DANUBE Magazine 2018

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© WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus

// VACATIONING ALONG THE DANUBE Blossoms, Blossoms, Everywhere // FAMILY TOURS One River, So Many Adventures // ON THE TRAIL OF THE ANCIENT ROMANS The Return of the Legion // CULINARY HEIGHTS A Paradise for Gourmets // ART & CULTURE ALONG THE DANUBE Time Travel across the Ages


www.l i n z tou r ismus.at /e n

EXPERIENCE the future REDISCOVER cultural delights


FEEL AT EASE on the Danube

© Susanne Einzenberger

Discover the UNESCO City of Media Arts and find inspiration in the diversity on the banks of the Danube.

In cre d i b l y conte mp or a r y, Up p e r Aus tr ia

#vi si tl i nz

© WienTourismus / Christian Stemper


Europe’s first modernist church: Otto Wagner’s Steinhof Church, built from 1904 to 1907.

WELCOME TO THE DANUBE // Ancient Romans, Contemporary Adventures The Danube is a river that is quite easy to cycle along and offers an incredible variety of experiences. Thousands of years of history unfold along its shores, because this mighty river has always played a key strategic role – with the Habsburgs and centuries before with the ancient Romans. The latter are a focal point of attention this year, in the Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibition and of course, in Carnuntum. But so many others have left their traces along the

Danube as well: generations of wine makers, creative chefs, gifted architects, painters and musicians as well as myriad hospitable hosts. Plus precisely this river landscape that has fascinated humankind for millenniums, and that offers incredible outdoor experiences and plenty of adventures for the whole family. All this adds up to holidays that are sure to be as superb as they are unforgettable. www.donau-oesterreich.at/en



The Danube in Upper Austria WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH Lindengasse 9, A-1040 Linz, Austria T +43 732 7277-800 info@donauregion.at www.donauregion.at/en

The Danube in Lower Austria Donau Niederösterreich Tourismus GmbH Schlossgasse 3, A-3620 Spitz/Donau, Austria T +43 2713 30060-60 urlaub@donau.com www.donau.com/en

WienTourismus Tourist-Info Albertinaplatz/Maysedergasse, A-1010 Vienna, Austria T +43 1 24 555 info@wien.info www.wien.info/en

LEGAL DISCLOSURE Responsible for content: ARGE Donau Österreich, Lindengasse 9, A-4040 Linz, T +43 732 7277-800, www.donau-oesterreich.at | Project Management: Petra Riffert | Editing & Production: LWmedia, Ringstrasse 44/1, A-3500 Krems, T +43 2732 82000, www.lwmedia.at, Management: Erwin Goldfuss | Editor-in-Chief: Fritz Gillinger | Art Director: Martin Bauer | Graphics: Uli Wögrath | Text: Fritz Gillinger, Bernhard Mayerhofer | Cover Photo: Christian Stemper | Photos: WienTourismus / Christian Stemper, Niederösterreich-Werbung / Andreas Hofer, GARTEN TULLN / Robert Herbst, Municipality of Tulln / Robert Herbst, WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus, SKB / Astrid Knie, WienTourismus / Christian Stemper, Linztourismus / ASigalov, atelier olschinsky, Andreas Hofer, OÖ Tourismus-Steininger, Wolfgang Simlinger, OÖ Touristik GmbH, TVB Enns, WienTourismus / Karl Thomas, Andreas Hofer, WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus / Peter Podpera, LWmedia, Donau Festwochen, WienTourismus / Christian Stempe, Schloss Greinburg. As of January 2018: All information is provided without a guarantee of completeness or correctness. Errors excepted; subject to change




© Niederösterreich-Werbung / Andreas Hofer

100,000 apricot trees veil the Wachau in a delicate pink while Tulln becomes a “Garden of Artists”.

Blossoming apricot trees transform the Wachau for a short time into an even more magical landscape.

The Best The apricot is known in Austria as marille. Whatever the name, one fact remains: The apricot from the Wachau (Wachauer marille) is the best in the world. No one in the Wachau would doubt the veracity of that statement for a second. And it cannot be far off because people come from everywhere to purchase this fruit and enjoy its unbeatable taste – and months before the harvest, to admire the unique spectacle of the apricot trees in full bloom. The apricot trees normally start blossoming between April 5 and 10 according to Franz Reisinger, the unrivaled expert on the Wachauer Marille. Reisinger heads up the association Original Wachauer Marille. As such, he of course cannot miss the start of the apricot blossom season. Between March and April, the first warm rays of the sun unleash an urge for an extended cycling tour along the Danube. Franz Reisinger also hops on his bicycle around this time to get an overview of the apricot orchards and determine when the buds will start blossoming. It is not possible to forecast in advance the precise moment when the Wachau will again be set awash in a sea of pastel hues. Reisinger: “In recent years, the mild winters have set the buds flowering earlier and earlier, often already in mid-March.” And because the peak apricot bloom is over in a matter of weeks, it is best to check its current status at this website www.marillenbluete.at.

