Human Rights Human Wrongs 2010 Program

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burma vj

chechnya’s missing women

Denmark, 2009, 87min Anders Ă˜stergaard Introduced by: DVB rep

Denmark, 2009, 87min Anders Ă˜stergaard Introduced by: DVB rep

wednesday 3rd 1430 onsdag 3. 1430

wednesday 3rd 1430 onsdag 3. 1430


Armed with video-cameras a tenacious band of Burmese reporters face down death to expose the repressive regime controlling their country. The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a police state, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramatic days. Norsk with video-cameras a tenacious band of Burmese reporters face down death to expose the repressive regime controlling their country. The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a police state, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramatic days.

Armed with video-cameras a tenacious band of Burmese reporters face down death to expose the repressive regime controlling their country. The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a police state, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramaticddays. Be move d Norsk with video-cameras aGe tenacious engeof t challband Burmese reporters face down death to expose ke up Wa the repressive regime controlling their country. The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a police state, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramatic days.

Welcome FROM THE ORGANISERS VELKOMMEN Human Rights or Human Wrongs – which is stronger? That is the question. This festival is now in its second year and is currently the only one of its kind in Scandinavia. It joins many others around the world that are using the power of film to encourage everyone to engage themselves in the questions that need answering if our world is to become a better place. Our ambition is to be a place where anyone can be inspired by what they find, and where everyone feels welcome to join in the discussion, form their opinions and be part of the solution.

Dette er vår andre utgave av Human Rights Human Wrongs som foreløpig er den eneste menneskerettighetsfestivalen i Skandinavia. Film er et sterkt medium og egner seg til å inspirere til å engasjere seg i viktige spørsmål om vårt eget samfunn, om verden rundt oss og om hvordan vi behandler andre mennesker. Vi har valgt ut de beste filmene det siste året om de temaene vi har satt opp. Der hvor vi har utenlandske gjester med vil diskusjonene gå på engelsk, andre diskusjoner vil være på norsk. Kom, bli inspirert og bli med i diskusjonene!

Sarah Prosser (HRHW), Niels Jacob Harbitz (Human Rights House Foundation), Ketil Magnussen (Oslo Dokumentarkino), Anders Nielsen (The Norwegian Helsinki Committee/ Den Norske Helsingforskomité), Åse Sand (The Norwegian Burma Committee/Den Norske Burmakomité), Elisabeth Ng Langdal (Health and Human Rights Info) Human Rights Human Wrongs Film Festival is organised by:

«In a city with as many festivals as Oslo, this is nevertheless something we have clearly lacked till now. I truly believe that this can become one of the most important intitutions in film-Norway» Erling Borgen, Human Rights Human Wrongs festival patron Thank you to our supporters/Takk til våre bidragsytere:

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands British Council Goethe Institute The Spanish Embassy

opening event åpningsarrangement

wednesday 3rd 1630 onsdag 3. 1630 1400 burma vj

1630 Getting Justice – Kenya’s Deadly Game of Wait and See, 2009, 59mins 1730 OPENING DISCUSSION WITH MAINA KIAI 1800 Opening comments by Erling Borgen, Human Rights House and Oslo Dokumentarkino. Open bar. 1830

RightsWrongs Debates: The new public enemy or victims of the state? Migrants in contemporary European politics Thursday 4th February 1500 at Fafo, Thursday 4th February 1820 at Parkteatret Chechnya’s Missing Women Friday 5th February 1200 - 1300 lunch time seminar.


2045 weapon of war

Maina Kiai - Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, and the former, and founding, Chairman of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR). Now filmmaker and activist for achieving post-election justice and reconciliation. Erling Borgen - Journalist, author and filmmaker, and this festival’s first patron. His new book – Secrets of a Peace Nation - looks at the double standards of Norwegian foreign policy. Venue: Screenings and debates take place at Parkteatret, Olaf Ryes plass, Grünerløkka, except Fafo seminar Thursday 4th. Fafo address: Borggata 2B, Grønland. Tickets: cost 50 kr per film, or 100 kr for a day pass that gives access to all films and debates that day. Online in advance – - or on the door on the day. All film screenings will be in English or with English subtitles. Discussions will usually be in English.

