Getting Yourself and Your Child Ready for Preschool

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Getting Yourself and Your Child Ready for Preschool When you start to consider preschool for your child, it is important that your child is ready for preschool classes. Preschool curriculum can help your child develop a good attitude about school and ensure that your child is set up for success in his or her future schooling. While you are trying to determine whether your student is ready for preschool curriculum, these tips may help. Although it can be nerve wracking to send your child to preschool, it is important that you take time to consider the decision and ensure your child is ready to go.

Getting the Basics It is important that your child has developed basic skills that allow your child to be somewhat independent. You should be sure that your child is potty-trained properly and does not have trouble accomplishing simple and age appropriate tasks on his or her own. Your child should not have a hard time eating alone or sleeping alone, because if you are not there it can be very difficult to get your child to go down for nap time. Talk with a preschool teacher in your area if you feel that your child has special concerns. As you are talking to the preschool teacher it is important to help them understand what is going on with your child. That way, they can counsel you as to whether or not your child is going to be prepared to go to preschool or if you should wait longer until you enroll your child.

Having Time Away When your child has not spent a lot of time away from you, it can be very hard for them to adjust to preschool time. Because you are not going to be there with them throughout the day, you want to make sure that they are prepared for this separation. Having your child spend time with a relative or even a babysitter will ensure that they do not have too difficult of a time being separated from you. There are some preschools that will allow for an adjustment

period throughout the time that your child is in preschool. This way, the first day of preschool is only going to be a few hours and slowly their days will get longer. When you allow your child to slowly adjust to the feeling of preschool, you can be sure that they are able to spend time at preschool without struggling with separation anxiety.

Praising Success When your child is in preschool you can expect that he or she will be participating in a lot of arts and crafts. More than likely, your child will bring arts and crafts home and affirming them in their projects can give them a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work. Sending your child to preschool can be an emotional time, but when you know that your child is ready for the endeavor it can be much easier. Do not be afraid to start thinking about the possibility and getting yourself and your child prepared to be able to enjoy preschool.

Photo Credit: Foh

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