The Original One and Only Original Wachauer Marille is an exclusive association of producers who actually do harvest and process Wachauer Marillen. After all, an apricot is not an apricot – to say nothing of being a Wachauer Marillen. This designation applies only to fruit from apricot trees that were selected and planted over the last century by about 230 apricot growers in the Wachau. What characterizes a genuine Wachauer Marille? Reisinger: “The well-rounded shape and juicy consistency, the distinct flavor and naturally, the quality seal Original Wachauer Marille.” Of course, anyone pedaling through the lovely sea of blossoms in the spring has to wait until July before tasting the fruity results. Fortunately, the apricot growers and farm shops in the Wachau have delicious apricot products for sale all year round, from homemade schnapps and liqueurs to marmalades, chutneys and even the finest natural cosmetics. Of course, country inns and restaurants also have delicacies such as apricot palatschinken (crepes) and apricot dumplings on the menu.


GREEN ART: Tulln Equals Garden But not only the Wachau turns into a captivating spectacle for all the senses. Summer also becomes a blossoming gesamtkunstwerk, total work of art, in Tulln, the Garden City on the Danube. Gartensommer Niederösterreich is a summer garden festival involving more than 300 events in natural and show gardens throughout the province. Tulln has a special part to play. Tulln Equals Garden – in all conceivable facets! City and gardeners tend the nearly endless green spaces in all their diversity. Nature is cultivated in private gardens and biotopes, on balconies and in front yards. And the nurseries and market gardens provide the whole country with plants grown in Tulln soil. As part of GREEN ART, Tulln shows guests all these facets from May to September, supplemented with art installations in

public spaces and the exhibition “#TullnART – Garden of Artists” at the city hall/ Franciscan Monastery. Artists, landscape designers and gardeners explore the concept of garden in all its variety. During tours of the historical center, competent guides give visitors further information about the artworks and encourage reflection and an exchange of views and ideas. Rock, Jazz, Soul & Pop – from June to September, concerts bring a bit of culture into the garden, onto the garden stage at the main square (Hauptplatz) and onto the Donaubühne riverside stage along the beautifully landscaped Donaulände promenade. Workshops and special events on the subject of horticultural landscaping are naturally also put on by GARTEN TULLN, Europe’s first ecological garden show, which celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2018.

A red-letter date for garden lovers is the Horticultural Show (Internationale Gartenbaumesse) from August 30 through September 3. Proud garden owners in Tulln, the Wagram area and the area of Tulln in and around the Danube open up their blossoming oases to the public on four days in June. Guests can attend garden workshops and learn the ins and outs of gardening first-hand. Private gardens in Tulln open their gates on June 16 and 23, in Wagram on June 17, and in the Danube area around Tulln, on June 24. The Egon Schiele Symposium “The Gardens of E.S. – Nature in the Works of Egon Schiele” on June 8 and 9 explores the fact that gardens also enchanted Tulln’s greatest native son, Egon Schiele.

www.donau-oesterreich.at/en/ gourmet-tour/lower-austria/ www.gartensommer.info

© Stadtgemeinde Tulln / Robert Herbst

Tulln Equals Garden: As part of GREEN ART, competent guides accompany visitors on a city tour and encourage them to reflect and exchange ideas and views.

WELCOME TO TULLN AN DER DONAU, GARDEN AND ART CITY For three reasons. First, the verdant parks and plantings throughout the city, which will be even better than ever in 2018 thanks to the GREEN ART initiative. Second, the vibrant waterscapes steeped in nature. And third, the unique art and cultural delights the city offers. Eager for more? Be our guest! Gardens are something visitors encounter at every turn in Tulln – from the garden artworks across the city to blossoming parkland along the Danube and the attractively designed Hauptplatz. GARTEN TULLN, Europe’s first ecological garden show, the many nurseries and the annual Horticultural Show (Internationale Gartenbaumesse) are further highlights.

© DIE GARTEN TULLN / Robert Herbst

From swimming in Aubad Tulln to an adventurous canoe ride in the nearby water park: Waterscapes make Tulln a recreational paradise. Fountains are an inviting place for children to gather and play while their parents explore the diversity of restaurants, cafés and shops. There are special cultural discoveries to be made about Egon Schiele, a singular modern artist and the most famous native son of Tulln: Visitors can tour his birthplace, the newly designed Egon Schiele Museum and walk along the interactive Egon Schiele Trail. The Roman Museum provides insights into the history of Tulln. And the latest cabaret and musical acts can be enjoyed on the Donaubühne riverside stage and in the Danubium. Tourismusinformation Tulln Minoritenplatz 2, A-3430 Tulln/Donau, Austria Phone: +43 2272 67566-0. E-mail: tullner-donauraum@donau.com www.erleben.tulln.at/en


Check the Danube map on page 14/15 for a full lineup!




© WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus

The Danube Cycle Path is perfect for families and little explorers. Adventure Land Just follow the river. There are hardly any steep hills or obstacles. Kids always have a blast cycling here. Especially because the Danube Cycle Path opens up a genuine adventure land for families. The IKUNA Nature Resort is a paradise for slower-paced cyclists. Riding e-bikes on hiking trails, a nine-year-old boy like Martin can explore nature along and around Natternbach with his family and feel the power of the Danube. A little further along, Martin is wide-eyed in surprise when the “baby” in the aquarium at the children’s paradise Mini-Danube Water Experience surfaces right in front of him and leisurely swims by. “Awesome!” The baby in question is a European sturgeon, also known as a beluga. And already two


A cycling path to enjoy: Hardly any steep climbs but a host of attractions!


