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Genazzano FCJ College
Genazzano. Generations of achievement.
We invite you to experience what it means to be a Gen girl, where young women learn to lead and inspire ������������������������������������������������������
Register today at genazzano.vic.edu.au or phone 03 8862 1000. 2020 Open Mornings: Wednesday 4 March
Tuesday 24 March
301 Cotham Road, Kew VIC 3101
ENQUIRIES +61 3 8862 1207 genazzano.vic.edu.au registrar@genazzano.vic.edu.au
Nurtured in the Catholic faith and the principles of the Faithful Companions of Jesus, Genazzano FCJ College is a school where young women learn to lead and inspire others, embrace life and go confidently into the world. It is proud of its 131 year history, its past and present students, and importantly, its community.
Genazzano is a vibrant, energetic community that seeks to positively influence all aspects of a student’s development. At Genazzano, learning and wellbeing go hand in hand.
Ours is a College where intellectual pursuits flourish in a climate of excellence and enquiry. Our core values include a passion for life, a love of learning, and the courage and confidence to lead and serve others.
These values encourage our students from ELC to VCE to approach life with optimism, to be creative learners looking for ways to contribute to society and to be actively engaged with issues of social justice. Like a child’s imagination, we believe that learning should have no bounds.
The College is located in magnificent grounds that offer spaces for students to explore and discover, and a wonderful setting for many of the College’s 130 co-curricular activities on offer.
YEARS ELC – Year 12
GENDER Co-educational ELC. Girls only Prep to Year 12
FEES $17,870 – $29,685
ABOUT THE PRINCIPAL Karen is a highly regarded, faith-filled, modern educational leader, nurturing girls and young women for 21st century career opportunities, balanced by an innate sense of social responsibility and personal purpose.
Our FCJ heritage encourages and inspires our students to offer not only companionship to each other, but beyond to the wider community. Students develop their confidence to positively contribute to society, now and in the future.
Announced as a winner of The Educator’s Innovative Schools for 2019, for the work of the Genazzano Institute of Learning and Brain Sciences in understanding how the brain learns and functions for improved health and learning outcomes. Our 130 co-curricular offerings encourage involvement, leadership, community spirit, physical engagement, artistic endeavour, teamwork and social justice. Every student has the opportunity to explore a range of activities. Our GenSTAR program is a whole school wellbeing program, utilising research in psychology, that enables students to develop resilience, think for peak performance and develop skills for a safe, healthy and positive approach to life.