2019 Program PDF HUMAN Int. Doc. Film Festival Oslo

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International Documentary Film Festival Oslo 25 Feb –3 March

GENERAL INFO HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival is Oslo’s largest documentary film festival presenting new Norwegian and International documentaries in combination with debates, talks, workshops, art exhibitions, theatre plays and more. LANGUAGE All documentaries are either in English or subtitled in English. All events in Norwegian are described in Norwegian, and all events in English, are described in English in the festival program. TICKETS All events are open to everyone above the age of 15. Tickets are sold online at www.humanfilm. no, and at Cinemateket and Vega every day during opening hours. All events in Salongen have free entrance. PRICES: 100 kr 50 kr for students/members of Cinemateket/vegavenn Events priced separately: I, Dareen T., Ways of seeing, Opening event and Filmmakers/Changemakers. See humanfilm.no for details.

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VENUES: VEGA SCENE, Hausmannsgate 28 Vega snackbar will be open every day during the festival, with food and drinks all day. CINEMATEKET, Dronningens gt. 16 Includes: • Tancred • Lillebil The film café will be open all days during the festival, with humane festival prices. KUNSTPLASS - CONTEMPORARY ART [OSLO] , Tordenskiolds gate 12 For the 8th time Kunstplass organises the festival exhibition kunstplass.no KHARTOUM CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER, Bernt Ankers gate 17. A center for conceptual contemporary art with a focus on Africa and the Middle East. Official festival bar, with an art exhibition, concert, debate, quiz and festival parties.


to a reality-based community In 2004 a representative for the George W. Bush government lectured New York Times journalist Ron Suskind on how “reality” works, stating that journalists such as Suskind live in a “reality-based community” who “believe that solutions emerge from judicious study of discernible reality,” and concluding with: “That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” At the time this created a huge reaction, and after only a few days people bought t-shirts labelled with ”Member of The Reality Based Community”. Today, this idea that anyone can create their own alternative facts has become normalized and used by state leaders, not only in the U.S., but in many countries.

Trust in news media is declining. News articles are free online, and many of us consume it via Facebook and Twitter, but on social media disinformation travels faster than serious news. How does this affect us? One thing that is certain is that no one is immune to fake news. At this year’s festival we invite you to take part in discussions about how we can resist propaganda and promote a belief in an actual reality that can be investigated, analysed, and debated. Come listen to Erica Balsom from Kings College London explain how documentary filmmakers have adjusted to shifting times to maintain their credibility. Watch Hungary 2018 that shows how destructive, yet effective

populist propaganda rhetoric can be. Do not miss Mads Brügger’s confrontation with established “facts” in his latest film Cold Case Hammarskjöld. Get up to date on American politics, economics and harsh realities with Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 and Fred Peabody’s The Corporate Coup d’État. And not least do we encourage you to engage in the discussion about freedom of expression in the arts, triggered by the recent debate around the theatre play Ways of Seeing. At HUMAN idff you can watch fantastic, uplifting, provoking and enlightening films by Norwegian and international filmmakers - as well as theatre plays, exhibitions and more. You can share and discuss the experience with old and new friends and with filmmakers, experts, activists and human rights defenders from all over the world. What unifies this program is that it presents our common reality, seen from different viewpoints and with varying perspectives. To have a shared starting

point for discussion makes us able to talk about the actual reality and even sometimes change it for the better.

We can still agree to disagree, but the films you are about to watch will definitely broaden your perspective. And on Sunday 3 March we can all join the big Carnival. Welcome, and enjoy! Ketil Magnussen, Festival Director & Silje Poulsen Viki, Head of Programming

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INDEX General info Welcome to a reality-based community Festivalåpning Meet The Festival Guests Award Ceremony The Festival Juries

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Highlighted Themes 10 Peace and Justice 10 Our Neighbour, Russia 11 What now, South Africa? 12 It’s the Economy, Stupid 13 Populism and Nationalism 14 Freedom of Expression 15 Norsk konkurranseprogram 16 Bjarne vil ikke på film 18 Brennende minner 18 For vi er gutta 19 Forteljingar om mot 19 Hvor man vender tilbake 20 Jeg vil bo i mitt navn 20 Making Sense Together 21 Privacy of Wounds 21 Reindrømmen 22 Vikings vs. Wolves - The Battle of Finance 22 War of Art 23 International Competition Program 24 Anote’s Ark 26 Cold Case Hammarskjöld 26 Everything Must Fall 27 #Female Pleasure 27 Grit 28 Island of the Hungry Ghosts 28 Letter from Masanjia 29 The Silence of Others 29 The Trial of Ratko Mladic 30 Whispering Truth to Power 30 Calendar 31 @ Just Human 38 Anthropocene: The Human Epoch 39 Ciro y Yo 39 Cornered in Molenbeek 40 The Corporate Coup d’État 40 Fahrenheit 11/9 41 Hungary 2018 41 The Lonely Battle of Thomas Reid 42 Matangi/Maya/M.I.A. 42 Meeting Gorbatchev 43 4   HUMAN IDFF 2019

Minding the Gap 43 The Panama Papers 44 The Raft 44 Survivors 45 Quiet 45 Little Boy 45 Human Live 46 Extremism and the Freedom of belief... 47 22. juli: Samtalene som splitter oss 47 Surviving Ebola 48 Å fortelle en vanskelig historie til sine barn 48 Nabo med Russland - Da og nå 49 Fremtidens migrasjonssystem 49 Mesterklasse med Zahavi Sanjavi 50 The Case Against Ratko Mladic 51 Er oljefondet skodd for fremtiden? 51 Relations with China... 52 Lasting Peace in Colombia 52 Vietnam: When Telling the Truth... 53 The Rebel Optimist... 53 The Threat of Ultra-Nationalism... 54 Alta-aksjonen: 40 år etter 54 Documentary Filmmaking in a Post-Truth... 55 The Return of Populist Documentary... 55 Ytringsfrihet i kunsten... 56 What Now, South Africa? 56 From Franco to Assad... 57 Omar Alshogre: fra innsiden... 57 Intellektuell wrestling ... 58 Er jeg en pakke?... 58 Tibetansk motstand i Kinas århundre 59 Hungary 2019: Faking Democracy? 59 Da sukker la skylda på fett 60 Tourist Go Home? 60 Poet Behind Bars 61 Not Passing Witness - Photo Exhibition 61 Filmmakers/Changemakers... 62 Ways of Seeing 64 I, Dareen T. 65 Special events 66 Karnevalet - Join our Intercultural Protest 67 Khartoum Contemporary Art Center 68 Bærekraftquiz 69 Classical Guitar Concert with Sandor Mester 69 Kunstplass - Contemporary Art [Oslo] 70 International Guests 72 Norske regissører 75 Thank you to our local guests & volunteers 76 Map 77 Supporters and partners 78

NORWEGIAN COMPETITION PROGRAM Eleven new Norwegian documentaries competing for the HUMAN Award, and 50 000 kr given by Bergesenstiftelsen. The documentaries can be on any topic.

INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION PROGRAM Ten new International documentaries focusing on human rights issues, competing for the HUMAN Rights Human Wrongs Film Award and 30 000 kr given by Amnesty International Norway and The Norwegian Helsinki Committee.

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JUST HUMAN Powerful new documentaries, not in competition.

HUMAN LIVE Over 30 debates, workshops, theatre plays, talks and an intellectual wrestling match: in short, everything that is not film.

SPECIAL EVENTS Art exhibitions, concerts, quiz and a carnival, these are events at the art spaces Kunstplass- Contemporary Art [Oslo] and Khartoum Contemporary Art Center, and of course the Carnival parade that takes over town Sunday 3rd.

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VELKOMMEN TIL DEN STORE ÅPNINGSKVELDEN MON 25TH 19:00 VEGA SCENE KINO EN Vi setter i gang festivalen med hvitvasking av penger, korrupte statsledere, bobler i glasset og en statusrapport for 2019: Hvordan står det til med menneskerettighetene i dag? Bjørn Engesland, generalsekretær i Den norske Helsingforskomité, gir oss det store bildet. Er vi på vei inn i en mørketid når det gjelder menneskerettighetene, eller blir verden faktiske bedre?

Film: The Panama Papers En thriller av en film om det største journalistiske samarbeidsprosjektet noensinne. Nesten 400 journalister fra over 100 nyhetsselskaper jobbet i hemmelighet med å etterforske dokumenter som avslørte massive skatteunndragelser over hele kloden. Vi ønsker deg velkommen til en kveld som hyller menneskerettighetsforkjempere og dokumentarfilmskapere!

MEET THE FESTIVAL GUESTS FREE ENTRANCE DJS ALL NIGHT FRI 1ST 21:00 KHARTOUM SAT 2ND 20:00 KHARTOUM HUMAN idff is a rich mix of audience, filmmakers, experts and activists, and we want everyone to meet, so the debates can continue off stage. That is why we have made Khartoum HUMAN’s official festival bar. On Friday and Saturday you can come and share a drink with a friend or a new acquaintance, to the beats of DJ Cecilia & Hilde Olivia, and DJ Olle Abstract.



Join us for a celebration of the fantastic filmmakers that have contributed to this year’s festival program and hear the juries’ judgements. The ceremony is open to all, and there will be a glass of sparkling for everyone when we present the festival winners of 2019. HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival presents two competition programs. One for new Norwegian documentaries, and one for International documentaries concerning human rights related topics.

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11 Norwegian documentaries will compete for the HUMAN Award 2019 and 50 000 NOK given by Bergesenstiftelsen, as well as a qualification for an Amanda nomination. The international competition program consists of documentaries focusing on human rights issues. The winner will receive The Human Rights Human Wrongs Film Award and 30.000 NOK given by Amnesty International Norway and The Norwegian Helsinki Committee. With this award we wish to highlight filmmakers’ efforts to make human rights issues better known to an international audience.



Prisbelønnet filmregissør og fotograf i Fenris Film. Har regissert Oljeberget (2006) og Brødre (2015), og var fotograf og klipper på Heftig og begeistret (2001).


Film programmer and writer. Associate Programmer and Film Programme Manager for Sheffield Doc/Fest, former Festival Manager for Africa’s largest festival, the Durban International Film Festival.


Øyvor Dalan Vik er filmanmelder i Dagens Næringsliv, norsk forfatter, spaltist, oversetter og tidligere styreleder i Norsk filmkritikerlag.



Acting Director of Norway’s National Human Rights Institution. 10 years of experience from The Attourney General’s office, and from the prosecution in the ICTR.


Kurdish documentary filmmaker based in Sweden. Director of The Return, currently working on several documentaries on the abuse of the Yesidi people of Kurdistan.


Consultant with the North Norwegian Film Center in Tromsø. Has worked with film promotion, distribution, directing and production of shorts, and documentary films.

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HIGHLIGHTED THEMES PEACE AND JUSTICE Can there be peace without justice? For many victims of human rights violations, justice is a precondition for reconciliation. Yet, such processes are seldomly a straight-forward matter. We address the issues of peace, justice and reconciliation processes in former Yugoslavia, Spain and Syria.


FROM FRANCO TO ASSAD: NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE Forty years after the end of Franco’s dictatorship, Spaniards continue to fight for justice. In Syria, hundreds of thousands have been arbitrary detained and forcibly disappeared. Driven by an uncompromising belief in human rights, Syrians are organizing to find, free and demand justice for their loved ones. See p. 57


THE SILENCE OF OTHERS A shocking history about how the lack of justice after the dictatorship of Franco’s regime in Spain has forced hundreds of thousands of victims and their families to stay silent about their destinies. See p. 29

DEBATE: THE CASE AGAINST RATKO MLADIC The film The Trial of Ratko Mladic raises larger questions about the dilemma between justice and reconciliation, and about the international tribunal itself. What kind of justice can a trial achieve 20 years later? What is it like to defend and prosecute a man who has committed genocide? See p. 51 10   HUMAN IDFF 2019


THE TRIAL OF RATKO MLADIC A hard-hitting documentary on when the man behind some of the worst war crimes of history finally was put on trial in 2012. The five year-trial in the International Criminal Tribunal for The former Yugoslavia is an opportunity for final reconciliation. See p. 30





The air is electrified when film veteran Werner Herzog sits down face-to-face with 87-year-old Mikhail Gorbachev. Usually sharp around the edges, Herzog betrays a great love for Gorbachev, the last leader of Soviet and the man behind perestroika and glasnost. Herzog shows us a man who is still pained by the failure of completing his vision of a reformed communism. With warmth and empathy the documentary takes us through Gorbachev’s personal memoirs, which are closely intertwined with the end of the cold war. See p.43

NABO MED RUSSLAND - DA OG NÅ Mikhail Gorbatsjov satt på første rad da Sovjetunionen gikk i oppløsning, og Russland stod igjen. I dag ledes stormakten av en president med store ambisjoner om å ta Russland til nye høyder, både ute og hjemme. Men om navnet og regimet endret seg, ligger én ting fast: Russland vil alltid være Norges nabo. Så hvordan forholder vi oss forskjellig til Sovjet dengang og Russland i dag? Var det farligere før enn nå? Forholder Moskva seg til omverden på samme måte nå som før? Og hvilke erfaringer fra naboskapet med Sovjetunionen er det viktig at vi fører videre? Vi spør noen av dem som kjenner Russland best – da og nå. Se s. 49

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Since the fall of Apartheid and the ANCs Nelson Mandela assumed power, inequality in South Africa has increased. Today, it is the most unequal country in the world, and social unrest is growing. We discuss the social, political and economic South Africa today, with two films and a debate.


WHAT NOW, SOUTH AFRICA? Hopes were high for a better future in 1994, when the Apartheid regime fell and the ANC and Nelson Mandela took office. Yet, today’s South Africa is the most unequal country in the world, according to The World Bank.


EVERYTHING MUST FALL The captivating and fast-paced story of the 2015 student upheaval in South Africa. In 2016, the student movement #FeesMustFall led to the largest violent clashes in South Africa since 1994. The film is a detailed portrayal of the complexity of a popular uprising. See p. 27


WHISPERING TRUTH TO POWER In this political thriller we follow Thuli Madonsela in her final term of office as Public Protector in South Africa. Fearlessly she goes after president Jacob Zuma, and receives a political storm and death threaths in return. See p. 30 12   HUMAN IDFF 2019

Their report found that the top 1% of South Africans own 70.9% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 60% only controls 7% of the country’s assets. Most of the people living in poverty are black. And most blacks are poor. Is this the legacy of Apartheid? What are the causes for the growing inequality? How does this play into politics? And how does it affect younger generations? See p. 56



Economics affect everything in our society. Those who control the economy have tremendous power. But who are actually in control, and are those in control willing to wield their power for the common good? Are we homo economicus or homo solidaricus? We address these questions in several films and debates.




