Human Rights Human Wrongs 2012 Program

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human rights human wrongs

The people without guns are winning! – Gene Sharp


We are proud to present the fourth Human Rights Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival. Our main guest this year is Gene Sharp, the world’s foremost thinker on nonviolence. His idea that nonviolence is more effective than armed struggle is catching on and spreading. With the film How to Start a Revolution and the two events with Gene Sharp we hope to contribute to making nonviolence a recognized strategy, create interesting debates as well as making Gene Sharp a household name. We have selected some of the best documentaries from the last year. Totally we have 13 great films in the program and 40 specially selected International and Norwegian guests to help us create relevant, interesting and engaging discussions.

We are deeply grateful and pleased to be working with those who have helped this year’s festival become a reality; volunteers, institutions, NGOs, filmmakers and companies. We hope to continue to work with you all to make this festival continue to grow and become a main event in Oslo for open, engaging and relevant discussions about human rights issues. And last but not least inspire action. On behalf of The Human Rights House Oslo, The Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights and Oslo Dokumentarkino; Welcome! Jonathan Borge Lie and Ketil Magnussen

e works! non-violenkacki no Meet gene sharp at


february 7


Sharp er først og fremst opptatt av at ikke-vold er en strategi som virker. Ansikt til ansikt med undertrykkende regimer og deres voldsapparat så kan protestantene bare lykkes om de er smarte nok til å avstå fra vold. De må stikke hull på befolkningens underkastelse og bygge brede allianser, helst også med folk innen sikkerhetsstyrkene og maktapparatet. Nyere forskning gir støtte til det Sharp alltid har hevdet: protestbevegelser som strategisk og disiplinert benytter seg av ikke-vold lykkes bedre enn de som tyr til våpen. På slutten av 50-tallet bodde Sharp i Oslo, der han lot seg begeistre av den norske læreraksjonen under 2. verdenskrig. Han vender nå tilbake til Oslo for å vise sin takknemlighet over det han lærte her, og han gjør det i en tid da hans tenkning om ikke-vold står sterkere enn noensinne.

Gene Sharp is the world’s premier nonviolence thinker. His writings have been read by protesters all over the world, from Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989 to Tahrir Square in Cairo today. Sharp’s primary occupation is with the simple insight that nonviolence is an effective strategy. Faced with the world’s most repressive regimes and their security forces, protesters will only succeed if they are smart enough to abstain from violence. They need to undermine the citizenry’s submission to the regime and build broad alliances, preferably also with people within the military and the government apparatus. New research supports Sharp’s bold claims: protest movements that strategically engage in nonviolence have higher success rates than those that resort to arms. In the late 1950s, Sharp spent a few years in Oslo, where he was an enthusiastic student of the Norwegian teachers’ protests during the Second World War. He now returns to Oslo with a wish to express his gratitude for what he learnt here, and he does so at a time when his thinking on nonviolence stands stronger than ever.

human rights human wrongs

Gene Sharp er verdens fremste ikke-voldstenker. Hans skrifter er blitt lest av aksjonister over hele verden, fra Den himmelske freds plass i Beijing i 1989 til Tahrir-plassen i Kairo i dag.

Kristian Berg Harpviken Direktør, Institutt for fredsforskning (PRIO) / Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)


Q&A with Gene Sharp and director Ruaridh Arrow

TUESDAY 7TH how to start a revolution

INTRODUCTION BY Kristian berg harpviken

vika kino 18:00 tuesday 7TH HOW TO START A REVOLUTION Norwegian premiere Ruaridh Arrow, Great Britain, 85 min introduction by director Ruaridh Arrow Q&A after the film with gene sharp

– A film about Gene Sharp and how to end dictatorships As waves of revolutionary spirit sweep the world, Gene Sharp continues to inspire protestors, giving them the tools to defeat dictators. Sharp’s methods of nonviolent action have brought dramatic results, from Serbia to Egypt to Syria. This is a story of true people power and the modern revolution.

In collaboration with NOREF, Amnesty International and PRIO.


