibited! Wear your helmet!‘ – that is normal enough. But ’Wear a lifejacket!‘ and

’No weapons!‘ – that is new. The construction site is closely guarded by the army. “It all sounds very alarming, especially when you hear the stories about snakes, crocodiles and poisonous insects. But when you look into the eyes of the people here during morning Mass, you notice how relaxed they all are. The sermon alone lasts for half an hour and ends with a blessing – which prepares the 700 workmen spiritually every day for their 12-hour shift. And yes! Working on the river is dangerous. But with our Doka safety systems we make an important contribution to safety – which is as it should be.”

“When you climb from the motor boat onto the pylon and the waves are high, falling into the water is just not an option – the crocodiles are waiting already.” MARKUS KAMLEITHNER



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Latin America

Status Report 2013 Business Division Latin America

Brazil General economic situation There is potential for growth, especially in Southeast Brazil

Development Doka Brasil Opening of a sales office in Belo Horizonte, in order to penetrate the major population centres around Belo Horizonte and Brasilia Successful market launch of Concremote Technology on the Brazilian market Potential for infrastructure and mining projects


Milestones 2013 1. Doka Brasil was nominated as supplier of formwork technology for the construction of the Parque da Cidade in São Paulo. The Green Building complex erected as part of the Climate Positive programme of the C40 will provide a total space of 600,000 m2 when completed

Milestones 2013 Brazil, Parque da Cidade

1. Use of formwork technology in the Escondida and Caserones mining projects 2. Supply of formwork technology for the construction of the 150-MW Angostura power station project in southern Chile

General economic situation Strong building activity in northern Chile as a result of the booms in the Chilean copper mining industry

Development Doka Chile

2. Positive stimuli for the construction industry are being felt as a result of the preparations for the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. Formwork technology supplied by Doka Brasil is being used to construct the Vila dos Atletas building complex, consisting of 32 units

In order to take up the potential in northern Chile, the sales network of Doka Chile was expanded to include a new branch office in Antofagasta As a result of the positive developments, work started on the construction of a new national headquarters in Santiago de Chile, in order to triple the storage capacity

Chile, Angostura



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Latin America

Status Report 2013 Business Division Latin America

Mexico Development Doka México Positive revenues development of Doka México due in particular to the good performance by the sales office in Monterrey Expansion of the branch office in Mexico City completed, tripling the warehouse capacity Strong demand for formwork technology within the industrial, chemical and mining sectors


Milestones 2013

Milestones 2013

1. Supply of formwork systems for the construction of the Mina Buenavista del Cobre mining project in northern Mexico

1. Doka Peru strengthened its position as a strong partner for the mining industry and convincingly demonstrated its competence in formwork technology with the Las Bambas, Toquepala, El Brocal and Volcán construction projects

2. Continued expansion of the high-rise segments through the successful use of Doka XClimb 60 during construction of the Pabellon M building complex in Monterrey

Peru, Las Bambas

3. Participation in the Ethylene XXI project, a newly completed petrochemical building complex for the production of ethylene and polyethylene in Vera Cruz

Panama ●●

Expansion of strategic partnerships for the development of further market potential in Central America, the Caribbean and the northern part of South America


Costa Rica, Ecuador and Nicaragua were added as new potential sales regions


Some projects could not be realised because of political instability

2. Formwork was supplied for the Nueva Fuerabamba, Real Plaza Salaverry and Swissotel construction projects

Development Doka Peru Doka Peru is in great demand in the mining industry as well as in the residential and commercial construction sectors



doka group

The Bouregreg Bridge is extremely important for the development of

8:00 am Morocco, Bouregreg

the infrastructure in Morocco. It impresses by its dimensions and by its form, which echoes those of Islamic architecture.

MANFRED AIGNER Photographer / Doka Marketing

Spectacular insights With a length of 953 m and two main pylons measuring 197 m and 185 m in height, the Bouregreg Bridge in Morocco is currently one of the most spectacular bridge projects in the world. For Manfred Aigner, photographer for the Doka Group, virtually every journey brings with it a few hazardous moments. His photographs of the Bouregreg Bridge resulted from an adventurous excursion. “When you see your colleagues’ projects as a drawing on paper or as a rendering you are often not aware of the dimensions involved. It is fascinating to see the magnificent structures which we help to realise. In order to capture this in a photograph, I sometimes have to be suspended in a basket 80 metres above the ground, but it’s worth it.”

“For me as a photographer it is always exciting to stage the spectacular structures we build. What is more, this bridge is a real work of art with cultural roots in the historic forms of North Africa. And for a photographer it is a dream.” Manfred Aigner is very aware that precisely this artistic form represented the biggest challenge for the formwork experts at Doka.

The experience of dealing efficiently with unusual forms was the deciding factor why the Doka Group was awarded the contract for the Bouregreg Bridge in Morocco.

“Usually the engineering achievements behind our projects cannot be seen at first glance. In the case of this bridge it is different; it is scarcely possible to imagine a more impressive stage for their expert skills.”

“This bridge is a real work of art. And for a photographer it is a dream.” MANFRED AIGNER



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Africa

General economic situation In spite of the import barriers the Algerian construction sector is on the upswing

Development Doka Algérie It was possible to improve revenues

Status Report 2013 Business Division Africa

Algeria Milestones 2013 1. The team of Doka Algérie succeeded in acquiring the prestige project “Grand Mosque of Algier”, which means that the company will play an important role in the construction of the tallest minaret in Africa by supplying the formwork technology

The sales network was expanded and the market leadership defended by establishing sales and engineering offices in Oran and Constantine Dynamic development led to a satisfactory local load factor for Doka Algérie Competition increased as a result of the arrival of numerous international competitors

Morocco, Bouregreg Bridge


Intensification of competition because of the large amounts of used material from Spain and Portugal An increasing significance of the low-quality formwork segment can be detected

Milestones 2013 1. Doka Maroc was involved as formwork technology expert in the construction of the high-speed railway line for the French TGV

Development Doka Maroc

General economic situation The lack of public and private investment is delaying the upswing in Morocco

The components business is developing very positively Doka Maroc is developing very satisfactorily, with a doubling of the number of customers and growth in revenues of 40 %



doka group

East Africa

Status Report 2013 Business Division Africa

Egypt General economic situation The upswing in the Egyptian construction sector is a long time in coming The competition situation in Egypt is currently characterised by a ruthless price battle Important stimuli are being generated in Libya


Doka continued to expand its supply network in particular in East Africa, and signed a supply contract with a commercial agency in Uganda


Further negotiations are under way for the establishment of sales channels in Kenya and Ethiopia

Nigeria South Africa

Egypt, St. Regis Tower

highlights 2013 ●●



Residential building, especially in the lower price segment, remains a main focus of the activities within the Egyptian market Further important segments are the energy infrastructure sector and bridge construction Doka was able to strengthen its important role in the Egyptian market still further by supplying formwork technology for the construction of the new Grand Egyptian Museum

Status Report 2013 Business Division Africa

Development Doka Nigeria

Development Doka South Africa

Gratifying revenues development for Doka Nigeria Doka Nigeria succeeded in winning a prestigious project to supply the fair-faced concrete for the Calabar International Convention Centre

Positive development in the construction industry lent stimulus to the local formwork sector As a result of the positive developments Doka South Africa succeeded in winning a significant market share The price war in South Africa is very hard as a result of the intensive local competition

Nigeria, Calabar International Convention Centre

Significant currency fluctuations

Status Report 2013 Business Division Africa

Mozambique Doka opened a branch office in Mozambique and succeeded in establishing itself on the market through important project acquisitions



doka group

8:00 am Doha, Qatar RALF BUERGER Managing Director Doka Qatar

Beat the Heat Safety is an important part of the Doka philosophy. By supporting the ’Beat the Heat‘ campaign Doka assumes responsibility for work safety to an even greater extent than usual. Doha, Qatar. It is hot – very hot – already. It is 8:00 am, but here we are close to the Equator and so the sun already stands high in the sky and shines mercilessly. The warm desert wind brings no relief. And we can be certain that the temperatures around midday will soar to over 45 °C. 400 workers on this construction site drink from blue water bottles bearing the label ’Beat the Heat‘. A bus provides information about the risks of overheating and becoming dehydrated. “In recent years I have worked for various firms here in Qatar. This is the first

“Thanks for this initiative.” CONSTRUCTION SITE WORKERS IN QATAR

Safety at work at 45°C in the shade

time that we have been informed about safety measures with regard to the heat. I am very happy about this initiative,” says one foreman. “Doka offers comprehensive formwork safety solutions in order to avoid accidents at work on construction sites. By supporting the ’Beat the Heat‘ campaign we show that Doka sees social responsibility as being much more than just that. We are pleased that by informing people and distributing water we can make an active contribution to the improvement of working conditions and safety on construction sites.” Ralf Buerger – Doka Qatar

also means ensuring that you are protected against overheating.

Thousands of workers in Qatar were supplied with free re-usable water bottles as part of the ’Beat the Heat‘ campaign. They also attended courses which explained how they could protect their health in very hot climates. On the bus routes to the construction sites posters in four languages were put up which provided health tips and drew attention to the initiative.



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Middle East

Qatar General economic situation The construction industry in Qatar profits in particular from the fact that the country is hosting the FIFA Football World Championships in 2022

Development Doka Qatar Strong demand for Doka Qatar in the segments residential building as well as commercial and infrastructure construction

United Arab Emirates General economic situation

Milestones 2013 1. Supply of climbing technology and availability of wall and floor systems for numerous high-rise projects in the West Bay and The Pearl districts

The company’s expertise in climbing technology continued to play an important role in numerous high-rise projects during 2013

2. Supply of ready-to-use service elements for the construction of a footbridge in the Lusail District

In future Doka Qatar will differentiate itself from its competitors even more by expanding the “Ready-to-Use” service and the equipment hire service

3. Supply of formwork for the construction of the Al Sadd and Lekhiwiyaa sports venues

The construction industry in the UAE profits from the expansion of investment in social infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and the construction of residential areas Investors regained confidence, which can be felt in all sectors of the economy

Oman Oman, M uscat International Airport

Development Doka UAE Preparations for the market launch of Dokadek 30 completed The differentiation of Doka as a full-range supplier of systems and services was further strengthened by the service of formwork assembly on the construction site, the expanded equipment service and the ready-to-use service Preparations for the market launch of the Concremote concrete monitoring tool are under way

4. Successful acquisition of the Lusail Expressway infrastructure project; project due to start in 2014 Qatar, M sheireb Downtown Doha

Status Report 2013 Business Division Middle East

General economic situation State investment, for example in the traffic infrastructure and water treatment sectors, enlivens the construction activities Stimuli through further investment in the tourist sector, and in energy and waste management

Milestones 2013 1. Strong demand for formwork technology for Doka UAE especially because of its contribution to the construction of the Midfield Terminal Complex by construction firms TAV, CCC and Arabtec. It measures 700,000 m2 and traces the shape of an ‘x’

By introducing a country-wide Key Account Management system, customers are now allocated a contact person at Doka UAE

Development Doka Muscat The range of services is expanded to include product-specific customer training as well as the ready-to-use service and the extended equipment service, in order to further strengthen Doka as market leader After the market launch of Dokaflex 15 and Frami eco the next ambitious goal is the successful placement of OneGo.

