Increasing employees' morale Children today are taught to pursue something that they love and that they will enjoy doing for the rest of their lives, regardless of what kind of money that ends up leaving them with. Some truly do enjoy accounting or defending guilty people in a court of law. However, not everyone ends up with their dream job, and they realize that they have to work harder in order to eat food and live in a house. This can get you down as an employee. Even if you do have your dream job, it can be stressful earning enough money to get by. In these cases, the manager would do best to encourage the employees to keep working and enjoy the job that they are doing. Here a few tips on how to do that.
Positivity If one person is feeling negative, it will rub off on everyone else in the group. The same applies to positivity – come into work with a smile on your face ready and willing to work and your employees will follow.
Communication Do not leave your employees in the dark. Help them understand the importance of the work that they are doing. Let them know that you recognize how hard they are working and how much of a difference they will be able to make in the long run. A little recognition can go a long way.
Listen Make sure your employees know that you are not heartless. After communicating with them about yourself and your positive feelings, let them know how understanding you are. You are a human being, too, and can sympathize with them if they are having a hard time with anything.
Make Friends Do not just be colleagues with those that you work with. Become friends with them that can work effectively but get along well at the same time. Encourage having a little fun at work with an inner-office competition or bringing in food to work.
Reward Recognize achievement in the office by celebrating when something goes right. It can be small or large, but the more rewards received the
more encouragement they will have to continue working hard in order to get more rewards in the future.
Payment The reason you have employees in the first place is because they are working for money. They will not be very happy employees if they are not being paid what they deserve, especially if the competition is paying their employees more. Make them aware that pay increases are an option if they work hard enough for it or that they can at least earn a temporary bonus for working hard on a specific project.
Offer Flexibility When possible, allow your employees to be more flexible with their work schedule. Having job security while also knowing that it will be okay if they take a sick day every once in a while is a necessary relief for most people. In addition to making the office a more fun place to work, make sure that it stays a safe place to work by also performing compliance training. Photo Credit:,