The Dolmen Grove Mabon/Samhain

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Helið and the Þyrs of Cerne (A self-written myth on the origins of Helið) – James Batty

The Nightmarish Nuckelavee: A Homicidal Orkney Unseelie – Aaron Dabbah

Things that go Bump in the Night

-Paula-Jayne Wilson-


-Reviewed by Steve Borovac

The New Childrens Book – Reviewed by Paula-Jayne Wilson-Church


THE DOLMEN GROVE The Dolmen Grove is a pagan organisation of mixed spiritual paths established in the early 90s by Taloch Jameson, which over the years has grown from one small circle in Weymouth Dorset, to several clans not only across the UK but worldwide. The Spiritual ethos of the Dolmen Grove has remained the same throughout and is based purely upon the Freedom of the Individual. It is the collective belief that in an age where technology can often dwarf our humanity, it is important that we take control as individuals and embrace our own spirituality in order to maintain the equilibrium within an ever-changing world. Although the Grove is not a political organisation preferring instead to focus upon the spiritual, this does not prevent either individual members or the Grove as a collective from playing an active part in humanitarian and environmental issues. There are no hierarchy or titles within the Dolmen Grove as it is our aim to encourage each man and woman to discover their own unique and authentic journey so that their spiritual connection is founded upon that which works for them as an individual rather than a spiritual rule book set for the masses. The key to our success is the Round Table which is made up of around twenty people from a variety of spiritual paths who uphold the spiritual ethos of the Grove. They not only organise their respective moots but also the festivals and events hosted by the Dolmen Grove. Our Moots are regular meeting places which are held once a month in several areas. Although these are organised by and largely attended by Grove members, non-members are always welcome to find out more about the Grove and enjoy the company of other free-thinking people as well as the activities organised by the Moot. There is a membership in place that enables those who wish to be part of this ever-growing Clan to enjoy reduced ticket prices for Dolmen Grove Events, festivals and where stated ‘member only’ Ceremonies and Courses. Although we host many Ceremonies which are open to the general public, to avoid crowding and to allow our members to celebrate free from pressure we also hold a number of ‘members only’ ceremonies throughout the year.


CONTENTS 1…Valerian – A Herb for Calming – Andrew Cowling 2…The Dolmen Gig Guide 3… Helið and the Þyrs of Cerne (A self-written myth on the origins of Helið) - James Batty 4…Crow Dancers Live Review - Steve Borovac 5…Dolmen Grove Free Spirits - A Review of the recent Free Spirits Camp – KT Glitz 6…A Native American Feast – Rachel Patterson 7…The Nightmarish Nuckelavee – A Homicidal Orkney Unseelie – Aaron Dabbah 8…Diary of the Hedgewitch and Sowing Charts – Rachael Moss 9…The Books of Richard K Page 10…Magickal Tales to Delight and Inspire Review - Paula-Jayne Wilson Church 11…Learning Lenormand Part Four – Eirwen Morgan 12…Elemental Tangents by Tracey Swain and Stephen Paine Reviewed plus Briar Ridge Books – Hilary Jane Jones and Tracey Swain 13…Things that go Bump in the Night – Paula-Jayne Wilson-Church 14…Along Came A Spider – Kieran Svar Bigg 15…Totem Animals -Bats – Cheryl Waldron 16…Fire Worship at Samhain – Esme Knight 17…Recipes – Winter Remedies – Samantha J Golding BSYA(Nutri) AHCP(Reg) 18…Dowsing -Claire Whiles Photos in this issue: Andrew Cowling, Joanna Caswell, Pete Harlow, Cliff Carr, Peter Donovan, Rachel Patterson, Rachael Moss, Tracey swain, Claire Whiles Artwork in this issue by Sem Vine, Jasmine Bower All Dolmen and Dolmen Grove artwork by Sem Vine Unless otherwise stated all other images are owned by the authors or from the public domain Cover Image ‘The Ward of Samhain’ by Jasmine Bower Further information on the Dolmen Grove can be found at: All information is accurate at the time of publication and all articles and images are assumed to be the work of those being credited Editor… Diane Narraway email:

Valerian - A Herb for Calming Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis) is one of my most prescribed herbs. It is a central nervous system sedative, antispasmodic and hypnotic and I use it in medicines wherever tension is evident, both physical and psychological. The name is taken from the Latin Valere, meaning 'to be in health,' reflecting its healing properties. Used in herbal medicine for thousands of years, it was recommended by Hippocrates in the 4th century BCE. In the past, it was known as ‘All Heal’, indicating its wide range of uses. 17th century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper summarised it beautifully: “It is excellent against nervous affections such as headaches, trembling, palpitations, vapours and hysteric complaints”. It is excellent for addressing sleep problems, both helping people to get to sleep and aiding return to sleep when waking during the night. It also improves sleep quality which is important in maintaining general health. During both World Wars, it was used as a sleep remedy for those affected by bombing; it was also used to treat people for shell shock. Such was the demand for valerian that there was a national shortage of the herb at times. It was grown commercially on a large scale, particularly in Derbyshire. To address insomnia, I use it in combination with other sedatives e.g. hops, lavender, wood betony, skullcap and passionflower; the mix I make depends on the individual and the nature of their sleep pattern. Combined with herbs such as motherwort, mistletoe, limeflowers and cramp bark it helps to lower blood pressure and treat palpitations by releasing tension in the circulatory system.

I use it for muscle cramping, often with cramp bark. This also applies to the smooth muscle of internal organs so it can be used for the uterine cramping of period pain and the colicky pain which often occurs in irritable bowel syndrome. Often stress causes tension or heightened sensitivity manifesting in specific parts of the body. For example, tension restricting breathing where the diaphragm, intercostal muscles or bronchial passages are tense can be relieved by using a mix containing valerian; it is also effective at calming irritable bladder which causes urgency and frequency of urination. With hormone balancers, it helps to address the problem of hot flushes and sweats and the mood changes which occur in pre-menstrual tension and during the menopause. It is invaluable in helping ameliorate withdrawal symptoms in people who are stopping orthodox drugs such as benzodiazepines. Good as part of a medicine used for treating migraine, tension headache, panic attacks, anxiety and general reactions to stress, it is invaluable in helping people cope with 21st century life. Valerian root has a strong and very characteristic smell, either loved or hated. It is famously loved by some animals, particularly cats and rats. The plant in my garden is a favourite spot for neighbourhood cats to lie, where they sniff, scratch and eat the root, then sleeping off the effects. The herb was used by witches to bond with their cats which are said to be possess psychic abilities; seeing spirits and ghosts. Prior to the use of modern poisons, rat catchers used to bait traps with valerian root. Folklore has it that the rats followed the Pied Piper of Hamelin out of the town for the valerian he had in his pockets rather than for the quality of his music. In the Middle Ages, the plant was used as a spice and perfume, particularly for scenting clothes. Given the poor hygiene standards at the time this may have been a way of masking bad smells.

It has a reputation as a love charm; it was said that a girl who wore valerian would never lack for lovers. The flower has a completely different (and more delicate) smell than the root so I wonder if the love charm was the flower rather than the root. In days gone by the root was given to fighting couples to stop them arguing. An approach I have yet to try but will bear in mind for the future. The root is a component of Graveyard Dust which is either earth gathered from a graveyard or specific grave, or a combination of herbs, usually valerian, mullein, and patchouli; or a varied mix of all of these depending on individual preference.

Graveyard Dust is an important component of many spells, both benevolent and malevolent. Valerian features because of its characteristic smell and its sedative quality which promises that you will sleep like the dead. Andrew Cowling (Images by Andrew Cowling)

The Dolmen SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 23RD - Elfia Arcen 2017 Castle Arcen,The Netherlands. Tickets - SUNDAY,SEPTEMBER 24TH -Elfia Arcen 2017 Castle Arcen,The Netherlands. Tickets - SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 30TH - Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum Hohenlockstedt,Germany Tickets - SUNDAY,OCTOBER 1ST - Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum Hohenlockstedt,Germany Tickets - SATURDAY,OCTOBER 7TH - Witchfest International Brighton Centre,Brighton,UK Tickets FRIDAY,OCTOBER 20th - The Rock Abbotsbury Road,Weymouth SUNDAY,OCTOBER 22nd - Acoustic Park Hotel Carlton Rd S,Grange Rd,Weymouth DT4 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 19th - Acoustic Park Hotel Carlton Rd S,Grange Rd,Weymouth DT4 7PQ SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25th - Castlefest Winter Edition Keukenhof Estate,Lisse (NL) Tickets - SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26th - Castlefest Winter Edition Keukenhof Estate,Lisse (NL) Tickets - SATURDAY DECEMBER 2ND - Dolmen Grove Yule Ball Wyke Smugglers,76 Portland Rd,Weymouth DT4 9AB

Helið and the Þyrs of Cerne (A self-written myth on the origins of Helið)

