Who's Afriad of the iPad?

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Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Client briefing paper:

How do you think the iPad will impact what we do?

Headline in hjere

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Contents Introduction


Who’s afraid of the iPad? It’s all about the apps : Dr Dave Chaffey


Impact of the iPad on analytics : Hugh Gage


iPads, iPhones and the advent of ‘shortcut search’ : Amanda Davie


Because I want one : Lynda Rathbone


The general impact of the iPad on digital marketing : Hugh Gage


A new way of touching audiences : Anne Caborn


Will the iPad replace educational textbooks? : Mariam Mohajer-Pahbari


A significant opportunity for publishers? : Dom Graveson


What does the iPad mean for eCommerce : Dan Barker


But will it fit : Jay Cooper


Like Lego on steroids : Richard Sedley


Recommended reading



CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

How do you think the iPad will impact what we do?

Introduction Even before Apple CEO Steve Jobs officially announced the launch date of Apple’s iPad on 3 April 2010 there had been considerable debate as to how a ‘tweener’ tablet might impact business and customer alike.

Richard Sedley

Each CEU consultant was asked to provide a few words on what they think might be the impact of the iPad on their specialist area.

The iPad went on sale in the US on the 3 April and in its first month sold Would anyone buy something too big over 1 million units, 12 million apps for a pocket, but not designed for a from the App Store and 1.5 million desk? What could such a device be e-books. Higher than expected used for? Could a reading slate be the sales led to the International release saviour of publishing? date being delayed until late May in order to meet the US demand. During some of our recent client It looks like the iPad is likely to open workshops we have been asked these, up a market space in exactly the same and other, questions about what the way as both the iPod and iPhone iPad might indicate for how customer have done, so our question to you is: engagement is changing. So we thought “could the iPad offer you a business we’d collectively share our thoughts. opportunity?”

Richard Sedley

cScape Customer Engagement Director

This is the first in an occasional series of client briefing papers that will be produced by the cScape CEU. Future subjects include; The Role of Mobile in Customer Engagement, Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 & Engagement, Beyond Social Media Measurement and Quick Wins in Website Personalisation. As a cScape client these briefing papers are written for you so please tell us what you think (content, format etc.). If you have any subjects you’d like us to look at in the future please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Dr Dave Chaffey

It’s all about the apps

Dr Dave Chaffey

Your new iPad has arrived! What’s the first thing you do after it’s fired up? Search for apps to try out the lovely large screen of course. The popularity of apps for the iPhone has been truly amazing with Apple announcing in January that 3 billion apps have been downloaded in the 18 months following the launch of the AppStore. I think a lot of growth has been fuelled by the viral affect of proud app owners showing off their apps (and iPhones) to friends and family and I’m sure this effect will be strong for the iPad too.

“...it will be interesting to see which brands take the plunge to develop the first compelling app within their market to claim the coveted ‘first for iPad’ headline.” So while the naysayers have focused on the weaknesses of the iPad as a word processor or portable device for example, for me, they have missed the opportunity of the device as a personal or collaborative device within the home. I think this is one of the key benefits of the new device which will spur its adoption. The larger form factor means that many applications for engaging with content or games on the iPhone will become much more


appealing on the iPad. Many apps port straight across to the iPad, but what interests me most is the new generation of apps. Take a look at the Apple Apps for iPad page www.apple.com/ipad/ apps-for-ipad/ and review the 1000 new apps. These will give a good feel for the experiences companies can offer to customers through branded utilities offering games or content. There’s a great range of app types from transactional share dealing, mainstream news, specialist content and games, all tailored for the iPad. Currently Apple isn’t previewing branded apps, but it will be interesting to see which brands take the plunge to develop the first compelling app within their market to claim the coveted ‘first for iPad’ headline. Dave is a member of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and Director of Smart Insights. For his work as an author and commentator, Dave has been recognised by the Chartered Institute of Marketing as one of 50 marketing ‘gurus’ worldwide who have shaped the future of marketing. Blog: www.smartinsights.com Twitter: @davechaffey

CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Hugh Gage

Impact of the iPad on analytics The question around the iPad’s impact on web analytics perhaps arises from the ‘mobile issue’.

