WetRacer - Issue 11 - Final Print Issue

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Exclusive Interview with Kevin Reiterer

Blonde, Brunette, or Redhead?



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IN THIS ISSUE Page 04 Party Down at Minnesota’s 8th Annual SORTIE

Page 10 Grayland Tales with Randy Lawlor

Page 22 SurfSlam 2013 Recap by Tanner Thomas

Page 26 October’s Centerfold Nicole

Page 38 Exclusive Interview with Kevin Reiterer

Page 46 2013 Lake Eerie Freeride

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ALWAYS WEAR THE PROPER SAFETY GEAR. Contributions: Editorial and photographic contributions are welcome. Materials are subject to our standard terms and conditions and the vendor must retain a copy. Photographs must be accompanied by a signed release for publication. A release form can be sent to you via email from Wetracer@Wetracer.com

EXECUTIVE EDITOR ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR Mike Podrybau Wetracer@Wetracer.com SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Senior Art Directors Bonnie Hulett Garden-Gate@hotmail.com Mike Furlong Furlong@imagemediagx.com WETRACER 580 19th St. SE Salem, OR 97301 503-585-5675 Wetracer@Wetracer.com WETRACER will not be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, drawings and such materials will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Aaron Sanchez asap114@sbcglobal.net Mikey Young mpyoungjr@aol.com Mike Podrybau wetracer@wetracer.com Kay Sykes kay@kaysykesphotography.com Randy Lawlor rjl.painting@yahoo.com Brandon Lawlor brandon.lawlor@comcast.net CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Mike Podrybau Wetracer@Wetracer.com Brad Bakke Karen Mann brad@bradbakke.com info@pyroimages.com Michael Lojewski m.lojewski@yahoo.com

Mark Fischer Djmfish@hotmail.com


The Twin Cities Jet Pilots 8th annual

SORTIE Written by: Nick Cairns What do you get when you bring 100+ riders, 3 days of perfect weather, and a picturesque part of the Mississippi River In Lake City, MN? The Twin Cities Jet Pilots 8th annual SORTIE! People came from all states around Minnesota including two new large groups from Moorehead and Thief River Falls Minnesota, which is always the goal for events like this. Friday brought out about 30 riders getting there early to claim prime camping and beach spots. A real nice bouy course was setup all day for the group to rip. The mood was chill most of the night as many others showed up even after dark to get ready for Saturday. Saturday of course is the main event. People hit the water as early as 8am. The commotion on the beach steadily rose all day long to a fever of over one hundred by 2pm. Another bouy course was setup for people to thrash, and the wind was whipping down the valley that pushed up some crazy natural wake. We also had a few boats plow up some wake too. The now famous Lil’ Wake even made an appearance, 04

Once done with dinner, everyone grabbed a few roadies and dragged their chairs over for the huge raffle. Our superduper rad sponsors came through with a ton of gear. There were so many shirts donated that almost everyone won

something in their size. It took over 45mins to do the raffle ending with a couple very happy winners of a Jet Lift beach cart, and a MINT 89 Wavejammer fixed up by Westside Powersports. All in all the group raised over $2000 that was donated to the Kiwanis International mission to help children all around the world. Once the raffle was over, the party on the north end of the campground got started and raged on until the sun came up. At one point there were 40 people

playing Flip Cup spread across 3 picnic tables lit by flashlights and a Bluetooth speaker supplying the beats. Trust me there were no losers in that match…well maybe a few. At least they had a story to tell. Sunday is always sad knowing everything needs to be packed up, but many got some good riding in and said their “see ya at the Dell’s Freeride” before they hit the highway home. For those not in the know, our sister group Badgerland Jet Pilots puts on another great freeride In Wisconsin Dells the weekend after Labor Day. 05

The Twin Cites Jet Pilots would sincerely like to thank our amazing sponsors; Jet Lift, , Liquid Militia, Westside Powersports, Skat-Trak, Rhaas Products,

St. Boni Motorsports (North American Sea-doo Watercraft dealer of the YEAR 2013!), Jet-trim, Pro Rider, Nynja, Rad Dudes Innovation, Blowsion, Watcon.com, DK1 Designs, Klotz Oil, Macc Racing, Bomber Eyewear, RSI Racing, Killion Kustoms, and Hok-Si-La Park. Without them, this event would not be the same.