VIKINGS VS. WOLVES - THE BATTLE OF FINANCE As the world largest state-owned fund, The Norwegian Oil Fund is owned by the people and governed by politicians. The fund has to address the coming challenges, but can - or will - the Oil Fund make a difference? See p. 22


HOMO ECONOMICUS VS. HOMO SOLIDARICUS Hva bør samfunnet bygges rundt - Homo Solidaricus eller Homo Economicus? Hva ligger nærmest menneskets natur, det individuelle eller kollektive? Og hvilken side vinner faktisk fram i dagens samfunn? Vi samler begge sider til intellektuell brytekamp! Se s. 58

Oljefondet er verdens største investeringsfond. Men kan - eller vil - oljefondet gjøre en forskjell? Begrenser Etikkrådet fondets mulighet til å gjøre de meste gunstige investeringene og til å vokse? Og er fondet egentlig skodd for å møte de globale utfordringene som vil komme? Se s. 51


THE CORPORATE COUP D´ÉTAT In a time where big corporations acquire an increasing amount of power through both corruption and lobbyism, democracy itself is at stake. Through philosophers, journalists, politicians and activists the documentary argues that there has been a silent coup d’état over the last 30 years. See p. 40


THE PANAMA PAPERS When 11,5 million documents were leaked from a Panamanian law firm, incriminating world leaders for tax evasion, 376 investigative journalists came together and cooperated on the largest coordinated story in history, which brought down heads of state. See p. 44 HUMAN IDFF 2019   13


POPULISM AND NATIONALISM Right-wing populism and ultra-nationalism is on the rise; Poland, Brazil, Hungary, and Ukraine are some of the recent examples of xenophobic forces ascending to power. Why is this happening, and how can we counter such forces? We focus on Hungary and Ukraine with a film and two debates.



HUNGARY 2018 An alarming portrait of the parliamentary elections in Hungary in 2018. The rhetoric of the ruling party is coloured by extreme xenophobia and conspiracy theories. On the other side is an opposition trying to claim that Hungary needs to return to social democratic and solidaric politics. See p. 41

2019 started with thousands taking to the streets of Hungary in protests against an increasingly autocratic government. Where is Hungary going in 2019? Are Hungarians loosing their democracy? Are these protests the beginning of a larger opposition to Orban’s politics? See p. 59

DEBATE: THE THREAT OF ULTRA-NATIONALISM IN UKRAINE AND EUROPE Liberal, democratic values are under attack from right-wing parties and populist movements in Ukraine, as in several European countries. The illiberal democracy of Victor Orbán in Hungary and undemocratic developments in neighboring Poland may also have a negative influence on the situation in Ukraine. Will the liberal values of the 2014 Euromaidan revolution survive in the context of nationalism and conflict with Russia? How can developments in Ukraine be understood in the context of the nationalistic and protectionist discourse in Europe and globally? See p. 54

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FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Freedom of expression is a fundamental right, often taken for granted, and persistently fought for by people living under oppressive regimes. But is this right under pressure in democracies too? We take a closer look at Israel and Norway, as well as the fight for freedom of expression in Vietnam and Pakistan, in debates and theatre plays.





A documentary theatre work based on the story of Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, who was convicted by the Israeli authorities for “incitement to violence” over a poem and two posts she published on Facebook. See p. 65

FILM + DEBATE VIETNAM: WHEN TELLING THE TRUTH BECOMES A CRIME Despite a significant economic growth, the human rights situation in Vietnam is deteriorating, with a shrinking space for civil society, as well as strong censorship. Blogger Mother Mushroom was sentenced to prison for her exposure of government abuse. What can Norway do to support human rights in Vietnam? See p. 53

Kulturen er en sentral arena for politisk kritikk, og kunstnerisk ytringsfrihet er helt nødvendig for et fungerende demokrati. Hvor går grensene og hvordan vi kan sørge for at ytringsfrihet i kunsten forblir sterk, uavhengig av det politiske klimaet? Se s. 56


POET BEHIND BARS Across the globe, artists are threatened and incarcerated due to their courage to speak up against their governments’ human rights abuses. What is it like to be imprisoned for raising your voice? How does censorship affect artists’ practice? See p. 61


EXTREMISM AND FREEDOM OF BELIEF IN PAKISTAN Hopes were high when Asia Bibi, after eight years in prison, finally was released and acquitted of her death sentence for blasphemy in Pakistan in 2018. Extremists appealed the aquittal, but lost. What will happen from here? Will newly elected Prime Minister Imran Khan lead Pakistan into a new era, with more tolerance and freedom of religion, or is his hands tied by the extremist HUMAN IDFF 2019   15 threats? See p. 47




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“ “

Det har vært en ære og en glede å se de påmeldte norske dokumentarene fra 2018 og 2019. Det har vært en ære og en glede å se de påmeldte norske dokumen-

tarene fra 2018 og 2019. Årets konkurranseprogram viser bredden i norsk dokumentar, med historier og karakterer fra både by og bygd, Årets konkurranseprogram viserspenner bredden ifra norsk dokumentar, med innland og utland – og som nære menneskelige historier og karakterer fra både by og bygd, innland og utland – og relasjoner til storpolitiske konflikter. Filmer som vil sjarmere, spenner fra nære menneskelige relasjoner til storpolitiske konflikengasjere, bevege og forhåpentlig også provosere. ter. Filmer som vil sjarmere, engasjere, bevege og forhåpentligvis også provosere.

Programmet omfatter erfarne regissører og nye talenter, med ulike måter å fortelle sineog på.nye Utvalget gjenspeiler Programmet omfatter historiene erfarne regissører talenter, med detulike høye nivået somhistoriene har gjortsine at på. norsk dokumentarfilm måter å fortelle Utvalget gjenspeiler det har høstet internasjonal de siste årene,mye og høyemye nivået som har gjort atanerkjennelse norsk dokumentarfilm har høstet derfor har vi vært så heldige å få årene, inkludere ikkeharbare ti, men internasjonal anerkjennelse de siste og derfor vi vært heldige filmer å få inkludere bare ti,konkurranseprogram. men hele elleve filmer i årets helesåelleve i åretsikke norske norske konkurranseprogram. Her er det mye å glede seg til. Her er det mye å glede seg til. Forhåndsjuryen KriStine Ann Skaret , Adel Khan Farooq & Aleksander Huser Forhåndsjuryen KriStine Ann Skaret , Adel Khan Farooq og Aleksander Huser

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2018, Norge, 41 min Regi: Weronika Nitsch Prod: Nitsch Productions

2018, Norge, 80 min Regi: Ellen-Astri Lundby Prod: Ellen-Astri Lundby Film & Media

”Bjarne vil ikke på film” er en fortelling om hvordan en utenlandsk kvinne med filmkamera invaderer livet til sin nabo Bjarne. Hvem er han egentlig? Hun spør om liv og død, håp og drømmer. Han spør om hun ikke snart kan holde opp. Men når kvinnen bak kamera nekter å gi seg, oppstår et samspill sjelden sett på film - fullt av absurditeter, varme, alvor og humor. Og stort sett bare ubesvarte spørsmål.

I møte med flyktningbarn fra Syria og Sudan gjenopplever seks eldre tidsvitner den vonde tiden som barn i Norge under andre verdenskrig. Høsten 1944 ble 75 000 nordmenn flyktninger i eget land etter at tyskerne tvangsevakuerte og satte fyr på hjemmene deres i Finnmark og Nord-Troms. Målet var at ingen skulle bo eller leve i landsdelen. Gjennom møter med barn som bor der i dag, som selv har flyktet fra krig i andre deler av verden, bindes fortid og nåtid sammen.

“Bjarne Hates the Camera” is the story of a foreign filmmaker who invades the life of her neighbour Bjarne. Who is he? She asks him about life and death, hopes and dreams. He asks if she´s going to stop any time soon. But when the woman behind the camera refuses to stop, a relationship rarely caught on film is born - full of absurdities, warmth and humour. And mostly just a bunch of unanswered questions. Fri 1st: 17:30 Cinemateket Tancred Kombinert visning med Jeg vil bo i mitt navn + Q&A med regissørene Sun 3rd: 14:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE Kombinert visning med Jeg vil bo i mitt navn + samtale med regissørene: Å fortelle noen andres historie- på sin egen måte,

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In the autumn of 1944 75,000 Norwegians became refugees in their own country after the German occupants set fire to their homes. Through meetings between some of these now elderly Norwegians and refugee children from Syria and Sudan, Norwegian history is linked to the refugee crisis of today. The documentary reflects on the impact war has on children and how difficult memories never fade. Wed 27th 18:00 Cinemateket Lillebil + samtale m regissør, psykoanalytiker Sverre Varvin og tidsvitne Hilde Kopstad Sat 2nd 16:15 Vega Scene Kino EN + samtale med barna fra filmen, Pål Nesse fra Flyktningrådet, og regissør.



2018, Norge, 74 min Regi: Petter Sommer, Jo Vemund Svendsen Producer: Fuglene

2018, Norge, 65 min Regi: Kari Klyve-Skaug Prod: Audun Skaug, Odveig Klyve for Nuten film

Hver tirsdag møtes en gjeng tatoverte middelaldrende menn for å ta en pause fra hverdagen. I en damefri sone, bak lukkede dører, drikker de øl, pleier vennskap og.... synger flerstemt. “Mannskoret” ble startet for nesten femten år siden. Bak lukkede dører på Kampen Bistro øver de inn sine helt egne versjoner av perler fra norsk rockehistorie. Tirsdagene er hellige for dem. De har til og med lovet å synge i hverandres begravelser. Det startet som en spøk. Men en dag, når en av gutta forteller at han har kort tid igjen å leve, innser de at livet er skrøpelig og at ingen av dem er udødelige.

Mellom oss lever det menneske som måtte flykta på grunn av orda sine. Korleis blir noko så viktig at ein set sitt eige liv i fare? Forteljingar om mot handlar om fire forfattarar frå Jemen, Kenya, Tsjetsjenia og Iran, som med pennen og frie ytringar har kjempa hardt for det dei trur på. Historiene deira er ulike, men noko er likt. Dei har alle vore redde - men har likevel handla. Forteljingar om mot inviterer publikum med inn i møte med desse fire personane og det dei framleis brenn for. Korleis er det å koma til land med demokrati og ytringsfridom, – når ein har ytra seg og sett livet på spel? Har dei no reell ytringsfridom? Har vi?

Every Tuesday twenty-five tattooed middle aged men take a break from their everyday lives, leave their wives and kids behind to meet and drink beer, tell bad jokes and sing dirty rock songs. When one of them confides he’s got little time left to live, they realise that life is fragile and that none of them are immortal.

Among us, there are people who had to flee their country because of their words. How is something so important that people place their lives in danger? Stories of Courage is a film about four authors from Yemen, Kenya, Chechnya and Iran, who through the use of the pen has fought hard for their beliefs.

Wed 27th 18:15 Cinemateket Tancred + Q&A Sat 2nd 19:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE + Q&A m regissør

Tue 26th 18:15 Vega Scene Kino TO + Q&A med regissør Sat 2nd 16:00 Cinemateket Tancred + Q&A med regissør

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HVOR MAN VENDER TILBAKE 2018, Norge, 71 min Regi: Egil Håskjold Larsen Prod: Racha Helen Larsen for Yellow Log

«Hvor man vender tilbake» er en skildring av forholdet mellom mennesket og naturen, og et meditativt og nært innblikk i et liv nære elementene. Filmen følger 75 år gamle Steinar som har valgt et liv i pakt med naturen. Her ute i det nedisede og værharde landskapet, bare en kilometer fra den norske grensen til Russland, finner han friheten og roen. Han hører hjemme her, men livet alene med naturen er ensomt og overveldende.

Where Man Returns is a contemplative portrayal of man’s relationship with nature. 75 years old Steinar has chosen a life close to nature. He lives in an isolated icy universe on Europe’s northernmost tip, just one kilometre from the Norwegian border to Russia. In this remote wilderness, he finds freedom and tranquillity. He belongs here, but living alone with nature seems at times both lonely and overwhelming. Wed 27th 20:15 Cinemateket Tancred + Q&A Sun 3rd 17:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE + Q&A

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JEG VIL BO I MITT NAVN 2018, Norge, 40 min Regi: Lars Erlend Tubaas Øymo Prod: August Baugstø Hanssen for Indie Film

Tomas Espedals ville og poetiske liv. Espedal skrev seg tidlig inn i bølgen av norske forfattere som trekker veksler på selvbiografiske elementer i romanene sine. I dokumentaren kommer vi nært på forfatteren som både forfatter og menneske, hvis en slik todeling er gyldig for tilfellet Espedal. Med sin sjarm og vidd er Espedal et takknemlig menneske å portrettere: Det føles som et privilegium å få slå følge med ham gjennom hans forfriskende refleksjon er rundt vandring, alderdom, språk og død.

Acclaimed writer Tomas Espedal’s wild and poetic life. Espedal is one of the early Norwegian writers to use his own life in a very direct way in his literature. In the documentary we become intimate with the writer both as a writer and a human being, if such a duality is possible in the Espedal case. We follow the charming Espedal through life and through writing. Fri 1st: 17:30 Cinemateket Tancred Kombinert visning med Bjarne vil ikke på film + Q&A med regissørene Sun 3rd: 14:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE Kombinert visning med Bjarne vil ikke på film + samtale med regissørene: Å fortelle noen andres historie- på sin egen måte.



2018, Norge, 68 min Regi: Ellen Ugelstad Prod: Ellen Ugelstad for Twentyone Pictures

2018, Norge, 69 min Regi: Dalia Kury Prod: Jonathan Borge Lie for UpNorth Film

Making Sense Together er et filmessay som undersøker forholdet mellom makt og avmakt i psykiatrien. Gjennom fem nære og personlige vitnesbyrd belyser filmen maktstrukturer i helsevesenet fortalt av både brukere, pårørende og ansatte. I filmen deler fem personer sine nære vitnesbyrd fra psykiatrien. De flettes sammen med arkivmateriale og den fiktive historien om Kjetil og moren hans, og deres møte med helsevesenets byråkrati.

Hasan, Mazen og Khaldoon er tidligere politiske fanger fra noen av Syrias mest beryktede fengsler. Overbevist om at mennene ville kommunisere med en større åpenhet og ærlighet med hverandre uten regissøren i rommet, konstruerte regissøren en fengselscelle med tre fjernstyrte kameraer. Filmen gir oss et blikk på hvordan de oppfatter sin egen tilstand samt hva deres psykologiske utfordringer er sett i lys av deres nåværende historie. Mennenes dialog og refleksjoner reflekterer temaet Syria og tar oss med på en indre reise om hva som virkelig er det viktige ved livet.

