26 minute read
Hats off to the Class of 2022!
After two straight years of hosting our year-end events on Dominican’s North Campus, we were back inside the James & Virginia Wheeler Auditorium for the Baccalaureate Mass and graduation. On Friday, May 27, family, friends, and members of the Dominican community gathered as the Class of 2022 crossed the stage, received their diplomas, and joined the ranks of Dominican alumni. Congratulations Class of 2022! We can’t wait to see what your future holds.

(Left to right): Paul Firsan, Josephine Balistreri, and Ben Lozano
The valedictorian of the Class of 2022 is Josephine Balistreri daughter of Ted Balistreri and Lisa Bangert. Josephine achieved a grade point average of 4.327 through seven semesters at Dominican. Josephine will attend Georgetown University in the fall and plans to study International Political Economy.
The co-salutatorians are Paul Firsan and Ben Lozano. Paul, son of Sharbil and Leila, achieved a grade point average of 4.306 through seven semesters at Dominican. He plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison and study Electrical Engineering. Ben, son of Juan and Cindy, achieved a 4.306 grade point average through seven semesters at Dominican. He plans to study Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

(Left to Right) Louis Maier IV ’85, Louis Maier V, Rebecca Jones ’79, Theodore Wong, Rose O’Keeffe, Ann Ormsby ’75 Olsen, William Wong ’85, Joseph Olsen, Marco Luna, Annemarie Scobey ’86-Polacheck, Jamilet Scobey-Polacheck, Jennifer Eschweiler ’91 Luna, Tessa Almond, Mark Rice ’92, Parris Saffold, Christine Frank ’93 Rice, Isaac Rice, Ella Carroll, Francine Parris ’84 Saffold, Sarah Banck ’96

