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NewRectors KEY APPOINTMENTS 2022-2023

Mary Help of Christians House of of Christians of Spirituality, Batangas, 30 June 2022 Batangas, 30 June 2022 FIN FIN

ProvincialSuperior Fr.GerryMartin Fr.GerryMartin led ledthe the Provincial Council members and the Commission Delegates Commission Delegates in their annual their annual planningthatbeginstoday,until2July. planningthatbeginstoday,until2July.

WejoinFr JayDavidandhisteamasthey continuetobuildacultureofvocationby featuringvariousvocationstories.

ThisSaturday,2July,theywillhaveFr.Mario Tejada, MSP,astheirguest Fr Marioisthe presidentoftheDirectorsofVocationofthe PhilippinesandExecutiveSecretaryofthe CBCPEpiscopalCommissiononVocation

Thiswillbelive-streamedat6:00PMvia https://www.facebook.com/VocTokTambayan


Don Bosco Calauan may be a simple community, but this community is a great presence for the impoverished ones in the periphery. During my stay here, there are three important activities that I found valuable

First is the Feeding Program in collaboration with the benefactors, lay mission partners, and those who volunteer to prepare the food and distribute it to 3,700 impoverished ones two times per day

Second is the ministry of the Salesian community in running the TechnicalVocational Education and Training (TVET) Center.TheCenteroffersvariousprograms suchasAutomotiveServicingNCIandNCII, Motorcycle Small Engine Servicing NCII, Electrical Installation Maintenance NCII, andComputerSystemServicingNCII

The third is the Youth Center This summer, the Youth Center of Don Bosco Calauan launched a summer program which is dubbed “KALARAJUAN” (Kasama sa Larangan si Juan). The summer program aims to help young people in the areas of evangelizationandeducation.

Theoratoriansweregivenbasiccatechesis, and good morning and afternoon talks. Sportsactivitiessuchasbasketball,football, volleyball, and badminton. They were also taught skills such as guitar playing, visual arts,dance,andtheaterarts.

It is a beautiful experience for our summer apostolate in Calauan, we are glad to have thisexperiencewiththeyoung,poorest,and needyones.

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