december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
Basic Ecclesial Community in the Philippines:
ST. JOHN BOSCO TODAY Volume 46 I Number 3 December 2016-February 2017
a Magazine of Information and Religious Culture of the Salesian Family in the Philippines OWNER Salesian Society of St. John Bosco PRINTER Don Bosco Press, Inc.
An Ecclesiological Vision
COVER STORY REGULAR Message of the Rector Major
Editor’s Note
Rural Communities in the Big City
9 11 13 15 17 18 19 21 23 25
Tayo ang Bagong Simbahang Salesiano The Church Alive in the Barangays Sambayanan ni Kristo sa mga Barangay Longing for Change A Great Challenge Early Steps in the Journey Caring for the People of God The New Way of Being a Church From Mountain to Sea
PUBLISHER Don Bosco Press, Inc. EDITOR Fr. Bernard P. Nolasco, SDB ASSOCIATE EDITOR Fr. Joel Camaya, SDB COPY EDITOR Fr. Mario Baclig, SDB COORDINATORS Fr. Fidel Ma. Orendain, SDB, FIS Sr. Ernielyn Deypalan, FMA Sr. Sophia Akiko Oshita, SCG Brenda Ramirez ASC Dr. Victor B. Endriga DBAPNF Maria Junifer Maliglig ADMA Evangeline Dolliente FADS ART DIRECTOR Early Macabales GRAPHICS & DESIGN STUDIO DBPI-Multimedia Section CIRCULATION Commission on Social Communication
For subscription, please contact Commission on Social Communication ) 'RQ %RVFR 3URYLQFLDO 2IƓ FH Don Bosco Compound, C. Roces Ave. cor. A. Arnaiz Ave. Makati City, Philippines Tel (02) 893-8227 loc. 114 Telefax (02) 892-8174 Annual subscription (4 issues) P300.00 Send your comments and suggestions to All rights reserved © 2016 by Don Bosco Press, Inc. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission from the publisher.
ABOUT THE COVER Fr. Jhun Paradiang, SDB, Parish Priest of Sto. Nino Parish in Pasil, Cebu, in the busy street of his parish community together with some members of the BEC.
y dear friends, readers of the St. John Bosco Today, After the experience of World Youth Day in Krakow, I feel almost obligated to speak of young people in this very enthusiastic way. The day most precious to me and to so many educators and friends of the young was the Saturday gathering of almost \RXQJ SHRSOH IURP 6DOHVLDQ KRXVHV LQ Ă€ IW\ WZR QDWLRQV Many others would have been there but were unable to get visas or permission to make the trip, or encountered other GLIĂ€ FXOWLHV WKDW SUHYHQWHG WKHP IURP VHHLQJ WKHLU EHDXWLIXO dream come true. Meeting together with the young of the Salesian Youth 0RYHPHQW ZRUOGZLGH ZDV D JLIW DQG RQH RYHUĂ RZLQJ ZLWK affection and deep satisfaction for every Salesian heart. We ZHUH DEOH WR GLDORJXH DQG UHĂ HFW FHOHEUDWH WKH (XFKDULVW and share meals as a family, rather large, but still, a true family. We even spent an “oratorianâ€? evening together, in the style of Valdocco with Don Bosco and Mornese with Mother Mazzarello. We closed the day with our common prayers and a wonderful Salesian “Good Night.â€? The World Youth Days unleashed a new spring, a Ă RZHULQJ RI \RXWKIXO IHVWLYLW\ DQG YLWDOLW\ 'HVSLWH WKH VWULFW security measures, rivers of young people of all colors, races,