Hugh Gage

Traditionally mobile poses a problem to web analytics because of the ‘cookie issue’ with many mobile browsers not accepting cookies and with cookies still being the mainstay of accurate data collection in web analytics.

“...Apple’s Safari web browser which has no problem accepting cookies.” However, this is less of an issue for the iPad for two reasons: 1. The iPad isn’t really a mobile device in the same way that Netbooks aren’t really mobile devices but mobile phones [obviously] are. 2. Because the iPad isn’t a truly mobile device it can make use of a full blown version of Apple’s Safari web browser

which has no problem accepting cookies. There is of course still the issue of tracking apps, but this is an issue that is already faced with the iPhone so really in this case, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Hugh is a member of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and works as an independent web analytics and usability consultant. He is also author of the Web Pro Analytics column in the UK’s .NET magazine. Blog: www.engage-digital.com Twitter: @hwjgage

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CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Amanda Davie

iPhones, iPads and the advent of ‘shortcut search’

Amanda Davie

The advent of Apple’s iPhone – and indeed smart phones in general – is changing how we consume media and content. Nowadays, web-based information can be accessed more readily (and more cheaply) without us necessarily having to be chained to our desks. The behaviour of searching for web-based information on the smaller screen is, however, different to how we search on our personal computers. This is exemplified by the fact that mobile search volumes (the amount of times that people search the web on their mobile phones) have been, by and large, disappointing, to the extent that to date

“When we’re on the move we tend to be more time poor, and the restrictions of screen size and bandwidth mean that we are more likely to limit our searches...” 6

neither Yahoo! nor Google have been able to realise significant ad revenue through mobile search advertising. When we’re on the move we tend to be more time poor, and the restrictions of screen size and bandwidth mean that we are more likely to limit our searches to content such as maps, or for local listings such as restaurants, and less likely to carry out in-depth searchbased research for purchases such as office equipment or cars. Another new behaviour to understand is the consumption of apps. Apps on smart phones are fast becoming short cuts to finding information and the apps development market is being flooded by brands who want to make their mark. Often this new app consumption behaviour is replacing the behaviour of web search. For example, on my PC if I want to find out if there is a National Trust property in a certain area I will open up my browser and I will search on Google for “national trust properties in [area]”; but on my iPhone I won’t search by my browser (Safari), I will open up my National Trust app, and I search within it by area. This behaviour of downloading and deploying apps to snack on information can be described as ‘shortcut search’ behaviour. >

CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

iPhones, iPads and the advert of ‘shortcut search’

< Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt has made it clear that the technology giant will be prioritising their product and technology strategy for ‘first screen’ technology moving forwards, in order to capitalise on the larger and faster growing web markets such as India, Africa and South America (where mobile phone adoption takes precedence over personal computers).

“...will what we learn in touch screen environments modify how we engage with screen-based environments... ?” It is therefore important for digital planners to keep one-eye on the future opportunities for brands on these new platforms. And if app search and app consumption grows to be as prolific as PC-based web search over the last ten years, Google, Microsoft and the other search providers will want to capitalise in terms of advertising revenue. For those of you who have seen or even touched one of the new iPads, it is enough to melt the heart of the most sceptical of gadget geeks. I think the experience is more akin to the iPhone experience (and eighteen months in, I am still a woman in love!) than to

the Mac. It has the speed and the rich visuals of the Mac but it is a giant touch screen that glides at the swipe of your finger, and with big, friendly app buttons on it. So the big question is: if we start booting up our iPads on the train, bus or in the car (preferably not when driving!) because the very mobile screen size and bandwidth affords us more time online, will our search behaviour be similar to our PC or Mac search behaviour i.e. via the web browser, or will be it be more comparable to mobile phone search behaviour i.e. via apps? Will one platform’s search behaviour cannibalise the other? And what will this mean for brands that rely so heavily on search traffic volume to satisfy direct response, sales and business targets? We shall wait and see! Amanda is a member of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and the founder of Reform, an independent search business consultancy that builds practical solutions for clients and agencies – from SEO & PPC through to business planning, strategy, training and analysis. Web: www.reformdigital.com Twitter: @amandacdavie


CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Lynda Rathbone

Because I want one

Lynda Rathbone

When I was asked to contribute to this piece, I had already been thinking about getting an iPad. Not for any good reason, just because I wanted one. And this sums up what I think the impact the iPad will have on what we do – at least for the first year or so.

spans and quick click to actions. The iPad encourages browsing, reading and watching. Content on sites must be made fit for purpose to really capture the iPad crowd.

I think it will be a great compliment to our business use of the web. It will be the add-on that’s cool and gadgety but won’t be a game-changer unless the next version of the iPad really targets the business market. And I’m basing my opinion on articles and hearsay as I’ve yet to use or even see one!

I’m guessing that most business types will want to make their iPad and their laptop and their blackberry all work together. And this is where I think business use of the iPad will fall short, not to mention that the iPad will likely not work with most office networks.

“It will be the add-on that’s cool and gadgety but won’t be a game-changer unless the next version of the iPad really targets the business market. .” Fit for purpose The first reason I don’t see it having a huge impact is that what the iPad does best, business don’t do much of – which is rich(er) media. Things like viewing video, audio and photos on the iPad are great, as is reading online, but business have steered away from this behaviour on their website as content has been created for short-attention



Am I being short-sighted here? Most reviews love the product and I’m certainly keen to get one myself, but I can’t see me using it for work – at least not yet. Lynda is a member of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and the Managing Director of Four Square Media. Web: www.foursquaremedia.net Email: Lynda@foursquaremedia.net

CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Hugh Gage

The general impact of the iPad on digital marketing There are already reports that the iPad’s operating system is showing up in a meaningful way on web usage stats. I’ve started seeing it albeit in very small numbers in some of the web analytics data I look at.

Hugh Gage

Its browser, Safari, handles websites just as well as any of the major browsers on the market. Its screen is large enough to take the ‘mobile’ browsing experience from emergency only usage to extended leisure usage. Apps are likely to be the other big area for consideration.

“The question is will consumers really walk around with a 0.68kg device in their bag or very large pocket in addition to a mobile phone for the sake of a better on-the-go browsing experience?” What does this mean for site owners / marketers and e-businesses? Arguably not much at the moment, the iPad is just another device from which to access the web and have a normal browsing experience. The issue must surely lie in the extent to which the iPad genuinely becomes a device for accessing the internet on the go, and here its size plays against it. The

question is will consumers really walk around with a 0.68kg device in their bag or very large pocket in addition to a mobile phone for the sake of a better on-the-go browsing experience? I don’t think the iPad means anything from a web design perspective just yet but marketing types will probably want to make sure the apps they built for iPhone also work on the iPad, just as Opera have done recently with their mobile browser. However, the point about an app is that is creates a richer mobile internet experience, so if the iPad ends up being left at home then one would assume that “normal” rules of engagement will continue to apply for a while longer. Perhaps for more insight we should also be asking ourselves what impact the Netbook revolution had and take a leaf from that. Hugh is a member of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and works as an independent web analytics and usability consultant. He is also author of the Web Pro Analytics column in the UK’s .NET magazine. Blog: www.engage-digital.com Twitter: @hwjgage


CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Anne Caborn

A new way of touching audiences

Anne Caborn

We accept that screen-based web communication has changed the way audiences engage with content. This includes how images influence the way people navigate content on screen, both positively (acting as anchors for the eye) and negatively (banner blindness). We recognise that the visuality of the medium has encouraged us to scann and skim (eg the F Pattern) before we settle down to consume or interact with words on a page, a form...

