Urban design report genoa dc ce atj

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urban design report

Domnica Chisca / Carl Elliott / Amirah Tengku Johari

Nexus urban design project / genova Despite the success of Genova as a cargo port, the city has dramatically diminished in population in recent years. However, research shows that there have been a number of new investments in the city as well as the port, which we forsee to create more workplaces and bring an influx of people to Genoa. Therefore this project focuses on the underdeveloped area of S. Benigno with a key part of the strategy concerning the history of the site. Situated between the Lanterna (the cities lighthouse and landmark) and what is now the cliff face of the excavation of a hill, S. Benigno promontory the area remains underdeveloped and derelict whilst encompassed in a maze of infrastructure making areas inaccessible. This project proposes to reinstate the landscape with high-rise buildings incorporating a raised public realm connected with intertwining bridges that offer a choice of routes and experiences. The formation of these areas came to fruition by studying and extracting the street patterns from the old city as well as the more recently developed areas of Genova. The elevated public realm offers a contrast in experience to the realm below, one being more formal, busy and high traffic while the other being more relatable to the pedestrians, is more intimate and enjoyable. In doing this we aim not only to connect the mountain top to the sea but also the people to the city.


001 brief 003 Contents

005 Genova

006 history / present 009 investments 010 population 011 site 012 site comparison to old town 013 historical maps 016 topography 017 infrastructure

022 links 023 theory / process 024 urban grain analysis 028 buildings proposed for demolishing and redevelopment 030 grid 031 historical overlay 032 heights 033 proposed road network 034 vision 036 bridges study

039 masterplan

040 elevated public realm 041 ground level plan 042 sketch sections 043 elevated public level plan 044 Axonometric 046 views 052 model

055 annex

056 density study 057 policies 058 environmental strategy 059 economic study



061 bibliography


019 design




The birth of Genoa city is recorded at 3rd century b. c. according to historical survey. During the Punic Wars, the roman port is destroyed, which afterwards, rebuilt as a military base in a war to fight against the Carthanginians. During the later roman empire and high medieval period, the city has suffered several invasions from the northern regions, and later is controlled by the Byzantines, Lombards and Franks.

The city of Genoa can be known for its competitive spirit, after the numerous wars it fought to defend its advantageous geological position, its port is highly sought after due to its position in the Mediterranean. Due to fierce competition between the big ports of Europe (Genoa, Hamburg, Antwerp and Rotterdam) had forced Genoa to specialise in the container industry. As such it is the cities goal to attract many foreign corporations. As it is Genoa is currently the largest The first great period of Genoa city was during port in the Mediterranean. the medieval time. Around 11th century, the city is ruled by councils selected from the numerous Aside from its industrial sector, tourism is the only aristocratic families who segregate the city, sector Genoa can profit from. In 2004 it became a developing it into an oligarchic republic. The Capital of Culture in the hopes of attractive foreign interests and benefits of the highest ranked interest, however any development focused on people in the society is assured, as the city existing buildings, the city claiming it possessed extended its territory throughout approximately enough to give tourists a wonderful time. Yet not 5 centuries, both in the practice of definite much had been done to lure tourists with new colonies and commercial markets. For the next landmarks. Since the event the number of visitors centuries, Genoa protected its standing as the to the city has risen however in the grand scheme maritime leader of the Mediterranean with the numbers are drastically low. Genoa experiences help of the crusades. fierce competition from other Italian cities in the cultural sector. Florence, Venice, Verona, Rome, During the 17th century, Genoa suffered an age Ravenna and Pisa are all cities that attract more of decline, as it came under the control of several tourists than Genoa. European powers. In 1815, the Republic of Genoa is annexed to the Kingdom of Savoy as ruled by Given the amount of traffic in and out of Genoa the Congress of Vienna, which some years later via the overhead motorway on the waterfront, turned into a part of the united Italy. Garibaldi pollution has become an increasing problem. started his Journey of the Thousand from here, Congestion in the city center resulting in excessive which eventually led to the creation of the Italian exhaust emissions is damaging the buildings in constitution. the old city and the well-being of its inhabitants. As of 2015 Genoas waste management operations During the 19th and 20th centuries, Genoa have been halted with a new waste management transformed into a successful urban expansion, plant to be operational in 2018. Besides pollution playing an active role of port and industrial core by cars, there is also pollution from the port. The within the Genoa, Milan and Turin industrial city has made very little effort to invest in an triangle. In the 1960s the city’s population doubled environmental strategy and it is becoming an significantly in comparison to the century’s first increasing concern to the local government to half. However, in the 1980s, the typical traditional lessen their carbon footprint. development established on big, state sponsored industry turned out to be not as relevant, which dragged the city into a crisis from its successful industrial standing. Today. Genoa city port has emerged once again as one of the most significant port cities in the region of the Mediterranean.

