Advice for Choosing College Classes At large universities, there could be thousands of classes to choose from. A student might find him/herself completely lost as to where to begin. Even if you’ve chosen a major, there are still a mess of classes and scheduling that has to be dealt with. And then there are electives and generals that need to be picked and a few fun classes that you just want to do for kicks. Don’t let the process overwhelm you! If you need help sorting through classes or deciding what to take – try these strategies on for size!
Talk to an Advisor These people are getting paid to help you out for free! Go to them and ask for advice. They are wellversed in the academic system of the school and know all the requirements for each major, track, and elective. They can help you lay out a graduation plan and make sure you have the classes you need to graduate on time. A lot of classes have to be taken in order, and if you are unaware of those requirements, you could waste a lot of time and money trying to get your classes straight. Avoid all these problems by talking with your advisor. They can walk you through a well-planned, manageable class schedule.
Explore First If your college requires electives, start out with a handful of those, especially if you aren’t sure what major you want to commit to. These will give you a chance to get used to the style of college classes and help you pinpoint your academic interests. However, don’t use them all up at once. General/elective courses tend to be easier and work as excellent buffer courses as you advance through your degree and take more difficult classes. Especially in your junior and senior years, your schedule will be jam packed with upper-level courses and you’ll want some easier classes to give you a break from the subject and difficulty of your major classes.
Check Out All Options Universities can be very flexible when it comes to the class you take. Of course, there will always be required classes, but you will still have a lot of elective choices. Make sure you familiarize yourself with all your options. Look through a school catalog and ask friends and classmates about the classes they are taking and what they like about them. Do your best to sign up for the classes that you know will interest you. After all, interest leads to motivation, which leads to success.
Professors Sometimes when it comes to choosing classes, the professor may sway your decision. Check out professor ratings and ask around about certain classes. If you’ve already taken a class from a Business Administration professor you really liked, try taking another one of their classes. This can help you build a more personal relationship with them, which could lead to research opportunities, teaching assistantships, letters of recommendation, and even your reputation within the department (after all, professors do gossip amongst themselves!). If you’ve done these things, you are practically guaranteed a high-quality, manageable, and enjoyable schedule of classes your whole college career! Photo Credit: l4red0, svilen001