The Right Kind of Justice? Saturday 6th February 1300 - 1345 Guilt at Guantanamo Saturday 6th February 1530 - 1630 Obstacles to Justice: Taking Big Business to Court Sunday 7th February 1400 - 1430 Closing debate - details on Sunday 7th February 1715 - 1800 Sted: Visninger og debatter foregår på Parkteatret, Olaf Ryes plass, Grünerløkka, med ett unntak torsdag 4. februar da det er et eget seminar på Fafo med film og diskusjon. Fafo adresse: Borggata 2B på Grønland. Billetter: 50 kr pr. film, 100 kr for dagspass som gir adgang til alle filmer og diskusjoner den dagen. Forhåndssalg på eller i døra alle dager hver dag under festivalen.

migration and human wrongs Migrasjon og menneskerettigheter

The Issue How do we face the growing human rights problems of modern migration? In recent years, ever stricter and more streamlined migration laws have increasingly justified the term ‘illegal migrants’, denying migrants even the most basic human rights. Saken Hvordan møter vi de økende menneskerettighetsproblemene knyttet til global migrasjon? I de senere årene har vi sett en stadig strengere innvandringspolitikk i Europa, rettferdiggjort blant annet av betegnelser som ”illegale innvandrere”. Denne innstrammingen fratar migranter selv de mest basale menneskerettigheter. Join the discussion with our guests: Ivar Dale – responsible for The Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s activities in Central Asia, particularly Russia and the Caucuses. Paul Kenyon – investigative journalist with BBC Panorama, and behind the film Europe or Die Trying. Paul followed groups of migrants across Africa as they try to reach a better life, risking everything, being subjected to much, and finding little. Jørgen Carling – senior researcher at PRIO, with a focus on transnational practices in dealing with migration.

Cecilie Øien – senior researcher at Fafo, Oslo, where she leads the project on Child Migration in Europe. Laura Agustín – Sociologist. Independent researcher and writer. Has written several books and articles on migrants, prostitution, trafficking, perceptions and politics of migration. Sturla Stålsett – Secretary General, Kirkens Bymisjon

Long Distance Love

The Fortress

Sweden, 2008, 77 min Magnus Gertten, Elin Jönsson In discussion: Ivar Dale

Switzerland, 2008, 104 min Fernand Melgar In discussion: sturla stålsett – mennesker uten rettigheter?

1300 Thursday 4th torsdag 4. 1300

1500 Thursday 4th torsdag 4. 1500

RightsWrongs Debate:

The new public enemy or victims of the state? Migrants in contemporary European politics Thursday 4th Feb torsdag 4. feb. 15:00 at Fafo (Borggt. 2b på Grønland) Special screening of Europe or Die Trying and discussion with Paul Kenyon (BBC), Jørgen Carling (PRIO) and Laura Agustín (Writer) Moderator: Cecilie Øien (Fafo)

Alisher, from Kyrgyzstan, marries Dildora on a sweltering summer’s day, but soon – as almost every other young man in this region – he has to go to Russia, 3,500 kilometres away, to try to find a job. A film about love, hope, migration and global injustice.

Thursday 4th Feb torsdag 4. feb. 18:20 at Parkteatret Paul Kenyon from the BBC joins Jørgen Carling and Laura Agustín to look at attitudes towards migrants. Have they equal rights to Europeans who travel to improve their lives, and if not why not? When do these rights disappear? Lead by Cecilie Øien, Fafo. Discussion in English

Alisher gifter seg med Dildora en nydelig sommerdag i Kirgisistan. Kort tid etter bryllupet er Alisher nødt til å reise til Russland, 3500 km unna, for å finne arbeid, en skjebne han deler med svært mange andre menn i regionen. En film om kjærlighet, håp, migrasjon og urettferdighet.

Seminar supported by Fafo and in collaboration with The Norwegian Council for Africa.

At a Swiss reception centre for asylum seekers we meet people from all over the world who for different reasons have ended up here and are applying for asylum. The people working here seem to do their best but the system they work under is designed to deny people their normal rights. På et asylmottak i sveits møter vi en mennesker fra alle deler av verden som av forskjellige grunner har endt opp i Sveits og søker om asyl. De ansatte på mottaket gjør så godt de kan, men systemet de jobber under er designet til å frata “klientene” normale rettigheter.

