

May24,2024,SolemnityofMaryHelpof Christians-Most Reverend Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo, DD, ordained two Salesianstotheorderofpresbyterateat the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians,ParañaqueCity.
They are Rev. Fr. John Joseph Aguila, SDB, and Rev. Fr. Enrico Mercado, SDB, both from the Philippines–North Province (FIN).
ThethemeofthePresbyteralOrdination was a Bible passage from the Gospel of Luke: “My Soul Magnifies the Lord!” (Lk. 1:46).
His Excellency Most Reverend Bishop BroderickS.Pabillo,DD,ApostolicVicarof Taytay, presided over the Ordination Ceremony. Fr. Gerardo Martin, SDB, Provincial Superior of FIN Province, and otherSalesianPriestsconcelebratedinit.
In his insightful homily, Bp Pabillo shared three key points with the newly ordained priests: the importance of gratitude, their inevitable struggles, and the constant aid they can seek from Mary He emphasized the role of Mary in our lives, drawing parallels from the Gospelnarrativeabouttheweddingfeast ofCana.
Before the end of Mass, Fr. Rico delivered a gratitude speech. He thanked God, Mary, and Don Bosco. He also expressed his gratitude to those who have played a significant role in their formation.Theirparentsreceivedastatue oftheSacredHeartofJesusasatokenof appreciationbytheCongregation.
TheMassconcludedwithapoignant moment as the newly ordained priests offered flowers, symbolizing their commitment to their priestly duties. This wasfollowedbytheblessingofMaryHelp of Christians and a special blessing bestowed by the new priests upon the congregation, a gesture that was deeply appreciatedbyallwhoattended.
Editorial Team
inFINityisamonthlynewsletterproducedbytheCommissiononSocialCommunication oftheSalesiansofDonBoscoPhilippines NorthProvince(FIN) Itcomesouteverylastday ofthemonthasanhonortoSt JohnBosco,thetitularpatronoftheFINProvince Tocontribute,pleasesendusanemailviacscom@one-bosco.org.
OwnerSalesianSocietyofSt JohnBosco
LayoutFr DonnieDuchinDuya,SDB
CopyEditorFr JesusRichieSantos,SDB
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My affectionate and cordial greetings during this Easter season. In a world in turmoil, agitated by armed conflicts and nosmallamountofviolence,wecontinue to declare, announce, and proclaim that Jesus is Lord, raised by the Father, and that he LIVES. We strongly need His Presence in hearts willing to welcome Him.
At this same moment, I’m able to look over the content of this month’s Bulletin, alwaysrichandfilledwithSalesianlife,for whichI’mgratefultothosewhomakeita reality Reading its pages before writing my greeting, I found presented so many Salesian places around the world where MaryHelpofChristianshascome.
I must confess to you that when I’m inside the magnificent Basilica of Mary HelpofChristiansinValdocco,inthisholy place where everything speaks of the presenceof God, of the maternal protection of our Mother, and of Don Bosco, I struggle to imaginehowthosewordsoftheHelpof
ChristianstoDonBoscobecameareality: “From here” – from this Marian shrine –“my glory will go out to the whole world.” (Hic domus mea; inde gloria mea) But thusitis.
In these ten years of service as Rector Major,I’vevisitedhundredsofSalesian presences in the world where our Mother is present. Now, I wish to speak to you again about my most recent experience. It was on my last visit to our Salesian presences, the one among the Xavante people, that I was able to “touch with my own hands” God’s Providence and the good that continues to be done there, as wellasamongallofus.
I visited several villages and towns in thestateofMatoGrosso.Ivisited San Marcos, the village of Fatima, and Sangrandouro We also visited some others near these three large centers, including the first settlement we made among the Xavante people The Xavante are a people who were stricken with diseases and in danger of extinction, but thankstothehelpofourmissionaries,
the medicine they brought, and the dozensofyearsspentamongthispeople, accompanying them, today the Xavante count more than 23,000 members. This is Providence,thisistheproclamationofthe Gospel, and, at the same time, it’s journeyingwithapeopleandtheirculture, preserved until today, as has never happenedbefore.
I had the opportunity to speak before various civil authorities and am grateful for all that we can do in collaboration for the good of this people and of others At the same time, I’ve allowed myself to recall with simplicity, but also with honesty and legitimate pride, that those who’ve accompanied these peoples for 130 years, as the Church has done – in thiscasethroughthesonsanddaughters ofDonBosco–areworthyofarespected reputationandofattentiontotheirwords.