SCHLOSS HOF Schloss Hof is a total work of art and a wonderful excursion destination for the entire family. Year round, the baroque country estate draws visitors to the magnificent rooms of the palace, the baroque gardens with their seven terraces, and the idyllic estate farm with the Children and Family World, animals, adventure trails, and much more.

Not far from Schloss Hof is the former hunting lodge Niederweiden with its adjoining wild game kitchen.

Exhibition in 2018: “Why Does the World Eat the Way it Does?” Sense and Sensuality | Mar. 15 – Nov. 18, 2018 The exhibition at Schloss Hof takes off on a food adventure ranging from production to preparation whereas at Schloss Niederweiden everything revolves around the sensual aspects of the topic.

© SKB / Astrid Knie

Exhibition in 2018: “Why Does the World Eat the Way it Does?” Out of the Soil – Onto the Dinner Plates | Mar. 15 – Nov. 18, 2018

Open: Year round except Dec. 24

Open: Mar. 15 – Nov. 18, 2018 | daily | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tip: Tours Sa, Su and holidays 11 a.m., 2 and 4 p.m.

Mar. 15. – Nov. 18, 2018 | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Nov. 19 – 23 | Dec. 12 – 31, 2018, daily, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tip: Tours daily at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. (palace) 3 p.m. (garden)

Surcharge of € 3, surcharge for special tours € 6

Surcharge of € 3, surcharge for special tours € 6

Free shuttle from Marchegg train station

Free shuttle from Marchegg train station

Schloss Niederweiden Niederweiden 1 A-2292 Engelhartstetten, Austria Phone: +43 2285 20 000 www.schlosshof.at/en

Schloss Hof A-2294 Schlosshof 1, Austria Phone: +43 2285 20 000 www.schlosshof.at/en




Two family that are sure to be hits: the legendary Giant Ferris Wheel in Vienna (top) and the Pöstlingberg tramway that takes passengers up on top of the local mountain of Linz to a fascinating fairy-tale world.

Pedal through the most scenic sections of the Danube Cycle Path from Passau to Vienna with flat and varied legs 30 to 50 kilometers long. The MS Wolga luxury ship accompanies you, offering many amenities such as all-inclusive on-board services!

Giant Ferris Wheel and Roman World The excitement continues! In Lower Austria and Vienna, the Danube Cycle Path is lined with adventure playgrounds like the one in GARTEN TULLN, great swimming spots and imposing fortress ruins such as the ones in Aggstein. In Vienna, children never stop being amazed: the Giant Ferris Wheel in the Prater, the zoo at Schönbrunn, the Danube Island as a recreational paradise. Tired from so much cycling? No time for that. There are adventures galore to the east of Vienna, too, in the riverside wetlands of Nationalpark Donau-Auen, at the Roman city of Carnuntum or at Schloss Hof, a country estate where kids can go on adventure trails and slip into the role of farm girl or stable lad. All this is the stuff of which unforgettable childhood memories are made!

You can look forward to a spacious sunning deck with pool, a panoramic bar, a restaurant and a ship bar as well as an attentive and friendly crew. Includes 7 overnight stays with all-inclusive services (breakfast buffet, 3-course lunch or sack lunch, coffee/tea and cake, 4-course set menu in the evening, midnight snack, beverages 8 a.m. to midnight), onboard travel guide, bicycle book touring maps, port fees, and much more. The own bicycle can be taken along free of charge, rental bicycle + € 68 / e-bike + € 150

Arrival dates: Sa, June 23, July 7, July 21 & August 4 From € 499 per person/8-day bicycle cruise Children’s discount: up to 6 free, up to 14 just € 80/ week including board and all-inclusive Donau Touristik GmbH Lederergasse 4–12, A-4010 Linz, Austria Phone: +43 732 2080 E-mail: schiff@donautouristik.com www.donau-radreisen.at



© atelier olschinsky

From Mountains to Dwarfs In Linz the family has planned to make an extended stop. The Upper Austrian capital city also has fantastic adventures in store for visitors! At the Ars Electronica Center kids can do handicrafts, make music, draw, program, and experiment or create their own hit in the Sound Lab. Then from the world of the future, a step back into the past. Or to put it another way, up to the top of Pöstlingberg. The Pöstlingberg mountain tramway has fascinated visitors for more than 110 years with its idyllic route and old-time railroad flair. A highlight is a ride on the good old Grottenbahn – a train trip to the realm


© WienTourismus / Christian Stemper

Gliding over the River Martin becomes all the more excited about the Danube. No, he does not want to swim in it like the “little” beluga. He wants to glide on top of it in a boat. With his family, he pedals on through the tranquil village of Wesenufer to Anton Witti, a man who builds and rents out a unique type of flat-bottomed boat known as a zille. Anton Witti: “This business has been in the family for generations. We grew up along the Danube – I cannot imagine a life without the Danube!” A few kilometers later, Martin asks to stop again. In Niederranna, he wants to watch another zille builder Rudolf Königsdorfer at work. From zille to the ancient Romans: This year's Upper Austrian provincial exhibition entitled The Return of the Legion. Roman Heritage in Upper Austria lets kids like Martin and their parents immerse themselves in everyday life in the Roman Empire.

of the dwarfs and the fascinating world of fairytales. The Voestalpine Stahlwelt, the world of steel, brings out the explorer in Martin again. Unbelievable, all the things that are made out of steel: flatware and razor blades, cars and skyscrapers, railroad tracks, motorway bridges, and rockets to Mars! On tours catering to families with children, young explorers can delve into the fascinating world of steel.

