Technical Document – Release Version 2.2
Technical Document - Release Version 3.0
Media Asset Management The core of the system delivery platform
SI Media is a private company founded in 1978 as a software house for Television management systems.
Table of Contents
Today, SI Media is1. one of Media Asset Management ................................................ ................................ 2 the leading providers with 2. Workflow Manager.............................................................. .............................. 4 decades of experience in 3. HSM integration ................................................................ ................................... 5 the development and 4. Proxy editor engine engi ............................................................. ................................ 5 deployment of Traffic, Playout Automation, 5. AI integration ................................................................ ....................................... 6 Media Asset Management and NewsRoom solutions for TV Broadcasters. The SI Media Traffic, Automation, MAM and Newsroom oom systems are available for deployment either as stand-alone alone solutions, or integrate in a homogeneous workflow. SI media solutions will easily interface with all the most popular archiving systems, video servers, CGs, Subtitle inserters as well as other traffic and automation systems.
1. 1.Media Asset Management Key Features: •
Manage the transfer of assets across the different storage devices part of the workflow.
File ingest andimport of new contents from watch-folders or through ftp servers
Allow the retrieving of main metadata from each new incoming asset
Manage the media assets life cycle
Low-resolution generator to manage the macro functions of Proxying, Key-Framing, Story Board generation
Transcoder engine from\to any format, video normalization, upload to web (VOD, Youtube, FTP server..)
LTO tape-based and digital library manager with compact function and partial restore
Windows and web basedclient interface (Chrome, Safari, Explorer..)
File based quality check
The SI Media Media Asset Management MAM has been designed and developed to be the core of the contents delivery platform. The application suite allows to manage multi-format multi contents in a deeply integrated and customizable workflow. Our Media Asset Management is the perfect bridge among the different different devices that are part of your system, thanks to theSI the Media long-time time experience in the integration of 3rd party devices and software modules (by now more than 200).
With our file-based quality check and transcoderwe monitor the ingest process and ensure that video and audio content complies to your desired standardsand standards we give the possibility to transcode contents from any to any format, depending on their final destination (video-servers, (video NLE systems, web and mobile platforms, ftp servers and many others). others)
Benefits: • User-friendly interface and customizable GUI
Our server applications easily allow to manage a flow integrated with all the most important NLE (Avid Media Composer, GV Edius, Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple FCP, FCP DaVinci Resolve) Resolve and to configure a hierarchical storage management (for example to retrieve contents con from LTO tape tape-based libraries).
• Allow to manage multi format contents not only video but audio, images, documents, tapes and incoming assets • Customizable workflow thanks to SI Media workflow manager tool • Definition of different rules for all the involved tasks (archiving, copy, deletion, transcoding..) • Creation and management of virtual path, retrievable from existing structures
Integration with NLE Systems
The user-friendly user Media Asset Management client solution ensures the possibility to easily organize and catalogue catalog the contents of huge archives, search among them, edit and customize the metadata, use our own proxy-editing proxy engine
• Definition of custom fields of any type (check, integer, string..) • Deep integration with the other elements of the workflow (traffic, automation, NRCS..) • Edit while Ingest and Play while Ingest: enable to edit an asset during the recording and to on-air an asset while the recording session is still running
YESMAM Client interface
Benefits: • Scalable configuration with possibility to add a new storage to the workflow on the fly • Integration with all major NLE brands (Adobe, Avid, FCP, Edius..) • Definition of a hierarchical storage management (online, near line and offline archive) • Direct import from any portable card such as P2, XDCam, JVC, Sony Nx5
In the next section are listed the main modules part of SI Media MAM platform: workflow manager, proxy generator, HSM and AI integration. All these modules can work in an integrated workflow or as standalone applications.
2..Workflow Workflow Manager SI Media YESMAM Manager (Media Assets A Life Cycle Manager) is an application suite for the management of the media assets life cycle (creation, metadata retrieval, transfers across different levels of storage, deletion and delivery to final destinations as web, mobile and playout). The he workflow manager allows definition and management of workflows via Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), ensuring the possibility to configure processes outside SI Media’s system, making the workflow even more integrated and extremely flexible. flexible
• Export to FTP servers, local or remote folders, and to any social network such as Youtube in any format • Import of subtitles related to a video content • Integrated proxy editor engine • Search engine also in google and Boolean style • Mirrored MAM backup engine
YESMAMWorkflow Interface
The Workflow Manager can also automate import from FTP sources or watch-folders watch folders and export of contents or baskets to FTP servers, youtube and other social networks. YESMAM Manager is designed to be cooperative and multi-threading; multi new ew servers can be added at any time to scale up the system elaboration power in order to fairly distribute the workload.
File based transcoder: Automate high-volume transcoding & delivery: video and audio are automatically converted in all the major SD and HD broadcast server, edit system, streaming server, web, mobile and handheld file formats.
LTO tape/Optical disk Library Manager: Archives and restores assets in LTO tape-based or digital libraries, allowing many other functions such as compact, partial restore and integration check
YESMAM Client interface: Keyframes detail
3.HSM integration The SI Media HSM module .YES!HSM provides integration with the major LTO tape-based libraries (Spectralogic, Quantum, HP, Qualstar, IBM) as well as Sony ODA (optical disk archives).
Proxy editor engine Manage multi video and up to 8 audio tracks, to add audio effects (amplify/ attenuate levels, create fades and transitions) and video effects (fades, blurs and pixelates). Journalists can directly record the voiceover, link graphics managing the timeline
YESMAM Client Interface : File locations
4. Proxy editor engine The proxy editor engine, integrated in YESMAM client application, includes all the major functions of the main editing systems present in the market.
Open Interface for third parties storages and devices Due to the high specialization of SI Media developing Team the number of new devices integrated increases day by day. In case a specific device is not included in the list it will be analysed and then developed the specific connection. Contact SI Media to know how to integrate your existing devices in your new MAM workflow.
Proxy editor interface
5.. AI integration YES!MAM fully supports Artificial Intelligence processing and cataloguing content (generating and automatically associating any kind of metadata), performs speech to text (converting spoken video recordings into readable and editable text) and language translation, and provides visual analysis (for instance, recognizing explicit content). It also provides a comprehensive set of reports, big data analysis over unlimited statistical parameters. parameters