Sincethen,wehavehadaBritishcitizen, an Australian, Indonesians, and, of course, Filipinos who are Iglesia ni Cristo, Muslims, Protestants,orhavenoreligionatall These are just people drawn to how Catholics worship or searching for something they cannot yet describe people who are interestedinbelongingtoareligion.
This year, we had eight candidates Five areforfullChristianInitiation,andthreeare completing their Initiation Sacraments (ConfirmationandFirstCommunion).
According to their mothers, these three were baptized Catholic when they were infants but were never catechized. Two of the fathers are Buddhist, and one is Christian; hence, there was not full support inraisingthesechildrenasCatholics.
Sincethesethreearealreadyteenagers, they chose to belong to the Catholic religion, as influenced by their mothers andfriends.
OneisIndonesian,whowasformerlya Buddhist. His wife, who is also an Indonesian, is Catholic, and they had a mixed marriage. He said he has always been curious about how Catholics express their faith and felt that he was drawntoit.
He finally decided to convert and came to SJB to inquire. Eventually, he wentthroughtheRCIA.
Two are siblings who do not practice any religion. Their biological father belongs to INC and did not allow them to be baptized catholic. The mother is Catholic and is now separated from her husband, making her free to have her childrenreceivetheInitiationsacraments.
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TheRiteofChristianInitiationofAdultsor RCIA in St. John Bosco Parish Makati startedin2015.
P h o t o b y J a s p e r A n g e l o A t o n ( S J B S o c C o m )
One who was baptized Protestant has alwaysattendedtheCatholicChurchand is getting married in November this year He wanted to belong to the Catholic church officially and was knowledgeable enoughaboutthesacraments.Hesaidhe enjoys attending mass, especially the gospel and the homily, and has always wondered how it feels to receive communion
Editorial Team
One is a non-practicing Baptist/ Protestant. She has been going to Mass withafriendandwantstocontinuetodo so and participate in everything that a Catholic does Going to Mass makes her feelpeaceful,althoughshesaidshedoes notunderstandit.
Fr. Ronnie Urbano, SDB, Parish Priest of St. John Bosco administered the sacramentsofinitiation
inFINityisamonthlynewsletterproducedbytheCommissiononSocialCommunication oftheSalesiansofDonBoscoPhilippines NorthProvince(FIN) Itcomesouteverylastday ofthemonthasanhonortoSt JohnBosco,thetitularpatronoftheFINProvince Tocontribute,
OwnerSalesianSocietyofSt JohnBosco
LayoutFr DonnieDuchinDuya,SDB
CopyEditorFr JesusRichieSantos,SDB
Copyright©2024byFINCSCom.Allrightsreserved Nopartof thispublicationmaybereproducedwithoutexpress permissionfromthepublisher
Tosubscribe,pleasecontact FINCommissiononSocialCommunication(CSCom) 3/FDonBoscoProvincialOffice, DonBoscoCompound,C RocesAve cor A ArnaizAve, MakatiCity,thePhilippines Tel(02)8893-8227loc.114
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P h o t o b y J a s p e r A n g e l o A t o n ( S J B S o c C o m )
by Celine Acosta
With their desire to follow Jesus’ footsteps this Holy Week, 17 young Seekers stayed at the Don Bosco Aspirantate Formation House from March27toMarch31,HolyWednesdayto EasterSunday.
Wanting to journey with Christ closely in these most important days of the Church, the Seekers were called to partake in the different liturgical preparationsandcelebration
Fr. Jake Lopez, SDB's inp Theology of Holy Week, f orientation on the first day o Thisaimedtopredisposeand participants for what wo duringtherestoftheweek.