We’ve done everything we can to join withthevoicesofthosecallingforlandfor these villagers Accompanying these peoples and defending their land and their Faith (in this case with the BoiBororo) led to the martyrdom of Salesian RudolphLunkenbeinandtheIndianSimão inMeruri.
Traveling hundreds of miles by road, I was happy to see so many signs that announced: “Indigenous Reservation Territory.”Ithinkthisisthebestguarantee ofpeaceandprosperityforthispeople.
What does what I’m describing here have to do with Mary Help of Christians? Well, simply everything, since it’s difficult toimagineacenturyofSalesianpresence (SDBs and FMAs) among the Xavante Indianswithoutourhandingdownlovefor the Mother of our Lord, who is our Mother also.
villagers, together with us guests, ended the day of our arrival with a procession and the recitation of the holy Rosary. The imageoftheVirginwasilluminatedinthe middle of the night and in the midst of thejungle,amidtheelderly,adults,young people, and many mothers who carried their children on their backs in large baskets in which the little ones slept as wemadeourpilgrimage.
We made several stops at different neighborhoods of the village. Undoubtedly, our Mother also was walkingthroughthevillageofSanMarcos and, no doubt, through many others also blessing her indigenous sons and daughters.
Ican’tknowforsurewhetherDonBosco dreamt of this scene of the Virgin in the middleoftheXavantevillage,but,without a doubt, in the beating of his heart, lived thisdesire–forthispeopleandformany others – whether from Patagonia, from theAmazon,orontheParaguayRiver
It’s that desire and that missionary dream that’s been coming true in the Amazonfor 130years.
On the coming feast of Mary Help of Christians, on May 24, at different times, Mary Help of Christians will be present in the hearts of her sons and daughters all over the world – first in Taiwan and East Timor, then in India, in Nairobi (Kenya), in Valdocco (Turin), in the Amazon, and in the small village of San Marcos. To the world, this is a nothing, but to this people who’ve come to know the Help of Christians it’sanentireworld
May 1, 2024, Parañaque City, the Philippines--Today, Memorial of St. JosephtheWorker,fourSalesianClerics committedthemselvesforevertothelife and mission of St. John Bosco–helping the young save their souls through humanandspiritualformation.
HeldattheNationalShrineofMaryHelp ofChristians,wewereparticularlyblessed to witness a loving encounter between God and His servants through the perpetualprofessionofthesebrothers: Cl. Mark Soriano, SDB (FIN), Cl. Alfonsus Navarete, SDB (INA [Province of Indonesia]),Cl.AntanithaKingslyn,SDB (LKC [Vice Province of Sri Lanka]), and Cl.PaulrajPankirasSujanthan,SDB(LKC [ViceProvinceofSriLanka])
His Eminence Virgilio Cardinal Da Silva, SDB,DD,oftheArchdioceseofDiliinTimor Leste presided over the Eucharistic Celebration while Rev. Fr. Gerardo N, Martin, SDB, Provincial Superior of the Philippine North Province received their perpetual profession on behalf of the RectorMajor.
Wewerealsoblessedwiththepresence of our EAO Regional Councilor, Rev. Fr. JosephPhouc,SDB.
In his homily, Cardinal Da Silva, quoting Pope Francis, challenged our newly perpetually professed Salesians with three notable words: Prophecy, Proximity andHope.
The celebration ended with a luncheon program held at the Church’s gymnasium It was attended by different membersoftheSalesianFamily,Salesian confreres, and young people. We thank God for these brothers and continue to prayfortheirfaithfulperseverance.
The Educative Pastoral Community of Word & Life Publications, Don Bosco Press, & the Provincial Offices celebratedinadvancetheFeastofMary Help of Christians last May 23, 2024 (Thursday).
By Charo Mae LampadThe event opened with Holy Eucharist presided by Fr. Donnie Duchin Duya, SDB, together with the other Salesians in the community, namely Fr. Danny Locquiao, SDB, Fr. Drans Nolasco, SDB, Fr. Joji Inocentes, SDB, and Fr. Bobby Roxas, SDB. The advance celebration also coincided with the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest, where Fr Donnie emphasized how we must also acknowledge and live out the priestly ministryofOurLordJesusChrist
Another highlight of the celebration after the Holy Mass was the 2024 EPC Water Olympics. The community thanks DBTI Makati for allowing access to its swimming facilities Interestingly, this is also the first time that a Water Olympics ofsuchkindwasheld.
