By Post: Dollar Academy, Mylne Avenue, Dollar FK14 7DU
Email: (For all general enquiries) (For all admissions queries) (For all absences) (For all administrative queries) (For all Prep School queries) (For all Junior School queries) Website:
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A welcome from our Rector and Deputy Rector
Dollar is a world-class school, built on the solid values of Work Hard, Get Involved, and Be Kind.
At the heart of our community are our pupils, some drawn into boarding from a diverse range of nationalities and others who are from the central belt of Scotland. All are inspired by a large, dedicated, and highly qualified staff team who nurture individual interests and enthusiasm.
Of course, the whole business of operating an action-packed all-through day and boarding school requires careful planning, and I hope that the following pages will help families navigate the various ‘nuts and bolts’ of life at the Academy. If at any time you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
Ian Munro, Rector
I hope this information booklet helps our pupils, parents and carers navigate life at Dollar Academy. There are separate information booklets for Boarders and the Prep and Junior Schools.
Of course, it is impossible to capture on paper the incredible variety and richness of life in a school such as Dollar, and we would always ask that parents contact us directly if they have any questions, reflections or suggestions.
In addition to the information contained within this handbook, you will find further information about our school on the school website and in the policies found in this section of our website:
Robin Pyper, Deputy Rector
2. Term Dates
Our term dates can be found here:
Church services are held on the final morning of term at the end of Terms 1 and 2, with the holidays starting at 12.20pm. At the end of term, bus times are adjusted accordingly.
In Term 3 the academic session concludes with Prize Giving, which all pupils attend, finishing at 12.20pm. The Form VI Summer Celebration takes place on the evening of the final day of term.
Term dates are published well in advance each year. Where possible, pupils should not miss school for holidays or other family events. If it does become necessary, parents/carers should write to the Rector or Mrs MacNish for Prep and Junior School pupils.
The Academy aims always to remain open during normal school hours. Any variation from this due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be communicated widely.
3. Senior School Day
Below is an example of a typical day for a pupil in the Senior School:
Senior School Assembly (Except Tuesday and Thursday) Period 1
Pupils may enter the buildings at 8.35am.
Classes End Co-curricular Activities Begin
Staff and Form VI are allowed to enter through the Bronze Doors.
4. The Dining Hall: Break and Lunch
All of the latest dining hall information, including menus and prices, can be found on the school website here.
At morning break the Dining Hall is open for pupils in Senior School and sells a selection of hot and cold food. Pupils are also welcome to bring in their own breaktime snack. Senior pupils in Form IV, V and VI, are allowed to visit the shops in the town at breaktime.
Lunch begins at the following times:
12.25pm – Form I
12.30pm – Form II-VI
(All Form I eat lunch in the Dining Hall for the first two terms; this includes those with a packed lunch).
The Dining Hall offers a wide variety of choice; in addition to a three-course hot meal, the Castle Hill Deli offers individually priced ‘lighter’ options including sandwiches, wraps, salads and soups to take away. There is also the Glendevon hot food takeaway counter and the ‘Horsebox’ located up at the main school, which offers a variety of snacks and light lunch options.
Pupils may also bring packed lunches which they can take to the Dining Hall if they wish to eat indoors.
Senior pupils in Form IV, V and VI, are allowed ‘downtown’ at lunchtime, to buy food from the shops in Dollar. Normal school expectations around behaviour (see page 12) apply.
Drinking Water
Payment in the Dining Hall
Dollar operates a cashless catering system using finger-scanning technology; new pupils will be logged on early in the school term. Parents can top up their child’s account via ParentPay.
Please note that cash is not accepted at the checkouts.
Pupils should come to school with a reusable water bottle and there are various places around the school campus where this can be filled up throughout the day.
5. Travelling to School
We would ask parents to consider the following:
If you live in the village of Dollar please walk to school when/where possible.
Where appropriate, drop-off and/or pick up your children from a location that is not directly outside the school gates.
Please try to keep to an anti-clockwise flow of traffic around the roads immediately adjacent to the school. This unofficial one-way flow of traffic helps ease congestion, particularly on Back Road.
Be courteous and thoughtful of local residents, other drivers and, in particular, pupils and families that are walking to/from school.
Turn your engine off whilst waiting.
Do not drive on to the school site to drop off or pick up your children. Try car sharing. The school uses the app, HomeRun (, to help families coordinate car sharing.
