Handwoven Labyrinth - Portfolio

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Ri chCount r i esas Consumer s

Ri chCount r i esas Consumer s

AnI ndust r i alPower houseHer i t age

Fr om t heear l y19t hcent ur yt ot heendoft he20t hcent ur yt hemai ni ndust r i esi nLei cest er wer ehosi er yi nvol vi ngmanyf or msofcl ot hi ng,f oot wearandengi neer i ng.Famous cor por at i onssuchasCor ah,Wol sey ,Bent l ey ,St i bbe,t heBr i t i shUni t edShoeMachi ner y Companyandt heBr i t i shShoeCor por at i onwer ewel lknownnat i onal l yandi nt er nat i onal l y .

Lei cest erText i l esI nf ogr aphi cs

Thi sdi agr am demonst r at est heconcent r at i onoft ext i l emanuf act ur i ngf i r msandhowt hesect ori nt heLLEPi sheavi l ycl ust er edar oundLei cest erCi t y ,wi t hsi gni f i cantpr esenceal soar oundt het own ofHi nckl ey . Ot herkeyar easofi ndust r ypr esencear ecent r edar oundMar ketHar bor ough,Lut t er wor t handLoughbor ough;i ndi cat i nghowt het ext i l emanuf act ur i ngi ndust r yhast r adi t i onal l ydevel opedandgr own upasani nt egr alpar tofsoci et yar oundur banconur bat i onsi ncl osepr oxi mi t yt oavai l abl el abourpool s.Manyoft heset ext i l ef i r mshavehi st or i ct i est ot hesei ndust r i alcent r es.

Act i onsPr oposedi nTheSect or sGr owt hPl an

Aphysi calhubasa" onest opshop"f orbusi nessesi ncl udi ngaf unct i onpul l i ngt oget heral lt heLei cest er shi r e busi nesssuppor tof f er s Pr omot i onofLei cest er shi r e’ smanuf act ur i ngcapabi l i t i es,i ncl udi ngt hedevel opmentandmai nt enanceofa websi t e/ soci almedi a.Al so,aphysi calspacet osuppor tr et ai l erengagementmat chf undedby busi nessesi ncl udi ngal obbygr oupl edbyi ndust r y Al oan/ gr antschemet osuppor tupf r ontcost si ncl udi ngwor ki ngcapi t alandaschemet osuppor tpr emi ses i mpr ovement / upgr adef aci l i t i es Meett hebuyerevent s/ f undi ngf orexhi bi t i ngcost s

Ci t yCent r eText i l eFact or yManuf act ur er sLocat i ons

Text i l eSect orChal l enges

Wi t hmuchoft het ext i l emanuf act ur i ngempl oymentatLLEPl evell ocat edi nCent r al Lei cest erwi t hi nt heCi t yCent r e,i ti sal soi mpor t antt oconsi dert hegeogr aphyatt hi sl evel whi chi l l ust r at essi gni f i cantcl ust er i ng.Themostsi gni f i cantar eaofbusi nessact i vi t yi sbased ar oundt henor t hendoft heEastPar kRoadt hr oughoutbot ht heNor t hEvi ngt onand Spi nneyHi l lwar ds.Ot herl ar gear easofact i vi t ycanal sobef oundnor t hofar oundt hei nner ci t yr i ngr oadwi t hi nt heCi t yCent r eandal ongt heBel gr aveRoad,Nar bor oughRoadand Woodgat e.Ther ei sal sosur pr i si ngl y ,asmal lcl ust erar oundNewWal k ( i nt heLei cest erCi t yUni ver si t yar ea) .

Ret ai l er si nt er vi ewedwi t hi nt heconsul t at i onsci t edet hi calcompl i anceasoneoft he maj orar east heyl ookatwhenmaki ngsour ci ngdeci si onsandonei nwhi chLLEP ar eamanuf act ur er sst i l lst r uggl ewi t hi nt er msofr et ai l erper cept i on.

Uni queSel l i ngPr oposi t i ons

Pr omot i ngt hesect or :empl oyer sci t et hi sher i t ageasakeyUSPf ormanuf act ur er s i nt heLLEPar ea.Under st andi nghowt oexpl oi tt hi snat ur aladvant ageandcr eat ea pr of i l ei scr uci alf orencour agi ngi ncr easedandsust ai nedgr owt h.

Lei cest er&Lei cest er shi r eSt r at egi cLocat i onBenef i t s

Thi sdi agr am demonst r at est hekeyst r at egi cposi t i onofLei cest er shi r e,basedi nt hehear tof Engl andwi t hst r ongl ogi st i cs&di st r i but i onr out essuchasmai nmot or ways,&al ocalai r por t t osuppl yi ndust r i esef f i ci ent l y .