genova, Liguria, italy (44°24’40’’N 8°55’58’’E)



investments 4. erzelli Science and Tech 1. UNESCO world heritage park site Erzelli hill has recently started to be developed as Science and Technology park; part of it are a New In 2006 the old town of Genoa was incorporated in School of Engineering, laboratories and offices the UNESCO heritage and since it has been slowly for companies involved in high-tech research, as been regenerated and developed (UNESCO, well as residences, services, urban amenities, also 2016). park and sports facilities (Gnudi, 2016).

2. blueprint Competition

masterplan 5. Ansaldo energia gas turbines assembling and The competition grew from the vision of Renzo shipping Piano Building Workshop to further develop the port and industrial parts of Genova as well as the social and cultural aspects. The project seeks solutions for the site for the former Genova International Trade Fair, and ways to fill in the gaps in urban fabric (Blueprint Competition, 2016).

3. New business hub

The port of genova



The main function of Genova has always been its port, and it is currently still a crucial part of the economy. As can be seen in the images opposite, large areas of the waterfront are used for passenger transport, even more for industrial and for container transport. Even in the city side of the port, there are considerable areas used to service it, such as the ship repair just south of the old town. In addition to this, there are a number of recent and new investments into the city and the port that we anticipate will bring renewed interest from businesses on a global scale.

There have been a number of new office buildings being built in the area as it allows for easy access to the city as well as the docks, making it the ideal place for a new business hub. This is the home of “Matitone� (the pencil) a skyscraper in shape of a pencil, which is the headquarters for the Municipality of Genoa Private Building and Urban Development offices; the WTC towers, as well as a number of other companies.

The area of steel fabrication has been disused for a period of time, however this summer, the Genoese energy company Ansaldo Energia has signed an agreement with Ilva SpA (the steel manufacturing company) to share the site. Ansaldo will be producing, assembing and shipping water turbines from the site (Republica, 2016). In addition to these, there have been a number of docks being filled in to make more space for containers. Also, there is an intention to move the breakwater further out into the sea to accommodate the turning requirements of postpanamax ships.

Population Since its establishment in around 1000AD the population of Genoa has fluctuated. The city began its expansion in 1097 with a population of 10000. After numerous periods of prosperity followed up by crusades, war and natural disasters it wasn’t until the 16th century that the city began to stabilize and began a steady growth both economically and in populace (Population. City, 2015). The city reached its peak between the 19th and 20th centuries when Genoa experienced great urban development, assuming the role of the industrial and port center within the industrial triangle of Genoa, Milan, and Turin (Population. City, 2015). The population of Genoa almost doubled during the twentieth century to a populace of 842 thousand, but the pattern of growth was extremely uneven due to largescale internal migration from the rural South to the industrial cities of the North, a phenomenon that happened as a consequence of the Italian economic boom of the 1950-60s when it became a major industrial power. And yet its position as the great industrial city fell into crisis in the 1980’s, when the model of traditional development based on large, state-sponsored industry became less relevant. In addition, after centuries of net emigration, from the 1980s Italy has experienced large-scale immigration for the first time in modern history. According to the Italian government, there were an estimated 5,000,073 foreign nationals residing in Italy with a small percentage settling in Genoa (Epstein, 2002).

