Urban Barbarian by Domestic City Unit

Page 1

by BarBarian 2023
Utilize waste space into creative playground 2023
Domestic + city unit

Urban BarBarian 2023

â¤Ã§¡Òà Urban Barbarian : Preservation of the Urban Void ÍÂÙ‹ÀÒÂ㵌 â¤Ã§¡Òà Design Action Hero: ´Õ䫹´ÕÁÕᵋ䴌ã¹ËÑÇ¢ŒÍ Creative Playground : ¾×้¹·Õ่ÊØ¢ÀÒ¾¹ÔÂÁ ʹѺʹع â´Â Êӹѡ§Ò¹¡Í§·Ø¹Ê¹ÑºÊ¹Ø¹¡ÒÃÊÌҧàÊÃÔÁÊØ¢ÀÒ¾ (ÊÊÊ.)

by domestic + city unit

Urban Barbarian ໚¹â¤Ã§¡Ò÷Õ่à¡Ô´¨Ò¡¡ÒÃÃÇÁ¡ÅØ‹Á¢Í§¹Ñ¡Í͡ẺÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹ ÀÒÂ㵌¡Ò÷ӧҹ¢Í§·ÕÁ Domestic City Unit «Ö่§µŒÍ§¡ÒÃ໚¹Ê‹Ç¹Ë¹Ö่§·Õ่ËÇÁ¼ÅÑ¡´Ñ¹ÀÒ¾¢Í§§Ò¹Í͡Ẻ áÅÐʶһ˜µÂ¡ÃÃÁ·Õ่¡ÃШÒÂã¹µÑÇàÁ×ͧ ·Õ่µÍºÃѺ¡ÑºÊÀÒ¾Êѧ¤ÁáÅкÃÔº·»˜¨¨ØºÑ¹ ໚¹¡ÒÃÃÇÁµÑǢͧͧ¤»ÃСͺàÅ็¡æ

Urban Void â´Â input â»Ãá¡ÃÁ¼‹Ò¹§Ò¹Í͡Ẻ à¾×่ÍÊÌҧáç¡ÃÐà¾×่ÍÁã¹Êѧ¤Á Introduction
Urban Barbarian



we are


¾Ç¡àÃÒ¡ÅØ‹Á Domestic + City Unit ¡ÅØ‹Áʶһ¹Ô¡áÅйѡÍ͡ẺÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹ ·Õ่àª×่ÍÇ‹Ò ¡ÒèоѲ¹ÒàÁ×ͧ·Õ่´Õ¹Ñ้¹äÁ‹ä´Œà¡Ô´¨Ò¡à¾Õ§ᤋ¡ÒÃÍ͡Ẻ ᵋÃÇÁ¶Ö§¡Òà µÑ้§¤Ó¶ÒÁáÅÐ ËҤӵͺ¶Ö§»˜ÞËÒ·Õ่ÍÂÙ‹ÀÒÂã¹Êѧ¤Á áÅÐ ÊÒÁÒöÊÌҧÍÔ·¸Ô¾Å´ŒÒ¹ºÇ¡µ‹ÍÊѧ¤Áµ‹Íä»ä´ŒÍ‹ҧäÃ

By Domestic + city unit 2023

Experiences and Awards

The forgotten dimension Exhibition - Bangkok Design Week 2023 (2022-2023) BKKDW2023 Grant by CEA under the theme urban'NICE'zation

Kaengkoi Creative City Project – Design and develop an urban agenda proposal

(2021-2022) Working directly with Kaeng Khoi Town Municipality and Learning city Kaeng khoi Team.