and nations moved through the city of Krakow, speaking the most disparate languages and yet in an almost miraculous way, understanding the others and making themselves understood. One, extraordinary, motivation caused the miracle: faith. To my mind, most of the young people were moved by this single, important, great, and strong motivation. They wanted to live their faith and show that they were young Christian believers, together with educators, religious, priests, and bishops, who numbered 850. Giving unity and meaning to this JDWKHULQJ ZDV WKH Ă€ JXUH RI 3RSH )UDQFLV DQG KLV PHVVDJH DQG WKH PRPHQWV RI SUD\HU DQG IDLWK FHOHEUDWLRQV VKDUHG ZLWK KLP 7KLV , ZRXOG OLNH WR VWUHVV DV PRVW VLJQLĂ€ FDQW DQG PHPRUDEOH IRU PHÂłWKH FRQYLFWLRQ DQG Ă€ UP GHFLVLRQ WR believe ever more in young people. I was truly impressed by the silence during the moments of prayer and the authentically prayerful attitude of that sea of young people. This explains why the echo of the marvelous trust that St. John Bosco had in the young still resounds in my heart. He experienced it with the youth of Valdocco; how fascinated would he be with today’s youth in every continent. I feel within PH PRUH VWURQJO\ WKDQ HYHU WKH Ă€ UP FRQYLFWLRQ WKDW 6W -RKQ Bosco had: in every boy or girl there are precious seeds of JRRGQHVV 7KH\ DUH DOO ZRUWK\ RI RXU GHGLFDWLRQ DQG WRWDO VHOI giving. And I am ever more convinced of what I say to young people whenever I meet them all over the Salesian world: “Do not renounce your dreams!â€? May the youth be the builders of their lives. May they realize their dreams. May they have faith in themselves and in God, as we have in them. May they feel that we love them and want to see them happy here and in eternity, as St. John Bosco used to say. ,Q WKH QDPH RI WKH HQWLUH 6DOHVLDQ )DPLO\ DURXQG WKH ZRUOG and of the adults in our wounded and bleeding world, I thank you, dear young people, for your life. We have faith in you. We believe in you. We need you. The world needs you. God himself, who dreamed of an ever more beautiful world formed through human action, needs you. With affection,
)U ÉQJHO )HUQDQGH] $UWLPH 6'% Rector Major september-november 2016 st. john bosco today
7KLV 'HFHPEHU )HEUXDU\ LVVXH RI 6W -RKQ %RVFR Today joins the journey of our Church and hopes to help readers XQGHUVWDQG WKH VLJQLĂ&#x20AC; FDQFH RI %(&V DQG HYHQWXDOO\ EHFRPH PRUH FRPPLWWHG LQ WKHLU RZQ EDVLF FRPPXQLWLHV $OUHDG\ LQ WKH 6HFRQG 3OHQDU\ &RXQFLO RI WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV 3&3 LGHQWLĂ&#x20AC; HG WKHVH DV â&#x20AC;&#x153;the new way of being Church.â&#x20AC;? :H IHDWXUH KRZ WKH %(&V KDYH XQIROGHG WKURXJK WKH \HDUV in the different Salesian parishes all over the country. These are varied experiences of Salesian priests, brothers, and lay mission SDUWQHUV LQ WKH YDVW 6DOHVLDQ )DPLO\ WKDW FKRRVHV WR EH RQH with the local Church in building the kingdom of God â&#x20AC;&#x153;with the people, by the people, and for the people.â&#x20AC;? We also feature the experience of our young people who WRRN SDUW LQ WKH VW :RUOG <RXWK 'D\ LQ 3RODQG ODVW -XO\ Âł ,QVSLUHG E\ WKHLU :<' H[SHULHQFH WKH\ DUH GHWHUPLQHG to be witnesses of the Good News especially among their fellow young people. :LWK JUHDW MR\ ZH FRQJUDWXODWH )U $UPDQG 5REOH]D 6'% ZKR UHFHLYHG WKH +DOO RI )DPH $ZDUG DW WKH WK &DWKROLF 0DVV 0HGLD $ZDUGV ODVW 2FWREHU 7KH :RUG DQG /LIH 3XEOLFDWLRQV 'RQ %RVFR 3UHVV DQG WKH Commission on Social Communications were also CMMA awardees.
Finally, we wish all our readers a Blessed Christmas and New Year 2017!