If pupils wish to drive a car to school they must request permission in writing from their Head of Year. A completed form is required before the pupil can start driving into school. This is also required for day pupils who wish to be driven by other pupils.
Cars and motor-bikes brought to school must be parked in the Dining Hall car park. Pupils should not use a car or motor-bike during the school day, including morning break and the lunch interval. Please note that Boarders are not allowed in Day pupils’ cars. If the school receives reports of a pupil driving irresponsibly, we may ban that pupil from driving to and from school on safety grounds.
For further details about travelling to school by bus and car please click here.
By Bike
Pupils wishing to use bicycles to travel to school should adhere to the following expectations:
Cyclists must operate with care for, and awareness of, pedestrians and other road users at all times and observe the 10 mph speed limit on the school grounds.
Bikes can be used only for transport to and from school, at the start and end of the day.
6. Attendance
If a pupil misses registration, they must sign the late book in the School Office. If pupils are off school, parents or guardians should email the School Office on each day of absence on or call 01259 742511. If pupils are returning after a serious illness or injury, they should also see the Nurses on their first day back.
If pupils are absent from a class for any reason, it is their responsibility to find out what work has been done and what homework has been set, and to complete it before the next lesson. If pupils are likely to be off school for some time for medical reasons, their parents should maintain consistent contact with the Guidance Team (Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year) and the Nursing Centre.
Pupils in Form V and below may only leave the school grounds during teaching time if their parent/carer has emailed the school to give permission. Once permission has been granted, pupils must sign out and in at the School Office both as they leave and on their return. Members of Form VI may leave Dollar Academy grounds without permission when they do not have a school commitment, but should also sign in and out.
Behavioural Expectations
Dollar maintains high expectations o pupil behaviour with our overall aim being that pupils develop self-discipline. We take the opportunity to celebrate success and recognise those who exceed expectations.
There are occasions when a pupil wil make a poor behavioural choice and these will be managed in line with ou Behaviour and Discipline Policy, which can be found on our website here.
7. School Uniform and Appearance
For full details of our uniform requirements please click here.
Our expectation is that pupils are well presented at all times whilst in school (including after the end of the school day) and when representing the school on trips.
Dress Code
During the school day, pupils should be in school uniform as outlined in our uniform list. Shirts should be tucked in, ties should be fully done up, top buttons should be fastened and girls kilts should not be rolled up.
Blazers should be worn at all times. Any item worn under a school shirt or blouse should not have a visible logo or design.
In the colder months pupils can wear a navy-blue V-neck jumper or the Dollar Academy branded half zip top. When training or representing the school in a sports fixture, pupils should wear Dollar Academy sports kit.
Jewellery of any type is not permitted. The one exception to this is a simple pendant which is worn for religious purposes.
If a pupil ignores this rule, the item(s) in question will be confiscated.
If pupils wish to have their ears pierced, they should arrange this at a time in the year which will not require them to wear studs (covered or otherwise) to school.
Uniform items can be obtained from:
House of Henderson:
6/8 Friars Street, Stirling FK8 1HB
Tel: 01786 473681.
Excessive make-up and coloured nailvarnish/false/acrylic nails or false eyelashes are not permitted. Hair should be clean and tidy.
Boys should be clean-shaven, unless they have written permission from the Rector.
We ask that all personal items, including items of clothing, are named clearly before coming into school.
Once a term, all unnamed lost property will be on display, usually in the Library, at lunch time.
After this display, any unclaimed lost property will be donated to Pre-Loved at Dollar.
Dollar Uniform available online at
21-23 High Street, Perth, PH1 5TJ
Tel: 01738 637843.
Dollar Uniform available online at
An excellent second hand shop ‘Preloved at Dollar’ is run by parents. Preloved at Dollar is located in the basement of the Prep School.
For further information please click here.
8. Our Curriculum
Our scho erpin the experienc
It is true to say that we are extremely proud of our pupils and their academic achievements, which are consistently amongst the very best in the country.
Firmly rooted in the Scottish tradition, we offer a broad and rigorous curriculum throughout the school which leads to SQA national qualifications at National 5 (over 2 years), Higher and Advanced Higher.
To find out more about our curriculum and subject choices, please click here.
9. Learning
At Dollar we believe that every situation provides a learning opportunity. These experiences are not limited to the classroom; we want our young people to be self-reflective so that they guide their own learning. This could be learning about how to regulate emotions or behaviour; it could be about learning a new skill in a co-curricular activity and, of course, it relates to the development of skills and understanding in the classroom.