Aly El-Ghatit
Dominican High School is honored to recognize Aly El-Ghatit as the recipient of the 2021 Sr. Duchesne Maxwell Award. Aly has been a dedicated member of the Dominican community since 2015 and is happily married to past parent and past Board Chairperson, Theresa Barry. Aly has volunteered hundreds of hours of expertise in the areas of technology and data processing programming and development.
After retiring from a successful career in technology and security solutions with Telecom and Ameritech/SBC, Aly jumped right into volunteering at Dominican. His knowledge and experience helped Dominican advance in its ability to implement programs and processes necessary to meet the expanding technology needs and capabilities of both teachers and students. He served as the project manager for numerous technology enhancements during Dominican’s renovation projects in 2015 and has continued to streamline technology and information systems ever since. His expertise was especially valuable this past school year when Dominican needed to provide online instruction for students who required virtual learning options during the pandemic.
Throughout the past six years, Aly has worked closely with many of Dominican’s administrative departments to ensure optimal usage of technology and data analytics. He created macro systems for the Finance Department to streamline payment processing systems and continues to help the Admissions Department in organizing and revamping its data collection system for prospective students. In addition to offering technical expertise, Aly continues to be an ongoing resource for questions, support and advice in order to optimize the efforts of Dominican’s technology infrastructure.
Dominican is so grateful for the many ways Aly has positively impacted the Dominican community. Although he is not an alumnus, current or past parent, his dedication and commitment to our community makes him an honorary Knight! Thank you Aly for your love and support of Dominican!
The Dominican High School Distinguished Alumni Awards honor graduates who exemplify our five core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. Recognition is awarded to individuals who carry forth and support the Dominican mission through professional, leadership and service achievements.
MaryAnne Mullaney ‘75
Dominican graduates from 2019-2022 are attending the following colleges and universities. MaryAnne has been a continuous supporter and advocate of Dominican since she graduated 46 years ago. Through her key role in establishing St. Monica’s Kindergarten program and as a teacher there for the last 41 years, she has demonstrated strong faith, belief and commitment to Catholic education. Over the years, MaryAnne has shared her love of Dominican by attending events, supporting students through Knight Walk and scholarship support, and by facilitating tours for her young students to meet with high school students. The common theme found in Maryanne’s nominations is that she truly models Dominican’s core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership.
Amber Raffeet ’06 August
Amber obtained her B.A. in Spanish and Legal Studies at the University of Alabama State University Wisconsin-Madison and law degree Alverno College Arizona State University from University of Wisconsin Law School. She works at Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee as Staff Attorney in the Aurora University Guardian ad Litem Division advocating Ave Maria University for children from indigent families Ball State University Belmont University in family court. Amber is PresidentElect of WI Association of African American Lawyers, member of the Beloit College State Bar of WI Board of Governors Berklee College of Music and member of Women in Focus, Inc. Boston University By offering to mentor and provide internship opportunities, Amber serves Cardinal Stritch University as an excellent role model for current Carroll University Dominican students interested in pursuing a career in law.
Carthage College Case Western Reserve University Clemson University College of Charleston College of Saint Benedict Columbia College Chicago Concordia University-Wisconsin DePaul University Drake University Edgewood College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach Gardner-Webb University Georgetown University Greenville University Highland Community College Hillsdale College Illinois State University Iowa State University Jackson State University Lake Forest College Lakeland University Lawrence University Lehigh University
Dominican High School is honored to recognize Aly El-Ghatit as the recipient of the 2021 Sr. Duchesne Maxwell Award. Aly has been a dedicated member of the Dominican community since 2015 and is happily married to past parent and past Board Chairperson, Theresa Barry. Aly has volunteered hundreds of hours of expertise in the areas of technology and data processing programming and development. After retiring from a successful career in technology and security solutions with Telecom and Ameritech/SBC, Aly jumped right into volunteering at Dominican. His knowledge and experience helped Dominican advance in its ability to implement programs and processes necessary to meet the expanding technology needs and capabilities of both teachers and students. He served as the project manager for numerous technology enhancements during Dominican’s renovation projects in 2015 and has continued to streamline technology and information systems ever since. His expertise was especially valuable this past school year when Dominican needed to provide online instruction for students who required virtual learning options during the pandemic. Throughout the past six years, Aly has worked closely with many of Dominican’s administrative departments to ensure optimal usage of technology and data analytics. He created macro systems for the Finance Department to streamline payment processing systems and continues to help the Admissions Department in organizing and revamping its data collection system for prospective students. In addition to offering technical expertise, Aly continues to be an ongoing resource for questions, support and advice in order to optimize the efforts of Dominican’s technology infrastructure. Dominican is so grateful for the many ways Aly has positively impacted the Dominican community. Although he is not an alumnus, current or past parent, his dedication and commitment to our community makes him an honorary Knight! Thank you Aly for your love and support of Dominican!
Sr. Duchesne Maxwell Volunteer of the Year: Aly El-Ghatit Liberty University Lipscomb University Loyola University Chicago Marian University - Fond du Lac Marquette University Maryland Institute College of Art Miami University, Oxford Milwaukee Area Technical College Milwaukee School of Engineering Mount Mary University Murray State University New York University Norfolk State University Aly El-Ghatit Ohio State University Ohio University Otterbein University Pennsylvania State University Erie-Behrend College Princeton University Reed College Ripon College Riverland Community College Saint Louis University Saint Norbert College San Diego State University The Dominican High School Distinguished Alumni Awards honor graduates who exemplify our five core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. Recognition is awarded to individuals who carry forth and support the Dominican mission through professional, leadership and service achievements.
Santa Clara University Savannah College of Art & Design Spelman College St. Petersburg College Tennessee State University The University of Tennessee-Knoxville The University of Texas at Arlington Trinity College Tulane University of Louisiana University of Akron Main Campus University of Arizona University of California-San Diego University of Chicago University of Dallas University of Illinois Chicago University of Kansas University of Minnesota-Crookston University of Minnesota Twin Cities University of Mississippi University of Oklahoma Norman Campus University of Pittsburgh University of Redlands University of Sydney University of the Pacific University of Toronto University of Washington Seattle Campus University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire University of Wisconsin-La Crosse University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin Milwaukee University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh University of Wisconsin-Parkside University of Wisconsin River Falls University of Wisconsin Rock County University of Wisconsin Stevens Point University of Wisconsin Whitewater UWM at Waukesha Viterbo University Winona State University Xavier University Xavier University of Louisiana
MaryAnne Mullaney ‘75
MaryAnne has been a continuous supporter and advocate of Dominican since she graduated 46 years ago. Through her key role in establishing St. Monica’s Kindergarten program and as a teacher there for the last 41 years, she has demonstrated strong faith, belief and commitment to Catholic education. Over the years, MaryAnne has shared her love of Dominican by attending events, supporting students through Knight Walk 8 and scholarship support, and by facilitating tours for her young students to meet with high school students. The common theme found in Maryanne’s nominations is that she truly models Dominican’s core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership.
Amber Raffeet ’06 August
$6,347,048 Amber obtained her B.A. in Spanish and Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and law degree
Total received in from University of Wisconsin Law scholarship offers School. She works at Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee as Staff Attorney in the Guardian ad Litem Division advocating for children from indigent families in family court. Amber is PresidentElect of WI Association of African American Lawyers, member of the State Bar of WI Board of Governors and member of Women in Focus, Inc. By offering to mentor and provide internship opportunities, Amber serves as an excellent role model for current Dominican students interested in pursuing a career in law.
40% Students majoring in a STEM related field 79% Students who graduated with college credits Students attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison
6Students attending Marquette University
Colleges/Universities with highest number of Class of 2022 Grads attending: 42 Students attending a school in Wisconsin