In the Philippines:
n o i s i V l a c i g o l o i s e l c c E n A
KDW DUH %(&V" 7KHUH is a need to clarify and deepen our XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI %(&V HVSHFLDOO\ from an ecclesiological perspective. Our vision affects the shape of the %(&V ZH DUH EXLOGLQJ $Q LQDGHTXDWH vision or understanding can lead to WKH VWDJQDWLRQ RI %(&V DQG FRQIXVLRQ among those who are trying to form these. In the recent past there was a controversy about what terminology WR XVH %(& RU %&&" 6LQFH 3&3 ,, the generally accepted term has been
%(& ² %DVLF (FFOHVLDO &RPPXQLW\ %(& is a generic term that refers to the communities of faith that have emerged DW WKH JUDVVURRWV $V 3&3 ,, GHFUHHV Basic Ecclesial Communities under various names and forms â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BCCs, small Christian Communities, covenant communities â&#x20AC;&#x201C; must be vigorously promoted for the full living of the Christian life in both urban and rural areas. 3&3 ,, GHFUHHV $UW VHF
There is no need to argue about what to call these communities. At the grassroots, they are better known DV *.. ²Gagmayng Kristohanong
Katilingban *6. ² Gagmayng Simbahanong Katilingban, BCC ² Basic Christian Community, KRISKA ² Kristohanong Kasilinganan, Kristohanong Katilingban, %3. ² Batayang Pamayanang Kristiyano, 06. ² Munting Sambayanang Kristiyano. This even includes covenant FRPPXQLWLHV %(& LV WKHUHIRUH WKH generic term used in ecclesiastical documents and theological discourse that refers to these communities. This was made popular in Latin America GXULQJ WKH 3XHEOD &RQIHUHQFH DQG XVHG in documents coming from the Vatican. 7KH 063& DGRSWHG WKLV WHUP VLQFH
december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
COVER STORY | UNDERSTANDING THE BEC WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS TERM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BASIC ECCLESIAL COMMUNITY OR BEC? Basic ² WKH ZRUG basic refers to both the size and WKH VRFLDO ORFDWLRQ RI WKH %(&V 7KH %(& DUH VPDOO communities. A basic community is small enough for the members to know each other well and relate deeply as friends but not too small that it turns into a primary group or barkada LQVWHDG RI D FRPPXQLW\ $ %(& PD\ EH FRPSRVHG RI IRUW\ WR WZR KXQGUHG IDPLOLHV $ %(& PD\ be subdivided into several selda RU IDPLO\ JURXSLQJV RI Ã&#x20AC; YH to ten families. The term basic may also refer to the social ORFDWLRQ RI WKH %(&V ² WKH\ DUH DW WKH JUDVVURRWV DW WKH base of society, among the poor and the least.
Ecclesial ² WKH ZRUG ecclesial emphasizes the ecclesiality RI WKH %(&V 7KH\ DUH D ZD\ RI EHLQJ &KXUFK ² WKH &KXUFK that is realized, localized and experienced at the grassroots, LQ WKH QHLJKERUKRRG 7KH %(&V DUH QRW MXVW DGPLQLVWUDWLYH XQLWV ZLWKLQ WKH SDULVK ² WKH\ DUH LQGHHG WKH PLFURFRVP of the Church. Whatever can be said about the Church in JHQHUDO PD\ DOVR EH XVHG DQG DSSURSULDWHG IRU WKH %(&V Community ² WKH XVH RI WKH ZRUG community emphasizes WKH FRPPXQLWDULDQ QDWXUH RI WKH %(&V 7KHVH DUH QRW JURXSV VRFLHWLHV RU DVVRFLDWLRQV EXW FRPPXQLWLHV ² ORFDO communities whose members live in close proximity and interact with each other regularly. These are not specialized groups but stable environments. Thus, mandated RUJDQL]DWLRQV OLNH .RI& /HJLRQ RI 0DU\ UHQHZDO PRYHPHQWV DQG WKHLU ORFDO EUDQFKHV &KDULVPDWLFV )RFRODUH &)& &DWHFKXPHQDWH (O 6KDGGDL HWF FDQQRW EH FRQVLGHUHG DV %(&V
6 st. john bosco today december 2016 -february 2017