A film essay investigating the power structures within psychiatric healthcare. Through five close and personal testimonies, the film highlights power structures in the health service told by both users, relatives and employees. What does the feeling of powerlessness do to your mental health and to your own feeling of self? How is it to live with the feeling of powerlessness over a longer period of time? How does it affect the people that exercise power? Wed 27th 19:30 Vega Scene Kino TO + samtale: Å bruke fiksjon til å si noe sant Sat 2nd 13:00 Cinemateket Tancred + debatt : Er jeg en pakke? Makt og avmakt i psykiatrien, s 58

Hazan, Mazen, and Khaldoon are former prisoners of conscience from some of Syria’s most notorious prisons. Convinced that the three strangers will communicate openly and honestly with each other, the director observes them from the outside of a simulated prison cell in Oslo. Their dialogue and reflections about the war in Syria invites the audience into a soulful journey, highlighting what life is really about. Tue 26th 18:00 Cinemateket Lillebil + Conversation: Existence and Survival- lessons from a Syrian Prison Sat 2nd 14:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Q&A HUMAN IDFF 2019   21


REINDRØMMEN 2018, Norge, 58 min Regi: Fridtjof Kjæreng Prod: Benedikte Bredesen for f(x) produksjoner

VIKINGS VS. WOLVES - THE BATTLE OF FINANCE 2019, Norge, 68 min Regi: Fredrik Horn Akselsen Prod: Rune H. Trondsen for NordicStories AS

Reiulf Aleksandersen (38) er norsk. Han har drømt om å drive med rein helt siden han var en liten gutt. Men som dácca, nordmann, har han ikke lov til å drive reindrift. Tilfeldighetene vil imidlertid at kona hans, som er samisk, får overta en egen flokk, på Kvaløya utenfor Tromsø. Det er et hardt liv, med magre kår og mye ensomhet, for familien bor fortsatt i Kautokeino. På Kvaløya er det en reineier fra før, Per Lars Kitti. Han mener det ikke er plass til to driftsenheter på øya. Når han går til rettssak for å stanse dem blir fremtiden enda mer usikker.

Vi står alle ved et veiskille. Dette speiles i verdens finansbransje. Samfunnsutviklingen har de siste tiårene gjort et fåtall ufattelig rike, samtidig som forskjellene i verden har økt. Demokratiske verdier er under press. Det norske Oljefondet er verdens største statlige fond, eies av det norske folk og styres av politikere. I motsetning til vanlige finansinstitusjoner, har dette politisk styrte fondet mandat til å se årtier fremover, med krav om etiske investeringer. Det er nødt til å ta hensyn til de kommende utfordringene, men kan - eller vil - Oljefondet gjøre en forskjell i en verden i endring?

Reiulf Aleksandersen is an ethnic Norwegian. He has dreamt of owning reindeer ever since he was a little boy. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presents itself when a Sami woman retires and offers Reiulf her siida unit, a permission to own a reindeer herd, on the island Kvaløya outside Tromsø.

The world of finance is at a crossroads. The world is faced with unprecedented problems and democratic values are under pressure. As the world largest state-owned fund, The Norwegian Oil Fund is owned by the people and governed by politicians. The fund has to address the coming challenges, but can - or will - the Oil Fund make a difference?

Thu 28th 18:15 Cinemateket Tancred + Q&A m regissør Sat 2nd 20:00 Vega Scene Kino TO + Q&A m regissør

22   HUMAN IDFF 2019

Thu 28th 17:30 Vega Scene Kino EN + debatt: Er oljefondet skodd for framtiden? s 51 Fri 1st 20:30 Cinemateket Lillebil + Q&A m regissør

WAR OF ART 2018, Norge, 102 min Regi: Tommy Gulliksen Prod: Benedikte Danielsen for Norsk Fjernsyn

Hva skjer når en gruppe kunstnere reiser inn i hjertet av Nord-Korea og utfordrer landets virkelighetsoppfatning mens verden er på randen av en atomkrig? I 2017 ble en gruppe internasjonale kunstnere invitert til Pyongyang. I løpet av ti dager skulle de produsere samtidskunst og møte kollegaer fra et regime der alle kunstnere er statsansatte og de siste hundre år med kunsthistorie er sensurert vekk. Er det likevel mulig å drive meningsfull kulturutveksling?

While the world is on the verge of nuclear war, a group of Western contemporary artists are invited into the eye of the storm: North Korea. The aim is to collaborate with North Korean artists in an art-exchange project displaying new and challenging art in a country where abstract art is forbidden. They arrive in pursuit of a peaceful cultural exchange, but the project may well turn into a War of Art. Tue 26th 20:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Q&A m regissør Thu 28th 20:15 Cinemateket Lillebil + Q&A m regissør

HUMAN IDFF 2019   23



24   HUMAN IDFF 2019

This year’s international competition program consists of ten incredible documentaries highlighting human rights issues from various parts of the world. These are films that move, engage and have interesting perspectives on the fight for justice. You’ll learn how the president of Kiribati is trying to find new land for his people as his islands are set to disappear, how women all over the world are trying to seize control over their own bodies and sexuality, what happens behind closed doors in a tribunal for war crimes, and why South Africa is the least equal countries in the world, to mention some of the program’s topics. We frequently hear that human rights are threatened, but at the same time we should focus on all those who fight for these universal rights. This film selection highlights that the global documentary industry is progressive and innovative. With a very high level of professionalism, the filmmakers present immensely interesting narratives with curiosity, confidence and engagement, pulling you into other’s reality and don’t easily let go of you! Program Committee Ketil Magnussen and Silje Poulsen Viki

HUMAN IDFF 2019   25




2018, Canada, 77 min Director: Matthieu Rytz

2018, Denmark/ Norway/ Sweden/ Belgium, 128 min Director: Mads Brügger

How do you save a people from the first Atlantis of our time?

The fight against the heritage of Apartheid in the South African university system.

For the inhabitants of the small island nation of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean, climate change is at their doorstep: the waves are washing away their living room floors. By the end of this century, Kiribati will be under water. An astonishingly beautiful, award-winning documentary which follows the president of Kiribati, Anote Tong, in his tireless fight to warn world leaders that Kiribati is just the beginning of a global catastrophe, and to find a solution for his people.

Enter the labyrinth of theories about who killed the UN General Secretary Dag Hammarskjöld, who died in a plane crash in The Congo in 1961. The controversial Danish filmmaker Mads Brügger investigates one of the theories of Hammarskjöld- but this only leads him to another conspiracy theory, about the involvement of the South African Apartheid regime in spreading HIV/AIDS. Brügger won Best Director at Sundance for this documentary, which fearlessly dives into the dark sides of post-colonial Africa, and the forces behind it.

For innbyggerne i den vesle øystaten Kiribati i Stillehavet er klimaendringene allerede gått for langt: innen vårt århundre er omme, vil hele Kiribati stå under vann. En forbløffende vakker, prisbelønnet dokumentar som følger Kiribatis president Anote Tong i hans utrettelige kamp for å advare verdens ledere om at Kiribati bare er starten på en uunngåelig global katastrofe, og for å finne en løsning for sitt folk.

Bli med inn i villnisset av teorier om hvem som drepte FNs generalsekretær Dag Hammarskjöld, som døde i en flystyrt i Kongo i 1961. Den ukonvensjonelle danske filmskaperen Mads Brügger nøster opp én av teoriene om Hammarskjöld- men trådene trekker ham til en annen konspirasjonsteori, om det sør-afrikanske apartheidregimets innblanding i spredningen av HIV/AIDS.

Wed 27th 20:30 Vega Scene Kino EN + Greeting from Anote Tong (video) Sat 2nd 13:30 Vega Scene Kino TO + Greeting from Anote Tong (video)

Fri 1st 20:15 Vega Scene Kino EN + Q&A w Director Sat 2nd 19:15 Cinemateket Lillebil + Q&A w Director

26   HUMAN IDFF 2019



2018, South Africa, 85 min Director: Rehad Desai

2018, Germany/Switzerland, 97 min Director: Barbara Miller

The fight against the heritage of Apartheid in the South African university system.

Five women challenging society’s control over female sexuality.

The captivating and fast-paced story of the 2015 student upheaval in South Africa. Universities have increased fees so dramatically that it excludes an increasing proportion of the black population. In 2016, the student movement #FeesMustFall led to the largest violent clashes in South Africa since 1994. The film is a detailed portrayal of the complexity of a popular uprising.

Japan, India, England, USA, Italy: The five women we meet come from different parts of the world, with different religions, but fight for the same cause: Women’s right to own their own body and sexuality. The structures that supress and oppress women is global, thus making the fight against them global. An upsetting and engaging reminder of how far we still have to come in the fight for women’s rights.

En medrivende fortelling med høy puls om da det i 2015 eksploderte i studentmassene i Sør-Afrika. Universitetene har økt avgiftene så dramatisk at en stor del av den svarte befolkningen blir ekskludert. Vi følger studentbevegelsen #Feesmustfall, som i 2016 førte til de største voldelige sammenstøtene i Sør-Afrika siden 1994. Filmen er en nærgående skildring av kompleksiteten i et folkeopprør Thu 28th 18:00 Cinemateket Lillebil + Q&A w Director and movement leader Fri 1st 18:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Q&A w Director + debate in Salongen

Fem kvinner som kommer fra vidt ulike deler av verden, med vidt ulike religioner, men kjemper for det samme: kvinners rett til å eie egen kropp og egen seksualitet. Fra kjønnslemlestelse i Somalia til ulovlig vagina-kunst i Japan, filmen er en rystende og engasjerende påminnelse om hvor mye som gjenstår i kampen for kvinnefrigjøring. Sat 2nd 16:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE + Q&A w Director Sun 3rd 14:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Q&A w Director


What Now, South Africa? Fri 1st 20:00 Vega Scene Salongen, p 56 HUMAN IDFF 2019   27


GRIT 2018, USA, 80 min Directors: Cynthia Wade, Sasha Friedlander

ISLAND OF THE HUNGRY GHOSTS 2018, Australia/ GB / Germany, 98 min Director: Gabrielle Brady

A devastating mud tsunami caused by greed and corruption.

Stranded refugees and millions of crabs, in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

A visually stunning story about the Indonesian disaster that hit when an underground volcano of boiling mud exploded and swallowed 16 villages. 60 000 people are still waiting for reparations from the mining company Lapindo, which caused the eruption. We follow young Dian as she fights against corrupt politicians’ and greedy companies’ exploitation of the land and its people. A provoking but also uplifting portrait of willpower and resistance, set in an almost post-apocalyptic landscape of mud.

A dark, disturbing and almost surreal portrayal of life on the remote Christmas Island, where Australia has established an internment camp for asylum seekers. The therapist Poh Lin moved to the island with her family to aid the asylum seekers. But there are also 40 million crabs on the island, which each year migrate to the ocean. Large resources are put in place to secure the migration route for the crabs, and makes for a stark contrast to the treatment of the imprisoned humans.

En visuelt storslagen dokumentar om den indonesiske katastrofen som inntraff da en underjordisk vulkan av kokende gjørme eksploderte og druknet 16 landsbyer i leire. 12 år etter venter 60 000 mennesker fortsatt på oppreisning fra gruveselskapet Lapindo, som forårsaket utbruddet.

En mørk, urovekkende og nesten uvirkelig skildring av livet på den avsidesliggende Christmasøya, hvor Australia har opprettet en interneringsleir for asylsøkere.

Tue 26th 18:15 Cinemateket Tancred

Tue 26th 20:30 Cinemateket Lillebil Wed 27th 17:30 Vega Scene Kino TRE RELATED EVENTS

Wed 27th 17:30 Vega Scene Kino TO Sat 2nd 18:00 Vega Scene Kino TO

28   HUMAN IDFF 2019

Fremtidens migrasjonssystem Wed 27th 19:15 Vega Scene Salongen p 49



2018, Canada, 76 min Director: Leon Lee

2018, Spain / USA , 96 min Directors: Almudena Carracedo, Robert Bahar

A letter that turned life upside down for a persecuted Chinese and an unsuspecting American. The premise for this thriller could be from a fiction: An American woman finds a letter in a Halloween decoration made in China, written by a prisoner in a Chinese labor camp, asking for help. The letter causes headlines across the globe, and finds its way back to the man who wrote it, a persecuted practicioner of Falun Gong. What will happen when Chinese authorities finds out who directed the attention of the world to the persecution and torture of innocent Chinese?

En utrolig fortelling om da en amerikansk kvinne fant et brev i en Halloween-dekorasjon laget i Kina, skrevet av en innsatt i en kinesisk arbeidsleir som ba om hjelp. Brevet skapte medieoppslag over hele verden, og fant veien tilbake til mannen som skrev brevet, en forfulgt tilhenger av Falun Gong. Thu 28th 17:15 Vega Scene Kino TO +Debate: Relations with China: Standing Ground or Giving in? p 52 Sun 3rd 14:15 Cinemateket Tancred + Q&A w Director

The hour of reckoning for the suppression of Franco’s Spain. A shocking history about how the lack of justice after the dictatorship of Franco’s regime in Spain has forced hundreds of thousands of victims and their families to stay silent about their destinies. A turning point came in 2010, when a group of courageous survivors and their families gathered and circumvented the Spanish justice system and accused former people of power of crimes against humanity in an Argentinian court.

En sjokkerende historie om hvordan mangelen på et rettsoppgjør etter Franco-regimets diktatur i Spania har tvunget hundretusenvis av ofre og pårørende til å tie om sine skjebner. Et vendepunkt kom i 2010, da en gruppe modige ofre og pårørende samlet anklaget tidligere maktpersoner for forbrytelser mot menneskeheten. Fri 1st 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred + Debate: From Franco To Assad: No Peace without Justice, p 57 Sun 3rd 16:00 Vega Scene Kino TO + Q&A w Director

HUMAN IDFF 2019   29




2018, Norway / UK, 99 min Directors: Henry Singer, Rob Miller

2018, Netherlands / South Africa, 86 min Director: Shameela Seedat

The labyrinth of justice in the former Yugoslavia.

The woman who brought down the president of South Africa.

A hard-hitting documentary on when the man behind some of the worst war crimes of history finally was put on trial in 2012. That was 20 years after the leader of the Bosnian Serb Army, Ratko Mladic, gave the order to the siege of Sarajevo and the genocide in Srebrenica, with the ultimate goal to remove all non-serbs. The trial in the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia is an opportunity for final reconciliation, and the documentary follows the five year long trial, from both sides.

In this political thriller we follow Thuli Madonsela in her final term of office as Public Protector in South Africa, where she has the mandate to uncover violations committed by the State. Fearlessly she goes after president Jacob Zuma, and receives a political storm and death threaths in return. This is a nervewracking David and Goliath story, with the lasting consequences of Apartheid as the backdrop.