The Development of Co-Creative Process in public spaces - Research

(2022) funded by ÊÁѪªÒÊØ¢ÀÒ¾ NHCO, co-created with We park and Hatyai Connext

Winner - Professional Architects level

Kaengkoi Creative Green City Competition 2021

(2021) Organized by The Association of Siamese Architects Under Royal Patronage (ASA)

Second Prize Winner - Bangkok Civic Center Design Competition

(2021) Organized by MQDC for Young Professional Architect in Thailand

Second Prize Winner – PSU Engineering Building

(2021) Professional Architecture Competition Organized by Prince of Songkla University

Domestic city+ Domestic + city unit previous projects
CON TENTS 00 01 03 02 Introduction Get to know more about this book Urban Barbarian Introduction / More / Problem / Solution Domestic + City Unit Who are we Urban Barbarian Creativity of the absence
04 06 08 05 07 Urban Barbarian SEE IN DETAILS Relationship User Manual How to Urban Barbarian Urban Barbarian x Soa+d Community Cooking Center Urban Barbarian x Soa+d Introduction / project proposal Contact Us Contact details

ã¹Í´Õµ¹Ñ้¹ Void ËÃ×Í ¾×้¹·Õ่Njҧ໚¹¾×้¹·Õ่·Õ่ÊÒÁÒöàË็¹ä´ŒÁÒ¡ÁÒ 㹾×้¹·Õ่àÁ×ͧ â´Â੾ÒÐàÁ×ͧ·Õ่¡ŒÒÇ¡ÃÐâ´´·Ò§àÈÃÉ°¡Ô¨



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Creativity within the

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Needed spaces

Cultural Space for Youth


Space for under-privileged people

Art appreciation Spaces

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4 3

Fulfill each other. but no benefit for the leandlord.



Fulfill each other. but no benefit for the landlord.

Leftover Space from varies reasons.

of Public Space
Problem Under-utilize space Lack
Barbarian Under-utilize space Lack of Public Space
public ¹Ñ้¹Ê‹Ç¹ÁÒ¡¡็໚¹¾×้¹·Õ่¢¹Ò´ãËÞ‹ ઋ¹ ÊǹÅØÁ¾Ô¹Õ «Ö่§ãËŒ»ÃÐ⪹¡ÑºªØÁª¹â´ÂÃͺ໚¹Í‹ҧÁÒ¡ ᵋ¼ÙŒ¤¹·Õ่ÍÒÈÑÂÍÂÙ‹ã¹¾×้¹·Õ่·Õ่¢Ò´á¤Å¹
One-stop service



Cultural Space for Youth

Space for under-privileged people

Art appreciation Spaces

Generate new program

Cultural Space for Youth

Space for under-privileged people

Art appreciation Spaces

Generate cultural, art and design Space



02 2023

URBAN VOID ¾×้¹·Õ่Njҧ㹵ÑÇàÁ×ͧ

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Interior Spaces ઋ¹ Museum áÅÐ Gallery ·Õ่ÁÕ¤ÇÒÁ¾ÃŒÍÁÃͧÃѺ·Ñ้§§Ò¹ lighting design

áÅÐ immersive design

¡ÒÃÊÌҧ¤ÇÒÁ໚¹Â‹Ò¹ ËÃ×Í friendly neighborhood ໚¹Íա˹Ö่§»ÃÐà´็¹ÊÓ¤ÑÞ㹡Ò÷ӧҹ ¡ÒÃÍ͡Ẻà¾×่ÍÊÌҧ¤ÇÒÁࢌÒã¨áÅÐÊ×่ÍÊÒÃÍ‹ҧµÃ§ 仵çÁÒ¶Ö§¨Ø´ ÊзŒÍ¹ÁØÁÁͧ·Õ่¡ÇŒÒ§ ¤Ó¹Ö§¶Ö§ÀÒ¾ÃÇÁªØÁª¹ ¶×Í໚¹ÍÕ¡ÀÒ¾Åѡɳ·Õ่ÊÓ¤Ñޢͧͧ¤¡Ãã¹»˜¨¨ØºÑ¹