“...will what we learn in touch screen environments modify how we engage with screen-based environments... ?” Now touch screen communication, as exemplified by the iPhone and iPad, provoke another question. Will our fingers play an increasing role in content assessment? More importantly, will what we learn in touch screen environments modify how we engage with screen-based environments per se? And, as importantly, what does it mean for blind and partially sighted users? Touch-screens are already provoking new vocabularies and techniques. Early adopters talk in terms of fine-tuning touch screen sensitivity and the


increasing importance of multi‑touch, which allows us to do things like zoom in and zoom out. Those concerned with security issues are experimenting with pressure sensitive authentication. Plus, a touch screen facilitates a more direct (and therefore, potentially, faster) interface between thought and content, without the interpolation of a track pad, mouse or stylus. We’re aware of the brain’s plasticity and ability to change and reform neural connections. For example, Braille users apparently appropriate parts of the brain used for sighted recognition. (Interestingly, touch-screen developers are working with vibration to open up their technology to Braille users.) Online content will have to meet the challenges this new generation of touch sensitive users present. For example, using dimensions to simulate tactile surfaces? Ann is a member of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and co-founder of CDA Ltd the content strategy and digital communications consultancy. Web: www.cda.co.uk Blog: www.cdacontentlab.com Twitter: @annecaborn

CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Mariam Mohajer-Rahbari

Will the iPad replace educational textbooks?

Mariam Mohajer-Rahbari

The iPad has the potential to revolutionise student learning. The ability to store all current and previous textbooks within one easily transportable device will not only save students’ aching backs, but also provide a more interactive educational experience that suits all learning types. The iPad provides the ability to learn in verbal, visual and tactile ways, making it far more interactive and valuable than traditional visual only 1-D textbooks. With the rising cost of textbooks and the financial struggle that accompanies the student budget, the economic benefit of purchasing an iPad far outweighs the cost of a standard laptop and textbooks each term.

Mariam is a researcher with the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and is currently studying for her MSc in Social Psychology at the London School of Economics. Twitter: @maryummm

“The iPad has the potential to improve the educational experience...”

The iPad has the potential to improve the educational experience, so it’s just a matter of time before students all over the world are benefiting from the multitude of possibilities that come from the 1.5 pound device, while the ecologically minded rejoice in the salvation of trees.

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CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Dom Graveson

A significant opportunity for publishers

Dom Graveson

The iPad is representative of the convergence of several technological and social developments that have emerged over the past few years. Technologically, we have seen the miniaturisation of what has been traditionally home or office based computing and media storage, coming together with a new generation of human centred interface design and near broadband speed connectivity through mobile and 3/4G networks.

“The new holy grail is not quantity or eyeballs, as it once was...” This has opened up a whole new cultural phenomenon of audience engagement, participation and authorship, empowered by blogging, social networks and location based services feeding content into the galaxy of user generated content platforms we call web 2.0. For traditional publishers in the news space this has been a bewildering transition set against a backdrop of falling advertising revenues,

an asymmetric downturn and the awakening of their audience to the compelling power of their own content (a significant move away from their previous position as passive consumers of news into a new role as creator, journalist and activist). But all is far from lost... In fact, this flattening of the media landscape offers huge opportunities. News International (among others) are launching subscription based services for their major broadsheets which have already established themselves in the online space. To carry a days worth of news in your pocket (or bag) without the dirty fingers is a big draw for sure. But more importantly the chance exists to add value behind every image, article and advert presented. The iPad offers the chance for publishers to embed rich media content, interactive simulations, user votes and comments, the ability to send this to a friend... A newspaper can capture opinion on the fly, in real time, and adapt its journalistic pitch to engage, support or infuriate an audience that wants to be heard. Perhaps more excitingly though, other publishers are operating on the basis of placing their content (often for free) >



CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?