Europe or Die Trying

1700 Thursday 4th Feb torsdag 4. 1700 UK, 2009, 30 mins Panorama, BBC In discussion: Paul Kenyon

Kingsley’s Crossing

1800 thursday 4th torsdag 4. 1800 USA/France, 2009, 20 mins Olivier Jobard

RightsWrongs Debate:

The new public enemy or victims of the state? Migrants in contemporary European politics

Malta Radio

1930 thursday 4th torsdag 4. 1930 Spain, 2009, 83 mins Manuel Menchón

Catch the debate between films, starting after Kingsley’s Crossing, at approx 1820 Thursday 4th Feb torsdag 4. 1820

Paul Kenyon travels 3000 miles along the most dangerous illegal immigration route out of Africa. Many die on their way to find a better life, but can the survivors convince those who follow that Europe in recession is no longer worth the risk? Paul Kenyon reiser nærmere 5000 kilometer langs de farligste illegale migrasjonsrutene ut av Afrika. Hvert år dør svært mange afrikanere langs disse rutene, i forsøket på å finne bedre liv i Europa. Kan de som overlever flukten klare å overbevise dem som tenker på å gjøre det samme om at et Europa i økonomisk nedgang ikke lenger er verdt risikoen?

“Most families in my country want their children to go to Europe,” Kingsley says. This film is the story of one man’s willingness to abandon everything - his family, his country, and his friends - in the hopes of finding a better life abroad. Awardwinning French photojournalist Olivier Jobard documents the long and difficult passage. “De fleste familier i mitt hjemland ønsker at barna deres skal dra til Europa,” sier Kingsley. denne filmen handler om en mann som er villig til gi slipp på alt - sin familie, sitt land, sine venner - i håp om et bedre liv i et annet land. Denne prisbelønnede franske fotojournalisten Olivier Jobard dokumenterer den lange og vanskelige reisen.

The panel will look at our prejudices and attitudes towards migrants and more specifically discuss irregular migration from the point of departure of the documentaries Europe or Die Trying and Kingsley’s Crossing. The control of Europe’s external borders, as Paul Kenyon illustrates in Europe or Die Trying, among others involves a highly questionable collaboration between Libya and Italy, which includes measures to stop boats crossing the Mediterranean and setting up detention centres for migrants in Libya.

«This is one of the best things that has happened to me since I moved to Oslo. It is right for such a wide audience: young and old, women and men, politically active and inactive. Thank you!» Member of the audience, feedback from the 1st edition of the festival

A Spanish fishing boat sets out for a three month trip in the Mediterranean. At the same time a small open boat sets out from the coast of Libya with 50 migrants set for Europe. The two boats meet in open sea. The migrants have no food or water and are lost. The fishing boat takes them on board.They are refused entry to the harbour and forced to wait for nine days before the refugees and crew can go on land. En spansk fiskebåt setter ut på et tre-måneders tokt i Middelhavet. Samtidig setter en åpen båt med 50 migranter ut fra kysten av Libya med kurs mot Europa. De to båtene motes i åpen sjø. Båten fra Libya er ute av kurs, og er uten mat og vann. Fiskebåten tar dem ombord. I ni dager blir de nektet å komme til havn med flyktningene.

Worlds Without Witnesses verdner uten vitner

The Issue What happens when a state shuts its borders to outside scrutiny? These days the answer is more and more often that courageous journalists, activist and individuals step in and use new media technologies. Often at great risk, they manage to capture the crucial information on film, and then somehow get the film out of the country and seen by a wider world. How important is this information? Saken ’Hva skjer når en stat stenger grensen for innsyn utenfra? I dag er svaret ofte at modige journalister, aktivister eller enkeltpersoner tar i bruk ny medieteknologi. Med stor fare klarer de å feste livsviktig informasjon til film og på finurlig vis få sendt informasjon ut for å bli sett av et større publikum. Hvor viktig er denne informasjonen? Join the discussion with our guests: Khin Maung Win is the Deputy Executive Director of Democratic Voice of Burma which has its home in Oslo. Inna Sangadzhiyeva is a specialist on Russian elitism and power structures and works for The Norwegian Helsinki Committee. She knew Natalia Estimerova ’was interviewed for the film Chechnya’s missing women shortly before her brutal murder.

Ole Benny Lilleås is responsible for the Western Balkans work at The Norwegian Helsinki Committee. Ronny Hansen is Chairman of the Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara. He has been to this occupied country many times, and has visited the refugee camps run by Polisario across the border in Algeria as well. Peter Gitmark is a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee and is the Conservative Party’s spokesman on democracy and human rights, including regarding Burma. Ane Tusvik Bonde is the regional coordinator for the Human Rights House Network in the Southern Caucasus.