The people of Cerne were a hardy folk, well used to surviving amongst the chalk hills of the Cerne valley that rose up from the river of the same name. They grazed their cattle and sheep upon the land and they showed their gratitude to the gods with their sacrifices and offerings in keeping with tradition. There rose, within Cerne, a well-spring from deep under the chalk hills, known to the locals as the Seolfor Cwylla (Silver Well) and it carried with it fresh water that it was said could cure the ills of the local folk and could be depended upon to water the fields and provide sufficient refreshment for the cattle so that the people of Cerne would continue to thrive when the skies ran dry during the Summer months. There lived nearby a crone, bent and twisted with age and she took a copse of trees for her home high in the hills above Cerne. She was said to be a gyden (goddess) who had lived in the hills for longer than man could remember, tending to the wild places and keeping them free from maleficent wihta (monsters/strange creatures) and outlaws. She was said to be very wise and knowledgeable in the ways of healing worts and their applications. The folk of Cerne named her as Helið and took her for a goddess of their own. They would leave their offerings to her at the site of where the Seolfor Cwylla reached the surface, and merchants would throw pieces of silver downstream to pay their respects to Helið as their wares were pulled from one marketplace to another throughout the Frome Valley of Dorset and beyond. Cerne was a place of peace and plenty for many a year until the coming of a mighty Hyll Pyrs (Hill Giant) one night following a mighty thunderstorm. The Þyrs appeared from out of the trees, carrying

an enormous club hewn from the trunk of an oak. He was naked and proudly so, staking his claim to a new home on one of the hills above the village. From his lofty perch, he demanded the villagers present him with sacrifices from their finest stock and when at first, they refused, he slew their strongest warriors with a single sweep of his mighty club. The villagers succumbed to his demands and despaired, their flocks of sheep and oxen rapidly diminishing as the Þyrs gorged itself on their carcasses. At night, its heavy footsteps could be heard and felt around the village as it helped itself to more livestock. It became known that whilst the Þyrs was in possession of its club, the Þyrs could not be defeated. Warriors came from near and far to take on the Þyrs and each were summarily beaten, slain and consumed by the Þyrs of Cerne, as it became known. The villagers knew not where to turn. Then one night the Þyrs discovered the Seolfor Cwylla, pushing aside the underbrush and attempts by the villagers to disguise their pure water source and, having developed a terrible thirst from the consumption of so many of the beasts of burden belonging to the villagers, he then gorged himself on the pure waters of the Seolfor Cwylla and drained it dry in a single sitting. And thus, did he anger Helið, as he drank the waters that fed the copse of trees within which she dwelt. Her anger was terrible to behold that it was said that the beasts and birds of the Utangeard (Outer Yard) did fall silent as she smouldered with fury within the dying trees of her home. Yet it was from here that she plotted her revenge. From stiðe (nettle) she wove a net, strong and durable; lacing it with a deadly poison. Waiting until the moon was full, she strode down from her home, casting a glamour all about her such that she shone with the radiance of the full moon, her hair appearing as pure as the silver waters from the Cwylla and her countenance was said to be as fair as Frīg herself.

The Þyrs was stood high on its hill, looking down at the village as he intended again to help himself to the cattle and livestock, his hunger once again upon him. Helið approached from the mouth of the wellspring, striding with apparent swiftness towards the Þyrs. It beheld her as she approached and was struck dumb by her intense beauty. Such was its arousal at her countenance that it lowered its mighty club, leaving itself open to her approach. Helið did not falter. She did not delay but cast the net she had created wide, throwing it upon the Þyrs as it stood enraptured, the bonds tightening about it and the poison setting to its task with startling rapidity. The Þyrs bellowed in pain and surprise, its legs giving way beneath it such that it fell against the hillside with a mighty crash, its head striking the chalky earth so hard that its skull did break. Helið stood watching in silence, gathering in the net she had woven and stowing it safely away. The Cerne Þyrs was dead, and from its broken head did pour the waters of the Seolfor Cwylla, leaking back into the chalk hill. The folk of Cerne rejoiced in the death of the Þyrs and Helið strode back through the village, her glamour now failing as the moon’s rays dissipated behind clouds, returning her countenance once again to that of the crone that she truly was. As she passed by the Seolfor Cwylla, the waters it had previously provided once again burst forth and with it returned the life and purity of the surrounding area. Helið returned to the hills to tend to the wild places once again, and the people of Cerne never again faced the threat of a Þyrs, marking the site of the dead creature by grinding its bones into the chalk beneath the grass of the hill serving as a warning to others that here was one that met its end. And the folk of Cerne created their idols to Helið in recognition of her deeds, and from that day until the coming of Augustine, they lived in harmony with one another and paid tribute to their goddess at the Seolfor Cwylla. Many now do not recall the deeds of Helið, but there are some that do and will always honour her. Should you pass through the village of Cerne in your travels, ensure you pay tribute to her at the Seolfor Cwylla, the Silver Well, which still runs to this very day through the heart of the village whilst the

image of the defeated Þyrs remains imprinted for all time on the hill above it. And on a moonlit night you may see Helið, still, watching over the village and the hills above Cerne, bent and haggard with age and care, but the determination burning from her eyes is of the purest silver. James Batty


A live performance from Crow Dancers presents an image of a time into our dim and distant past where our Pagan forefathers gathered in ceremony and celebration, with a sound combining ancient and universal tribal influences. The band graces the arena with a fiercely imposing presence. Adorned with a unique brand of ceremonial attire and make up, each member portrays his or her own distinctive style, yet all reflecting the theme of the band’s spiritual and musical direction, with the crow as their emblem. If anything were designed to draw the attention from the audience for what they would be about to witness, this would be it. Each song begins in relatively gentle fashion, floating through a dreamy soundscape, before the pounding rhythms of bass and drums are introduced with a seamless transition - all courtesy of a lineup whose members seem to feed off each other with effortless ease and panache. Kayleigh Marchant provides a luscious alto vocal, casting a glorious spell on the audience with its rich smoothness. Taloch Jameson, with his delicious acoustic guitar rhythms and most backing vocals, is the lynchpin throughout – his boundless energy and his role of guiding the band through the set, with an amazing sense of tempo and dynamics, is a joy to behold. Josh Elliott is simply blessed with a gift on lead guitar; his ability to create such a variety of sounds, coupled with his subtle, deft fretwork, is truly awe-inspiring. Locana Crowdancer at first seems a gentle yet visually striking presence, but it soon becomes clear how she engages the tempo and dynamic aspect of the performance, not just with her keyboards, but also her own lithe and fluent dance movements to accompany the music. The combined rhythm section of KT Two Spirits on bass, and the twin drum sounds of Chris Jones and Connach Caswell –Jameson, work together with extraordinary synchronicity, not once straying from their tight and disciplined approach. The songs are enhanced by various flutes and whistles to add colour and texture to the overall sound, played by Kayleigh and Josh. The overall effect of a Crow Dancers performance is truly hypnotic. The sounds and rhythms emanating from the stage provide a mesmerising experience to the listener. Watching the band member perform as they project their majestic sound across the auditorium, the whole performance becomes an exhilarating spectacle and a sonic whirlpool. It becomes impossible to remain static throughout; eventually everyone, whether stood up or sat down, finds themselves involuntarily dancing or swaying in time with the rhythms. After a set of about ninety minutes, it becomes apparent just how much the listener has been part of an extended energy raising ritual. There is no doubt, with the wealth of musical talent present in this line-up, a Crow Dancers live show is an experience not to be missed. Their sound is, quite simply, unique; it takes creative and visionary prowess to a whole new level. Steve Borovac. (Artwork by Sem Vine)

DOLMEN GROVE FREE SPIRITS The August bank holiday weekend saw the re birth of the Free Spirits Camp as a regular event in the Dolmen Calendar. The Free Spirits Camp will take place on the last weekend in August and will rotate around the various moots so that it is held in a new location every year. The Essex & Kent Moot agreed to kick things off and run the first one. A piece of land was identified and slowly over the following months things were slowly pulled together to create a program that would put the Free Spirits Camp firmly on the Dolmen Grove map. Thursday was prep day and there was still an element of nervousness about everything. The portaloos were delivered and then slowly the team of willing volunteers arrived and suddenly it felt like we were going to have a good camp. Tents and marquees were set up everything started to take shape very nicely. Poppy's Mobile Catering arrived and setup ready to feed the hungry hordes. The weather was gorgeous and as we all took some time to relax we all had really good feelings about the weekend ahead. Friday came and slowly we had our artists, traders and campers arrive throughout the day. It was lovely to see lots of new faces, some old regulars as well as some returning Dolmen Grove members who have been absent for a while. We had a lovely opening ceremony which set the spiritual tone for a weekend of fun and friendship. Esme Knight provided the evening entertainment with a set comprised of a mixture of popular cover versions and her own original compositions. Her set was well received and afterwards everyone gathered around the fire for a drink and chat.

Saturday kicked off with beautiful sunshine and a fun packed set of events. Charlie Penfold kicked things off with an excellent drumming workshop starting with some basics and then moving on to more advanced techniques. Esme Knightthen took us into the world of dragons with her workshop Working with The Divine Serpent. Closely linked to this was Diane Narraway's excellent Communing with Spirit talk. Helen Lowe then ran a Caring for, and Working with Crystals talk which was followed by a Crystal Meditation. The evening entertainment was set on course with The Boarding Crew taking us on a sea faring journey. Pirates ahoy! Dolmen Grove camps are often remembered for their fire ceremonies and the Free Spirits Camp was no exception. It was an absolute delight to have the children participating in the ceremony in such an enthusiastic way. In fact, the whole ceremony was very special and concluded with a marvellous fire and a spectacular fire show from Locana Crowdancer and Esme Knight. After the ceremony, our very own Dolmen Grove bard, Cliff Carr, entertained us with a wonderful set featuring all of our favourites. Esme Knight then rounded off the live proceedings with another glorious set of covers and originals. As is usual at Dolmen Grove camps it was then time to congregate around the fire and talk and joke until the wee small hours of the morning. Sunday was greeted with more glorious sunshine and Lou Hotchkiss-Knives started things off with a very interesting talk on Babalon. Lee and Angie Brown then led everyone through a Pow Wow Drum Workshop which included a Vision Quest by Diane Narraway. Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy this with some very active participation.