site St. Benigno, sampierdarena

GENOA 1970: 55.6M TODAY : 62.2M

1970: 841,000 TODAY : 587,469



Genoa city was developed with the port area as the center of expansion, as the port area is the focus of economic activities. The trade and industrial sectors kept on growing until the early 1900s, where the container industry flourished and developed significantly, thus the need and urgency for additional space and upgraded infrastructure; the Autostrada A7 and parking lots for trucks. In 1930, a large-scale project to excavate the mountain of S. Benigno was commenced. The context was manipulated and muted to cater for the increasing needs of human productivity. Relying on merely human strength and workforce with no heavy machinery, the once fortified mountainous landscape is now an empty void of space. In todays setting, it is occupied with multiple layers of infrastructure to service the port area as well as the ferry and cruise terminals, in addition to commercial and industrial buildings.








65+: 158,719









1970: 325,382 2015: 81,843





(Comune di Genova, 2016)

Genoa has had a particular demographic pattern since the 19th century, instituted by low rates of demographic increase, downsizing of the average number of household members and a constant pace of ageing. Low fertility and the high age of women entering marriage combined with high life expectancy are contributing factors to this pattern. The ultimate result is a decrease in youth and an increase in the elderly population. As a consequence of the shrinkage going on since the 70’s Genoa lost almost one third of its population. In the city centre the majority of dwellings are inhabited by elderly people living alone, causing a large number of vacant properties. With an aging population there is

also a growing need for care. This need of care is paradoxically the cause of the stabilization of demographic decrease. Since the 90’s a migrant flow of Latino women (especially from Ecuador) was employed by Italian families to provide care for the elderly. These women compared to previous waves of international migrations (composed mostly of north-African single men) established their families in Italy contributing to a counter-trend in fertility rate and incidences of younger cohorts. It is likely due to this influx of immigrants that the population has raised slightly in recent years (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, 2012).

900 800 700 600 500

1960 1973 1985 1998 2010

POPULATION (in thousands)



The design scheme is focused on the underdeveloped area of S. Benigno with a key factor of the approach is to consider the history of the site. The site is situated in between the La Lanterna, the city lighthouse and historical landmark and the reinforced cliff to its north, which is the result of the major excavation project. The site area remains derelict and destitute with vandalism and damage to public and private properties which makes the public realm unappealing and hostile to the urban users. It is hardly accessible on foot as it is encompassed in a maze of huge proportions of infrastructure. The site area is situated in between the heritage site of the old city of Genoa towards the east and the upcoming technological development towards the west. It is also a gateway into the city of Genoa for the people entering the city using the motorway from the north. Establishing the significance of the site area, it is crucial to connect the high ground to the lower ground, the east side to the west side, as it is one of the main key objectives of the urban master planning.

Existing Figure Ground NTS

historical maps 1000 The earliest maps of the area highlight that it was not initially considered for settlement, probably due to the landscape which in addition to being difficult to construct on, it could also aid in the protection of the city by being a natural defense.


Site Uses NTS







There are no major developments until the XVIIth century when the historical maps show the presence of a pontoon as well as the outline of a defense wall. This is a consequence of the development of the city and it’s expansion even to the West of the central port.


(Anon, cc. 1890)

1890 By the 1890’s the city expansion started carving into the mountain as it can be seen both in the map as well as the top photography. There are two large wearhouses that have been built onto the hill, hinting at the regeneration and the increase in use of the port.

Site use and comparison to old town

1937 The cultural lifestyle and environment of a society are expressed through the urban fabric of a city. The old city of Genoa, which is built upon to cater for human and social interactions, bears no resemblance to the site chosen, which is built upon to cater for motorcars and industrial purposes. Unlike the existing site, which is lacking in originality and novelty as it is devoted to the vehicular use and port activities. The residual spaces in between the buildings are too banal for it to be appealing to the urban users. It is built upon the motorcar scale, thus, it creates the sensation of enmity and alienation for the people.