Gene Sharp was born in 1928 in Ohio. He is the author of 13 books about the use of non-violence as a weapon against oppression. He is a professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. He founded The Albert Einstein Institution in 1983, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the use of nonviolent action in conflicts around the world. More on Dr. Sharp on page 2. Ruaridh Arrow is the director and producer of How to Start a Revolution. This is his first feature film. He has been a producer to Sky News and to Channel 4’s Dispatches programme. He has also produced programmes for BBC News, More4 News and The Financial Times. While filming in Cairo he reported for the BBC from Tahrir Square. Moderator Steve Crawshaw is the International Advocacy Director of Amnesty International. He is the former UK director of Human Rights Watch. He has also worked as a journalist for Granada Television and The Independent and has written several books, among these Small Acts of Resistance. How Courage, Tenacity, and Ingenuity Can Change the World.

opening event PARKTEATRET


Kjell Magne Bondevik, former prime minister, is the founder and president of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights.

Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi, Palestine/Israel, 90 min

Palestinian farm laborer Emad has five cameras. Each one of them tells a part of the story of the resistance to the wall that separates the advancing Jewish settlements from the Palestinians. Emad lives in Bil’in, just west of the city of Ramallah in the West Bank. The film is an intensely powerful personal document about one village’s struggle against Israeli violence and oppression.

wednesday 8TH opening event

• Opening speech by Kjell Magne Bondevik • Bugge Wesselftoft with Issa and Abderrahim Tobi

20:00 5 broken cameras Norwegian premiere

Bugge Wesseltoft is a Norwegian musician and has just released the album Songs. He will perform with the brothers Issa and Abderrahim Tobi.


thursday 9


status: illegal

thursday 9TH status illegal

The Rohingya people are made stateless by the dictatorship in Burma and live in a nightmarish legal limbo. They don’t belong anywhere and are not granted any rights in society. Undocumented migrants in Norway are in the same situation. They are called ”illegal”. But how can a human being be illegal? Are we aware that an increasing amount of people in Norway are denied fundamental human rights? No one is illegal!

12:00 Skolevisning av Imagining Emanuel se side 8 for omtale av filmen regissøren og Emanuel vil være tilstede ETTER VISNINGEN


FN-sambandet inviterer til skolevisninger under Human Rights Human Wrongs. To av årets filmer er spesielt valgt ut for gratis visning for elever i videregående skoler. Klasser som deltar får se film, innledninger fra fagpersoner og relevante arbeidsoppgaver med seg tilbake til skolen.

film & debate Tun Khin is the President of the Burmese Rohingya Organization UK. He has advocated for change and a solution for his challenged people at the US Congress, UK Parliament as well as EU institutions.

Javier Gomez Serrano, spain 2010, 26 min

The Rohingyas, a Muslim minority group in Burma, were made stateless in 1982 by the military dictatorship. Thousands of Rohingyas have fled brutal suppression in their home country to poverty, misery and abuse in neighbouring Bangladesh.

DEBATE after the film The Rohingyas of Burma are stateless and have been living in misery for decades. They are a forgotten people. Why is it so difficult to find a solution to their situation and to give them a life with dignity?

Johan Meyer is Refugee Policy Director at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has visited the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh.

thursday 9TH status illegal

PARKTEATRET 16:00 The Exodus of the Rohingyas Norwegian premiere

Erik Abild is Political Advisor at the Norwegian Refugee Council. He will address the situation of the Rohingyas in the broader context of statelessness. Moderator: Kristian Stokke is Professor at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo. Currently he is a researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs with focus on Burma.


thursday 9TH status illegal

DEBATE & film


18:00 Papirløses PARKTEATRET situasjon i Norge

19:00 Imagining Emanuel Thomas Østbye, Norge 2011, 52 min

debate in norwegian

Menneskerettigheter; ikke for alle? Norge har en svært rigid holdning til papirløse flyktninger som ikke får oppholdstillatelse. En rekke europeiske land har gitt papirløse med langt opphold i landet amnesti, mens man i Norge har nektet å se etter løsninger, men heller har akkumulert en stor gruppe mennesker som lever så og si uten rettigheter.