CYCLING FUN BETWEEN THE INN AND THE DANUBE Exploring the natural cycle paths in the Danube region on e-mountain bikes The latest e-mountain bikes are available at the IKUNA Naturresort just waiting for laid-back cycling tours. Cyclists can pedal off from Natternbach to explore the world on dreamy trails and forest paths – e-mountain bikes are a comfortable way for everyone to take part. And further pleasures follow this outdoor exercise. Exploring the nature park with art and culture, hiking, photographing, feeling the power of the Danube – and in the evening gathering around the campfire and enjoying perfect relaxation and dreams in the 4-star tepee suite. Slow down the easy way in the heart of the Danube region.

Book your Tipi-Suite from € 74 per person/night with half board. © Linz Tourismus / ASigalov

meters long! At 17, the fish is still among the beluga kids; they live to a ripe old age. And get huge. The sturgeons are just one of the many attractions at the Mini-Danube Water Experience in Engelhartszell in Upper Austria. Right next to the Danube Cycle Path, a mini-version of the Danube was created, from source to delta. Additional information about the world of the Danube is provided in the exhibition at Haus am Strom in the Bavarian Danube power station in Jochenstein on the other river bank.

IKUNA Naturresort Naturpfad 1, A-4723 Natternbach, Austria Phone: +43 7278 20800 E-mail: info@ikuna.at www.ikuna.at www.seminarresort.com


Check the Danube map on page 14/15 for a full lineup!




© Donau Niederösterreich/Andreas Hofer

Exhibitions, museums and archaeological sites draw you into the world of ancient Rome.

Grand paths. In Römerland Carnuntum, it is well worthwhile to hop off your bicycle once in a while. Hikers and walkers can explore the history of the ancient Romans. In Austria on five new hiking trails 70 kilometers long, known collectively as the VIA.CARNUNTUM.

Province of Austria The Romans dominated the territory along the Danube for a good 500 years after Christ’s birth, subjugating the Celts and making Austria into a Roman province. With the Danubian Limes, they created an effective fortified frontier and flourishing cities. Now the legion is returning to the Danube: Fascinating exhibitions and a whole series of special events make the traces of the Romans visible again. It was autumn in the year 6 AD. Tiberius reached the Danube with an army of 40,000 and set up his winter camp somewhere close to what would later be Carnuntum. It is impossible to say anymore exactly where. But it is clear why the later emperor decided to put his camp precisely in this location. It was an ideal vantage point for controlling the Danube – already the most important route in Central Europe at the time – and for controlling trade at the junction of the Amber Road and the Limes on the northern edge of the Roman Empire. Roman Heritage Traces of the ancient Romans and their heritage can still be found along the Danube. In Enns, the oldest city in Austria, the 2nd Italian Legion made the city one of the largest and most important trade centers and military bases on the northern frontier of the Roman Empire at the end of the second century. It is only logical that Enns is the main location for the for the 2018 provincial exhibition entitled The Return of the Legion. Roman Heritage in Upper Aus-

tria. Demonstration excavations, original finds, research adventures for fledgling archaeologists and virtual worlds provide deep insights into the everyday lives of Romans 1800 years ago. The Roman Burgus Oberranna fortifications near Engelhartszell are shrouded in mystery with their round corner towers whereas the well-preserved Roman baths in Roman Park Schlögen are highly instructive. The venues for the provincial exhibition are all readily accessible by bicycle. Twenty Roman rest stops will be installed along the Danube Cycle Path between Passau and St. Nikola in time for the provincial exhibition. Tired cyclists will be able to rest at them and find out about Roman heritage in this area from newly installed Roman milestones. Roman City of Carnuntum The main Roman center on the northern border was Carnuntum for a good five hundred years. The biggest archaeological landscape in Central Europe transports today’s visitors into the past, for instance, ino the world’s only reconstructed district of an ancient Roman

www.donau-oesterreich.at/en/culturaltravels/ the-ancient-romans/

Impressive: The scenic meander in the Danube in Schlögen (Schlögener Schlinge) affords a fantastic view of Roman Park Schlögen.

© Wolfgang Simlinger

Water & Wine Unbelievable! The spritzer is not a Viennese invention after all! It was the Romans who came up with the enjoyable beverage of water mixed with wine. This is not the only trace the Romans left behind in Vienna. About 2000 years ago the historical center of Vienna was a legionary camp called Vindobona. More than 30,000 people lived there, many of them in the civilian settlement outside the camp under what is today Michaelerplatz. The excavations there and the exhibits in the Roman Museum at Hoher Markt remind us of this fact as do building ruins at Am Hof. The basement of the fire department headquarters there even contains a section of the camp’s main sewer in its original position. It took on waste water from the southern camp and transported it to Tiefer Graben on Ottakringer Bach. Impressive evidence of Roman art – e.g. gravestones, sculptures and jewelry – can be found in the antiquities collection of Kunsthistorisches Museum and in Wien Museum.