On the evening of the fi seekers joined the Lenten facilitatedbyFr.ArmandRob
AftertheMassoftheLord’sSupper,they proceededtohaveaVisitaIglesiaamong nearby Churches in Calamba on the nightofMaundyThursday
Fr.JaysonDavid,SDB,andBr.facilitated a Lectio Divina session throughout their stay. Paolo Romero, SDB, is conducted to help the participants prepare themselves for upcoming liturgical celebrations Thesesessionsoccurredonthemornings
P h o t o b y C l . P a o l o R o m e r o , S D B inFINity MAR2024 page3
Footprints: Tracing Jesus' Path
Together with the Aspirants, they helped prepare the celebrations for the layfaithfulattheDiocesanShrineofMary HelpofChristians
“Footprints” is a program of the Vocation Office designed to guide young people who are closely discerning their life’smission.
Through their participation in the different liturgies, the program intends to lead them to encounter God through moments of silence and reflection Hopefully, it will also help them see the beauty of service and a life dedicated to God.
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P h o t o s b y F I N V o c a t i o n O f f i c e
The Message of the Rector Major Cardinal Angel Fernandez Artime, SDB
Don Bosco’s dream is more alive than ever
FacedwitheverythingthatIamseeingin theSalesianworld,IfeelIcansaywith some authority: Beloved Don Bosco, your Dreamcontinuestobefulfilled.
Dear friends, readers of the Salesian Bulletin, as I do every month, I send you my personal greetings from my heart and Iamofferingyoumyreflections,motivated by what I am experiencing, because I believe that life comes to us all and that what we share, if it is good, does us good andgivesusnewenthusiasm.
Lent and Easter invite us to be born again. Every day. To be reborn to trust, to hope, serene peace, the desire to love, work and create, to cherish and cultivate people and talents and creatures, the entire little or large garden that God has entrustedtous.
ForusSalesians,Easteralwaysreminds us of the Feast in 1846 at Valdocco, when Don Bosco went from the tears of the Filippi field to the poor Pinardi shed and the strip of land around it, where the dreambegantobecomereality
I have seen the dream continue being fulfilled. I am writing from Santo Domingo, intheDominicanRepublic.
I previously made a magnificent, very meaningful visit to Juazeiro do Norte (Recife, northeast Brazil) and these last few days have been in the Dominican Republic.
In a few hours, I will continue to Vietnam, and in the midst of this “hustle and bustle,” which can also be experiencedwithmuchtranquillity,Ihave nourished my Salesian heart with beautifulexperiencesandcomforting certainties
I will tell you about them because theyspeakoftheSalesianmission,but Let me start with an anecdote that a Salesian told me yesterday, which made me laugh, moved me, and spoke to me abouta“Salesianheart.”
A confrere told me that a few days ago, while traveling along one of the roads in the interior of this country, he passed by a place where some children hadtakenupthehabitofthrowingstones at cars to cause minor accidents – like breaking a window – and in confusion, stealingsomethingfromthetraveler.
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He was driving through the village, and a childthrewastonetobreakoneofthecar windows and succeeded. The Salesian exited the car, picked up the child, and let his parents take him. It was just that there was no father in the family (he had abandonedthemlongago).
There was only a suffering mother who was left alone with this child and a younger girl When the Salesian told the mother that her son had broken the car window (to which the boy admitted), and that it cost much money, and that she would have to pay him back, the poor woman apologized tearfully, asking for forgiveness but making him understand thatshehadnowaytopayhimback,that shewaspoor,thatshewoulddealwithher son.
At that moment, the little girl, the sister of this ‘Don Bosco’s little Magone,” timidly approached with her little fist closed, opened it, and handed the Salesian the only almost worthless coin that she had. She told him it was her entire treasure: “Here,sir,topayfortheglass”Myconfrere told me that he was so moved that he could no longer speak, and ended up giving the woman some money for a little helpforthefamily
I did not know quite how to interpret the story, but it was so full of life, pain, need, and humanity that I vowed to share itwithyou Andafewhourslater,veryclose to where I was staying in the Salesian house,IwasshownanothersmallSalesian housewherewetakeinchildrenwhohave nooneandwhoarelivingonthestreets
MostofthemareHaitians.Weknowthe tragedy unfolding in Haiti well, where there is no order, no government, and no law Onlymafiasruleovereverything.