Milestones 2013 1. Cooperation with the Bechtel/Enka/ Bahwan consortium for the construction of several bridges and construction projects as part of the new Muscat International Airport (especially Staxo 40, Staxo 100, d2, Frami Xlife) 2. Three local firms acted as suppliers for the construction of an apartment complex (75,000 m2 living space) for a public client (Dokaflex, Dokaflex 15, Frami Xlife, Frami eco)



doka group

Status Report 2013 Business Division Middle East

Status Report 2013 Business Division Middle East

Saudi Arabia


General economic situation Social infrastructure including hospitals, schools and the enormous need for residential accommodation has had a positive effect on construction activity in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia reacted to the power shortage with an expansion of investment in the energy infrastructure Traffic infrastructure investments continue to be in the ascendant

Development Doka Saudi Arabia

General economic situation Construction activity in Kuwait profited from an increase in state investment activity, especially for social infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and residential building

Milestones 2013 1. Supply of formwork technology for the construction of the Mecca Ring Road

As a result of the growing energy shortage, energy infrastructure provides an important stimulus for growth within the construction industry

2. The construction of the King Abdulaziz International Airport continued to be one of the main focuses of Doka Saudi Arabia

Expansion of investment activity in traffic infrastructure expected

3. Supply of formwork technology for the extension of the Al-Masjid Al-Haram Mosque, which will be the largest mosque in the world when completed

Development Doka Kuwait Preparations continue for the market launch of Frami eco and Dokaflex 15

The company moved into the new national headquarters in the Zahran Business Centre in the Al Zara District of Jeddah Continued expansion in the holy city of Mecca through the acquisition of infrastructure construction projects as well as the project for the construction of the world’s biggest mosque Preparations for the introduction of Frami eco and Dokadek 15 floor and wall formwork systems

Milestones 2013

Kuwait, University

1. Successful acquisition by Doka Kuwait of numerous contracts from construction firms – SinoHydro, Arabtec, MCC, Ahmadiah, KCPC, First Kuwaiti – for the construction of the Sabah Al Salem University



doka group

India, Omkar Worli

Status Report 2013 Business Division West / Central Asia

India General economic situation The development of the construction sector in India has slowed slightly but remains positive There continues to be moderate growth on the Indian formwork market

Development Doka India

Status Report 2013 Business Division West / Central Asia

Milestones 2013

Milestones 2013

1. Nomination as formwork supplier for the construction of the Spira Tower in New Delhi

1. Successful acquisition of contracts for the construction of the Crescent Place high-rise complex in Baku, Azerbaijan

2. Supply of high-rise technology for the construction of the Omkar 1973 Worli project by the property developer Omkar

2. Supply of formwork technology for the construction of the Maslak 1453 luxury building complex in Istanbul

3. Doka’s expertise in fair-faced concrete was successfully deployed for the construction of the D.Y. Patil Management Building in Mumbai

General economic situation An increase in public investment and good credit conditions are stimulating the construction sector in Turkey

Development Doka Kalip-Iskele

4. The Park project by the Indian Lodha Group is being realised with the help of formwork by Doka India

An above-average performance by Doka Kalip-Iskele permitted a strong increase in market share in Turkey

Strengthening of Doka India through the continuation of internal training initiatives, especially in the sales sector Continued focus on the expansion of the component business


In addition to the gratifying development in Turkey, the formwork business for large-scale projects in Azerbaijan has been highly successful

India, Basoli Bridge

Strong performance especially in the high-rise segment and in floor formwork systems Turkey, Nissibi Bridge



doka group

8:00 am South Korea, Seoul MARKUS BABINGER Foreman

Doka Fitness In order to get their circulation going, all 500 workers on the building site of the Lotte World Tower in Seoul, South Korea, begin their shift with a joint fitness programme. The self-climbing formwork by Doka which is being used during construction needs no warm-up exercises and is nonetheless fit for the 555-m climb to the top. The day on the building site begins with stretching exercises, knee bends and an easy fitness programme to music with its own choreography. “We don’t have that in Austria!” comments foreman Markus Babinger and begins to climb down to the canteen 40 metres below, near which the changing rooms and tool store are also situated.

“Our self-climbing formwork is ready to climb to the top.” MARKUS BABINGER

On the construction site of what will one day be the tallest building in East Asia, it can take an hour to get from the entrance to your workplace.

“Everything on this building site is huge. The distances are enormous and it can easily take a worker an hour to get from the gate via the canteen, changing rooms etc. to his workplace over 300 metres up.” Lots of things are different on the construction site of what will one day be the tallest building in East Asia. “But our formwork and our safety equipment function perfectly as ever,” says foreman Markus Babinger and climbs into the lift, in which he will spend the next quarter of an hour.



doka group


Status Report 2013 Business Division East Asia & Pacific

Status Report 2013 Business Division East Asia & Pacific

General economic situation The Japanese construction industry continues to recover only slowly

China General economic situation In spite of restrictions in public investment, the Chinese construction industry continued to grow steadily

Development Doka China 70 % growth in revenues as a result of a good second half-year

Expansion of sales activities in technically demanding projects Central importance of energy infrastructure construction and high-rise segments

Milestones 2013 1. Supply of formwork technology for the construction of an LNG tank in Shenzan

Australia General economic situation

The economic package passed at the end of 2013 indicates that stimuli can be expected, also especially in the construction industry The fact that the Olympic Games 2020 are to be hosted in Tokyo means that the Japanese construction industry can expect to expand further

Milestones 2013 1. Large quantities of formwork technology were made available by Doka Japan for the 52,000 m2 cold store constructed in Higashiogi-shima

Development Doka Japan

Conditions in the Australian construction industry continue to be difficult Strong development of building activities in the oil and gas industry and in the infrastructure construction segment

In 2013 Doka Japan’s revenues increased by 75 % as a result of the good performance The increasing lack of skilled workers in Japan increased the need for efficient building methods and raises the potential of formwork technology

Development Doka Australia

Doka Japan is optimistic for 2014 in view of the potential of numerous project acquisitions

Revenue quadrupled thanks to extremely strong revenues performance by Doka Australia

Southeast Asia New Zealand Despite political unrest and difficult economic conditions, successful continuation of our cooperation with dealers and chief agents in Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and New Zealand

Malaysia, IB Tower, Kuala Lumpur

Malaysia General economic situation

Milestones 2013

Continued strong performance by the Malaysian construction sector

1. Supply of climbing technology for the construction of the 245-metre-tall Ilham Baru Tower in Kuala Lumpur

Expectations for the future are strengthened by agreed investments amounting to â‚Ź 35 billion for the development of the Malaysian rail network

2. Acquisition of contract in connection with the construction of the Afiniti Medini luxury residential complex in the Iskandar Malayis Special Economic Zone

Development Doka Malaysia Strengthening of reputation as leading supplier of formwork technology products and services continued in 2013 Growth potential expected for Doka Malaysia, especially in the traffic infrastructure segment

3. Supply of formwork technology for the construction of the St. Regis Hotel in Kuala Lumpur



doka group

Insight East Asia & Pacific Status Report 2013 Business Division East Asia & Pacific

Revenues increase by 23 % in comparison with 2012 Particular strength lies in an understanding for customers’ regional requirements, since the individual markets differ widely from each other

Singapore Strong demand, especially in publicly-funded residential building Commercial building and the infrastructure construction segment continue to be further important motors of the construction sector

On the basis of increasing public invest­ ment activity, the prognosis for the development of the building industry in East Asia in 2014 is very good There is potential for formwork techno­logy in particular for infra­ structure projects like, for example, under­ground construction, tunnel and bridge construction projects and energy infrastructure and power station construction projects, as well as in residential building

General economic situation

Milestones 2013 1. Supply of formwork in the high-rise segment within the context of the South Beach luxury building complex

There was a gentle upswing in South Korea’s economy in 2013 thanks to export growth and a solid development of private consumption

2. Supply of formwork technology for the construction of the Urban Vista premium residential property project in Tanah Merah

An increase in private investment, especially from abroad, also had a positive effect on South Korea’s construction sector

Development Doka Singapore

Development Doka Korea

Increasing pressure from competitors as a result of the large number of national and international suppliers of formwork technology

In 2013, the supply of formwork for the construction of the 555-metre-high Lotte World Tower in Seoul continued to play an important role

With a strong performance in the high-rise segment Doka Singapore achieved a good revenues development Future investment in infrastructure will continue to maintain the growth potential for Doka Singapore at a high level in future

East Asia & Pacific

South Korea

General economic situation Continued positive development of the construction industry in Singapore


South Korea, Lotte World Tower Singapore, South Beach



doka group

Sales & Marketing

8:00 am bauma trade fair Munich STEFAN PRUCKMAYR / FRANZ HANEDER Strategic Marketing / Field Marketing

Close to the Customers – worldwide 2013

bauma 535,062 visitors

World’s largest

At the bauma the Doka Group was presented with full concentration on the customer. Early in the morning the staff get in the mood for an exciting day at the fair.

specialist building fair

The Doka trade fair hall

„Doka Cube“ 3,500 m²

At the bauma, the world’s leading trade fair for the construction industry, everything must be right – especially the attitude. “Even first thing in the morning you can feel the Doka team spirit. Our staff members are looking forward with joyful anticipation to the coming day at the fair. That is the spirit which we prepare for and which we encourage. We are a very diverse group from different countries and cultures, but when we represent Doka at the fair we become a homogenous team. A team that spreads a positive mood; that is genuinely interested in the people it speaks with; and that radiates an indisputable air of competence.” Stefan Pruckmayr/Franz Haneder

Radiant success – bauma 2013 With its presentation at the bauma 2013 Doka was once more able to demonstrate clearly its significance within the sector. Customers, interested parties and partners of the company met in the Doka Cube to learn about the numerous product innovations. Those products were ●●

●● ●● ●● ●●

●● ●●

Doka OneGo – Wall and slab formwork system Dokadek 30 – Panel floor formwork Dokaflex 15 – Floor slab formwork Xbright – Framed enclosure SKE100 plus – Further development of the self-climbing formwork DokaCC – The new tunnel system Dam formwork D35

The bauma trade fair video can be viewed under:



doka group

Sales & Marketing

Status Report

Doka SALES The sales team regards itself as internal advisors. Strategic pricing, the latest tools for sales and marketing support and an individually adapted training programme make the sales power more professional and secure the earnings power of the concern.


●● ●● ●●

Values-based pricing for products and services Market-conform pricing structures Comprehensive training in the countries More transparency in the tension field between customer benefit – return – growth

Sales & Marketing

Strategic Pricing

The Sales & Marketing department adopts a key function in the achievement of the strategic growth targets of the Doka Group. These are: Sales Development


expert formwork 100 consultants sales managers

Project Management

●● ●●

Improvement of the performance situation Increases competitiveness Positioning: the Doka Group commits to quality leadership, a one-brand and added-value strategy Differentiation and expansion of the worldwide service portfolio for the increase of volume and raising of margins

Needs-oriented training Promotion of skills in the sales sector

the entire department consists of 4 strategic units: Sales Marketing





Teaches project management skills with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction Develops the necessary processes together with the Doka countries Makes available tools for professional project management Ensures thereby a positive project result for Doka customers

Form-on Doka FORM-ON



Sales system Victori: The Sales Activity Plan supports the formwork consultant in his sales activities and forecast planning as well as the use of resources myDoka – Online and up-to-the-minute; customers can find all important data for their construction site – for optimised costs for controlling the formwork.

CRM Customer Relationship Management



Form-On is an independent sales channel and an independent brand Its purpose is to sell used formwork below the Doka quality via an e-business platform

Form-on, the retail department for used equipment, took up its business activities in 2012. The international sales network is growing continuously. Form-on has become an established partner in the used equipment sales business. In addition to retailers in Central Europe, business has also been carried out in Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Interested parties from all over the world are already registering on the internet platform, which operates in nine languages.

Components Form-On



doka group

Sales & Marketing

At the bauma 2013 the Doka Group presented itself with its new corporate design.

Status Report

Go-to-market Processes


Brand protection

Brand Management

Strategic Marketing


Market Intelligence

Marketing Planning


Doka MARKETING “Superior Execution”

Field Marketing Fairs and exhibitions

PR & Communications

Mission slogan, Doka Marketing

●● ●● ●● ●● ●●

Support for consultancy, sales and rental of the Doka services range Added-value communication makes clear the use of the products and services Selection of the right marketing tools Selection of suitable media specific to the target group concerned Strong brand presentation encourages customers trust

Together with those responsible in the regions, Doka Marketing makes an important contribution to the sustainable growth of the business and to regionalisation. In 2013 the Doka Group celebrated a premiere on the occasion of the bauma: for the first time the Doka trade-fair hall was presented in the new corporate design. The brand value “pathbreaking”, based on the attributes “reliable”, “inspiring” and “high-performance”, were demonstrated with great clarity. The trade

fair also present the new formwork catalogue with a completely reworked and user-friendly concept. During the course of the relaunch of the Doka brand all printing material and the digital presentation together with numerous country websites were adapted to the new presentation.



doka group

Sales & Marketing

Status Report

The latest technologies ensure quality and competitiveness.