·Ñ้§ Active áÅÐ Passive â´Â੾ÒСÅØ‹Á·Õ่ÂѧäÁ‹ä´ŒÃѺâÍ¡ÒÊÍ‹ҧ

underprivileged children

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Young Blood + Community Private Sector + Community Underprivileged Community ed s gi n design design design design design design design desig n d e is ng ngised ngised isedng ngised ngised ngised
Utilize waste space into creative
Empty Land Area Intervention Recreation Space for Young Adult with Community Approach Empty Land Area 1 Refunction +Program 2 Create Value for community 3 ⨷: ¾×้¹·Õ่Njҧ˹ŒÒä«·¡‹ÍÊÌҧ ໚¹Ê¹ÒÁà´็¡àÅ‹¹ÊÓËÃѺà´็¡æ ·Õ่ underprivileged áÅЪØÁª¹Ãͺ¢ŒÒ§ ÊÌҧ»ÃÐ⪹µ‹ÍÊѧ¤Á â´Â¤Ó¹Ö§¶Ö§ºÃÔº·àÁ×ͧÃͺ¢ŒÒ§
Existing Building Intervention Event Space Platform for young adult to engage with Community Existing Building 1 Refunction +Program 2 Create Value for community 3 ⨷: ¾×้¹·Õ่Ç‹Ò§ÃÐËÇ‹Ò§ÍÒ¤Òà 㨡ÅÒ§àÁ×ͧ µŒÍ§¡ÒÃÊÌҧ໚¹ Space ÊÓËÃѺ¤¹ÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹ àÊÃÔÁÊÌҧÀÒ¾ÅѡɳãËŒ¡ÑºÍ§¤¡ÃãËŒ´ÙÊÁÑÂãËÁ‹ µÒÁ·Ñ¹âÅ¡ ແ´ÃѺ¤ÇÒÁËÅÒ¡ËÅÒ 03


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2. à¾×่ÍáÊ´§¶Ö§ÀÒ¾ÈÑ¡ÂÀÒ¾¢Í§¾×้¹·Õ่Ç‹Ò§ (waste space) ã¹àÁ×ͧ µ‹ÍÀÒ¾ÃÇÁ¡ÒþѲ¹ÒªØÁª¹

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Cost Structure Revenue Stream Construction Cost Cost of Operation Advertisement Cost Maintenance Cost Commission Fee Financial Support from Stakeholders Financial Plan Creative 1 Alternative Public Space for creative approach Society 2 Serve community, help the society, and answer the needs of private sector Service 3 One-stop service Destination 4 New Destination Unique Value Proposition

Unique Value Proposition

Young Adult

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Youngblood Designer

Community Enhancement / Inspiration

¡ÒÃÍ͡Ẻ¾×้¹·Õ่Ç‹Ò§ãËŒà¡Ô´»ÃÐ⪹µ‹Í Êѧ¤Á áÅФӹ֧¶Ö§¼ÙŒ¤¹ ªØÁª¹ Åѡɳе‹Ò§æ¢Í§ºÃÔº·Ãͺ¢ŒÒ§ ¶×Í໚¹Íա˹Ö่§¹ÑÂÂÐÊÓ¤Ñޢͧ§Ò¹Í͡Ẻ áÅСÒ÷ӧҹ᷺·Ø¡ÀҤʋǹ à¾×่ÍàÊÃÔÁÊÌҧ¤ÇÒÁᢋ§á¡Ã‹§ãËŒ¡Ñº¡ÒÃàµÔºâµ ¢Í§â¤Ã§¡Òà ·Õ่¡ŒÒǾÌÍÁ仡ѹ (growing together)

¨ÐàÊÃÔÁÊÌҧ¤ÇÒÁÃÙŒÊ֡໚¹à¨ŒÒ¢Í§Ã‹ÇÁ (sense of belonging) ¡Ñº¾×้¹·Õ่ áÅФÇÒÁࢌÒ㨷Õ่´ÕÃÐËÇ‹Ò§¡ÅØ‹Á¤¹·Õ่ᵡµ‹Ò§