It follows, therefore, that mistakes are a good thing! They sometimes provide the best learning opportunities.
We are not defined by our mistakes; it is how we respond to them that is of the utmost importance. If a pupil makes a mistake in a classroom exercise and learns from it, not making the same mistake again, that is definitely a positive experience.
Lessons vary in style and approach dependent on the age and stage of the learner and the topic being covered. One constant, however, is that they are engaging and fun. We focus on developing knowledge, skills and concepts that will prepare our young people for life after Dollar Our expectation is that pupils a
At Dollar, we believe that homework provides a valuable opportunity for pupils to consolidate work covered in class already or to develop understanding prior to a topic being covered.
In the Senior School, we offer as a rough guide the following allocations:
Forms I and II: approximately one hour per night
Form III: approximately two hours per night
Form IV: approximately two and a half hours per night
Forms V and VI: as much time as it takes to complete the work (it is expected that pupils will often need to work at weekends).
Books and Materials
Most textbooks and other learning materials for lessons are provided by the school, although more resources are now being made available online. Pupils in the Senior School should provide their own calculator.
If books on loan are not returned on the date required by the Head of a particular department or on the last day of session, the full cost of replacement will be charged to the end of term account.
The Senior School library is a well-stocked resource area, and is open on weekdays during term time, and after school from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. Mrs Rambaut, the Librarian, will always be pleased to help you. The Library may also be used for study at lunchtime by Senior pupils.
From August 2024 all pupils in the Senior School should have a laptop or tablet available to bring to school when required.
We understand the importance of technology in preparing our pupils for the future, yet we are fiercely committed to preserving the rich traditions of face-toface teaching and the development of social skills, critical thinking, and hands-on learning. Our approach to incorporating technology into the classroom has, therefore, been built on the principle that electronic devices are tools to augment our educational mission, not replace it. We believe in a balanced approach to education where technology serves to complement traditional teaching methods. This integration can allow teachers to employ a more diversified instructional strategy.
There are a number of subject areas which in large parts have a requirement to deliver their curriculum using specialist devices (Art, Business Education, Computing, EDT & Music). These departments will continue to be resourced with specialist dedicated facilities. We have carefully considered a minimum specification for a device, which will facilitate the development of learning and teaching across the rest of the curriculum.
Minimum Device Specifications:
Laptop or small tablet (not phone)
Operating System (Android, Apple, Windows) with latest patches
Screen size: 10 inches minimum
Display: Full High Definition, Touch Screen with Active Stylus*
Battery life: 9 hrs +
WiFi Connectivity: 5GHz (desirable)
Anti-virus software installed & up to date
*Should you have a device at home which does not have an active stylus, purchasing a small graphics tablet (<£30) will add the required functionality.
Each pupil in the senior school is entitled to 5 free copies of MS Office which they can download to any machine of their choice. The copy of Office is connected to their school email address - the Microsoft Office suite of applications is already frequently used across the curriculum.
Support for Learning
Full details on the Support for Learning department can be found here. The Support for Learning Department aims to equip pupils with skills and strategies which will help them to succeed independently and with confidence in their current and future learning.
Individual Assessment Arrangements (IAA) are carried out in accordance with policy and guidelines issued by the Scottish Qualification Authority. Further details can be obtained by contacting the school’s SQA coordinator, Mrs Mason.
Personal and Social Education
Personal and Social Education at Dollar Academy is organised around these key themes:
Health and Wellbeing
The Wider World and Relationships
Sexual Health and Parenthood
Pupils cover a diverse range of age appropriate topics in their weekly lessons in Form I to IV. All lessons are rooted in the Equalities Act of 2010, the UNCRC and the national curriculum benchmarks.
Pupils in Form I to IV will also take part in year group presentations and workshops delivered by external charities and presenters throughout the academic session. Pupils are also supported with study skills relevant to their stage through the PSE programme.
In the senior phase (Form V and VI), pupils do not receive timetabled PSE lessons, but have regular PSE presentations and workshops to prepare and support them with the transition to life beyond school.
Careers Advice
Heads of Year, or any member of the Senior Staff, will be willing to advise about careers. The school also holds a Futures Fair every other year.
Work Experience
Work experience is encouraged for all pupils, on an age and stage basis. The opportunity to learn about different industries and the associated skills and experiences is invaluable. We ask that wherever possible work experience does not remove pupils from lessons.
