Brain Food! As you grow older or are faced with unreasonable amounts of school work, do you ever feel like your brain is slowing down? Between the stress, the odd student diet, and lack of regular exercise, there is probably a reason. If you need to give your brain a little boost, try eating these brain-healthy foods and see what they can do for you!
Whole Grains Your brain needs energy to run, right? Its best source of highpowered energy comes from foods that contain natural sugars (aka glucose). Whole grain foods contain rich supplies of this energy as well as several other nutrients that are good for your body as a whole. These foods should release the sugar slowly into your bloodstream, supplying your brain with a constant stream of energy throughout the day.
Fish Oily fishes like Salmon, sardines, herring, trout, mackerel, and kippers are a great source of omega 3 fats. Oil and fat usually trigger a red flag when it comes to health, but in this case, these natural, healthy forms are essential for your body. There is evidence that indicates that omega 3 protects against Alzheimer’s and memory loss.
Blueberries, Pomegranates, Black Currants These very color-rich berries are excellent sources of antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins. Research indicates that these berries protect the brain and help ward off Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases. They also help your brain perform well – increasing learning capacity and motor skills.
Nuts Nuts are another great food for your brain. Nuts are high in vitamin E, which keeps your brain working better, longer. If you want to ward off cognitive decline in your later years, nuts will help you slow down the process.
Avocados Another under-appreciated food is Avocados. They are known for being a fatty vegetable, but fortunately, avocados contain monosaturated fats, the good kind. This type of fat will help your blood flow. This means better circulation, which leads to more nutrients and oxygen reaching your brain. More nutrients and oxygen mean better brain function.
Dark Chocolate Finally, dark chocolate! Luckily this sweet is also an excellent source of antioxidants as well as other natural stimulants like caffeine. This can help protect the brain and boost focus.
Balanced Diet If something about the above list looks familiar, it’s because these foods are found on almost all “healthy food” lists. Your brain is interconnected with your entire body. This means that foods that are good for your body are good for your brain. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is essential. Loading up on any one or two of the above listed foods will not skyrocket your brain capabilities into the stratosphere. Overeating any of these foods can be bad for you. So for all of you overloaded students working on a Finance Degree San Marcos, try switching up your diet to include these healthy brain foods. Of course, these aren’t magical foods that will completely change your life, but they will give you the extra boost you need to keep your brain healthy and strong for a long, long time! Photo Credit: Justhomemade,