RightsWrongs Debate:

Burma: After the evidence – what next? wednesday 3rd onsdag 3. Feb. 1400 Democratic Voice of Burma, as featured in Burma VJ, is fundamental in getting accurate and unbiased information out of, and into, Burma. After the video evidence of the monks’ demonstrations, the outside world is now aware of the human rights violations going on inside the country. But will there be any reaction by the international community at a political level? With: Khin Maung Win, Peter Gitmark and Erling Borgen

burma vj

chechnya’s missing women

Denmark, 2009, 87min Anders Østergaard In discussion: Khin Maung Win, peter gitmark and erling borgen

UK 2010, 20mins BBC Our World, Nick Sturdee Lunchtime seminar with Inna Sangadzhiyeva and Ane tusvik Bonde

Armed with video-cameras a tenacious band of Burmese reporters face down death to expose the repressive regime controlling their country. The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a military dictatorship, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramatic days of the Saffron revolution. Oscar shortlisted, will it be nominated?

The war in Chechnya is officially over, but the aftereffects are still very much evident, especially for women. They are abducted and forced into marriage, simply disappear, and are murdered and dumped by the roadside. ’The well-known human rights defender Natalia Estemirova spoke out. She was murdered three weeks after appearing in this film.

wednesday 3rd 1400 onsdag 3. 1400

Bevæpnet med videokameraer risikerer en fryktløs gruppe burmesiske reportere livet for å avsløre hvordan det undertrykkende regimet kontrollerer landet. Filmen gir et sjeldent innblikk i høyrisiko-journalistikk og motstand i et militærdiktatur. Samtidig dokumenter den grundig de historiske og dramatiske dagene under Safranrevolusjonen. ’Filmen er inne blant de få som kan komme til å bli Oscar-nominert!

1200-1300 Friday 5th fredag 5. 1200-1300

Krigen i Tsjetsjenia er offisielt over, men ettervirkningene er fortsatt tydelige, særlig for kvinnene. De blir bortført og tvunget inn i ekteskap, de forsvinner, blir drept, og dumpet langs veiene. ’Blant dem som våget å stå frem og snakke om disse problemene var den kjente menneskerettighetsforkjemperen Natalia Estemirova. Tre uker at hun hadde snakket med teamet bak denne filmen, led hun samme skjebne som ofrene hun snakket om: Bortført, drept, og dumpet.

the agronomist

City of the Roma

To Shoot an Elephant

usa, 2003, 90min jonathan demme screening rights not yet secured, see for confirmation

France, 2008, 97 min Frédéric Castaignède In discussion: Ole Benny Lilleås

Spain, 2009, 104min Alberto Acre

Friday 5th Feb. 2000 fredag 5. 2000

The Roma community suffers massive discrimination throughout Europe, and is often denied rights to basic services. In this film we observe the obstinate efforts of Angel to integrate the Roma community into the majority society by bending the current system to make it work for groups hitherto regarded as ‘unable to adapt’

An eye witness account during the days of bombing and invasion of The Gaza Strip, Dec 2008 / Jan 2009. Awarded best director at Dei Popoli Festival, for: “allowing us to share an emotional, physical and stressful experience and for being there to witness the horror and destruction implied by the besieging of Gaza”.

The occupied territories of Western Sahara - separated from the rest of Africa by a nearly 3000km wall - is where the Saharawi people live. The film is from the places Morocco does not want the world to see. Will the international community pay attention only if the inhabitants commit acts of terrorism?

Rom-folket opplever massiv diskriminering I hele Europa, og de blir ofte nektet de mest grunnleggende rettigheter. ’I denne filmen følger vi Angels utrettelige forsøk på å integrere Romfolket i storsamfunnet gjennom å forsøke å få en rekke ordninger til å virke bedre for en gruppe som hittil ofte er blitt avskrevet som ’ikke tilpasningsdyktige.

En øyevitne-skildring av dagene med bombing og invasjon av Gazastripen desember 2008-januar 2009. Tildelt prisen for beste regissør under Dei Popoli festivalen, for: ”å la oss dele en emosjonell, fysisk og stressende opplevelse og for å være der og bevitne redslene og ødeleggelsene under beleiringen av Gaza”.

Landet Vest-Sahara er okkupert av Marokko og avsondret fra resten av verden av en over 3000 km lang mur, lever Saharawi-folket. Denne filmen viser det de marokkanske myndighetene ikke vil at verden skal se. Men må saharawiene ty til terror for at det internasjonale samfunnet skal få øynene opp for deres situasjon?