On the Trail of the Romans. The Upper Austrian provincial exhibition is a reminder of the role Enns played on the northern border of the Roman Empire.



Provincial exhibition package

Passau – Vienna

Experience the provincial exhibition at its venue at the scenic meander in the Danube in Schlögen (Schlögener Donau-Schlinge), a wonder of nature, while enjoying the all-in services of our river resort.

From € 599 per person, 8 days/7 nights, about 250 km, 40–60 km a day, mostly flat


Services included:

Enns is the first place in Austria that received a town charter. It has a grand historical past and traditions that have evolved over time. As part of the provincial exhibition in 2018, this venue will provide multi-faceted insights into the life of the Romans 1800 years ago.

• 7 overnight stays in 4-star and 3-star hotels along the Danube Cycle Path, breakfast buffet included • Luggage transfer from hotel to hotel as far as Vienna (1 piece of luggage per person, max. of 20 kg) • Travel guide (German only): “Romans” cultural cycling tour along the Danube • Ferry ride, train ride, commuter train ride (S-Bahn) • Various admission fees, wine tasting in the Wachau • Return trip from Vienna to Passau by bus or train • Information documents and handlebar bag per room • Service phone even on weekends • Free WiFi and e-bike charging at the hotels

Services included: • 4 days/3 nights (TH-SU) or 5 days/4 nights (SU-TH) • Danube all-in (breakfast, lunch snack, coffee & cake, 4-course evening buffet, soft drinks from 10 a.m.– 10 p.m., draft beer and wine 5:30 – 10 p.m., spa facility and much more) • T ransportation to Enns to the main exhibition, incl. admission and stay in Linz (WE and SA, parties of 6 or more) • Guided bicycle tour to Burgus Oberranna • 1 hour of archery • Liqueur from Engelszell Monastery All-in package price per person from € 309 Hotel Donauschlinge Schlögen 2, A-4083 Haibach/Donau, Austria Phone: +43 7279 8212. E-mail: hotel@donauschlinge.at www.donauschlinge.at/en

© TVB Enns

© OÖ Touristik GmbH

city. Till the end of November 2020, the exhibition Rome’s Eagle – Carnuntum and the Caesars’ Army will illuminate life on the frontier of the Roman Empire. A regular entertainment industry sprang up all around the military camp, as spectacular finds now reveal. Three amphitheaters, a city district with taverns, bakeries and shops or a gladiator school all prove that Roman infrastructure and everyday culture was being intentionally built up here. There are five brand new circular hiking routes 70 kilometers long, known collectively as VIA.CARNUNTUM. They let hikers and walkers explore local traces of the ancient Romans. The five routes – VIA.SILENTIUM, VIA.VINUM, VIA.MONTE, VIA.VISTA and VIA.CELLA VINARIA – are 5 to at most 12 kilometers long. All of them are laid out with families in mind. Roman delights can be found at many places along the Danube in Lower Austria, as well. The Roman Wine Road in Carnuntum, for instance, is a reminder of how brilliant the Romans were at the art of grafting and cultivating grape vines.

© Oö Tourismus-Steininger



Information and Bookings OÖ Touristik GmbH Freistädter Strasse 119, A-4041 Linz, Austria Phone: +43 732 7277-222 E-mail: cycle@touristik.at www.cycle-europe.info

The Return of the Legion. Roman Heritage in Upper Austria: From April 27 to November 4, Enns is transporting its guests back into the days of ancient Rome. As long as you are in the oldest city in Austria anyway, it is definitely worthwhile to immerse yourself even more deeply into the unique atmosphere of Enns. Awarded the distinction of being a “Cittá Slow”, Enns combines the past with progressiveness and a fine quality of life: historical buildings, great restaurants and a unique shopping experience. City tours year round at any time on prior notice and from May 1 to September 15 also daily at 10 a.m. Meeting place: the main city tower (Stadtturm).


Tourismus & Stadtmarketing Enns GmbH Hauptplatz 19, A-4470 Enns, Austria Phone: +43 7223 82777 Info.enns@oberoesterreich.at www.tse-enns.at


Check the Danube map on page 14/15 for a full lineup!




© Andreas Hofer

© WienTourismus / Karl Thomas

From Vienna sausage stands and Lower Austrian wine roads to truffles from Sauwald.

The epitome of the good life in Vienna: Inner courtyard of a beisl in the first district (top). Always worth a stopover: Idyllic heuriger in the Wachau.

