1 COAT F0L36Z GD56E F0130 DRESS F6NY0T FUBCI F0130 BALACLAVA FIH96K F49CR S8418 GLOVES FIG96K F49CR S8418 BAG BB5857 A1095 8M073 SHOES C18635 AF237 8B956 2 DRESS F6OC0Z GD59E N0000 VEIL FS093A GD58E N0000 BAG BB5852 A8457 8M801 SHOES C18655 AF059 80999 3 SWEATSHIRT F9671Z G7AQJ N0000 FUR BLOOMERS FT88XF GD067 S9000 GLOVES FIG26K F49CR S8426 BAG BB5843 AF053 8N934 SHOES C18655 AF059 8H004 4 COAT F0L50Z GD43E V0472 DRESS F6NY8T FJMQP V0472 BAG BB5857 A8450 8M072 SHOES C18815 AF139 8N948 5 DRESS F6NV8Z GD27E S8400 BALACLAVA FIH31K F49CR S8431 GLOVES FIG31K F49CR S8431 BAG BB5857 AF173 89307 SHOES C18663 AF052 8N933 6 FUR COAT F0L55F GD082 R0226 DRESS F6NX3T FJMQP R2254 SHOES C18756 A8445 8C362 7 DRESS F6MS5Z GD91C S8400 BAG BB5860 A8447 80538 SHOES C18718 AF138 8N947 8 COAT F0L02T FPMOV X0800 TOP F7M41T FPMO3 X0800 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N0000 BAG BB5826 A8396 8N944 SHOES C18719 AF178 8L250
9 JACKET F279RZ GD17E F0130 DRESS F6NV1Z GD17E F0130 HOOD FH308AFUPPYS9000 BAG BB5826 A8396 8N944 SHOES C18717 AF138 8N947 10 DRESS F6MS3Z GD57C S8400 NECKLACE WNG8C5 W0001 ZOO00 BAG BB5852 A8457 87099 SHOES C18772 AF169 8N886 11 COAT F0K98Z GD17E V0472 DRESS F6NU0Z GD17E V0472 BAG BB5826 AF095 8B014 SHOES C18641 AF073 8C515 12 DRESS F6NW6T FUBCI V0472 PANTS FT81XT FUBCI V0472 GLOVES BF0086 AF020 8N936 BAG BB5843 AF052 8N933 SHOES C18641 AF073 8C515 13 COAT F0L36F GD081 S8031 GLOVES BF0086 AF020 8N932 BAG BB5843 AF052 8N935 SHOES C18668 AF052 8N935 14 DRESS F6OJ0T FL1AM F0257 SHOES C18655 AF121 87099 15 DRESS F6OH5T FLM9F S8400 BAG BB5740 A8440 8B014 SHOES C18727 AF123 87099 16 DRESS F6OA0Z GD12E N3454 BAG BB5853 A8431 8N938 SHOES C18708 AF134 8M831
17 COAT F0K92Z GD14E V0472 DRESS F6NR6Z GD14E V0472 HOOD FH308A FUPPY V0766 GLOVES BF0086 AF020 8N931 BAG BB5843 AF053 8N936 SHOES C18666 AF052 8N936
25 TOP F7M31Z GD43E N3454 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N0542 BALACLAVA FIH33K F49CR S8433 GLOVES FIG33K F49CR S8433 BAG BB5857 AF173 8B420 SHOES C18681 AF091 8D754
18 JACKET F279PZ GD14E F0130 SKIRT F4W97Z GD14E F0130 HOOD FH308A FUPPY M5039 BAG BB5857 A1095 80459 SHOES C18727 AF123 87099
26 COAT F0L10Z GD26E S8400 FUR DRESS F6OJ1F FUPPY F2604 GLOVES BF0086 AF020 8N933 BAG BB5843 AF052 8N933 SHOES C18727 AF123 87099
19 DRESS F6NV2Z GD14E F0130 BAG BB5826 A2030 8N093 SHOES C18637AF127 8C352
27 DRESS F6OG9T FS12S X0806 BAG BB5740 AF179 8D345 SHOES C18719 AF178 8L250
20 DRESS F6NZ0T FUBCI V0472 BALACLAVA FIH95K F49CR S8417 GLOVES FIG85K F49CR S8407 BAG BB5853 A8435 8B956 SHOES C18635 AF137 8S240
28 COAT F0L43T FUBCI N0000 SLIP M23324 ONC01-C N0000 BAG BB5826 AP198 80999 SHOES C18655 AF059 80999
21 DRESS F6OH1T FS12Y X0811 SHOES C18641 AF073 89714 22 DRESS F6NY8Z GD42E B3784 BAG BB5740 AF056 8N939 SHOES C18682 AF087 8U900 23 COAT F0K97T FPMOM X0800 DRESS F6OI4T FPMON X0800 HOOD FH308A FUPPY N0000 GLOVES BF0101 AF016 8B956 BAG BB5843 AF053 8N937 SHOES C18707 A1390 80999 24 TOP F7M46Z GD55E S8030 FUR BLOOMERS FT94XF GD071 S9000 SHOES C18637 AF127 8C352
29 DRESS F6NX7T FJMRC S8030 GLOVES BF0086 AF020 8N934 BAG BB5843 AF053 8N934 SHOES C18707 AF136 8N951 30 DRESS F6OF8T FJMQP B0324 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N0542 BAG BB5852 AF056 89305 SHOES C18661 AF052 8N931 31 DRESS F6OC3T FLM7P N0000 SHOES C18655 AF059 80999 32 JACKET F280AT GDA35 V0472 SKIRT F4X17T FUBCI V0472 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N1254 BAG BB5857 A8450 8M072 SHOES C18655 AF059 80999