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Site Area
Brand Acknowledgement
ROAD-MAP Research Suitable
10 Sites
Bangkok Area
20 Sites
Area 2022 2023 2025 2027
Final Suitable stakeholder Establish Public design space over
Establish Public design space over
within Bangkok
organizer Artist Tourist Visitor Community Musician Uprising designer Land Owner Government Investor University Developer 04 4 Work collaboration 1 Get to know yours 2 Let us take care 3 Construction 0 PREPARATION domestic + city unit



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A step-by-step user guide to getting strarted on the Urban Barbarian


0 3

1x 1

1x 1x Site Client Urban Baba Construction Collaboration

Get to know you rs

Knowing your site and doing the site survey to notice the basic information

Let us Take care

Analysis site with site context find the proper acitvities and programs for the provided site. Calculated the possiblity and design the possible space to be happen.

Invite Collaboration Construction

After the discussion done we provided further than the construction but along with material, shape and design to make sure the possiblity of the void can acheived the expectation.

2 4

Connect to the partner and invite the collaboration to join in. Not only the artist for art gallery, musician for music industry but also event organizer, shop and all the merchandise who interested to join.

Criteria Matters DO

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1 Get to know yours

Knowing your site and doing the site survey to notice the basic information

A step-by-step user guide to getting strarted on the Urban Barbarian

* *

A step-by-step user guide to getting strarted on the Urban Barbarian

AREA CONTEXT EXISTING TRANSPORTATION S M L XL City Empty Walkable Private car Bus BTS / MRT Building Urban Rural <500 500-1,600 1,600-3,200 3,200< RELATABLE CONCERN Noise Restrictions Soil Conditions 24Hour Facility Others ...................................................................... Cultural Condi School Area Blindspot site Pets are allowed Boat
A step-by-step user guide to getting strarted
the Urban Barbarian
Site Context Existing S M L XL <500 City 500-1600 Urban Empty Building 1600-3200 3200< 2 Let us Take care Analysis site with site context find the proper acitvities and programs for the provided site. Calculated the possiblity and design the possible space to be happen.
Area Site Survey

Transportation Possible Space


Co-working Space

Private Car

Flea Market


Urban Farming



Art Gallery

Music Festival

Sports Field

Let us Take care

Analysis site with site context find the proper acitvities and programs for the provided site. Calculated the possiblity and design the possible space to be happen.

A step-by-step user guide to getting strarted on the Urban Barbarian

Area Site Context Existing Transportation Possible Space S M L XL <500 City 500-1600 Urban Empty Building 1600-3200 3200< Walkable Private Car Bus BTS / MRT Co-working Space Flea Market Urban Farming Playground Art Gallery Music Festival Sports Field 3 1 Urban Farming Sport Field Playground 2

Let us Take care

Analysis site with site context find the proper acitvities and programs for the provided site. Calculated the possiblity and design the possible space to be happen.

A step-by-step user guide to getting strarted on the Urban Barbarian

Area Site Context Existing Transportation Possible Space S M L XL <500 Posisble Space City 500-1600 Urban Empty Building 1600-3200 3200< Walkable Private Car Bus BTS / MRT Co-working Space Flea Market Urban Farming Playground Art Gallery Music Festival Sports Field
Co-working Space Urban Farming Art Gallery


µÑÇÍ‹ҧ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁ Flea Market ¾ÃŒÍÁ¡ÑºµÑÇàÅ×Í¡¢Í§ÍѵÃÒʋǹ¢Í§¾×้¹·Õ่¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁã¹ ÃÒÂÅÐàÍÕ´‹Í·Õ่ᵡµ‹Ò§¡Ñ¹ÍÍ¡ä» àª‹¹

Let us Take care

Analysis site with site context find the proper acitvities and programs for the provided site. Calculated the possiblity and design the possible space to be happen.