A significant opportunity for publishers

< at the centre of the global, regional and local conversation. Great content – whether written, rich media, or interactive, if considered and intelligent – has more value than ever and can become the seed or central point for ‘constellations’ of interested parties as they discuss, comment, rate, remix and distribute amongst themselves. These groupings are often intensely participatory and highly targetable by advertisers.

“The ‘magic’ of the iPad isn’t so much in the technology, but in what it represents in a marketplace that is ready to take part rather than sit back.” The new holy grail is not quantity or eyeballs, as it once was, but the focussed traffic of a forum about local issues, if you are a political party; a discussion about a new product launch, if you are a product marketer or the passion of a sporting event, if you are a major brand. For publishers that embrace this change and learn to engage and most importantly measure and segment these ‘tribes’, the advertisers are queuing up to get a piece of the action.

The ‘magic’ of the iPad isn’t so much in the technology (although its without doubt an impressive and beautiful product), but in what it represents in a marketplace that is ready to take part rather than sit back. If you think your audience aren’t listening any more, perhaps you aren’t tuning in to the right channel... they are out there in their millions – writing, sharing, producing, debating... taking in the world and changing it every day. It is not unlike a return to the days of the town square: it is up to you to place yourself in the centre of the throng and do what you have always done... understand their ambitions, interests and passions -– and captivate them. Dom is a senior consultant in the cScape Customer Engagement Unit Twitter: @dombles


CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Dan Barker

What does the iPad mean for ecommerce?

Dan Barker


One of the most interesting things 2. Payments. about the iPad (and the iPhone to a The beauty of iTunes was it made lesser extent) is it offers the first real buying so simple. Forget about using possibility of successful ecommerce a credit card; just click the ‘buy’ through something other than the web button & it’s yours. It would be great – i.e. through apps. That doesn’t sound to see Apple make that as simple for hugely exciting but it’s quite a big deal third-party merchants. – there are millions of successful B2C ecommerce businesses on the web, and 3. Plugins. almost none outside of the web. Apple are already being really protective about how apps are There are already a few iPad commerce used & programmed, so I’m not apps that look good (e.g. Gilt and sure they’d go for this. But... if they Ebay). At the moment these are fairly released a flash-style plugin to allow one dimensional: slightly amended apps to run within any web browsers, versions of web stores; combinations it would immediately catapult them between magazine-style sites & stores, into the ‘hundreds of millions of etc. But you can see the potential is users’ bracket. there. Here are three things I think would make ecommerce through apps Aside from all of the positives, I think more interesting: if there’s one thing that’s sad about the iPad is that it’s so controlled 1. App-to-app communication. compared to the web. Whereas the A nice, simple framework to pass web put publishing in the hands of the data between apps could be massive. masses, the iPad is far more top-down That paves the way for selling & managed – a little bit like a shopping between apps (e.g. ‘buy this dress mall to the web’s open marketplace. at ASOS’ overlaid on the film you’re watching), and for simple social Dan is a member of the cScape Customer commerce (e.g. ‘7 of your Facebook Engagement Unit and manages friends bought this wine – see who’ ecommerce for a group of toy retailers. within a Tesco app). Those would be useful, and fun, and make a lot of Twitter: @danbarker money too.

CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Jay Cooper

But will it fit? ‘Apple’s iPad will change the way we think about tablet computing’. However given I’m not sure of the current state of tablet computing this is probably a bit of an empty statement.

Jay Cooper

While the future of the iPad is still unwritten, Apple has been great at launching and letting us go with the flow. The iPad is following the usual pattern: Apple creates the icon and the need and we provide the creativity.