Fr. Drans Nolasco, SDB, spearheaded the initiatives in executing the Water Olympics. He organized an EPC Sports Committee to facilitate the event with him The house with the biggest delegationinsidetheswimmingpoolwas given the first winning points for the first challenge. Aqua games such as the Swimming Relay, the Fill-the-Bottle Relay, the Garter Relay, the Catch-the-Balloon Relay,andtheJoggingRelayfollowed.
Truly, the advance celebration of the Feast of Mary, Help of Christians became adayfilledwithlivelysummercolorsthat reflected the hearty smile of Our Lady HelpofChristiansuponus.
“The cross is a symbol. Love God, love yourneighbors...”
This statement by Fr. Glenn B. Protacio, SDB echoed in the Roderick Flores Hall lastApril27,2024,tothevolunteersand attendees during the orientation of the MedicalandDentalMissionatDonBosco TechnicalCollege.
By Charo Mae LampadDBTC Juan (One) Bosco MD, aims to provide health care to nearby communitiesthatfosterfamilialspiritand pastoral charity. It is part of the Office for Pastoral Affairs community development programwithMs.SaerahMonicaFuriscal, heading the said activity. The Don Bosco EPC volunteers, in partnership with the Mandaluyong Health Office, 701st Signal Battalion, Matanghali Eagles Club, and Generika, assisted the beneficiaries from St. Dominic Savio Parish, the residents of Brgy: Daang Bakal, our own Pinardi SalesianCommunityandCareworx.
The Medical and Dental Mission comprises stations aimed at the beneficiaries'needs.
Registration, vitals check, and holding area were done at the Roderick Flores Hall Then, the recipients are ushered to the medical station where they received general check-ups and appropriate referrals for our kind volunteer doctors. The dental station provided tooth extraction services to the patients while the eye station supplied free eyeglasses. Finally, the pharmacy station prepared and dispensed the available medicines prescribed to the patients, which the generous parents and students of DBTC donated.
Thebeneficiaries,whichconsistedmostly of senior citizens and a few first-timers, weredelightedatthewelcomeandservice that they received on this productive program. A beloved alumni, City Health Officer Dr. Arnold De Castro Abalos, also graced the activity with his presence to check on the proceedings and was welcomed by Father Protacio along with some EPC and Signal Battalion volunteers. The event came to a close as scheduled butborefruittoameaningfulpurposethat brought everyone together in the first place.
AswecontinuetobepartofDonBosco’s mission, this commitment to seeing the needs of the Church and community, especially giving attention to the wellbeing of the young and the poor was indeedasuccess.
Father Marc Will R. Lim, SDB, the Vice PresidentofAdministrationatDonBosco Technical College, conducted an orientation on the Salesian Educative Pastoral Plan (SEPP) for the attendees. The participants included Lay Mission Partners,students,parentsrepresenting varioussectors,andalumni.
He commenced the orientation with a mutual introduction, fostering a sense of belonging among everyone present. Emphasizing the inclusive nature of SEPP, he reiterated that its essence lies in ensuring that no one is left behind. Understanding the previous iterations of SEPPiscrucialtocontextualizeandinform thecraftingofthenewplan.
Fr Marc Will, SDB informed the participants that evangelization is the most pressing activity, focusing on the youth, especially the most disadvantaged. Grounded in the charism of Don Bosco and the preventive system, the Salesian Youth Ministry constitutes a structured endeavor within the Educative and Pastoral Community (EPC), driven by acharismaticmission.
Some of the key points emphasized by FatherMarcWill,SDBinclude:
SEPP guides the mission's evolution, centeringonyoungpeople.
SEPP engages the community and adapts to the local context, fostering dialogue with nearby educational, social, and religious institutions, and recognizinginstitutionalprogress.
SEPP is a dynamic process with four interdependent dimensions: God (Faith Education), World (Educational and Cultural), Self (Vocational), and Others (Group and Social). These dimensions are interdependent, each contributing to the holistic developmentoftheplan.
He also stressed the importance of understandingthecontextoftheSalesian House,itspriorities,andpreferredoptions, with an emphasis on evidence-based decision-making.
Inconclusion,FatherMarcWillreminded participants that Don Bosco transcends being merely an institution; it stands as a pastoral institution committed to the holisticwell-beingofitsmembers.
ParticipantsfromDonBoscoTechnical Mandaluyongarescheduledtoengagein SEPPformulationsessionsonJune24and 28, 2024, facilitated by Fr. Joel Camaya, SDB
Once again the youth leaders and the lay mission partners of the Majada-In Youth Center, animated by the postnovitiate community in Canlubang, organized the culmination of the fiesta of San Isidro Labrador with the colorful Santacruzanprocession.