Et knyttneveslag av en dokumentar om da mannen bak noen av historiens verste krigsforbrytelser endelig ble stilt for retten i 2012. Rettssaken i det internasjonale krigsforbrytertribunalet for tidligere Jugoslavia er en mulighet for endelig forsoning, og dokumentaren følger den fem år lange rettssaken. Wed 27th 18:15 Vega Scene Kino EN + Debate in Salongen: The Case Against Mladic Fri 1st 18:00 Cinemateket Lillebil + Q&A w Directors RELATED EVENTS

The Case Against Ratko Mladic, p 51 Wed 27th 20:30 Vega Scene Salongen 30   HUMAN IDFF 2019

I denne politiske thrilleren følger vi Thuli Madonsela i hennes siste tid som Public Protector i Sør-Afrika, hvor hun har mandat til å avdekke misbruk begått av staten. Fryktløst går Madonsela etter president Jakob Zuma, og får en politisk storm og drapstrusler tilbake. Fri 1st 18:15 Vega Scene Kino TRE Sun 3rd 18:30 Cinemateket Lillebil RELATED EVENTS

What Now, South Africa? p 51 Fri 1st 20:00 Vega Scene Salongen







12.00 12.30 13.00 SEMINAR


Filmmakers/ Changemakers

14.00 14.30


15.00 15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30 18.00 18.30 19.00 19.30 20.00 20.30 21.00 21.30 22.00 22.30 23.00 23.30



Open Forum: Victoria Durnak @ KHARTOUM












Victor Lind



13.30 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00



Extremism in Pakistan

18.00 18.30 19.00


Minding Survivors SAMTALE the Gap Forteljingar 22. juli: Samtalene som om mot


splitter oss

Privacy of Wounds ExtendedQ&A

19.30 DEBATE



Å fortelle en War of Art Fahrenheit vanskelig historie til 11/9 21.00 sine barn



Surviving Ebola

Ways of Seeing



Meeting Gorbachev

Island of the Hungry Ghosts Nabo med Russland - da og nå



Jazz in Khartoum @ KHARTOUM







OTHER Velkommen hit? 12.00 Asylmottak og rettighetsarbeid 12.30 i en ny tid 13.00 @ LITTERATURHUSET

13.30 14.00 UTSTILLING

Victor Lind

14.30 15.00


15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30


Island of MESTERKLASSE the Hungry Zahavi Sanjavi Ghosts

The Trial of Ratko Mladic

Brennende minner


18.00 18.30 19.00


Making Sense Together Anote’s Ark

For vi er gutta


Framtidens migrasjonssystem


19.30 20.00 PANEL DEBATE


The Case Against Ratko Mladic

Hvor man vender tilbake


The Corporate Coup d’Etat

Sudan: Marching Towards a Massacre


20.30 21.00 21.30 22.00 22.30 23.00 23.30











Victor Lind



12.00 13.00 14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00


Ukraine and UltraNationalism

16.30 17.00 17.30 18.00 18.30 19.00 19.30 20.00 20.30 21.00


Vikings vs. Wolves

- the Battle of Finance

Det etiske oljefondet? NORGESPREMIERE

Hungary 2018


Letter from Masanjia Relations to China


Lasting Peace in Colombia


Vietnam: When Telling the Truth Becomes a Crime


Documentaries and Post-Truth NORGESPREMIERE


Populist Documentary


Everything Must Fall



The Rebel Optimist

Ciro y Yo


Alta-aksjonen The Lonely Battle of 40 år etter

Thomas Reid



Victor Lind og Simon Stranger


War of Art

Bærekraftsquiz @ KHARTOUM








Victor Lind



13.00 13.30 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30

Bjarne vil ikke pรฅ film DEBATT + BY:LARM Ytringsfrihet Everything Jeg vil bo i The Trial of Whispering Matangi/ i kunsten Must Fall mitt navn Ratko Mladic Maya/M.I.A. Truth to Power

18.00 18.30 19.00 19.30




Cold Case Hammarskjรถld

Cornered in Fahrenheit Molenbeek 11/9

What Now, The Silence South Africa? of Others


From Franco to Assad


Vikings vs. Wolves - the Battle of Finance


Sandor Mester


Meet the Festival Guests




DJ: Cecilia and 22.30 Hilda Olivia 23.00 @ KHARTOUM













Victor Lind


Anote’s Ark

14.00 14.30

Making Sense FILM+DEBATT Together Fire Under the Snow

Omar Alshogre om syrisk fengsel


Privacy of Wounds




Er jeg en pakke?


Tibetansk motstand


Minding the Gap

16.00 16.30 17.00

Brennende minner



Intellektuell #Female Wrestling Pleasure

Forteljingar om mot

17.30 18.00

Hungary 2018

Hungary 2019: Faking Democracy?





The Raft

19.00 19.30

Fahrenheit 11/9

For vi er gutta

20.00 20.30




I, Dareen T. Anthropocene: The Human Epoch

Cold Case Hammaskjöld

Meet the Festival Guests




DJ: Olle Abstract











Victor Lind



13.00 13.30


#Female Pleasure

Sugar Coated

Tourists Go Home? Bjarne vil Letter from Cornered in ikke på film Masanjia Molenbeek + Jeg vil bo i KARNEVALET mitt navn Extended Talk

The Corporate Coup d’Etat

The Silence of Others Hvor man vender tilbake

Da sukker la skylda på fett

The Lonely Battle of Thomas Reid

The Lonely Battle of Survivors Thomas Reid

- An Intercultural Protest

14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30


Poet Behind Bars

AnthropoThe Raft cene: The Human Epoch





Whispering Truth to Minding the Power Gap

18.30 19.00 19.30 20.00 20.30

The Panama Papers

21.00 21.30 22.00 22.30 23.00 23.30



38   HUMAN IDFF 2019


2018, Canada, 87 min Directors: Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky, Nicholas de Pencier Stefanie Brockhaus and Andy Wolff

CIRO Y YO 2018, Colombia, 107 min Director: Miguel Salazar

How humans have irreversably changed the planet.

The violent modern history of Colombia summed up in one man’s life.

This stunning, epic journey through six continents, highlighting the consequences of human activity, makes a convincing argument that we have entered a new geological age: the Anthropocene. This is the scientific term for the age of humans, and a group of researchers have spent a decade providing evidence that our current age, the Holocene, has ended, and the Anthropocene has begun. Humans have caused permanent, irreversable planetary change, and this documentary doesn’t allow you to look away.

War has found Ciro Galindo wherever he has run to. He was born in 1952, and his life encapsulates the terrible human costs of Colombia’s recent history. Guerillas, paramilitaries, the army, the police, they have all broken apart Ciro’s family and left him with only a wish of a life in peace. The documentary takes us on an emotional journey through the six decades of war and devastation, telling a remarkable story of human resistance and adaptability in the face of arbitraty violence.

Denne storslagne og slående vakre reisen gjennom seks kontinenter, som framhever konsekvensene av menneskelig aktivitet, utgjør et overbevisende argument for at vi har gått inn i en ny geologisk tidsalder: Antropocen. Sat 2nd 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred Sun 3rd 18:30 Vega Scene Kino EN + intro by Marit Simonsen

Krig har funnet Ciro Galindo uansett hvor han har flyktet. Han ble født i 1952, og hans liv innkapsler de grusomme menneskelige lidelsene i Colombias nyere historie. Geriljaer, paramilitære, hæren og politiet har alle revet Ciros familie fra hverandre, og etterlatt ham med bare et ønske om å leve i fred. Thu 28th 19:30 Vega Scene Kino TO + debate before screening: Lasting Peace in Colombia

HUMAN IDFF 2019   39


CORNERED IN MOLENBEEK THE CORPORATE 2018, Belgium, 55 min COUP D’ÉTAT Director: Sahim Omar Kalifa

2018, Canada/USA, 90 min Director: Fred Peabody

How is life within the European «Capital of Jihad»?

The erosion of democracy for the benefit of corporations.

The Brussels neighbourhood of Molenbeek has become infamous after several terrorist attacks in Europe were connected to the predominantly muslim Molenbeek residents, dubbed «A breeding ground for terror». Through the microcosmos of a corner barbershop, the documentary shows us what ordinary life in Molenbeek looks like, what concerns, conversations and frustrations take place in a stigmatized population, trying to grapple themselves with what is happening in their midst.

In a time where big corporations acquire an increasing amount of power through both corruption and lobbyism, democracy itself is at stake. Through philosophers, journalists, politicians and activists the documentary argues that there has been a silent coup d’état over the last 30 years. The coup is facilitated by corporate interests that see the democratic system as a secondary product of the free market. The power of the people has become powerlessness, and the election of president Trump is one of the consequences. But what is the solution?

Brussel-nabolaget Molenbeek har blitt kalt «et arnested for terrorisme» etter flere terrorangrep i Europa har blitt knyttet til Molenbeek-beboere. Gjennom mikrokosmoset i en barbersalong får vi se hvordan dagliglivet hos den muslimske befolkningen i Molenbeek foregår, hvilke bekymringer, samtaler og frustrasjoner som utspiller seg i en stigmatisert befolkning som selv prøver å forstå og håndtere det som har hendt. Fri 1st 20:15 Vega Scene Kino TRE + Q&A w Director Sun 3rd 14:00 Cinemateket Lillebil + Q&A w Director 40   HUMAN IDFF 2019

I en tid hvor store selskaper tilegner seg stadig mer makt gjennom både korrupsjon og lobbyisme, er det selve demokratiet som står på spill. Dokumentaren argumenterer for at det har foregått et stille statskupp i USA de siste 30 årene. Kuppet fasiliteres av private næringsinteresser som ser på det demokratiske systemet som et sekundærprodukt av det frie markedet. Men hva er løsningen? Web 27th 20:30 Cinemateket Lillebil Sun 3rd 16:30 Vega Scene Kino EN



2018, USA, 128 min Director: Michael Moore I samarbeid med Kosmorama

2018, Portugal/Hungary, 82 min Director: Eszter Hajdú

How could Trump become the president of USA?

Xenophobia and election campaigns in a polarised Hungary.

Michael Moore, in his own signature way, attacks with humour and anger the American political earthquake of 2016, when what no-one believed could happen, happened. Moore examines not only Trump himself, but also the factors that led to his election- and the resistance that mushroomed in the aftermath. Leading us from corrupt governors to teenage protesters, water poisoning, misogynism, racism, elitism and greed, the documentary becomes a battle cry from Moore. It is not hope that will save the US, it is action.

An alarming portrait of the parliamentary elections in Hungary in 2018. The rhetoric of the ruling party is coloured by extreme xenophobia and conspiracy theories, wherein the elites are conspiring to destroy Hungary by swamping the country with refugees. On the other side is a somewhat helpless opposition trying to claim that Hungary needs to return to social democratic and solidaric politics.The documentary follows opposition politician and former prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány, who leads the party Demokratikus Koalíció (Democratic Coalition) in a seemingly hopeless battle.

Michael Moore går på sitt sedvanlige vis, med humor og sinne, løs på det amerikanske politiske jordskjelvet i 2016. Moore går Trump etter i sømmene, men også faktorene som ledet til valget av hamog motstanden som vokste i etterkant. Dokumentaren er et kamprop fra Moore. Det er ikke håp som kan redde USA, det er handling. Tue 26th 20:15 Vega Scene Kino TO +Short film Little Boy Fri 1st 20:30 Vega Scene Kino TO +Short film Little Boy Sat 2nd 19:00 Vega Scene Kino EN +Short film Little Boy, intro by Heidi Taksdal Skjeseth

Et alarmerende bilde av parlamentsvalgkampen i Ungarn i 2018. Retorikken til det regjerende partiet er ekstremt fremmedfiendtlig . Filmen følger opposisjonspolitiker og tidligere statsminister Ferenc Gyurcsány som leder partiet Demokratikus Koalíció (Demokratisk Koalisjon) i en kamp som virker håpløs. Thu 28th 20:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Q&A with Director Sat 2nd 16:15 Cinemateket Lillebil + Debate after screening: Hungary 2019: Faking Democracy? HUMAN IDFF 2019   41




An Irish man firmly set on living life on his own terms.

Rapper, activist, designer, music producer, and the artist behind hits such as “Paper Planes” and “Bad Girl”: M.I.A is a superstar but not your average celebrity. Born in Sri Lanka as the daughter of a Tamil resistance leader, she experienced civil war first hand and fled to London at the age of 9. This highly compelling documentary explores how her roots have shaped her political and artistic ambitions and standpoints, not least against the genocide against Tamils in her home country.

2017, Ireland, 85 min Director: Feargal Ward

An original and poetic portrait of the Irish farmer Thomas Reid, whom the Irish state is trying to intimidate into selling his family farm, so the multinational company Intel can take over his land. But when should the needs of companies outweigh the rights of the individual? Alone in this battle, Thomas is fighting quietly, but uncompromisingly. A strikingly beautiful and moving documentary, which uses fictional elements when his isolated existence becomes invaded by authorities that want him gone.

Et originalt og poetisk portrett av den irske bonden Thomas Reid, som forsøkes truet av den irske stat til å selge sin generasjonsgård, så det multinasjonale selskapet Intel kan få overta tomten. Men når skal næringslivets behov overgå den enkeltes rett? Thomas står helt alene i denne kampen, som han kjemper stillferdig og innbitt.

2018, Sri Lanka / USA / UK, 96 min Director: Steve Loveridge

I dette fyrverkeriet av en dokumentar blir vi kjent med mennesket og aktivisten bak aliaset M.I.A. Vi følger Maya fra barndommen i borgerkrigsrammede Sri Lanka, via oppveksten i London til global popstjernestatus. Fri 1st 18:00 Vega Scene Kino TO

In cooperation with By:Larm and Another World Entertainment.

Thu 28th 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred Sun 3rd 16:00 Cinemateket Lillebil + Q&A w Producer Sun 3rd 20:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE + Q&A w Producer In cooperation with Irrgrønn Productions 42   HUMAN IDFF 2019

Text: Per Eirik Gilsvik



2018, USA, 92 min Directors: Werner Herzog, Andre Singer

2018, USA, 93 min Director: Bing Liu

Two giants in a surprisingly emotional meeting.

A gripping coming-of-age story from the US working class.

The air is electrified when film veteran Werner Herzog sits down face-to-face with 87-year-old Mikhail Gorbachev. Usually sharp around the edges, Herzog betrays a great love for Gorbachev, the last leader of Soviet and the man behind perestroika and glasnost. Herzog shows us a man who is still pained by the failure of completing his vision of a reformed communism. With warmth and empathy the documentary takes us through Gorbachev’s personal memoirs, which are closely intertwined with the end of the cold war.

Det sitrer i rommet når filmveteran Werner Herzog setter seg ned ansikt til ansikt med 87 år gamle Mikhail Gorbatsjov. Den ellers så skarpe Herzog nærer en åpenbar kjærlighet til Gorbatsjov, Sovjets siste leder og mannen bak perestroika og glasnost. Dokumentaren tar oss med gjennom Gorbatsjovs personlige erindringer, som er tett sammenflettet med slutten på den kalde krigen. Tue 26th 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred + Debate after screening: Nabo med Russland- Da og nå.

This award-winning and exceptional documentary brings us right into the lives of a group of friends at the threshold of adulthood- and the director is one of them. Through several years we see how the experiences from their own childhood in a poor American city shape them as humans. In a circle of violent, alcoholised and distant parents, what role models do they look to, not to reproduce the same mistakes? The documentary provides us with a unique insight into what shapes our identity and our choices. The documentary is nominated for the Oscar for best documentary.

Denne prisvinnende og eksepsjonelle dokumentaren tar oss tett innpå livene til en vennegjeng som står på terskelen til å bli voksne- og regissøren er en av dem. I en sirkel av voldelige, alkoholiserte og fraværende foreldre, hvilke forbilder skal de se til for ikke å reprodusere de samme feilene? Tue 26th 18:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Short film Quiet Sat 2nd 15:30 Vega Scene Kino TO + Short film Quiet Sun 3rd 19:00 Cinemateket Tancred + Short film Quiet

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2018, USA/ UK, 100 min Director: Alex Winter

2018, Sweden/Denmark /Germany/USA, 97 min

The biggest leak in history that brought down heads of state.

Can 12 people on a raft across the Atlantic be the key to world peace?

If journalism is in crisis, then the Panama Papers project is its saviour. When 11,5 million documents were leaked from an Panamanian law firm, incriminating world leaders for tax evasion, the journalists receiving it knew the material in the Panama Papers was explosive. They set up a global cooperation. 376 investigative journalists came together and cooperated on the largest coordinated story in history, which brought thousands of people to the streets, and quite a few leaders to prison. This fastpaced documentary tells this thrilling story from the perspective of the journalists.