Our vision of the Church as communion, a Church as priestly, prophetic and kingly people, and as a Church of the Poor â&#x20AC;&#x201C; that is a Church that LV UHQHZHG LV WRGD\ Æ&#x201C; QGLQJ expression in one ecclesial movement, and this is the movement to foster Basic Ecclesial Communities. (PCP II 137) THE SECOND PLENARY COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINES (PCP II) VISION OF BECS ,I ZH DUH ORRNLQJ IRU DQ XSGDWHG XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI %(&V WKH EHVW SODFH WR ORRN IRU LW LV LQ WKH 3&3 ,, GRFXPHQWV 7KH 3&3 ,, JLYHV XV DQ HFFOHVLRORJLFDO YLVLRQ RI %(&V ² ZKLFK VKRZV XV KRZ WKH %(&V DUH D ZD\ RI EHLQJ &KXUFK 7KLV FDQ EH IRXQG in the second part of the document: Envisioning a Church Renewed, and the third section entitled: Discipleship in Community: the Church 7KHUH LV D SDUDJUDSK WKDW sums up the vision of what it means for the Church to be a FRPPXQLW\ RI GLVFLSOHV DQG OLQNV LWV UHDOL]DWLRQ ZLWK WKH %(&V Our vision of the Church as communion, a Church as priestly, prophetic and kingly people, and as a Church of the Poor â&#x20AC;&#x201C; that LV D &KXUFK WKDW LV UHQHZHG LV WRGD\ Ã&#x20AC; QGLQJ H[SUHVVLRQ LQ RQH ecclesial movement, and this is the movement to foster Basic Ecclesial Communities. (PCP II 137) This vision of the Church brings together under the heading of community of disciples the various ecclesiological WKHPHV WKDW KDYH EHFRPH GRPLQDQW VLQFH 9DWLFDQ ,, D WKH &KXUFK DV FRPPXQLRQ E WKH &KXUFK DV WKH 3HRSOH RI *RG participating in the mission of Christ as a priestly, prophetic DQG NLQJO\ SHRSOH F WKH &KXUFK RI WKH SRRU BECS AS COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES The vision of the Church as community of disciples can be FRQFUHWHO\ H[SHULHQFHG LQ WKH %(&V :LWKRXW WKH %(&V WKH communitarian nature of the Church and of discipleship UHPDLQV DQ DEVWUDFWLRQ ,Q WKH %(&V WKH RUGLQDU\ &KULVWLDQV are awakened to their call to live their discipleship fully and actively and in the context of the community. Being a community of disciples means that the members RI WKH %(&V DUH XQLWHG WR &KULVW DQG ZLWK RQH DQRWKHU They have a deep personal relationship with Christ and with
one another. They are of one heart and one mind. There is therefore fellowship or communion among believers and followers of Christ. ,W DOVR PHDQV WKDW WKH %(&V DUH QRXULVKHG E\ WKH :RUG of God. The members continue to hear the Word and to share or proclaim it to others. Christ continues to be their teacher. They learn from him. The community of disciples is an evangelized and evangelizing community. It witnesses to the coming of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kingdom. It is a prophetic community WKDW SURFODLPV WKH PHVVDJH RI WKH NLQJGRP ² D PHVVDJH RI salvation and liberation. $V FRPPXQLW\ RI GLVFLSOHV WKH %(&V FHOHEUDWH WKH presence of Christ in the sacraments. Christ continues to shape the community through the sacraments. The members actively participate in the liturgical celebration. They gather in the memory of &KULVW DQG FHOHEUDWH WKH (XFKDULVW 7KH\ DUH UHDG\ WR RIIHU WKHLU OLIH LQ VHOI VDFULĂ&#x20AC;FH %(&V are truly a priestly community. /LNH &KULVW %(&V DUH FRQFHUQHG about the plight of the poor and the needy, those who are sick, who are hungry, who are in prison. They actively participate in building of the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of justice, peace and love. The community of disciples is truly a servant community. The community of disciples follow the way of Christ who is poor. The members live the evangelical poverty, they make an option for the poor, they empower the poor in their midst to actively participate in the mission of Christ. BECS AS PEOPLE OF GOD PARTICIPATING IN CHRISTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MISSION AS PRIESTLY, PROPHETIC AND KINGLY PEOPLE Vatican II, especially in the dogmatic constitution on the &KXUFK Lumen Gentium OLQNV WKH WKUHHIROG PLVVLRQ ZLWK the image of the Church as a people of God. Accordingly, the Church as people of God is by its very nature a priestly, SURSKHWLF DQG NLQJO\ SHRSOH /* 7KH &KXUFK DV D whole participates in Christâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prophetic, priestly and kingly PLVVLRQ 7KH PLQLVWU\ RI WKH KLHUDUFK\ WKH ELVKRSV SULHVWV DQG GHDFRQV DUH VHHQ DV SULHVWO\ SURSKHWLF DQG NLQJO\ /* /D\ SHRSOH DFWLYHO\ SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKH SULHVWO\ SURSKHWLF and kingly mission of Christ by virtue of their baptism and PHPEHUVKLS LQ WKH &KXUFK /* PROPHETIC COMMUNITIES 7KH %(&V DFWLYHO\ SDUWLFLSDWH LQ &KULVW¡V SURSKHWLF PLVVLRQ They are prophetic communities. They hear, proclaim and witness to the Word of God. They are evangelized and