Despite the initial nerves it had turned out to be an amazing weekend with everyone having a brilliant time saying how much they had enjoyed it.

The Boarding Crew set sail once again taking us on more adventures on the high seas. Goodies were then up for grabs with the Dolmen Grove Land Fund raffle. Diane Narraway and Sarah Penfold then entertained everyone with a Witchfinder General sketch. This was then followed by The Ferryman sketch with KT Glitz playing an exceedingly dodgy Bishop. The evening finished off with Cliff Carr running an open mic session which included a massive Happy Birthday for Andrea Smith from Poppy's Mobile Catering. It was a much quieter night tonight although we still had a fire burning. A number of artists and guests had already departed but those that remained shared a drink a laugh. Monday morning was here way too soon but the sunshine thankfully decided to put in another magical appearance. There was a small closing ceremony with those that were left on site and then guests departed and the camp break down began. Before long the site was returned to its natural state and apart from all the good memories you would never have known we'd been there.

It’s amazing the amount of work that goes into putting on a camp but it all came together beautifully thanks to the efforts of Toni Glitz, Diane Narraway, Lee & Angie Brown, Charlie & Sarah Penfold, Cliff Carr and Esme Knight and all the speakers and traders. An extra special shout out to Poppy's Mobile Catering for keeping us all fed and watered all weekend. The Dolmen Grove Free Spirits Camp got off to a great start and we look forward to next year when it will be hosted by the Dolmen Grove Hampshire Moot.

KT Glitz

DOLMEN GROVE MOOTS All Dolmen Grove Moots hold regular meetings where people can find out more about Dolmen Grove membership, ethos and upcoming events including camps, workshops and talks Hampshire, Fareham, – The Heathfield Arms 116 Blackbrook Road, Fareham PO15 5BZ First Monday of every month, 7:30pm onwards. mo ot/?fref=ts Essex and Kent - Scout Hut, Cromwell Road, Grays, RM17 5HT Sundays s Dorset Weymouth – Old Town Hall High West Street DT4 8JH Weymouth, Dorset Second Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm onwards Dorset - Portland - The George Inn 133 Reforne, Portland, Dorset, DT5 2AP Last Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm onwards Cornwall, St Austell - Polgooth Inn Ricketts Lane, Polgooth, St.Austell, First Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm onwards

All Dolmen Grove moots are advertised regularly on Facebook.

Native American Feast Baked corn & zucchini (courgette) 3 ears of corn or 2 cups frozen corn kernels 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, minced Oil for frying 1 large courgette/zucchini, cubed 1 red or green bell pepper, sliced thinly 1 tin chopped tomatoes 1 teaspoon chilli powder Salt and pepper ½ cup grated cheese (longhorn/cheddar) If using fresh corn, scrape off the kernels from the cob. Preheat the oven to 350F/180C/Gas 4. In a large pan sauté the onion and garlic in oil for 3-4 minutes. Add the zucchini/courgette and pepper and sauté for a couple more minutes. Add the corn, tomatoes, chilli powder and salt and pepper to taste. Pour the mixture into a casserole dish and bake covered with foil for fifteen minutes. Remove from the oven and sprinkle the grated cheese over the top, bake for a further ten minutes or until the cheese has melted .Fry


385g (3 cups) plain (all purpose) flour 1 tablespoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 236ml (1 cup) warm water Oil for deep frying Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a #large bowl, add the warm water in small amounts and knead the dough until soft but not sticky (I do this in a mixer with a dough hook). You may need more flour or water just add it slowly. Cover the bowl and let stand for about 15 minutes. Heat oil in your fryer or deep pan. Take large egg size balls of dough and roll out into rounds about ¼” thick, pierce several times with a fork to allow the dough to puff. I made smaller individual ones and larger sharing breads by adjusting the amount of dough I rolled out. Drop you rolled out dough into the hot oil one or two at a time, don’t over crowd the pan. Could for about 20 to 30 seconds on each side, turning them over until nicely golden brown.

Pueblo Cookies 200g (1 cup) butter 120g (3/4 cup) sugar 1 egg 465g (3 cups) plain (all purpose) flour 1 ½ teaspoons crushed anise seed (of fennel seed) 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder 236ml (1 cup) milk ½ teaspoon salt Cinnamon and sugar to dust Preheat the oven to 350F/180C/Gas 4. Cream the butter, sugar and egg until light and fluffy. In a separate bowl mix the remaining ingredients then add the creamed butter/sugar mixture. Gradually add the milk a little at a time until the mixture becomes a soft but stiff dough. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured board and cut out cookie shapes. Dip the cookies into a mixture of equal amounts of cinnamon and sugar. Place the cookies on a greased baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden.

The Nightmarish Nuckelavee: A Homicidal Orkney Unseelie Best bloody place is bloody bed, With bloody ice on bloody head, You might as well be bloody dead, In bloody Orkney. –Captain Hamish Blair, Royal Navy (WW II)

plain hates us and wants us dead, by hook or by crook. The Nuckelavee is a hybrid monstrosity, combining the traditional Celtic “water horse” (a horse with fins for some of its legs) with a human torso grafted onto its back, seemingly not because it is two creatures, but because it makes it that much more horrible, all in one huge, pulsating, skinless mass of unbridled animosity towards humans.

The Orkneys are an archipelago of 70 islands north of northernmost mainland Scotland, occupied by humans for some 8500 years, first by Mesolithic and Paleolithic tribes, followed by Picts, used as a base for Viking raids on Scotland and Norway, annexed and settled by Norway in 875 A.D., and turned over to Scotland in 1472 A.D. after a default on a dowry payment by Denmark. Despite being pretty far north (enough to see the Aurora Borealis and experience “nightless summers”), the climate is fairly temperate, due to the warming effects of the Gulf Stream. Natives of the Orkney Islands (called Orcadians) are known to be a fairly agreeable bunch of folks. This makes it especially puzzling that they managed to come up with what is considered one of the most horrific representatives of the faerie species, with none of the ambivalent, friendly, or prankish attitudes towards humans’ common among other fairies. The Orkney Nuckelavee just

Nuckelavee—Without speculating on the derivation of this name, which will be pretty obvious to those acquainted with northern mythology, it may be said that in plain English the name means Devil of the Sea. While many of the supernatural beings were looked upon by the people with a kind of sympathetic regard, this being was looked upon with unutterable horror, was regarded with mortal terror, and spoken of with bated breath. He was a monster of unmixed malignity, never willingly resting from doing evil to mankind. He never played a trick for the mere love of fun. Indeed, if not restrained by the Mither of the Sea in summer and in winter by his terror of fresh water, he would long ago have made Orkney a manless desert. Nuckelavee was a spirit in flesh. His home was the sea; and whatever his means of transit were in that element, when he moved on land he rode a horse as terrible in aspect as himself. Some thought that rider and horse were really one, and that this was the shape of the monster. Nuckelavee’s head was like a man’s, only ten times larger, and his mouth projected like that of a pig and was enormously wide. There was not a hair on the monster’s body, for the very good reason that he had no skin. The whole surface of the monster appeared like raw and living flesh, from which the skin had been stripped. You could see the black blood flowing through his veins, and every movement of his muscles, when the horrid

creature moved, showed white sinews in motion. What a study for an anatomist! If crops were blighted by sea-gust or mildew, if live stock fell over high rocks that skirt the shores, or if an epidemic raged among men, or among the lower animals, Nuckelavee was the cause of all. His breath was venom, falling like blight on vegetable and with deadly disease on animal life. He was also blamed for long-continued droughts; for some unknown reason, he had serious objections to fresh water, and was never known to visit the land during rain. The burning of seaweed for kelp gave terrible offence to Nuckelavee, and filled him with diabolical rage. He vented his wrath by smiting with deadly disease horses in the island of Stronsay (for that was the island where kelp was first made in Orkney), and that disease spread over all the islands where kelp was made. That disease was called Mortasheen (Sir George Douglas, The Scottish Antiquary, 1891, p131132). The name Nuckelavee, in the original Orcadian dialect was “Knoggelvi”, itself thought to be a variant of the Norse/Teutonic “Nokk”, with an Icelandic variation in “Nykur”, but the Nykur is much more sedate (although still psychotically homicidal) creature, pretty much a literal “water horse”, who only makes the occasional halfhearted attempt to drown people. Nykur lives both in rivers and lakes, and even in the sea. In shape, he most resembles a horse, generally grey in colour, but sometimes black, all his hoofs point backwards, and the tuft on the pastern is reversed. He, however, not confined to this one shape, but has the property of being able to change himself at once into other forms at his pleasure. When cracks come in the ice in winter, and cause loud noises, it is said that Nykur is neighing. He begets foals, just like stallions, but always in the water, although it has happened that he has got mares with foal. It is the mark of all horses that have sprung from Nykur that they lie down when they are ridden, or bear packs, over water that wets their belly. This property they have from Nykur, who haunts lakes and rivers that are difficult to cross; he then appears quite tame, and entices people to ride across on him When any happen to mount him he rushes out into the water, lies down there, and drags his rider down

