8 minute read

Loaves and Fishes

An Off ering of New Leadership and the Provincial Community of the Salesian Philippine South Province” By: Fr. Keith Amodia, SDB

The Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes was fi lled with around 200 guests. There could have been more attendees and the pews would have been fi lled but the restrictions of the pandemic had to kick in. It was the 24th of May, Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians. Several were wearing pink. These were the members of the Association of

Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) who came for the occasion. The day was a special one since it is also the feast day of the Philippines South Province (FIS) which was named after our Lady. The FIS Province was canonically established from the Salesian Philippine Province (FIL) back in 1992. Fr. Peter

Zago, SDB then was its fi rst provincial superior. Now, its sixth superior would be installed. Fr. Fidel Ma. Orendain, SDB was Rector of Don Bosco

Technical College when he received the call from Rome last December. The consultation for the new provincial just concluded a few months before. Recognizing an overseas number, Fr. Fidel knew what it already meant for him. “Pray over it. The discernment of the council guided by the Holy

Spirit led the choice to you,” the Rector Major, Fr. Miguel Angel

Artime, told Fr. Fidel. “Using the words ‘discernment’ and ‘Holy

Spirit’ leaves you defenseless,” Fr. Fidel told this author. Fr. Fidel gave his consent to be the sixth provincial of the

FIS Province. The outgoing provincial, Fr. Godofredo Atienza,

SDB, Marian as he is, picked the Feast Day of Mary Help of

Christians for the installation date. Fr. Fidel would take on the service of leadership for 106 confreres, which is particularly challenging to begin in the middle of a pandemic. The front pews were fi lled with Salesians priests and brothers from Cebu. While most of the confreres from the

Fr. Fidel shared

that he said yes to the appointment not because he was good at it but because God and the people have been good to him. He said he gave his ‘yes’ because it affi rms what religious life stands for, otherwise, the faith he preached would have no meaning.

other islands were restricted from coming, most of the rectors were enjoined to represent their communities. Masks on, smiles were obstructed from view, but the excitement and joy of those present can be seen from people’s eyes.

As the choir composed of formands from Don Bosco Formation Center Lawaan and the Salesian Music Ministry sang the entrance song, a short procession proceeded from the entrance of the shrine. Fr. Godo, as the outgoing provincial, presided over at Mass. Together with Fr. Fidel, both were fl anked by servers as they walked towards the altar. With them was the provincial insignia, the outward symbol of the offi ce to be passed on from one leader to the other.

At the homily, Fr. Godo highlighted the reality of transition. The diffi cult journey of global society through the pandemic, the regular turnover of assignments among the confreres, and the measures each family had to undertake in order to address the fl ux of times speak of change. But even in diffi culty, he said, there is grace in the promise that God will bring his people to a new age. Taking from the Gospel reading, it only takes fi ve loaves and two fi shes, Fr. Godo said, for Jesus to transform our humble off ering to something great.

He shared that Fr. Fidel lived his Salesian vocation with the “disposition to be always in wonder.” He highlighted how Fr. Fidel had to juggle and multitask with fi ve offi ces at one time. This, he opined, must have caught the attention of the superiors. Addressing Fr. Fidel, he urged the next provincial to allow his creativity to ‘grow more and more over the course of time.’ He challenged his successor to use his gift of synthesis in order to create a clearer picture of the fl ux of changes, so this big picture can be a rallying call for the province. This, he said, can be Fr. Fidel’s fi ve loaves and two fi shes.

He urged the Salesian Family present to give their ‘utmost collaboration and support’ to the new provincial as the present day alter ego of the Rector Major and of Don Bosco. “Light precedes every transition. Whether at the tip of a passageway, through a crack in the door or the fl ash of an idea, it is always there heralding a new beginning,” he quoted at the end of his homily.

After the homily, Fr. Fidel took his place at the front of the altar. One hand on the Bible, he professed the Faith and his fi delity to the Church. Then, he prostrated himself before the altar as the whole assembly sang the litany of the saints. He then received from Fr. Godo the insignia of the province. The people welcomed the new provincial with a loud applause.

After the Mass has concluded, Fr. Fidel addressed the Salesian Family. He shared that after his ‘unsuccessful bargaining’ with the Rector Major, he called up Bishop Patricio Buzon to ask for spiritual advice. The provincial emeritus, he shared, laughed at him and quipped, “the irony of the moment.” The good bishop told him to “be clear with his motivation, to say yes if you feel at peace.”

Fr. Fidel shared that he said yes to the appointment not because he was good at it but because God and the people have been good to him. He said he gave his ‘yes’ because it affi rms what religious life stands for, otherwise, the faith he preached would have no meaning. He hopes that by keeping faith just like many biblical personages, God would equip those he called. He thanked the tireless service of Fr. Godo marked by his openness, simplicity, and kindness.

He cautioned the confreres to tone down their expectations. “I do not bring with me a list of promises that would needlessly raise expectations to unnecessary heights. But, I honestly can say that despite the defects you already know about me, I will do my very best to work for the ministry,” he said.

He invited his brothers that as he puts in his own share of loaves and fi shes prepared and cultivated in him by the Blessed Mother, they, too, may add theirs. He asked the whole province to work together in the ministry and in the witnessing of the Salesian vocation. “Renewed Commitment and Consistency in Building Communities for Christ” is his theme of leadership for the next six years.

In this spirit of synodality, both Fr. Godo and Fr. Fidel chose to use the annual retreat of the Salesians as a bridge and a listening venue in this journey. The new provincial guided the confreres two weeks later on a week-long retreat at the Retreat House in Lawaan. This was followed by another batch composed of those who could only attend it online. In the retreat, the new provincial shared his refl ections and synthesis of the realities of the Salesian work in Visayas and Mindanao, and in the communities of the province. The confreres responded with their own personal and group refl ections on how to bring about a renewal of commitment and consistency.

The Commission on Formation gathered the responses and suggestions from the retreat which the Provincial shared with the Rectors and the Commission heads weeks after. Pointing again to the thrust of the Rector Major and the previous priorities of the province, Fr. Fidel asked the group to revisit and update the plans, and to integrate new needs and challenges in both the ministry and in the communities. The new provincial is thus, hinting at continuity, renewal, and also innovation in the way Salesians from the FIS province live their identity and vocation.

“The road ahead can be paved but bumpy at most,” Fr. Godo also shared in his homily. Real challenges beset the Salesian communities and the ministry for the south province. Yet it is with courage and optimism, just as those Salesians present in the installation rites, stood together for a photo with the new provincial at the end, the whole Salesian provincial community and the Salesian Family stand together, marching forward to the next six years. They walk to the Lord united in spirit and vision, in their hands their loaves and fi shes.

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