Pupils in Form V may have the opportunity to undertake work experience towards the end of Term 3, and Form VI pupils are encouraged to do so after they have finished their summer exams.
Higher Education (UCAS)
The UCAS process is led by Mrs Mason, Assistant Rector; however, all teachers work to help pupils in Form VI through the process of gaining a place at University or College, if that is their chosen route. At the beginning of Form VI, each pupil is assigned their Form VI adviser who will liaise closely with them throughout the year to support UCAS applications, or indeed applications to college or work or university abroad. There is a UCAS parent / pupil evening at the start of the First Term at which more information regarding the application process is given.
Pupils are ultimately responsible for researching their options, discussing them with staff and parents or guardians, visiting institutions and finally making decisions. There are deadlines that have to be met for Vet, Dental, Medicine and Oxford and Cambridge entries (usually mid-October) in addition to the UCAS deadline in mid-January.
Open Days
Pupils are encouraged to visit the higher education institutions to which they intend to apply but ideally, pupils should try to visit out of term time, so that they miss as little work in school as possible. Pupils will be given permission to visit institutions’ open days during the school day provided that the institutions are ones that are high in the order of preference.
10. Communication with Parents/Carers
We believe in working in partnership with parents and carers, as this achieves the best outcomes for the young person in question. There are formal opportunities for feedback, for example Parents’ Evenings, Information Events and Reports, but there is also the opportunity for ad hoc meetings that fall outside these. We encourage open, honest and respectful conversations focused on the development of the pupil.
A member of staff may get in touch with a parent to discuss a concern or issue, but equally a parent is welcome to get in touch with the school. If a parent does not know who to get in touch with, they should direct their enquiry to the School Office who will be able to help them.
Throughout the year, parents and carers will receive formal reports about their child. These will provide information about what their child is doing well in addition to where further improvements can be made.
By the end of 2024, parents and carers will have access to MySchoolPortal where all information about their child will be available in one place.
Parents will be able to access their child’s reports, information letters, forms, parents’ evening information, homework overview, co-curricular commitments and trips and tours information through MySchoolPortal.
School Calendar
School activities and events are listed on the online SOCS calendar available here: You can sync this online calendar to your personal/family calendar if you wish.
Parents’ Evenings
In the Senior School, each year group has at least one Parents’ Evening each academic session. These take place online and full details of Parents’ Evenings are given before the event. The dates of Parents’ Evenings are listed in the school calendar.
For some of the senior year groups we encourage the pupils to also be present, as we believe it is important for pupils to take ownership of their learning.
Contact details
It is essential that you ensure any changes to addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and emergency contact details are updated via MySchoolPortal.
The Dollar Academy magazine Fortunas is published twice a year. This is available for the whole community to enjoy. There is no charge for this magazine; however, you must opt-in to receive a hard copy. This option will be shared with new parents in October.
11. Co-Curricular
For full details of all the activities available please click here.
We encourage all our pupils to become involved in co-curricular activities, but they are not compulsory.
Full details will be published online via MySchoolPortal which will be updated at the start of term and pupils will be able to see the activities on offer at the ‘Co-curricular Fair’ held in the first few weeks of Term 1.
Senior School pupils will be given log in details to the SOCS Co-Curricular platform and can sign up for activities themselves. To login to SOCS please click here.
It is possible to juggle quite a few activities and there are many available. Pupils should remember that to be fair to the others in the group and the staff responsible, once a commitment is made loyalty, and continuous support are necessary.
Competitive fixtures against a variety of schools, either on Saturday mornings or midweek, are a valuable part of the sports programme at Dollar and we encourage parents to come and support.
Trips and Tours
A central part of our educational offering are trips and tours that act to enhance our pupils’ development. These can vary broadly from one day local trips to twoweek long international trips. Our aim is to provide as great a breadth of experiences as possible. Wherever possible we aim to make trips and tours affordable, whilst also recognising that overseas trips are rarely cheap.
Music and Drama Productions
Performance is an essential part of musical and dramatic life at Dollar. Whilst subject to change, a likely programme for the year is as follows:
First Term: Form VI play, Christmas Concert, Prep School Nativity.
Second Term: Junior 1 Musical Cantata, Prep 5 Show in a Week, the Spring Term Concert and Musician of the Year.