Hundreds lined up the streets of the barrio as they watched the youth of their neighborhood honor their patron saint and show their devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This year, besides the image of Mary, Help of Christians at the head of the procession, other images of Our Lady were sponsored by eager families for the procession: Our Lady of Manaoag, Our Lady of Albay, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of the Assumption,andOurLadyofSorrows.
ToaddresstheGC28mandateandPope Francis's call on AI's importance for the Church, the Salesian Social Communication Sector created the International Salesian Commission for ArtificialIntelligence(ISCAI).
ISCAIaimstostayrelevantwithevolving AI technology and empower the Salesian family with its knowledge and ethical implications.
TheinauguralonlinemeetingonMay7, 2024, featured Fr. Gildasio Mendes SDB, Chairperson of ISCAI, who stated that the commission's primary purpose is to reflect on AI from an interdisciplinary perspective and provide guidelines for Salesiansandeducatorsworkingwiththe young.
Hestated,“Commissionmemberswere carefully chosen to reflect the broader vision of this body, with representation fromeachofthesevenSalesianregions.”
TheCommissionMembers: FrGildasioMendesSDB,Councillorfor SocialCommunication
FrRicardoCampoliSDB,Social CommunicationSectormember
FrRicardoCampoliSDB,Member ofSocialCommunicationSector
FrErnestRosarioSDB,Coordinator ofISCAI
Inthecontextoftherapidacceleration of AI integration into every field, some writers argue for a new ethics tailored to artificial intelligence. They also discuss how humans, nature, and technology interact on a global scale, showing that digitalissuesarecloselylinkedtohuman progressandenvironmentalconcerns.
Fr Mendessaidthenexttwomeetings will be held on 5th September and 4th December2024respectively.
Fr.JerrySantos,DBMakatiRector, givesaninspirationalmessage
Tarlac City, May 6-10, 2024 - In a gathering resonating with youthful zeal and scholarly wisdom, the first-ever EAO Regional Formative Encounter of Quinquennial Confreres unfolded this week at the picturesque Westwood Farm inTarlacCity.Facilitatedbytheesteemed Fr. Francis Moloney, SDB, hailing from the Australian shores and adorned with a wealth of biblical scholarship, the event stands as an estuary of enlightenment and fraternity for the young Salesian priestsandbrothers.
Designed as a nurturing ground for confreres within their initial five years of ongoing formation, the Quinquennium Formative Encounter, hosted by the FIN province, convened a cohort of 27 participants representing the diverse richness of the EAO region, with representatives from FIS, FIN, THA/CAM, VIE, PGS,andCINprovinces.
Throughout the week-long seminar, Fr. Frank Moloney, SDB, captivated hearts and minds with his life example and spiritual guidance.
Each day unfolded with a thematic focus, ranging from the evangelical consecration to the exploration of Jesus as the quintessential icon of Salesian Charism and the profound significance of the Eucharistic Priesthood The journey culminatedinaprofoundexplorationofthe GospelofSt.Mark,offeringparticipantsnot only fresh insights but also a comprehensive framework for understanding and living by the Word of God.
However,beyondtheintellectualpursuits, whattrulydistinguishedthisencounterwas its emphasis on communal sharing and fraternal bonding. Participants were not mere spectators but active contributors, sharing their apostolic experiences and challenges from their respective countries. The evenings were adorned with "Good Night Talks," where fathers took turns shedding light on the realities and aspirations of their provinces, fostering a senseofsolidarityandmutualsupport.
One of the highlights of the event was the cultural tour of Tarlac City, organized bytheDonBoscoTechnicalInstituteTarlac, which offered participants a glimpse into thelocalheritageandtraditions.
Reflecting on the significance of the encounter, Fr. Edwin Ulanday, SDB, the incharge of the quinquennium of the FIN, remarked, "This gathering has not only nurtured our intellectual growth but has also reignited our passion for Salesianity andloveforScriptures.Ithasforgedbonds of brotherhood that will endure beyond theseformativedays"
As the curtains draw on this transformative week, the EAO Regional Formative Encounter stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of camaraderieandenlightenmentwithinthe Salesianfamily,echoingthetimelesswords ofourfounder,"Dogoodanddoitwell,that will be your best response to whatever challengesmaycomeyourway."
The Marian Exhibit officially opened on May 4, 2024 at the Marian Center with specialguest,Rev.Fr.GerryMartin,SDB, Provincial Head of the Salesians of Don Bosco(FIN).
The exhibit features about 30 images of our Blessed Mother under different titles, including a number whose titles were named after sites of her different apparition.