Despi t et hecur r entposi t i vebusi nessat mospher ef orBr i t i shmanuf act ur edgoods andser vi ces,manuf act ur er sar est i l lunderl ar gepr i cemar gi npr essur esf r om r et ai l er s,whot hemsel vesar est i l lawar eoft hepr i cesensi t i vi t yoff ashi ongoods. Onei ssuear oundt hi scoul dbet hatt het ext i l emanuf act ur i ngsect orr emai nsan i nvi si bl esect or ,whi chper pet uat est hepoorsect ori mageandl ackofunder st andi ng oft hecar eeroppor t uni t i esavai l abl e.

Ci t yCent r eText i l eFact or yManuf act ur er sLocat i ons

Gl obal i sat i onEf f ectonUKText i l esI ndust r y

Text i l emanuf act ur ei senj oyi ngar ecentl ocalr evi val .Af t erdecadesofst agnat i onandof f shor i ng t ol owcostl ocat i onsi nt hedevel opi ngwor l d,empl oymentandbusi nessact i vi t yhavebegunt o i mpr ove–asseenaboveLLEPdat ai ndi cat esar ound9, 500peopl ewor ki nt hesect oracr oss 1, 480busi nesses.Thi sr evi valhasbeenf el tacr osst heUK,asshowni nt abl eabove,wi t ht he r evi valbei ngdr i venbyt heemer genceoff astf ashi on,gr owt hi nni cheandhi ght echnol ogy ent er pr i sesandchangesi nt henat ur eoft hesect orsuppl ychai n.

Thet ext i l emanuf act ur i ngsect or ,mor et hanmanyot hersect or si nt heUK,hasr ecent l yunder gonesi gni f i cantchangeandr econf i gur at i on.Thef or cesofgl obal i sat i onsawt he UKshedmuchofi t smanuf act ur i ngbasei npr evi ousdecades,especi al l ywi t hi nhi ghvol ume;hi ghl abouri nt ensemanuf act ur i ngt hatyi el dedapar t i cul ardecl i nei nbot h busi nessesandempl oymentwi t hi nt het ext i l essect or .Dr i ver ssuchas:accesst ol owcostl abourover seas,bet t ert r anspor t at i onl i nks( coupl edwi t hmor eef f i ci entl ogi st i cs)and t hel i ber al i sat i onoft r adeagr eement ssawmuchofUKt ext i l emanuf act ur i ngout sour cedandpr oduct i onmovedof f shor e.Event odayt hesect orcont i nuest oevol veasawi de var i et yoff act or sanddr i ver satagl obal ,nat i onalandLLEPl eveli nf l uencebusi ness,empl oymentandski l l sdemand.

Expor t sofcl ot hi ngandt ext i l esf r om t heEastMi dl ands

Lei cest erText i l esI ndust r y

Lei cest eri soneofonl yf i veUKcent r esf ort ext i l epr oduct i onat scal ef orf astf ashi on.Fort her eshor i ngofUKbasedpr oduct i oni t i sar guabl yt hemosti mpor t ant . Ther ei ssi gni f i cantsuppor tf orLei cest erf r om manyofBr i t ai n’ s l eadi ngf ashi onr et ai l er sandet ai l er s,butt hei rsuppor thasbeen t emper edbyLei cest er ’ si mageofunet hi calt r adi ngpr act i ces.

Madei nUKExpor t sMar ket s

Thepr est i geofUKdesi gnandmanuf act ur ehasseenar evi vali ni nt er esti nt he‘ Madei nUK’ l abel ,wi t hexpor tmar ket sbuoyanti nbot ht r adi t i onalandemer gi ngmar ket s.38percentofLLEP t ext i l emanuf act ur i ngempl oyer sci t edi ncr easi ngexpor tmar ket s,wi t h41percentcapi t al i si ngont heMadei nUKl abelasgr owt hoppor t uni t yar eas.TheEastMi dl andsi st hesecondl ar gest expor t erofcl ot hi ngi nt heUKnat i onsandr egi onsandf our t hf ort ext i l epr oduct swi t hcombi nedexpor t sofover£900mi l l i oni n2014outofUKsal esofover£8bn.Thel ef tdi agr am demonst r at es t hi sgr owt hdespi t eaf al lt hi syear ,whi chourr esear chi ndi cat esi sduet oashi f t i ngofpr oduct i ont odomest i cmar ket s.

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