Prost Mahlzeit Was derfs denn sein? (What’ll it be?) A Haasse oder a Eitrige? (A Burenwurst or a Käsekrainer?) Siass oder schoaf? (Sweet or hot mustard?) Mit an Bugl vielleicht? (With a slice of bread, maybe?) When Danube travelers arrive in the first district of Vienna eager for tasty cultural experiences, for fortification, then a good place to land is one of the many Wiener Würstelständer (sausage stands in Vienna). The city has a centuries old tradition of eating sausage as a snack in between times or late at night on the way home. And of the slightly bizarre language spoken only at a Wiener Würstelstand. A Haase (a hot one), a Eitrige (pus oozer, a sausage with melted cheese in the center), siass (sweet) or schoaf (hot), Bugl (end piece of bread loaf). At the Würstelstand at Hoher Markt or at Albertinaplatz, for instance, a special phrase book for sausage stands comes in handy (and they are available). Beisl as an Institution A Wiener beisl, the designation for a typically Viennese eatery, is easier in terms of language. They are downto-earth and always cozy, offering home style cooking in the best sense. That is why the beisl has remained such a beloved Viennese institution. Patrons are treated to Viennese cuisine. It brings together so many influences from a wide variety of countries and is so singular that Vienna is the only city in the world that lends its name to its own style of cooking. Incidentally, this cuisine is best enjoyed in the summer in a schanigarten. Another linguistic composition of the Viennese. The term refers to the outdoor seating area in front of a restaurant or café, that is set up and later removed by a waiter named "Schani". A city and its culture of enjoyment – a picture in which the 700 hectares of vineyards in Vienna also feature large. Vienna is the only metropolis in the world with substantial viticulture operations within city limits. White wines predominate and are enjoyed at fashionable hot spots in the heart of the city or along the periphery in an idyllic heuriger wine tavern in Stammersdorf, Nussdorf or Grinzing. Gourmet Tour A cycling tour along the Danube sets gourmets and oenophiles soaring to new heights in Lower Austria, too. Six of the eight Lower Austrian Wine Roads are in the Danube region! On little detours to rustic cellar-lined roads, heurige wine taverns and the vineyards, cyclists can discover genuine culinary treasures of the kind so incredibly plentiful along the Danube. From Wachauer marille and


Marchfeld asparagus to freshly caught fish, the Danube region is a paradise for gourmets. And at every turn, there are opportunities to taste the delicious dishes the best chefs in the land create from these ingredients. About two thirds of all top rated gourmet restaurants in Lower Austria (two or three toques) are along the Danube plus about 60 Niederösterreichische Wirtshauskultur restaurants dedicated to fine quality regional fare! Why does the world eat the way it does? This intriguing question is being explored from March 2018 onward at three special exhibitions at Schloss Hof and Schloss Niederweiden. The past, present and future of eating are covered. Visitors can delve into the complex world of eating in a fun way. Back to wine: In historical wine cellars like those at Nikolaihof in Mautern or at Klosterneuburg Monastery, visitors experience centuries of wine-making history first-hand. And wein.sinn in Krems offers a unique wine experience, presenting the

world of wine in a venerable wine cellar and in modern audiovisual form. Those who have a little time and want to immerse themselves more deeply in the wonderful world of wine have ample opportunity at wine seminars, wine tasting sessions and hikes with wine accompaniment. Wine in Beer Country A little further along we come to Upper Austria, beer country by tradition. At Engelszell Monastery, it is a must to sample the beer these Trappist monks brew on site, along with the monastic liqueurs they make. Perg has established itself as a wine area that is small in size but grand in performance. Leonhard Gmeiner produces different varieties there and has a Wine Competence Center that provides visitors with information about the new Upper Austrian wine scene. Gmeiner not only makes available his own wines to sample and purchase but also those of his fellow Upper Austrian vintners. Truffles from Sauwald? You can find those in Esternberg, at the organic goat

Not many cities can claim to have their very own torte. Linz does: the world-famous linzer torte, here in a version by the specialist Leo Jindrak.

farm Bio Ziegenhof Somann. They have one thing in common with their famous namesake – they taste best when thinly shaved onto the plate. However, Sauhof truffles are actually one of the many specialty cheeses that the Somanns produce. Speck-Alm in Bad Kreuzen is famous for its award-winning bacon, ideal for a hearty snack in between times. The bacon tastes like it comes from happy free-range pigs! There is so much that is definitely worth experiencing, purchasing or eating in the Danube region of Upper Austria. To make sure you do not miss out on anything, local businesses offer “Choice and Delicious Delicacies along the Danube in Upper Austria.” All of them have their own special products! There are also sweet temptations that cyclists along the Danube cannot resist! Batzlguglhupf (yeast dough filled with nuts, quark and prune jam) or the ice-cream creations of Konditorei Schörgi in Grein. Not to mention the original linzer torte from Jindrak, which has a 300-year-old torte tradition, the oldest in the world.

© LWmedia


CHARMING AND ENJOYABLE EVENT WITH TOP CHEFS A warm invitation to a tasty series of events on the banks of the Danube

© WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus / Peter Podpera

wachau GOURMETfestival is a gourmet festival of international caliber and now in its eleventh year. The Wachau – a UNESCO World Heritage landscape and first-rate wine region – presents everything of distinction for gourmets and oenophiles, inviting top chefs from Europe and overseas as guest cooks. One of the world’s most beautiful river landscapes, an award-winning wine region, and top local restaurants coupled with a large dose of internationalism – this mixture has made the wachau GOURMETfestival one of the most charming and enjoyable gourmet events in the world. Festival highlight for wine lovers: “Wein & Genuss Krems”, a wine and gourmet fair featuring more than 70 of the best wine makers in Lower Austria. LWmedia Ringstrasse 44 · A-3500 Krems, Austria Phone: +43 2732 82000 www.wachau-gourmet-festival.at/en


Check the Danube map on page 14/15 for a full lineup!



TIME TRAVEL ACROSS THE AGES From mysterious fortresses and magnificent palaces to Viennese Modernism.