Her numerous titles are expressions of differentdevotions,includingMaryHelpof Christians--whose feast will be celebrated on the 24th of May. Catch the exhibit that will run till the end of the month.
“The Inspirational Journey of St. John Bosco’sAccompaniment”
Itallbeganwithadream,God'sdream, thatababyboywouldbeborn,grow,and become a friend, father, and teacher to many young people That dream manifested into reality! Johnny was born in the humble village of Becchi. God's dream intertwined with his own, and throughhislove,sacrifice,anddedication, St. John Bosco was gifted to us, a figure we continue to honor and celebrate to thisday.
Like many others, I've often dreamt of meeting Don Bosco in person. While that may never come to pass, the profound joy of tracing his footsteps in the places where he lived out God's dream is immense for me Our journey into Salesian Spiritual Accompaniment began with exploring and appreciating Don Bosco's life and the individuals who shaped it. His life story is one of suffering, joy, love, grace, and accompaniment a narrative woven with threads of God, Don Bosco, numerous individuals, and the youth.
My initial perception of Don Bosco, a great saint, writer, builder, and charismatic figure, transformed into a deeper understanding of the real John Bosco a child of God who endured immense suffering, faced rejection, navigated crises, and grappled with poverty. He was akin to gold refined in fire,yetherefusedtobedefeatedbylife's challenges; instead, he embraced them tofulfillGod'sdreamforhim
ForDonBosco,spiritualaccompaniment was non-negotiable. From his childhood, he was surrounded by guides, including his mother, Mama Margaret, and encounteredexemplaryspiritualfigures— both living and saints. He humbly sought and embraced guidance from others, recognizing that his journey was intertwinedwiththeirs.
Central to Don Bosco's heart was his devotion to God. While his talents and charisma attracted many, his deepest passionlayinhisloveforJesus.
In the Pinardi house, the first event he prioritized was celebrating Easter Sunday Mass with the boys, imparting them the joy and love emanating from the Risen Christ. When Mama Margaret wanted to return to Becchi due to the boys' misbehavior, Don Bosco pointed at the Crucifix Clearly,itwasevidenttohimthat theboyswerenotforhimbutforGod.This led me to ponder, “Am I truly guiding the youthtowardGodormyself?”
"Apersonwhoisnotguidedandguides others is a dangerous person. " This powerful line from the program shows howimportantspiritualguidanceisinour lives. The congregation is making a huge effort for us Salesians to realize and impart in our lives the importance of having a spiritual guide. How many of us have spiritual director? How often do we go for spiritual accompaniment? Spiritual accompaniment isn't solely for those in crisis; it's a means to deepen our connection with God, enabling us to better guide others As Salesians, entrusted with the spiritual guidance of young people, we must seek both God and guides who can accompany us on this journey Moreover, accompanying youngpeopleisnotapersonalmission.A saint isn't born in heaven; they are shaped by God, family, and community. DonBoscoexemplifiesthis;hewasn'tborn a saint, but he became one through the support of those around him, both divine andhuman.
The School for Salesian Spiritual Accompanimentisn'tmerelyacourse;it's a beacon of inspiration, motivating Salesians to recognize the value of spiritual accompaniment in their lives and inspiring them to share that wisdom within their own provinces and beyond. Just as Don Bosco was shaped by his community, we are also molded by our interactions with God and with one another.
Finally, I sincerely thank Bro Raymond Callo, SDB, and his team for crafting this enriching and beautiful program for us Salesians. The Holy Spirit is truly alive and workinginthem.Withthis,I'mcertainthat Don Bosco would rejoice not only in seeing the youth thriving in the Salesian Garden but also in witnessing our commitment to nurturing our souls, enablingustocareforthesoulsofothers.
It was in May of 2023 that my batch started talks about our Pilgrimage to celebrate the silver Anniversary of our FirstProfession.
WewereFr.ClarencePanganiban(28th year), Fr. Jerry Santos, Fr. Jayson David and me (27th year), and Fr. Abel de Ocampo (26th year). Traditionally, the Pilgrimage for the Silver Jubilee of the profession is in the Salesian Holy places. But after a series of discussions, we decided to go to the Holy Land instead. Everything was set. Our flight was scheduledforOct 7,2023
As soon as we set foot at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Our newsfeeds were flooded by the attack on Israel. We consulted our guide in Israel, but he advised us to proceed. We boardedourplanetoAbuDhabi,throwing all caution to the wind However, upon arrival, our trip to Tel Aviv was already canceled.