In the 1930’s the need to create vehicular connections to the extended docks and other neighbouring cities meant that there was a requirement for large-scale infrastructure to be put in place; this necessity led to a drastic intervention in the landscape: a whole piece of the hill was removed to create the new Autostrada.




As it stands, in addition to the Autostrada, there have been numerous other layers of infrastructure to service and connect to the docks, which create almost a maze for pedestrians attempting to navigate the area.









Topography NTS


Infrastructure on site

Genova has been formed and grew in the strip of land between the mountains and the Ligurian Sea, making construction land very precious. Due to this and the fact that to the West of the port, where the site is, there was a large hill, the city expanded towards the East where the landscape was easier to build on. However for access to the other cities along the coast and inland, as well as to create more space for the port. The site is characterised by an abrupt change in height, as the hill is being maintained in place with a retaining wall, after which the area where the hill was is stepping down to the waterfront.

After the placement of the Autostrada A7, connecting with the north, towards Torino and Milano, the area became a gateway into the city. This is where the road entrance to the docks is, adding a portion of infrastructure within a secured area; this is also where vehicles can board and get off ferries, for the access of which a series of tunnels have been created, and spaces for parking and queuing while waiting for the ferry. There is also the overhead highway supported by routes on the ground and by tunnels. The area is not pedestrian permeable and there are very few routes for pedestrians only, mainly the promenade to the Lanterna.



Underground and Tunnels Overhead Infrastructure

Ground Level Circulation NTS










Reconnect the city




Reconnect with Waterfront

Better public spaces




Reconnect the city


Improve quality of life


Better public spaces


Create Jobs

Expand Business Hub



Boost Identity Reconnect with Waterfront

Improve quality of life

Expand Business Hub

Increase Tourism

Create Jobs



Improve Environment

Energy Efficiency




Aims and concept

The remnants of historical landscape and the layering of information created a context for the site and informed the method of design. There hill and the defence wall previously existing on site was an important aspect of the masterplan as it generated the dimension and heights of the masterplan.

The main aim and concept for the urban design is Nexus, with the purpose to establish a connection or relationship between people, places and activities.

collage city The site gains more importance with the presence of the transport hub; this is the ferry terminal for the city and it is also a large shopping center servicing the area. These assure a large number of people are passing through the site every day. However because of the present character of the area, people do not want to linger on the site.

Linking the area NTS

typology In addition to these, the typology of buildings plays an important role in the masterplan as the proposal considers mixed use buildings. The first levels will be used as offices which require a more controlled environment and therefore allow for a deeper plan, while the residential levels will require more natural daylight, thus needing a change in dimension of the floorplate as well as the facade.

links One of the main issues encountered while visiting the site was the feeling of segregation that the infrastructure and the topography created, for this reason, the main concern of the masterplan is to create and improve links between the different function areas identified. The North-South link becomes particularly important as there is no direct link from the residential area to the site which by lack of pedestrian traffic has become derelict and hazardous. Preserving and strengthening the route towards the Lanterna is also an important aspect as it is the main touristic attraction in the area.

By analyzing other areas of Genova, that are perhaps more successful for various reasons (being able to retain people and create pleasant urban spaces, being easily accessible and permeable) or that show how the city has resolved similar topographical conditions, and use those examples to design the proposal.



The Lanterna is the main touristic destination of the area, it is also the main lighthouse for the port of Genova. It is currently separated from the site and only accessible during weekends due to the fact that one has to enter the portuary secure area to get to it.

The scheme transforms the once underdeveloped site of St. Benigno into a high density and intensifying area, full of vitality and energy both on the ground and in the sky. By having a high concentration of people, it allows progressive investment and development of the area. Bringing more people in heightening the general productivity in terms of sociality and economy. The frequency of activities and interactions will increase significantly, bringing life to the new urban development day and night. The presence of life and rapid movements will make the area more desirable and appealing to the urban dwellers. The high-rise scheme is also derived from the topography of Genoa itself, maximising the utilisation of scarce land, as well as extracting characters studied from the historical landscape of the site.