Friday 5th Feb. 1330 fredag 5. 1330

This is the story of Haitian national hero, journalist, independent radio owner and freedom fighter, Jean Dominique. He was often in opposition with the various repressive governments, and was murdered in 2000. By the director of Silence of the Lambs.

The Agronomist handler om den haitiske nasjonalhelten, journalisten, radioeieren og frihetskjemperen Jean Dominique. Dominique sto ofte i opposisjon til de forskjellige regjerende myndigheter på Haiti. Han ble myrdet i 2000. Regissert av Jonathan Demme som blant annet er kjent for spillefilmen Silence of the Lambs.

Friday 5th Feb. 1530 fredag 5. 1530

Friday 5th Feb. 1730 fredag 5. 1730

The Problem – Testimony of the Saharawi People Spain, 2010 Jordi Ferrer and Pablo Vidal In discussion: Ronny Hansen

Impunity or Justice? How to right wrongs Straffefrihet eller rettferdighet

The Issue Do the commissions for peace and reconciliation, from the International Criminal Court to local community based courts, really work? Who is escaping judgment? And what does it take for a society to be able to move on after being subjected to some of the worst human rights abuses imaginable? Saken Er det slik at kommisjonene som er satt ned for fred og forsoning, fra Den internasjonale straffedomstolen, til lokale landsbybaserte domstoler, virker? Hvem slipper unna sitt ansvar, og hva skal til for at et samfunn klarer å gå videre etter å ha blitt utsatt for de verst tenkelige menneskerettighetsbrudd? Join the discussion with our guests: Rob Lemkin has produced and directed over 50 documentaries for BBC, Channel 4 etc, and has won numerous awards for his films. Director of Enemies of the People. Polly Nash is co-director of the film Outside the Law - Stories from Guantanamo. She is a senior lecturer at the London College Of Communications. Andy Worthington is co-director of the film Outside the Law - Stories from Guantanamo. He is a journalist and blogger, and the author of three books about the prison. Maina Kiai Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, and the former, and founding, Chairman of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights.

Ståle Eskeland is Professor of Law at the University of Oslo. He is currently writing a book called ‘The most serious of crimes’ referring to those in Norwegian courts and in civil law suits. Gunnar Ekeløve Slydal is Deputy Secretary General of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and was an active civil society participant in the establishment of the International Criminal Court. Nora Sveaass is Norway’s member on the UN Committee against Torture. She was awarded Amnesty’s prize in Dec09 and is an expert on what is needed to ‘right wrongs’, psychologically. Mari Holmboe Ruge was one of the initiators of Forum Norway 1325, an NGO network for monitoring the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security.

RightsWrongs Debate:

The Right Kind of Justice? Saturday 6th lørdag 6. Feb. 1300 - 1345 What is it that might begin to right the ‘wrongs’ that create some of the world’s worst human rights violations? Can local solutions work, such as the Gacaca outdoor courts in Rwanda, or might an external International Criminal Court prove more effective in preventing future abuses. What will secure justice for the victims? Are the long-term effects so fundamental that any legal system is only a part of the solution? With: Maina Kiai, Nora Sveaass and Gunnar Ekeløve Slydal. Chair: Niels Jacob Harbitz (Human Rights House Foundation)

Getting Justice – Kenya’s Deadly

Game of Wait and See Saturday 6th Feb. 1100 lørdag 6. 1100

The Reckoning – The Battle for the International Criminal Court Saturday 6th Feb. 1200 lørdag 6. 1200

Kenya, 2009, 60 mins Lucy Hannan Introduced by: Maina Kiai

USA, 2009, 60 mins Pamela Yates Followed by debate: The Right Kind of Justice?

This film is about the search for accountability and reconciliation in Kenya. Maina Kiai gives voice to survivors of the post-election violence in 2008 - looking at what they desire and the issues that they would like to see resolved. The film also considers how Rwanda dealt with justice and reconciliation after the genocide in 1994.

The ICC puts Congolese warlords on trial, shakes up the Colombian justice system, and charges Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir with genocide in Darfur. Can this tiny court in The Hague change the world and forge a new paradigm for justice? Or not.

Filmen handler om jakten på ansvarlighet og forsoning i Kenya. Maina Kiai gir stemme til de overlevende fra opptøyene etter valget i 2008 – og ser på hva de ønsker og hvilke problemer de ønsker løst. Filmen betrakter også hvordan Rwanda håndterer rettferdighet og forsoning.