with him. He cannot bear to hear his own name, or any word resembling it; at that he changes shape, and springs into the water (Craigie, 2010, p233-234). Most mythological critters find at least some redeeming quality in humans. Zombies think our brains are a tasty treat. Vampires find our blood particularly scrumptious. Typical faeries love pranking us. Even the average demon has a hankering for our souls. The Nuckelavee, on the other hand is exclusively concerned with ushering in our doom. It’s unclear what we ever did to merit such inconsiderate attention. There are stories regarding his hatred of burning kelp, but I’ve rarely heard of cooked seaweed inducing centuries of homicidal (and according to some legends, genocidal) rage. According to myth, the Nuckelavee’s distaste for the smell of burning kelp (a bit of an industry in the Orkneys until the 1800’s – the ash is rich in marketable products like potash and soda) has resulted in his attacking us with plagues, epidemics, killing all Orkney horses, and ruining entire season’s worth of crops. Seems a tad bit of an over-reaction. Consider the old Scottish folktale of Tammas Taylor, incidentally the only direct encounter with a Nuckelavee ever recorded. Nuckelavee was a monster that hated mankind, and never rested from doing them harm. His home was the sea, but he often appeared on land, riding on a horse as terrible in appearance as himself. This was only in appearance, however, for the monster was the body of a man and the body of a horse united in one. He was the cause of every outbreak of disease among man and beast, cattle falling over the rocks, and of long-continued droughts. This last was explained by his hatred of fresh water, which had one advantage, that he never came ashore during rain; and it was the salvation of the poor man in the following tale: Late one moonless, though starlit night, as a man named Tammas Taylor was returning home by a narrow path between the sea-shore and a deep loch he saw a huge creature rushing towards him. Tammas was certain that it was no earthly creature that was upon him, but he knew that to turn his back to any evil thing meant destruction, and as he could not get away on either side for the sea and the loch, he kept steadily on breathing the prayer: “The Lord be about me, an’ tak care o’

me this nicht.” On came the monster, whom to his horror Tammas now recognised as the Nuckelavee, the lo’A’er part of which was the body of a giant horse, and the upper that of a skinless man, whose arms reached almost to the ground. His mouth was as wide as a whale’s, from which came breath like steam; and he had one eye, which flamed like fire. In spite of his terror, Tammas remembered that the monster was afraid of fresh water, so he sprang to the lochside, when his feet splashed up some water on the monster’s forelegs. With a snort like thunder it swerved to the other side of the road, whilst Tammas fled on like the wind. On, too, came the Nuckelavee, with a bellow like the roaring of the sea. In front now there was a burn running from the loch into the sea, and Tammas knew that if he could once cross the running water he was safe. With a desperate spring, he reached the other side, leaving his bonnet only in the monster’s clutches. Giving a wild unearthly yell of disappointed rage, it disappeared just as Tammas fell senseless on the safe side of the burn

abject hatred doesn’t usually make for a good story when there isn’t a good back story. Celtic fairies are often classified into Seelie vs. Unseelie Courts. The Seelie Court of faeries enjoying messing with humans, but generally angry retribution only results from some kind of offense. Those faeries considered “Unseelie” are regarded as malicious, and don’t seem to need a reason to behave with extreme prejudice towards humans. The Nuckelavee is considered an example of an Unseelie faerie, which has really stepped up his game, reaching beyond maliciousness and striving for straight up malevolence. I suppose if you are a half-human, half-water horse with no skin, a certain amount of bitterness is to be expected, but really, even the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are just doing their job. Maybe the Nuckelavee just understands us a little too well and has embraced the words of Italian-born, English literary critic Giuseppe Marc Antonio Baretti, “I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I am”. Why shouldn’t a monster hate us? We’re kind of unpleasant as a species.

(Blackwood, 1913, p144).

Aaron Dabbah

Suprisingly, monsters that just plain hate us are not all that common. Sure, sometimes we’re a food source, raw material, even an incidental inconvenience to larger monstrous concerns, but

References Blackwood, Isabella. “Scottish Fairy Tales, Part II”. From Dickson, Nicholas, 1830-1912, and William Sanderson. Border Magazine: an Illustrated Monthly v.18. Galashiels [etc.]: A. Walker & son, ltd. [etc.], 1913. Craigie, William A. Sir, 1867-1957. Scandinavian Folk-lore: Illustrations of the Traditional Beliefs of the Northern Peoples. Charleston, SC: BiblioLife, 2010. Douglas, George, 1856-1935. Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales. London: W. Scott, 189(?). The Scottish Antiquary, Or, Northern Notes & Queries 1890-1891 Volume 5. Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, 1891.

Out Now!!!!

the new CD from Cliff Carr

Buttercups and Fantasies ….

“A beautiful and heartfelt album that celebrates life through the heart and soul of a 21st century Druid Bard”

The Boarding Crew

Diary of the Hedgewitch The vitality and fervour of summer seeps slowly away as darkness and chill creeps, the winds of change blow, fruits and harvests swell, glistening in the wet dew, and there is a stark feel of excitement, the swirling, gliding, fluttering, heaving of motion, plethora of sounds, crescendos of birdsong, and sweet fragrances and warmth, slow and steady themselves, and transform, as the rebirth of spring has reached its climax in the fully fledged swallows that have flown their long journey home, the blossoms that have withered and hold their precious future generations within their seed, in the burgeoning and becoming, and the withering, death and decay that enables life to continue. Autumn seems to have come early this year, thunderstorms heralding the end of summer, and the onslaught of raging winds, strands of ghoulish mist snaking tentacles through the valleys and heavy downpours of rain. Leaves were already in the cusp of changing to their autumn colours here in Dorset

mid-August, turning brown, wizened and papery, as the trees tug back their nutrients down into their roots enmeshed within the dark earth. Glossy apples hang dripping from trees, acorns with all the future and past great oaks? within, swell, deep purple elderberries glow, juicy blackberries on thorny brambles tangle through the hedgerows; the low angle of the sun bringing out the vibrancy of colour, and the ripened seeds that contain all future summers fall or are spread far and wide by water, winds, travelling animal pelts, birds and our selective collections. The fattened harvest moon enchants the nights with silver glow, igniting the precious harvests, summer succumbs, the equinox unravels, and the secrecy of the dark, the broad fathoms of stars, and the drawing in towards home and kin, reign. Autumn, rather than spring, feels more to me like a time of renewal, and rather than the surging of sap and pumping of blood, the crazy wild rampant fertility and lust of spring, autumn feels more of a casting off, a sinking into the recesses of mind, connecting deeper with the dark mysteries of life, of nature. A time to feast on the bounty that spring promised in all its raging

promiscuousness, a time to reassemble, re-collect, and let go. Being associated with the end of one’s life, autumn reminds us of our mortality, of all the sorrows and joys, accomplishments, regrets, longings, failings, understandings and depths we have travelled, how we have grown and evolved and loved, as silence spreads

over the land and the cold starlight glints mysteriously…all that has been experienced and learnt, and all that is to become, eternally pulsates and metamorphoses, eternally alive in a great palpitating continuation… Rachael Moss ((Photos by Rachael Moss)

“The immense growth of the drop, and the eyelid yearning to be open, never diminish, neither beside the balcony of iron hands, nor in the maritime winter of the abandoned, nor in my late footstep: for I was born in order to be born, to contain the steps of all that approaches, of all that beats on my breast like a new trembling heart.” Being Born in the Woods, Pablo Neruda

October Sun 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Weds 4 Thurs 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Sun 8 Mon 9 Tues 10 Weds 11 Thurs 12 Fri 13 Sat 14 Sun 15 Mon 16 Tues 17 Weds 18 Thurs 19 Fri 20 Sat 21 Sun 22 Mon 23 Tues 24 Weds 25 Thurs 26 Fri 27 Sat 28 Sun 29 Mon 30 Tues 31

Dark Moon

Broad Beans

Garlic, onion sets

Transplant crops, prune, mow lawns

Spinach, spring cabbage

Broad beans

1st quarter

Full Moon

3rd quarter

November Weds 1 Thurs 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Sun 5 Mon 6 Tues 7 Weds 8 Thurs 9 Fri 10 Sat 11 Sun 12 Mon 13 Tues 14 Weds 15 Thurs 16 Fri 17 Sat 18 Sun 19 Mon 20 Tues 21 Weds 22 Thurs 23 Fri 24 Sat 25 Sun 26 Mon 27 Tues 28 Weds 29 Thurs 30

Garlic, onion sets

Transplant crops, prune, mow lawns

December Fri 1 Sat 2 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tues 5 Weds 6 Thurs 7 Fri 8 Sat 9 Sun 10 Mon 11 Tues 12 Weds 13 Thurs 14 Fri 15 Sat 16 Sun 17 Mon 18 Tues 19 Weds 20 Thurs 21 Fri 22 Sat 23 Sun 24 Mon 25 Tues 26 Weds 27 Thurs 28 Fri 29 Sat 30 Sun 31