Well, to know that these children who arrived here (nobody knows how), who havenowheretostay,arewelcomedinour house (20 in all at the moment), to then move on to other houses, once stabilized, with other educational objectives (where we have, between various houses and always with Salesians and lay educators, another 90 children) – this filled my heart with joy and made me think that Valdocco inTurin,withDonBosco,wasbornthisway, and this is how we Salesians were born, andasmallgroupofthoseValdoccoboys, together with Don Bosco, gave “de facto” lifetotheSalesianCongregationonthat18 December1859.
How can one fail to see “the hand of Godinallthis”?Howcanonefailtoseethat allthisworkresultsfrommuchmorethana human strategy? How can one fail to see that here and in thousands of other Salesian places around the world, good continues to be done, always with the help of so many generous people and so many otherswhoshareapassionforeducation? Thisyear,inMadrid,Spain,andother places (including America), the magnificent short film “Canillitas” was presented, showing the lives of so many of these young people. I was happy to touch this scene with my own hands and eyes And it is true, my friends, that Don Bosco’s dream is still being realized today, 200 yearslater
Photos by John Villafania
this sacred event, where faith intertwined withthecommunity.
Under the patronage of Mary Help of Christians, the Bosconian Legionaries and the attendees from different regions stood united, carrying the spirit of service and devotion instilled by their founder, St. John Bosco. Their presence at the ACIES ceremony attested to their unwavering resolve to spread love, compassion, and hope in their communities, echoing the perpetualmessageoffaithandsolidarity.
As they departed from Camalig St. John theBaptistParish,theBosconianLegionaries carriedwiththemtheblessingsofMaryHelp of Christians, emboldened to continue their journey as soldiers of Mary, spreading hope andjoywherevertheygo.
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This year, the Salesian Parish Youth Ministry of San Ildefonso Parish – Makati is bringing a fresh perspective to the Senakulo with the theme "Paano Kita Mamahalin?" This departure from the traditional "Pasyong Lucas" is a testament to the youth ministry's commitmenttoinnovationandgrowth.
The title "Paano Kita Mamahalin" was a product of the collective reflection of our youngpeople,guidedbytheSalesians.Ina spirit of unity, the production team ponderedontheLentenseason'smessage for our entire parish community. The play, a reflection of the passion narrative, resonated with the audience, connecting the love of the Lord Jesus Christ to their own lives The remarkable efforts of the young people were a testament to the dedication of the entire Parish Youth Ministry.
The Salesian Parish Youth Ministry of San Ildefonso Parish is a vibrant ministry comprising both the Children – Youth Ministry and the Young Adult Ministry. Together, they strive to foster spiritual growth and community engagement amongtheyoungpeopleoftheparish.
Undertheguidanceandsupportofthe Salesian Community, the youth ministry has embarked on a venture to stage the Senakulo on the parish grounds. The parishioners have taken time to witness the efforts of the young as they have shown their dedication and love for the Lord.Over800peoplecametowitnessthe stage play At the end of the March 25 show, Fr. Alexander Garces, SDB, Rector and Parish Priest, expressed his gratitude to the people and continued to challenge the parish community to choose to stay with the Lord in these moments of his passion,death,andresurrection
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From February 28 to March 2, 2024, the ZepherinCamptookplace,gathering42 young campers from the different Salesian Houses at the Caisip Beach HouseinCalatagan,Batangas.
The camp aims to bring together young people who are discerning God's will for them, to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of Don Bosco’s life and mission, and lastly, to lead them to a deeper discernment and encounter with God
The first day started off with the exposure to the different Salesian apostolic works. The campers received a warm welcome from Fr. GC Carandang, SDB to DB Tondo and they were introduced to the Parish Ministry apostolate This was then followed by their visit to the Printing Press apostolate at DB Makati, where the campers were welcomed by Fr. Donnie Duchin Duya, SDB,andFr.DransNolasco,SDB.