7 st. john bosco today september-november 2016
evangelizing communities, learning and teaching communities, witnessing communities. The tasks of evangelization and catechesis are part of this prophetic mission. It also involves denunciation and DQQXQFLDWLRQ GHQRXQFLQJ VLQ DQG HYLO LQ VRFLHW\ H J WKH idolatry of power and wealth, injustice, RSSUHVVLRQ WKH FXOWXUH RI GHDWK announcing the message about the coming of *RG¡V NLQJGRP ² D PHVVDJH RI VDOYDWLRQ RI MXVWLFH SHDFH DQG liberation. There are programs and activities that concretely express WKLV SURSKHWLF FKDUDFWHU RI WKH %(&V HYDQJHOL]DWLRQ VHPLQDUV ELEOH UHĂ HFWLRQ VHVVLRQV FRQVFLHQWL]DWLRQ RU VRFLDO DZDUHQHVV SURJUDPV HGXFDWLRQ IRU MXVWLFH FDWHFKHWLFDO SURJUDP IRU FKLOGUHQ \RXWK DGXOWV HWF 7KH PRVW UHJXODU DFWLYLW\ LV WKH ELEOH UHĂ HFWLRQ VHVVLRQ ZKHUH WKH PHPEHUV RI WKH %(&V JDWKHU LQ WKHLU KRPHV RU LQ WKHLU FKDSHO WR UHĂ HFW RQ WKH word of God and their concrete situation. In the light of faith they discern their concrete response and course of action. PRIESTLY COMMUNITIES 7KH %(&V DFWLYHO\ SDUWLFLSDWH LQ &KULVW¡V SULHVWO\ PLVVLRQ Thus, they are a priestly people. They are worshipping and celebrating communities. This priesthood is expressed in WKHLU IXOO DQG DFWLYH SDUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ WKH OLWXUJLFDO VDFUDPHQWDO celebration, in prayer and thanksgiving, in active charity, in the RIIHULQJ RI VSLULWXDO VDFULĂ&#x20AC;FHV DQG LQ VHOI VDFULĂ&#x20AC;FH ZKLFK PD\ include the readiness for martyrdom when necessary. The activities that express the priestly nature of the %(&V DUH WKH ZHHNO\ ELEOH VHUYLFH KHOG LQ WKH FKDSHO SUD\HU december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
meetings in the homes, the monthly or EL PRQWKO\ PDVV WKH FHOHEUDWLRQ RI WKH RWKHU VDFUDPHQWV EDSWLVP PDWULPRQ\ SHQDQFH WKH Ă&#x20AC;HVWD FHOHEUDWLRQ SRSXODU GHYRWLRQV QRYHQD URVDU\ WKH ULWXDOV for planting and harvesting, etc. The %(&V FDQ FRQWLQXH WR ZRUVKLS DQG celebrate even in the absence of the priest. SERVING COMMUNITIES 7KH %(&V DFWLYHO\ SDUWLFLSDWH LQ &KULVW¡V kingly mission. Since this kingly mission LV H[SUHVVHG LQ VHUYLFH WKH %(&V DUH serving communities. They participate in making the kingdom of God a reality in this world by promoting peace and justice, integral development and liberation, and the integrity of creation. 7KH SURSKHWLF SULHVWO\ NLQJO\ QDWXUH RI WKH %(&V VKRXOG EH UHJDUGHG as a triad. Using this triadic framework SURYLGHV D KROLVWLF YLVLRQ RI %(&V The priestly, prophetic and kingly dimensions are the three essential GLPHQVLRQV RI WKH %(&V %(&V DUH QRW MXVW ELEOH VKDULQJ JURXSV 1HLWKHU are they only liturgical assemblies. 1RU DUH WKH\ RQO\ VRFLR HFRQRPLF RU SROLWLFDO RUJDQL]DWLRQV 7KH %(&V DUH QRW RQH GLPHQVLRQDO FRPPXQLWLHV 7KH RQJRLQJ WDVN RI %(&V LV WR GHYHORS DQG integrate these three dimensions and JURZ DV SULHVWO\ SURSKHWLF VHUYDQW communities. b7+( %(&6 $6 &20081,7,(6 2) THE POOR This does not mean that membership LQ WKH %(&V LV H[FOXVLYHO\ IRU WKH SRRU ,W MXVW KDSSHQV WKDW %(&V WKULYH DPRQJ the poor. Those who are not poor tend to join mandated organizations and renewal movements like the charismatics, Couples for Christ, etc. There need not be a competition or DQWDJRQLVP EHWZHHQ WKH %(&V DQG WKH mandated organizations and renewal PRYHPHQWV 3DUW RI WKH FKDOOHQJH RI the pastoral ministry is to reorient
be one with them in their struggle for social transformation. In doing so they also become part of the Church of the 3RRU
In these communities the Gospel is proclaimed to the poor and the poor proclaim the Gospel. The poor are not only evangelized, they also become evangelizers. the mandated organizations and movements so that they become VXSSRUWLYH RI WKH HIIRUWV WR EXLOG %(&V and they make an option for the poor. They have to be encouraged to enter into a dialogue of life with the poor in WKH %(&V WR EH LQ VROLGDULW\ ZLWK WKHP to share their resources with them, to
8 st. john bosco today december 2016 -february 2017