Third Term: Form I and II Play, Senior School Musical, Junior 2 Musical.
Once committed to a production, a pupil is expected to attend all rehearsals as required.
Instrumental Tuition
Full details of Individual Instrumental Tuition and how to apply for lessons, can be found here. Information on Piping & Drumming Tuition can be found here.
Sports Weekend
The weekend prior to the last week of session is our annual Sports Weekend.
This starts with the Prep School Sports on Thursday, Junior School Sports on the Friday and the Senior School Sports on the Saturday afternoon.
Parents experience the culmination of the athletic activities of the year. The CCF hold their Passing Out Parade on the Sunday morning followed by a display from the Pipe Bands.
Finally, the Rector hosts a cricket match on the Sunday afternoon. The Boarding Houses also run other events for the boarding communities.
Each session, a new Charities Committee made up of Form VI pupils is selected. The Committee is responsible for the running of a number of events throughout the course of each session to raise money for nominated charities.
In recent years we have raised significant sums for CHAS, DEBRA, Macmillan Cancer Research, Children in Need, Homestart, Ocean Youth Trust, the Terrence Higgins Trust, Alzheimer’s Scotland, the Uphill Trust, Barnardo’s, Aberlour, The Gate and the British Lung Foundation.
The Committee is also heavily involved in the administration of the Sponsored Walk which takes place in the local hills once every two years. Enormous sums of money are raised for local, national and international charities. The Sponsored Walk in June 2023 raised over £65,000 for six charities.
12. Guidance, Health and Wellbeing
For full details please click here.
The school is committed to the principles of Child Protection, with a policy based on the Children’s Charter, the Children and Young Persons Act (2014) Scotland, the Scottish government’s ‘Getting It Right For Every Child’ (GIRFEC) legislation (2022), the National Guidance for Child Protection (2021) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1992), as well as on many years of experience.
In this context, there may be occasions when a pupil’s confidentiality is respected and information is not shared or passed on to parents (although every effort will be made to encourage the pupil to discuss a sensitive issue with their parents).
The Child Protection Co-ordinator and Named Person is Miss Langley, who is assisted by Mrs MacNish in the Prep & Junior School and by Mr Baird, Mrs Baird and Mr Chant in the Senior School and Boarding Community.
If pupils or parents have concerns about life at Dollar Academy, they should feel free to raise them with any member of staff with whom they feel comfortable – they are not restricted to members of staff who have been given particular responsibility for pupils (like Class Teachers, Form Tutors, Houseparents or Heads of Year).
Pupils could also phone Childline on 0800 1111; the Care Inspectorate (for boarders) on 01382 207288; or the National Child Protection helpline on 0800 022 3222.
Form Tutor Groups
In the Senior School, Form Tutors meet with their form group each morning before lessons and are a vital part of our pastoral care systems. Form Tutors are responsible for monitoring the day-to-day routines of the pupils in their group, encouraging curricular, co-curricular and personal progress, and offering support whenever it is needed.
Head and Assistant Heads of Year
The Head of Year, helped by the Assistant Head(s) of Year, has overall responsibility for the welfare, progress, conduct and support of the pupils in the year group and responds to the needs of individuals by encouraging, motivating, praising achievement and putting in place a range of strategies designed to help overcome any difficulties that pupils may encounter. Our Heads of Year are:
Form I: Mr Martin Hose
Form II: Mrs Kayleigh Caine
Form III: Miss Jilly McCord
Form IV: Mr Fraser Muirhead
Form V: Mrs Pamela Webster
Form VI: Mr Cameron Smith
Heads and Assistant Heads of Year are the first points of contact for parents if they wish to discuss any aspect of schooling or welfare. Matters of concern can also be raised with the relevant member of the Senior Staff Group (SSG).
The Head of Year liaises with the Assistant Rector with responsibility for their year group: Mrs MacNish for Prep, Junior and Form I pupils; Mrs Mason for Form II; Mrs Miller for Form III; and Miss Langley, who also has the overview of the guidance system, for Forms IV, V and VI. Assistant Rectors will often become involved in issues of more serious concern. In these cases, there may be input from the Child Protection Co-ordinator; the Deputy Rector and/or the Rector.
Pupil Counsellor
Mrs Mackie is Dollar’s Pupil Counsellor. She is available to help any pupil who needs further support, and she will be pleased to discuss matters of concern with any pupil who approaches her. Mrs Mackie can be found in the English Department.