Dominican High School is honored to recognize Aly El-Ghatit as the recipient of the 2021 Sr. Duchesne Maxwell Award. Aly has been a dedicated member of the Dominican community since 2015 and is happily married to past parent and past Board Chairperson, Theresa Barry. Aly has volunteered hundreds of hours of expertise in the areas of technology and data processing programming and development. After retiring from a successful career in technology and security solutions with Telecom and Ameritech/SBC, Aly jumped right into volunteering at Dominican. His knowledge and experience helped Dominican advance in its ability to implement programs and processes necessary to meet the expanding technology needs and capabilities of both teachers and students. He served as the project manager for numerous technology enhancements during Dominican’s renovation projects in 2015 and has continued to streamline technology and information systems ever since. His expertise was especially valuable this past school year when Dominican needed to provide online instruction for students who required virtual learning options during the pandemic. Throughout the past six years, Aly has worked closely with many of Dominican’s administrative departments to ensure optimal usage of technology and data analytics. He created macro systems for the Finance Department to streamline payment processing systems and continues to help the Admissions Department in organizing and revamping its data collection system for prospective students. In addition to offering technical expertise, Aly continues to be an ongoing resource for questions, support and advice in order to optimize the efforts of Dominican’s technology infrastructure. Dominican is so grateful for the many ways Aly has positively impacted the Dominican community. Although he is not an alumnus, current or past parent, his dedication and commitment to our community makes him an honorary Knight! Thank you Aly for your love and support of Dominican!
The Academic Department Awards recognize seniors who symbolize the culture of excellence at Dominican High School. The 2022 recipients were honored for their accomplishments in each respective department at the Baccalaureate Mass Senior Reception and Graduation in May.
Darwin Kaestner/ William Crowley Award
(Science) Fiona McCoy
Jennifer Doerr Award Balistreri, Firsan Earn
(Art) Aly El-Ghatit National Merit Scholarship Anna Hundt Recognition Matthew 25 Award Dominican seniors Josephine Balistreri and (Religious Studies) Paul Firsan were named finalists by the Rose O’Keeffe National Merit Scholarship Program for their outstanding academic achievement! Students Mark Kasprzak Award are chosen based on academic records, SAT (Athletics) scores, essays, and leadership skills. Theodore Wong As a finalist, Josephine and Paul ranked in the top 1% nationwide. Josephine will attend Georgetown University and Paul will attend The Dominican High School Distinguished Alumni Awards honor graduates who exemplify our five core values of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Congratulations to Josie and Paul! Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. Recognition is awarded to individuals who carry forth and support the Dominican mission through professional, leadership and service achievements.
Philip Dentice Award
(Social Studies) Josephine Balistreri
Sinsinawa Core Values Award
Truth: Josephine Balistreri Compassion: Saron Weldemariam Justice Noel Morales Community Parris Saffold Partnernship Benjamin Lozano
2021 Distinguished Alum of the Year

MaryAnne Mullaney ‘75
MaryAnne has been a continuous supporter and advocate of Dominican since she graduated 46 years ago. Through her key role in establishing St. Monica’s Kindergarten program and as a teacher there for the last 41 years, she has demonstrated strong faith, belief Marco Luna Presents Bishop and commitment to Catholic education. Schuerman With Drawing Over the years, MaryAnne has shared her love of Dominican by attending events, supporting students through Knight Walk and scholarship support, and by facilitating Dominican senior Marco Luna presented Bishop James Schuerman with an original piece of art he created as a gift during our tours for her young students to meet with Immaculate Conception Mass in December. high school students. The common theme found in Maryanne’s nominations is that The drawing depicts the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. she truly models Dominican’s core values Marco will continue his passion for art at the University of of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the fall.
2021 Young Alum of the Year

Amber Raffeet ’06 August
Amber obtained her B.A. in Spanish and Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and law degree from University of Wisconsin Law School. She works at Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee as Staff Attorney in the Guardian ad Litem Division advocating for children from indigent families Alumni Career Day Back In-Person in family court. Amber is PresidentElect of WI Association of African After going virtual in 2021, we welcomed 50 American Lawyers, member of the State Bar of WI Board of Governors and member of Women in Focus, Inc. alums back to campus for this year’s event! It was great to see so many familiar faces and By offering to mentor and provide hear them share their Dominican and career internship opportunities, Amber serves experiences with our students! Thank you to all as an excellent role model for current of our alumni who participated. We appreciate Dominican students interested in all of your time and wisdom! pursuing a career in law.
Dominican High School’s yearbook staff won the Jostens National Yearbook Program of Excellence award for the 2021-2022 school year. The National Yearbook Program of Excellence recognizes engaging yearbooks that reflect a broad representation of the student body, while helping students develop communication and collaboration skills. Congratulations to the following members of the Dominican yearbook staff: Clara Adams, Ella Carroll, Daven Cooper, Mary Elliott, Elijah Fischer, Lia Fuentes, Quaney Gary, Chante Gayden, Brigitte Harrison, Italie Jackson, Inge Kozinski, Vinny Mitchell, Rose O’Keeffe, Peter Stieg, Saron Weldemariam, Michael Wirth, and Ms. Ball, Yearbook Moderator. Dominican High School is honored to recognize Aly El-Ghatit as the recipient of the 2021 Sr. Duchesne Maxwell Award. Aly has been a dedicated member of the Dominican community since 2015 and is happily married to past parent and past Board Chairperson, Theresa Barry. Aly has volunteered hundreds of hours of expertise in the areas of technology and data processing programming and development. After retiring from a successful career in technology and security solutions with Telecom and Ameritech/SBC, Aly jumped right into volunteering at Dominican. His knowledge and experience helped Dominican advance in its ability to implement programs and processes necessary to meet the expanding technology needs and capabilities of both teachers and students. He served as the project manager for numerous technology enhancements during Dominican’s renovation projects in 2015 and has continued to streamline technology and information systems ever since. His expertise was especially valuable this past school year when Dominican needed to provide online instruction for students who required virtual learning options during the pandemic. Throughout the past six years, Aly has worked closely with many of Dominican’s administrative departments to ensure optimal usage of technology and data analytics. He created macro systems for the Finance Department to streamline payment processing systems and continues to help the Admissions Department in organizing and revamping its data collection system for prospective students. In addition to offering technical expertise, Aly continues to be an ongoing resource for questions, support and advice in order to optimize the efforts of Dominican’s technology infrastructure. Dominican is so grateful for the many ways Aly has positively impacted the Dominican community. Although he is not an alumnus, current or past parent, his dedication and commitment to our community makes him an honorary Knight! Thank you Aly for your love and support of Dominican! DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARDS

Aly El-Ghatit
Diego Montiel Awarded Evans Scholarship
Dominican senior Diego Montiel was awarded the prestigious Evans Scholarship, a full tuition and housing college scholarship awarded to high achieving students. Approximately 250 high school seniors from across the country are awarded the Evans Scholarship each year. To qualify, students must have a strong golf caddie record, excellent academics, great leadership skills, and The Dominican High School Distinguished Alumni Awards outstanding character. honor graduates who exemplify our five core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. Diego will attend Marquette University in the fall. Recognition is awarded to individuals who carry forth and support the Dominican mission through professional, leadership and service achievements.