Den internasjonale straffedomstolen tiltaler kongolesiske krigsherrer, utfordrer det colombianske rettssystemet, og tiltaler Sudans president Omar al-Bashir for folkemord i Darfur. Kan denne lille domstolen i Haag virkelig forandre verden, og klare å tvinge igjennom et nytt paradigme i den internasjonale strafferetten? Eller er oppgaven for omfattende?

Outside the Law – Stories from Guantanamo

Saturday 6th Feb. 1415 lørdag 6. 1415 UK, 2009, 74 mins Polly Nash and Andy Worthington Introduced by Polly Nash

A new Guantanamo film, with a particular focus on how the Bush administration turned its back on domestic and international laws. Constructed around recent interviews with three prisoners, the film starkly shows that “illegal enemy combatants” have no rights whatsoever. Dette er en ny Guantanamo-film, som fokuserer på hvordan Bush-administrasjonen fullstendig ignorerte nasjonale og internasjonale lover. Bygd opp rundt nye intervjuer med tre innsatte, viser denne filmen hvordan de såkalte ”illegale krigerne” ikke har noen rettigheter overhodet.

RightsWrongs Debate:

Guilt at Guantanamo Saturday 6th lørdag 6. Feb. 1530 – 1630 Who are the guilty ones? Those inside or outside the cells of Guantanamo? Who is it that has acted outside the law? Come and discuss what went on to get the prisoners into the cells, who was involved while they were there, and what can be done to get them out. The role of Norway’s Aker Kværner and the local political decision of not accepting relocated prisoners are also on the agenda. Including short film by Erling Borgen. With: Andy Worthington, Erling Borgen and Ståle Eskeland

My Neighbor, My Killer

Enemies of the People

Intended Consequences

USA, 2009, 74 mins Anne Agnion

Cambodia/UK 2009, 93 mins Rob Lemkin and Thet Sambath In discussion: Rob Lemkin

USA 2008, 15min Johnathan Torgovnik

Saturday 6th Feb. 1700 lørdag 6. 1700

Saturday 6th Feb. 1845 lørdag 6. 1845

Wednesday 3rd 2030 onsdag 3. 2030

A powerful and beautiful film, about the women exposed to the gender based violence of the DR Congo, nominee for an Emmy for ‘New Approaches to News and Documentary Programming’. En sterk og vakker film om kvinner utsatt for kjønnsbasert vold i DR Kongo.Filmen er nominert til Emmy for ‘ny tilnærming til Nyheter og Documentary Programming’

Weapon of War

Wednesday 3rd 2045 onsdag 3. 2045 Gacaca, which literally means “justice on the grass”, is a form of citizen-based justice with which Rwandans are addressing the crimes of the 1994 genocide. Filming for over ten years, the director charted the impact of the Gacaca on survivors and perpetrators alike. “Brilliant” One of the Best Documentaries of 2009 Jennifer Merin.

After ten years of visits and trust-building, Thet Sambath finally persuades Brother Number Two to admit (for the first time) in detail how he and Pol Pot decided to kill party members. For the first time, we see how orders created on an abstract political level translate into murder in the rice fields and forests of the Cambodian plain. IDFA nominee for best feature doc.

Gacaca, som betyr bokstavlig “rettferdighet i gresset”, og er en form for borger-baserte rettferdighet der Rwanderne tar opp forbrytelser i sammenheng med folkemord i 1994. Over en ti års periode følger regissøren virkningen av Gacaca på både overlevende og gjerningsmenn. “Fantastisk” En av de beste dokumentarene i 2009 - Jennifer Merin.

Etter ti år med besøk og oppbygging av tillit, overtaler Thet Sambath endelig ”Brother Number Two til å innrømme i detalj hvordan han og Pol Pot besluttet å drepe partimedlemmer. For første gang ser vi hvordan bestemmelser på et abstrakt politisk nivå ender opp med massedrap i kambodsjanske rismarker. Nominert for beste feature dokumentar på IDFA.

Netherlands, 2009, 59min Ilse and Femke van Velzen In discussion: MARI HOLMBOE ruge

The film has the men who raped in the DR Congo explaining what lies behind this brutal behavior. How are they able to act with impunity and how can reconciliation ever be achieved, for them or their victims? I filmen forklarer tidligere soldater i DR Kongo hva som ligger bak de brutale voldtektene. Hvordan kan overgriperne handle ustraffet og hvordan kan forsoning noensinne oppnås, for dem og deres ofre?