Garlic, onion sets

Transplant crops, prune, mow lawns

March …Ostara Psychic Fayre and Spring Ball., Cornwall April 20th - 23rd …Beltane Spirit of Rebirth Camp, Dorset. July 27th - 30th …Tribal Dreams Camp, Dorset. August 24th -27th…Free Spirits Camp, Hampshire September (Mabon) – Local Ceremonies. October 31st (Samhain) – Local ceremonies and Events. December – Yule Winter Wonderland Market and Ball., Dorset Crow Dancers Camp, (to be confirmed)

THE BOOKS OF RICHARD K PAGE including his latest release


Richard K Page is a gnostic Luciferian and accomplished writer. His work is inciteful, well researched on at times provocative. As an author, he encourages you to step outside of conventional thinking sharing with the reader his unique perspectives on life, spirituality and the English language. A Luciferian look at Hermeticism and occult principles. A series of occult essays from the aspect of a Gnostic Luciferian. Richard K Page introduces the reader to the primordial fire versions of the seven tenets of Kybalion Hermeticism and once again questions subjective reality and occult concepts which explains hidden meanings in occult literature. In his unique way, he exposes misconceptions in historic and modern religious explanations. Chapters on Introduction to Kybalion Hermeticism The Principle of Mentalism, The Principle of Correspondence, The Principle of Vibration, The Principle of Polarity, The Principle of Cause and Effect and The Principle of Gender Understanding the All within The All What is Reality? The Facets of Our Lives Occult – That Which is Unseen, The Ancient Cult of the Ox, The Abyss, The Earth’s Second Sun, The Devil’s Advocate, The Satan Concept, Luciferianism’s Relationship to Satanism, Understanding Gnostic Symbolism, The Principles of Change, Power Word “Amen”, Astrological Angelic Aspects, I Saclas Evocation of Choronzon. This book extols the metamorphosis stage of your path towards apotheosis. Previously my books have explored mythos, archetypes, hidden meanings and principle systems. Finally, AlterEgo is the first book in my series which engages with practices and concepts that can be put to use so that you can to achieve the secrets of absolute material success, expression of free will, achievement of ambitions through a three-pronged attack using Luciferian manipulation of Materialism, Supernaturalism, and Idealism. Now is the time to embrace the change within humanity, break free the shackles of this illusory world and the overthrow the manipulators that bind you into a life of obscurity. Wealth, Power, and Freedom can be directly obtained by the full extent of the power that luciferian wisdom, magick and ethos can provide. AlterEgo Identifies the artificial obstructions in your life, and the lives of countless other regular human beings, fighting endlessly on this revolving door of just surviving rather than living. It brings you to the realization of who and what are the adversaries that bind you and allows you to destroy their hypnotic influence over you. This program releases the true you, your Lucifer deific alter ego and diminishes the historically reserved you; bound by Morals, Obligations, Social conformity, Guilt, and False Education until now you never stood a chance. Overthrow the tables, the tide has turned, now is your turn to be the morning star, rising above those who claim the throne. This is what luciferianism is really about. This book contains realizations, rituals and wisdom rarely discussed. This is the Luciferian book that changes everything for you. Brilliantly written and well explained illuminating the philosophy of Luciferianism today with added instruction for self-initiation on this path. Richard conveys his knowledge of this subject in an intelligent manner and keeps the reader intrigued to know more. I literally read this in one go, that is a good sign from my perspective. If a book pulls you in and holds your attention then to me there is much merit in it's pages. Well done Richard! I shall now read Exegesis of Lucifer so as to gain a broader view. G.M. MacDonald

Exegeses of Lucifer is an exploration of the Lucifer archetype. Lucifer has been identified in many cultures, religions and mythos around the world. Fallen angel, demon, the Devil or Satan himself. The book has been written by a practicing gnostic Luciferian and is the first book to collate many of the variations and idols of Lucifer in one place. Not usually something I would read, but I spotted it during my trawling of the Internet and I have to say, thoroughly enjoyable read. Filled with interesting concepts and ideas that I had never even thought of before. It was well set out and easy to understand. All in all, a very recommendable book John Black

Exploring the Divine is a compilation of examinations and theories into the great wonders of the universe and our place in it. It explores God, The creation of the universe, Demons, Angels, Black Holes, Black Magic, The big bang, Origins of religion, possibility of the computer generated universe, time travel, space exploration, the perception of the self and a universal consciousness. If you are one of those people that is fascinated by the big questions of life, then this book will either provide answers or give you many interesting and new ways of philosophising the great mysteries of the universe. There is not a dull chapter, and there is something for everyone with an inquisitive mind. It also offers an aspect of spiritual guidance for those battling between the evidence of the modern world and reconciliation with biblical texts. The book is split into two distinct halves beginning with religion and following up with scientific theories that are not your run of the mill current thinking but whole new concepts that will provide interesting discussions for yourself and your friends all of which while not proven or supported by current thinking is equally valid and certainly not disproved. An objective view of religion without the purpose of either converting you to a faith or supporting atheism, but redefining our understanding of the God concept in a way compatible with modern physics and the known creation of the universe. The two are not exclusive of each other. Are God and the Devil one in the same? Good and bad, the balance, cycle and flow of universal energy, new wave thought, magic and mysticism. Word origins and meanings. Biblical misinterpretations. A source book for anyone seeking to understand. You cannot come away from this book the same person. Teleportation, the human occupation of distant planets in others star systems all made possible using current technology, Evolution vs Intelligent design. A very interesting read,Exploring the Divine is a good thinking person’s book. Gets the old grey matter working. Once I opened it I couldn't put it down. I can’t wait for his next book. Bazzal on Amazon Richard K Page was also one of the contributors to Lucifer: Light of the Aeon (Black Moon Publishing). Having read some of Richard’s work I felt sure that he would make a valuable contribution to any Luciferian anthology. I was right! Diane Narraway Narraway/dp/1890399523/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Richard K Page on Amazon


Magickal Tales to Delight and Inspire written by Diane Narraway and illustrated by Cheryl Waldron. It is a small collection of stories and poetry aimed at both children of varying ages and their parents/carers or those who work with them in a spiritual environment. The intention is to teach children an understanding of some of the spiritual beliefs found in today's paganism, as well as some of the history behind one of the most prominent customs 'Trick or Treating'. Its originality lies in the notes at the back which provide parents and teachers with additional information and ideas to adapt these stories into rituals suitable for children to either perform or take part in. There is also a play/pantomime which can be used as a fun and entertaining way of teaching children some of the history and meaning behind Samhain/ Halloween. gickal+tales%2Caps%2C139&crid=1C8G38XD4922C

Magickal Tales to Delight and Inspire The children growing up in today’s uncertain world are experiencing the all-to-regular news of tsunamis and earth tremors, floods and terrific winds. It is not only the children of Pagan parentage that learn from an early age just how powerful nature can be. Admittedly, the pagan youngster has a deeper insight into ‘the old ways’ than the children of parents from many other religions. However, children from any path should be aware of the origins of the beliefs in nature’s way. This narrative offers a fun and nonetheless comprehensive introduction to some of the folklore and tales existing in pagan ways. The Voice of the Wind transports the child back to the beginning of time, with a tale based in dance and movement capturing the child’s imagination with it’s use of senses and feeling, culminating in the happy dance of the elements in the newly created world. This tale is transformed into a ritual in the latter part of the text with ‘Dancing with the Elements’, a ritual for children and adults alike. What better way for children to harness the understanding of calling the quarters, the promises the elements make to us and the integration of the elements into modern pagan belief. The Legend of the Green Man is a folklore tale charting the narrators meeting with an old Magician on the eve of the winter solstice, telling the story of the ‘real Father Christmas’. Again, a story laced with emotions, movement and feeling to capture the imagination of the child. Historical explanation of the adoption of the concept by modern religion is certainly enlightening and should be adopted alongside traditionally taught Christmas tales in schools. Little Crow Dancer was one of my personal favourites, catchy and rhythmic, just like the dance itself, telling the tale of dancing for the crow. The latter section of the narrative

demonstrates how children can use this story in a ‘pow-wow’ style dance with drums. The Faerie story ‘Littlewing and the Phoenix’, tells the story of how Littlewing meets and helps the ancient bird to die to allow his – and her own - rebirth. A beautiful tale of hope for children who are faced with death in their young lives and certainly a tale that should be told in schools. Trick or Treat is an educational play about the origins surrounding todays Halloween celebrations. Resembling the story of ‘Scrooge’, a feel-good tale with punchy prose and comedic elements, which is produced in play form towards the back of the book for use in classroom or similar settings. In short, the stuff kids will love both performing and spectating. How many children have trouble getting to sleep? In the section entitled ‘Rituals for Children and Notes for Parents and Teachers’, it begins with a ‘Bedtime Journey Meditation’. How I wish I had had the foresight to have taken my own children on these journeys. What child could resist relaxing and letting their imagination take them away on a magical trip of faeries, dragons, unicorns and angels? A perfect platform to encourage your young ones to relax into peaceful sleep. The Full Moon Chant is beautifully written by the Grove’s own ‘Short Faerie’, and our children should understand the power of the moon and the strength we choose to harness in pagan belief. Whether it is given as a gift for a child, or as a teaching resource for educating children across multiple religions and beliefs, this narrative is a must for all. Beautifully illustrated and of a perfect size for young readers, it has become an important addition to my bookshelf of pagan literature and something I wish was published many years ago, when my own children were young.