If you are interested in the event next year, it is tentatively scheduled for Aug 22-24th 2014. Just search “TCJetpilots� on facebook to join our group and get more info. Photos by: Serge Goulet, Jenna Miller 06

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Tanner Thomas



The Grayland Open Amateur Freeride Nationals is one of the most exciting and entertaining Freeride events to go to on the West Coast. It Is just a couple miles south of the little fishing town of West Port, Washington. This competition brings a big crowd of both Pro and Amateur jet skiers from all over the Western United States. Many of them come out for the Freeride Clinic on the Friday before the competition. 10

This gives the Amateur riders a great opportunity to talk, ride, and learn from some of the best riders in the world. There are also riders who have never ridden in the surf before, riders working on their surfing skills, and even riders trying their first back flips and barrel rolls. The competition is set up to benefit Amateur riders because there is a separate Surfing, Aerial, and an overall Freeride Competition, along with two Moto Surf races. This year the 2013 Grayland Open started a little different from past years. The whole site of the competition had to be moved south about a 1/4 of a mile because of a dead humpback whale that was washed onto the beach directly where the competition is normally held. On Thursday morning a lot of the riders slowly started arriving to the fogfilled beach which had little surf. It was funny how the first thing that came out of everyone's mouth after driving onto the beach was "That whale smells disgusting". The problem was even though we were a 1/4 mile away from the whale it was still downwind of the whale smell. With the cold weather, foggy conditions, and the smell of a dead whale, many of the riders were just hanging out on the beach and not too motivated to ride. But Brandon and I got geared up and hit the water. As soon as we started riding the fog came in heavy and we couldn't see more than 50 feet away. We just rode close to each other and had an awesome time in the water. When we began to run low on fuel we started to head for the beach and realized we had no clue where we were. We rode along the edge of the beach hoping to see trucks and other jet skis. When we saw a couple of people walking I stopped and asked them if they had seen our jet ski camp. They had! They told us to go north about a mile and after following their directions we finally found our beach carts and camp. With the cold weather everyone decided to pack up and head to the hotel for the night. 11

Friday morning we grabbed some food and headed down to the beach. Many more riders were showing up and getting ready for the Freeride Clinic. Zack Bright, Jake Bright, Christian Young, Mark Gomez, Tanner Thomas, Pete McAffee, Brandon Lawlor, Dan Lindgren, and I started to get the day rolling with the Freeride Clinic. Dan broke all of the riders up into different groups depending on their level of experience. The teachers of each group of riders asked what they hoped to learn from the Freeride Clinic. The clinic started with a beach discussion and explanation of how to do the new tricks. Now it was time to hit the water. It was awesome to see so many people in the water pushing themselves to their limits and trying the tricks they had only been thinking about doing. The Freeride Clinic Cherry Popper Award went out to Kyle St. Onge for his first back flip. Kyle was in the group with Mark and I. My advice probably wasn't the best but Kyle went out anyway and attempted a couple of gnarly back flips with his feet flying out and body parts going every which way. He then listened to the advice that was being yelled to him out in the water, so he kicked in really hard and pulled off his first back flip! It's awesome to be part of helping these guys push their limits and pull off new tricks in just one day. Everyone hung out all day on the beach practicing the new tricks they were learning and enjoying the great surf.


After arriving to the beach on Saturday morning we quickly learned that some huge chunks of whale blubber the size of a car had drifted down right in the middle of our competition site. This obviously amplified the smell of things a little bit. With the fog rolling in and out and the surf pretty decent the competition got started. Since this competition is for the Amateur riders everyone is riding for individual scores. Two people are sent out at a time to compete but it is not head to head elimination. Your two individual scores are averaged together to determine your place. The competition level was set high. There was some great surf riding by everyone. Tanner Thomas even went for a couple under-flip re-entries at the end of his rounds! The surf was a decent size but not too powerful which made for a great show during the aerial section of the competition. All of the riders were riding at their best and showing-off all new tricks. We saw Pete McAffee going huge. He was rotating his Blowsion sponsored WDK built Rok-R so quickly that some of them were 1 1/2 back flips. Pete was doing one-hand, onefoot back flips off the same side, big one-footed back flips, and barrel rolls to earn himself a spot to compete on Sunday in the finals for the overall Amateur Freeride. Tanner Thomas was proving his point as to why he deserved a spot to ride in the finals with his great surf riding and aerials. Tanner was pulling off some awesome Madonna-flips, Cancan-flips, under-flips and much more on his DASA powered TC Freeride built Rickter FR-2 EVO. Brandon Lawlor also earned a spot to ride in the finals showing off his "Ballerina" aerial maneuvers and some great surf riding. Brandon, also on a DASA powered TC Freeride built Rickter FR-2 EVO, was getting some great air and extension with his Madonna-Flips, one-hand one-foot on the same side flips, under-flips, and much more. I also earned a spot to ride in the finals. I was on my DASA powered TC Freeride built Rickter XFR and was using every bit of my DASA 950 to earn my spot to ride in the finals. Saturday was winding down with the competition ending for the day and everyone packing up and heading to Coho Hall at the Westport Inn for the rider/sponsor party and dinner. 13