33 JACKET F280KT FUBCI N0000 SKIRT F4X07T FUBCI N0000 BAG BB5826 A8256 8S497 SHOES C18655 AF059 80999 34 COAT F0L34Z GDA35 B0324 BAG BB5826 A8399 8B592 SHOES C18711 AF181 87099 35 DRESS F6NW3T FJMRC S8031 BALACLAVA FIH25K F49CR S8425 GLOVES BF0094 AF010 8B956 SHOES C18678 AF133 8S969 36 DRESS F6OF3T FS12S X0800 BALACLAVA FIH85K F49CR S8407 SHOES C18719 AF178 8L250 37 DRESS F6NJ1Z GD07D M0767 BAG BB5850 AF176 8N950 SHOES C18815 AF139 8N948 38 COAT F0K85Z GD66E S8030 DRESS F6NU4T FMMCA S8030 BALACLAVA FH303A GDA40 S8030 BAG BB5852 A8457 8M801 SHOES C18655 AF122 80220 39 COAT F0L29Z GD075 N0190 SLIP M23324 ONC01-C N0000 BAG BB5850 AF084 8M050 SHOES C18655 AF122 80220 40 COAT F0L51Z GD43E R2254 DRESS F6OF9T FJMQP R2254 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N1254 BAG BB5826 A8444 8D330 SHOES C18705 AF081 8D288 41 DRESS F6OH4T FLM9F S8401 BAG BB5857 A1095 80999 SHOES C18815 AF139 8N948
42 JACKET F280CZ GDA35 F0130 SKIRT F4W81T FUBCI F0130 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N1254 BAG BB5857 A8450 8M073 SHOES C18705 AF081 8D288 43 DRESS F6OF7T FJMQP V0472 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N1254 BALACLAVA FIH36K F49CR S8436 GLOVES FIG36K F49CR S8436 SHOES C18681 AF107 8B577 44 DRESS F60I5T FJMQP B0324 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N1254 BAG BB5826AP19880459 SHOES C18637 AF127 8C352 45 COAT F0L16T FUBCI V0472 DRESS F6NY0T FUBCI V0472 BALACLAVA FIH97K F49CR S8419 GLOVES FIG97K F49CR S8419 BAG BB5857 A8450 80048 SHOES C18635 AF237 8B956 46 TOP F7L99T FUBCI V0472 SKIRT F4W81T FUBCI V0472 BALACLAVA FIH93K F49CR S8415 GLOVES FIG93K F49CR S8415 BAG BB5843 AF024 80999 SHOES C18655 AF059 80999 47 COAT F0L15F GD077 V0472 BALACLAVA FH304A GD077 V0472 GLOVES BF0086 AF020 8N936 BAG BB5826 AP198 87685 SHOES C18666 AF052 8N936 48 JACKET F280DZ GD60E N0000 TOP F7M37T FJMQ9 N0000 SKIRT F4W81Z GD60E N0000 VEIL FS091A GD58E N0000 BAG BB5826 A2030 8D756 SHOES C18727 AF123 87099
49 DRESS F6NX6Z GD62E N0000 NECKLACE WLG8S1 W0001 ZOO00 BAG BB5857 AF173 8B420 SHOES C18655 AF059 80999
57 DRESS F6NZ3T FUBCI N0000 BAG BB5850 AF176 8D514 SHOES C18711 AF182 80220
50 JACKET F280JT FUBCI N0000 SKIRT F4X06T FUBCI N0000 BAG BB5644 AT928 8B956 SHOES C18718 AF138 8N947
58 COAT F0K64Z GD07D F0130 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N0000 HOOD FH308A FUPPY N0000 BAG BB5826 A8444 8D330 SHOES C18655 AF059 8H004
51 DRESS F6NV3T FSAMK X0800 BAG BB5860 A8447 80204 SHOES C18655 AF122 80220
59 DRESS F6OI8T FL1AM R2254 SHOES C18717 AF138 8N947
52 DRESS F6NU7T FP3AX X0800 BALACLAVA FIH34K F49CR S8434 BAG BB5740 A8440 8B014 SHOES C18739 AP283 8M050 53 DRESS F6NW9Z GD43E R2254 BAG BB5740 AF180 8N701 SHOES C18655 AF122 80220 54 DRESS F6NZ2T FUBCI V0472 BALACLAVA FIH94K F49CR S8416 GLOVES BF0101 AF0168B956 BAG BB5857 A1095 87685 SHOES C18655 AF059 80999 55 JACKET F280PZ GD07D R0046 SKIRT F4V51Z GD07D R0046 BAG BB5826 AP198 8M073 SHOES C18711 AF181 87099 56 FUR F280OF FUPNL N0000 TOP F7L13T FLM08 N0000 FUR BLOOMERS FT93XF GD070 S9000 BAG BB5826 A8399 8D754 SHOES C18681 AF091 8D754
60 DRESS F6NR5T FPBAG X0800 GLOVES BF0101 AF016 8B956 BAG BB5852 AF056 89305 SHOES C18693 AF088 8N944 61 DRESS F6NZ0Z GD56E B0324 NECKLACE WNG8S1 W0001 ZOO00 HAIRBAND WHG8S1 W0001 N0000 BAG BB5740 AF096 8N886 SHOES C18655 AF122 80220 62 DRESS F6OH2T FS12Y X0812 BAG BB5852 A8457 87099 SHOES C18815 AF139 8N948 63 DRESS F6OI2T FP3A4 X0800 SHOES C18668 AF052 8N935 64 TOP F7M11T FLM7P N0000 SKIRT F4X15Z GD42E B3784 BAG BB5852A84578M801 SHOES C18723 AF169 80992 65 DRESS F6OI9T FL1AM V8745 SHOES C18641 AF073 8C515
