What it takes to go into the Medical Field Now days there is more pressure than ever when you go into the medical field. Before you go traipsing off into the sunset to go get your medical specialties degree from Nampa, make sure you have an idea of what you are going to do with it in the end.
Patch Adams There are a lot of inspirational things that we can learn from the life of Patch. In the movie we learn that there is a major issue in the medical field and that is that it has become more like a business and it has become so intensely competitive. This has taken the human aspect out of the picture. There has to be a separation, according to many of the doctors in the movie, between the patients and their doctors. They shouldn’t get emotionally involved. The major issue with this is that everyone who was ever motivated to help others was ultimately motivated by the emotion of love and care. These emotions, when manifested, can create much more efficiency in the medical world. By espousing emotions to the professional aspects of the medical field there will be a much more real approach to medicine. All of these can lead to your own success in the medical field. Remember why you wanted to do it in the first place and don’t forget that there are a lot of ways to help an individual. Sometimes they just need help emotionally and it is leading to physical problems.
Devotion When you go into this profession it really takes dedication and drive to really make it out alive. There are really a lot of ways to get a handle on things but in the end, when you haven’t slept for 48 hours and you have another patient to see, you may wonder why you chose this particular career path. It is good to look back on all the lives you have affected in a good way since joining the medical industry.
Commitment Remember that all of those times you are spending helping others you are often spending away from family and friends. Many doctors and nurses get called on at crazy hours, during their vacations, or just at the most inconvenient times possible. It takes commitment to excellence and pride in your job to really stick with it even through the tough times.
Courage Many times you will be asked to do things that most people would never do. It takes courage to take on the responsibilities and to remain accountable to good practice while you work in this industry. You are working with lives and every decision matters. This can be exhilarating or can be draining. Most of the times you will feel a little bit of both but you have to keep pushing through even when it is draining. The awards for getting your degree from a college in Nampa and going into the medical field can be tremendous. Always remember the why and you will be able to maintain the commitment, the courage, and the overall devotion to professionalism that the job entails.
Photo Credit: http://microbiologyspring2011.wikispaces.com/, http://www.reallynatural.com/