Poverty free futures: a zine comparing today with what tomorrow might bring

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A zine comparing today with what tomorrow could bring Produced by people with experiences of poverty to mark the International Day for the Eradication of World Poverty 17th October 2018

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What would a future without poverty look like? How would it feel and what difference would it make to individuals who are living in poverty today? These were questions that brought us together on a sunny afternoon in Leeds to develop our very own zine (a DIY magazine) which contrasts the situation we face today, with how things might be in the future, if action was taken to finally solve UK poverty. All of us who attended the workshop had experiences of poverty (either currently or in the past) and among us were asylum seekers, single parents, disabled people, people in and out of paid employment, young and old (or we’d like to say older). During three hours, we shared our experiences and hopes for the future, and got to work making our zine pages and trying to document what a poverty free future might look like. This was not easy: for many of us, it was easier to capture all that is wrong with the present than to begin to think about how a future without poverty might look. But doing so gave us hope, and doing so together felt positive and exciting. The reason we came together this month is to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The celebration of this day every year around the world is about recognising that we do not have to live in a society where millions of people are living in poverty. It is also about people who have lived experiences of poverty standing in solidarity with one another, and asking for changes to be made that draw upon our ideas, energy and experiences. The future can and should be different for all of our sakes. We hope you like this zine, which is our attempt to start to imagine that brighter future. The Dole Animators October 2018 Do get in touch with us if you’d like to know more about the work of the Dole Animators. You can find more information about us on our website (www.doleanimators.wordpress.com or follow us on twitter @doleanimators)


Beckie Dole Animators

Sue K Hope Rising

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Katie Bloomin’ Buds


Bloomin’ Buds





Molly Bloomin’ Buds

Molly Bloomin’ Buds


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Sue W Dole Animators

Sue W Dole Animators

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Sue W Dole Animators

Get involved & make your own zine pages Making a zine page is really easy – it’s DIY for everyone. If you feel inspired by our zine, and would like to get involved, why not make your own zine page, and then share it with us on twitter. Just follow these simple instructions! Let’s all be part of imaging a poverty free future.

What you’ll need Paper (any size / shape or colour) Glue Things you might want to stick onto your zine (bits of newspaper / magazine / photos / flyers / anything) Pens / pencils

Optional extras Stencils Stamps (we love the alphabet ones)

Getting started: Think about what poverty is like in the UK today and how you feel about it. You might want to draw on your own experiences or those of others around you. Are there words or images that capture this? Stick them down on a piece of paper. You’ve now got your first zine page. Now for the harder part. Imagine a UK without poverty. What would this look and feel like? You might want to think about your own life, or the country as a whole. Are there words or images that can express what a poverty free future would look like? Get these stuck down and you’ve got your second zine page.

Share your zine pages We’d love you to share what you come up with. You can do this on twitter, using #povertytakeover and tagging us in @doleanimators or email your pages to us at doleanimators@gmail.com


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