The urban masterplan intends to increase the quality of life of Genoa’s population. This is achieved by linking the most important parts of the city, making the once deprived and hardly accessible area into a pleasant and permeable public realm. It provides two alternative access points, one by foot and car on ground level and exclusively by foot on a raised multi-level urban walkway. The separation of the motorcar from the ‘streets in the sky’ human scale public realm introduces a contrast in visual and experiential pleasure. The raised route has multiple starting and ending points, which Due to the infrastructure conditions on the connects the north to south and the east to west. ground level, the project proposes to create an The master plan inevitably draws continuous alternative route at a higher level, which will allow stream of pedestrian traffic into the site. the ground to remain accessible, but purely used for business while the leisure and commercial By providing reasons and means, combining both level to be above. As the residential area is on elements will result in successful urban design. the top of the hill, there will be a need to create Generally, the design explores the idea of high a slowly descending route to the site, which can density and activity which provides the required also be linked in with the mixed use buildings reasons and enhancing horizontal and vertical with residential and commercial spaces on the circulation which provides the desirable means. upper levels.

Locations of urban grain study areas

Urban grain Analysis site The area does not have a strong typological character, there is a mixture of footprint sizes and uses, there are small residential buildings of both point and slab design, and there are also various types of office buildings, adding to the ambiguous feeling of the site. In addition, the area is not only segregated through the convoluted infrastructure, but also by the topography. When the cliff was excavated, there was no need or consideration regarding the link from the top of the hill to the bottom of it, this has added to the feeling of dereliction of the place through a lack of pedestrian circulation.

historic section through site


25 present day section through site

Urban grain Analysis city wide The old part of Genoa, which was incorporated in the UNESCO World Heritage in 2006, developed organically from the formation of the settlement to present and is characterized by an increased density of built fabric with narrow streets of almost theatrical proportions, which meander to the waterfront. This area seems to be the one that is most associated with the city of Genoa as it is the area with the most touristic attractions and events. The area of Via Garibaldi and Spianata Castelletto were developed in the 16th - 17th century as the city increased in wealth and required to extend towards and on the hills surrounding the city. This situation created a more diverse urban typology and added multiple levels to the city, resulting in a stepping, almost amphitheatral roof-scape . In the early 1900s the city expansion became much more formal and rationalized by using a grid of blocks. This area of the city seems to be somewhat less successful at retaining people as the proportion of the blocks and the street width is not as powerful as the one in the old city, therefore losing the sense of containment.



Buildings for removal

Buildings proposed for demolishing and Redevelopment As the project proposes an increase in density, there are a number of buildings on site that are proposed for removal or regeneration. This will be more economic in time as the removed buildings are either derelict or low rise, low density, therefore not utilizing the land to its full potential.

Buildings for redevelopment

Private and vehicular dependent facilities will be relocated to prime locations in the new commercial/office development. Public services and facilities will be moved to the various pedestrian levels.



Grid NTS


Historical overlay

The removal of the buildings from the site creates a large area that can be used for redevelopment, however the infrastructure in place slices it, creating islands of isolated land. For this reason we applied the grid pattern from the 1930s extension of Genova to the site, which will rationalize and create a more accessible street pattern that will tie in with the existing infrastructure. The squares of the grid will also allow for the construction of point blocks of 25m x 25m.

By overlaying the selected historical layers of the hill and the defense wall, there appear to be various areas of intersection that can be used to inform the design of the project.



Historical overlay NTS

Density and Heights NTS


Proposed road networks

Considering the condition of the defense wall, with increased density to the city side and lower density on the exterior of the wall, as well as with the shape of the hill, sloping down on both West and Eastern side, some of the building heights have been decided. The wall is also used to determine the line of skyscrapers along the North-South axis, which is also the main elevated pedestrian route.