Thus,withextinguishedexcitement,we foundourselvesonthefirstplanebackto Manila
After the Solemnity of St. John Bosco, we were inspired to proceed with our Pilgrimage, this time to where we originallyshouldhavebeen theSalesian HolyPlaces.
The moment I set foot inside the BasilicaofMaryHelpofChristiansinTurin, uncontrollable tears streamed down my cheeks. I felt the warm embrace of a mother on that cold afternoon. I just sat down on a pew, staring at the magnificent altar. I can’t believe that after 27 years of seeing this in pictures, stampitas,andvideos,Iamfinallyhereto gaze and soak in the present moment. That was just the beginning of what Don BoscoandMaryHelpofChristianshadin storeforus.
We went to Colle Don Bosco to see where Johnny Bosco was born. Becchi, Castelnuovo d’ Asti is quite a distance from the City of Turin, which is characterized by vast farmlands. The Boscofamilylivedinasmallstable--
TheBoscofamilylivedinasmallstable house, where Mama Margaret took good care of three boys and her mother-inlaw.LifewasnoteasyforMamaMargaret, but she embraced motherhood as her call from God Thus, I came to appreciate evenmoreherroleinDonBosco'slifeand mission.
I want to believe that Don Bosco learned and experienced from her what loving kindness was all about. He learned from her hard work, perseverance, and self-sacrifice. Mama Margaret was Don Bosco’s first teacher of the faith She led her sons to Jesus and Mary. She guided theyoungJohnnytodiscernGod’swillfor him, and even though it pains her heart, she had to send him to Chieri to study and prepare him for the future mission thatGodwouldentrusttohim.
I am even more convinced that Don Bosco’s attachment to Mama Mary is brought about by the loving concern of MamaMargaretforhimandhisbrothers.
At the age of 15, young Johnny went to Chieri. He lived alone in the kitchen of the café where he was working as a waiter. He took on many different jobsblacksmith, a tailor, a waiter, a pin-boy in abowlingalley,ashoemakeroranyother thing to make ends meet and support himself–notaneasylifebyanymeans.
As Fr. Livio Faganello puts it: “The burdens that Don Bosco endured in his youth have become the blessing for the young under his care. It teaches us that the burdens of our lives can become blessings when we freely give ourselves toothers
Just because Mary guided him does not mean it was a walk in the park for DonBosco.
The dream was revealed to him gradually He often found it very hard to understand what the dream was leading himto.MarywastoughonDonBosco,but she also challenged and encouraged him.
Despite the many difficulties, Don Bosco trusted. He would always say: ‘Jesus and Mary will figure it out’ If Don Bosco had lived a comfortable life, he might have become a very good priest, but he would not have become the Don Boscoweknowtoday.”
“Don Bosco's dream was essentially the dream of the good shepherd for the youth. The first thing DB did at our first house was not to play or to give them food or skills but to celebrate the Easter Mass Ourmissionistobringtheyoungto Jesus - who is our hope.” -Fr. Michael Pace,SDB
Icametorealizethathardshipispart of our Salesian life. It makes us blessings to the people entrusted to our care Thus bring happiness to the people around us andbringsusfulfillment.
But ultimately, we are brought closer and closer to Jesus Christ as we bring them closer to Him Indeed, it is true that SalesianLifeisHARD,HAPPY,HOLY! Thankyou,Lord,forSt JohnBosco ThankyouforourSalesianvocation. Thankyouforcallingustosaveoursouls insavingtheyoung.
Formorethantwoweeks,IwasinAfrica to preach the annual retreat of the SalesiansinKenyaandalsotomeetthe confreres in quinquennium for a formativeencounterinKenyaandSouth Sudan.
Late last year, I received an email invitation from Fr David Nduati, SDB, vice provincial of the AFE Province (which spansKenya,Sudan,andSouthSudan).
I was not personally acquainted with him. He mentioned that he got my contact details from Br Mon, whom he met at a Formation Delegates’ meeting. The invitation was first addressed to him but was extended to me due to his unavailability.
When I was permitted to go, I thought of preparing the conferences along the topic of prayer (since it's the Year of Prayer). To help the confreres prepare for their Provincial Chapter, I also devoted conferences to the theme of the General Chapter, “Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicatedtoyoungpeople.”
Iamthankfulforthisopportunitytobe exposed to the life and ministry of the Congregationonthissideoftheworld
and to pore over the Congregational documentstoaidinmyreflection.
Iwasalsogivenafreehandtodesign the retreat schedule, which I patterned after our FIN schedule. Apparently, it was not customary for them to have daily adoration.Intheretreatevaluation,many confreres affirmed the nourishment and the exposure to the Eucharist One confrere noted that “Silent adoration was wow.”