Dan Lindgren does an amazing job putting this whole weekend together as he has done for the past few years. He keeps us and the competition going all day and also arranges a fully catered party Saturday night for all the riders and their families who are attending the Grayland Open. This is a great time for all of us because even though we are all competing against each other we are also all very good friends. There are Jetski videos playing on the big screen while everyone is socializing and having a great time! after dinner is when the scores for the day are finally revealed and the riders that will be competing in the finals were announced. Sunday morning everyone headed to the beach and began to get ready for the overall Freeride Finals and the Moto Surf racing. The day started off with the the amateur overall Freeride finals. It was Tanner Thomas and Brandon Lawlor going out to ride for individual scores to see where they would place in the finals. The green flag flies and the horn goes off to signal the start of the round and Brandon almost instantly goes dead in the water. After getting towed back in we all learn he had stripped his drive shaft/midshaft. I brought my ski over to let him ride in the final. Since we all were competing for individual scores and not riding head to head the judges let me ride first against Tanner just in case my brother broke my ski. I wanted to make sure I would also get my final round in! So the first round of the finals was now Tanner and I. It was an awesome round and the surf was about 4 feet and pretty clean. We rode as hard as we could and even surfed the same wave all the way in side by side. I kept looking over and seeing that Tanner was going huge, I knew that the judges were going to have a tough time. 14

Next up was Pete McAffee and Brandon who hooped onto his fellow teammates identical Rickter FR-2 EVO. Brandon, being used to his DASA 950, did an amazing job rotating his flips but keeping Tanner's DASA 850 out of the sand. Pete and Brandon rode their hearts out and had a very entertaining round. These were 10 minute rounds for both surf riding and aerial combined. It was now onto the Moto Surf racing. A lot of the Washington regional racers came out to race. The surf was still pretty decent and made for some tough racing. Kletey Kinser rode away with the win in both the races in Pro Moto surf. It was now on to the Pro Jam which was a new event this year. This is where all of the Pro riders who came to help out and run the event got to ride in a 20 minute heat with the top 4 Amateur riders. Zack Bright, Jake Bright, Christian Young, and Mark Gomez joined Brandon Tanner, Pete and I in the Pro Jam. We just went out and did what we love to do for a 20 minute fun-filled round trying to award one of us with the sickest trick Trophy. Everyone in the Pro Jam rode at the same time which made for a great show for the spectators. We often had three guys upside down at the same time off the same wave. It was awesome! Christian Young looked so smooth throwing up many different types of back flip variations. He ends up taking home the sickest trick trophy. It was now time for the awards ceremony.


This year Dan Lindgren brought in so many great jet ski industry sponsors to support our event including the best prizes for any Amateur Freeride competition ever. DASA contributes three gift cards for the top three overall Freeride winners. The winners receive $500 for first, $200 for second, and $100 for third. X-Metal contributed a complete handle pole and TC Freeride contributed several RRP parts and TC Freeride apparel. Liquid Militia contributed lots of clothing and Blowsion contributed lots of parts and gift certificates. Shori contributed a light weight Jet ski battery and Xtreme throttle contributed finger throttles and parts, and Rad Dudes contributed Exaust tubes. Many other sponsors donated shirts, DVDs, hats, and much, much more. All of the riders would like to thank our judges for volunteering their time to make this event possible. Zack Bright, Jake Bright, and Erick Wilson were an awesome team. Mark Gomez continues to do a fantastic job as our MC announcing and keeping us up to date describing the rider's maneuvers. He is entertaining and since he's a Pro Freerider he's great at describing what is going on with the riders and the event. We hope that all of you will come out and support this event next year! Please check out the official Grayland Open website for all of the results from the 2013 Grayland Open which will have information for next years event. www.grayland-open.com Written By Randy Lawlor


~By Randy Lawlor





R R O O , , Y Y T T I I CC C C I I FF I I C C A P PA Jake Montandon

Open Class Freeride Winner.


he Blowsion Surf Slam has become the premier freeride event to compete at in the United States. With it being a major stop on the IFWA Freeride World Tour, competitors come from all around the globe. Brazil, South Africa, Senegal, Argentina, Mexico, and the UK brought the action for freeriding this year. In my few years of competing in freeriding there has always been a few major names out there putting on the show. This year it was a margarita mixer of new faces to the pro freeride scene and it provided the contest with a completely fresh bracket of heavy hitters. I was fortunate in arriving nice and early to the Oregon Coast this year. Driving in on Tuesday with Zack Bright, Stanton High and Mark Gomez all in front of me, we rode surf and rested up all week to be completely prepared for the big weekend. 20