Big Business – Outside the Law? The Issue The films in this program focus on how some big multinational corporations avoid responsibility for damages to people and nature while making a huge profit. As long as a number of companies are able to commit human rights violations and get away with it, it is unfair competition for the good companies. In the comments and discussions we want to look at how it is possible to make large corporations accountable and what the developments are, and should be, in national and international legislation regarding tackling the power of big business. Saken Filmene i dette programmet fokuserer på hvordan noen multinasjonale selskaper unngår ansvar for skade på mennesker og natur mens de samtidig har store økonomiske overskudd. Så lenge mange selskaper klarer slippe unna ansvar for brudd på menneskerettigheter så skaper dette en urettferdig konkurranse for ‘gode’ selskaper. I kommentarene og diskusjonene ønsker vi å se på hvordan det er mulig å gjøre selskaper strafferettslig ansvarlige og hva utviklingen er, og burde være innen nasjonale og internasjonale rettssystemer for å takle den enorme makten til multinasjonale selskaper.

Delta – Oil’s Dirty Business

Crude – the real price of oil

Greece, 2006, 60 mins yorgos Avgeropoulos

USA, 2009, 104 mins Joe Berlinger

Sunday 7th Feb. 1300 søndag 7. 1300

Store selskaper – utenfor loven?

Join the discussion with: Kom og diskuter saken med: Mark Taylor is researcher at Fafo in Oslo, a senior advisor to Global Witness and commentator on international law for Al Jazeera Television. John Peder Egenæs is the Secretary General of Amnesty International Norway

Sunday 7th Feb. 1430 søndag 7. 1430

between the films delta and crude: Comment by Mark Taylor: Obstacles to justice: Taking big business to court.

“Fascinating and important... Crude does an extraordinary job of merging journalism and art“ Christiane Amanpour, CNN

RightsWrongs Debate:

Obstacles to Justice: Taking Big Business to Court Sunday 7th Feb søndag 7. 1400 - 1430 How can people bring large, powerful multinational giants to court and what are the obstacles? The two films Delta – Oil’s Dirty Business and Crude – The Real Price of Oil shows the horrendous results of reckless oil extraction by big oil companies; massive contamination of water and the environment and poisoning of the people living there. Mark Taylor will comment on the strategy used by the team working on the case against Chevron/Texaco, documented in Crude. Closing debate Sunday 7th Feb søndag 7. 1715 - 1800 With Arjan Hamburger Netherlands Ambassador for Human Rights. Details on

Nigeria VS Shell This hour-long film gives a shocking insight into what the oil industry has done to the Niger Delta. The film gives a deep insight into the enormous social and environmental damages caused by the oil industry in the Delta area. Delta - Oil’s Dirty Business er en timelang film som gir et sjokkerende bilde av situasjonen i Niger-deltaet. Filmen gir en dyp innsikt i de sosiale og miljømes¬sige ødeleggelsene i Nigeria, forårsaket av oljeindustrien.

Ecuador VS Texaco The Chernobyl of the Amazon is what experts and journalists call the result of 30 years of oil exploitation by Texaco in the Ecuadorian Amazon. 30 000 Ecuadorians have sued Texaco. The film gives an amazing insight into how a case like this is fought, from both sides. Regnskogens Tsjernobyl kalles det Texaco etterlot seg etter 30 års oljeutvinning i Amazonas i Ecuador. 30 000 mennesker har gått til sak mot Texaco som benekter ethvert straffeansvar. Vi møter begge sider i konflikten i denne filmen som gir en unik innsikt i hvordan slike saker kjempes.

Rape of a Nation

a Blooming Business

The Yes Men Fix the World


USA/UK, 2009, 11 min Marcus Bleasdale

Netherlands, 2009, 52 mins Ton van Zantvoort Introduced by: LO International Labour rights person, after closing debate

USA/UK/France, 2009, 85 mins Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonnano Introduced by: john peder egenæs short film; 20 Years Without Justice: The Bhopal Chemical Disaster (15min, Sanford Lewis)

Iceland, 2009, 89 mins Andri Snær Magnas0n

Kenya is the biggest global exporter of roses, and workers in this industry are subject to the conditions controlled by the international corporations. They’re not good.

The film follows a couple of political activists as they infiltrate the world of big business and pull off outrageous pranks that highlight the ways that corporate greed is destroying the planet.

«A rose is a rose is a rose, unless it’s a toxic offshoot of international corporate corruption. A quietly formidable film»

«Outrageously entertaining....This movie is glorious testimony to the moral power of satire.»