The silence was likewise a big help In the guidelines I shared, I told them we could have a moderate conversation in the evening and observe total silence during breakfast and lunch. However, the atmosphere of silence remained palpableevenintheevening.
Tomaximizemypresence,Iwasmade a resource person in the quinquennium formativeencounter,firstwithconfreresin KenyaandthenSouthSudan
Fr. David's email was rather specific. I was to help the confreres in quinquennium process their experiences, both positive and challenging, in the mission and community life. Most importantly, I was to help them remain focused on the consecrated life and insert themselves into community life If time allows, I can also insist on the need for Spiritual direction and the need to qualifythemselvesasSpiritualguides.
Truth be told, this is necessary for all, includingthoseintheongoingformation.I am also enriched in the accompaniment ministry as I see how their experiences figureintomine.
During my visit to various Don Bosco settings, I had the privilege of witnessing our congregation actively engaged in evangelization and education. It was a heartening experience to see our community embodying the best of humanity, particularly in their efforts to stand with the most destitute, uplift their lives,andfosterhope.
Visitingaforeignplacefeelsincomplete without connecting with fellow Filipinos. This trip to the second-largest continent was no exception; it was truly fulfilled by meeting other Filipinos. This trip to the second-largest continent was not completewithoutmeetingFilipinos.
Rabaul,PapuaNewGuinea’sArchbishop Emeritus Francesco Panfilo, SDB, who celebrated the golden jubilee of his presbyteral ordination on April 27, 2024, says his priestly life has been greatly inspired and influenced by St. John Bosco, St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI,andPopeFrancis.
When Archbishop Panfilo was ordained bishopin2001,hechosetheverse“DucIn Altum” [Set out into the deep] (Luke 5:4) ashisepiscopalmotto.
Archbishop Panfilo explains that the verse invites us Christians to do three things: First, remember the past with gratitude Second, live in the present with enthusiasm. Third, look forward to the future with confidence” because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
The Archbishop’s golden jubilee celebration held at the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians Parish on April 20, 2024,wasabeautifulwayoflookingback andrememberinghispastassignments,
his pastoral work, and the people who playedapartinhislifeasapriest.
“Ofthe50yearsofpriesthood,27years were spent within the Salesian Congregation, while 23 were at the service of the Church as Bishop. Many wonderful people have contributed to shaping and giving meaning to my priesthood, but I wish to single out St. John Bosco, St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis,” Archbishop Panfilo saidinhishomilyduringthethanksgiving mass held at the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians parish days ahead of hisanniversary
He said he has always looked up to Don Bosco as a model. Archbishop Panfilo said Don Bosco’s pastoral zeal, “da mihi animas caetera tolle, ” which is inimitationoftheGoodShepherd,greatly resonatedwithhim.
“Itseemedtomethatforhim,workwas prayer We Salesians have an article on theConstitutiontitled:“LifeasPrayer.”
It says: “Immersed in the world and in the cares of the pastoral life, the Salesian learns to meet God through those to whom he is sent. Discovering the fruits of theSpiritinthelivesofmen,especiallythe young, he gives thanks for everything as he shares their problems and sufferings; he invokes upon them the light and strength of God’s presence,” the Archbishop said, reflecting on the Gospel that day which was about the Good
Duc in Altumplayedani inArchbishopPanfilo’svoca
Hesaidthatafewmonths appointedbishopbyPopeJ issued the Apostolic Exho Millennio Ineunte,” in wh several times the expres altum” (Set out into the dee inspired by these words tha ashisepiscopalmotto.
“These three words are a pastoral program for any priest, as they were for me, in fact I took them as motto of my episcopalcoat-of-arms,”hesaid.
In 2005, Benedict XVI became Pope and,towardstheendoftheyear2005,he issued his first Encyclical letter: ‘Deus Caritasest’,wherehewrote:thenatureof the Church has a threefold responsibility: “proclaimingthewordofGod,celebrating the Sacraments, and the service of charity”
Archbishop Panfilo said that the sentence guided him in formulating, togetherwiththelaypeople,consecrated men and women, and the priests of the Archdiocese of Rabaul, the Pastoral Plan The Pastoral Plan had three Parts: “ProclaimingthewordofGod,Celebrating the Sacraments, and Building the Christiancommunityincharity.”