Why does violence and conflict occur between people? That is what the Mexican social anthropologist Santiago Genovés wanted to find out. In 1973 he gathered eleven persons, placed them on a raft, and sailed across the Atlantic. With people trapped together with no escape, Genovés thought he´d find the key to violence and conflict. 101 days later, the raft arrived in Mexico, but the experiment had turned to something completely different. With humour and thoughtfulness the documentary lets us meet the participants 43 years later, where they reflect on what really happened during this extreme experiment.

Da 11,5 millioner dokumenter lekket fra et advokatfirma i Panama, som beviste skatteunndragelse blant verdens mektigste, visste journalistene som mottok dokumentene at materialet var eksplosivt. Denne dokumentaren forteller den nervepirrende historien fra journalistenes perspektiv. Mon 25th 19:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Festival Opening Sun 3rd 20:30 Cinemateket Lillebil

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Director: Marcus Lindeen

Hvorfor oppstår vold og konflikt mellom mennesker? Det ville den meksikanske sosialantropologen Santiago Genovés finne ut av. I 1973 samlet han elleve personer, satte dem på en flåte, og seilte ut over Atlanterhavet. Vi møter deltakerne 43 år senere, hvor de reflekterer over hva som egentlig hendte under det ekstreme eksperimentet. Sat 2nd 18:00 Cinemateket Tancred Sun 3rd 18:30 Vega Scene Kino TO



2018, Sierra Leone/USA, 86 min Director: Arthur Pratt

2018, Norway, 7 min Director: Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen

The West African Ebola outbreak, as seen from the ground.

Quiet contains fragments from childhoods in dysfunctional families, where children are neglected by their caretakers. Children often protect their adults out of loyalty, and the feeling of responsibility and fear of threats make them quiet.

Sierra Leone was one of the countries hit the hardest during the 2014 Ebola outbreak. A local collective of filmmakers followed the outbreak closely, and the documentary is an intimate and sober account of what the crisis looked like on the ground. We meet health workers who risk their own lives to help locals who are sceptical of the health authorities, and who don’t understand the gravity until they loose their lives. They tell their own story of Ebola, and give us the opportunity to understand how you survive such a nightmare, as an individual and as a society.

Sierra Leone var et av landene hardest rammet da Ebola brøt ut i 2014. Et lokalt filmkollektiv fulgte utbruddet tett, og dokumentaren er et ujålete og nærgående portrett av hvordan krisa så ut på bakkeplan for de lokale helsearbeiderne. Tue 26th 18:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE + Intro by Director, Debate in Salongen Sun 3rd 16:30 Cinemateket Tancred + Q&A w Director RELATED EVENTS

Surviving Ebola Tue 26th 19:45 Vega Scene Salongen s 48

Tue 26th 18:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Minding the Gap Sat 2nd 15:30 Vega Scene Kino TO + Minding the Gap Sun 3rd 19:00 Cinemateket Tancred + Minding the Gap

LITTLE BOY 2018, Norway, 5 min Director: Kristian Pedersen

August 6th 1945 a new sun rose over Hiroshima. Time froze as the atomic bomb Little Boy detonated. Tue 26th 20:15 Vega Scene Kino TO + Fahrenheit 11/9 Fri 1st 20:30 Vega Scene Kino TO + Fahrenheit 11/9 Sat 2nd 19:00 Vega Scene Kino EN + Fahrenheit 11/9

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sammen for de forfulgte



The whole Western world rejoiced when Asia Bibi, after eight years in prison, finally was released and acquitted of her death sentence for blasphemy in Pakistan in 2018. However, inside Pakistan, extremists responded by turning the country upside down, threatening judges, the government and Bibi’s family, causing the Pakistani government to give in to the extremists’ demand to allow an appeal of the acquittal.

Høsten 2018 ble det lansert flere filmer om terrorangrepene 22. juli, og flere er i vente. Argumentene «vi må aldri glemme» og «det må aldri skje igjen» brukes som begrunnelse for hvorfor 22. juli settes opp på filmlerretet. Men hjelper filmene oss med å lege sår, tørre å snakke om årsakene til hvorfor dette skjedde og forsvare oss mot fremtidig terror? Eller gir de oss en falsk trygghet om at vi har tatt et oppgjør med terroren som rammet Norge? Vi retter blikket mot det som kameralinsen ikke har fanget opp. For syv år etter, er denne samtalen fortsatt vanskelig å ha.

Tue 26th 17:00 Vega scene Salongen Debate Free entrance

What will happen from here? Will newly elected Prime Minister Imran Khan lead Pakistan into a new era, with more tolerance and freedom of religion, or is his hands tied by the extremists’ violence and threats? Panel Sajid Christopher, leader of Human Friends Organization in Pakistan. Saif ul-Mulook, the lawyer of Asia Bibi. Abid Raja, MP for Venstre Moderator: Kristin Storaker Skutlaberg, project coordinator in The Norwegian Human Rights Fund and former human rights advisor on Pakistan for the Stefanus Alliance


The Rebel Optimist: Urban Development and Human Rights in Pakistan, p 53 Thu 28th 19:30 Vega Scene Kino TRE

Tue 26th 18:30 Vega Scene Salongen Samtale Fri inngang

Innledere: Khamshajiny Gunaratnam, varaordfører i Oslo – Om respons på terror og det offentlige ordskiftet etter 22. juli Trond Bakkevig, prost i Den norske kirke og seniorforsker ved PRIO – Om tillit og om den store samtalen som uteble Grete Dyb, forskningsleder, Nasjonalt Kunnskapssenter for Vold og Traumatisk Stress – Om de berørte etter 22. juli og samfunnets evne til å ta vare på dem Birgitte P. Haanshuus, stipendiat, Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter – Om ytre høyres aktivisme på internett og sosiale medier Moderator: Inga Nymo Riseth, Det Europeiske Wergelandssenteret HUMAN IDFF 2019   47



Tue 26th 19:45 Vega Scene Salongen Debate (following screening of Survivors) Free entrance

The summer of 2014 a devastating Ebola epidemic spread in West Africa. It developed into an international crisis, leaving more than 11 000 dead. The local health service was not equipped to deal with a crisis of such magnitude, and yet the local health workers were the core response in the fight against the spread, with enormous personal risk. How can a country still suffering the consequences of civil war, lacking infrastructure and struggling with poverty, mobilize in such a situation? How does the epidemic affect the society and the relation to neighbouring countries? What was the collaboration between the local heath workers and the international organisations like?

PANEL Arthur Pratt, Director Survivors Tonje Tingberg, Norwegian Red Cross, Sissel Overvoll, nurse and fieldworker for MSF (Leger Uten Grenser) Moderator: Ruth Prince, Associate Professor at the University of Oslo. RELATED EVENTS

Survivors, p 45 Tue 26th 18:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE Sun 3rd 16:30 Cinemateket Tancred

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Å FORTELLE EN VANSKELIG HISTORIE TIL SINE BARN Tue 26th 20:00 Vega Scene Kino TRE Short film + talk Free Entrance

To My Children (21 min) er en kortfilm av kunstner Shwan Dler Qaradaki. Gjennom tegninger, akvareller og et brev til sine barn forteller han om flukten fra Kurdistan til Norge. Historien hans borer dypt inn i komplekse spørsmål om demokrati, religion, ytringsfrihet og medmenneskelighet. To My Children er Qaradakis kunstneriske bidrag til kampen mot krig og terror. Som førstehåndsvitne til krigsforbrytelser ønsker han å dele sine personlige erfaringer, for å diskutere konfliktene som har vært og er i den kurdiske regionen. Etter filmen vil han fortelle om flukten, kunstprosjektet, og om hvordan kunst kan skape offentlig diskurs ved å formidle personlige narrativer om politiske og humanitære utfordringer. I samtale med Tove Gravdal, journalist i Morgenbladet.



Mikhail Gorbatsjov satt på første rad da Sovjetunionen gikk i oppløsning, og Russland stod igjen. I dag ledes stormakten av en president med store ambisjoner om å ta Russland til nye høyder, både ute og hjemme. Men om navnet og regimet endret seg, ligger én ting fast: Russland vil alltid være Norges nabo. Så hvordan forholder vi oss forskjellig til Sovjet dengang og Russland i dag? Var det farligere før enn nå? Forholder Moskva seg til omverden på samme eller en annen måte i dag enn den gang? Og hvilke erfaringer fra naboskapet med Sovjetunionen er det viktig at vi fører videre? Vi spør noen av dem som kjenner Russland best – da og nå.

Flyktningestrømmen til Europa i 2015 har satt sine spor. FNs migrasjonsplattform er et forsøk på felles tilnærming blant FN-landene til at større menneskemengder enn noensinne flytter seg over hav og landegrenser. Plattformen har skapt sterke reaksjoner. Men én ting er sikkert: Dagens system for migrasjon, asyl og flukt er under press, og nye løsninger må skapes. Noen ønsker migrasjonssentre og asylmottak i Nord-Afrika, andre mener tiden er inne for å danne et grenseløst, globalt samfunn. Hvordan ville vi skapt et globalt system for migrasjon om vi startet fra scratch, og hva er den ideelle løsningen for Norge og Europa?

Tue 26th 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred Debatt etter Meeting Gorbachev

PANEL Iver Neumann, instituttdirektør, Velferdsforskningsinstituttet NOVA Julie Wilhelmsen, seniorforsker, NUPI Øyvind Nordsletten, tidligere norsk ambassadør til Russland Lars Rowe, seniorforsker, Fridtjof Nansens Institutt Moderator: Stig Arild Pettersen, redaktør i Store norske leksikon og programleder av utenrikspodkasten “Du verden!”

Wed 27th 19:15 Vega Scene Salongen Debatt (etter visning av Island of The Hungry Ghosts) Fri inngang

PANEL Maja Janmyr, professor i internasjonal migrasjonsrett ved Det juridiske fakultet, UiO Sylo Taraku, rådgiver, tankesmien Agenda Pål Nesse, talsmann og seniorrådgiver, Flyktninghjelpen Torstein Ulserød, jurist og rådgiver, tankesmien Civita Moderator: Stig Arild Pettersen, redaktør i Store norske leksikon og programleder av utenrikspodkasten “Du verden!” RELATED EVENTS


Meeting Gorbachev, p 43 Tue 26th 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred

Island of the Hungry Ghosts, p 28 Tue 26th 20:30 Cinemateket Lillebill Wed 27th 17:30 Vega Scene Kino TRE Konferanse om asylmottak Norsk Folkehjelp

Wed 27th 09:00 Litteraturhuset HUMAN IDFF 2019   49


MESTERKLASSE MED ZAHAVI SANJAVI Wed 27th 17:30 Vega Scene Salongen Fri inngang

Hvordan jobber man som filmskaper med traumatiserte mennesker i et område sterkt påvirket av krig? Hva er etisk forsvarlig, og hvordan vet man hvor grensene går? Filmskaperen Zahavi Sanjavi lager en dokumentar om Imad, en fire år gammel gutt som er født i IS-fangenskap og trent opp til å drepe. I Jakten på Imads barndom møter vi den lille gutten som slår og spytter, truer med å drepe andre barn, til og med sin egen mor. Men en dag vil Imad bli voksen. Hva vil han mene om dokumentaren som filmer ham på sitt mest sårbare? I samtale med filmskaper Zahavi Sanjavi vil vi få svar på hvordan han klarte å komme så nær Imad og hans familie, og hvilke etiske problemstillinger filmprosjektet bød på. Gjennom en beskrivelse av arbeidet med filmen og ferske filmklipp vil Sanjavi fortelle oss om Imads dramatiske liv under ett års innspilling i Irakisk Kurdistan.

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Zahavi Sanjavi er kurdisk dokumentarfilmskaper, nå bosatt i Sverige. Han deltok på HUMAN idff 2018 med sin film The Return – om jesidikvinner som har rømt fra IS-fangenskap, og jobber nå med flere filmer om overgrepene jesidifolket i Kurdistan opplever. Med årets fredspris til Nadia Murad, blir Sanjavis dokumentarer enda mer aktuelle. Hovedpersonen i The Return har gjennomlevd samme skjebne som Murad, som forsøker å leve videre etter å ha vært sexslave hos IS, og helsearbeideren som forsøker å hjelpe henne. Denne gangen er Sanjavi tilbake for å snakke om sitt nyeste prosjekt, Jakten på Imads barndom.



The Trial of Ratko Mladic tells the story of what happened when the man responsible for some of the worst war crimes in modern history was brough to court. After living in hiding for 16 years, he was arrested and prosecuted by the Jugoslavia tribunal in The Hague. The documentary follows the five-year-long trial from both sides. It raises larger questions about the dilemma between justice and reconciliation, and about the international tribunal itself. What kind of justice can a trial achieve 20 years later? What is it like to defend and prosecute a man who has committed genocide? What can we learn from what happened in Bosnia in today’s world, where polarisation and politics of division is again on the rise?

Statens pensjonsfond utland er verdens største statlige fond. Oljefondet har som mandat å tenke langsiktig i sine investeringer, og har i tillegg krav om etiske investeringer. Det globale finansmarkedet styres i stadig større grad av kunstig intelligens som gjør kortsiktige handler for å maksimere profitt, på samme tid som klimakrise, økende ulikhet, migrasjon og vann- og matmangel utfordrer markedet. Fondet er nødt til å ta hensyn til de kommende utfordringene, men kan - eller vil - oljefondet gjøre en forskjell? Begrenser Etikkrådet fondets mulighet til å gjøre de meste gunstige investeringene og til å vokse? Og er fondet egentlig skodd for å møte de globale utfordringene som vil komme?

Wed 27th 20:30 Vega Scene Salongen Debate (after screening of The Trial of Ratko Mladic) Free entrance

PANEL Dermot Groome, Chief Prosecutor in the case against Mladic, featured in the film The Trial of Ratko Mladic Branko Lukic, Ratko Mladic’s defense lawyer, featured in The Trial of Ratko Mladic Enver Djuliman, Senior Adviser, The Norwegian Helsinki Committee Henry Singer and Rob Miller, the filmmakers of The Trial of Ratko Mladic Moderator: Ingerid Salvesen, Journalist for the podcast Du Verden! RELATED EVENTS

The Trial of Ratko Mladic, p 30 Wed 27th 18:15 Vega Scene Kino EN Fri 1st 18:00 Cinemateket, Lillebil + Q&A

Thur 28th 17:30 Vega Scene Kino EN Debatt etter visning av Vikings vs Wolves- The Battle of Finance

PANEL Yngve Slyngstad, administrerende direktør i NBIM, som er ansvarlig for Statens pensjonsfond Kristin Halvorsen er direktør ved CICERO Senter for klimaforskning og tidligere finansminister. Knut Kjær, Oljefondets første sjef, fra 1998 til 2007. Silvija Seres er matematiker og teknologiinvestor, styremedlem i flere store selskaper. John Peder Egenæs, generalsekretær i Amnesty International Norge. Moderator: Maria Reinertsen, samfunnsøkonom, forfatter og journalist i Morgenbladet. HUMAN IDFF 2019   51




In director Lee’s film Letter from Masanjia, we are confronted with serious human rights violations. As China’s international prominence grows, the dilemma of balancing trade with human rights concerns have become increasingly difficult.