66 DRESS F6NY9Z GDA30 N0190 COLLAR FS090A GD075 N0190 GLOVES BF0101 AF016 8B956 BAG BB5850 AF175 8L638 SHOES C18727 AF123 8M801 67 DRESS F6OJ9T FJMQP R2254 HOOD FH308A FUPP4 R5515 BAG BB5850 AF084 8M050 SHOES C18756 A8445 8C362 68 DRESS F6NW8T FUBCI B0324 BALACLAVA FIH81K F49CR S8403 GLOVES FIG81K F49CR S8403 BAG BB5843 AF024 80999 SHOES C18635 AF237 8B956 69 COAT F0L39T FUBCI B0324 DRESS F6OF6T FUBCI B0324 LEGGINGS FIP01K F45EA N0000 BALACLAVA FIH82K F49CR S8404 GLOVES FIG82K F49CR S8404 BAG BB5843 AF024 80999 SHOES C18681 AF107 8B577 70 COAT F0L54T FS12Y X0809 DRESS F6OH3T FS12Y X0809 HOOD FH308A FUPP4 R5515 SHOES C18705 AF081 8D288
DOLCE&GABBANA BOUTIQUES ITALIA CAPRI Via Camerelle, 39/41 tel +39 081 8377154 FIRENZE Via degli Strozzi, 12/18 R tel +39 055 281003 FORTE DEI MARMI Via G. Spinetti, 27/29 tel +39 0584 784393 MILANO Corso Venezia, 15 (man) tel +39 02 76028485 Corso Venezia, 15 (shoes man) tel +39 02 76024094 Via della Spiga, 26 (woman) tel +39 02 76001155 Via della Spiga, 2 (accessories woman) tel +39 02 795747 Corso Venezia 7 (woman) tel +39 02 76004091 PADOVA Via San Fermo, 27/29 tel +39 049 8774455 PORTO CERVO Vicolo delle Chiacchiere building 3, store 5/6 tel +39 0789 92206 ROMA Piazza di Spagna, 93/94/95 (man) tel +39 06 6991592 Via Condotti, 51/52 (woman) tel +39 06 69924999 VENEZIA San Marco, 223/226 tel +39 041 5209991 VERONA Via Mazzini, 29 tel +39 045 8007626
EUROPE AND EASTERN EUROPE AUSTRIA VIENNA Kohlmarkt, 8/10 tel +43 1 5323000 CYPRUS NICOSIA 36 C-D, Stasikratous str. tel +35 722 755028 CZECH REPUBLIC PRAGUE 28, Parizska tel +420 222315382 FRANCE CANNES 41, Boulevard de la Croisette tel +33 4 92592282 PARIS 3/5, Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré (man) tel +33 1 44949595 54, Avenue Montaigne (woman) tel +33 1 42256878 SAINT TRO PEZ 17, Rue François Sibilli tel +33 4 94979560 GERMANY BERLIN Kurfurstendamm 187 tel +49 30 33096590 HAMBURG Neuer Wall 80 tel +49 040 30069660 MUNICH 11-15 Maximilianstrasse tel +49 89 24440980
GREECE ATHENS City Link, 4 Stadiou Str. tel +30 210 3356443 THESSALONIKI 3 Morgentaou & Pr. Koromila Str. tel +30 2310 376451 LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG 7 Rue Philippe II Opening soon NETHERLANDS AMSTERDAM P.C. Hooftstraat, 124 (man) tel +31 203640420 P.C. Hoofstraat, 106 (woman) tel +31 204706468 ROMANIA BUCAREST c/o The Grand Avenue J.W. Marriott Calea 13 Septembrie Nr. 90 Sector 5, 050726 tel +40 737666633 RUSSIA EKATERINBURG Rosa Luxemburg, 4 tel +7 343 3658777 MOSCOW Tretyakovsky Proezd, 8 tel +7 495 9333376 Barvikha Luxury Village Rublevo Uspenskoye Shosse, 114 tel +7 495 2258850 Kutuzosvkij Prospect, 31 tel +7 495 9333037 SAINT PETERSBURG DLT Bolshaya Konushennaya 21/23 tel +7 8126480848
SPAIN BARCELONA Paseo de Gracia, 95 tel +34 93 4672256 MADRID Calle Ortega Y Gasset, 14 tel +34 91 7810910 MARBELLA Puerto Banus Pueblo Marinero de Ribeira Casa F Local 17 (man) tel +34 952 818520 Local Commercial, 3/4 Casa N Pueblo Marinero (woman) tel +34 952 907366 SWITZERLAND ST. MORITZ Via dal Vaut, 4 tel +41 81 8321880 ZURICH Weinplatz, 10 (man) tel +41 44 2115506 Schipfe 2 (woman) tel +41 44 2117929 UKRAINE KIEV Mandarin Plaza mall Basseynaya str., 4A tel +38 0503806277