A step-by-step user guide to getting strarted on the Urban Barbarian

(site context)

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A , B , C , D

Area Site Context Existing Transportation Possible Space S M L XL <500 City 500-1600 Urban Empty Building 1600-3200 3200< Walkable Private Car Bus BTS / MRT Co-working Space Flea Market Urban Farming Playground Art Gallery Music Festival Sports Field A B RECOMMENDED C D A C ¹Í¡¨Ò¡¡ÒèѴËÒ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁµÒÁ¤ÇÒÁàËÁÒÐÊÁ ¨Ò¡¡ÒûÃÐàÁÔ¹áÅÐÇÔà¤ÃÒÐˏµÒÁ»˜¨¨Ñ·Õ่Ê‹§¼Åµ‹Í §Ò¹Í͡Ẻ µÑ้§áµ‹ÃٻẺ¢Í§·Õ่Ç‹Ò§ ¢¹Ò´·Õ่´Ô¹ ºÃÔº·Ãͺ¢ŒÒ§
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Flea Market


µÑÇÍ‹ҧ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁ Sport Field ·Õ่ÍҨ໚¹¡ÒõԴµÑ้§Ê¹ÒÁªÑ่ǤÃÒÇ ÍØ»¡Ã³Ê¹ÒÁ

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Music Festival

2 Sport Field

µÑÇÍ‹ҧ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁ Music Festival ·Õ่ÁҾÌÍÁ µŒÍ§Ã‹ÇÁ¤Ó¹Ö§¶Ö§¢ŒÍ¨Ó¡Ñ´àÃ×่ͧàÇÅҢͧ¾×้¹·Õ่â¤Ã§¡Òà ¹Ñ้¹æ ઋ¹ ËŒÒÁ¡ÒÃ㪌àÊÕ§´Ñ§ËÅѧÊÕ่·Ø‹Á


“ Utilize Space for Society ”

Invite Collaboration

Domestic City Unit ¨Ðà»ÃÕº´Ñ่§¼ÙŒ¨Ñ´¡ÒÃâ¤Ã§¡Òà ÃѺ˹ŒÒ·Õ่໚¹·Ñ้§¼ÙŒÍ͡Ẻ áÅÐ໚¹µÑÇ¡ÅÒ§àª×่ÍÁ⧽˜›§à¨ŒÒ¢Í§¾×้¹·Õ่ ä»Âѧ¹Ñ¡Í͡ẺÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹·Õ่µÍºâ¨·Â¡Ñºâ¤Ã§¡Òà ÍÒ·Ôઋ¹ ¡ÒèѴÍÍ¡ÁÒã¹ÃٻẺ¹Ô·ÃÃÈ¡Òà Domestic City Unit ¨Ð໚¹¼ÙŒÍ͡Ẻ¾×้¹·Õ่ áÅеԴµ‹ÍËÒ Uprising Designer ÁÒËÇÁáÊ´§¼Å§Ò¹ ÃÇÁ¶Ö§¹Ñ¡´¹µÃÕ㹡ÒÃáÊ´§à»´§Ò¹ 仨¹ÊÒÁÒö໚¹µÑÇ¡ÒûÃÐÊÒ¹¡Ñº·ÕÁ Event Organizer à¾×่Í´Ùáž×้¹·Õ่ã¹ÃÐÂÐÂÒǵ‹Íä» à¾×่ͷӧҹËÇÁ¡Ñ¹ã¹Í¹Ò¤µÍ‹ҧÂÑ่§Â×¹

4 Invite Collaboration

Connect to the partner and invite the collaboration to join in. Not only the artist for art gallery, musician for music industry but also event organizer, shop and all the merchandise who interested to join.