Emanuel er afrikaner og analfabet, og han er papirløs asylsøker i Norge. Emanuel er fanget i en limbo-tilværelse. Han kan ikke bli, men heller ikke reise.

Pål Lønseth er statssekretær i Justisdepartementet. Han er utdannet jurist og har blant annet arbeidet som statsadvokat.

Cecilie Schjatvet representerer Den internasjonale juristkommisjon. Hun har erfaring fra en rekke asylsaker.

Rune Berglund Steen er kommunikasjonsansvarlig i Antirasistisk senter. Han kommer med bok om norsk asylpolitikk til våren.

Ordstyrer: Berit Lindeman er informasjonsleder i Den norske Helsingforskomite

Fernand Melgar, Switzerland 2011, 100 min

Each year, thousands of people in Switzerland are imprisoned without trial or sentence simply because they stay in the country illegally. They may be deprived of liberty for up to eighteen months before being deported. Those who refuse to leave are handcuffed, tied up and forcibly put in a plane. Special Flight is a powerful film that shows how easy it is dehumanize unwanted migrants and deny them fundamental human rights.

Festivalutstilling/festival exhibition 4-12 february

thursday 9TH status illegal

PARKTEATRET 21:00 Special Flight Norwegian premiere

“art space 5” is a new venue for contemporary art at Grünerløkka in Oslo Visiting address: Olaf Ryes Plass 5 (along Markveien) | Grünerløkka | Oslo | Norway | tel +47 901 16 493


film & DEBATE pre-premiere vika


thursday 9TH status illegal

18:00 Silenced Voices

Tales of Sri Lankan Journalists in Exile

thursday 9th Beate Arnestad, Norway 2012, 60 min

This is a film about freedom of speech. The film is told as a personal encounter with exiled Sri Lankan journalists who have been almost killed and forced to flee the their home country because they have exposed war crimes, corruption and massacres of civilians. They claim these crimes have been committed by their own government. In collaboration with The Freedom of Expression Foundation (Fritt Ord).

debate after the film Bashana Abeywardane is a Sri Lankan journalist and a writer living in exile. He has been working as a journalist since 1992 and was forced into exile in 2006. He is currently serving as the Convener of the exiled Sri Lankan rights group, Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka (JDS).


Frances Harrison is the author of a book on the last phase of the civil war in Sri Lanka, soon to be published. Former BBC Foreign Correspondent in Sri Lanka (and Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Iran), former Head of News at Amnesty International and Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University’s International Relations and Politics Department. Beate Arnstad has over twenty years of experience producing and directing content for departments at Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. Her first independent and award winning documentary was My Daughter the Terrorist (2007) filmed during the time Arnestad lived in Sri Lanka. She is also the director of Telling Truths in Arusha (2010). MODERATOR: Sverre Tom Radøy is journalist in Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and writer of the book Reiser på Sri Lanka – Norges øy i tropene (2008).

Friday 10th

nonviolent revolutions Friday 10TH Inonviolent revolutions

Can nonviolence be an effective weapon against brutal dictatorships? The uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt showed the world that people have power, even without weapons. Is it possible to hold on to a non-violent strategy when the regimes in power uses brutal force? What will happen in countries like Syria, Bahrain and Yemen?


Friday 10th

Friday 10TH Inonviolent revolutions



litteraturhuset 09:30 – 15:30 filmmakers/changemakers The Power Of Documentaries Documentaries are a tool for change. This day we will meet both Norwegian and international filmmakers who will talk about how they use film to create an impact. This event is organised in partnership with Filmforbundet and The British Council.

Jawed Taiman was born in Kandahar, Afghanistan finished his higher education in England. Addicted in Afghanistan was his first documentary. This documentary claimed four awards including best director at Singapore Asian film festival for 1st film. Jawed is currently working on his new film called Voice of a Nation / My journey through Afghanistan.