MaryAnne Mullaney ‘75
MaryAnne has been a continuous supporter and advocate of Dominican since she graduated 46 years ago. Through her key role in establishing St. Monica’s Kindergarten program and as a teacher there for the last 41 years, she has demonstrated strong faith, belief and commitment to Catholic education. Over the years, MaryAnne has shared her love of Dominican by attending events, supporting students through Knight Walk and scholarship support, and by facilitating tours for her young students to meet with high school students. The common theme found in Maryanne’s nominations is that she truly models Dominican’s core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership.
Amber Raffeet ’06 AugustSigning Day at Dominican
Amber obtained her B.A. in Spanish and Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and law degree After a successful career at Dominican, we celebrated our from University of Wisconsin Law senior student-athletes who will continue their athletic careers in college! School. She works at Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee as Staff Attorney in the Guardian ad Litem Division advocating for children from indigent families Barry Applewhite - St. Norbert College - Basketball in family court. Amber is PresidentElect of WI Association of African American Lawyers, member of the State Bar of WI Board of Governors Keshawn McGee - Cardinal Stritch University - Basketball & Track and member of Women in Focus, Inc. By offering to mentor and provide Conner Robertson - Lawrence University - Baseball internship opportunities, Amber serves as an excellent role model for current Dominican students interested in Mary Grace Elliott - Ripon College - Soccer pursuing a career in law.
Sr. Duchesne Maxwell Volunteer of the Year: Aly El-Ghatit Dominican Theatre had another remarkable and exciting year in 2021-2022, showcasing its versatility, diversity, and talent on and off stage. The Theatre season began with the touching drama, “Steel Magnolias”, followed by the musical “Aida” which returned to the DHS stage after 15 years. In February, DHS Theatre went back to the ’80s and Venice Beach, roller skating its way to “Xanadu,” the silly-fun pop musical. Finally, the season was capped off with Dominican’s spring dance revue “Elevation IV” in May. More students than ever joined us on stage in spring to dance and showcase their positivity. Our stage crew once again was heroic and painted, built, lit, constructed, costumed, and ran all four beautiful productions. We had 82 students involved this year, won 11 Jerry Awards, and made a lot of memories. Mr. Schaetzke and Mrs. Van Beek celebrated 25 years together and are looking forward to year 26 and many, many more! Bravo DHS Theatre!

Dominican High School is honored to recognize Aly El-Ghatit as the recipient of the 2021 Sr. Duchesne Maxwell Award. Aly has been a dedicated member of the Dominican community since 2015 and is happily married to past parent and past Board Chairperson, Theresa Barry. Aly has volunteered hundreds of hours of expertise in the areas of technology and data processing programming and development. After retiring from a successful career in technology and security solutions with Telecom and Ameritech/SBC, Aly jumped right into volunteering at Dominican. His knowledge and experience helped Dominican advance in its ability to implement programs
and processes necessary to meet the expanding technology needs and capabilities of both teachers and students. He served as the project manager for numerous technology enhancements during Dominican’s renovation projects in 2015 and has continued to streamline technology and information systems ever since. His expertise was especially valuable this past school year when Dominican needed to provide online instruction for students who required virtual learning options during the pandemic. Throughout the past six years, Aly has worked closely with many of Dominican’s administrative departments to ensure optimal usage of technology and data analytics. He created macro systems for the Finance Department to streamline payment Aly El-Ghatit processing systems and continues to help the Admissions Photos by Kate Jurgens/PaxPhoto Department in organizing and revamping its data collection system for prospective students. In addition to offering technical expertise, Aly continues to be an ongoing resource for questions, support and advice in order to optimize the efforts of Dominican’s technology infrastructure. Dominican is so grateful for the many ways Aly has positively impacted the Dominican community. Although he is not an alumnus, current or past parent, his dedication and commitment to our community makes him an honorary Knight! Thank you Aly for your love and support of Dominican!