The proposed routes for both the ground level as well as the elevated public realm show the difference in the street typology. The ground level route creates more links and ease the access between the areas of land separated by the large infrastructure, while the raised route is not a simple, direct route, and creates a more interesting journey. The two levels of main circulation will be linked by vertical movement within the blocks as well, creating a complex network of routes.



Proposed Figure Ground NTS

central route with side commercial spaces

belvedere route on the side of the building vertical garden joining clusters of towers

Vision The raised public realm covers a range of activities, experiences, and opportunities that are available to the urban users. The density of community area and activities are scattered and divided to attain a certain balance and stability. The vital city facilities and amenities are also located in such a way that it is dispersed throughout the urban master planning that they are easily accessible to all strata of the community including the poor and the wealthy, to make sure the system flourish. To create an urban life that is humane, the raised streets are filled with cafes and restaurants that provide distinctive venues for people to engage in public squares, along with the streets and avenues. The high traffic streets allow the front side of the cafes and restaurants to spill out onto the common streets, in a way that the table and chair sets are placed and extend out to the public place. Public seating is positioned at the high traffic street crossings to accommodate for mobile performers and vendors, where these street operators are concentrated and can easily be seen.



The core of the buildings will be located adjacent to the public realm both at ground level as well as the elevated walkways, allowing the pedestrians to ow through the spaces freely at all times.

The core of the buildings will be located adjacent to the public realm both at ground level as well as the elevated walkways, allowing the pedestrians to ow through the spaces freely at all times.

The core of the buildings will be located adjacent to the public realm both at ground level as well as the elevated walkways, allowing the pedestrians to ow through the spaces freely at all times.

models of bridge building connections

The core of the buildings will be located adjacent to the public realm both at ground level as well as the elevated walkways, allowing the pedestrians to ow through the spaces freely at all times.


A quick study of the ways the elevated public realm and the connecting bridges interact with the buildings was undertaken through a series of small models. These show that the connecting bridges can not only be tangential to the blocks, but also could go through them and allow for commercial spaces to occupy the levels. There is also the possibility that some of the public spaces become junctions or nodes on multiple levels.

Core relation to bridges The core of the buildings will be located adjacent theadjacent public realm The elevated street willtobe to the cores both of theatbuildings, ground therefore level as creating well as more the connections in between it and the ground level. elevated walkways, allowing the This will help avoiding any dead ends, improving pedestrians to ow through the the flow of the routes and the circulation of spacesthroughout freely at allthe times. pedestrians whole site and all levels of the public realm.


Elevated public realm The elevated public realm is the main element of the masterplan, it proposes to connect the residential area at the top of the hill to the Lanterna on the North-South axis and the transport hub with the residential and business zone on the East-West axis. The routes propose various types of public spaces: covered and open squares, belvedere, simple passages or arcades.

41 ground level plan

Residential Community OďŹƒce & Business Retail & Food

elevated public level 43 plan

Visual views One of the particularities of the project is reinstating the level of the hill by using the bridges to recreate a possible route at its top. This route will frame various views towards the old city, the port and the Lanterna, and inwards, towards the residential areas.

Views Location 8

2 3













density study Due to the proximity of both the city centre as well as the port and various transport terminals, we have identified the need to increase the density in the area and not only through an increase of office space, but also by bringing more permanent inhabitants and connecting it with the surrounding residential areas. By comparing the existing footprint of the buildings proposed for removal and assuming they are in use within the area of the buildings proposed through the masterplan it becomes evident that the masterplan is increasing the use of the land. Making the most use of land is extremely

policies The Genovese planning authorities have devised a list of goals for the city’s development structured in 3 parts: the economic and infrastructure development, urban image and spatial organisation and the health and quality of environment. These are further divided in 5 subcategories that are then supported by additional explanation (Direzione Sviluppo Urbanistico del Territorio, 2015).

important in Genoa as the city is pressed for space by the landscape and the infrastructure. In addition to the increase in office space, the masterplan also proposes an addition of other uses, residential, commercial and leisure which will change the character of the area and bring more people in the city.