After this, they proceeded to SJB Makati to celebrate Mass with Fr Mario Villaraza, SDB attheChapeloftheRelic.Thecampersalso had the opportunity to venerate the relic of Don Bosco afterward. Following this, they toured around the DB Pugad House facilitated by Fr Pat Villasanta, SDB After a hearty meal, generously prepared by DBTI Makati, they also got the chance to interact withtheTVETandMigrantstudents.
Thecamperswerethenwelcomedto DBTuloybyFr BengMolavin,SDBwherethey were oriented about the Street children apostolateoftheSalesians.Theyalsogotto explore the place and interacted with the children at DB Tuloy. To end the day, they proceeded to Don Bosco Formation House and got the chance to watch the restaged Academia presentation of the Aspirants entitled“LibrelangMangarap.”AGoodNight Talk by Fr. Jake Lopez, SDB capped the day and the campers spent a restful night at Canlubang.
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P h o t o b y F I N V o c a t i o n O f f i c e
The celebration of the Holy Mass marked the beginning of the camp’s second day. They proceeded to DB BatulaowheretheywerewelcomedbyFr Edwin Soliva, SDB and they were oriented about the Retreat Ministry of the Salesians. They traveled to Calatagan rightafter.
At Calatagan, the camp masters, Br Dandrew Matias, SDB, Br. Roj Mallari, SDB, Br. Nathan Petate, SDB, and Fr. Jay David, SDBpreparedaseriesofactivitiestobuild teamwork, and camaraderie among the campers. A merit-demerit system was also implemented to encourage healthy competition.
Throughthedifferentinputs,theywere introduced to the life of Don Bosco, Friendship with Jesus, and Discernment. Special prayer moments were prepared for the campers to immerse themselves in their moments with God while looking atthepicturesquebeachbeforethem
Thecampmayhaveconcluded,butthememories,sharedwaves oflaughter,andthebondsoffriendshipwillsurelylastforalifetime. 2024
The camp concluded with the awarding at Don Bosco Canlubang, hailing the Growling Lions group as the champion of thecampgames.
BigthankstoallSalesian communitieswhowarmly accommodatedthe campersandhelpedmake theeventasuccessfulone
Our gratitude also goes to the 42 Zepherin Campers who had been with us for the entire duration of the camp. Never forget that Salesian life may be hard, but it surely is a happyoneandaholypath!
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P h o t o s b y F I N V o c a t i o n O f f i c e
MAKATI, Metro Manila - In a vibrant displayofcamaraderieandathleticism, Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati proudly hosted this year’s annual BoscolympicsfromMarch1–3,2024.The three-day sporting event brought together all Don Bosco settings in the northern province (FIN) to compete in differentsports.
By Charo Mae Lampad
As the official opening of the Boscolympics, the Holy Eucharist was celebrated a true symbol of the Bosconianspirituality.
ThecampusofDonBoscoMakatiwas abuzz with excitement as teams from different settings competed; delegates of Don Bosco Academy - Mabalacat, Don Bosco Institute of Makati, Don Bosco Technical College - Mandaluyong, Don BoscoCollege-Canlubang,
DonBoscoAcademy-Bacolor,DonBosco Technical Institute - Tarlac, and Caritas Don Bosco School - Sta. Rosa battled to elevate the honor of their respective schools.
The student athletes who vied for thecovetedgoldmedalintheirindividual sports competed in Table Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Futsal, and Chess Male and female competitors of elementary and highschool grade level wore the pride of their school and Don Bosco on their jerseysandintheirhearts.
As the event progressed, those who demonstrated tremendous skill and undeniabledetermination,evenindefeat, were duly acknowledged, and those who excelled in their respective sports were crownedchampions.
