Preparing for an Exam Exams are daunting. They are bigger than quizzes and seem more grade-altering that just a regular test. For some reason entrance exams and finals exams seem particularly ominous. But never fear, with the proper preparation it is possible to ace that final exam in computer science, business administration or whatever class that is causing you anxiety.
Good Note Taking First off, take good notes, preferably by hand. Studies have shown you are more likely to remember something if you have written it down—not typed it out. While you are writing your notes, it is a good idea to write any question or personal conclusions you gain in the margins. These personal connections that you make with the lecture will make it even easier to remember otherwise obscure facts. Better yet talk to the teacher or your fellow classmates after class about your questions and observations. These informal conversations help you remember the facts and themes of the day’s lecture even more clearly. Second, take five or ten minutes a day to review the previous day’s notes, and any other notes you have taken during the semester. This habitual renewing of material is more effective at retaining information than any midnight cram session. When the exam in looming around the corner, you should review your notes over a period of a few days. Better yet, review your notes with classmates. That way you can help answer one another’s questions and relieve anxiety over the coming exam.
Take Care of Yourself While telling a beleaguered, poor college student that one of the best ways to prepare for an exam it plenty of rest and a healthy diet maybe an exercise in futility, it doesn’t change the truth of the statement. If at all possible get more than 6 hours of sleep before the exam day, and have a hearty breakfast with plenty of protein and carbs. Even though your body craves sugar when it is stressed, partaking in too many sweets before an exam can give you an artificial high that will leave you even more exhausted than before, and will impair your ability to concentrate during the exam.
Additionally, be sure to bring extra pencils, scrap paper or batteries for your calculator for you exam. You never know when disaster may strike and you don’t want your only pencil to break five minutes before the exam is over. Also giving some of your extra supplies to your desperate classmates who were not so thorough in their preparation for the exam is a charitable act. You never know how such favors will be repaid.
Give Yourself Adequate Time Lastly, give yourself plenty of time to get to your exam and to take your exam. Being late to exam only increase your anxiety and adds more stress to an already stressful situation. Exams will always be stressful, but with the proper preparation that computer science or business exam will seem less monstrous and more of an inconvenience. On the off chance that you prepare well for the exam but after taking the test you fear you did not pass, there is always a possibility the exam will be graded on a curve. Photo Credit: l4red0 , iprole