In December 2018, two years after the Norwegian-lead peace agreement between FARC and the Colombian government, the Truth Commission started its work. The search for truth is central to the settlement after more than 60 years of conflict. This work is essential for victims in order to continue their lives and create permanent peace. At the same time, the armed conflict is far from over. Colombia is now supposed to have peace, yet human rights defenders and members of social movements are killed in greater numbers than ever. Where does the peace process and the human rights situation in Colombia stand today? What implications does a Truth Commission have for a fair solution for the victims of armed conflict?

Thu 28th 17:15 Vega Scene Kino TO Debate after screening of Letter from Masanjia.

Norway has normalized its relationship to China. After many years, the world’s second largest economy is again open for business to Norwegian companies. How should Norway along with other governments approach this dilemma and make sure that human rights are still on the table? PANEL Leon Lee, director of Letter from Masanjia Mette Halskov Hansen- Professor in China studies, society and politics in modern china Representative for Amnesty Int. Norway Moderator: Kristoffer Rønneberg, former China-correspondant for Aftenposten RELATED EVENTS

Letter From Masanjia, p 29 Thu 28th 17:15 Vega Scene Kino To Sun 3rd 14:15 Cinemateket Tancred +Q&A w Director

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Thu 28th 19:30 Vega Scene Kino TO Debate after screening of Ciro Y Yo

PANEL Dag Nagoda, Special Representative to the Colombian Peace Process Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Marino Cordoba, Human rights defender, survivor, environmental activist. Katrine Ringhus. Program Advisor in SAIH, expert on peace and human rights issues in Colombia. Moderator: Nora Sveaass, Chairwoman of HHRI, Professor of Psychology at University of Oslo.



Film: When Mother’s Away 2018 / Vietnam / Dir: Clay Pham

Film: The Rebel Optimist 2016 / Pakistan / Dir: Mahera Omar / 66 min

In 2016, the Vietnamese activist and blogger «Mother Mushroom» was jailed, and later sentenced to ten years in prison on charges of conspiring against the Vietnamese state. After she is put away, life goes on for her children, mother and grandmother, but in a very different way.

An architect and urban planner, whose pioneering work led her on a collision course with mafias and the local government in Karachi. Perween Rahman dedicated her life for the poor of Pakistan, and ultimately sacrificed her life or her work: She was shot dead on her way home in March 2013.

Debate Despite a significant economic growth, the human rights situation in Vietnam is deteriorating. The shrinking space for civil society implies arbitrary arrests and beatings of activists, as well as a strong censorship. A new cyber security law grants the authorities even further control. Business between Norway and Vietnam is significant. Are human rights taken into consideration when doing business? And are technological advancements changing the rules of the game to such an extent that we need to think differently in international relations?

Debate After a short investigation the police closed the case the day after the murder of Rahman. In 2019, Pakistan’s High Court will decide whether to reopen the case based on new evidence pointing towards land-investors and politicians in Karachi. How can the Norwegian government, civil society, media, as well as the Pakistani diaspora influence the human rights conditions and strengthen the voices of inhabitants in informal areas globally?

Thu 28th 17:30 Vega Scene Kino TRE Film + debate, Free entrance

PANEL Trinh Hoi, founder of VOICE Gerald Folkvord, Amnesty Int. Norway Clay Pham, Director of When Mother’s Away (via Skype) Moderator: Gisle Kvanvig, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights.

Thu 28th 19:30 Vega Scene Kino TRE Film + debate, Free entrance

PANEL Anwar Rashid, Co-director of Oranji Pilot Project (OPP) Sahar Ismail, Director of the Research and Training Institute OPP and Rahman’s niece Tina Shagufta Kornmo, Norwegian doctor and politician (V) born in Lahore Representative, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Moderator: Kristian Berg Harpviken, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) HUMAN IDFF 2019   53


THE THREAT OF ULTRA-NATIONALISM IN UKRAINE AND EUROPE Thu 28th 16:00 Vega Scene Salongen Debate Free entrance

Liberal, democratic values are under attack from right-wing parties and populist movements in Ukraine, as in several European countries. Ultra-nationalist attacks on LGBT and women’s activists, and support for illiberal and anti-democratic sentiments are a growing concern. The illiberal democracy of Victor Orbán in Hungary and undemocratic developments in neighboring Poland may also have a negative influence on the situation in Ukraine. The ongoing conflict with Russia further strengthens ultra-nationalist sentiments. Will the liberal values of the 2014 Euromaidan revolution survive in the context of nationalism and conflict with Russia? How can developments in Ukraine be understood in the context of the nationalistic and protectionist discourse in Europe and globally? PANEL Simen Ekern, journalist and writer Oleksandra Matvijtsjuk, Human rights defender Olena Shevchenko, feminist and LGBTIQ activist Moderator: Aage Borchgrevink, Senior Advisor at The Norwegian Helsinki Committee

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Thu 28th 20:00 Vega Scene Salongen Debatt Fri inngang I 2019 er det 40 år siden samiske aktivister sultestreiket foran Stortinget som del av Alta-aksjonen. ”La elva leve” var slagordet, men saken dreide seg om mye mer enn elva. Det handlet om anerkjennelse av samer som et folk med rettigheter, og saken banet vei for samisk oppvåkning og ble et vendepunkt for norsk samepolitikk. Fire tiår senere har vi fått på plass lover og institusjoner som skal beskytte samiske rettigheter. Samisk kunst og kultur ser ut til å være mer populær enn aldri før. Samtidig viser uenigheter om reintallsreduksjon, gruvedrift og vindmølleparker at striden om naturressursene fortsatt pågår. Vi trekker linjene fra Alta-aksjonen og frem til i dag: Hva var målet til aktivistene i 19781981? Hva har skjedd siden da? Hvor står samekampen i dag? PANEL Aili Keskitalo, Samtingspresident Øyvind Ravna, professor i juss ved UiT, ekspert på samerett. Ole-Henrik Lifjell, leder av Sametingets ungdomspolitiske utvalg. Moderator: Inga Marie Nymo Riseth Det Europeiske Wergelandssenteret


PART I: DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKING IN A POST-TRUTH WORLD Thu 28th 17:30 Vega Scene Salongen Mini Lecture with Erika Balsom Free entrance

In a world that is increasingly polarized and popular trust in established news media is rapidly declining; How can documentary film makers keep their credibility? Erika Balsom will look back on the last 30 years of documentary filmmaking and the relationship between documentary film and contemporary art to see how filmmakers have met challenges like this before. Is there anything to learn from the past to meet the challenge of distrust in the age of Trump? Erika Balsom is a senior lecturer in Film Studies at King’s College London. Her most recent book is An Oceanic Feeling: Cinema and the Sea, and she is the co-editor of the anthology Documentary Across Disciplines.


Thu 28th 18:15 Vega Scene Salongen Debate, free entrance Populist politics and general distrust is on the rise and political propaganda mixed with alternative facts is infiltrating all parts of society, including the documentary genre. How can documentarians meet this challenge? Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon is an admirer of Michael Moore’s work and applies his documentarian techniques for his own political purposes. History has seen its share of propaganda films. Are we seeing a return of populist documentary filmmaking, and if so, how do we counter it? Panel: Eirik Løkke, Advisor at Civita Guest filmmakers Moderator: Eirik Bergesen, host of satirical news show All Makt.

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Kulturen er en sentral arena for politisk kritikk, og kunstnerisk ytringsfrihet er helt nødvendig for et fungerende demokrati. Kulturpolitikere må holde en armlengdes avstand til kunstnerisk utøvelse, og ikke la personlige og politiske preferanser styre tildelinger til enkeltprosjekter. Festivalen setter opp en forestilling av Ways of Seeing. Det har vært mye debatt rundt stykket, og i Oslo bystyre ble det framlagt forslag om å stoppe støtten til Black Box der stykket ble spilt. Debatten om ytringsfrihet i kunsten er derfor høyst relevant. Hvor går grensene og hvordan vi kan sørge for at ytringsfrihet i kunsten forblir sterk, uavhengig av det politiske klimaet? PANEL Trine Skei Grande, Kulturminister Pia Maria Roll, regissør av Ways of Seeing Jon Wessel-Aas, advokat i Lund&Co Tone Ims Larssen, konst. leder av Oslo FrP Moderator: Monica Boracco, Leder for Dramatikerforbundet


Fri 1st 20:00 Vega Scene Salongen Conversation (after screening of Everything Must Fall and Whispering Truth to Power) Free entrance Hopes were high for a better future in 1994, when the Apartheid regime fell and the ANC and Nelson Mandela took office. Yet, today’s South Africa is the most unequal country in the world, according to The World Bank. Their report found that the top 1% of South Africans own 70.9% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 60% only controls 7% of the country’s assets. Most of the people living in poverty are black. And most blacks are poor. Is this the legacy of Apartheid? What are the causes for the growing inequality? How does this play into politics? And how does it effect younger generations? PANEL Rehad Desai, South African Director of Everything Must Fall Fasiha Hassan, Founder and leader of the Fees Must Fall movement in South Africa Moderator: Liv Tørres, Executive director of Nobel Peace Centre and visiting professor of Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg. RELATED EVENTS

Everything Must Fall, p 27 Thu 28th 18:00 Cinemateket Lillebil Fri 1st 18:00 Vega Scene Kino EN Whispering Truth to Power, p 30 Fri 1st 18:15 Vega Scene Kino TRE Sun 3rd 18:30 Cinemateket Lillebil 56   HUMAN IDFF 2019




Sat 2nd 13:00 Vega Scene Salongen Film + Talk Fri inngang

Forty years after the end of Franco’s dictatorship, Spaniards continue to fight for justice. In Syria, hundreds of thousands have been arbitrary detained and forcibly disappeared, the vast majority at the hands of the Assad regime. Driven by an uncompromising belief in human rights, Syrians are organizing to find, free and demand justice for their loved ones.

Unge Omar visste ikke hva ordet frihet betydde før han ble arrestert og torturert som 16 åring, etter å ha vært en del av en av de første demonstrasjonene i den syriske revolusjonen. Møt Omar Alshogre - en av verdens få overlevende fra «Slakterhuset Sayednaya» i Syria, fengselet som mange karakteriserer som verdens verste, og se hans unike videointervju med The Human Aspect som viser hans utrolige reise.

Fri 1st 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred Talk after The Silence of Others

Inspired by the many justice seekers before them from Argentina to Bosnia and Spain, Syrians recognize that this is a lifelong struggle. This panel addresses questions on confronting the past, dealing with inter-generational trauma and reckoning with the legacy of ruthless dictators and their regimes. PANEL Dr. Hale Hilal, member of Families for Freedom, a Syrian NGO Almudena Carracedo, co-director of The Silence of Other Moderator: Pardis Shafafi: Applied anthropologist on political violence and enduring trauma RELATED EVENTS

The Silence of Others, p 29 Fri 1st 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred

Etter filmen med Omar vil det bli panelsamtale med Omar Alshogre selv, Per Elvestuen fra Oslo Freedom Forum, Amnesty og ordstyrer Jimmy Westerheim som er grunnleggeren av The Human Aspect, hvor du vil få innsikt inn i menneskerettighetsbruddene i politiske fenglser og ikke minst hva vi kan gjøre med det, via organisasjoner og som engasjerte personer.


Privacy of Wounds, p 21 Tue 26th 18:00 Cinemateket Lillebil Sat 2nd 14:00 Vega Scene Kino EN From Franco to Assad, debate after film, p 57 Fri 1st 20:00 Cinemateket Tancred

Sun 3rd 16:00 Vega Scene Kino TO

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Sat 2nd 16:00 Vega Scene Salongen Debatt Fri inngang Hva bør samfunnet bygges rundt - Homo Solidaricus eller Homo Economicus? Begrepene preger aktuelle debatter om økonomisk ulikhet og velferdsstatens framtid. Hva ligger nærmest menneskets natur, det individuelle eller kollektive? Er det individuelle virkelig det mest rasjonelle, og det kollektive det mest empatiske? Og hvilken side vinner faktisk fram i dagens samfunn? Vi samler begge sider til intellektuell brytekamp! Innledning ved Asle Skredderberget, manusforfatter av Vikings vs. Wolves - The Battle of Finance, og forfatter av boka bak filmen Usannsynlig rik. Historien om Norge og oljefondet. Tidligere økonomijournalist i en rekke norske medier. PANEL Heidi Nordby Lunde, stortingsrepresentant for Høyre, leder i Oslo Høyre, leder i Europabevegelsen Espen Henriksen, Førsteamanuensis ved BI, Institutt for finans Ingvar Skjerve, forfatter av boken Homo Solidaricus Ebba Boye, Rethinking Economics Moderator: Eirik Bergesen, All Makt

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Sat 2nd 13:00 Cinemateket Tancred Panelsamtale etter Making Sense Together

Målet med pakkeforløpene er å møte utfordringer i psykiatrien ved å gi bedre tjenester og sammenheng for pasienter og pårørende. Men “pakke” og “standardisering”, hva innebærer dette i praksis? Vil det løse utfordringene knyttet til manglende kontinuitet og oppfølging, og pulveriseringen av ansvar som mange ansatte, brukere og pårørende opplever i sitt daglige møte med psykiske helsetjenester?

PANEL Merete Nesset, psykoseerfarer, menneskerettighetsaktivist og forsker Mette Garvoll, avdelingsdirektør ved avdeling psykisk helse og rus hos Helsedirektoratet Anika Kurshed, Proff i Forandringsfabrikken Ellen Ugelstad, filmskaper og pårørende Representant fra Helsedepartementet (tba) Moderator: Tor Inge Martinsen RELATED EVENTS

Making Sense Together, p 21 Wed 27th 19:30 Vega Scene Kino TO Sat 2nd 13:00 Cinemateket Tancred



Film: Fire Under the Snow 2008 / USA / Regi: Makato Sasa / 75 min

2019 started with thousands taking to the streets of Hungary in protests against an increasingly autocratic government. Victor Orban started his third consecutive term as Prime Minister when his party Fidesz won the parliamentary election in Hungary in 2018 with a big margin. His government’s strict policies on immigration and extreme rhetoric about refugees have caused alarm in other parts of Europe. After the elections, several changes have been introduced restricting among other things, media freedom and plurality. One law that has sparked particular opposition in the country is the so-called ‘Slave Law’, raising the limit of overtime hours from 250 to 400 per year.

