Using memory techniques to help in school

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Using Memory Techniques to help in School Many times we look at people with photographic memories and say to ourselves “I could never do that”. The truth is that there are techniques out there that can be applied by normal people and help them do just as amazing mnemonic feats. Some of the greatest memorizing athletes out there are able to do it, even without the help of a photographic memory. So how do they do it and how can we use their tricks to get ahead in school whether we are a philosophy degree or just studying business management?

Make things exciting enough to remember This is an obvious but often overlooked aspect of our memories. We really do remember the things that don’t bore us so it is a good idea to make things exciting. This means that you need to be able to take the mundane and make it more abstract and visual. This can be done with names and people easily when you compare them to animals or associate colors with them. Another way is to associate a name with another famous figure who you will remember. Another trick is to make things bizarre. This means that you remember that person from some bizarre story you make up in your head. This same thing can be done with math and other principals. You can visually store this information in an area that you will come back to. This doesn’t just mean that you put the information in the back of your head but actually store it in an area that you see around you. Yes, it is possible to do it just takes a little imagination.

Relate it back If you can connect information back to things that you already know and relate to then you will be able to pull it back out of your memory box. This can be tough if you don’t practice using your imagination. This is really where all of your creativity can be a huge asset. Memorizing takes creative ways at memorizing information and spitting it back out when you need to.

Practice makes perfect There are so many different mnemonic techniques but all of them have one major similarity. It really takes a lot of practice to see results. You can’t just expect to be running at full speed when you haven’t learned how to use the technique all the way yet. With each technique it gets easier the more you do it, just like a sport or anything else you do. You can build habits and get your mind in the right frame so that when information pops up you are taking it all in and remembering the details.

Exercise the recesses of the mind All of those corners and crevices that have started getting cobwebs over time need to be cleared out and you need to start working with all parts of your brain when you start talking about memorization techniques. Overall if you want to apply this to business management or any other degree you are studying it takes practice and overtime you will be able to apply it. Photo Credit: turbidity , hisks

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