Pupils are welcome to speak to any member of staff about any matter that concerns or troubles them, but no member of staff can promise to keep something secret. Information may need to be shared because of a possible risk to the pupil or someone else. Members of staff will ensure that only those who need to know are informed, and that all sensitive information will be treated very carefully.
Nursing Centre
The School Nurses are Karen Finnie and Krissy Scott, and they will be happy to help any pupil who needs attention. If pupils are feeling unwell during the school day, or are hurt in any way, they can visit the Nursing Centre before school, at break-time, lunchtime or after school.
If necessary, they may be seen at other times, with a teacher’s permission. If a pupil feels that they need to go home, they should visit the Nursing Centre to be signed out first.
The Nurses are based at: Nursing Centre, Mylne House, 3 Academy Place, from 8.30am to 5.00pm MondayFriday.
When a pupil returns after a prolonged absence due to illness or injury, they should visit the Nursing Centre so that support can be put in place to manage their return.
Only items such as an asthma inhaler or an “Epipen”, if required, should be carried by pupils during the day. Over-the-counter medicines can be dispensed by the Nurses.
Medication for the day should be discussed with the Nurses. Medicines for occasional use (e.g. for migraine) can be kept at the Nursing Centre. Boarders should hand medicines over to their Houseparents.
Medical Information
Every year parents and carers are asked to complete a short pro forma with details of their children’s health, for return to the School Office. This should be completed whether or not there has been a change in circumstances: it is our best way of ensuring that we have up to date information. Medical information about pupils will remain confidential; however will be shared with staff as necessary, with pupil/parental consent.
Infectious Diseases
Parents are asked not to send their children to school if they are suffering from an infectious illness. The school should be informed if a pupil has been suffering from such a condition during a holiday, or has been in an area of the world where such illnesses are endemic.
If a child is suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting they should remain off school for 48 hours after their last episode.
For all Healthcare Policies, please click here.
13. Mobile Phones
We recognise the positive impact mobile technology can have on our lives; equally we know that when misused it can lead to significant issues.
At Dollar, our approach to mobile phones is rooted in our holistic educational values and our aim to prepare our pupils for the world that awaits them when they leave school. This is a world where they will have to be able to use mobile technology in a responsible manner. Thus, we allow pupils to have limited access to their phones so they can develop self-discipline.
Senior School pupils are not allowed to have their mobile phones in lessons. Upon entering a classroom each pupil is required to deposit their phone in the pouches at the front of the classroom; they can collect them at the end of the lesson. There are certain areas where pupils are allowed to use their phone responsibly on school site. These areas are clearly indicated by signs.
If a pupil is caught misusing their mobile, they will have it confiscated. You can view our full Mobile Phone Policy on our website here, which allows pupils to see where mobile phones can be used.
All adults have a responsibility to help young people navigate life with technology. We know that at home it can be difficult for parents and carers to help their child manage their screen time.
To help, as a school we make the following recommendations:
Parents should carefully consider whether or not to purchase a smart phone for their child. Parents may feel a basic model is more suitable.
Parents should consider limiting screen time – this can be done by putting restrictions in place on the device itself or by having agreed use times at home.
We would suggest that there are no devices at the dinner table.
We advise that mobile devices are left downstairs overnight. Parents, where possible, should also role-model this behaviour.
Parents should maintain open and honest conversations with their child about what they are doing online. This should include sitting with their child and looking through their phone with them from time to time.
14. Other Information
Visitors (including parents and carers) to the school are required to sign in at Reception, where they are given a visitor badge. The only exception to this is if family members are coming on school site to support a pupil performance/match. While pupils are encouraged to offer guidance to visitors around the school, they should also notify staff if they see strangers who give cause for concern.
Parents and pupils are reminded that dogs should be kept on leads in the school grounds, and should not be allowed to foul any school area. Dogs should not be brought into either the Prep or the Junior School playgrounds.
CCTV cameras are in operation around the site to enhance the safety and security of pupils, staff and property. Our CCTV policy can be found in the policies section of the website here.
There is a separate Boarding Handbook. More information about boarding can also be found here:
Dollar Academy Parents’ Association (DAPA)
DAPA’s main role is to support the school by welcoming new families to the Dollar Academy community and by supporting at large events.
DAPA meets twice a term, with the AGM (to which all Dollar Academy parents and carers are welcome) taking place in Term 3. If you would like more information, please visit: