Flex Appeal

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Dominic matti

In last months issue, I discussed the evils of sugar and how it can really put a speed bump on your progress to losing weight. This month I am going to contradict myself a little bit and talk about the one time sugar can benefit your results at the gym.

Tel: 902-425-8226 Mobile: 902-877-7839

Dominic matti—personal trainer/fitness writer

Flex appeal

E-mail: dominicmatti@gmail.com http://issuu.com/dominicmatti

After an intense workout your glycogen levels are very low and sugar will help in restocking your muscle-glycogen stores. As well, your insulin levels are at their lowest and insulin is needed to propel amino acids (protein) into your tired and hungry muscles. In this case sugar is ideal because it acts as a transport system, and mixed with protein it expedites the recovery period. The ideal time to get this sugar fix is within an hour of your workout because almost none of the sugar will be stored as fat. This is the one-time you want to choose high-glycemic-index sugar sources such as dextrose, sports drinks, rice cakes and fruits like pineapple and mangos. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the glycemic index, it is a chart that rates how quickly certain foods turn into glucose in the bloodstream and it can be a very good tool when trying to control sugar intake. The higher the rating on the chart, the more of a rapid jump it will give your blood sugar levels. Studies by the Harvard School of Public Health show that diets loaded with high-gylcemic foods lead to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and obesity.

Volume 1, Issue 4

In this issue:

September 2012


Post Workout Sugar


* The one time sugar can help you

Body Part Of The Month


 Women - Benefits of a high protein diet

Women and Protein


 Horseshoe Triceps

Body Part of the month –Triceps Usually during this part of the newsletter I focus on one specific exercise, but this month I decided to focus on a full body part. A lot of guys approach me on how they can make their arms bigger and I find they are focusing too much on their biceps and not enough on their triceps. And in actuality, its bigger triceps that will give you fuller,

bigger looking arms. The key to getting the horseshoe look, is to target all three parts of the triceps – the long head, the medial head and the lateral head. For best results do a routine that includes dips, overhead extensions, a close-grip press and some sort of cable pressdown (v-bar, rope, or

straight bar). I find a reverse grip with a straight bar works best. Do 3-4 sets and 8-12 reps depending on if you’re trying to build or tone. And remember to keep perfect form, with elbows turned in towards the body to get the most isolation.

Women and protein

Dominic matti Tel: 902-425-8226 Mobile: 902-877-7839 E-mail: dominicmatti@gmail.com http://issuu.com/dominicmatti

It almost goes without saying, if you’re working out, then you need to consume protein to maintain and build muscle. But the average woman consumes only about 40-50 grams of protein a day. Which is not adequate enough for someone who is highly active. Not only is protein important for muscle repair but also it is great for your metabolism. Protein takes the most work to digest; therefore, your body is using a lot of energy to break it down. And because it’s harder to digest, it stays in your stomach longer than carbs, in return making you feel full faster and longer. For a woman doing weight training, you should be looking at consuming about 0.8 – 1 g per pound of body weight. And you should be getting about 5-6 servings; 2030 grams per meal so the body can better metabolize and absorb it.

It’s best to get your protein from multiple sources such as chicken, eggs, red meat, pork, fish, beans and lentils and of course whey/casein protein shakes, each with different health benefits. Red Meat is high in iron and zinc, both of which are critical to proper metabolism and immune health. Fish is full of omega-3 fats, which is linked to better brain function and lower rates of depression. Pork contains a nutrient called thiamin, which helps efficiently convert carbohydrates to energy and is often deficient in females. And beans are high in fibre and folic acid. So you really can’t go wrong with a high protein diet.

Dominic Matti - Personal Trainer Specialist I’ve been involved in sports and fitness since an early age and I have been heavily focused on strength and endurance training for over 5 years. I have achieved a lot of success at reaching my fitness goals and I am now using my passion and knowledge to help others. I have worked with a variety of clients, from former collegiate athletes to beginner exercisers of all ages. Whether it’s weight loss or adding strength and muscle, I aim for all my clients to be successful at reaching their goals and to have them walk out of our facility each time with a smile and newfound confidence!

“Exercise to be fit, not ‘skinny’ “

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