one d o l l y fo o
WKH KDSWLF JD]H of solidity exploring relationship in space
graphics | transformation
digital image | camera obscura
16 graphics | study models
$FU\OLF transparency
acrylic model | model
new moon an abstract light sculpture
study of skin | structure on paper
axnometric drawing | plan | section
VWUXFWXUH an exploration of light
study of skin | structure on foam board
skin | structure on study model
SURM rhythmic lines
where there is chaos, there will be order. diagonals are used to exploit the regularity of the vertical and horizontal lines, to create a dynamism that is at once chaotic, but governed by order.
axonometric | perspective | plan
sections | cuts | elevation
EULFN VWLFNV & strings a manifesto
elevation | plan
sticks and string model with brick | close up, interlocking mecahnism |
spaces of quarantine a pavilion on armenian street
architectural grammar & experience
this page: serial vision on site, on boundaries, the inside and outside. next page: serial vision , mapping characteristic of site, diagram on threshold (city/nature) , concept diagrams
this page: study models, exploring composition, and vocabulary used next page: final model, exploring the architectural grammar of isolation through raised volumes on stilts