Rob Lemkin is the founder and director of Old Street Films. His most recent film is Enemies of the People, a feature length documentary, which received worldwide acclaim in 2010 and won over 20 international prizes including Grand Jury Prize at One World and Special Jury Prize at Sundance. He and his collaborator Thet Sambath are currently working on a follow-up film on the Killing Fields of Cambodia. Margreth Olin Margreth Olin started out as a documentary filmmaker with I kjærleikens hus in 1995. In 1998 she received several awards, among them Amanda, for Dei mjuke hendene. Her final break through was in 2002 with Kroppen min, awarded with Amanda, Gullstolen and several awards abroad. Olin received the Norwegian highest film award Aamot-statuetten in 2001. In 2010 she received Liv Ullmanns ærespris.

Ruaridh Arrow is the director and producer of How to Start a Revolution. This is his first feature film. He has been a producer to Sky News and to Channel 4’s Dispatches programme. He has also produced programmes for BBC News, More4 News and The Financial Times. While filming in Cairo he reported for the BBC from Tahrir Square.

MODERATOR Sverre Pedersen, President of Norwegian Film Makers Association. Sverre Pedersen has worked in the film- and television industry since 1984. He has made a ​​ large number of socially committed documentaries with a focus on international solidarity, nature and culture, cultural heritage, anti-war and anti-racism.

Friday 10TH Inonviolent revolutions

Thomas Østbye is both a filmmaker and artist working with installation and photography. With his Diploma in Film Editing from The Norwegian Film School in 2004 it has led to both editing and teaching jobs. Imagining Emanuel (2011) is his latest film that had its international premiere at Hotdocs. Thomas also received The Golden Chair for Best Norwegian Shortfilm and The Golden Key at Kassel DokFest in 2009 for his documentary Human (2009).


Friday 10TH Inonviolent revolutions

12:00 skolevisning 5 broken cameras



se side 5 for omtale

followed by a special talk with gene sharp

FN-sambandet inviterer til skolevisninger sammen med dokumentarfilmfestivalen Human Rights Human Wrongs.

As waves of revolutionary spirit sweep the world, Gene Sharp continues to inspire protestors, giving them the tools to defeat dictators. Sharp’s methods of nonviolent action have brought dramatic results, from Serbia to Egypt to Syria. This is a story of true people power and the modern revolution.

To av årets filmer er spesielt valgt ut for gratis visning for elever i videregående skoler. Klasser som deltar får se film, innledninger fra fagpersoner og får relevante arbeidsoppgaver med seg tilbake til skolen. Kombinasjonen av det nyeste på dokumentarfilmfronten, med innledninger av fagfolk på temaet er en utmerket mulighet til å krydre undervisningen i menneskerettigheter. Introduksjon ved Lars Gule Lars Gule er er en norsk filosof, samfunnsdebattant og postdoktor ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. Tidligere generalsekretær i Human-Etisk Forbund.



MODERATOR: Kristian Berg Harpviken Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).

Gene Sharp See page 3.

DEBATE & film

Can non-violence be an effective weapon against violent dictatorships? The uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt showed the world that people have power, even without weapons. Is it possible to hold on to a non-violent strategy when the regimes in power uses brutal force? What are the lessons learned from Eastern Europe? What will happen in countries like Syria and Bahrain and Yemen? Rasul Jafarov, Human Rights Club, Aserbajdsjan

Frédéric Castaignède, France 2008, 97 min In discussion: Ole Benny Lilleås

Shot undercover in Bahrain over the course of three months by film-maker May Ying Welsh displaying amazing courage, the film follows the saga of a people fighting for democratic rights who broke the barriers of fear, only to find themselves alone and crushed. For the first time, this film reveals the story of the uprising in Bahrain that was abandoned by the Arabs, forsaken by the West and forgotten by the world.

Friday 10TH Inonviolent revolutions

PARKTEATRET 18:00 non-violence 19:00 shouting in the dark and THE ARAB UPRISING Norwegian premiere

MODERATOR Rohan A. Jayasekera, Index on Censorship, UK Other panelists to be confirmed. See In collaboration with NOREF and Amnesty International.


th saturday 11

saturday 11TH business and human rights

Business & Human Rights

Norway has a high international profile in regard to peace processes and ethical standards for its Pension Fund. At the same time Norway is also the largest exporter of arms per capita in the world. The Pension Fund invests in companies

criticized for serious human rights violations and environmental damage, as in gold mines in Guatemala and forests in Borneo and Indonesia. Norway’s double standards in business and human rights is the main focus of this day’s program.

Š Mattias Klum



Álvaro Revenga, Guatemala, 57 min

ReColonization and Resistance in Central America Multinational mining corporations have invaded Central America. The Canadian corporation Coldcorp has the greatest territorial expansion in the region. Despite enormous profits for Goldcorp, the local results of its operations are contamination, poisoning, disease and the criminalization of protesters. This effective film documents that people are fighting back but also the callousness of the company in regard to the consequences of their business for the people and the environment. As one of Goldcorp’s shareholders, The Norwegian pension fund has part of the responsibility.

introduction in norwegian by LINA SJAAVIk

Lina Sjaavik arbeidet for Kirkens Nødhjelp i Guatemala i 2011. Sammen med Kirkens Nødhjelps partnere jobbet hun med mayabefolkningen i San Marcos for rettferdighet relatert til Marlingruven. Statens pensjonsfond utland (SPU) investerer rundt 3000 milliarder norske kroner fra oljevirksomheten i over 8000 ulike utenlandske selskaper. Fondets verdi øker i et voldsomt tempo. SPUs aksjepost i det kanadiske selskapet Goldcorp utgjør om lag 1,1 milliarder kroner, noe som tilsvarer en eierandel på 0,56%. Goldcorp er et av verdens største selskaper på utvinning av gull og driver blant annet gruveanlegget Marlin, i Guatemala, i hovedsak en åpen gruve, et såkalt dagbrudd. Marlin-gruven har vært kontroversiell fra starten i 2005.

saturday 11TH business and human rights

13:00 el oro o la vida


DEBATE & film saturday 11TH business and human rights



15:00 saturday 11th norwegian arms trade Norway is the largest arms exporter per capita in the world. A large amount of Norwegian weapons and ammunition ends u’p in developing countries, contributing to arms races in the Middle East, South America and North Africa. Can we be certain that these exports are not contributing to human rights abuses?

Andrew Feinstein is a former ANC Member of Parliament in South Africa. He resigned after the government stopped his investigation into a massive arms deal tainted by allegations of high level corruption. He is the author of the books “After the Party” and his most recent title, The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade. Sturla Henriksbø is the leader of the International Committee of KrF. He is a law graduate and a member of the central board of KrF, which has been a harsh critic of the government’s politics on arms trade.

MODERATOR Erling Borgen is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, journalist and author. Erling Borgen has worked as journalist for nearly 40 years. In total he has produced and directed 80 documentaries.

the norwegian solution emil trier, Norway 2009, 33 min

Norway is, per capita, one of the world biggest producers of weapons and ammunition.The Norwegian Solution gives us a rare look into the ammunitions factory Nammo, situated in the idyllic surroundings of Raufoss, in the middle of the country. This is the first time a film team has been allowed to follow the production and testing and given free access to management, engineers and technicians at Nammo. What do the employees think about the products they make? How does the production of highly advanced rockets and ammunition fit with Norway’s reputation as a “nation of peace”? The Norwegian Solution is not a traditional investigative documentary, rather, it is an aesthetic and moral exploration where the controversial aspects comes to the surface in subtle ways.

saturday 11TH business and human rights

Ida Thomassen was president of the youth organization Changemaker is now working as a communication advisor at the Norwegian Church Aid.


saturday 11TH business and human rights

DEBATE & film © Mattias Klum


regnskogen og statens pensjonsfond utland 18:30 lørdag 11/2

testament of tebaran Norwegian premiere

debate in norwegian Den norske regjeringen støtter prosjekter som bevarer regnskogen. På samme tid investerer Pensjonsfondet i palmeoljeplantasjer som er svært skadelige for regnskogen.