© Donau Festwochen

peeled for a falcon. The beauty of the countryside unfolds below the fortress Burg Kreuzen. From the keep, there is a sweeping view across the romantic Danube Valley, Strudengau and Machland, then beyond to the Alps and hills of the Mühlviertel. Burg Clam was once considered an invincible castle. Today, it is an inhabited, fully furnished medieval fortress which fascinates visitors. Big crowds sometimes gather there, and for good reason: In the summer, the castle premises turns into an open-air theater where stars like Sting, Elton John or Carlos Santana perform.

In the summer, the inner courtyard at Greinburg becomes an atmospheric venue for opera performances.

No, a futuristic time machine is not necessary. Along the Danube, a bicycle is all you need to travel in time across the ages. Suddenly, it seems like you are among the ancient Romans, then in the darkest Middle Ages, and only a bend in the Danube later, enchanted by the magnificence of the Hapsburg Monarchy or exploring the fascinating world of Viennese Modernism. Breathtaking Fortresses In Upper Austria, mysterious fortresses, legendary ruins and majestic castles and monasteries line up like strings of pearls not far from the Danube banks. At the famous meander in the Danube at Schlögen (Schlögener Donauschlinge) are the ruins of what was once a mighty fortress Burgruine Haichenbach. The biggest attraction there today is the lookout platform that affords a breathtaking view of the famous meander below. Another impressive sight further downstream is Burgruine Falkenstein, the fortress ruin perched on the rocks. “Papa, was it a falcon that circled the castle?” a young girl named Petra asks. She has heard the exciting story of the noble boys Rudger and Ralf and their search for the count’s favorite falcon who had flown off. Ever since then, she has kept her eyes

Castles and Monasteries Anyone interested in a change of pace from the somber Middle Ages can stop at castles and monasteries no less steeped in history. Schloss Greinburg is a privately owned castle but open to interested visitors. Impressive features: festival halls and the unique sala terrena, the unusual architecture and a stunning view of the Danube. Linzer Schloss was the castle in Linz where Emperor Friedrich III resided until his death in 1493. Today visitors can still admire the ramparts of the castle, the bastions and Friedrichstor, the gate named after the emperor. St. Florian Augustinian Monastery, for its part, is one of the most significant baroque complexes in Austria. The monastery’s former hunting lodge is a short distance to the west and also unique. Schloss Hohenbrunn, as it is called, is the only documented case of a castle built by the baroque architect Jakob Prandtauer, who was closely associated with St. Pölten. He and many others have left their mark on this city. Haus der Geschichte is a new part of Museum Niederösterreich and delves into the history of Lower Austria, Austria, and Central Europe. The caricature museum in Krems (Karikaturmuseum) takes a humorous look


Beauty and the Abyss The year 1918 is also a central topic in Vienna this year, although the focus is less on the monarchy and more on Viennese Modernism. Four major figures in Austrian cultural history died that year: the painters Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele, the architect Otto Wagner and the versatile artist Koloman Moser. They are four of the key representatives of an era that broke with the waning Hapsburg Monarchy at the turn of the last century to usher in something revolutionary. A whole series of exhibitions will be devoted to their lives (see box). These artists left their mark on today’s Vienna. The world’s largest collections of works by Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele are in the Belvedere and the Leopold Museum. Otto Wagner’s buildings still dominate the cityscape, from the Postal Savings Bank and the stations of the Vienna Metropolitan Railroad to Steinhof Church and buildings along Linke Wienzeile. Special tours transport visitors back in time to the days of Viennese Modernism and Jugendstil – to the Vienna of Sigmund Freud for instance, to the world of Jugendstil and Art Déco in Döbling, to the Loos Haus and Postal Savings Bank, the Secession, to the Vienna made modern by Otto Wagner. The writer Hermann Bahr once said: “Vienna must have been quite interesting back then.” What an understatement. www.donau-oesterreich.at/en/culturaltravels

In 1897 Gustav Klimt was co-founder of a new art movement known as Secession. A year later the building of the same name with its famous gold foliage dome was completed.

© WienTourismus / Christian Stempe

at everyday life and history. The permanent exhibition of works by Manfred Deix draws thousands of visitors. Also on display there are works by Gustav Peichl - another gifted caricaturist who goes by the name IRONIMUS. There is a special exhibit to mark his 90th birthday. Contemporary art is the focal point at Kunsthalle Krems. It now has an additional venue in the summer, namely the Dominican Church. A late summer highlight is the Grafenegg Festival. The four-week festival invites the best musicians as guest performers. In the 2018 season, they include, among others, Staatskapelle Dresden, Mariinsky Orchestra St. Petersburg or Filarmonica della Scala di Milano and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Marchfeld is a fertile region of Lower Austria that is ideal for pleasant cycling tours and for exciting excursions into Austria’s eventful past. This year the Marchfeld country estates are focusing on stories, personalities and legends. At Schloss Eckartsau everything revolves around the end of the monarchy and the centenary of the Republic of Austria. Schloss Marchegg takes us a bit further back in history. The city of Marchegg was founded by the Bohemian king Przemysl Ottokar 750 years ago.