Doka COMPONENTS The components section was once again expanded successfully during 2013. The purpose is to promote the sale of formwork panels, beams and supports by focusing on new sales channels. To this end the expertise of various departments was concentrated in order to create new synergies, and a special marketing team was established. The main task of this business area is to expand the product portfolio of components in the interests of increased competitiveness and to tailor the sales strategies to

the marketing of formwork components. The goal is to encourage the purchase of formwork. The first product highlight is the new Eurex 20 eco floor support, which is offered exclusively as a product for purchase.

target groups: Small and medium-sized firms Bulk purchasers



doka group

Engineering R&D

8:00 am Amstetten, Austria DANIELA EHRENREICH Director, Concrete Laboratory

“In order to continue to develop things and use technology in increasingly sophisticated ways you need to be prepared to roll your sleeves up.” RAIMUND MAURITZ, Head of Research

For the love of concrete “It is enormously important to experience things in the field and to carry out experiments oneself.” DANIELA EHRENREICH

At Doka, 100 staff members in the department of research and development work to promote innovation. Daniela Ehrenreich is one of them. Daniela Ehrenreich is a qualified civil engineer and is responsible for concrete research at Doka. Those who meet her in business apparel in the morning will hardly recognise her after lunch when they see her in working clothes in her laboratory, where she is dealing with heavy concrete samples. “I discovered my love of concrete whilst I was a student. Concrete is simply fascinating. Its applications, its incredible versatility. Just the way that additional substances, subsequent treatment or formwork sheets can change the concrete is a science in itself. In order to understand concrete you have to work intensively with it. You must feel it with your own hands in order to understand it. Those who aren’t prepared to come to grips with it properly will never really become experts.” More than 100 employees at Doka work in the R&D department. From wood and plastics to concrete and steel, they promote the innovations which guarantee the success of Doka.

On the building site or in the laboratory – Concrete is a passion for Daniela Ehrenreich



doka group

Lotte World Tower

Engineering R&D

Status Report

Engineering Research & Development Doka demonstrated most impressively to the entire construction industry at the bauma 2013 just how innovative its department of Research and Development really is. Numerous new developments were presented to the public there, including several milestones of technological progress. Dam Sarvsfossen in Norway –

highlights 2013 ●●



●● ●●


Demonstrates tunnel expertise – Second Midtown Tunnel

DokaCC tunnelsystem – specially designed for open cut tunnel construction (Please see pages 70 and 71 for more information about this world premiere) SKE100 plus – a further development of the selfclimbing formwork SKE100X Xbright – new framed enclosure for the protection screen Xclimb 60 SKE100 plus and Xbright are being employed for the construction of what will in future be the world’s tallest building, the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah Dokadek 30 – New element floor formwork Doka OneGo – Especially for residential buildings, since wall and ceiling can be planked in one D35 dam formwork for power station construction completes the Doka portfolio in this segment together with D12

The fact that the Doka Group focuses its developments on market requirements can be seen in the innovations which were introduced in 2013, and which immediately found direct application on building sites throughout the world. Like the tried and tested formwork systems which are in use in large-scale projects worldwide. Never far away is the engineering competence without which the planning and execution of these mostly unusual projects would not be possible. One of Doka’s particular characteristics in establishing its market position is its expertise in high-rise buildings. Anyone aiming to construct the tallest building in the world safely, efficiently and fast will come to rely on Doka quality.

“The sky’s the limit” is the motto of the Doka Group as they apply their high-rise expertise to what will one day be the world’s tallest building, the Kingdom Tower. The fact that Doka was awarded this project shows clearly that the concentration of skills in the Doka Competence Centres was the right move. In addition to high-rise buildings, Doka expertise is clustered into the following construction sectors: Doka Tunnels, Doka Bridges, Doka Power Plants and Doka Fair-Faced Concrete.

Further Landmark Projects: ●●

a premiere for D35 dam formwork

High Rise-Projects: ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●●

Bouregreg Bridge – Morocco Torre Intesa Sanpaolo – Turin 432 Park Avenue – New York A˘gao˘glu Maslak 1453 – Istanbul Omkar Worli – India Twin Towers – Qatar

●● ●● ●●

Corridor 5c – 10 formwork travellers ensured rapid construction progress Desmond Bridge – USA Las Bambas – Peru Lotte World Tower – Seoul

Once again, Doka’s central foremen played a key role in the showcase projects. They were ready with their competence and experience whenever orderly and safe application of formwork systems was called for. A further quality guarantee lies in the engineering training courses at Doka. During 2013 a total of 230 participants were trained in the use of Doka products and their applications.



doka group

Helmut Gruber

Production & Operations

8:00 am Amstetten, Austria HELMUT GRUBER, FRANZ RAFFEZEDER Trainers of apprentices

“It is our job to make young people into excellent professionals. And we love doing it!”

Moving knowledge


Franz Raffezeder

In order to ensure competitive production at an industrial location as highly developed as Austria, it is essential to invest in a modern and efficient production facility. This investment also includes the training of apprentices. The Doka Group places a particularly high value on the training of apprentices. The corporate philosophy has always been to look for the best people and to train them. The company’s training workshop can thus look back on a long tradition. “Working with young people is a very special job. It is easy to motivate the apprentices. They are eager to learn and take great pleasure in things – for example when a workpiece on which they have been working for a long time is finally finished,” comments apprentice trainer Helmut Gruber. He and his colleague Franz Raffezeder seem to gain at least as much pleasure from it all themselves. They explain enthusiastically how a fifteen-year-old lad may be so shy on his first day that he scarcely says a word; and how, over the course of the next few months, they can observe his self-confidence

growing together with the tasks performed. “When the next year’s intake arrives, that mostly provides the final impetus – then they are no longer the youngest and can also show off for the first time as the ones who can show the younger ones something that they can learn.” Passing on knowledge is one of the biggest challenges to face a company. In the training workshop of the Doka metal processing section it has worked well for generations. Anyone who thinks that the concept is out of date is far from the mark! Nowadays the apprentices can even study for their Matura (matriculation examination) at the initiative and expense of the company. Helmut Gruber comments: “They are very keen to take up this offer. To do so the apprentices always return to the school bench instead of the workbench on Fridays.” Thumbs up for so much commitment – on both sides.



doka group

Production & Operations

New cathodic electrophoretic dip painting

Milestones 2013 Status Report

Production & Operations 2013 was characterised by major fluctuations in the economy. Especially in the area of Production & Operations, the challenge was to focus with increased determination on measures that would encourage efficiency and increase productivity.

1. Logistics optimisation

2. Energy efficiency

iLOC – the international logistics centre, originally designed for storage and service – was extended last year to include slow movers and excess stock from the branches scattered across the globe. This had a number of advantages: ●● Branches can concentrate on supplying customers with fast-moving products ●● Considerably improved use of worldwide stocks ●● Record deliveries in the past year ●● Inventory reduced ●● At the same time, revenues increased

All objects at our Amstetten location were analysed by Facility Management with regard to use and those requiring large amounts of energy were singled out. The optimisation measures derived from the results flowed directly into energy-saving projects and projects aimed at improving the security of supply.

Two new logistics hubs in Malaysia and the USA made a positive contribution to growth without the need for an increase in worldwide materials stocks.

3. Investments for improved competitiveness

With the commissioning of the new cathodic electrophoretic dip painting installation, technology from automobile engineering was introduced. This new high-tech installation in the Doka metal-processing plant ensures that metal is optimally painted and protected against weathering and corrosion. The machinery is characterised by a high degree of environmental friendliness and productivity together with an efficient use of resources: with a cycle time of some six minutes, when it is under full load 6,400 m² or 128 tonnes of painted products can leave the installation per shift.

iLOC - St. Georgen Logostics Centre

The increasing degree of automation, the measures to optimise our stocks which require smaller production quantities, and the strong fluctuations in global demand prompted Production & Operations to develop a first approach towards a programme for increasingly flexible working hours during 2013. This would have enabled us to accumulate overtime on a working time account. The extra hours would have absorbed the threat of short time or other adjustment during times of reduced production. The flexible working model was turned down by the employees in the summer. In consequence it was necessary to accompany the optimisation of production capacities by an adjustment to the staff numbers; some 80 employees in the production section were affected.

umdasch shopfitting group

8:00 am on time

umdasch shopfitting group



umdasch shopfitting group

Top performance means doing more than expected, and sometimes also risking more than might seem wise: striving to achieve more than some people think possible, and giving more than others would ever dare. Top performance does not mean never experiencing failure. It means being determined to become better every day.



umdasch shopfitting group

umdasch shopfitting group

8:00 am Headquarters Food & Care Leibnitz SILVIO W. KIRCHMAIR Chairman USFG

Silvio W. Kirchmair in the morning while preparing one of his road shows in Leibnitz/Styria

“The middle of the night is already the start of a new day.” DEMOCRITUS

When he was appointed chairman of the division in May 2013, Silvio Kirchmair knew what he was taking on: the Umdasch Shopfitting Group – a company with some 1,300 employees that was fighting against very difficult circumstances. The sales markets that are relevant for the Umdasch Shopfitting Group are currently going through a very difficult phase. In Europe, demand is dwindling in bricks-and-mortar shops; not only in the southern part of the continent can we observe a reduction in the size of sales areas. In the middle of the market in particular there is cut-throat competition between mail order and traditional shops, both online and offline. Only the luxury sector and the food sector are largely unaffected by these revolutionary changes. However, the Umdasch Shopfitting Group is not sufficiently strongly established in these markets. Thus, by 2012 at the latest the crisis experienced by many customers became our problem as well. Not least because considerable over-capacity in interior construction was out searching for additional projects. When the overall demand and margins fall, things become difficult – on the other hand, the survival of the fittest is the quintessence of a free market economy. Silvio W. Kirchmair stepped in to bring about a change of direction together with the employees of the company; to make the company fit for competition once more and to make it profitable again at the end of the first stage. And then to lead it on to considerably higher goals.



umdasch shopfitting group


2013 was a difficult year for the Umdasch Shopfitting Group. The challenges facing bricks-and-mortar retail shops in Europe took their toll on the company. Sales areas are being reduced successively – the European shopfitting market is shrinking by about 3% every year. Investment in refurbishing and new store projects were postponed or cancelled entirely. The pressure on costs was enormous. This is a development which affects the entire shopfitting sector – and that includes the Umdasch Shopfitting Group. With total annual revenues amounting to € 181 million in 2013, this figure lay 13.8% below the total for last year – a development which could be observed from the middle of the year. Many of our customers were reluctant to act in view of the increasingly difficult market conditions within the retail sector. During the second half-year in particular our main focus was on consolidation. Measures aimed at increasing revenues and reducing costs were developed and implemented. Our goal is to counter the decline in revenues by reducing the break-even point. This approach represents an immediate course of action to ensure that we do not lose money despite the downward turn in revenues. Of course we do not want to stand back and take this development lying down.

All our efforts are aimed accordingly at acquiring business from our regular customers as well as from new ones, so that we can grow organically once more. The measures we introduced resulted in a great deal of hard work for the staff of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group during the second half-year. Their commitment and fighting spirit have paid off: as a result of our positive operative cash flow we were able to finance all the necessary investments ourselves. The staff played an important part in achieving this. Rather like a football team that is 5:0 down at half-time, they gave everything and managed to finish the game at 5:2. The result did not transform the defeat into a victory, but it showed character.



umdasch shopfitting group


During 2014 we shall continue with the restructuring measures which are already under way. At the same time we shall also begin to build up the structure.

Distribution of revenues by division

One very important strategic measure was that we transformed the country-based structure that was previously in operation into a divisional structure. This enables us to react even more energetically to the needs of our customers. I find the global approach which lies behind this concept very important. We must think and act in an international way much more strongly than has been the case in the past. By doing this we can adapt not only to the geographical but also to the economic requirements of our customers and their markets.

Distribution of revenues by country and region Food & Care 37 % Rest of Europe 12 %

Fashion & Lifestyle 53 %

Premium & Travel Retail 10 %

Business in the luxury segment is quite clearly the area with the greatest opportunities for growth. Today we are already the world market leader in the design of duty-free shops at airports, with a market share of some 15%. Six of the top ten operators of shopping areas are among our customers. With this new division we want to expand rapidly beyond the borders of Europe – and first positive signals are coming from the direction of cruise ships and ferries, where we were previously not represented at all until 2013.

food & care The food and health and beauty store sector as well as the systems business represent a very high market share in Austria (approx. 50%) and the CEE. This means that here we are approaching the limits of growth because many of our customers operate a two-supplier strategy. Our two locations in Styria lie, so to speak, at the very heart of Europe. Transport costs and the required flexibility, however, do not permit us to reach every location throughout the continent with full power. Nonetheless we shall continue to expand towards the North and the Northeast. In this region we are currently the No. 4 with a market share of about 8% – but we want to be among the Top 3 and we are in a very good position to achieve this.