It was always so nice rolling back into Pacific City, the town is so friendly and beautiful. We are very lucky to be able to have a great town with so much housing available and such a nice atmosphere to hold a big contest in. The surf before the contest was the smallest I have ever witnessed in Oregon and it looked like it would be a big power with trim kind of show. When we all awoke friday morning, ohhh that was not the case. Mother nature never fails to kick us up some mean swell this time of year for the Surf Slam contest. It was back to smart, clean riding to make it through our qualifying rounds without being swallowed by the surf. The weather had socked in a little bit and the clouds were upon us. It even rained a little during the day. Despite that the water temp and air temp wasn't too bad compared to previous years. With top pro freeride qualifier Mark Gomez making it look easy on his Trinity Matrix we all saddled up for Saturday's first head to head elimination heats.

Saturday consisted of Pro and Amateur freeride elimination rounds. After a foggy morning on the beach it burned off around 9:30 and opened up to as warm of a day as you'll find around here. It was absolutely beautiful and schmucks like me forgot to use some sun screen. Never the less the brackets were slowly breaking down as riders advanced into the 1/8th finals and others went into the LCQ bracket. It is so cool to see everyone out there just absolutely killing it. Pete McAfee on his Waterdawg Customs ROK-R hull was putting up for the Am's needed a ski and prosthetic leg recovery after being ripped from his ski, but thankfully all was well and after unsinking his ski he was back in action without missing a beat. 21

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By the end of the day we had the top 8 guys in the running for the pro freeride show tomorrow. The K&S Big Air showdown was scheduled to be that afternoon but thankfully they held off so that more riders could enter. For myself, if I have to compete the next day I would rather not go wad myself and my ski up out there in the Big Air Showdown, where as if the final contest was over or if I was bumped out, its game on, or "lets get cray cray" as Zack Bright would say. Sunday was to be the most action packed day on any single beach I have ever been on. Kicking it off with some really awesome moto-surf racing battles. Ian Benson always bring it together and provides a course through the surf that is sure to strike up some action packed racing. If you haven't watched moto-surf racing before it is so much different than closed course buoy racing. Moto-surf gets just silly, with every rider battling not only each other but the elements of big surf makes timing and luck a big factory on going fast! It is anyone’s game out there.



It doesn't matter if your Aaron Newport on an SXR Triple or Mark Gomez on a 760 freeride Trinity Matrix, there are so many variables the ski almost doesn't matter. With a very action packed 2 heats the top 3 prevailed and Mark Gomez, David Redinger and Aaron Newport took the overall 1,2 and 3. The fun just didn't stop there though! After a kick off of racing we worked into Pro and Am Freeride 1/8th finals where some VERY close rounds collided. What a tough weekend to be a judge and we were fortunate to have some of the best. Former IFWA world champion Ross Champion, Pro Freerider Mike Serlin, ColdFusions own Carl Gramberg, Jimbeau Andrews (FWA Founder) and the Oceanside big wave riding legend Randy Laine assisting. It takes a lot to score and watch for everything on such a big play ground, IFWA President Mark Matsuda and former IFWA President Tchello Brandao were also there to keep the IFWA event quality top notch.

In the midst of it all, they lined up a bunch of riders in the Dash for Cash. A small entry free from everyone and the winner takes all! Just a good time, goin' for it kind of race for fun and cash. Mark Gomez on his Trinity Matrix came out on top and you better believe I made him buy the beer the rest of the weekend ;) 26

The surf held solid strong faces and good size during the contest, it just wasn't super clean. All of us riders had to try and keep our skis together and running for as far as you could go. Hitting bottom on a massive flip and breaking all your motor mounts or breaking a steering cable is never fun. Sometimes both those thing happen in the same run and each rider is forced to make it back to shore. Well Zack and Jake Bright just happened to have both their Krash Industries skis there on hand and in seconds the riders were back in the water and finished their runs on borrowed skis. With the final 4 riders set in stone, Wesley Krautkramer, Brandon Lawlor, Stanton High and Jake Montandon waiting to compete for the final lineup. But first the attention on the beach was turned to a very special appearance by the Monster Energy Freestyle MX Team! These guys were such a great addition to what surf slam is all about and I have an awesome time watching these dirt bike gladiators do super

clean tricks ranging from the "Captain Morgan" stance and the way into whip backflips off the 75 foot ramp that was set up right on the beach for the surf slam crowd. The beach is a tough spot to set up a show like that and I am stoked that it went so well for them and everyone on the beach was going nuts. This was the year to be at surf slam people!! Better book your trip for next year now, cause you don't want to miss all this action again. Riders like Brian Mccarty and John Distler are hoping to come back and tear Pac City a new one again next year. 27

The sun was shinning and in between the action on the water, the action on the FMX ramp and supporting the beach vendors everyone was sure to stop by and say hi to the beautiful Blowsion beach girls, I know I did! Getting your signed poster by the models themselves and then finding all your favorite riders who are always happy to sign anything you want can be a good time for the youngsters and oldies alike. Blowsion always does a great job of having a combo of classy beautiful skis next to classy beautiful girls. Tiffany Manning, Megan Callahan and Hayley Callahan were the faces of the weekend. After a sick show and some quick lunch from our new and delicious Jefferson

Concessions vendor on the beach we were fueled up and ready to ride. After the semi finals were ran with everyone on the beach on the

edge of their seats, Brandon Lawlor and Jake Montandon were the final round! Both riders were on Rickter FR-2 EVO 1's built by TC Freeride. The match up with very tight. These guys have explosively powerful style and with 950+ cc's it was an exciting final heat! This year the bracket threw some big curls balls into the line up and great riders didn't advance and newcomers rose to the top, but this final round was well deserved to both riders and was a battle til the last second! 28

The suspense was among the air after the final round, but the winner wasn't to be announced until the awards ceremony. With Lisa Price on the mic she had everyone lined up and ready for the K&S Big Air showdown in no time! Randy Lawlor did the biggest one-handed backflip out in the backset, Zack Bright with the sickest Nocan-do flip, a no handed one footed can can backflip right on the front break super close to shore! It was tremendously exciting! All the riders went out and pushed hard to try and get their poster shots and take home the bacon. This style of best trick riding is the funnest to myself personally. This kind of contest is what brings out the best in people and it shows every year during the K&S Big Air Showdown.

Another Monster Energy Freestyle MX show was on the agenda we turned our attention back to the guys on the ramp where wind was a serious enemy for blowing the riders off course. But that didn't stop them, they are entertainers and they made it happen! not as long of a show but no less exciting!! Huge respect for guys of a different trade but that do a very similar tricks and have been a big inspiration to our sport. 29

As the action packed weekend started slowing down getting into the award ceremony I started to notice all the other wonderful people who made the event happen all weekend. When the music was bumpin' so was our awesome announcers Mikey Young and Dawn Dawson! These guys have a whole weekend of nothing but action packed announcing and they still have a voice left to be chatty at the pub by the end! They make the whole mood on the beach come to life. The photographers and cinematographers like Ludovic Mouveau from Fullgaz, Jon Currier of Jon Currier Photography, Mike Podrybau of WetRacer, Ronny Mac of ProRider, Mark Haleston of MPS/HD, Loren Haleston of LORENinHD, and of course Micheal James Kirk of MJK Photography. Some people don't know

who these guys are but most photos seen in magazines and on all of us riders posters and videos have something to do with these guys. The event coordinators OnCourse Events have always come out to Surf Slam and made it happen, George Moore pulling people out of being stuck in the sand 30


and keeping the beach smooth on his Bobcat. There is a lot to this event that makes it special and run smoothly so if you haven't been to Surf Slam in the last 2 years or never you'd better come next year because it just keep getting better and better!! Massage to the max, Jacqulyn McDougal was there all weekend to help you out if you were sore from riding or drinking doesn't matter she had your back, literally! She was great to have on the beach keeping everyone feeling good with quality massages. Jettribe Watercraft gear company was out on the beach all weekend as well, providing all of us with product available on the beach, very cool to see those guys put in the miles they do and sponsor so many contests. Our awesome volunteer water safety crew, those guys put an unreal amount on time on the water over the course of the weekend. Its truly a job that doesn't get enough thanks, but those guys did a few very good ski and rider recoveries this weekend and even a prosthetic leg recovery that was a fairly new sight to see.

The Blowsion team that puts in the hours to have all the set up and take down of a big event on the beach and always overcomes challenges and obstacles that are thrown their way. There is a ton of aspects to an event like this and that is why it is as good as it is and a US IFWA Tour Stop. I just wanted to mention a majority of them so everyone can appreciate all the effort and have some recognition for their hard work. 32

At this point the riding had been done, it all came down to the awards.

Pro Moto-Surf 1 Mark Gomez • 2 David Redinger • 3 Aaron Newport

Am Moto-Surf 1 Ryan Newman • 2 Micheal Perry • 3 Joey Morneault

K&S Big Air Showdown Zack Bright with the "No-Can-Do" Backflip

Am Freeride 1 Abraham Hochstrasser • 2 Pete McAfee 3 Yannick Pansard

Pro Freeride 1 Jake Montandon • 2 Brandon Lawlor 3 Wesley Krautkramer I am very proud to be a part of this sport and to try and share my view of this contest, thank you WetRacer for the opportunity. But don't take my word for it. Be there next year!! Blowsion Surf Slam 2014 in Pacific City Oregon. We need more amateur competitors to come out, lets take the momentum from this amazing surf slam event this year and bring it into next year bigger and better than ever, that comes down to every single person who is there. See you on the beach!! ~ Tanner Thomas


lo r Law dy Ra n


Stanton High


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Photo by: Kelle'Ann Carion-Parr 1 “NEW" Kawasaki Shoe #55 2 "NEW" Yamaha 160mm pumpshoe 3 Yamaha 155mm pumpshoe 4 Yamaha 144mm pumpshoe

Top row - left to right.









Bottom row - left to right. 1 "NEW" Kawasaki #53 +2 1/2" Shaft Shielding Toploader 800 SXR Trinity 2 "NEW" Yamaha Super Jet #60 +2" 1" Wider Loader Blade 3 "NEW" Yamaha Super Jet #60 +1" 1" Wider Loader Blade “NEW" Yamaha Super Jet #61 Std. length 1" Wider Loader Blade 4 36

Christian Young


K is for K-Reit

Interview by Aaron Sanchez When Kevin Reiterer broke loose on the Jet Ski racing scene in the early 2000's it was like a slap to the face of riders around the world. All of a sudden there was this kid from a faraway land that was attacking the course and serving the old guard notice – the bar has just been raised. It was a scramble for racers around the globe to get in the gym, train harder and longer, and figure out just what is this Hydrospace thing, and how can it be so fast? Since then while serving as the front man for Benelli / Hydrospace he has earned fistfuls of titles including IJSBA World Championships as well as many European and international championships. Wetracer magazine recently had a chance to get into the world of K-Reit and see how things are going for him. We could fill pages with questions for Kevin,

But what we really want to know is... AS: How old are you, and when did you first start racing jet skis? KR: I turned 21 one months ago and started racing with 11 years. However, my first time on a ski riding around on a little lake in Austria was at the young age of 6. AS: What titles do you hold? Is there one that you are most proud of? KR: I already one every title there is to win in my sport. (King's Cup, European Champion, World Champion‌) However the one I am most proud of is the Pro Ski World Title of 2009. This one has been my dream for almost 7 years and the feeling of achieving it and especially the way to this title has been wonderful! AS: Where do you live currently? KR: Austria, a town near Vienna. AS: What is the Jet Ski scene like there? KR: Jetski scene?- Not at all‌. We got one place to practice, which is about an hour from where I live. At good weekends there are about 8 riders on the course. What I am up to. I am training on a little lake just in front of the workshop. Riding my laps and testing for the upcoming races. And in the summer I go to every race there is. So you probably find me traveling around rather than at home. 38

AS: Was your first ski a Hydrospace? KR: No, my first time on a ski was a Kawasaki 550. I started racing with a Yamaha superjet in Juniors at some national races. Then got my first own ski, which was a Kawasaki 800. I continued riding it and even one some titles in the European Championship before I switched to Hydrospace in 2005. AS: The Hydrospace and its four stroke technology changed the face of racing. Were you involved with its creation? KR: I have been close to the company and we were starting to work on the racing boats to improve the speed and so on. However, when they split up the factory team. I had to go on my own. AS: What is your current race craft, and how do you set it up for racing? KR: I am racing still on a Hydrospace, however the power has changed in the last years. It is far off the skis I used to race. I am very happy to have people around me to work and evolve my ski. People I can trust and to be honest who I really look up to. Such as, SeaDoo Centre working on my engine setup, Pro Watercraft on my Handling components and BNJ on my pump setup. They definitely took a great part of where I am now. AS: Why the number 90? Is there a special meaning behind it? KR: My dad always used to be 8 and I chose 9 at the beginning. But when we got to the European tour, they told us as I am new, we had to have a double digit number. I took 90 and will stick to it until the end. AS: Who are your current sponsors? KR: Quakysense, SeaDoo Centre, BNJ parts, Pro Watercraft, Jettrim, Just technic design, Liqui Moly, Commerzialbank, Sportland NĂ– and Oakley AS: What is a typical day in the life of Kevin Reiterer? KR: When I am not traveling around the world- I get up early, probably spend half day at university and in the afternoon I either work on my skis, go riding or do some other sports with friends. We are really competitive and when there is a new thing coming up we train as hell to see who can do the biggest trick or going highest. We built a big ramp for bicycles for the water and are always playing around when it is done. In the evening we gonna have bbq at the lake.