The masterplan proposes to address these issues by improving the economic situation through the development of an area of the city that is currently underutilised and yet with great potential due to its proximity to the city center. Moreover the main vehicular infrastructure to access it is in place, to it there would be added the overhead walkways that will improve the circulation between the top of the hill, the site and the Lanterna, which is a important touristic destination for Genova. The proposal also draws from the character of the city in combination with its history, therefore strengthening its individuality. The development introduced mixed use, highrise, buildings in an area of the Genovese port that is almost derelict, improving the usage of the available land. The proposal is to also increase the density within the city which is in line with city’s aims for growth. By making use of the landscape and reinforcing it through the introduction of the elevated public realm, the character of the city is maintained. The project proposes to improve the quality of the environment through the creation of an additional route for pedestrians that would provide an alternative, away from the noise and pollution of the many motorways and roads in the area. The fact that the development is also mixed use also means that people would have the opportunity to live closer to the city and their workplaces, making the city more walkable and improve permeability through the elevated pedestrian realm, therefore reducing the amount of travel by vehicle, thus reducing emissions.



Further information about the strategies can be found in the additional commentary following.

environmental strategy The environmental impacts of the proposal, considering social, economic and ecological factors, are more beneficial than adverse. The adverse affects are carbon emissions generated by the machinery and material fabrication during demolition and construction. The beneficial effects accrue from infill rather than expansion into the more agricultural areas bordering the city whilst creating 380,000km2 of habitable area, social benefits from expanded public realms, improved circulation and accessibility, and provision of public amenities and services. Considering the steadily rising increase in urban populations, it is possible to say that 2.5 billion people will be added to the urban population by 2050. This is an expected result due to the growing industrialization and economy in cities such as Genoa, thus causing people to move where the work is. On the other hand, in denser cities providing such things as housing, electricity, water, public transport and sanitation requirements with less environmental damage are getting progressively difficult. At this

juncture high-rise mixed-use offers sustainable environments for its residents by integrating increasingly complex requirements into one place, despite difficulties such as geography or population. Whilst construction is the most impacting factor environmentally in our proposal, high-rises provide low energy consumption in the long term according to reduced transportation with proximity of residents and work places. There is also greater potential for harnessing wind energy (due to higher wind velocities at high altitudes), as well as potential for utilizing natural ventilation, thermal mass and solar energy. Additionally, in an urban context such as Genoa, high-rises provide efficient land use in population concentration due to a reduced suburban spread. Ultimately by building tall we leave more of the ground floor for public recreation and existing infrastructure. To instigate the development the first stage would be to demolish any existing buildings that have been designated derelict or having potential for improvement. It will be the aim of the project to utilize any salvageable material within the new development; any rubble shall be transported to

economic study

the nearby landfills for the planned and future extension of the port. Given the proximity of the site to the port and the ports prime location in the Mediterranean carbon emissions can be minimized with any imported resources not needing to be transported far inland. Due to the industrial nature of Genoa it is possible for any steel necessary in the construction of the high-rises to be obtained locally. In addition to this concrete can be obtained from the near by region of Arenzano meaning all concrete and steel can be sourced from within a 20 mile radius. (Guida di Genova, 2016). An adverse factor in this development would be the provision of environmentally friendly/ carbon neutral technologies, which Genoa has yet to embrace. As the city is deficient in its consideration of the environment there is a great lack of corporations in the region providing such services. As a result any energy saving technologies would have to be imported to the site, however it is expected that over time the application of this will generate more energy than was expelled getting it to site.