I 1992 ble den tibetanske munken Palden Gyatso løslatt fra kinesisk fengsel etter å ha sonet i tilsammen 33 år. Fast bestemt på å fortelle omverdenen hva han har opplevd i fangenskap, lyktes han på mirakuløst vis å flykte til India. Filmen er et vitnesbyrd om det tibetanske folkets lidelser og kamp for rettferdighet under kinesisk okkupasjon. Debatt: Palden Gyatso besøkte Norge en rekke ganger, og i 1996 opplevde han sammen med flere aktivister å bli arrestert av norsk politi. Kinas president Jiang Zemin var på besøk, og det var forbudt med visse tegn og tibetansk flagg i Oslo. De som forsøkte å bryte forbudet, ble arrestert og satt i varetekt i politibiler. Hvordan vil situasjonen for eventuelle protester mot offisielle besøk fra Kina bli? Vi diskuterer dette i lys av erfaringer fra andre europeiske land og snakker med aktivister som var med den gang i 1996. Se panel på humanfilm.no RELATED EVENTS

Relations with China: Standing Ground or giving in? p 52 Thu 28th 17:15 Vega Scene Kino TO

Sat 2nd 16:15 Cinemateket Lillebil Debate after Hungary 2018

Where is Hungary going in 2019? Are Hungarians loosing their democracy? Are these protests the beginning of a larger opposition to Orban’s politics? PANEL Eszter Hajdú and Sandor Mester, Filmmakers of Hungary 2018 Elisabeth Bakke, Professor on nationalism and European politics András Kádár, lawyer and co-chair in Hungarian Helsinki Committee Csilla Czimbalmos, Central and Eastern Europe expert in Norwegian Helsinki Committee Moderator: Ingrid Brekke, journalist and author HUMAN IDFF 2019   59




Film: Sugar Coated 2015 / Canada / Regi: Michéle Hozer / 60’

Film: Tourist Go Home 2017/ Regi: Antje Christ / 52 min

Om den 60 år lange kampen mot sukkerindustrien. Sukker dreper oss. Så hvorfor fortsetter vi å spise det som ubestridelig er giftig for oss? Denne dokumentaren avdekker den mørke siden av sukker, sukkerindustrien og dens forkjempere.

Europe’s urban tourism is experiencing an unprecedented boom. But cities like Venice, Barcelona and Dubrovnik can no longer cope with the crowds and are on the verge of collapse.

Sun 3rd 14:30 Vega Scene Kino TO Film + debatt

Debatt På 1960-tallet betalte sukkerindustrien forskere for å «bevise» at det ikke fantes noen sammenheng mellom sukker og sykdommer som diabetes og overvekt. I stedet la de skylden på fett, så høyt sukkerinnhold i mat og drikke ikke skulle bli regulert. Slik kunne sukkerbaronene fortsette å tjene milliarder – på bekostning av folks helse. Hvor skadelig er egentlig sukker for helsen? Hvor mektige er sukkerlobbyen – og hvordan jobber de for å få i deg mer av sitt hvite gull? Og hvem gjør hva for å stoppe dem? PANEL Wasim Zahid, lege, skribent og forfatter. Harry-Sam Selikowitz, tannlege med erfaring fra bl.a Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO), rådgiver for Den Norske Tannlegeforening

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Sun 3rd 13:30 Vega Scene Salongen Film + debate Free entrance

Debate Never before have so many people been on holiday. The global tourism industry means a lot to many countries, cities and local communities. But is it a human right to travel anywhere? Or is it a human right to be able to limit the number of visitors to your community? How are the conflicts between those who want to make a living from tourism and those who want to keep their local communities to themselves? Is it a human right to demand “tourists go home”? PANEL Marco Gasparinetti, Venetian lawyer and spokesperson for Venetian NGO working for resident’s rights. Ingunn Sørnes, special advisor on sustainable tourism, Innovation Norway Knut Schreiner, cultural sociologist Hans Fredrik Sørdal, Mayor of Flakstad municipality in Lofoten Jens Steen Jacobsen, professor at The Norwegian College of Hospitality, UiS Moderator: Stig Arild Pettersen, editor at Store Norske Leksikon, host of Du Verden!


Sun 3rd 18:00 Vega Scene Salongen Conversation Free entrance


All festival week at Cinemateket and Vega Scene Photo exhibition

Across the globe, artists are threatened and incarcerated due to their courage to speak up against their governments’ human rights abuses. What is it like to be imprisoned for raising your voice? How does censorship affect artists’ practice? Does it force them to silence, change the way they work, or give them more energy to continue their struggle?

Exhibiting the work of a Russian photo competition 2016—2017

Same country, yet two very different realities: As a Palestinian living in Israel, Dareen Tatour is faced with treats of long prison sentences. Israeli Einat Weizman is faced with censorship and public shaming. How do the two artists reflect on their collaboration and responsibility for each other?

These photographers were “Not Passing Witnesses”. Rather than simply observing and moving on, a Not Passing Witness, as defined by the competition organisers, captures the moment, preserving the truth and the rawness of events for years to come, the photograph itself even outliving the photographer.

PANEL Einat Weizman is an actor, director, playwright and political activist based in Tel Aviv. Director of I, Dareen T. Dareen Tatour is a Palestinian poet, photographer, and social media activist from Israel. Tried and convicted in 2018 in an Israeli court for publishing a poem. Moderator: Kristina Quintano, publisher and translator. RELATED EVENTS

I, Dareen T. p 65 Sat 2nd 20:00 Vega Scene Teatersalen

Seeking to highlight this generation’s human rights issues through photography, the competition is inspired by iconic photographs such as Jeff Widener’s image of the protester standing in front of tanks at Tiananmen Square in 1989.

The photographs are predominantly set in, but not exclusively, Russia. The exhibition combines the art of photography with deeply touching themes and issues ranging from sexual exploitation of African migrants in Russia, the challenges faced by campaigners for LGBT+ rights, demonstrations in support of worker’s rights, to social issues such as loneliness. The competition was organised by Human Rights House Voronezh, a member of the network of Human Rights Houses, and International Youth Human Rights Movement.

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IMPACT AND REVENUE Hvordan tjene penger på impact-film? Mon 25th 13:00 Cinemateket Tancred Workshop for filmskapere En film er ikke stort verdt uten et publikum, sies det. Og for filmer med formål om å skape endring, gjelder det også å nå ut til riktig publikum. Kinofilmen utfordres i økende grad av strømmetjenestene. Er det fortsatt plass til dokumentarfilmer som skal skape samtale, debatt og politisk eller samfunnsmessig endring i en tid der seeren konsumerer mer og mer via strømmetjenester hjemme i sofaen? Hva betyr det å drive outreach-arbeid i norsk og internasjonal kontekst i dag? Hvordan gjør man det på en god måte? Og er det egentlig penger å tjene på impact-film? Og hva mener en politisk lobbyist om dokumentaristenes metoder?

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AGENDA 13:00

Welcome by Sarah Mosses, Together Films.

13:10 Innovative funding,outreach and audience strategies w/ Dogwoof.


Impact and revenue w/ Sarah Mosses, Together Films.


Case Study: Scener fra oppvekst v/ Tone Grøttjord Glenne og Sarah Winge-Sørensen, Sant & Usant.


Kaffepause med matservering


Å skape politisk endring. Hvordan ser en dokumentarfilms outreach-plan ut for en politisk lobbyist, og hvordan får man politikernes oppmerksomhet? v/ Bård Vegard Solhjell.


The future of sustainable impact distribution w/ Sarah Mosses, Together Films.


Outreach/impact i filminstituttets strategi for norsk dokumentar v/ Eirin Gjørv, Norsk filminstitutt.


Panel discussion. Sarah Mosses, Dogwoof, Eirin Gjørv, Sarah Winge- Sørensen, and Tone Grøttjord.


Drinks and mingling.




Founder and CEO of Together Films, former Doc Society Partnerships Manager, and producer of They Will Have to Kill Us First (2015). Currently she is advisor on a number of feature documentaries in production and distribution, including The Judge, and recently hosted a Strategy Summit for The Silence Of Others at POV in advance of their broadcast.

Dogwoof is a London-based documentary film company integrating production, world sales and UK distribution. Dogwoof has so far released 21 Oscar®-nominated documentaries, with three wins and an additional two BAFTA winners. Notable titles include Blackfish, The Act of Killing, Free Solo and Three Identical Strangers.



Generalsekretær i stiftelsen WWF Verdens naturfond og tidligere politiker for SV. Han var i to perioder statsråd i Jens Stoltenbergs andre regjering, og Stortingsrepresentant for Akershus fra 2009 til 2017. Han har gitt ut boka Jakta på makta - 12 råd for effektiv påvirkning sammen med Ketil Raknes.

Startet Sant & Usant i 2005, med en visjon om å skape et miljø for dokumentarfilm med rom for diskusjoner om bilder og visuelle fortellergrep. Sammen med Anita Rehoff Larsen har hun produsert en rekke prisbelønte filmer, inkludert Til ungdommen, Mellom murene og 69 minutter av 86 dager. For tiden regisserer hun Scener fra oppvekst.



Dokumentarfilmkonsulent hos Norsk filminstitutt. Hun har lang erfaring fra norsk filmbransje, både som regissør, produsent og impact-strateg. Hun kommer fra selskapet Sant & Usant, der hun har jobbet som produsent i flere år, de senere årene som frilanser.


Syv års erfaring i dokumentarfilmbransjen som assisterende produsent og impact-produsent. Hun har jobbet i Medieoperatørene og Indie Film. For tiden jobber hun som impact-produsent hos Sant & Usant, og som produsent hos Stray Dog Productions.

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WAYS OF SEEING Tue 26th 20:00 Vega Scene Teatersalen Teaterforestilling + samtale En forestilling av Pia Maria Roll, Hanan Benammar, Sara Baban og Marius von der Fehr. Kompaniet bak forestillingen har kartlagt nettverkene som har interesse av å gjøre Norge til et mer rasistisk samfunn. Hvem er de og hva oppnår de med det? Og hva er sammenhengen mellom dette miljøet og et stadig høyere rop om mer overvåking? I Ways of Seeing begir de seg inn i gråsonen mellom hva som kan være rett og galt, hva som er legitimt og illegitimt, og hva som er lovlig og ulovlig; både for staten og for individet. Med seg på ferden har de tidligere høyesterettsdommer, Ketil Lund, som ledet etterforskningen av den norske statens ulovlige overvåkning av venstresiden. Sammen med Ketil Lund og et høyt elsket spøkelse legger de ut på en reise gjennom maktens rotsystemer. Samtidig planlegger NATO at den viktigste militærøvelsen siden den kalde krigen skal foregå på norsk jord.

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Medvirkende: Utøvere : Sara Baban, Hanan Benammar, Ali Djabbary, Ketil Lund. Konsept, idé: Pia Maria Roll, Marius von der Fehr. Tekst: Sara Baban, Hanan Benammar, Ali Djabbary, Pia Maria Roll, Marius von der Fehr. Regi : Pia Maria Roll Co-regi: Marius von der Fehr


Ytringsfrihet i kunsten: En armlengdes avstand eller statens forlengede arm? p 56 Fri 1st 18:00 Vega Scene Salongen I, Dareen T. p 65 Sat 2nd 20:00 Vega Scene Teatersalen



Sat 2nd 20:00 Vega Scene Teatersalen Theatre + Q&A with Einat Weizman and Dareen Tatour after the performance. A documentary theatre work based on the story of Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, who was convicted by the Israeli authorities for “incitement to violence” over a poem and two posts she published on Facebook. She held a long legal battle to prove that her poem and posts constituted a legitimate protest against the crimes of the Israeli occupation. In May 2018 she was convicted and sentenced to five months in prison. Einat Weizman, an Israeli Jewish theatre creator, famous actor and activist, met Dareen during her struggle and accompanied her. The encounter between the two created a special friendship that gave birth to the play based on the memoir Dareen wrote during her house arrest, her poems and thoughts, combined with Einat’s texts. Einat is facing the silencing and theatre censorship of her work, which attempts to bring the Palestinian narrative to the stage.

Einat Weizman Actor, director, playwright and political activist based in Tel Aviv. All her plays, performances and events are around documentary theater that is used as an investigative tool inside of the hidden spots of the Israeli apartheid. Dareen Tatour Palestinian poet, photographer, and social media activist from Israel. Following the publication of her poem “Resist My People, Resist Them”, she was tried and convicted in 2018 in an Israeli court for “inciting violence” and “supporting a terrorist organization”.


Poet Behind Bars, p 61 Sun 3rd 18:00 Vega Scene Salongen

The work uses minimalistic performance means to expose a suppressed reality and gradually emerges as an act of liberation, from the chains of oppression, through feminine sisterhood.

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Sun 3rd 15:00 Vaterlandsbrua Carnival Parade KARNEVALET is a celebration of the multicultural society that Oslo has become and a protest against racism, islamophobia and discrimination. Art, creativity, freedom, diversity are vital elements for living in a vibrant democratic society. We are therefore inviting artists, activists, schools, organisations and every group or individual to gather around these values at fastelavn, the 3rd of March 2019 at 15:00, at Vaterlandsbrua. Bring your most experimental, imaginative, metamorphic, poetical or provocative creations, or simply come as you are! We have also invited artists to make banners, costumes and other elements that you can wear, carry or interact with. THE STREETS BELONG TO US - SO LET’S TAKE THEM BACK AND USE THEM!

The carnival parade will move in one revolution (a full circle) through the city center symbolically connecting historical places and events of 150 years of the anti-racist movement of Norway, as well as events that have been key to establishing a multicultural society, based on the idea of equality, social justice, intersectionality and freedom for all. We move from Vaterlandsbrua through Jernbanetorget, Rådhusplassen, Eidsvolls plass, Youngstorget and back to Vaterlandsbrua. Back at Vaterlandsbrua, KARNEVALET will culminate into a street festival from 18:00 to 21:00, where everybody is invited into a new space with concerts, performances and food. KARNEVALET is organized by Carnival Union and made in collaboration with a.o. Interkulturelt Museum, HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival and over 50 artists, schools and organisations, and is supported by KORO, Kulturrådet, Billedkunstnernes Verdelagsfond and Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond.

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Khartoum Contemporary Art Center (KCAC) is a non-profit conceptual arts initiative founded by Fadlabi and Karin Erixon with focus on contemporary art and new media. Khartoum is HUMAN’s official festival bar, and has a full festival program all week:


Open Forum: Victoria Durnak Tue 26th 20:00

Exhibition: Marching towards a massacre

Jazz in Khartoum

Half a world away, crowds of heroic protesters are in the streets. They’re risking their lives while trying to topple a genocidal ruler. But world leaders are largely ignoring these brave protesters, increasing the risk that they will be massacred.

Wed 27th 18:00

Since December, ordinary Sudanese have poured out to the streets to join the “Sudan uprising.” Many have been killed by security forces, and hundreds more detained and beaten. These protests are unfolding in Sudan against the regime of President Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for genocide. The exhibition shows photos taken by protesters, using their mobile phones in thick clouds of smoke, tear gas and gun shots. Strikingly, they have captured it in an artistical manner.

Vernissage for Marching Towards a Massacre Wed 27th 20:00

Panel Debate: Sudan and the Media The panel will discuss the selectiveness of the media in dealing with what’s happening in Sudan specifically, and in the world generally.

Exhibition period: 27 Feb-01 March 68   HUMAN IDFF 2019


Thu 28th 20:00 Khartoum Bærekraftquiz Quiz Gratis inngang Visste du at verden har en plan? Er du smartere enn din kollega, venn eller søster, når dere prater om konkrete løsninger om hvordan vi sammen kan avskaffe ekstrem fattigdom, minske ulikheter og bekjempe klimaforandringer? Bli med på Verdens Beste Nyheters Bærekraftsquiz! Her får du testet ut dine kunnskaper om FNs 17 bærekraftsmål og hvordan vi sammen innen 2030 skal skape en mer rettferdig verden! Quizmaster: Audun Kolsrud Herning, partisekretær i SV.