Asia & Overseas 1 % Austria 30 %

Middle East & Africa 7 %

Western Europe 8 %

premium & travel retail

Switzerland 9 %

Germany 33 %

At the same time we want our portfolio to be as balanced as possible: we want to appeal to international fashion concerns as well as local top addresses which maintain their market position by means of the high quality of their businesses.

vibiz Many customers are reducing their shopfitting budgets and transferring them in whole or in part into the internet or into multi-channel offers. In order not to miss out on this trend we have established the ViBiz division. It is our intention that the enhancement of plain shelves by technology or the conceptual strength to propose to our customers solutions for linking their online and offline business should become one of our central areas of differentiation. Our first major project in this field is an interactive shopping wall. It is a project which will be presented on the following pages in this report. We are still facing big challenges. The most important one is the change in our way of thinking, away from an industrial approach to one that is more service-based. We can only be successful if we offer something unusual – and we shall pursue this goal with all our strength and with all the means at our disposal.

fashion & lifestyle The fashion sector is the area which currently causes us the biggest headaches. Volatility here is currently atypically high, and the earnings potential limited by the strength of the competition. So our aim here is to reduce our dependence on the fashion market, and instead to focus on new sectors such as health, cosmetics, telecommunications and also banks and insurance companies as well as system gastronomy.

SILVIO W. KIRCHMAIR Chairman Umdasch Shopfitting Group



umdasch shopfitting group

Fashion & Lifestyle

Status Report 2013


Fashion & Lifestyle Fossil, Germany

Dielmann Destijl, Germany



umdasch shopfitting group

Fashion & Lifestyle

Status Report 2013

Stöcker Fashion store, Eferding


Libro, Seiersberg

Business in the Fashion & Lifestyle Division proved to be very challenging during 2013 – not least because of consumer restraint, which many retailers experienced during the first half-year. In addition to providing services for existing customers including for example A1, Amer Sports, Hirmer, Reiter Betten & Vorhange, Reno Schuhe, Sportalm, Sport Eybl & Sports Experts and Wolford, we were able to gain a number of very exciting new customers and projects for new customers.


Libro Roll-out of a new concept

Wacker Neuson Showroom Hörsching/Linz


highlights 2013 ●●

projects for new customers

Planning and execution of the Futura trade-fair stand in Salzburg

Excellent trainees at all locations in Austria – a gratifying success 2 of 6 wood production locations are acquiring a new CNC processing centre that will continue to guarantee economical and flexible project execution

Giesswein Walkwaren Complete renovation of a house in Kossen after the floods – Planning and execution Reno, Kiel

Fitaihi-Gruppe Ground floor of the main store in Jeddah/Saudi Arabia was completely renovated

Stöcker Fashion store 5,500 m2 sales area completely fitted out – and promptly won the Salzburg Textiles Prize



umdasch shopfitting group

Fashion & Lifestyle

Cinque, Oberhausen

Status Report 2013

Golf House, Hannover


Breuninger, Düsseldorf

The support for the highly competitive German market, an important one for the Umdasch Shopfitting Group, has been taken over by the Umdasch Shopfitting GmbH in Neidenstein near Heidelberg and Franz Jonas GmbH & Co. KG in Oberhausen. General economic situation Retail Germany 2013

challenges 2013 ●●

Considerable restraint in consumer spending

Development Umdasch Shopfitting Germany The resulting reduction in willingness to invest led to a reduction in revenues


In order to take the difficult situation into account, activities relating to the acquisition of new customers were intensified at an early stage. Despite all measures, however, the company suffered a reduction in revenues. In order to reduce the effects on the result, the course was set early on for a wide-ranging reorganisation programme. The aim is to improve customer service still further with the help of project teams which are responsible overall. In addition to these structural adjustments, capacity was also adapted to match the changed revenues situation Despite the difficult market environment it was possible to expand the first-class customer portfolio, consisting of prestigious brands like Dänisches Bettenlager, Globetrotter, NKD, s.Oliver, Mexx, Esprit, Gerry Weber and Zwilling, by further top-quality brands in 2013 including Bonita and Fossil

projects for new customers Breuninger Premium department store in the Kö-Bogen in Düsseldorf

Bonita Roll-out of the visual merchandising concept in over 250 branches

Fossil Realisation of the new concept on Oxford Street in London

Golf House Shopfitting and construction management for the first Golf House in Hannover



umdasch shopfitting group Swisscom, Lausanne

Fashion & Lifestyle

Status Report 2013

Switzerland Italy challenges 2013 ●●


Thun Donna, Italy

Despite great efforts and a focus on high-quality brands with international sphere of operation like, for example, Trinkets and Bottega Veneta, it was not possible to compensate for the loss which arose as a result of the collapse of the traditional retail sector in Italy New shops were designed and fitted out for numerous existing customers including Nico, Thun, Cavalca, Palomar and Max Moda in Italy and other countries

General economic situation Italy 2013 In 2013 the Italian company found itself in an extremely difficult situation. The economic and political framework conditions meant that the storm was much more violent than had been expected

Development Umdasch Shopfitting Group Italy Revenues, operative result and contribution margin were all considerably reduced

For Umdasch Shopfitting Switzerland, 2013 was the most difficult year to date, but at the same time it was a year in which the course was re-set for the future.

highlights 2013

challenges 2013

Roll-out of 50 branches



●● ●●

The strong Swiss franc ensured a flow of purchasing power The booming online retail sector led to a reduction in revenues in the non-food retail sector in Switzerland Small retailers invest considerably less. In the remaining invitations to tender the big chain stores passed on the pressure on margins to suppliers

Lindt & Sprüngli, Austria

Development Umdasch Shopfitting Group Switzerland

Sunstore, Migros, Lindt & Sprüngli New concepts were developed and implemented

Revenues tumble by 20 % compared with 2012


Hugo Boss Roll-out of several branches

Milestones 2013 ●●

Wide-ranging market activities The acquisition of new customers initiated during 2012 by the new management was the main focus and led to concrete results from mid-year: Maurice Lacroix, Medgate, Regus and the famous Swiss department store chain Globus were acquired as customers


Optimisation programmes Measures in the staff sector and re-structuring in Sales and Project Management resulted in a significant decrease in fixed costs


Successful Marketing Initiatives like the “Shop of the Future” and a new Shop Academy format entitled “Future Talk” strengthened the Umdasch Shopfitting brand in Switzerland during 2013

Vögele Shoes Acquired as a new customer

The detail retail share, traditionally strong in Switzerland (fashion, pharmacies, jeweller’s shops) stagnated at a low level. Nonetheless, here, too, it was possible to set new accents – some of them regional – with new projects such as, for example, Pharmacie Plus, Bourquin, the ETH Store in Zurich, Schindler in Zermatt and Mellingen Pharmacy.



umdasch shopfitting group

Food & Care

8:00 am Wildon, Austria RUDOLF WILFLING Key Account Manager

The Finisher Rudolf Wilfling proudly walks into the Billa in Wildon, which he also designed. Having taken part in the Ironman contest several times he knows what it means to define sporting goals and then to achieve them. But he also knows how to use this gift in his job as well. After all, the shopfitting of the new branch of Billa was completed in record time. Wilfling knows that it is not easy to reconcile topperformance sports with a full-time job. He needs to fit 14 hours of training into his diary every week, for a start. Nonetheless, the shopfitting specialist manages to be successful in both his job and in sport.

Over the years he has developed into an Ironman, completing the course in Klagenfurt in 2011 in 9 hours, 35 minutes and 51 seconds. “I can carry the motivation of overcoming myself in this way over into my job,” says Wilfling. Indeed: during the same year as his Ironman success he was able to acquire Libro as a customer.

“Only those who have goals will also have the strength to achieve them.” RUDOLF WILFLING

Rudolf Wilfling swims, cycles and runs 10,000 km every year. Not counting the kilometres which he travels on behalf of Umdasch day by day.



umdasch shopfitting group

Mellingen Pharmacy, Switzerland

Food & Care

Status Report 2013


Food & Care

Billa, Vienna

Once again the Food & Care business of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group gave cause for pleasure during 2013. The year was characterised by an intensive expansion of business relations with existing customers. The company was able to implement many projects for famous retail and health and beauty chains. Bipa, Wiener Neudorf

food & care in austria Spar Concern

Over 100 projects implemented

Rewe Group

Numerous projects for the brands Billa, Eurobilla, Bipa and Adeg


Billa-Regionalregal installed within a few weeks in several hundred locations

dm drogerie markt

Record branch” SCS Vösendorf over 1,350 m2, with a Children’s World concept for the first time in Austria. This is already being rolled out extensively in Germany; several dozen branch extensions and new openings in a total of 11 states

Pfeiffer Group

Refitting of the C&C-Markt in Traun Numerous Unimarkt brand supermarkets

Jet Conoco Philips Austria

Relaunch of Austrian branches

Reformhaus Kaubisch, Muhlheim



umdasch shopfitting group

Food & Care

Status Report 2013

denn’s, Munich

highlights 2013 ●●




dm drogerie markt, Murau

VITAL “Fit at work by Umdasch Group” – extensions and revitalisation of staff rooms and canteen at the production location in Gleinstätten Excellent trainee successes at all Austrian locations – a forward-looking topic which the Umdasch Shopfitting Group continues to invest in Optimisation measures in the metal production logistics department in Leibnitz and increase in efficiency through synergies in various production technologies Increase in warehousing capacity and flexibility through integration of two Kardex storage towers

challenges 2013 ●●



Merging of the brands Umdasch Shopfitting and Assmann Ladenbau to create one brand as of 1 January 2013 Merging of the two companies in Amstetten and Leibnitz to form one Austrian company with headquarters in Leibnitz as of 1 April 2013 The insolvency of the health and beauty chain dayli represented a severe blow for our attempts at acquisition

social commitment ●●

Umdasch Shopfitting Group supported two food retailers in Wachau who were badly affected by the floods in the summer of 2013 with new shopfittings

A strong Food & Care marketing initiative was started in Germany in 2013 with customers including Rewe, dm drogerie markt and denn’s as well as a large number of health food store projects. The expansion is being continued intensively during 2014.

dm Children´s World concept, Vösendorf

Eurospar, Ottenschlag



umdasch shopfitting group

Premium & Travel Retail

8:00 am Abu Dhabi Airport SELVA KUMAR Purchaser USF Middle East

Premium Quality

Selva Kumar

The Middle East. A market full of luxury. But also a market full of demands. Living up to those demands demands top performance and commitment on the part of the staff.

Quelle: Moodie Report

DFS Abu Dhabi

Dubai Duty Free

Together with Dubai Duty Free, DFS Abu Dhabi is one of our important Premium & Travel Retail customers. During the fitting out of a flagship store at Abu Dhabi Airport the team of Umdasch Shopfitting Middle East was confronted by a particular challenge with regard to the high standards of luxury required. The task: floral patterns in gold and silver were to be laminated and placed within two glass surfaces. But which partner came into question to carry out this tricky job?

Quelle: Moodie Report

In order to find the best partner and the best-quality process, a competition was created for the team in Dubai. A bonus was to be awarded for finding a suitable supplier or a corresponding production process. Selva Kumar found it. But he didn’t want the bonus. “Challenges like this are part of my job,” commented the member of the sourcing staff, “and I am already paid for doing that.” Incidentally, the process is called “Vacuum Vaporised Metalizing” and from now onwards it has a firm place in the service portfolio of the shopfitters in the Middle East.