units residing in between and above all. The urban scheme aims to increase the efficiency of coordination and management of social and There are many factors of generic cost drivers economic activities on site, as well as maximising of an urban design, to name a few; scarceness the degree of standardisation. As a result, the and value of developable land, the allowed sequence of floor construction can be maintained footprint, building bulk, specification quality, and and minimised. However, height is not the only the time factor necessary for the design phase, principle in the consideration of the comparative construction stage, use and occupation. The mix cost of high rise buildings. of these cost drivers influences the economics of urban master planning. Appropriate costs can be Minimum costs of ground alteration are involved identified with optimal design solutions. as the existing site consists of already flattened land as a result of a major excavation area. The critical character of Genoas topography is in The only site manipulation to be done is the its compactness; the existing urban design, which minimum amount of removal and refurbishment embraces the curve of the port, fitted into a fairly of certain unused and underutilised buildings in confined space in between the steep surrounding addition to upgrading the existing infrastructure. hills. As a response to the topographical context of The structures and materials of the demolished Genoa and scarcity of land, every square metre of building will be reused and recycled. the land is utilised and maximised to allow more people to inhabit the space. Every space of land The urban scheme only provides as far as zoning available is valued, and to be developed and built (residential and commercial), connections (bridges upon. Thus, the design scheme focuses on high- and walkways) and building footprints, exploiting density urban designs, where it is only logical to its regulation potential to its highest level stretch and build vertically if horizontally is not without compromising the acceptable quality plausible. Generally, the site is developed with of urban life in the sky and the personalization building blocks of height and mass, stating the of individual buildings. But the most profound economic significance of the area. cost drivers are the degree of specification of the building skin and frame, which depends on There are limited means of designing and the individual buildings design issues, floor plate constructing high rise buildings for its magnitude, scheme, environmental approach, which in turn intricacy and duration of the project. However, affect the wall to floor ratio, the complexity of the the advantages of deciding a high density and structure, building core and facade. intensity building over its low rise building counterpart are significant. The principle of floor plate designs, assuming it is a constant cycle, can be addressed as an increase One of the key opportunities of high rise of costs per meter square of floor area along with building scheme and construction is the its height, while the efficiencies of the total net chance to exploit the benefits of repetition and to gross floor area are reduced. Although the standardisation across main cost factors, for urban scheme aims to capitalise on the degree of example, the structure and facades. Even when habitability, the building heights are regulated to a building is personalised, the scale of high rise not exceed 30 stories, to have the efficiencies and buildings makes these opportunities possible. costs at the optimum level. It is critical to maintain and achieve speed for a successful project completion. The procurement Undeniably, larger floor plate design are more policies that permit the overlying of the design cost effective, mostly due to their greater ratios of scheme and construction system contributes to the wall to floor area and better efficiencies of the accomplishing an adequate project duration. net to the gross floor area. The building footprints consist of approximately 25 by 25-metre squares, To reduce the possible causes of disruption and which is considerably small if compared to any delay, the urban programme is optimised. The mixed used development or public use intended planning includes an urban realm with ground high rise building. By having repetitious building level businesses and a commercial realm, raised footprints that cover more than 65% of the site multi-level community public realm and housing area and connected in unison by common public

realm on multiple levels, the cost deficiency is reduced. Groundscrapers in comparison to skyscrapers are able to offer more net area for the same total gross area provision, at considerably reduced construction costs, but it consists of less density and intense use of land with high value, which leads to lower sustainability potential. Indisputably, the high-rise urban scheme has higher initial costs compared to any low rise schemes, but it aims to focus on its long-term return and maximise its sustainability potential. The density and intensity offered in the urban scheme allow various social and economic activities to flourish on site at multiple levels. It focuses on livability and urban life quality, providing desirable spaces that people are willing to pay for. The housing units are made appealing to potential buyers with the ease of access to facilities, amenities and community spaces as well as providing the sense of security and safety. In addition, the urban scheme itself is an appealing connection route from the higher to the lower ground and from the east to the west side, situated in the crossroads between various important places in Genoa. The high pedestrian traffic and circulation will increase the land value of the businesses and commercial areas and attract future investments. In conclusion, the high rise building systems can lower the cost of design and construction through a degree of standardization in its structure and facade. Despite the high initial costs of the overall urban master planning, the design intends to make the most of the sustainable profit in the long run without neglecting the quality of life of the urban dwellers in the vertical real estate (Strelitz, 2005).


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