Paula-Jayne Wilson-Church

Learning Lenormand Part Four The Snake, The Coffin and The Bouquet The following, are some of the most symbolic cards in the whole Lenormand deck. While they have definite meanings, as always in Lenormand you have to read them in context with the other cards surrounding them. The Snake is number 7, if you have a deck with inserts you will see that also shown is the Queen of Clubs and her expression is not a pleasant one. The Snake can mean deceit, sex, a dark deceitful woman, the ‘other woman’. So, if I was to pull The Clouds and then The Snake it would indicate confusion around a possible deception. It can also indicate sex in a ritualistic manner.

The second card is no8; The Coffin. This card can mean the end of something, death, transformation etc. So, if we have The Coffin followed by The Clouds we can say there has been an ending to the confusion surrounding a matter. So, reading three cards The Clouds, The Snake and The Coffin this could read; confusion around some deceit or unfaithfulness has ended.

The Third card is no 9; The Bouquet, which is a lovely card meaning gift. This card usually appears as a positive influence to the cards around it. So, Rider Bouquet could mean literally a gift through the post, or the gift of some positive news coming to you.

Example of a five-card reading,

CLOVER, BOUQUET, RIDER, HOUSE, TREE possible interpretation might be

- depending on the question asked of course, one

Good fortune in the shape of a small, or two small (Clover) gift(s) (Bouquet) are coming (Rider) to your home (House) regarding health (Tree). This could be your own health or the health of a family member, as tree can mean health or family. Of course, this is simplified for the purposes of teaching, however as always it all depends on the context of the reading, however if someone in the family was awaiting test results I would interpret this as positive. Some readers won’t answer questions on health or pregnancy and others simply add a disclaimer that this is purely for entertainment purposes and should in no way ever replace medical advice etc. Next issue we will be looking at a more complex nine - card reading and looking at cards 10 The Scythe, 11 The Whip or Scourge, and 12 Birds. I will also be discussing in more detail the inserts if they are in your deck. If you wish to have a private Tarot, Lenormand or Playing card reading please contact me via email at or catch me for daily astral tarot on my Facebook page Cartomancy In Cornwall Eirwen Morgan

Elemental Tangents by Tracey Swain and Stephen Paine (ISBN 978-0-9932521-0-5 Hardback Price: £14. Music representing the natural elements: a difficult mix to appeal to differing tastes. Add photographic imagery to the presentation and the mix can either turn into a bland mess or merge into an interesting and pleasing kaleidoscopic vision. Thankfully, Elemental Tangents has emerged as the latter. Capturing the elements in original and striking images must have been daunting for writer/photographer Tracey Swain, but she has managed to represent the various aspects of air, water, fire, earth and spirit in a series of colourful and often moody photographs. To enhance the vision, Steve Paine (prime mover of Pagan rock band Legend) has created a backdrop of music to enhance the experience, engaging aural with the visual impressions. The result is a beautifully produced package of book and accompanying music CD. Both artists are perfectionists, a fact that becomes obvious in the realization of this project. The music is excellent, as we have come to expect from Paine, and it’s easy to mistake segments of it for Pink Floyd or Mike Oldfield. Projects such as this can become insipid New Age Muzak(tm), but Steve has held onto his progressive roots and kept the music fresh and fluid, evolving the mood of the element presented - from quietly meditational to deeply inspiring. Pictorially, Tracey has also shown the range within each element, fire, for example, as a roaring blaze of fireworks or a warming hearth; water a tsunami or a refreshing spring. Music and visuals work together to great effect. Ideally, the book would be a much larger format, allowing the visual aspect to be grander, but no doubt cost was an issue and the affordable price won out. A worthy and interesting addition to both your library and music collection; something to be enjoyed on many levels Paul Pearson (Greenmantle) This production is a bit of a multimedia hybrid: you can either look at is as a book of photography with a CD, or reverse your focus and see it as a CD with a book attached – liner notes that got a bit out of hand. But that would be to do it a disservice: it works at its best (and its best really is very very good) when, appropriately enough, both elements are put together. Musically this is fine stuff. Created by Stephen Paine from the prog/symphonic-metal outfit Legend, it is, for want of a better description, multi-instrumental electronica. Not everything in there is a synth, far from it, but it traces a strong line back to the pioneering 70s releases from the likes of Jarre, Oldfield, and Tangerine Dream – even the minimalist orchestral works of Glass and Reich – though with a notable world-flavoured, folkloric and infectious rhythmic semblance all of its own. It’s possibly that, along with the fact that its production has got a clarity that you’d normally associate with much larger budgets, that makes it feel quite so current. As it steps through the elements — Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit — this never feels like an album that belongs in the past, but is one instead that stands on the shoulders of giants to reach that little bit higher. And yes, it is that good and that deserving of the praise. Jarre himself has recently returned to form with the stunning Electronica 1: The Time Machine, and while the opulent soundscapes of Elemental Tangents veer far more to the prog and post-rock spectrum in many cases throughout the record — just listen to Simon

Thorne’s elegant guitar solo on Fire — it updates a classic sound genre to the same extent, though in a totally different direction. Or you could twin it loosely to Pink Floyd’s recent Endless River: it really is capable of keeping some very illustrious company indeed. Visually it’s stunning too, Tracey Swain’s evocative photographic compositions providing an arresting counterpoint to the audio and helping introduce a pronounced meditational aspect to proceedings: opening you wide in places to contemplate immense vistas, drawing you in to the nurturing Earth at others. If I had one quibble it would be that there’s not a coffee table version so that you can dwell a little more extensively on the imagery, but taken separately both elements of Elemental Tangents are rather special. Put them together and you have something quite remarkable that you will be both listening to and looking at a lot as the years unwind. Hopefully until Swain and Paine produce another project at least…

Andy Stout (Pagan Dawn Magazine)

Briar Ridge Books bring together the poetry of Hilary Jane Jones and the photography of Tracey Swain to celebrate the beauty of nature in visual verse. Bringing the Light of the Landscape to life reconnecting the reader with the magic of Mother Nature. The Journey' trilogy evokes the old days when storytellers told their tales in rhyme, inspired by real landscapes and fertile imaginations: it comprises 'The Wicked Wood', 'The Faerie Glen', and 'The Crystal Lake'. Told through an enigmatic narrator, words and images come together to weave a mysterious and often spiritual story that draws you into a hidden world. Often used as a 'Pathway Guide for Meditation', 'The Journey' trilogy can be whatever the reader wants it to be, take you wherever you wish to go. Lots of Mother Nature's hidden magicks can be discovered in Tracey's amazing pictures, none of which are enhanced and all portray the natural living light on our landscape As children most of us had vivid imaginations, but as we grew up we lost our inner child, our freedom to play and to imagine strange and wonderful worlds: some bright and peaceful, populated with elves and faeries ... others dark and frightening, where ghosts and strange creatures lay in

wait. Our sense of adventure became dulled and we lost something of the magic and mystery of our surroundings as we led much more hectic lives. The Journey recaptures some of that magic and sense of wonder in a lyrical tale woven through Mother Nature's reality, where the narrator, and reader, choose what to see and believe within the unfolding mystery of the landscape.The books were originally intended for adult readers, but after many comments from children and teenagers who have loved what they've seen, we're happy to say they can be enjoyed by ALL AGES. ‘Shirelands', our coffee table gift book, is inspired by some of the loveliest scenery in the world, set in Shropshire and along the Welsh Borders. Each photograph was especially chosen to celebrate the enduring beauty of the area, whilst each poem brings out the emotions that the individual photograph inspires. Sunrises, sunsets, nature's seasons, love, loss, hope, fantasy and the joys of childhood .... all are celebrated in this beautiful book. It features page after page of breathtakingly beautiful landscapes each coupled with correspondingly imaginative poetry which brings the light of our natural world to life. Hilary's verse and Tracey's photographs have been described as "a fusion of artistic brilliance": they work side by side in perfect harmony to produce a book that will live in your memory long after you have turned the final page.

Things that go Bump in the Night understanding that the spirit uses the voice boxes of the psychics or people around them to create the sounds that would be received. This practice is what the ‘spirit boxes’ are based on, giving the different sounds and noises from varying sound waves, allowing the spirit to pick out sounds to communicate with the living.