“InthatPastoralPlanitwasclearthatif we wanted to build the Christian communityatDiocesanandParishlevels, everybody had to be involved in proclaiming the Word of God, in the preparation and celebration of the Sacraments, and in practicing charity In other words, if the lay people were to go by themselves, if religious men and women were to be by themselves and if priests and bishops were to do things by themselves, the Synodal Church of communion, participation, and mission would become an impossible goal, an impossibledream.Ofcourse,atthattime, no one was talking about synodality. Somehow, I feel that we anticipated synodality,”hesaid
PopeFrancisbecamePopeintheyear 2013 and on November 24th of the same year, he issued the Apostolic Exhortation “EvangeliiGaudium,”where,atNo.268,he wrote: “The mission is at once a passion forJesusandapassionforhispeople.”
“PopeFranciswantedallthepriestsand Bishops involved in the mission of the ChurchtohaveapassionforJesusanda passionforhispeople.Hewantedandstill wants a Church that is more pastorally oriented rather than an administrative body.”
Archbishop Panfilo said. “Priests were askedtohavethesmellofthesheep…”he added
ArchbishopPanfiloexplainedthatindeed PopeFrancisisaskingpriestsandbishops to be good shepherds of the flock; shepherds who at times walk in front of their people “pointing the way and keepingtheirhopevibrant”;atothertimes theywalkintheirmidst“withunassuming and merciful presence”; at yet other times, they walk at the back of the flock, “helpingthosewholagbehindand,above all, allowing the flock to strike out new paths” But, whether in front or the middle orattheback,theshepherdsalwayswalk withtheflockandnotalone.”
“When I look back, I can sincerely say that the Lord has been good to me. I am not so sure I was good to Him After thanking the Blessed Trinity and Mary MostHoly,Ithankmyparentsforbringing me into this world. I thank all the formators, classmates, friends, alumni and many people I have encountered in the countries where I exercised my ministry.Icanhonestlysaythatitismore what I have received than what I have given.”ArchbishopPanfilosaid.
The celebration held at the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians Parish in Paranaque, where the Archbishop currently resides, was attended by the Salesian congregation, invited religious congregations, past pupils of Don Bosco, andtheparishcommunity
SanPabloLagunaBishopEmeritusLeo M. Drona, SDB, DD, Fr. Ernie Cruz, SDB, and former Don Bosco pupil Kenneth Shaw gave special messages to Archbishop Panfilo during the program following the Mass. The parish’s Commission on Youth choir also performed the Galliliee Song, a song that Archbishop Panfilo holds dear. Hesaidthatthisbecameaninstrumentof God in telling him to embrace his missionary assignment in Papua New Guinea
DuringtheweekendofPentecost,May18 and 19, 2024, the Archbishop was given a two-daycelebrationofhisGoldenJubilee inhishometownofViliminore,Italy.
The festivities were attended by the wholetown'spopulation.
ArchbishopPanfilowasjoinedbySiena ArchbishopEmeritusGaetanoBonicelli,Fr. Jacinto Panfilo, SDB, the Archbishop’s brother, and other priests from the Parish of Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta e San Pietro.
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Communityreflections andcontributions ontheGC29 ReflectionQuestions Feb Mar 31
Electionof PC2024 Province Delegates
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Creation ofthePC2024Working Paperbythe Preparatory Commission Apr May
Jun 16-21
PC2024Assembly andCelebration
Deadlineof submissionof PC2024documents toGC29Moderator Jul 1
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Finalizationbythe PC2024Secretariatof thePC2024documents forsubmissiontoGC29 Moderator
C O R E A R E A 1 & 2 : C o m m u n i t i e s m a y s t a r t t h e r e f l e c t i o n s o n t h e p r o p o s e d R e f l e c t i o n Q u e s t i o n G u i d e a l r e a d y p r o v i d e d . C O N V E R S A T I O N I N T H E S P I R I T : W e s h a l l a t t e m p t t o u s e t h i s S y n o d a l p r o c e s s i n o u r c o m m u n i t y r e f l e c t i o n s .
f o r t h e r e f l e c t i o n s o f t h e G e n e r a l C o u n c i l b e f o r e w e c a n s t a r t o u r c o m m u n i t y d e l i b e r a t i o n s o n t h e s e . I
L I S T E N I N G C H O I C E S A n E Y E o n t h e l i v e s o f c o n f r e r e s , c o m m u n i t i e s , E P C , y o u n g I d e n t i f y n e w w a y s o f l i v i n g t h e S a l e s i a n c o n s e c r a t e d i d e n t i t y I d e n t i f y c a u s e s o f w e l l n e s s & d i s c o m f o r t M e t h o d o l o g y o f C o m m u n i t y D i s c e r n m e n t