Who is looking out for the rights of the people on Iceland? Can they be exploited as much as any developing country in the global South? Bad governance combined with preying international powers (corporations and military bases) are a problem for any local population, wherever it might be.

Sunday 7th Feb. 1700 søndag 7. 1700

A stunning short film of images by photo-journalist Marcus Bleasdale, combined with commentary about the successive waves of fighting and war in the DR Congo, where there are now no hospitals, few roads and limited NGO and UN presence because it is too dangerous to work in many of the regions. En sterk kortfilm med bilder av fotojournalist Marcus Bleasdale, kombinert med kommentar om de pågående bølger av strid og krig i DR Kongo. Der er det nå ingen sykehus, bare noen få veier og begrenset tilstedeværelse av NGOer og FN fordi det er for farlig å arbeid i flere deler av landet.

Sunday 7th Feb. 1800 søndag 7. 1800

Sunday 7th 2015 søndag 7. 2015

New York Magazine

Vancouver International Film Festival review

Kenya er verdens største eksportører av roser, og de ansatte er underlagt betingelser styrt av internasjonale selskaper. Disse betingelsene er ikke bra.

Wednesday 3rd 1830 onsdag 3. 1830

Filmen følger to politiske aktivister som utgir seg for å representere multinasjonale selskaper og organisasjoner og drar i gang skandaløse krumspring som setter søkelyset på hvordan selskapers grådighet ødelegger planeten og bryter menneskerettigheter.

Hvem følger med på rettighetene til befolkningen på Island? Kan islendingene bli utnyttet i samme grad som folk i et hvilket som helst utviklingsland i Sør? Dårlig styring kombinert med internasjonalt mektige grupper på plyndretokt (selskaper og militære baser) er et problem for lokalbefolkningen, uansett hvor det måtte være.

Screening times visningstider Worlds Without Witnesses verdner uten vitner Wednesday 3rd Feb onsdag 3. feb. Saturday 6th Feb lørdag 6. feb. Opening The Issueday åpning 1400 happens Burmawhen VJ a state shuts its borders What 1630 Getting Justice- Kenya’s Deadly Game to outside scrutiny? These days the answer is of Wait and See more and more often that new media technolo1730 Opening event - with maina kiai gies step in, somehow managing to capture the 1830 Dreamland information on film, and then somehow getting 2030 Intended Consequences it out and seen by a wider world. But can we 2045 Weapon of War rely on this undercover method of revealing statewide abuses? Thursday 4th Feb torsdag 4. feb. Migration and Human Wrongs Saken Migrasjon og menneskerettigheter Hva skjer når en nasjon luker grensene til inn1300 Long Distance Love blikk fra utsiden. Disse dagene er svaret oftere 1500 The Fortress og oftere at ny medi teknologi kommer inn I 15:00 Seminar at Fafo spill, og klare å fange 1700 Europe or Die Trying 1800 Kingsley’s Crossing Join the discussion with: 1820 Debate – Public Enemy? Kom og diskuter 1930 Malta Radio saken med:

DVB man

Friday 5th Feb fredag 5. feb. Åsne Seierstad Worlds Without Witnesses verdner uten vitner Ane 1200Bonde Chechnya’s Missing Women

Inne 1300

– lunchtime seminar

the agronomist 1500 City of the Roma Ole Benny 1700 ToLilleås Shoot an Elephant 2000 The Problem - Testimony of the Erik Fosse Saharawi People

Ronny Hansen

Human Rights Human Wrongs Film Fetival is organised by:

Impunity or Justice – How to Right Wrongs Straffefrihet eller rettferdighet 1100 Getting Justice - Kenya’s Deadly Game of Wait and See 1200 The Reckoning 1300 Debate – The Right Kind of Justice? 1415 Outside the Law –Stories from Guantanamo 1530 Debate – Guilt at Guantanamo 1700 My Neighbor, My Killer 1845 Enemies of the People 2200

Balkan Beat Party

Sunday 7th Feb søndag 7. feb. Big Business – Outside the Law? Store selskaper – utenfor loven? 1300 Delta – Oil’s Dirty Business 1430 Crude - The Real Price of Oil 1700 Rape of a Nation 1715 Debate – With arjan hamburger 1830 a Blooming Business 2000 Twenty Years Without Justice – The Bhopal Chemical Disaster 2015 The Yes Men Fix the World All screenings at Parkteatret, Olaf Ryes plass 11, Grünerløkka, Oslo. Programme timings and films may change, see website for confirmation:

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