New Malware Scanner Plugin Version 3.0.0 For WordPress Websites Has Been Released
1888 Press Release Long awaited new release of web malware scanner for WordPress websites is available now. Among other new features, it offers a brand new and unique capability to scan internal WordPress core files directly from the plugin page. WordPress webmasters report highest threat detection precision and significant improvement in the website security management. Quttera offers essential web malware detection and website security scanning capabilities as a plugin for WordPress based websites. This wordpress malware scanner plugin is a simple and straightforward interface to launch malware scan, view the scan report, check the website blacklisting information and manage detected files. The January 2016 improvements to Web Malware Scanner for WordPress include: • Internal Scanner. Scan your WordPress source files (plugin files, theme files) directly from the plugin page in one click. Remove the detected malicious PHP code, injected JavaScript code, uploaded shells and other malware components. Scan again to check there are no malware leftovers. • External Scanner. The Quttera plugin scanning engine works totally from the outside probing and analyzing the same Web pages that your customers see. Detects malware infection and checks blacklist databases. • Whitelisting. Add files/threats to a whitelist to be excluded from any future scan. Add threats to Ignored List. Michael Ledovich CTO: "We are happy to offer this long awaited and new version 3.0.0 plugin to our WordPress users. External scan is able to access what is visible on a browser (i.e Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and etc) and report an infection and whether a website is blacklisted. However, if your website is infected with a hidden backdoor within WordPress core files and they do not serve content into a browser that your visitors use to access your website, it won't detect or/and report it as malicious. That's why the new feature Internal Scanner expands our malware solution toolset and offers unique, comprehensive malware scanning feature for WordPress. It investigates website source files (such as PHP/JS/CSS and etc) and detects infection sources such as uploaded shells, infected themes or/and plugins and etc. This is another step for us in providing the better and cutting edge technology for web malware detection purposes. Both scanners compliment one another and each are designed to detect different malware type in different states. " Quttera first launched its WordPress Web Malware Scanner in 2012. Since then, Quttera has updated and enhanced this plugin with fixes to malware scanner engine, UI improvements, falsepositive fixes and new features implementation in order to solve industry challenges and improve malware detection solutions.
The backbone of all Quttera products is its nonsignature based, realtime malware detection technology. Comprised from multilayered scanning algorithms it detects generic malware, "zeroday" and known security weakness exploits, traffic redirects, diversity of malwertising techniques and other online threats. For more information, support and feedback visit ###