THE BECS ENABLE THE POOR TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LIFE AND MISSION OF THE CHURCH ,Q WKH %(&V WKH SRRU DUH QRW MXVW the object of the Churchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ministry or preferential option. They become active subjects or participants in the Churchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prophetic, priestly and pastoral mission. In these communities the Gospel is proclaimed to the poor and the poor proclaim the Gospel. The poor are not only evangelized, they also become evangelizers. This happens every time they gather for WKHLU UHJXODU ELEOH VHUYLFH LQ WKHLU FKDSHOV RU KROG ELEOH UHĂ HFWLRQV LQ their homes, in their farms or even in the barricades. The poor become prophetic when they learn to break the â&#x20AC;&#x153;culture of silenceâ&#x20AC;? and begin to speak out against the situation of injustice, oppression and the culture of death. They become prophetic when they are able to announce the Good News of liberation. ,Q WKH %(&V WKH SRRU FDQ H[HUFLVH as a community the priesthood of the faithful by their active participation in the liturgy, through their popular religious practices and devotions, in WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;HVWD FHOHEUDWLRQV DQG LQ WKHLU DFWV RI VHOI VDFULĂ&#x20AC;FH DQG VHOI RIIHULQJ 7KH %(&V DUH LQGHHG D ZD\ RI being Church. They concretely express WKH 3&3 ,, YLVLRQ RI WKH &KXUFK DV community of disciples: that is the Church as communion, participating LQ WKH PLVVLRQ RI &KULVW DV D SULHVWO\ SURSKHWLF NLQJO\ SHRSOH DV WKH &KXUFK of the poor. What is said of the Church in general can also be said about the %(&V 7KH\ DUH WKH UHDOL]DWLRQ RI WKH &KXUFK DW WKH ORFDO OHYHO ² WKDW LV WKH Church at the grassroots.
Tayo: Ang Bagong
San Ildefonso Parish, Makati City By FR. ANTONIO Molavin, SDB
BEC, “the new way of being Church,” has always been the priority of the priests in San Ildefonso since the time of Frs. Rizzatto and Tarrosa. december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
e are the new Salesian Church!â&#x20AC;? You never know what youthful creativity can produce, for this was the slogan chosen by the youth for the 65th $QQLYHUVDU\ RI WKH 6DQ ,OGHIRQVR 3DULVK 6,3 0DNDWL ODVW $XJXVW %(& â&#x20AC;&#x153;the new way of being Church,â&#x20AC;? has always been the priority of the priests in San Ildefonso since the time RI )UV 5L]]DWWR DQG 7DUURVD :LWK gratitude, we look at the journey that KDV EHHQÂłWKH %LEOH VKDULQJ VHVVLRQV RI QHLJKERU IDPLOLHV WKH &KULVWPDV â&#x20AC;&#x153;belenâ&#x20AC;? in the various zones, and the street Masses that brought children, youth, and old together. While we admire the many active parishioners and parish leaders, we have come to realize and accept the fact that several of these active members are as old as the parishâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;65 years old and above! )RU WKLV \HDU¡V DQQLYHUVDU\ ZH chose to focus on this challenge. We purposely started a wave of renewed consciousness, discussion, and participation. We brought the ministries for youth, formation, and family together to create a powerful synergy of renewal. We invited the adults to share their experiences of faith and discover ways of passing on this faith to their children and grandchildren living in a world so different from theirs. We encouraged the youth, not only to reach out to other youth, but also to gradually participate in and get committed to the different ministries and leadership of the parish, with the guidance of the elders. The outcome was encouraging. The young took a crucial role in and even led the major activities of the parish anniversary. 7KH\ FDUULHG RXW WKHLU SODQV ZLWK Ă \LQJ colors! 7KH %DVLF (FFOHVLDO &RPPXQLWLHV in San Ildefonso are organized around %ORFN 5RVDU\ *URXSV %5*V 3UHVHQWO\ WKHUH DUH %5*V DQG WKH QXPEHU could double or triple in the next four years. The BRG leaders organize WKH IDPLOLHV IRU WKH URVDU\ DQG %LEOH sharing. The parish priest comes around on his bike, encourages and guides the
