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Ace Shooters
An interview with Eshwar Aditya Gunturi (Class IX Lotus) and his younger brother Bindu Sai (Class VIII), who study in our school. It actually is a very great thing that they are a part of our school. It also amazes us that both the brothers share the same talent. We got to know more about them from this interview.
Reporter: What or who gave you the inspiration to choose shooting as your sport?
Eshwar: It was my father who gave me the inspiration to choose this unique sport.
Bindu Sai: At a very young age, I loved to play with guns and rifles. It then inspired me to pursue this sport.
Reporter: Did your parents support your choice of sport?
Eshwar: Yes, I got full support from my parents. They never discouraged me.
Bindu Sai: They always encouraged me and took a lot of effort for my brother and I.
Reporter: Were you nervous when you started this sport?
Eshwar: I was really very nervous at my first match. As I kept going to different competitions I got used to it.
Bindu Sai: In my first competition, I felt really scared thinking that I would lose the match and let my parents down. I was afraid that if I lost that first match of mine my parents would not trust me.
Reporter: Tell us about your achievements in this field?
Eshwar: I have many recognizable achievements. Some of the medals are district medals, state medals, and national medals.
Bindu Sai: In the 65th SGF, I secured gold medals at the district and state levels.

Reporter: Are you planning to choose a career related to shooting?
Eshwar: I definitely am choosing a career related to shooting. The certificates that I have achieved now will help me very much in my future.
Bindu Sai: Yes, I am definitely going to choose a career related to shooting. There is a wide range of careers that lie in relation to the shooting.

Reporter: I thank both of you for spending your time to answer all my questions.
Eshwar: You’re welcome Bindu Sai: Welcome
By :M. Sree Charan Reddy, Class 9 Lotus