Fri 1st 20:00 Khartoum Classical Guitar Concert with Sandor Mester Free entrance Classical guitar player and composer Sándor Mester, born in Hungary, is unique not only for being the guitar artist who gave the largest number of concerts, but also because he is on a cultural mission. He has decided to bring classical music to those who otherwise would not be exposed to it. He is the Producer of Hungary 2018. Hear him play Hector Villa-Lobos, Manuel Maria Ponce and Mauro Giuliani at Khartoum’s intimate stage.

Fri 1st 21:00 Khartoum Meet the festival guests Sat 2nd 20:00 Khartoum Free entrance, DJs all night HUMAN idff is a rich mix of audience, filmmakers, experts and activists, and we want everyone to meet, so the debates can continue off stage. That is why we have made Khartoum HUMAN’s official festival bar. On Friday and Saturday you can come and share a drink with a friend or a new acquaintance, to the beats of DJ Cecilia & Hilde Olivia, and DJ Olle Abstract.

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Festivalutstilling Kunstplass - Contemporary Art [Oslo] Tue - Fri 12:00 - 18:00 Sat - Sun 12:00 - 16:00 Exhibition period from Feb 14th- Mar 27th Kunstplass har gleden av å presentere årets festivalkunstner, Victor Lind. Han har vært en viktig kunstpolitisk stemme i Norge siden 1970-tallet. I sine arbeider problematiserer han historieskriving, offentlig hukommelse og det kollektive minnet. Verket tar for seg forholdet mellom den jødiske dikteren Paul Celan og filosofen Martin Heidegger. Celan var sterkt påvirket av Heideggers skrifter og sliter med å forene sin beundring for Heideggers ideer om litteratur med sin avsky for filosofens nazistiske fortid. Møtene mellom Celan og Heidegger reiser påtrengende spørsmål om forhold mellom kunst, filosofi, politikk og etikk, som er aktuelle i Vestens situasjon i dag: Er kunst et uttrykk for filosofi? Bør en filosofi også vurderes etter sine politiske påstander? Kan filosofen forsvare det uhyrlige og samtidig være ‘stor’? Hvorfor leter poeten etter etiske svar? Det er 8. år på rad Kunstplass arrangerer en utstilling i samarbeid med filmfestivalen. 70   HUMAN IDFF 2019


Forfatteren Simon Stranger og kunstneren Victor Lind møtes til en samtale rundt noen av livets store spørsmål. Med utgangspunkt i Victor Linds utstilling og Simon Strangers siste roman Leksikon om lys og mørke vil de snakke om antisemittisme, hva som er rett og galt, etikk og estetikk, kunsten og livet. Simon Stranger ble i 2014 nominert til Nordisk Råds Litteraturpris. Leksikon om lys og mørke er hans femte roman for voksne og er fortellingen om Strangers jødiske svigerfamilie og krigsforbryteren Henry Rinnan.

SKOLEVISNINGER I flere år har festivalen i samarbeid med FN-sambandet vist aktuelle dokumentarfilmer for elever på ungdomsskole og videregående. Vi bruker dokumentarfilmen som en inngang til faglig refleksjon og nysgjerrighet rundt viktige og aktuelle tema som gir økt forståelse om FN og internasjonale spørsmål. Den kritiske dokumentarfilmen er det viktigste uavhengige mediet for informasjon om hva som foregår i samfunnet rundt oss. Det har skjedd en eksplosjon i produksjonen av denne typen dokumentarfilm i verden de siste årene. Vi ønsker at elevene skal få stifte nærmere bekjentskap med noen av de beste utgivelsene. Visningene krever påmelding. Påmelding er åpen for alle ungdomsskoler og videregående skoler, påmeldingsfrist er 22. februar. Deltakelse er gratis for FN-skoler.

Anote’s Ark 2018 / Canada / Regi: Matthieu Rytz / 77 min Thu 28th Vega Scene Kino EN

For innbyggerne i den vesle øystaten Kiribati i Stillehavet er klimaendringene så konkret som det kan få blitt: bølgene slår innover stuegulvene. Havstigningen er allerede så alvorlig at innen vårt århundre er omme, vil hele Kiribati stå under vann. Anote’s ark er en forbløffende vakker dokumentar som følger Kiribatis president Anote Tong i hans utrettelige kamp for å finne en løsning for sitt folk.

Minding the Gap 2018 / USA / Regi: Bing Liu / 93 min Mon 4th Vega Scene Kino EN Denne prisvinnende og eksepsjonelle dokumentaren tar oss tett innpå livene til en vennegjeng som står på terskelen til å bli voksne- og regissøren er en av dem. I en sirkel av voldelige, alkoholiserte og fraværende foreldre, hvilke forbilder skal de se til for ikke å reprodusere de samme feilene? Dokumentaren er et sjeldent godt innblikk i hva som former vår identitet og våre veivalg, og er nominert til Oscar for beste dokumentar.

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Director of The Silence of Others. A recognized filmmaker, professor and juror, originally from Spain.

Director of the theatre play I, Dareen T. Playwright and actress. Fighting against the censorship of artists, and imprisonment of political activists by the government of her home country, Israel.



Featured in Everything Must Fall, Former student leader, been awarded the Student Peace Prize (SPP) for her work in the Fees Must Fall (FMF) movement

Participates in the talk Poet Behind Bars. Palestinian poet, photographer, and activist from Reineh, Israel. Imprisoned for publishing a poem on social media.



Holding the lecture Documentary Filmmaking in a Post-Truth World. Film and art critic and senior lecturer in Film Studies at King’s College London.

Director of Everything Must Fall. A Cape Town-born filmmaker who returned from exile in 1990 and now lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa.



Leading the Mesterklasse med Sahavi Sanjavi. Filmmaker born in Kurdistan, Iraq, but based in Sweden since 1990.

Director of #Female Pleasure. Swiss filmmaker, worked as assistant director and editing assistant on the Academy Award nominated War Photographer, and is known for her award-winning documentary Forbidden Voices.



Co-director of Survivors..Filmmaker, activist and community leader based in Freetown. He is the current manager of the WeOwnTV Freetown Media Centre in Sierra Leone.

Speaker at the Filmmakers/Changemakers seminar. Founder and CEO of Together Films, former Doc Society Partnerships Manager, and producer.



Co-director of The Trial of Ratko Mladic, will participate in the panel debate The Case Against Ratko Mladic. Producer and director from UK. Singer is one of Britain’s most critically acclaimed documentary directors.

The chief prosecutor in the case against Ratko Mladic. Participates in the panel debate The Case Against Ratko Mladic, appears in The Trial of Ratko Mladic. Professor of Law at Penn State Dickinson Law.

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Participant in the debate Lasting Peace for Colombia. Colombian Human rights defender, environmental activist, and survivor. Nominated for the Martin Ennals Award.

Led the defense of Ratko Mladic. Appears in The Trial of Ratko Mladic, and will participate in the panel debate The Case Against Ratko Mladic.



Sundance-winning director of Cold Case Director of Letter from Masanjia. Award winHammarskjöld. Danish filmmaker, journalist, ning film director and producer who explores producer and talk-show host. thought-provoking stories related to modern China that could not be told within Chinese borders.



Participant in the panel debate Rebel Optimist: Urban Development and Human Rights in Pakistan. Director of the Research and Training Institute, Oranji Pilot Project, Pakistan.

Director of Cornered in Molenbeek. Award-winning Belgian-Kurdish filmmaker based in Belgium.



Participant in the panel debate Extremism Participant in the panel debate Hungary and Freedom of Belief in Pakistan. The lawyer 2019: Faking Democracy? Lawyer and Coof Asia Bibi, currently living in exile. chair in the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.



Participant in the panel debate Vietnam: When telling the Truth Becomes a Crime. Founder of VOICE, a Vietnamese human rights organisation.

Participant in the panel debate From Franco To Assad: No justice wothout Peace. Member of Families for Freedom, a Syrian women-led movement demanding justice and freedom for Syrian disappeared and detainees.



Participant in the panel debate Extremism and Freedom of Belief in Pakistan. Leader of Human Friends Organization in Pakistan.

Co-director of The Trial of Ratko Mladic, will participate in the panel debate The Case Against Ratko Mladic. Director and producer from UK. Began his career working for a human rights organisation before crossing over into documentary.

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Featured in Privacy of Wounds. Political detainee for 13 years under the Syrian regime, he is raising awareness on political detention. He graduated from law in Syria, has his exile home in Switzerland.

Particpant in the panel debate The Threat of Ultra-Nationalism in Ukraine and Europe. Ukrainan human rights defender.



Featured in Privacy of Wounds. Syrian journalist currently living in Germany. He was politically detained after the revolution for his anti-regime activism.

Participant in the panel debate Rebel Optimist: Urban Development and Human Rights in Pakistan. Co-director of Oranji Pilot Project in Pakistan.



Producer for Hungary 2018, classical guitar player, will hold a concert at Khartoum. Is collaborating with filmmaker Eszter Hajdú on documentary film-making, as a music composer and producer.

Particpant in the panel debate The Threat of Ultra-Nationalism in Ukraine and Europe. Ukrainian feminist and LGBTIQ activist.



Director of Hungary 2018, participant in the panel debate Hungary 2019: Faking Democracy? Filmmaker, producer and journalist born in Budapest.

Participant in the panel debate Tourists Go Home? Venetian lawyer and blogger. Spokesman of the largest NGO campaigning for residents’ rights in Venice, the gruppo25aprile.



Participating in the talk Omar Alshogre: Fra innsiden av et syrisk fengsel. Survivor/ speaker. From Syria, lives in Sweden. As a the age of 15, Omar was arrested and sent in political prisons. He has since been witnessing against the atrocities of the Syrian war.

Producer of The Lonely Battle of Thomas. Award-winning filmmaker based in Dublin.

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Har en master i dramaturgi fra Jagiellonian Universitet i Krakow, og underviser på medielinjen ved Sogndal videregående. Hun har regi på Bjarte vil ikke på film.

Prisbelønnet regissør og fotograf bemerket for sin første langfilm 69 Minutter av 86 gager og sitt arbeid med Victor Kossakovsky.



Har jobbet som filmfotograf på en rekke norske dokumentarer. Jeg vil bo i mitt navn er hans regidebut.

Produsent, manusforfatter og regissør i Ellen Lundby Film & Media siden 1989. Brennende minner er hennes første helaftens dokumentar.



Regissør I Fuglene og nyhetsjournalist i NRK. Regi på tv-dokumentarene «Når pappa dreper» og «Operasjon konspirasjon», som begge vant Gullruten. For vi er gutta er han kinodebut.

Jobber i skjæringspunktet mellom film og kunst, og er kjent for Indian Summer, Møterommet, og Den grønne dalen.



Tidligere journalist i VGTV, NTB og P4. Dokumentarist i Fenomen. For vi er gutta er hans kinodebut.

Hennes prisvinnende dokumentarer tar for seg arabisk identitet og kulturelle fenomener i den arabiske verden. Privacy of Wounds premierte på IDFA 2018.



Har laget dokumentarer og kortfilmer tatt ut til internasjonale festivaler i Europa, USA og India, samt for TV. Forteljingar om mot er hennes første helaftens dokumentar.

30 års erfaring som regissør og produsent, med flere år i NRK før han grunnla f(x) produksjoner AS i 1995. Har vunnet Gullruten hele fem ganger.

FREDRIK HORN AKSELSEN Her hatt regi på seks dokumentarfilmer og skrevet tre bøker, flere av disse prisvinnende internasjonale filmer.

TOMMY GULLIKSEN Har laget 20 TV-dokumentarer for Dokument 2. Medeier i Norsk Fjernsyn AS. Har vunnet og vært nominert til Gullruten flere ganger.

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THANK YOU TO OUR LOCAL GUESTS Abid Raja Aleksander Huser Aili Keskitalo Ali Djabbary Anika Kurshed Asle Skredderberget Audun Kolsrud Herning Birgitte P. Haanshuus Bård Vegard Solhjell Csilla Czimbalmos Dag Nagoda Ebba Boye Edvin Anstendsrud Eirik Bergesen Eirik Løkke Eirin Gjørv Elisabeth Bakke Elisabeth Aalmo Enver Djuliman Espen Henriksen Gerald Folkvord Gisle Kvanvig Grete Dyb Halima Hanan Benammar Hans Fredrik Sørdal Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr Harry-Sam Selikowitz Heidi Nordby Lunde Heidi Taksdal Skjeseth Helle Hansen Henrik Hellstenius Hilde Kopstad

Hilde Olaussen Inga Marie Nymo Riseth Ingerid Salvesen Ingrid Brekke Ingrid Dokka Ingunn Sørnes Ingvar Skjerve Iver Neumann Jens Steen Jacobsen Jimmy Westerheim John Peder Egenæs Jon Wessel-Aas Julie Wilhelmsen Kaia Høidalen Kalle Løchen Katrine Ringhus Ketil Lund Khamshajiny Gunaratnam Knut Kjær Knut Schreiner Kouame Sereba Kristian Berg Harpviken Kristin Halvorsen Kristin Storaker Skutlaberg Kristina Quintano KriStine Ann Skaret Kristoffer Rønneberg Lars Rowe Liv Heløe Liv Tørres Maja Janmyr Maria Reinertsen Marit Simonsen

Marius Kolbenstvedt Marius von der Fehr Merete Nesset Mette Garvoll Mette Halskov Hansen Monica Boracco Nora Sveaass Ole-Henrik Lifjell Pardis Shafifi Per Elvestuen Pia Maria Roll Pål Nesse Ruth Prince Samah Sara Baban Sarah Winge-Sørensen Shwan Dler Qaradaki Sissel Overvoll Silvija Seres Simen Ekern Simon Stranger Stig Arild Pettersen Sverre Varvin Sylo Taraku Tina Shagufta Kornmo Tone Grøttjord Glenne Tone Ims Larsen Tonje Tingberg Tor Inge Martinsen Torstein Ulserød Tove Gravdal Trine Skei Grande Trond Bakkevig

A special thanks to all the fantastic volunteers who make HUMAN 2019 possible!


Vega Scene

Hausmannsgate 28

Khartoum Contemporary Art Center Bernt Ankers gate 17

T Stortinget

Kunstplass -Contemporary Art[Oslo] Tordenskiolds gt. 12

T Jernbanetorget


Dronningens gt. 16

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Festival Crew: Ketil Magnussen (Festival Director), Silje Poulsen Viki (Program Manager), Kari Nøst Hegseth (Program Editor), Marie Duros (Festival Coordinator), Guro Sollie Hansebakken (Marketing Manager), Even Skallerud (Volunteer Coordinator). Design and layout: Oda Hveem (visuello.no) Profile photo: Kylie Woon Interns: Yvonne Thomsen, Vilde Morken, Heida Kirkerud, Mariken Lauvstad, Live Kjos Fjell, Andrine Brorson, Inés Sánchez Benedicto. Board of advisors: Stig Arild Pettersen, Inga Marie Nymo Riseth, Eirik Bergesen, Anne Håskoll Haugen Board: Christian Ruge (Chairman), Tonje Hessen Schei, Andreas Galtung.




sammen for de forfulgte

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