A step-by-step user guide to getting strarted on the Urban Barbarian

Urban Barbarian Collaboration with School of Architecture and Design

Urban Barbarian SoA+D: Bang Khun Thian x

Urban Barbarian x SoA+D: Bang Khun Thian Domestic City Unit ËÇÁ¡Ñº


ÁËÒÇÔ·ÂÒÅѾÃШÍÁà¡ÅŒÒ¸¹ºØÃÕ (School of Architecture And Design, KMUTT)

ON GOING PROJECT SITE : Bang khun thian, Bangkok YEAR : 2023

1 Get to know yours

Urban Barbarian x SoA+D: Bang Khun Thian



Urban Barbarian x SoA+D: Bang Khun Thian Domestic City Unit ËÇÁ¡Ñº ¤³Ðʶһ˜µÂ¡ÃÃÁÈÒʵÏáÅСÒÃÍ͡Ẻ ÁËÒÇÔ·ÂÒÅѾÃШÍÁà¡ÅŒÒ¸¹ºØÃÕ (School of Architecture And Design, KMUTT)

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Site Survey

Bang Khun Thian

1 Get to know yours ¡ÒÃËÒ¢ŒÍÁÙÅ ·Ó¤ÇÒÁࢌÒ㨠áÅÐÇÔà¤ÃÒÐˏ¾×้¹·Õ่
Barbarian x
RELATABLE CONCERN Noise Restrictions Soil Conditions 24Hour Facility ...................................................................... Cultural Conditions School Area Blindspot site Student’s facilities are required as first priority Area Site Context Existing Transportation Possible Space S M L XL <500 City 500-1600 Urban Empty Building ON GOING PROJECT 1600-3200 3200< Walkable Private Car Bus BTS / MRT Co-working Space Flea Market Urban Farming Playground Art Gallery Music Festival Co-kitchen space Other

Community Cooking Center

Good food for all

Community Chef

Community Chef is a social enterprise passionate about making good food accessible to everyone. Since 2001 we have helped thousands of people to improve their cookery and nutrition skills.

Cookery Demonstration

We deliver cookery demonstrations on a range of culinary, health and community subjects. We specialise in creating and demonstrating earthy yet elegant food which is deeply nourishing, rooted in the seasons and inspired by global flavours. Community Chef's mobile kitchen allows us to offer cookery workshops and cookery demonstrations anywhere.

Cookery Courses

Our cookery courses are comprehensive, person-centred and community-focused. Health and wellbeing are at the heart of what we do and we’re committed to working with people in a nourishing and empowering way.


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Interested issued that suitable for students and involved users. Provided in different period of time and range of arrangement.


Quick Healthy Affordable Less tools Safe and hygiene


Bangkhuntien Rural Landscape Research


8 Weeks

Site Suvey / User Analysis

Research Workshop


8 Weeks

Further Research / Bangkhuntien Landscape Research

Local Cuisine Workshop

Workshop Activities to improve local restaurant business which focus on food recipe knowledge and food hygeine

1-2 Weeks

Local Restaurant Workshop

2 Let us Take care ¡ÒÃÍ͡Ẻ¾×้¹·Õ่·´ÅͧáÅÐ Workshop

Urban Barbarian x SoA+D: Bang Khun Thian

1-2 Weeks

Workshop with College Student

1-2 Weeks

Project Wrap-up

PHASE I 2023 2023 PHASE II (To be Confirm) January - May May-December
focus on Bangkhuntien area about the transformation of Bangkhuntien landscape from past to present.



1-2 Weeks

Seaching for suitable local restaurant area for the project

3-4 Weeks

Pre-liminary design and Design Development for project

Renovation Creation

3-4 Weeks

Construction + Renovation process



A B C D 2024 (To be Confirm) PHASE III January - Onward
Local restaurant In Bangkhuntien
Public Space for the area and improve Urban Fabric
Local Restaurant Renovation
Bangkhuntian Public Space
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ËÇÁ¡Ñº¼ÙŒÁÕÍÓ¹Ò¨µÑ´ÊÔ¹ã¨ã¹¾×้¹·Õ่µ‹Íä» Timeline
08 CONTACT US One Stop Service Design URBAN BARBARIAN project Domestic.city domesticcity.th@gmail.com Domestic + City Unit CONTAC T SU designer

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