Campus Buzz Academic Department Excellence Awards The Academic Department Awards recognize seniors who symbolize the culture of excellence at Dominican High School. The 2021 recipients were honored for their accomplishments in each respective department at the baccalaureate and senior dinner ceremony and graduation in May. Darwin Kaestner/ William Crowley Award
Philip Dentice Award (Social Studies)
Ryan Patoka
Angelina Maly
Sinsinawa Core Value Awards Truth: Alexa Mercado Compassion: Randy Brownlee Justice: JC Haliburton-Roque Community: Mary Mitchell Partnership: Kaylee Pikula
Jennifer Doerr Award (Art)
Jack Hillman Matthew 25 Award (Religious Studies)
Ryan Patoka
Mark Kasprzak Award (Athletics)
Ellie Mazza
Alumni Career Day Held Virtually Dominican alumni presented to students virtually this year. While we weren't able to welcome our alumni in person, it was a great opportunity for alumni from across the country to participate via Zoom. Dominican had 19 alumni presenters, including alumni from Massachusetts, Ohio, Missouri, Florida, Georgia, California, Colorado and New York. We are so grateful to our alumni that participated and gave back to the Dominican community through this event!
Dominican Robotics Completes First Year of Competition The Dominican Robotics Team 8531, dubbed the “TermiKnightors,” completed their first season of competition in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) and submitted scores for the FRC Infinite Recharge At Home Challenge. The TermiKnightors easily outscored the other two rookie teams in their group and placed ninth in the HyperDrive Challenge, which was a test of driver skill and robot speed and agility. In July, the TermiKnightors traveled to the Lakeshore FIRST Robotics facility in Manitowoc to participate in a scrimmage with 10 other teams. This was the first time the team was able to bring their robot to an in-person competition. The team played in eight qualification matches, finishing with a 3-5 record.
Aidan Phillips, Sean Moore Earn National Merit Scholarship Recognition Dominican seniors Aidan Phillips and Sean Moore received recognition by the National Merit Scholarship Program for their outstanding academic achievement. The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955. Approximately 1.5 million high school students enter the program each year. Aidan earned the Commended status in the National Merit Scholarship Competition. Sean was named a National Merit Award Finalist.
Aidan Phillips
Sean Moore
In addition to these honors, the College Board’s National Recognition Program named both Aidan and Sean as National African American Scholars. In the fall, Aidan will attend Princeton University and Sean will attend the University of Chicago. Congratulations to both Aidan and Sean!