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Boscolympics 2024 Winners
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Totheunplacedwhotastedthebitternessofdefeat:theireffortsmaybeunawarded,though were not in vain as the passion that was laid out on the court showed nothing but the true Bosconianspirit
March 11 - 13, 2024
The monthly gathering of Salesians, assigned in SalesianParishes,happenedthismonth ofMayintheRegionofBicol,Philippines.
These moments are ways to catch up and for on-going formation of the confreres.
By Charo Mae Lampad
The group had their pilgrimage in the different churches in the city They alsohadtheircourtesyvisittoArchbishop Rolando Tirona, OCD, DD. The group convenedinthecommunityofDonBosco Training Center in Naga. The Salesians tooktheopportunitytoupdateandshare the apostolate and mission in the different parishes of the province. Also, the group shared their short reflection on the Dream at 9 in the morning of the last day
On the last day, the group travelled towards Legazpi, Albay to meet up with the Confreres assigned in Don Bosco Legazpi. The confreres also had the opportunity to visit heritage places in Legazpi,Albay.Opportunities,suchasthis monthly gathering, are a help for confreres to express camarederie and brotherhood.
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The Live Way of the Cross 2024 in Barangay Pio del Pilar on Good Friday transcended mere performance; it was a profound display of devotion and tradition.
Organized by the St. John Bosco Parish Youth Ministry, it brought together generationsandtheentirecommunityina powerfulexpressionoffaith.
This year, the torch of tradition was passed on to younger participants. Andrey Astor's portrayal of Jesus Christ deeply moved spectators, echoing the guidance he received from seasoned actors and directors like Jason Cabellon, Fervic Rosento, Adrian Redoblado, and Paeng Trinidad. Through Astor's portrayal and the mentorship of those before him, the event became a vessel of God's love for His people
Beyond the theatrics, it was a prayerful journey through the Stations of the Cross. Under the scorching heat, participants found solace in their shared experience, drawing closer to the suffering of Christ andreaffirmingtheirfaith.
The event primarily served as a form of evangelization, bringing the Church to the people. Through the powerful portrayal of Christ's passion, the message of love, redemption, and forgiveness resonated with all who witness it, fostering spiritual renewal and introspection during the Lentenseason.
Despite logistical challenges, the dedication and commitment of organizers, actors, and volunteers ensured the preservationofthetruespiritofserviceand devotion. Behind the scenes, the production team's tireless efforts guaranteed a powerful portrayal and reenactment of a historical event, reflecting a great sense of community and compassion.
As the sun set on Good Friday, the echoes of prayers and songs lingered, inspiring all who witnessed the event to walk the path of Christ with courage, humility,andlove.
In a world marked by change, the Live Way of the Cross remained in each young person’s journey in the ministry – bringing each soul closer to Christ, as how St. John Boscoinspiredustodo.
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"Traslacion," the Senakulo 2024 movie produced by St. John Bosco Parish— Tondo, premiered on March 16, 2024, at the Braga Auditorium of Don Bosco Technical Institute—Makati. The event drew a diverse audience, including viewers from various Salesian settings, parishes,schools,andCatholicgroups.
Upon arrival, attendees were greeted with an exhibit showcasing some of the props used in the film, adding to the excitement of the premiere The cast and production team warmly assisted guests as they entered the auditorium, setting the stage for an immersive cinematic experience.
The premiere proved to be a resounding success, evidenced by the heartfelt applause and emotional response from the audience throughout thescreening.
Many were moved to tears as they witnessed the powerful storytelling and thepoignantparallelismbetweenChrist's lifeandourcontemporaryreality.Thefilm effectively conveyed the message of placing faith and trust in Jesus, who accompanies us through life's darkest moments
Attendees left the premiere deeply impacted,reflectingontheirownspiritual journey and "Traslacion" with Jesus. For thosewhomissedthepremiere,thereare still opportunities to catch the movie on thefollowingdatesandvenues:
March 23: Holy Child Catholic School Auditorium,Tondo,3:00PM
March 24 and 29: St. John Bosco Parish,Tondo,7:00PM
For more information and updates, please visit the Senakulo 2024 Facebook page. Don't miss the chance to experience the transformative journey depictedin"Traslacion."