The term paranormal actually refers to events or phenomena, such as telekinesis or clairvoyance, that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. Physics tells us that energy doesn’t die, it just continues to another medium, so how does physics explain where energy held within the body actually dissipates too? From a viewpoint of a psychic medium I am absolutely aware that spirits of the dead are able to be connected with and worked with, without a shadow of a doubt. The search for paranormal phenomena brings across many levels of spirits. The most common and expected form of paranormal phenomena would be ghosts, or apparitions. However, these could range from being your loved ones who have passed over to a residual haunting, where the ghost ‘replays’ their life over and over again, like a video recording stuck in time. How these ghosts are ‘seen or heard’ depends on the receiver’s ability. Obviously, the spirits of the passed do not have their earthly bodies anymore. However, it is common for people to report seeing their loved ones in spirit looking just the way they did when they had physical bodies. My understanding is that these ‘ghosts’ choose to display a human figure to the clairvoyant so the viewer can decipher who it is they are seeing. Similarly, the sensitives amongst us that have the gift of clairaudience report hearing ghostly voices, which proves somewhat impossible as the spirits no longer have the voice box they possessed in their physical bodies. In this instance, it is my

Empathic sensitives or clairsentients, will pick up on the physical feelings of either the person they are reading or the spirit that has passed. Sometimes being able to determine what the deceased died of or suffered from. This can be the curse of the psychic world as there is nothing more distressing than the feeling of choking from a victim of hanging, or dealing with the blinding headaches that can often be experienced. Claircognizance is the gift of knowing, and a great many people have the ability to practice this. However, it can take some time to discover the difference between what you actually know and what you think you know, but that is easy to learn and trust in time. Anyone can learn to communicate with the spirits, although the level of communication depends on which of the senses the learner inherently favours. In my experience, it is virtually impossible to teach a clairvoyant student to become clairaudient. Paranormal phenomena doesn’t stop there. There are also Cryptids, the likes of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster; creatures that are extinct or otherwise non-existent. Dragons come under this banner also, and some of us know how to connect with our inner dragon through meditation. Poltergeist events can also be found in this section along with stories of ‘frogs falling’ and ‘fishes flying’, levitation of objects, loud noises and people being pushed, bitten or scratched.

Despite poltergeist activity being thought of by some as ‘naughty spirits’, this still drops into the category of cryptids. However, at what point do we differentiate between a spirit that can use energy to throw a stone and a poltergeist attack? And what about demons? Do they exist? Are they simply cryptids? Personally, I have seen animalistic figures climbing the walls of haunted manors and frightening dark non-human apparitions, but are these demonic? For me the jury is out on this question. I certainly don’t believe in Satan or the devil but where we believe these animalistic dark figures come from or what their intentions are seems relevant to our religious belief systems. A further ‘section’ of the paranormal is reserved for the extraterrestrials and UFO’s. Interestingly, science seems to be catching up with this part of paranormal phenomena, investigating meteors that have fallen to earth and discovering that some of the planets in our solar system could be habitable by some form of living being or organism. If you have moved to a new home or place of work and you are experiencing feelings of being watched, or things are disappearing from where you last left them, then your friendly ‘medium’ should be able to visit and tell you whether you have a spiritual presence; family member or otherwise. Always ask around for a decent Medium/House Cleaner should you wish any help in your plight.

Alternatively, you will find Clairvoyants and the like on Facebook. Cost should be minimal, so always ask before booking for the Medium to come. Alternatively, feel free to contact myself and I can either arrange a call or arrange for a reputable colleague of mine to contact you. Check out and like our facebook page for news of coming events:: or call 07943 631778

Paula – Jayne Wilson - Church.

ALONG CAME A SPIDER I was happy, alone and cold at night, but my troubles were few, my emotions calm and still, my concerns my own and I was accountable only to myself. Then‌ along came a spider, A spider with a name and she span a web. A web in the shape of my disfigured heart, she coloured it black and drew me in. From that moment on I was her prey, caught up in her silken woven love. I wanted to struggle, to escape the spider, and her web. But instead, I looked up and saw how she was; dangerouse and beautiful. Her dark shadow of passion cast over the web, with eyes full of hunger, wanting for me, for she was the hunter and I her pray. Now I am hers and can think of struggle no more. So, come now spider, embrace me with your many dark arms, sink your poison into my flesh and still my beating heart. Spin and wrap me into your coffin of silk woven love. then leave my body, as a trophy and a warning that you are both dangerous‌ and beautiful

Kieran Svar Bigg

Native American legend perceives the bat to

Totem Animals Bats

Bats, the ‘Guardians of the Night’ are the only mammals that can achieve true flight. This unique ability bestows the bat the status of a liminal creature. Being a mammal, the bat lives and emerges from its mother’s womb, symbolic of birth, rebirth, renewal and new beginnings Bats are highly sensitive and nurturing creatures, they dwell in large socialised communities staying close to their young and family. This contrasts with the commonly accepted misconception that we have about bats. For the most part, the ‘Big Screen’ and literature would have us accept as true that bats are typically associated with dark demonic entities and villains such as vampires…how wrong they are. We need only look at the example of the character Batman to know that not all bats are villains.

In European and Western folklore, the appearance of a bat is consistently equated with being a bad omen, in some cases, the embodiment of evil. In German legends if a bat flew into your home it was an absolute indicator that the devil would be coming for you. In English folklore, bats in a home signified a haunted house, black magick and dark witchcraft. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the brew of the Weird Sisters was made with the ‘fur of bat’.

Celtic mythology holds that the bat is a divine guide to the Underworld. It is thought this belief derives from the symbolic inverted hanging of the roosting bat being analogous to being reborn.

be a companion that guides through the darkness. When using a medicine wheel, the bat’s energy and healing medicine can help you to walk away from and release the old you, your behaviours and allow the doors to open for healing and new ways of life. Native teachings instil you to use your and trust your senses. Things may not always be as you physically see them, you must learn to ‘see’ by hearing. In Shamanism, the bats links directly with the Shaman’s gift of walking between the realms. To be one with the bat signifies having confidence in yourself and trusting in your own abilities.

In the Far East bats are considered good omens, signifying good fortune. Figures of bats are placed above the doorways of homes to ensure sickness stays away. They are also placed in the West and North-West corners of the home, with a golden coin placed in its mouth to attract Chi, happiness and delightful dreams.

As a totem or spirit animal, the bat manifests a unique energy that strengthens your powers of perception and allows you to be excellent at communicating and adapting to new situations, especially those where a hasty retreat is needed. If you discover the bat regularly appearing in your consciousness, it is a clear sign that you would benefit by devoting some time refining your spiritual abilities. Spend some time getting to know the bat as your totem animal, it will give you a clear insight into your own mind, improving your accuracy with divination, your senses and intuition. The bat allows you to face the dark, whether that be dark times, places or people, giving you the strength to confront it or them, head-on, with confidence and precision. Bats dwell in dark caves, this is their home, their haven…it is where they are safe. Symbolically this is akin to you retreating and dwelling in your cave, your home and haven. When this happens, take heed of the advice of the bat and choose time to heal and rejuvenate in your safe place. Those who have a bat as their totem or spirit animal have scarily uncanny perceptions; there

is no fooling these wise and diligent individuals, they will see right through your deception long before you are aware of it. The bat reveals secrets, those that you attempt to conceal from yourself and those that individuals close to you are withholding from you. Do not be duped by this creature’s literal reputation of being ‘as blind as a bat’, the bat is far from being blind, the echolocation of the bat is symbolic of an attunement to higher vibrational frequencies; the bat will manifest clarity in your own vision.

Dreaming of bats is reminding you to pay consideration to the spiritual, physical and literal signs around you that you would otherwise be ignoring; to tackle the problems you are facing in waking life. They are powerful omens, often associated with negative people or energies around you, so if you are considering signing a new contract be discerning when considering people or facts. When appearing in your dreams they can symbolise fear especially, a fear of the dark or night-time. The most common dream symbolically representing bats is that of the ‘psychic vampire’, individuals within your circle of friends and acquaintances that will literally drain you of any financial, spiritual and emotional resources you have. If you find this is familiar in your life after dreaming of the bat, have clean-up of those around you and of your surroundings too.

Because the bat is a nocturnal creature it is often associated with things of a darker nature, the Underworld and connections to death, giving it a wicked and cruel reputation. This couldn’t be further from the truth, bats are social creatures and much like humans, they enjoy the company of their community in which they can communicate and be without fear. If the bat has made its presence known to you, pay heed to the signs the Universe is giving you and be ready for some major changes too. Cheryl Waldron

Fire Worship at Samhain The wheel turns. And as another year comes to a close we find ourselves drawn to themes of death, regeneration, shedding old skin and rebirth in the Samhain fire. Since the dawn of humanity, we have always had a fascination with fire. We are drawn to its warmth, inspired by its energy and hypnotised by its dance. It reminds us there is something primal in us all and that nature is both endlessly creative and devastatingly destructive. Dragon Shamanism is a celebration of this primal connection. A form of fire worship with its roots in many cultures spanning time and landscapes. The earliest tribes told stories and drew on the walls of their caves by firelight. Ancient civilisations watched the flames and gave names and faces to the energies they saw, birthing Gods, Djins and creatures of myth. And stories were told by the firelight of great beasts slaughtered, of beneficent wisdom bestowed on worthy heroes. Medieval scholars learnt ways to harness its power; prizing oil among the most sacred of substances. Masters of industry captured lightning and bottled flame and lurched the world forward into a new age. And still we tell those stories. Fire altars are found in many cultures all over the world and while the customs and imagery may appear vastly different, take a closer look and you will see the same themes occur again and again. That of the Divine Serpent, and its eternal coils forever consuming itself – As Plato described in his erotic dialogues “for it needs nothing that is not itself”. The Ouroboros. Tail Devourer. World snake. Dragon. The word Dragon as we know it today comes from a Greek word ‘Drakein’ which means ‘to see’ or ‘that which shines’ suggesting knowledge to be revealed, personal truths to be discovered and the greatest treasure of all; enlightenment, the light of wisdom carried in one’s eyes, to be achieved. It is no coincidence that among the first stars to be named was the constellation Draco. A constant in the night sky at the time when humanity was taking its first steps in developing spiritualities that shaped the first societies and cultures. Circumpolar; it never sets. Forever vigilant like the stare of the cobra. Serpents are commonly associated with wisdom; Athena, born from the head of her father was said to have been given a serpent by Gaia the earth mother as a symbol of her knowledge and independence. In the Garden of Eden, it was a serpent who offered the fruit of the tree of knowledge. But it isn’t just snakes who contribute to the legends of Dragons in association with fire worship. Interestingly, serpents are also strongly connected to the waters of life and ergo the moon in many creation myths invoking thoughts of the great mother goddesses. Taweret, an Egyptian fertility goddess of the Nile was a chimeric figure with the body of a hippo, head of a crocodile and the claws of a lion. Later, when the mother goddesses were denounced as the male gods began to dominate the pantheons, she became demonised and from then on was depicted on all fours and relegated to devouring souls on the shores of the lake of fire in the underworld. The dragon, the serpent and the fire all representing the life-giving aspect of the feminine, removed, defiled and eventually erased.