Floral patterns in gold and silver

0 1 74


umdasch shopfitting group

Premium & Travel Retail

Status Report 2013

Nike, Dover Street, New York


Premium & Travel Retail


017 7

umdasch shopfitting group

Premium & Travel Retail

Status Report 2013

Sportalm, Linz

Gebr. Heinemann, Hamburg Plaza

The Premium & Travel Retail section of the Austrian company took off several times with Gebr. Heinemann and its subsidiary companies and partners. The projects included the modernisation and extension of the main shop at Hamburg airport, followed by the re-design of the first part of a completely new travel retail experience at Istanbul airport. At the airports in Trondheim, Oslo, Stavanger and Rygge in Norway, modifications and extension were also carried out.

highlights 2013

Gebr. Heinemann Hamburg Sportalm Linz Wolford, international roll-out Airport Retail Norway

During the last weeks of the previous year the foundation for exciting new contracts during 2014 was laid.

projects for new customers Stockmann Department store New projects will be realised during 2014



umdasch shopfitting group

Premium & Travel Retail

Status Report 2013 Pure, Reigate, UK

United Kingdom Ireland USFUK & IRL are happy to finish the year’s end of 2013 with a positive result consolidated through both companies. The economic situation in Ireland proved very challenging throughout the year. Nevertheless it was particularly pleasing that our long-term partner clients Best Menswear and Elverys Sports invested. Due to the domestic economic situation the company found that a larger-than-usual contribution to turnover was generated by overseas activities and in particular through our American clients.

highlights 2013 Nike – a long-term Umdasch Shopfitting client – shows exciting and innovative store concepts: ●●


Nike, Dover Street, New York



New Pop Up ‘Dover Street Market Concept’ in New York, before Christmas Roll-out for the new Fuelband 2.0 in Nike’s DTC (direct to customer) stores in the UK, Germany and France - logistically this was an interesting challenge as the fit-out had to be carried out on the same night in each location to ensure the product launched on the same morning Europe-wide Nike’s European headquarter in Hilversum, Netherlands received a series of new concept stores called “labs”, representing their various product groups along with a new employees’ store Two Footlocker stores in the UK were delivered as well as two Nike stores in Stratford Westfield London/UK and Champs-Élysées Paris/France


●● ●● ●●

Coach Stores in Paris (Printemps flagship next to the Louvre), Berlin, London, Serrano in Spain and Dhayeh and Ashrafien in Lebanon Thomas Sabo – various projects Best Menswear – Irish project in the Dundrum Center Elverys in Clerys Department Store in Dublin

new clients Alexander Wang Two concessions in Harrods London were realised

Christian Dior Airport perfume concept in Paris, Charles de Gaulle Terminal 2E

Pure – highend cashmere The first turnkey project was realised in Reigate UK

Thomas Sabo, London



umdasch shopfitting group

Paris Gallery, Manar Mall, Middle East

Premium & Travel Retail

Status Report 2013

L‘atelier du Chocolat, Doha, Qatar

Middle East The activities in the Middle East were specifically focused on finishing Dubai Airport Terminal 3 Duty Free, which was achieved in February and which ultimately went on to win an award for excellence. In partnership with our Amstetten colleagues the shopfitting for the Duty Free Areas of the South Node at the New Doha International Airport (NDIA) was delivered. These multi million euro projects both look absolutely fantastic and are reference projects for what is seen as the future of travel retail (Opening 2014). Throughout the Middle East, USFME continued to strengthen its position with the luxury retailers and delivered projects in Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and KSA.

Paris Gallery Numerous projects

Oryx Galleria In the QDF luxury construction project

Many other customers worked with Umdasch Shopfitting Middle East throughout the year and our relationships are such that we are confident that 2014 will be a year which sees increased activity across the retail sector. Retail growth in 2013 amounting to approx. 10%

Mens Concept Store in Riyadh

Mosafer Abuissa Group Store in Riyadh

The demand for retail areas continues to grow

Among the Top 5 of the Global Retail Development Index, no. 2 on the Retail Apparel Index



umdasch shopfitting group

Coach, Paris

Premium & Travel Retail

Status Report 2013

France General economic situation France has entered a recession, and the most optimistic figures indicate that it will be at least two years before it emerges Buying power was reduced in 2012 by 0.9%

new charges – rising prices

highlights 2013

At the beginning of May 2013 in all companies that produce, import or assemble for the retail sector a charge was levied which is payable when old fittings are disposed of – a measure which increases prices correspondingly.

New and important openings

challenges 2013 ●●

The textiles industry suffered a decline of -12.2% in a single year ●●

Development Umdasch Shopfitting Group France

As a result of the difficult economic situation there were considerably fewer new openings and refurbishments New tenders are subject to considerable pressure with regard to prices, or are considerably reduced in volume

De Fursac Cannes and Paris Boulevard Victor Hugo

Erès Paris Rue de Passy

Azzaro Paris La Vallée Village

DPAM Paris Parly 2 De Fursac, Paris

Petit Bateau Paris Rue du Four

Positive result – despite difficult conditions

Claudie Pierlot Paris Rue du Temple

American Vintage Barcelona

Christian Dior, Charles de Gaulle, Paris Airport



umdasch shopfitting group


8:00 am On the road Interactive Shopping Wall Virtual Sales Advisor

Developed together with Samsung, Ars Electronica Solution and the Streetwear label RAG, the Wall travels around the world and informs people in the branch stores – interactively, fast and in an entertaining way.

The Wall “I know everything.”

A first piece of the interlinked technology of tomorrow can be seen today in a shop in the form of the interactive shopping wall. It is just a gimmick? A one-day stand? No – it is, in fact, a first foretaste of what customers of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group can expect from ViBiz: trendsetting ideas in cross-channel retailing – interactive, ready for dialogue and looking forward to everything that is new.

THE WALL “I am an interactive shopping wall. I am often on the road. I am the highlight of every trade fair and have already been in several stores. I supply information – fast, simply, interactively and with added value. I arouse the interest of the customers. Some of them touch me too – which is fine. Take a jacket from the shelf and show it to me. I will tell you all about this product. In which colours it is available, and which sizes. So you’re looking for a beige winter coat? Okay – here are the results. Make your choice, scan it and order the article via your smartphone. I am the future of modern shopping. I gleam and shine; you can’t ignore me. So it sounds complicated? But it’s quite easy – try it and see. My current location is the new ShopShow of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group in Amstetten.”

The newly created ViBiz division is concerned with the future of shopping, in which the different sales channels give way to each other and fuse with each other. Studies prove it: the potential lies in the combination of bricks-and-mortar retailing with shopping via mobile phone or laptop. Not in the “either/or” but in the “not-onlybut-also”. ViBiz brings the virtual shopping possibilities, the trends and especially the latest technology into the centre of focus of your activities, so that shopping does not get neglected.



umdasch shopfitting group


8:00 am Munich

It is 8:00 am. The coffee is ready. The editorial team for the Annual Report has come together and we are looking forward to our discussion with the young student winners sitting opposite us. For six months they invested all their enthusiasm and creativity in their projects, for which they studied the question as to what the ‘shop of the future’ would look like and what opportunities it would offer. Umdasch: “How did you get your ideas for the project?” “First we did a lot of research. For weeks on end. During that time the subjects became crystallised – and gave way to the ideas.” Umdasch: “How did you work together?” “We worked partly together and partly completely alone. Sometimes we discussed the concept together, but sometimes we each worked individually. It was a good mixture of teamwork and individual creativity.”

Next Generation Development Much to everyone’s surprise, three of the four winners of the Josef Umdasch Research Prize 2013 were teams of students from the University of Applied Sciences at Kuchl near Salzburg. We invited them to an interview about their experiences in the development of their winning concepts.

Umdasch: “And how was it?” “Super, because it was the biggest project we have done to date, and the most practical one. The close contact with Umdasch and the help they gave us also gave us a glimpse of real work.” Umdasch: “So what does the shop of the future look like, then?” “In any case it must also be interactive. And it must fulfil a need. It could be an individual need or one that results from the spirit of the times. But in any case it must be useful to the customer.



umdasch shopfitting group


Josef Umdasch Research Prize

And the Josef Umdasch Research Prize goes to … The setting could not have been more appropriate: during the Umdasch Shop Academy Forums in Munich, during which attention was focused on the future of bricks-and-mortar shops, the Josef Umdasch Research Prize was awarded by the Umdasch Shopfitting Group for the first time. Students from six universities examined in their projects the question as to what the shop of the future might look like in a digital consumer world. It was not simply a question of futuristic flights of fancy, but rather a matter of project and diploma work that holds water. The audience on 21 October 2013 had the opportunity to convince themselves personally. The jury, consisting of international architects and technology and marketing experts, was already impressed by the quality of the work that had been submitted. During the six-month preparatory phase and the detailed work the projects were accompanied by the Umdasch project coordinator Peter Prisching.

The winning project: “Stanislaus”

winning projects EVEN THE ROOTS STANISLAUS THE GAME The prize-winning young designers at the award ceremony in Munich

The Josef Umdasch Research Prize

it became clear that the important shopping trends of the future would include:

The Josef Umdasch Research Prize was awarded for the first time by the Umdasch Shopfitting Group in 2013 for the subject “The Shop of the Future”. Students from six German and Austrian universities were invited to examine the subject of the shop of the future in a digital consumer world. The jury consisted of a team of international experts from the field of architecture, technology and marketing.

Digital Natives do not shop exlusively online. Haptics, experience and lifestyle encourage young people to shop in bricks-and-mortar stores. They expect communication to become an aesthetic experience. According to a study by tfactory, trend media like the internet are used to discover current trends or to find additional information about products. This is important information which flows into the newly founded ViBiz Division.

The winning project: “Even” Follow the link to the winners’ YouTube videos



umdasch shopfitting group


8:00 am Düsseldorf, Germany EVELYN KÖSSLER Marketing/Shop Academy

Shopfitters united Evelyn Kossler: Exemplary presentation in shopfitting. That is the prime topic in the Shop Academy.

8:00 in the morning. The programme is about to start. Evelyn Kossler will be accompanying her first event since she assumed responsibility for the Umdasch Shop Academy: Shop Dramaturgy LIVE! Together with a group of distinguished and interested guests from the retail sector and business, she will be examining the highlights of the retail mecca of Düsseldorf.

“I am especially nervous about Mr Mikunda. He is one of our stars in the Shop Academy. I run through the main points with Mrs Mikunda once more. It’s my first joint event with the two of them – and I am following in the footsteps of my colleagues who preceded me.” As regards the visitors from the retail and business sectors who are taking part, the yardstick is high indeed: run-of-the-mill is not good enough – they must be offered something good and the organisation must be perfect. Everything should be just right, and nothing can be left to chance. “We set off at last. My nervousness and tiredness miraculously disappear. At the main points of the tour I count the participants – fortunately no one seems to have got lost. Once again we are afforded a profound insight into successful shop dramaturgy. And then the event is over. Everyone is satisfied. Most of all I.”



umdasch shopfitting group


Status Report 2013

Marketing & Communication On time for the launch on 1.1.2013 the Umdasch Shopfitting Group inaugurated its external marketing communication with its new Corporate Design. The slogan “space for people” is a brightly coloured claim in the three main colours red – green – blue. It was created to complement the anthracite-grey logo perfectly. It aims in particular to focus attention on the space for people in the retail world as a meeting place and place for encounters. With a symbol for 360° Shopfitting the communication conveys to the customer the unique composition of our range of services with the modules Shop Consult, Shop Project, Shop Systems and Shop Academy in the four divisions “Fashion & Lifestyle”, “Food & Care”, “Premium & Travel Retail” and “ViBiz”. During 2013 the Umdasch Shop Academy enriched some 1,000 seminar participants with new formats. The absolute highlight was the superb shop expedition with Christian and Denise Mikunda, “In 18 Tagen um die Welt” (Around the World in 18 Days), which took place from 5‒24 April 2013. The settings were Frankfurt, Miami, the mega cruise liner “Allure of the Seas”, Labadee Beach on Haiti, Jamaica, Los Angeles, Macau, Hong Kong, Singapore, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. In autumn 2013 the continuation of the Umdasch Shop Academy Forum, together with an antedated Architecture and Design Forum for the D-A-CH Region in Munich, attracted considerable attention.

Milestones 2013 ●●




Merging of the two brands Umdasch Shopfitting and Assmann Ladenbau to form a single brand, intensively accompanied by communication both inside and outside the company Relaunch of the customer and specialist magazine SHOP aktuell as the new “international magazine for retailing and shop design” shops EuroShop development of a fair concept and intensive preparation for the presentation in February 2014 Introduction of a new CRM system requiring gapless processing and documentation of the electronic customer file, thereby providing essential support for Sales and ensuring more efficient implementation



umdasch shopfitting group

Inspiration@Euroshop The preparation for the world’s leading retail trade fair, which was held from 16 – 20 February 2014 in Düsseldorf, occupied the Umdasch Shopfitting Group in particular during the second half-year 2013. The presentation of the new joint brand Umdasch Shopfitting across over 900 m2, combined with innovative shopfitting exhibition contributions, was intensively prepared. During the five days of the fair some 109,000 visitors from 110 nations attended the EuroShop.

Follow the link to the virtual photo album

8:00 am purely

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General Information The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB). The consolidated financial statements are subject to a mandatory audit under Austrian law; they were examined by an international audit firm and given an unqualified opinion.