DOLCE&GABBANA BOUTIQUES UNITED KINGDOM LONDON 6/8 Old Bond Street tel +44 207 6599000 6 Sloane Street (man) tel +44 207 2010140 175 Sloane Street (woman) tel +44 207 2010980 New Bond Street 53/55 (man) tel +44 207 4959250 MIDDLE EAST AZERBAIJAN BAKU 4, Aziz Aliyev street tel +99412 4939919 (man) 117, Neftchiler Prospect tel +99412 4934082 (woman) KAZAKHSTAN ALMATY Esentai Shopping Mall Al-Farabi Avenue, 77/8 (man) tel +7 727 326 99 11 Esentai Shopping Mall Al-Farabi Avenue, 77/8 (woman) tel +7 727 326 99 11 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN MANAMA Moda Mall Bahrain World Trade Center (man) tel +973 17131457 Moda Mall Bahrain World Trade Center (woman) tel +973 17131456
KUWAIT KUWAIT CITY The Avenues, Prestige Mall (man) tel +965 22200583 The Avenues, Prestige Mall (woman) tel +965 22200586 LEBANON BEIRUT 146, El Moutran Street Down Town tel +961 1 991111 ext. 555 QATAR DOHA Villaggio Mall Via Domo Ent. 6 (man) tel +974 44161009 Villaggio Mall Via Domo Ent. 6 (woman) tel +974 44161007 SAUDI ARABIA JEDDAH El Khayyat Centre tel +966 266 06699 Jeddah Boulevard Al Malik road (man) Opening soon RIYADH Kingdom Centre tel +966 112112222
TURKEY ISTANBUL Istinye Park N. 465 (man) tel +90 212 3356780 Istinye Park N. 474 (woman) tel +90 212 3356785 Zorlu Center Levazım Mh, Barbaros ¸ ˘ Besiktas Bulvarı Kavsagı, ¸ ¸ tel +90 212 3063397/98 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ABU DHABI The Galleria at Sowwah Square Al Maryah Island (man) tel +971 26742120 The Galleria at Sowwah Square Al Maryah Island (woman) tel +971 26743711 DUBAI Burjuman Centre Level 2 (woman) tel +971 4 5012880 Mall of Emirates tel +971 4 3410626 The Dubai Mall Level 1 Fashion Avenue tel +971 4 3308566 The Dubai Mall LEVEL - Shoe District (shoes and leather goods) tel +9714 501 6979
DOLCE&GABBANA BOUTIQUES NORTH AMERICA CANADA ONTARIO TORONTO 111 Bloor street West tel +1 416 9211939 USA ASPEN, CO 204 South Galena Street Opening soon BAL HARBOUR FL Bal Harbour Shops 9700 Collins Avenue Unit 134 tel +1 305 8660503 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 314 North Rodeo Drive (man) tel +1 310 8888701 312 North Rodeo Drive (woman) tel +1 310 8888701 CHICAGO, IL 68 E. Oak Street (woman) tel +1 312 2550630 LAS VEGAS, NV The Shops At Crystals 3720 Las Vegas Boulevard space 100 (man) tel + 1 702 431 6615 The Shops At Crystals 3720 Las Vegas Boulevard space 141 (woman) tel + 1 702 431 6614 LOS ANGELES, CA Beverly center 8500 Beverly Boulevard unit 779 tel + 1 310 3607282
NEW YORK, NY 827 Madison Avenue (woman) tel +1 212 2494100 717 Fifth Avenue tel +1 212 8979653 SHORT HILLS, NJ The Mall at Short Hills 1200 Morris Turnpike Suite A-227 (woman) tel +1 973 9128090 LATIN AMERICA ARUBA ORANJESTAD Renaissance Mall L.G. Smith Boulevard 82 Location 39/40 tel +297 588 7770 BRAZIL BRASILIA Shopping Iguatemi Brasília Shin CA 4 - Lote A Gr. floor - Lago Norte (woman) tel +55 61 3468-3122 RECIFE Shopping RioMar Avenida República do Líbano 251 Piso L2, Pina (woman) tel +55 81 3327 1961 RIO DE JANEIRO Shopping Leblon Av. Afrânio de Mello Franco N. 290 Leblon - 1st floor (woman) tel +55 21 2294 0219
SAO PAULO Shopping JK Iguatemi Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 2041 - Gr. floor tel +55 11 31526230 Shopping Iguatemi Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2232 Piso Faria Lima (woman accessories) tel +55 11 30324735 CHILE SANTIAGO DE CHILE Parque Arauco Shopping Center Avenida Kennedy, N. 5413 Las Condes (woman) tel +56 2 2245 7790 COLOMBIA BOGOTA Centro Comercial Andino Carrera 11 # 82-71 (man) tel +57 1 5305665 (woman) tel +57 1 5305661