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On March 16, 2024, the BOSCOTV Studio, a broadcasting and recording place for the service of the province and all province-related initiatives on Youth ministry, Vocation ministry, and Evangelization, was blessed by Fr. Chito Dimaranan, SDB, who, together with generous benefactors, facilitated and funded the establishment of the studio, inDonBoscoCanlubangSeminary.
The studio aims to support the province's media programs produced by Salesiansandyouthgroups.Hence,thisis envisioned as a digital platform and a pre-production, production, and postproductioncenter.
Onthesameday,oneoftheprograms of the Vocation Ministry, VOCTOK: UsapangBokasyonatBuhay-buhay,after ninemonthsofrespitefromitsweeklylive program, had its comeback and launched the first episode of Season 6 with the theme “Season 6: Seek! Hanapin ang sikretong malupit ng Diyos na lumalapit.”
Thenewseasonhasbeguntolevelup with new segments introduced in its first episode, which were fruits of the teamwork and creativity of the youth membersinvolved.
GuestkatambaysFr.AdnanAlfred,SDB and Fr Paul Dungca, SDB kickstarted the opening of the first episode for Season 6. It was hosted by Fr Jayson David, SDB, and Ms. Patricia Batalon. During the livestream event, one of the questions that were asked to both guests was “What is their secret in continuing to be dedicated to their vocation?” Both answered that they almost left the congregation, but God sent a person to tellthemthatwhentimesgettough,they remember their worth and the person who led them in that path It was so inspiring to a lot of people, especially for the young to hear, that God continuously reminds us that we are not alone in this world, that God is always holding our hand,comfortingusintoughtimes
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inFINity MAR2024 page18 National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians May 1, 2024 9:00 AM
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Communityreflections andcontributions ontheGC29 ReflectionQuestions Feb Mar 31
Electionof PC2024 Province Delegates
Deadlineofsubmission onMarch31,2024
Jun 16-22
PC2024Assembly andCelebration
Deadlineof submissionof PC2024documents toGC29Moderator Jul 1
Deadlineof submissionofPC2024 LocalDelegatestothe Moderator Jan 31
Creation ofthePC2024Working Paperbythe Preparatory Commission
Finalizationbythe PC2024Secretariatof thePC2024documents forsubmissiontoGC29 Moderator Jun 23-29
PC 2022 CSCom
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m e l i n e I n f o g r a p h i c s b y C S C o m
Apr May P C 2 4 / G C 2 9 T i
M e t h o d o l o g y o f C o m m u n i t y D i s c e r n m e n t
C O R E A R E A 3 & J U R I D I C A L Q U E S T I O N S : W e w i l l w a i t f o r t h e r e f l e c t i o n s o f t h e G e n e r a l C o u n c i l b e f o r e w e c a n s t a r t o u r c o m m u n i t y d e l i b e r a t i o n s o n t h e s e . I N T E R P R E T A T I O N L I S T E N I N G C H O I C E S A n E Y E o n t h e l i v e s o f c o n f r e r e s , c o m m u n i t i e s , E P C , y o u n g I d e n t i f y n e w w a y s o f l i v i n g t h e S a l e s i a n c o n s e c r a t e d i d e n t i t y I d e n t i f y c a u s e s o f w e l l n e s s & d i s c o m f o r t
1 & 2 : C o m m u n i t i e s m a y s t a r t t h e r e f l e c t i o n s o n t h e p r o p o s e d R e f l e c t i o n Q u e s t i o n G u i d e a l r e a d y p r o v i d e d .
C O N V E R S A T I O N I N T H E S P I R I T : W e s h a l l a t t e m p t t o u s e t h i s S y n o d a l p r o c e s s i n o u r c o m m u n i t y r e f l e c t i o n s .
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