AS: Do you like the nickname K-Reit, or do you have any others that you prefer? KR: It's fine. Really, didn't thought about any nicknames. Such an idea should come from friends or fans. They are going to find the best way to describe me in a short form. AS: What is your favorite place to race? KR: Mhm‌ to be honest I really don't now. It might be Portugal, Mirandela because there you have the toughest conditions, concrete walls are creating waves from everywhere. But despite that race, I love races in waves on the sea. AS: Do you prefer surf or flat water? KR: Surf. It is just so exciting and you don't need big power. It just depends who is the best rider! AS: The race courses at the World Finals are notoriously large and wide open, is that to your liking, or would you prefer a shorter, more technical course? KR: Shorter, more technical. I love when a course is really demanding the riders. That is what it should always be at world finals. long difficult split sections‌. AS: Is the log jump your friend? KR: Me and him had some discussions over the past years and some blow outs but now we got together pretty good. I built my own one and most of the time we communicate great! AS: Are there any racers you like to race against or admire? KR: Oh man I would just love to race against Jeff Jacobs or practice with him. Despite, him I already raced against everyone there is right now. On of my biggest concurrent is Steven Dauliach, who just dominated everything the last years. I hope he will be back this year for world finals!!!!!!! AS: Any you don't? KR: Not really. Most of my competitor are fair and not playing dirty. AS: What are your thoughts on the new Benelli B3s? KR: It definitely has potential to do great. However, it still needs some adjustments and modifications for the PRO classes.


AS: What are your goals for the future? KR: Trying to give my all at any race and showing what I am capable of doing and of course having fun riding and racing against the best in the world. I know there are lots of factors included in winning a world title. It is my primary goal however I am satisfied as well if I just can show for myself that I am the best rider outthere. I love motos coming from the back passing and than leading the race till the end. It just shows the difference between a great rider and a guy who can hold on after making a holeshot. AS: I think Momar is your biggest fan and supporter here in the states; do you get a kick out of that or what? KR: I have heard of it. It is cool to even have fans out here, where I just race once a year. AS: Thank you for your time Kevin. Best of luck at this year's World Finals, we will all be cheering for you. Bonus questions – Quickies with Kevin 1. What are your favorite movies? Hangover 2. Do you have any pets? No 3. What is currently on your I-pod? puh… Lumineers, Macklemore… 4. Favorite junk food? Burger 5. Blonde, Brunette or Red? Brunette 6. Favorite beer? not a fan of beer 7. What is the scariest thing you have done? I could tell you my stupidest or most exciting but scariest I really don't know. Skydiving has been my most exciting one so far. 8. Hip Hop or Metal? HipHop 9. Any place you'd like to visit? Hawaii 10. Any person you'd like to meet? Travis Pastrana 10.Any




608-743-1305 Watcon / Rock County Jet Ski 211 Glen St. • Jamesville, WI 53545 42



Northwet Watercraft 580 19th St SE Salem, OR 97301 503-585-5675 www.NorthwetWatercraft.com wetracer@wetracer.com

The Ski Clinic 801 Fulton Shipyard Rd Antioch, CA 94509-7547 925-706-2858 www.theskiclinic.com info@theskiclinic.com

Blowsion Kolors 14420 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Road Sherwood, OR 97140 503-625-3616 www.Blowsion.com info@blowsion.com

Jet Blast of MS 3410 A Ave Gulfport, MS 39507 228-382-2359 jetblastms@yahoo.com

Jettribe USA 5220 Gabbert Rd Moorpark, CA. 93021 1-800-251-7833 www.jettribe.com PowerSports Hawaii 720 Ahua Street Honolulu, HI 96819 808-839-7770

MX100FACTORY 278 C Ave Pasteur le Haillan France, 33185 Action Power Sports 3235 N Arizona Ave Suite 12 Chandler, AZ. 85225 480-632-5565 www.actionpowersports.net sxrskir@yahoo.com

Arizona Jetski 17037 N. Cave Creek Rd Phoenix, AZ. 85032 www.azjetski.com 602-482-9322

Erie Surf and Ski 1008 Crook St Grafton, OH 44044 Shop: (216)539-8882

Rock County Jetski 1135 N. Parker Dr. Janesville, WI 53545 608-743-1305 www.RockCountyJetski.webs.com radracing@aol.com