The rainforest in Borneo is dying. Forest people, thousands of plants and animals are fighting for survival against logging, dams and expansion of palm oil industry. This film is a revealing and powerful testimony that illustrates the devastating effects of deforestation on Borneo. Tebaran is a member of the dying nomadic Penan tribe of Borneo, and a wanted man because of his struggle to save the rain forest.

Vemund Olsen er politisk rådgiver ved Regnskogfondet med spesielt fokus på Pensjonsfondets investeringer relatert til miljø og regnskog.

Ola Mestad, er professor dr. juris ved Senter for europarett, Universitetet i Oslo. Han har vært leder av Etikkrådet siden 2010.


Mattias Klum, SWEDEN 2011, 50 min

Anja Lyngsmark er kampanjekoordinator for Regnskogfondet, og jobber for tiden med kampanjen ‘Ikke spis regnskogen’.

Moderator: Kristoffer Rønneberg er utenriksjournalist i Aftenposten. Han har skrevet mye om Pensjonsfondets investeringer og etiske utfordringer.

sunday 12th

battle for justice sunday 12TH battle for justice

Who defines the truth about the past? Who is right and what is the right justice after a war? We look at three societies that have experienced civil wars and have followed different paths to peace; Guatemala, Kosovo and Liberia.


sunday 12TH battle for justice

film & DEBATE PARKTEATRET 13:00 granito: Er det mulig å skape How to Nail a Dictator rettferdighet i Guatemala? Pamela Yates, USA, 80 min

debate in norwegian

In 1982 Pamela Yates made the film When the Mountains Tremble about the civil war in Guatemala and about the mass killings of the indigenous people bordering on genocide. 25 years later her film is used as evidence in a case against two former generals and presidents of Guatemala. Pamela picks up the camera and makes a new film about the attempt to bring the former presidents to justice for war crimes.

Guatemalas lange borgerkrig (1960-1996) med enorme overgrep mot sivilbefolkningen og et manglende rettsoppgjør i etterkant er et skremmende eksempel på hvordan det går an å slippe unna med forbrytelser på høyde med folkemord. Er det mulig å skape rettferdighet i Guatemala og har det manglende rettsoppgjøret noe av skylden for den negative sosiale utviklingen landet er i, med mye kriminalitet og et eskalerende voldsnivå? Stener Ekern, Førsteamanuensis – Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter Beate Thoresen, utviklingspolitisk leder, Norsk Folkehjelp Petter Skauen, spesialrådgiver i Kirkens Nødhjelp


17:00 reunion

A group of Serbian and Albanian students from Kosovo met in 1999 to talk while the tension was at its most intense between the two ethnic groups. Ten days later NATO started bombing. Ten years later the same people meet again. Are they able to look past the hatred and start a dialogue? The screening will be followed by a talk in Norwegian: Om dialog som metode i forsoningsprosesser, hvordan skape rom, og bryte ned fordommer. Steinar Bryn har vært fast knyttet til Nansenskolen siden 1989. Han har utstrakt erfaring som dialogarbeider spesielt i Kosovo og Bosnia Herzegovina. Jon Haukeland er regissør, dramaturg og journalist. Jon har regissert en rekke filmer. Reunion bygger på hans tidligere dokumentar Før bombene falt.

20:00 The redemption of general butt naked Norwegian premiere Strauss, Anastasio, USA, 85 min

The Redemption of General Butt Naked follows Joshua Milton Blahyi – aka General Butt Naked – a brutal African warlord who has renounced his violent past and reinvented himself as a Christian evangelist. Today, Blahyi travels the nation of Liberia as a preacher, seeking out those he once victimized in search of an uncertain forgiveness. Whatever you make of him -- liar or madman, charlatan or genuine repentant -- you will never meet another character as challenging as Joshua Milton Blahyi, General Butt Naked.

sunday 12TH battle for justice

Jon Haukeland, Norway , 72 min Introduction by jon haukeland


sunday 12TH battle for justice




12:00 The redemption of general butt naked

14:00 Silenced Voices

Strauss, Anastasio, USA, 85 min

The Redemption of General Butt Naked follows Joshua Milton Blahyi – aka General Butt Naked – a brutal African warlord who has renounced his violent past and reinvented himself as a Christian evangelist. Today, Blahyi travels the nation of Liberia as a preacher, seeking out those he once victimized in search of an uncertain forgiveness. Whatever you make of him – liar or madman, charlatan or genuine repentant – you will never meet another character as challenging as Joshua Milton Blahyi, General Butt Naked.