The accounting and valuation methods used in preparing the consolidated financial statements are combined in a Group Accounting Manual, and represent the basis of preparation for these annual financial statements. The correct transitions from local GAAP financial statements to reporting in accordance with uniform Group accounting standards were audited by local audit firms and given unqualified opinions. The consolidated financial statements and individual company financial statements which form the basis for the consolidation were prepared in accordance with Austrian generally accepted accounting principles and the general objective of presenting a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial and earnings positions of the Group. The financial statements include all information required by law or Austrian generally accepted accounting principles. All assets and liabilities were valued individually and in keeping with the going-concern concept. The concept of conservatism was followed, in that only those profits were recorded which were realised as of the balance sheet date. All necessary risks and impending losses were taken into account. The structure and classification of the individual items on the balance sheet and profit and loss statement reflect Austrian legal requirements. Appropriate adjustments were made to prior year data for items affected by a change in classification.



Consolidation Range Facts Figures Data

umdasch group Umdasch AG, Amstetten Umdasch Finanz AG, Steinhausen Umdasch Group Deutschland GmbH, Amstetten Umdasch Immobilien GmbH, Amstetten Umdasch Nieruchomosci Sp. z.o.o., Wrocław Umdasch Real s.r.o., Cˇeské Budeˇjovice

doka group Share in % 99.5 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

Doka GmbH, Amstetten Doka Industrie GmbH, Amstetten Doka Drevo s.r.o., Banská Bystrica Deutsche Doka Schalungstechnik GmbH, Maisach Doka Österreich GmbH, Amstetten Doka Beteiligungs-GmbH, Amstetten Form-on GmbH, Amstetten Doka Schweiz AG, Niederhasli Doka France SAS, Le Perray en Yvelines Doka UK Ltd., Maidstone Doka Ireland Ltd., Drogheda Doka N.V., Ternat Goeva N.V., Tielt Doka Nederland BV, PL Oss Doka Sverige AB, Uddevalla Doka Norge AS, Aros Doka Finland OY, Selki Doka Danmark ApS, Gadstrup Magyar Doka Kft., Budapest Cˇeská Doka spol. sr.o., Prague Doka Slovakia s.r.o., Bratislava Doka Ukraine T.O.V., Kiev Doka Polska Sp. z.o.o., Zielonka Doka Lietuva UAB, Klaipeda Doka Eesti OÜ, Tallinn Doka Latvia SIA, Marupe Doka Romania S.R.L., Tunari Doka Bulgaria EOOD, Krivina Doka Rus OOO, Moscow Doka Belform IOOO, Minsk Doka Italia S.p.A., Colturano Doka España S.A., San Martin de la Vega Doka Portugal Lda., Sintra Doka Hellas A.E., Pallini / Attiki

All companies were included using the full consolidation method. Significant shares owned by third parties are shown only for Doka Finland OY with 30 % and Doka Italia S.p.A. with 5 %.

umdasch shopfitting group 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 70 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 95 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

Doka Israel Ltd., Kefir Vitkin Doka Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb Doka Slovenija d.o.o., Jesenice Doka Serb d.o.o., Belgrade Doka Brasil Ltda., Guarulhos / São Paulo Doka Chile Limitada, Santiago de Chile Doka Peru S.A.C., Lima Doka Panama S.A., Panama City Doka México S. de R.L. de C.V., Estado de México Doka Algérie SARL, Rouiba Doka Tunisia Ltd., Zarzis Doka Maroc SARL AU, Skhirat Doka South Africa (Pty) Ltd., Kempton Park Doka Mocambique Ltd., Maputo Cidade Doka Formwork Nigeria Ltd., Lagos Doka Gulf FZE, Jebel Ali, Dubai Doka Emirates LLC, Sharjah Doka Qatar LLC, Doha Doka Muscat LLC, Muscat Doka Saudi Arabia Company LLC, Jeddah Doka Saudi Trading LLC, Jeddah Doka Jordan LLC, Amman Doka Kalip-Iskele A.S., Gebze / Istanbul Doka India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai Doka Kazakhstan LLP, Astana Doka China Ltd., Hong Kong Doka Formwork (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Doka Korea Ltd., Anseong-Si Doka Formwork Pte. Ltd., Singapore Doka Japan K.K., Chiba-Ken Doka Formwork Malaysia Snd. Bhd., Shah Alam Doka Formwork Australia Pty Ltd., Minton Doka USA Ltd., Little Ferry Doka Canada Ltd., Calgary

100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

Umdasch Shopfitting Group GmbH, Amstetten Umdasch Shopfitting GmbH, Leibnitz Umdasch Metallfertigung GmbH, Leibnitz Umdasch Shopfitting GmbH, Neidenstein Umdasch Shopfitting AG, Oberentfelden Umdasch Shopfitting S.r.l., Bolzano Umdasch Shopfitting Ltd., Oxford Umdasch Shopfitting Ltd., Drogheda Umdasch Shop-Concept spol. sr.o. in Liquidation, Cˇeské Budeˇjovice Umdasch Shopfitting SAS, Champlan OOO Proriv Stroj, Moscow Umdasch Shopfitting LLC, Dubai Franz Jonas GmbH & Co. KG, Oberhausen JAS Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Oberhausen Assmann Ladenbau Polska Sp. z.o.o., Warsaw Assmann Shop Design d.o.o., Belgrade

consolidation principles The consolidation includes all companies in which Umdasch AG, the parent company, holds a direct or indirect investment of more than 50 %. All companies included in the consolidation range have a balance sheet date of 31 December 2013. The first consolidated financial statements were prepared as of 1 January 1994. 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

The book value method is used to eliminate the investment and equity. Positive differences are recorded under undisclosed reserves to the greatest extent possible. Any remaining positive differences are recognised as goodwill and amortised on a straight-line basis. The negative differences identified in connection with the initial consolidation as of 1 January 1994, which resulted from the retention of profits in subsidiaries, are included under voluntary reserves. Currency translation differences are recorded directly in equity without recognition through profit or loss.

100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

Currency translation differences that arose during the consolidation of liabilities were recognised to the income statement. All revenues and expenses associated with the sale of goods or services between Group companies are eliminated during the consolidation. Interest income and expense charged between Group companies are also eliminated. Interim profits arising from sales between Group companies are eliminated with an appropriate recognition through profit or loss. Untaxed reserves were recorded under equity after the deduction of deferred taxes. In addition, deferred taxes were calculated on differences between the valuation bases used for commercial law and tax purposes as well as interim profits in inventories and differences resulting from the consolidation of liabilities. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are reported separately. The foreign currency translation of balance sheet items is based on the exchange rate as of the balance sheet date; the translation of items for the profit and loss statement uses the quarterly average exchange rate for 2013.

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Consolidated Financial Statements Assets Facts Figures Data

Consolidated Financial Statements Equity and Liabilities 31. 12. 2013 EUR 1,000

A. I. II. III.

NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets 1. Patents and similar rights 2. Goodwill Tangible assets 1. Land, rights to land, and buildings including buildings on land belonging to third parties 2. Technical equipment and machinery 3. Other equipment, furniture, fixtures and office equipment 4. Advance payments made and construction in progress Financial assets 1. Securities

B. CURRENT ASSETS I. Inventories 1. Raw materials and supplies 2. Work-in-progress 3. Finished goods and merchandise 4. Formwork used for rental purposes II. Receivables and other assets 1. Accounts receivable – trade 2. Other receivables and assets III. Other securities and investments IV. Cash on hand and at financial institutions


PREPAID EXPENSES AND DEFERRED CHARGES 1. Deferred tax assets 2. Other prepaid expenses

31. 12. 2012 EUR 1,000

4,373 20,900

4,465 23,257

301,612 92,411 43,886 10,019

297,131 95,307 44,839 21,080

9,575 482,776

9,420 495,499

15,716 10,862 198,805 335,191

18,242 11,258 226,657 373,268

283,726 54,087 57,035 116,631 1,072,053

283,413 52,028 47,998 152,267 1,165,131

56,041 3,678 1,614,548

60,177 4,033 1,724,840

A. EQUITY I. Capital stock II. Appropriated capital reserves III. Reserves 1. Statutory reserve 2. Voluntary reserves IV. Retained earnings Thereof profit carried forward V. Minority interests

Contingent receivables



31. 12. 2012 EUR 1,000

36,350 25,821

36,350 25,821

2,151 598,498 75,490

2,151 615,433 66,100

2,805 741,115

2,600 748,455

38,134 15,895 41,079 12,344 81,156 188,608

37,116 16,545 36,046 13,677 88,931 192,315

576,862 8,597 64,092 341 33,873 683,765

648,348 9,833 86,399 394 37,983 782,957

1,060 1,614,548

1,113 1,724,840



56,100 (previous year 33,097)


PROVISIONS 1. Provisions for severance compensation 2. Provisions for pensions 3. Tax provisions 4. Provisions for deferred taxes 5. Other provisions


LIABILITIES 1. Amounts due to financial institutions 2. Advance payments received on orders 3. Accounts payable – trade 4. Notes and drafts payable 5. Other liabilities



Contingent liabilities

31. 12. 2013 EUR 1,000

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Consolidated Income Statement Facts Figures Data

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 2013 EUR 1,000

2012 EUR 1,000

1,091,515 –62,806 790 31,519 1,061,018

1,058,721 62,438 741 49,926 1,171,826

–341,193 –358,708 –53,043 –233,699 –986,643

–438,509 –357,919 –53,030 –249,512 –1,098,970

9. Operating income



10. Income from securities 11. Interest and similar income 12. Income from the disposal of securities in current assets 13. Expenses arising from financial assets and securities 14. Interest and similar expenses

298 2,295 51 –51 –30,875

319 1,996 1,499 –148 –14,487

15. Net financial income (expense)



16. Profit on ordinary activities



17. Taxes on income



18. Net income



19. Share of profit due to minority interests 20. Additions to reserves 21. Profit carried forward 22. Retained earnings

–329 –3,484 56,100 75,490

–117 –7,109 33,097 66,100

1. Revenues 2. Increase/decrease in finished goods and work-in-progress 3. Own work capitalised 4. Other operating income Operating revenues

5. Cost of materials and other purchased services 6. Personnel expenses 7. Amortisation of intangible assets and depreciation of tangible assets 8. Other operating expenses Operating expenses

Net income Amortisation and depreciation Revaluation/impairment charges on financial assets Revaluation/impairment charges on tangible assets Result on sale of non-current assets Change in provisions for deferred taxes Change in long-term provisions Other non-cash income Gross cash flow

Change in: Inventories Formwork used for rental purposes Accounts receivable – trade Accounts payable – trade Other net current assets Cash flow from operating activities

Investments in tangible assets Change in liabilities in tangible assets Investments in financial assets Other investments Change in liabilities for other investments Proceeds on sale of non-current assets Cash flow from investing activities

2013 EUR 1,000

2012 EUR 1,000

23,203 53,043 42 –1,385 153 3,110 –6,981

40,229 53,031 146


–302 4,282 –4,420 –42 92,924

29,846 33,212 –12,070 –20,556 2,455 104,072

15,359 –72,301 –38,637 12,104 –7,601 1,848

–47.317 –1.691 –165 65 1,511 –47,597

–63,324 –7,462 –325 –30,675 4,981 4,799 –92,006

Dividend paid by Umdasch AG Dividend paid to minority shareholders Change in bank loans Change in other long-term liabilities Cash flow from financing activities

–10,000 –123 –71,134 –43 –81,300

–24,545 –85 222,054 72 197,496

Change in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents as of 1. 1. Currency translation differences Cash and cash equivalents as of 31. 12.

200,265 –1,774 173,666

93,162 –235 200,265

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accounting and evaluation methods The intangible assets consist of purchased IT software and connection rights for properties. Intangible assets are valued at acquisition cost, less ordinary straight-line amortisation. IT software is amortised over three to five years and the connection rights over ten years. Tangible assets are recorded at acquisition or production cost, less ordinary straight-line depreciation. Production costs include the direct costs. Employeerelated expenses and interest expense on debt are not capitalised. Ordinary depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the following useful lives: Office and administrative buildings Production buildings and warehouses Technical equipment and machinery Fixtures, furniture and office equipment Motor vehicles

33 – 50 years 20 – 25 years 5 – 10 years 4 – 15 years 3 – 5 years

Low-value assets are written off completely in the year of addition. In the case of financial assets the acquisition costs less any necessary impairment charges are recorded. The inventories include the valuation of raw materials and supplies at average acquisition costs or lower market values. Ancillary purchase costs and purchase price reductions are taken into account.