MEXICO CANCÚN Local L-17 La Isla Shopping Village Boulevard Kukulcan lotes 18-10 y 18-11, manzana 52 Zona Hotelera Cancún Quintana Roo, C.P. 77500 (woman) Opening soon MEXICO CITY Avenida Presidente Masaryk N. 450 – L-2 Colonia Chapultepec Polanco (woman) tel +52 55 5280 8767/68 SANTA FE Avenida Vasco de Quiroga N. 3800 – L 1702 Colonia Antigua Mina la Totolapa Delegación Cuajimalpa tel +52 55 1 2167 8236 PANAMA PANAMA CITY Centro Comercial Multiplaza Calle Punta Darien E355 Punta Pacífica Corregimiento San Francisco (woman) Opening soon ASIA PACIFIC AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE Mayfair Building 171 Collins St Melbourne Victoria tel +61 03 9639 9785
DOLCE&GABBANA BOUTIQUES CHINA BEIJING Park Life, Yin Tai Centre Shop N. F02, Level 2 2 JianGuoMenWai Street Chaoyang District tel +86 10 8517 2698 Peninsula Palace Hotel Shop L16, Lower Lobby One 8 Goldfish Lane Wangfujing Dongcheng District tel +86 10 6510 6128 Seasons Place Shopping Mall Shop L108-109 & L210-211 Seasons Place 2 Jinchengfang Jie Financial Street Xicheng District tel +86 10 6622 0298 Shin Kong Place M2002, Shin Kong Place No.87, Jianguo Road Chaoyang District (man) tel +86 10 8588 7429 (accessories woman) tel +86 10 8588 7160 CHANGCHUN ChangChun Charter Shopping Center Shop N. C-1103 1255 Chongqing Road Chaoyang District tel +86 431 8848 3368 CHANGSHA Friendship Store Shop A3, 368 Wuyi Road Furong District (man) Opening soon
CHENGDU IFS Shop L105 & L205 Chengdu IFS, No.1, Section 3 Hongxing Road, Jinjiang District tel +86 28 8662 4401 Renhe Spring Department Store Shop A24, 1F, Building A 1 Binlong Street Jinjiang District tel +86 28 8665 3217 CHONGQING World Financial Center Shop L105-106 & L204-206 188 Mingzhu Road Yuzhong District tel +86 23 6381 9906 GUANGZHOU La Perle Mall Shop N. 119 and 208 367 Huan Shi Dong Road Baiyun District tel +86 20 8318 6217 HANGZHOU Euro Street Shop 3B & 3C 20 Hubin Road Shangcheng District tel +86 571 8717 2601 Hangzhou Tower Shopping Center Shop No.103 & 203 Hangzhou Tower B, 1/F N.1 Wulin Square (2/F – man) tel +86 571 86412539 (1/F – woman) tel +86 571 88224283 JINAN Guihe Shopping Center Shop 4, 1/F, No. 1 Tian Di Tan Street (man) tel +86 0531 80982788
NANNING The MixC Mall Nanning City Crossing Shop N. 123 136 Minzu Avenue Qingxiu District tel +86 771 5786 909 NANJING Deji Plaza Shop L110-112 & L207-209 18 Zhongshan Road Baixia District tel +86 25 8476 4590 SHANGHAI Plaza 66 Shopping Mall Shop N. 120 and 217 1266 West Nanjing Road Jing’an District tel +86 21 6288 6970 K11 Shop N. 101-102 & 201-202 300 Middle Huaihai Road Luwan District tel +86 21 6315 0066 International APM Shopping Mall Shop N. 105 on level 1 & 205 on level 2 999 Middle Huaihai Road Xuhui District tel +86 21 6433 9377 IFC Mall Shop L1-22 & L2-22 8 Century Avenue Pudong New area tel +86 21 5012 0622
SHENYANG L’Avenue Charter Shopping Centre Shop N. 111-112, 1st floor 12 HuiGong Street ShenHe District (man) tel +86 24 2276 1508 Charter Shopping Centre Shop N. 1118-1119 1-7 Beijing Street ShenHe District (woman) tel +86 24 2279 5279 The Mix City Mall Shop N. 105 288 Qingnian Street Heping District tel +86 24 3125 5008 SHENZHEN MixC Shop N. 136-138 L1- Phase 1- The MixC 1881 Bao An Road South Luohu District tel +86 775 8266 4220 TAIYUAN Tianmei Plaza Shop 102, 113 Changfeng Road tel +86 351 8376150 TIANJIN Galaxy Mall Shop N. 12, Level 1 9 Leyuan Road Hexi District (woman) tel +86 22 5837 7890 Tianjin Friendship Mall Shop L10 21 Youyi Road Hexi District (man) tel +86 22 6086 0378
DOLCE&GABBANA BOUTIQUES WENZHOU Overseas Chinese Hotel Shopping Mall Shop 101 & 201 N. 1 Xinhe Street Lucheng District (1F- Woman) tel +86 0577 88166380 (2F- Man) tel +86 0577 88215087 WUXI Center 66 Shopping Center Shop N. 103-105, 1F Middle Renmin Road Chong’an District (woman) tel +86 510 8185 6680 Yaohan Department Store B102, 1/F, N. 168 Zhongshan Road Chongan District (man) tel +86 0510 82730272 WUHAN Wuhan International Plaza B7& B8, 1/F, N. 690 Jiefang Road Jianghan District tel +86 027 85588881 XIAN Century Ginwa Zhujiang Times Square Shop 114, 1/F 339 East of Southern Ring Road Beilin District tel +86 029 8935 8881
HONG KONG HONG KONG Alexandra House Shop G2 Ground Floor 18 Chater Road, Central tel +852 2877 5558 Pacific Place Shop N. 228 88 Queensway, Admiralty (man) tel +852 2525 5815 Harbour City Shop G108 17 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon tel +852 2956 0833 Elements Shop N. 2028-29, Level 2 1 Austin Road West Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon tel +852 2751 9188
MACAU MACAU One Central Shopping Mall Shop N. G36-38 Section A-R/C Avenida de Sagres and Avenida do Dr. Sun Yat Sen Lot B - Block B - Zone B, Nape tel +853 2872 3028 Four Seasons Shop 2846 & 2847 The Shoppes at Four Seasons Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanรงa, s/n Four Seasons Hotel Macao Cotai Strip, Taipa (man) Opening soon Four Seasons Shop 2850a & 2856 The Shoppes at Four Seasons Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanรงa, s/n Four Seasons Hotel Macao Cotai Strip, Taipa (woman) Opening soon MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR Suria KLCC Shop G30, Ground Floor Kuala Lumpur City Centre (man) Opening soon SINGAPORE SINGAPORE ION Orchard 2 Orchard Turn #01-21 & #02-11 tel +65 6509 3312
SOUTH KOREA SEOUL Cheongdam-dong #99-19 Gangnam-gu tel +82 2 3444 0077 THAILAND BANGKOK Siam Paragon #M08, M Floor 991 Rama 1 road Pathumwan tel +662 6106790 TAIWAN TAIPEI Taipei 101 Mall 3F, 45 Shi-Fu Road Xinyi District tel +886 2 8101 7932 JAPAN KOBE Block 30, 29 Harima-machi Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi Hyogo tel +81 78 331 1203 NAGOYA Lachic 1F 3-6-1 Sakae, Naka-ku Nagoya-shi, Aichi tel +81 52 259 6301 OSAKA Midosuji Prime Square Shinsaibashi 2-7-18, Shinsaibashisuji Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi tel +81 66 211 6411 TOKYO New Ginza 5 Bldg. 5-4-9 Ginza, Chuo-ku tel +81 33 569 0610 Omotesando Hills 4-12-10 Jingumae Shibuya-ku tel +81 35 785 0853
DOLCE&GABBANA SHOP IN SHOP ITALIA BOLOGNA c/o Folli Follie (woman) MILANO c/o La Rinascente Duomo (man) c/o La Rinascente Duomo (accessories woman) c/o La Rinascente Duomo (shoes woman) PALERMO c/o Torregrossa (woman) c/o Dell’Oglio (man) PESARO c/o Ratti (woman) ROMA c/o Fiumicino Airport, area Transit between T2 and T3, Gate C (accessories man and woman) c/o Fiumicino Airport T3 Gate G (accessories man and woman) VERONA c/o Excelsior (accessories woman)
FRANCE MARSEILLE c/o SHP PARIS c/o Printemps (man) c/o Printemps (woman) c/o Printemps (accessories man) c/o Printemps (shoes man) Opening soon c/o Les Galeries Lafayette (man)