Erased from the scrolls of history, but not forgotten. Tribal ways are returning. The drums call us once more to gather by the firelight and At Samhain, the fire is central to our ritual and celebration and the most appropriate time to connect to the root of our primal spirituality; giving thanks for our harvested projects, the remembrance of our ancestors, and our hopes for the coming year, mirror this triad perfectly. So how do we dance the path of the dragon? How do we embrace shamanism in today’s world? Light your fires, sound your drums and wake the primal inside. Dance to the beat of your heart and pound of your feet upon the earth. Draw your sacred space in serpentine motion. Enter through the south, the Ouroboros’ mouth and take strength from the Serpent Warrior. Circle around the west, honour the feminine, the waters of life that protect and provide, follow the bloodied Hunter under the full moon offering swift death to that which must be left behind. Cross to the east and speak your words of reverence and invocation as the Priestess does to her tribe, sing your song, give thanks. Coil to the north and honour the mother; the Oracle the all-seeing eye, be grateful for wisdom and treasure the experiences of life, scry, pray and meditate. Finally return your mobius path to the south, to the tail of the serpent where you have means to make your desires become purposeful action. Such is the Dance of the


Dragon Shaman.

Esme Knig

6th October – The Nowhere Inn, Plymouth 28th October – Webcam live ! (Details TBC) 4th November - Penzance Punx Picnic 2nd December – Plymouth Riot Grrrl Night

Recipes: Winter Remedies It`s that time of the year when the dreaded coughs and colds start doing the rounds. Here are my 2 favourite recipes which can be easily made in the kitchen and stored for use throughout the winter months.

Sage Honey Sage (Salvia officinalis), is a wonderful herb which is grown and used in most kitchens. Sage is known for its` antiinflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Combined with honey it makes the perfect remedy for soothing sore throats and annoying tickly coughs. Ingredients: You will need a jar of good quality honey and a handful of fresh sage leaves.

Method: Pour the jar of honey into a saucepan and add the sage leaves. Bring to a gentle simmer for approximately 10 mins, stirring occasionally. This will release the oils from the sage and infuse the honey. Strain and pour the honey back into the honey jar (or a sterilised jar of your choice). Take great care when pouring the hot honey as it will burn! Leave to cool and label. This will keep for a good year in a dark cupboard. If it crystallises over time, just heat the jar in a saucepan of hot water and it will become liquid again. Dosage: Take a teaspoon as and when needed for sore throats and tickly coughs.

Liquorice & Thyme Cough Syrup Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), has fantastic antiseptic and disinfectant properties. It is an excellent herb for respiratory ailments. This is not always easy to source fresh but dried Thyme is just as effective. Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), is excellent for soothing dry, irritating coughs. It has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties for the digestive system and respiratory system which makes it an excellent choice to add to a cough syrup. Liquorice (root) is readily available from Health food stores. Ingredients: 25g dried Thyme, 25g Liquorice root, 500ml water, sugar. (Sugar will be calculated once liquid is measured at the end so apologies but a calculator may be needed!). You will also need sterilised bottled or jars. I usually find this recipe will fill approximately 2 x 200ml bottles but it does depend on simmering time. Method: Place the Liquorice and water in a saucepan. Place a lid on the saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer for approximately 20 mins. The lid will prevent the oils from escaping. Add the Thyme and simmer for a further 5 mins. Strain the liquid through a muslin cloth into a measuring jug. For every 100ml of liquid you will need to add 65g of sugar. This is where you will probably need the calculator! It really doesn`t need to be exact so please don`t panic if you have an odd liquid amount. Pour the strained liquid and sugar into a clean saucepan and gently heat to dissolve the sugar. Once dissolved you can pour the liquid into your desired sterilised bottles or jars. This syrup will keep in a fridge for a good 4-5 months so perfect to make at the start of the winter. Dosage: A teaspoon 2-3 times a day is normally enough to ease a dry, tickly cough. Safety note: As with most herbs, they are completely safe when taken in normal culinary amounts, but please do not use for medical ailments, without the advice of a Qualified Herbalist, for infants, during pregnancy, if breastfeeding or if you have been diagnosed with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure).

Samantha J Golding BSYA (Nutri) AHCP (Reg.) The Kitchen Hedge Witch.

Dowsing The first thing to do when you have decided on your dowsing tool is to cleanse it. This can be done by putting it on a windowsill in direct sunlight for a day. Having done this you must then ‘connect’ or charge your dowsing tool with your own energy which quite simply can be for their support and guidance when dowsing. Once cleansed and charged wrap the dowsing tool in silk or pop in a velvet pouch.

When you mention Dowsing, what often springs to people’s minds is someone striding across a field with 2 rods or a hazel branch held firmly in front of them searching for water, but quite simply Dowsing means “To search with the aid of simple hand-held tools for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge” It has been used for hundreds of years, possibly thousands and has numerous applications and a wide range of tools. There is a misconception that only certain people can dowse, ANYONE can learn to dowse, and of course like anything it takes practice. The most important thing is that dowsing must only be done out of a genuine desire for knowledge, or to unselfishly help others. Dowsing tools include 'L'-shaped rods, 'Y'-shaped rods, 'bobbers' (like fishing rods held by the tip), and Pendulums. You can buy your dowsing tools or you can make them just as easily. L shaped rods can be made with metal coat hangers, hazel is perfect for Y shaped rods and pendulums can be made from anything you like that is a symmetrical weight attached to the end of a string or chain and often crystals are used. I tend to use my L shaped rods on the landscape and pendulums indoors over charts or maps but you can use whatever is best for you.

When you are ready to start dowsing make sure you are comfortable, relaxed and open minded. If you are using a pendulum then hold the string or chain between your thumb and forefinger in either hand and don’t have the chain too long. If you are using V shaped rods hold the smaller end in your hand and don’t grip too tightly as the rods need to be able to move. Position your arms a little away from your body and roughly 9 inches apart. Dowsing responds to Yes/No questions that have to be very specific rather than vague suggestions. So firstly, you have to ascertain your dowsing tools response to Yes and No. A pendulum may swing or go around in circles, rods may cross over or swing apart. You can simply ask “Show me my Yes response” and then “Show me my NO response”. Every time I dowse I ask– “Is my name Claire in this lifetime?” – obviously it is so my pendulum will swing clockwise in response. I then ask a question like “Is my name Brian in this lifetime?” and it swings the opposite way. Your Yes/No responses will be personal to you so your pendulum or rod will swing or rotate in the direction that is right for you. Then you can start to ask questions with Yes/No responses. For example, if searching for a lost object it would be better to say “Is the object (naming what is lost) in the house”. If a yes is

ascertained you could then ask “Is the “object” in the lounge?” If it is a No answer then ask maybe “Is it in the Kitchen?” And so on. I often get asked how does dowsing work particularly pendulum dowsing.

The British Society of Dowsers state: A pendulum works by tapping into your intuition and sixth sense. The pendulum acts as a form of receiver and transmitter, from your higher guidance, guardian angels and spiritual teachers. Some people describe the way a pendulum works as being like bringing together the rational and intuitive sides of you (the left and right sides of your brain). When these two elements are brought together, you’re able to make decisions using all the sources, rather than just one of them. Many people wonder where the answers come from and debate whether it’s really working, or just the pendulum responding to the movement of the user’s hand. Whilst the pendulum can certainly be made to move with your hand movements, this isn’t the case always and after practice you’ll get to see why. As with any form of divination, using

a pendulum involves a certain degree of faith, belief and a decidedly open mind, as the answers come from your intuition and from higher spiritual guides. What if my dowsing tool doesn’t work? Sometimes you just need to spend longer practicing or checking you are holding your dowsing tool correctly but sometimes for whatever reason it is just not right to dowse. I remember going to a very old church with some friends to dowse and none of us could get even our yes or no responses, something in the energy of the place was telling us it was not right to be dowsing there that day. So, if that happens respect that and return another day and try. So, enjoy dowsing, have a go at creating your own dowsing tools so that they really are a part of your energy and remember don’t be put off if you find it hard, keep practicing and you will soon be amazed at how many ways you can use your new found skill.

Claire Whiles (photos by Claire Whiles)

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