In contrast to the valuation method used for the individual financial statements of Umdasch AG, finished goods, semi-finished goods and work-in-process are valued at average Group production costs. These costs include direct costs as well as production-related proportional overheads. Administrative overheads, employee-related expenses and interest on debt are not included. For finished goods, provisions for quantities with long inventory coverage are made to ensure a loss-free valuation of inventories.

The provision for severance compensation is calculated according to financial principles, based on a discount rate of 2.0 %. Pension obligations are calculated in accordance with actuarial principles based on the Austrian method “Teilwertverfahren”. A uniform discount rate of 2.5 % is used for active employees, while a discount rate of 3.0 % is used for employees in the retirement phase (for indexed pensions, also 2.0 %). Discount rates used were the same as in the previous year.

Formwork used for rental purposes is also valued at Group manufacturing costs, less ordinary straightline depreciation based on an estimated useful life of six to eight years. Additional valuation adjustments are created to reflect unusual non-utilization rates in inventories as well as the special risks associated with rented formwork.

The other provisions represent provisions for all risks identified at the time the financial statements were prepared as well as liabilities whose amount and reason are uncertain.

Receivables and other assets are valued at nominal value. Individual and general valuation adjustments were recognised as appropriate. Long-term non-interest bearing receivables were discounted to the balance sheet date. Current securities are valued at the lower of acquisition cost or market price on the balance sheet date. Provisions for deferred taxes were created to reflect the timing differences between the valuation bases used for commercial law and tax purposes as well as for consolidation entries and untaxed reserves. Equity consists of capital stock, the appropriated capital reserve and the statutory reserve of the parent company Umdasch AG.

Liabilities are recorded at their repayment amount. The income statement has been prepared according to the Austrian “total cost”-method.

notes to the consolidated balance sheet as of 31. 12. 2013 The consolidation range in 2013 remained unchanged compared to the previous year. The Doka branch of activity “Sales Austria” was spun off from Doka GmbH into Doka Österreich GmbH, which had been established in previous year. In addition, branches of activity for sales and production were spun off from Assmann Ladenbau GmbH, Leibnitz and Umdasch Shop Fitting GmbH, Amstetten into Shop Consult by Umdasch GmbH. All procedures were carried out with retroactive effect as of 1.1.2013 in accordance with the Reorganisation Tax Act (Umgründungssteuergesetz). All associated inter-company transactions were again eliminated in the relevant consolidation process.

The goodwill from initial consolidation of Assmann Ladenbau Leibnitz GmbH dating from 2002 as well as the goodwill from initial consolidation of the former Swiss distributor Holzco Doka AG dating from 2012 are amortized over a period of 15 years. Of the receivables and other assets, an amount of TEUR 1,353 (previous year: TEUR 1,463) has a remaining term of more than one year. All other receivables have a remaining term of one year or less. Included in the trade receivables is a general valuation adjustment amounting to TEUR 11,429 (previous year: TEUR 14,702). The other provisions include, among other things, other employee-related provisions amounting to TEUR 36,248 (previous year: TEUR 34,191), provisions for guarantee obligations amounting to TEUR 11,274 (previous year: TEUR 18,797), provisions for missing invoices amounting to TEUR 8,747 (previous year: TEUR 10,249) as well as provisions for rental credit notes amounting to TEUR 5,387 (previous year: TEUR 6,277). The remaining liabilities include an amount of TEUR 9,836 (previous year: TEUR 11,227) for expenses that will only become due and payable after the balance sheet date. The contingent liabilities arising from bank guarantees, notes and drafts payable totalled TEUR 4,972 (previous year: TEUR 5,236). The use of tangible assets not shown in the balance sheet will generate obligations of a total of TEUR 22,840 for 2014 and TEUR 55,207 for the years 2015‒2018.

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notes to the consolidated statement for 2013 Of the total revenues recorded, TEUR 130,901 (previous year: TEUR 128,038) were generated in Austria and TEUR 960,614 (previous year: TEUR 930,683) abroad. The other operating income is comprised primarily of foreign exchange gains on payments from customers and to suppliers amounting to TEUR 5,258 (previous year: TEUR 10,345) and the reversal of valuation adjustments on customer receivables amounting to TEUR 2,865 (previous year: TEUR 9,184). The foreign exchange gains as a result of financing amount to TEUR 923 (previous year: TEUR 595). Unlike the previous year these are now shown in the net financial income. The cost of materials includes depreciation amounting to TEUR 112,311 (previous year: TEUR 107,252) on formwork used for rental purposes. The other operating expenses consist chiefly of transportation costs amounting to TEUR 58,804 (previous year: TEUR 60,100), the write-off of customer receivables amounting to TEUR 19,031 (previous year: TEUR 20,418), lease and rental expenses amounting to TEUR 26,095 (previous year: TEUR 25,930), advertising costs of TEUR 12,244 (previous year: TEUR 11,077), maintenance of TEUR 15,473 (previous year: TEUR 17,127), travel expenses of TEUR 19,278 (previous year: TEUR 18,977), consulting fees amounting to TEUR 15,958 (previous year: TEUR 18,828) and foreign exchange losses amounting to TEUR 14,389 (previous year: TEUR 21,953). The foreign exchange losses as a result of financing amount to TEUR 13,903 (previous year: TEUR 9,271 as part of TEUR 21,953). Unlike the previous year these are now shown in the net financial income.

Since according to current Austrian GAAP no deferred tax on tax loss carryforward may be accrued, the tax expenditure increases disproportionately. The deferral on tax payment from the Group taxation in Austria totalling TEUR 7,110 TEUR (previous year: TEUR 7,110) are included in the tax provisions.

additional information As of the balance sheet date, the Group held forward foreign exchange sales contracts for 77 million USD, 93 million QAR, 289 million MXN, 19 million SGD, 35 million BRL, 47 million SAR, 6,200 million CLP, 30 million PEN, 103 million ZAR, 3.6 million OMR, 27 million MYR and further minor contracts (NOK, ILS, CAD and CNY) with a nominal total value of approx. 177 million EUR, which formed an evaluation unit along with the associated underlying transactions (Group financing). The positive market value of these transactions amounted to TEUR 6,138 as of the balance sheet date. Transactions amounting to 6.5 million BRL, 2,000 million CLP, 66 million PLN and 65 million QAR had a negative market value of TEUR 673. In view of the hedge accounting relationship with the underlying transactions the creation of a contingent loss reserve for the negative market values has not been undertaken. Altogether, there were forward currency sales without valuation unit with a nominal value of 31 million EUR for 19.5 million USD, 48 million SAR and three further currencies. These transactions had a positive market value of TEUR 517 and a negative market value of TEUR 70. A loss provision was formed for the negative market values. In addition the Group held interest rate swaps with a nominal value of 75.5 million EUR with a negative market value of TEUR 207 and a positive market value of TEUR 56. Here, too in view of the evaluation unit with part of long-term loancontracts, the creation of a contingent loss reserve for the negative market value was not undertaken.

No material transaction was carried out at non-standard market conditions with any related companies or persons. The parent company Umdasch AG is the top-tier corporation in the legal sense of § 9 KStG. Subsidiary companies both in Austria and abroad are included in the Tax Group. Expenses related to the Group auditor amounted to TEUR 94, which included the fees for the Austrian subsidiary companies. In addition TEUR 39 were paid for consultancy to the Group auditor. The average number of employees during the reporting year was 7,411 (3,332 wage employees and 4,079 salaried employees).

notes to the consolidated statement of cash flows 2013 The consolidated statement of cash flows was prepared according to the indirect method. The changes of balance sheet positions taken into account in the cash flow resulting from operating activities have been adjusted for effects resulting from currency translation. The changes in the relevant balance sheet positions cannot therefore be reconciled with the corresponding values on the basis of the consolidated balance sheet. The cash flows from the investment and financing activities are determined on a cash basis. The dividend payment is recorded under cash flow from financing activities. The liquid assets include cash and bank assets as well as the securities which form part of current assets.

Facts Figures Data


Facts Figures Data



Acquisition cost 1.1.2013

EUR 1,000

Accumulated depreciation

Book value 31.12.2013

Book value 31.12.2012

Annual depreciation 2013

–22,312 –9,091 –31,403

4,373 20,900 25,273

4,465 23,257 27,722

1,860 1,982 3,842

–194,149 –3,035 –1,803 –180,139 –89,249

199,974 90,300 11,338 92,411 43,886

197,707 87,883 11,541 95,307 44,839

17,167 1,059

–195 –468,570

10,019 447,928

21,080 458,357















3,771 4,603

–2,523 –647

18,429 750

–7,113 –8,942 –814 –4 –20,043

11,442 905

20,839 891,019

5,219 10,210 814 20,905 45,522

Financial assets



Total Non-Current Assets




Intangible assets 1. Patents and similar rights 2. Goodwill

26,419 29,991 56,410

II. Tangible assets 1. Land with buildings Value of land 2. Land without buildings 3. Technical equipment and machinery 4. Other equipment, furniture, fixtures and office equipment 5. Low-value assets 6. Advance payments made and construction in progress


374,446 88,629 13,141 263,002 130,962



Facts Figures Data

19,527 10,634 814 49,201



EUR 1,000

Amounts due to financial institutions thereof secured by mortgages Advance payments received on orders Accounts payable – trade Notes and drafts payable Miscellaneous liabilities


31.12.2013 576,862 3,603 8,597 64,092 341 33,873 683,765

up to 1 year 215,235 (1) 1,181 8,597 64,092 341 32,080 320,345

Including TEUR 98,620 (previous year: TEUR 98,620) from export financing with revolving character

1 – 5 years

over 5 years


333,452 2,247

28,175 175

648,348 9,434 9,833 86,399 394 37,983 782,957

1,768 335,220

25 28,200

Amstetten, 22 April 2014 Umdasch AG The Management Board

Dr. Andreas J. Ludwig

Ing. Josef Kurzmann

Mag. Silvio W. Kirchmair



Auditors’ Report Facts Figures Data

The consolidated financial statements will be published in their entirety in the “Wiener Zeitung” and contain the following


intentional or unintentional errors. In undertaking this assessment the auditor takes into account the internal control system, inasmuch as this is relevant to the presentation of as accurate a picture as possible of the overall financial position of the Group. Procedures to obtain evidence about amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements are determined in the light of the given framework conditions, but these procedures are not intended to provide an assessment of the efficacy of the Group’s internal control systems. The audit also evaluates the appropriateness of the accounting principles used and of the significant estimates made by the management as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.

Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements. We have audited the attached consolidated financial statements of Umdasch AG, ­Amstetten for the fiscal year from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. These consolidated financial statements comprise the consolidated balance sheet to 31 December 2013, the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of cash flows and the consolidated statement of changes in equity for the business year which ended on 31 December 2013 as well as the details of the accounting and valuation methods. Responsibility of the legal representatives for the content of the consolidated financial statements and the accounting records. The Company’s legal representatives are responsible for the preparation and content of the consolidated financial statements and the accounting records and the preparation of the management report for the group. This report shall convey as accurate a picture as possible of the overall financial situation of the Group in accordance with Austrian regulations as well as with the articles of association. The management responsibility in this respect includes: the establishment, execution and maintenance of an internal control system, inasmuch as this is relevant for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements and the presentation of as accurate a picture as possible of the overall financial situation of the Group. The management should ensure that the report is free of substantial misrepresentations, whether due to intentional or unintentional errors; that suitable evaluation methods have been selected and used; and that estimates which seem appropriate in the light of the given framework conditions are made. Responsibility of the auditor and description of the nature and scope of the legal audit. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We have carried out our audit in accordance with the legal regulations and principles for the correct execution of such audits. These principles require us to observe the rules of professional conduct and to plan and perform the audit in such a manner that we can conclude with reasonable certainty whether the consolidated financial statements are free from misstatement. An audit involves procedures to obtain evidence about amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The selection of the evidence shall be made according to the professional judgement of the auditor in view of his assessment of the risk of the possibility of substantial misrepresentations, whether as a result of

We believe that we have obtained sufficient and suitable evidence for our audit to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. Auditors’ opinion. Our audit did not give rise to any objections. In our opinion, which is based on the results of our audit, the consolidated financial statements of Umdasch AG, Amstetten are in accordance with legal requirements regarding accounting principles as well as with the articles of association and present fairly in all material respects the financial position of the Umdasch AG as of December 31, 2013 and the results of its operations and its cash-flows for the fiscal year from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 in accordance with Austrian generally accepted accounting principles.