EUROPE AND EASTERN EUROPE AUSTRIA VIENNA c/o Vienna Airport (accessories man and woman)
HUNGARY BUDAPEST c/o Il bacio di stile (accessories woman)
BELGIUM ANTWERP c/o Verso (man) c/o Verso (woman)
GERMANY DUSSELDORF c/o Breuninger (accessories woman) FRANKFURT Frankfurt Airport c/o Engelhorn STUTTGART c/o Breuninger (man) c/o Breuninger (woman) c/o Breuninger (accessories woman)
LATVIA RIGA c/o Plaza (woman) Opening soon
RUSSIA MOSCOW c/o Tsum (accessories man and woman) c/o Tsum (man) c/o Tsum (woman) SAINT PETERSBURG c/o DLT (shoes woman)
DOLCE&GABBANA SHOP IN SHOP ITALIA BOLOGNA c/o Folli Follie (woman) MILANO c/o La Rinascente Duomo (man) c/o La Rinascente Duomo (accessories woman) c/o La Rinascente Duomo (shoes woman) PALERMO c/o Torregrossa (woman) c/o Dell’Oglio (man) PESARO c/o Ratti (woman) ROMA c/o Fiumicino Airport, area Transit between T2 and T3, Gate C (accessories man and woman) c/o Fiumicino Airport T3 Gate G (accessories man and woman) VERONA c/o Excelsior (accessories woman)
FRANCE MARSEILLE c/o SHP PARIS c/o Printemps (man) c/o Printemps (woman) c/o Printemps (accessories man) c/o Printemps (shoes man) Opening soon c/o Les Galeries Lafayette (man)
EUROPE AND EASTERN EUROPE AUSTRIA VIENNA c/o Vienna Airport (accessories man and woman)
HUNGARY BUDAPEST c/o Il bacio di stile (accessories woman)
BELGIUM ANTWERP c/o Verso (man) c/o Verso (woman)
GERMANY DUSSELDORF c/o Breuninger (accessories woman) FRANKFURT Frankfurt Airport c/o Engelhorn STUTTGART c/o Breuninger (man) c/o Breuninger (woman) c/o Breuninger (accessories woman)
LATVIA RIGA c/o Plaza (woman) Opening soon
RUSSIA MOSCOW c/o Tsum (accessories man and woman) c/o Tsum (man) c/o Tsum (woman) SAINT PETERSBURG c/o DLT (shoes woman) UKRAINE DONETSK c/o Cult fashion (woman) Opening soon DNEPROPETROVSK c/o Symbol (woman) Opening soon UNITED KINGDOM LONDON c/o Harrods (man) c/o Harrods (woman) c/o Harrods (accessories woman) c/o Heathrow Airport (accessories man and woman) NORTH AMERICA CANADA ALBERTA CALGARY Calgary c/o Holt Renfrew (man) c/o Holt Renfrew (woman)
BRITISH COLUMBIA VANCOUVER Pacific Center c/o Holt Renfrew (man) c/o Holt Renfrew (woman) ONTARIO TORONTO c/o Harry Rosen (man) c/o Holt Renfrew (woman) Yorkdale Mall c/o Holt Renfrew (man) Yorkdale Mall c/o Harry Rosen (man) Yorkdale Mall c/o Holt Renfrew (woman) QUEBEC MONTREAL c/o Holt Renfrew (man) c/o Holt Renfrew (woman)
DOLCE&GABBANA SHOP IN SHOP USA CALIFORNIA BEVERLY HILLS c/o Neiman Marcus (man) c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (man) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) CANOGA PARK Westfield Topanga c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) Westfield Topanga c/o Nordstrom (woman) COSTA MESA South Coast Plaza c/o Nordstrom (woman) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) NEWPORT BEACH Fashion Island c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) SACRAMENTO Arden Fair c/o Nordstrom (woman) SAN FRANCISCO c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) PALM DESERT c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman)