Tales of Sri Lankan Journalists in Exile Beate Arnestad, Norway 2012, 60 min. followed by q&a with director Beate Arnestad

This is a film about freedom of speech. The film is told as a personal encounter with exiled Sri Lankan journalists who have been almost killed and forced to flee the their home country because they have exposed war crimes, corruption and massacres of civilians. They claim these crimes have been committed by their own government.


16:00 5 broken cameras

18:00 Special Flight

Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi, Palestine/Israel, 90 min

Fernand Melgar, Switzerland 2011, 100 min.

Palestinian farm laborer Emad has five cameras. Each one of them tells a part of the story of the resistance to the wall that separates the advancing Jewish settlements from the Palestinians. Emad lives in Bil’in, just west of the city of Ramallah in the West Bank. The film is an intensely powerful personal document about one village’s struggle against Israeli violence and oppression.

Each year, thousands of people in Switzerland are imprisoned without trial or sentence simply because they stay in the country illegally. They may be deprived of liberty for up to eighteen months before being deported. Those who refuse to leave are handcuffed, tied up and forcibly put in a plane. Special Flight is a powerful film that shows how easy it is to dehumanize people.

sunday 12TH battle for justice



practical information praktisk informasjon

PRACTICAL INFORMATION PRAKTISK INFORMASJON TICKETS Parkteatret and Litteraturhuset: Tickets are available at the door before the screenings. Vika kino: Tickets are available at Prices Per movie at Litteraturhuset and Parkteatret (debates included): 80 NOK /40 NOK (students with ID) Vika Kino: 100 NOK Opening Ceremony: 100 NOK/50 NOK Day Ticket: 150 NOK Festival Pass: 500 NOK (screenings at Vika Kino are not included) Undocumented migrants: Free entry Most of the films are in English or subtitled in English. Some debates and introductions are in Norwegian. Check the program.


venues: Parkteatret Olaf Ryes plass 11 0552 Oslo Litteraturhuset Wergelandsveien 29 0167 Oslo Vika kino Ruseløkkveien 14 0251 Oslo

Thank you to our supporters/Takk til vĂĽre bidragsytere

thank you


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WRONGS 2012 | Park teatret | Littera turhuset |

TUESDAY 7th: 18.00: How to Start a Revolution w/ q&a Vika kino WEDNESDAY 8th: 19.00: Opening Ceremony (Miniconcert w/ Bugge Wesseltoft) 5 Broken Cameras Parkteatret THURSDAY 9th: 12.00: Imagining Emanuel w/ q&a– (school screening) Parkteatret 16.00: The Exodus of The Rohingyas w/ debate Parkteatret 18.00: Imagining Emanuel w/debate Parkteatret 18:00 Silenced Voices w/ debate Vika kino 21.00: Special Flight Parkteatret

FRIDAY 10th: 09.30- 15:30 : seminar Filmmakers/ Changemakers Litteraturhuset 12.00: 5 Broken Cameras w/introducion (school screening) Parkteatret 15.00: How to Start a Revolution w/q&a Parkteatret 18.00: BAHRAIN: Shouting In The Dark w/debate Parkteatret SATURDAY 11th: 13.00: El Oro O La Vida w/introduction Parkteatret 15.00: The Norwegian Solution w/debate Parkteatret 18:30: Testament of Tebaran w/debate Parkteatret

Vika kino

SUNDAY 12th: 12.00: The Redemption of General Butt Naked Litteraturhuset 13.00: Granito w/debate Parkteatret 14.00: Silenced Voices w/q&a Litteraturhuset 16.00: 5 Broken Cameras Litteraturhuset 17.00: Reunion w/introduction & talk Parkteatret 18.00: Special Flight Litteraturhuset 20.00: The Redemption of General Butt Naked Parkteatret

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