Report on the Group Annual Report. The Group Annual Report should be examined on the basis of the legal requirements to ascertain whether it is consistent with the consolidated financial statements and whether the other statements in the Annual Report arouse an erroneous impression of the current situation of the Group. The auditors’ report should also contain a statement as to whether the management report for the Group is in accordance with the consolidated financial statements. In our opinion the management report for the Group is in accordance with the consolidated financial statements. Vienna, 22 April 2014

Deloitte Audit Wirtschaftsprüfungs GmbH Mag. Gabriele Römer e. h. Certified Public Accountant

ppa. Mag. Elisabeth Keiblinger e.h. Certified Public Accountant

Facts Figures Data


Umdasch worldwide Facts Figures Data


Doka GmbH Josef Umdasch Platz 1 3300 Amstetten Austria Telephone: +43 7472 605-0

ALGERIA Doka Algérie SARL Route de Dar El Beida Domaine Bakalem 16017 Rouiba Telephone: +213 770 112 540

BULGARIA Doka Bulgaria EOOD 12 Rozova Gradina str. 1588 Krivina (Sofia) Telephone: +359 2 4199 000 CANADA Doka Canada Ltd. 5404 – 36th Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2C 1P1 Telephone: +1 403 243 6629 CHILE Doka Chile Encofrados Limitada Camino Interior 1360 Lampa, Santiago/Chile Telephone: +56 2 4131-600

AUSTRALIA Doka Formwork Australia Pty. Ltd. 52 Airds Road Minto, NSW 2566 Telephone: +61 2 8796 0500

CHINA Doka Formwork (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No. 3883 Yuanjiang Road, Minhang District, Building 2 201109 Shanghai Telephone: +86 21 6090-0899

AUSTRIA Doka Österreich GmbH Josef Umdasch Platz 1 3300 Amstetten Telephone: +43 7472 605-0

CROATIA Doka Hrvatska d.o.o. Radnicˇka cesta 173/g 10000 Zagreb Telephone: +385 1 2480020

AZERBAIJAN Doka Kalip-Iskele Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Uzeyir Hacibeyov 66 ev 1 Baku Telephone: +994 12 493 33 63 BAHRAIN Doka Bahrain Div. Of Mahmoud Othman Trading Est. Road 1161, Building 1481 Diplomatic Area 411 Al Musalla P.O. Box 20160 Telephone: +973 17 402 810 BELARUS Doka Belform IOOO ul. Ponomarenko 43A, Office 304 220015 Minsk Telephone: +375 17 213 0014 BELGIUM Doka N.V. Handelsstraat 3 1740 Ternat Telephone: +32 2 5820270 BRAZIL Doka Brazil Fôrmas para Concreto Ltda. Rua Guilherme Lino dos Santos, 756 Jardim Flôr do Campo – CEP 07190-010 Guarulhos - SP Telephone: +55 11 2088-5777

CZECH REPUBLIC Cˇeská Doka Bednicí technika spol. s r. o. Za Avií 868 19600 Praha 9 – Cˇakovice Telephone: +420 2 84001 311 DENMARK Doka Danmark ApS Egegaardsvej 11 4621 Gadstrup Telephone: +45 46 56 32 00 EGYPT Doka GmbH Representative Office Egypt 24 Salah Zaki Street Square 1143 Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo Telephone: +20 2 22 677 216 ESTONIA Doka Eesti OÜ Gaasi 6a 11415 Tallinn Telephone: +372 603 0650 FINLAND Doka Finland Oy Selintie 542 03320 Selki Telephone: +358 9 2242640 FRANCE Doka France SAS 3, chemin des Iles Zone Industrielle du Chemin Vert 78610 Le Perray en Yvelines Telephone: +33 1 34842727

GERMANY Deutsche Doka Schalungstechnik GmbH Frauenstraße 35 82216 Maisach Telephone: +49 8141 394-0 GREECE Doka Hellas Formwork Technologies S.A. 5, Agiou Athanasiou str. 153 51 Pallini/Attiki Telephone: +30 210 6669-211 HUNGARY Magyar Doka Zsalutechnika Kft. Törökkö u. 5-7. 1037 Budapest Telephone: +36 1 4367373 INDIA Doka India Pvt. Ltd. Mahavir Landmark Bldg. 6th Floor, Plot No. 26 A, Sector-7, Kharghar – 410210 410210 Navi Mumbai Telephone: +91 22 2774 6452 IRELAND Doka Ireland Formwork Technologies Ltd. Tinure Industrial Complex Monasterboice, Drogheda County Louth Telephone: +353 41 6861620 ISRAEL Doka Israel Formwork Technologies Ltd. P.O. Box 581 Tnuport Area 40201 Kfar Vitkin Telephone: +972 9 89000-00 ITALY Doka Italia S.p.A. Strada Provinciale Cerca, 23 20060 Colturano (MI) Telephone: +39 02 98 276-1 JAPAN Doka Japan K.K. Miwanoyama 744-6 Nagareyama-shi 270-175 Chiba-Ken Telephone: +81 471 78-8808 JORDAN Doka Jordan LLC Al Madina Al Munawara Road, Al Haitham Center 1st Floor 101 11953 Amman Telephone: +962 6 5545 586 KOREA Doka Korea Ltd. 444-1, Yongdoo-ri, Gongdo-eup Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do Korea, 456-821 Telephone: +82 31 8053-0700

KUWAIT Doka Kuwait Div. of Riham Gen. Trad. & Cont. Co. Shuwaikh Port Authority Area Street No. 1 Plot 157 – 173 22023 Salmiyah Telephone: +965 24 82 24 62 LATVIA Doka Latvia SIA Ma¯rupes novads 2167 Ma¯rupe, Rigas rajons Telephone: +371 6702970 0 LEBANON Doka GmbH Doka Lebanon Branch Sodeco Square Block C / 9th floor, Ashrafieh Damascus street Beirut Telephone: +961 1 612 568 LITHUANIA Doka Lietuva UAB Visoriu g. 27 08300 Vilnius Telephone: +370 52780678 MALAYSIA Doka Formwork Malaysia Sdn Bhd Lot 9, Jalan TUDM Subang New Village 40150 Shah Alam Selangor Telephone: +603 7844 5588 MEXICO Doka México S. de R.L. de C.V. Carr.Cuautitlá – Teoloyucan Km. 24.5 Col. San Lorenzo Río Tenco 54713 Cuautitlan Izcalli Estado de México Telephone: +52 55 16677553 MOROCCO Doka Maroc SARL-AU La commune rurale SEBBAH B.P. 4439 Skhirat 12050 Telephone: +212 538 004090 NETHERLANDS Doka Nederland BV Longobardenweg 11 5342 PL Oss Telephone: +31 412 653030 NIGERIA Doka Formwork Nigeria Ltd. Block 101, Plot 21 Adewunmi Adebimpe drive off Marua Bus Stop Lekki Phase 1Lagos Telephone: + 234 806 484 04 08

NORWAY Doka Norge AS Vekstveien 19 3474 Åros Telephone: +47 3100 5070 OMAN Doka Muscat LLC P.C. 115, M.S.Q. Muscat P.O. Box 562 Telephone: +968 244 844 45 PANAMA Doka Panama, S.A. Arnulfo Arias Avenue, Diablo, Ancon, Building 42D and 42G Panama City P.O. Box 0832-02577 Telephone: +507 316 8150

SAUDI ARABIA Doka Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd. For Trading Rm. 908 Zahran Business Center (Opposite Obeikan Mal) Prince Sultan Rd., Salama District 21425 Jeddah P.O. Box 18882 Telephone: +966 12 669 1008 SERBIA Doka Serb d.o.o. Surcˇinska 17 11070 Novi Beograd Telephone: +381 11 2266111 SINGAPORE Doka Formwork Pte Ltd. 9 Gul Circle #02-01 to 07 Singapore 629565 Telephone: +65 6897-7737

PERU Doka Perú SAC Predio Rural Huarangal. UC N° 10688 (Carretera Explosivos Av. Mártir Olaya), Lurín 16 Lima Phone: +51 1 748 0400

SLOVAKIA Doka Slovakia Debniaca technika s.r.o. Ivanská cesta 28 821 04 Bratislava 2 Telephone: +421 2 43421426

POLAND Doka Polska Sp. z.o.o. ul. Bankowa 32 woj. mazowieckie 05-220 Zielonka Telephone: +48 22 7710800

SLOVENIA Doka Slovenija opažna tehnologija d.o.o. Spodnji Plavž 14 d 4270 Jesenice Telephone: +386 4 5834400

PORTUGAL Doka Portugal Cofragens Lda. Estrada Real, no.41, Recta da Granja Santa Maria e S. Miguel 2710-450 Sintra Telephone: +351 219 11-2660

SOUTH AFRICA Doka South Africa (Pty) Ltd. 2 Sibasa Street, Klipfontein View 1619 Kempton Park Telephone: +27 11 3109709

QATAR Doka Qatar WLL 2nd Gate, Light Industries Area Mesaieed P.O. Box 23439 Doka-Qatar Telephone: +974 4 4500 628 ROMANIA Doka România Tehnica Cofrajelor S.R.L. Soseaua de Centura nr. 34 077180 Tunari, Ilfov Telephone: +40 21 2064950 RUSSIA Doka Rus LLC ul. Kijewskaja, 7 Business center „Legion III“, entrance 7, 5th floor 121059 Moskau Telephone: +7 495 544 54 54

SPAIN Doka España Encofrados, S.A. Acero, 4 – P.I. Aimayr 28330 San Martin de la Vega (Madrid) Telephone: +34 91 685 75 00 SWEDEN Doka Sverige AB Kurödsvägen 20 451 55 Uddevalla Telephone: +46 10 45 16 300 SWITZERLAND Doka Schweiz AG Mandachstrasse 50 8155 Niederhasli Telephone: +41 43 411 20 40 TUNISIA Doka Tunisia Ltd. Rue de l’usine, Le Kram Zone Industrielle 2015 Tunis Telephone: +216 71 977 350

TURKEY Doka Kalip-Iskele Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S Inönü Mah. Nazarbayev Sok. No:19 Gebze Güzeller Org. San. Bölgesi 41400 Gebze – Kocaeli Telephone: +90 262 751 5066 UKRAINE Doka Ukraine T.O.V. Pr. Herojiw Stalinhrada, 20a 04210 Kiew Telephone: +380 44 5313893 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Doka Gulf F.Z.E. Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai P.O. Box 61407 Telephone: 971 4 870 8700 UNITED KINGDOM Doka UK Formwork Technologies Ltd. Boughton Monchelsea, Heath Road Monchelsea Farm, Heath Road Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4JD Telephone: +44 1622 749050 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Doka USA Ltd. 214 Gates Road 07643 Little Ferry, New Jersey Telephone: +1 201 329 7839

Facts Figures Data


Umdasch worldwide Facts Figures Data

Umdasch Shopfitting Group GmbH Josef Umdasch Platz 1 3300 Amstetten Austria Telephone: +43 7472 605-0

IRELAND Umdasch Shopfitting Ltd. Tinure Industrial Complex, Monasterboice, Drogheda, County Louth Telephone: +353 1 4909941

AUSTRIA Umdasch Shopfitting GmbH Ottokar-Kernstock-Gasse 16 8430 Leibnitz Telephone: +43 3452 700-0

SWITZERLAND Umdasch Shopfitting AG Suhrerstrasse 57 5036 Oberentfelden Telephone: +41 62 7372525

Umdasch Metallfertigung GmbH Ottokar-Kernstock-Gasse 16 8430 Leibnitz Telephone: +43 3452 700-0

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Umdasch Shopfitting L.L.C. 22nd Street Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 P.O.Box 182774 Dubai, U.A.E. Telephone: +971 4 3417715

FRANCE Umdasch Shopfitting SAS 7, rue du Chemin Blanc 91160 Champlan Telephone: +33 1 60491840 GERMANY Umdasch Shopfitting GmbH Josef Umdasch Straße 5–7 74933 Neidenstein Telephone: +49 7263 401-0 Franz Jonas GmbH & Co. KG Lessingstraße 18 46149 Oberhausen Telephone: +49 208 6218-0

ITALY Umdasch Shopfitting S.r.l. Galvanistraße 40/c 39100 Bozen Telephone: +39 0471 958700

UNITED KINGDOM Umdasch Shopfitting Ltd. 4, The Gallery 54 Marston Street Oxford, OX41LF Telephone: +44 1865 207800

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