“.... we don’t really know what gap in the market the iPad fills.” There are already 1 million apps that have been created or enhanced for the iPad and yet we don’t really know what gap in the market the iPad fills. The trick, and Apple have played this very well so far, is that there isn’t necessarily a gap. It is left to the consumer to figure out how they want to use and include it into their lives. Apple already have a strong community of buyers and advocates which can easily extinguish any dissenting voices. I was initially one of these voices, pointing out that as a phone, the iPhone didn’t stack up that well against the Nokia N95. Yet here I am, still in love with my iPhone since we first

hooked up in 2008. The argument against the iPad seems to stem from the fact that it doesn’t allow multi-tasking. But I’m sure this will come in time. Another argument is that it doesn’t have a camera. Without that, how will we capture that image for our blog or use it for video calling? And what about the lack of Adobe’s Flash technology? The closed ecosystem? The lack of USB ports to plug things in...? When all is said and done, it isn’t the hardwiring that is going to make the iPad work. Nor is it going to be how useful it becomes, as most of the functions can be carried out by an iPhone or a MacBook. It will be all about how we decide to make the iPad fit into our lives, and that is a decision that most of us from the Apple community are starting to figure out. Jay is a mobile marketing strategist, specialising in the field of CRM through mobile channels. He is a member of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and the Strategy Director for ROI Mobile, an agency that specialises in mobile marketing. Web: http://roimobile.co.uk Twitter: @ROI_Mobile


CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Richard Sedley

Like Lego on steriods

Richard Sedley

There is no denying that the iPad is a cool device. It’s sleek and typically ‘Apple’ in the way that it provokes an emotional response – not just because of its curves and finish, but also due to the very way you use it. This machine comes to life as the result of a stroke and a caress. In the same way many people react to the physical qualities of a magazine or a book, so they will with the iPad. While the physicality of the iPad is the first of its qualities we react to, the second is the content. Content on the iPad is served through focused and relatively lightweight software applications known as Apps. You’re never going to find multi-use behemoths like Microsoft Word on the iPad. Instead Apps tend to be built around smaller task-based needs; reading, writing, connecting, viewing. This more focused software means that adoption and usage is generally much simpler. Apps don’t come with user manuals or training courses. As a result our customers are much more likely to try, experiment and discard Apps as they see what value they offer and how they can be used in their busy and demanding lives.


However for me the most important things about the iPad is relatively hidden. In the same way as the strength of the toy Lego lies not in the plastic bricks themselves but the connectors – the dimples and receptors – so the power in the iPad lies in the way it connects to an ecostructure. The iPad can be connected to Apple’s online store via a computer or wi-fi with an ease that makes the distribution and consumption of content and services seem the easiest thing in the world. When I want a book I just click and it is with me to read. If I subscribe to a magazine the latest and all my previous issues are there on hand. When I want entertaining I watch as I buy. The iPad has many strengths but most important for our businesses to understand and embrace is the frictionless distribution channel it offers. I recommend we give it a try. Richard is Director of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit and Course Director for Social Media at the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Web: cscape.com Twitter: @RichardSedley

CEU client paper:

Who’s afraid of the iPad?

Recommended reading Who’s afraid of the iPad? News Apps on the iPad 6 best iPads Apps for business users

Clic k, cl ick, clic k

10 essential iPads tips and tricks Books in the age of the iPad iPad usability report Adam, the iPad killer made in India? New York Auto Show: Hyundai’s iPad connection The 2010s the decade the book changed iPad poses threat to Kindle’s market share iPad merges with kitchen cabinet, sacrificing portability for utility Apple has sold 1 million iPads Tablets: the scramble to be second The iPad isn’t a computer, it’s a distribution channel Three ways the iPad could kill qwerty iPad: Mass communications doesn’t have to be massive, just smart 10 luxury brands whose websites don’t work on the iPad iPad needs its hypercard iBooks: a novel way to buy and read books If you’d like to receive a regular CEU linkletter you can sign up here.


e b t n’ nger o D tra as Reform is a member of the cScape Customer Engagement Unit Web: reformdigital.com

Tel: +44 203 178 3086 Twitter: @ReformDigital Twitter: @cScapeCEU

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