2021 Distinguished Alum of the Year
MaryAnne Mullaney ‘75
MaryAnne has been a continuous supporter and advocate of Dominican since she graduated 46 years ago. Through her key role in establishing St. Monica’s Kindergarten program and as a teacher there for the last 41 years, she has demonstrated strong faith, belief and commitment to Catholic education. Over the years, MaryAnne has shared her love of Dominican by attending events, supporting students through Knight Walk and scholarship support, and by facilitating tours for her young students to meet with high school students. The common theme found in Maryanne’s nominations is that she truly models Dominican’s core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. The Dominican High School Distinguished Alumni Awards honor graduates who exemplify our five core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. Recognition is awarded to individuals who carry forth and support the Dominican mission through professional, leadership and service achievements.
2021 Young Alum of the Year
Amber Raffeet ’06 August
Amber obtained her B.A. in Spanish and Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and law degree from University of Wisconsin Law School. She works at Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee as Staff Attorney in the Guardian ad Litem Division advocating for children from indigent families in family court. Amber is PresidentElect of WI Association of African American Lawyers, member of the State Bar of WI Board of Governors and member of Women in Focus, Inc. By offering to mentor and provide internship opportunities, Amber serves as an excellent role model for current Dominican students interested in pursuing a career in law.
2021-2022 AWARDS

Jerry Awards Aida
Spirit Award - Jamilet Scobey-Polacheck ’22 Outstanding Lighting Design - Bryn Van Beek ’97

Aly El-Ghatit
Dominican High School is honored to recognize Aly El-Ghatit as the recipient of the 2021 Sr. Duchesne Maxwell Award. Aly has been a dedicated member of the Dominican community since 2015 and is happily married to past parent and past Board Chairperson, Theresa Barry. Aly has volunteered hundreds of hours of expertise in the areas of technology and data processing programming and development.
After retiring from a successful career in technology and security solutions with Telecom and Ameritech/SBC, Aly jumped right into volunteering at Dominican. His knowledge and experience helped Dominican advance in its ability to implement programs and processes necessary to meet the expanding technology needs and capabilities of both teachers and students. He served as the project manager for numerous technology enhancements during Dominican’s renovation projects in 2015 and has continued to streamline technology and information systems ever since. His expertise was especially valuable this past school year when Dominican needed to provide online instruction for students who required virtual learning options during the pandemic.
Throughout the past six years, Aly has worked closely with many of Dominican’s administrative departments to ensure optimal usage of technology and data analytics. He created macro systems for the Finance Department to streamline payment processing systems and continues to help the Admissions Department in organizing and revamping its data collection system for prospective students. In addition to offering technical expertise, Aly continues to be an ongoing resource for questions, support and advice in order to optimize the efforts of Dominican’s technology infrastructure.
Dominican is so grateful for the many ways Aly has positively impacted the Dominican community. Although he is not an alumnus, current or past parent, his dedication and commitment to our community makes him an honorary Knight! Thank you Aly for your love and support of Dominican!
Outstanding Lead Performance - Rose O’Keeffe ’22 - Simone Kim ’22 Outstanding Supporting Performance - Dayanara Sanchez ’24 Spirit Award - Grace Foy ’24 - Sophia Kleinmann ’24 Outstanding Overall Design - Nick Murel, Bryn Van Beek ’97, Karen Dolan Outstanding Choreography - Michael Endter

2021 Distinguished Alum of the Year
MaryAnne Mullaney ‘75
MaryAnne has been a continuous supporter and advocate of Dominican since she graduated 46 years ago. Through her key role in establishing St. Monica’s Kindergarten program and as a teacher there for the last 41 years, she has demonstrated strong faith, belief and commitment to Catholic education. Over the years, MaryAnne has shared her love of Dominican by attending events, supporting students through Knight Walk and scholarship support, and by facilitating tours for her young students to meet with high school students. The common theme found in Maryanne’s nominations is that she truly models Dominican’s core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. The Dominican High School Distinguished Alumni Awards honor graduates who exemplify our five core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. Recognition is awarded to individuals who carry forth and support the Dominican mission through professional, leadership and service achievements.
2021 Young Alum of the Year
Amber Raffeet ’06 August
Amber obtained her B.A. in Spanish and Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and law degree from University of Wisconsin Law School. She works at Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee as Staff Attorney in the Guardian ad Litem Division advocating for children from indigent families in family court. Amber is PresidentElect of WI Association of African American Lawyers, member of the State Bar of WI Board of Governors and member of Women in Focus, Inc. By offering to mentor and provide internship opportunities, Amber serves as an excellent role model for current Dominican students interested in pursuing a career in law.