FLORIDA AVENTURA Aventura Mall c/o Nordstrom (woman) BAL HARBOUR Bal Harbour Shops c/o Neiman Marcus (man) c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) BOCA RATON Town Center Mall c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (man) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) CORAL GABLES Village of Merrick Park c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) ORLANDO The Mall at Millenia c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) PALM BEACH GARDENS The Gardens Mall c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) SARASOTA c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) Opening soon GEORGIA ATLANTA Lenox Square Mall c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) Phipps Plaza c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman)
HAWAII OAHU Ala Moana Shopping Center c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) ILLINOIS CHICAGO c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (man) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON Prudential Center c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (man) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) NEVADA LAS VEGAS Fashion Show c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) Fashion Show c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) NEW JERSEY PARAMUS c/o Nordstrom (woman) SHORT HILLS The Mall at Short Hills c/o Neiman Marcus (woman)
NEW YORK NEW YORK c/o Bergdorf Goodman (man) c/o Bergdorf Goodman (woman) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (man) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (accessories woman)
DOLCE&GABBANA SHOP IN SHOP OREGON PORTLAND c/o Nordstrom (woman) PENNSYLVANIA Bala Cynwyd c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) Opening Soon TEXAS AUSTIN The Domain c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) DALLAS Northpark Center c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) HOUSTON The Galleria c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) SAN ANTONIO North Star Mall c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (woman) The Shops at La Cantera c/o Neiman Marcus (woman) Opening soon VIRGINIA MCLEAN Tyson’s Corner Center c/o Nordstrom (woman)
WASHINGTON BELLEVUE Bellevue Square c/o Nordstrom (woman) SEATTLE c/o Nordstrom (woman) MIDDLE EAST AZERBAIJAN BAKU c/o Emporium Concept Store (man) Opening soon c/o Emporium Department Store (woman) Opening soon UNITED ARAB EMIRATES DUBAI Mall of Emirates c/o Harvey Nichols (man) Mall of Emirates c/o Harvey Nichols (woman) Mall of Emirates c/o Harvey Nichols (accessories woman) Burjuman Centre c/o Saks Fifth Avenue (man) ISRAEL TEL AVIV c/o AMOR (woman) SAUDI ARABIA JEDDAH c/o Star Avenues (woman) Opening soon c/o Star Avenues (accessories woman) Opening soon
ASIA PACIFIC CHINA SHANGHAI c/o Takashimaya (accessories woman) SOUTH KOREA BUSAN c/o Shinsegae Centum City Dept. Store (man) c/o Shinsegae Centum City Dept. Store (woman) SEOUL c/o Lotte Main Dept. Store c/o Shinsegae Gangnam Dept. Store (man) c/o Shinsegae Gangnam Dept. Store (woman) c/o Shinsegae Main Dept. Store c/o Hyundai Main Dept. Store c/o Galleria East Hall (man) c/o Galleria East Hall (woman) c/o Hyundai Coex Dept. Store (man) c/o Hyundai Coex Dept. Store (woman)
JAPAN FUKUOKA c/o Iwataya Fukuoka KYOTO c/o JR Isetan Kyoto NAGOYA c/o JR Takashimaya Nagoya OSAKA c/o Hankyu Men’s Osaka (man) c/o Hankyu Umeda (woman) c/o Hankyu Umeda (woman accessories) c/o Takashimaya Osaka TOKYO c/o Takashimaya Shinjuku (man) c/o Takashimaya Shinjuku (woman) c/o Isetan Shinjuku (man) c/o Isetan Shinjuku (woman) c/o Isetan Shinjuku (woman accessories) c/o Isetan Shinjuku (woman shoes) c/o Hankyu Men’s Tokyo (man)