UPPER AUSTRIA July 27 – August 15


Festival of early music with counterpoints from modernism July – August

Burg Clam Concerts

The fortress arena becomes a venue for Pop and Rock concerts in the summer. LOWER AUSTRIA July 13 – 29

Festival Glatt & Verkehrt

Music festival at different venues in the Wachau June 30 – August 11

Sommerkonzerte Grafenegg

Every Saturday: Top ensembles and soloists of the finest quality

© Schloss Greinburg

Cultural Highlights in 2018 August 17 – September 9

Grafenegg Festival

The best musicians are invited to play at the Grafenegg Festival. VIENNA

Beauty and the Abyss

“Klimt is not the end. Awakening in Central Europe” Lower Belvedere, March 22 – August 26 “Otto Wagner” Wien Museum, March 15 – October 7 “Stairway to Klimt” Kunsthistorisches Museum, February 13 – September 2 “Arnstein, Todesco, Zuckerkandl. Hostesses and their Salons between Art and Politics” Jewish Museum Vienna, April 24 – September 30

Austria’s oldest residential castle has been watching majestically over the city of Grein and the Strudengau for more than 500 years. A magnificent arcade court serves as the prelude to the historical rooms: the imposing knight’s hall, the castle chapel, the unique sala terrena lined with Danube pebbles, and the impressively lovely diamond vaulting. The navigation museum of Upper Austria provides insights into the history of shipping on the Danube. On Tours, the fascinating history of the castle and its inhabitants come alive and also give visitors an opportunity to visit the Ducal Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha Festival Halls named after the ducal family of the same name, who still owns the castle today. Stiftung der Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha’schen Familie – Schloss Greinburg Greinburg 1, A-4360 Grein, Austria Phone: +43 7268 7007-18 | Fax: -15 mail@schloss-greinburg.at www.schloss-greinburg.at



FROM PASSAU TO BRATISLAVA Total length: 380 km // recommended daily legs: 30 km (family pace), 60 km (classic pace) and 100 km (athletic pace)



Rad Total im Donautal



April 27 – November 14, 2018

Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibition


The Return of the Legion. Roman Heritage in Upper Austria. Enns, Schlögen, Oberranna. www.landesausstellung.at

Mobile in Upper Austria 01

Donauschiffahrt Wurm & Noé Regularly

scheduled service Passau–Linz–Vienna www.donauschiffahrt.de/?lang=en   Passau Main Train Station 02 www.oebb.at/en inz Main Train Station 03   Lwww.oebb.at/en Schifffahrt Donau Touristik www.donaureisen.at/en   Donauuferbahn Linz–Grein (train) 04 www.oebb.at/en onauschiffahrt Ardagger (ship) 05   Dwww.donauschiffahrt-ardagger.at


Mobile in Lower Austria 06

Wachau Schifffahrt (ship)

www.brandner.at/en www.ddsg-blue-danube.at   Wachau-Linien (bus) 07 www.vor.at extbike rental bikes 08   Nwww.nextbike.at/en achaubahn (train) 09   Wwww.noevog.at/wachaubahn adtramper Donau (train) 10   Rwww.erlebnisbahn.oebb.at

Mobile in Vienna anube Canal, Twin City Liner Station 11   Dwww.twincityliner.com/en ort of Vienna/Handelskai (DDSG) Regularly 12   Pscheduled service Vienna–Wachau www.ddsg-blue-danube.at


Main Train Station


West Train Station

hauptbahnhofcity.wien/info-en bahnhofcitywienwest.at/info-en

Bad Kreuzen Grein



05 Strengberge

I 04



April 22, 2018

Car-free cycling Sunday between Passau and Schlögen to open the season. www.radtotal.at




C F Event tips for Upper Austria


03 St. Florian








01 Eferding










02 01


BER FRANLIN 618 km COL KFUR MUNOGNE 62T1 439 km ICH 1 km 94









Event tips for Vienna May 31 – June 3 2018


Music and art festival on the Danube Canal promenade. www.donaukanaltreiben.at June 22 – 24, 2018


Europe’s largest open-air festival draws three million visitors a year to the Danube Island in Vienna. www.donauinselfest.at

Waldviertel Weinviertel Western Weinviertel

Kamp valley



B Roman City of Carnuntum



Schloss Niederweiden Schloss Hof



13 01

Little Carpathians


Vienna Woods

11 National Park Center


Traisen valley

10 A

Southern Weinviertel






Krems valley A1



09 07 06

A5 Stockerau









u or O W cha





er ld H




Leiser Berge



Krems valley







Event tips for Lower Austria March 15 – November 18, 2018

Why Does the World Eat the Way it Does? Vienna Alps

May – September 2018

GREEN ART in Tulln


Ask for Cycling Information Brochures General information Danube Cycle Path Passau – Bratislava Upper Austria 41 circular cycling tours Passau – Linz – Grein Cycling map for Upper Austria Lower Austria Most scenic cycling routes in Lower Austria Cycling map for Tulln Danube Area-Wagram Vienna Information sheet for cyclists Order brochures free of charge: www.donau-oesterreich.at/en/brochures

Special exhibitions at Schloss Hof and Schloss Niederweiden about eating. www.schlosshof.at/en


From the historical center to the Danube promenade: Tulln Equals Garden! www.gartensommer.info





Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibition

A–I Packages, Specials (described on pages)





TULLN – A CITY SURPASSING ITSELF www.gartensommer.info

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