What to Look for When Buying a College Laptop You have earned it! Now what? A high school diploma is now in your hands and you are still deciding what you’re going to do. Whether you’ve decided to get a job or go to college, you know you’re going to need a laptop. It’s going to be a new expense for you, so finding the best laptop and getting the most value out of your dollar is in your best interest. Additionally, there is a vast array of options that make it somewhat of a challenge when choosing the right laptop. When buying a college laptop, knowing what to look for will save you time and money. Perhaps the easiest decision to make is the size and aesthetics that you want. Laptops, tablets, and netbooks are lightweight (less than 5 pounds). In recent years, the laptop market was introduced to computers that are lightweight and have a long-life battery. This composition significantly improved portability, all at a low cost. You will most likely be carrying your laptop everywhere, so a lightweight laptop is highly recommended.
What Will You Use it for? Based on what your primary use of the computer will be, consider the storage capabilities. If you’re going to be using it for PowerPoint presentations, taking notes, or other simple tasks like these, then a netbook will suffice, but if you’re going to be using it for videography, then you’ll need a laptop that has more storage space. If you are using the laptop for games and HD videos, then the graphics processor unit (GPU) is more important, but for someone who is using the laptop for the average office-type work, then higher storage memory is more important. If you plan to use the computer for many years, then consider a customizable and expandable laptop. Different majors will require specific capabilities and depending on what major you decide on, you’ll need a laptop that relates to it. Macs work better for graphic design majors and business majors typically use a PC. If you are considering a computer science degree in Colorado Springs, then screen features, warranty, docking solution, and battery life are just a few of the most important features. Computers for computer science majors require high resolution and large screens with a matte finish, to minimize glare, as well as a good battery
life and warranty are just a few of the customized options that will give you the advantage and peace of mind. The number one cause of laptop failure is due to heat. Over time, heat causes damage and stress to different areas that eventually lead to your computer breaking down. When you are searching for a computer, be sure to find one that has an excellent cooling option. Certain aspects create more heat, but there are a lot of good laptops out there that fit the specific needs of different majors. If you do decide to go to college, your school and even your specific major or department will most likely have a recommendation for a laptop. Make sure to do some research about laptop reviews to see what other users have to say about their experience.
Photo Credit: http://globedia.com/, http://www.tim.id.au/