Scribs Performance 1066 Greenfield Dr. El Cajon, CA 92021 619-444-1553 www.scribsperformance.com info@scribsperformance.com

Jetski Planet 2812 Tyler Ct Spring hill, TN 37174 615-714-7508 www.JetskiPlanet.com jamesdubois@jetskiplanet.com Ski M.D. Unit 7 Number 4 Markedo Place Papakura Auckland New Zealand 2110 info@skimd.co.nz www.skimd.co.nz Havasu Watercraft Salvage 1520 Industrial Ave Ste C Escondido, CA 92029 1-800-680-6621 www.watercraftpartsonline.com watercraftsalvage@live.com

Westside Powersports 612-886-7300 Info@westsidepowersports.com www.Westsidepowersports.com ADR 977 N. Elm Street Orange, CA 92867 714-538-8104 www.adrparts.com Markus Erlach SX-R.com Red Baron Racing GmbH 4600 Wels - Austria / Europe Phone: +43 6643304686 info@sx-r.com

Downtown Motorsports 425 W. San Carlos St. San Jose, CA 95110 408-490-4211 www.downtownmotorsports.com info@downtownmotorsports.com ADR 977 N. Elm St Orange, CA. 92867 714-922-8229 crankshafts@aol.com www.competitivecrankshafts.com

LPW 2235 Sewell Mill Road Marietta, Ga. 30062

MOTO TECHNOLOGIES 4740 Myrtle Ave. Suites 2 & 3 Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 334-7665 www.sacmototech.com info@sacmototech.com

Pacific Motorsports 322 N. Orange Avenue #C Brea, CA 92821 (714) 671-1145 www.pacms.com info@pacms.com

M&M Marine 117 B West Brannan Island Rd. Isleton, CA 95641 916-770-5720 www.mm-marine.com info@mm-marine.com

Oasis Performance 11868 Coon Trail Rd Harvard, IL. 60033 847-639-7527 www.oasisperformance.com marto@oasisperformance.com

Gasket Technology 1600 W. Acoma Blvd, Ste 18 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 www.gaskettechnology.com gaskettech@citlink.net KC Services 45518 Bayberry Place Temecula, CA 92592 858-610-9223 kenhermiekc@yahoo.com

Yearly Only $16.00 US $20.00 International Subscribe ONLINE at... 45

2013 Rage Composite Works

Lake Erie Freeride

The 2013 Rage Composite Works Lake Erie Freeride has to be the best summer PWC event in the Midwest and the 3 reasons are location, location, location. Yes, Team XTreme puts a ton of work into getting sponsors, building epic bonfires, having amazing giveaways, procuring pro riders in competitions, double-up boat wakes, hotties in bikinis, 4 wheeler tow service to and from the water, helicopter footage and pictures, free Frito Lay chips and Red Bull… you name it, they have it. However it is the epic location right on the New York shores of the Great Lake Erie that really sells this event.

Can you imagine beautiful giant powder sand beach littered with freeride jetskis and girls in bikinis playing sand volleyball? There is clean blue water with jetskis tearing up the surf, flat water, and double-up boat wake depending on the day. There isn’t one, but three huge nightclub/restaurants filled with spectators and partiers on the giant patios overlooking the entire scene. Poking into the sky is a giant Red Bull canopy with a live DJ spinning a groove to help keep the entire scene bumping all day long. Brian Sizemore is on the mic, keeping the crowd informed of all the upcoming events while blowing out his vocal chords. A dozen or so company tents showing off the newest billet motors and the hottest new carbon fiber hulls. There is a tent the size of a ski lodge overflowing with thousands and thousands of dollars of swag and gear being given away in the Chinese Raffle. With this raffle, you only throw tickets in for the gear that YOU want. Off to the side is a quaint little wooded park with a playground and basketball court, dotted with freeriding campers for the weekend. A short walk across the street is the 1950’s style Hot Dog stand that will help kill off any 46

alcohol poisoning from the previous night’s shenanigans. To top the whole event off, at dusk, a giant bonfire is lit that can be seen from the Canadians across Lake Erie, circled with jetskiers who are telling stories of today’s adventures on the water and Freerides of the past. From this giant blaze a band serenades the riders with some 80’s hair rock. THIS is the Freeride that I imagined eight years ago in my dreams, but never thought would happen because I didn’t think such a place existed on the Great Lakes. Team Xtreme runs that place and has made the whole dream come true.

Written by: DJ Korn


n o s r e d n A Darin


Abraham Hochstrasser

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