We encouraged the youth, not only to reach out to other youth, but also to gradually participate in and get committed to the different ministries and leadership of the parish, with the guidance of the elders. people, and occasionally celebrates WKH (XFKDULVW IRU WKH VPDOO FRPPXQLW\ A novel way of living the Jerusalem experience of the early Church in the urban setting of the parish. The 65th anniversary can be marked as a milestone in the journey. Since many of the BRG leaders were not getting any younger, each of them chose a young adult, a teenager, or even a young student to be gradually formed into a competent leader. This was their big step forward into the future! %LVKRS %URGHULFN 3DELOOR 6'% ZKR served in the parish several years back, FHOHEUDWHG WKH $QQLYHUVDU\ (XFKDULVW Within the atmosphere of a program organized by youth, some young adults
10 st. john bosco today december 2016 -february 2017
shared why they continued to serve despite their hectic schedules. Then, the adult BRG leaders took the statue of Mary Help of Christians and turned them over to the young leaders. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are the new Salesian Church,â&#x20AC;? was the celebrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s refrain while everyone enjoyed the â&#x20AC;&#x153;cocktails ala SIP.â&#x20AC;? 3RSH )UDQFLV FKDOOHQJHG WKH \RXQJ gathered for the World Youth Day of Krakow: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We did not come into this world to vegetate, to take it easy, to make our lives a comfortable sofa to fall asleep onâ&#x20AC;Ś.We came for a reason: to leave a mark on lifeâ&#x20AC;Ś. to leave a mark on history.â&#x20AC;? ,Q WKH %(&V RI 6DQ ,OGHIRQVR the young are indeed starting to leave their mark!
Church Alive
St John Bosco Parish, Sta. Rosa, Laguna By Ms. JET Aala
The BECs in Sta. Rosa Parish strive to be living witnesses of God’s enduring and unconditional love. Every day they answer this special call of God, expressing their belief in God through their battle cry: “Speech acts, and acts speak.” december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
DVLF HFFOHVLDO FRPPXQLWLHV %(&V began in the St. John Bosco 3DULVK WHQ \HDUV DJR 0D\ ZLWK D SLORW UXQ DW WKH 0(6$ +RPHV Subdivision. The pioneers were ten families who wanted to experience the â&#x20AC;&#x153;new way of being Church.â&#x20AC;? The parish SULHVW )U (UQLH &UX] HPSKDVL]HG Ă&#x20AC;YH SRLQWV LQ RUGHU WR VXVWDLQ WKHVH pioneers. Keep going. (Huwag kayong titigil.) Let the ten members go deeper in order to strengthen the foundation. Be faithful to your regular weekly meeting. (Tuloy-tuloy lang.) The Holy Spirit will be your guide. 3. Pray for the others. (Ipagdasal sila parati.) In time God will touch their hearts and you will be one in listening to Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Word. Be an example to the others. (Magbigay kayo ng magandang halimbawa.) They will follow you. 5. Be enthusiastic always. (Maging masigla kayo lagi.) There will always EH WULDOV DQG GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOWLHV )URP RQH barangay with ten PHPEHUV WRGD\ WKH %(&V KDYH members and still continue to grow LQ Ă&#x20AC;YH barangays and eight villages. However, amidst this positive growth, there are still these struggles and GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOWLHV WKDW WKH FRPPXQLWLHV IDFH LQ building the kingdom of God. In some places, the growth is VORZ EHFDXVH LW LV GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW WR FRQYLQFH the people to accept this â&#x20AC;&#x153;new way of being Church.â&#x20AC;? Some members who fall seriously ill or face a heavy trial are TXLFN WR UHPDUN Why should I study Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Word if I encounter problems all the same? (Bakit pa ako mag-aaral ng Salita ng Diyos kung magkakaproblema rin ako?) At times, the members themselves say hurting words against their fellow members, who then stop coming for the meetings and even transfer to other religions. Or members are not able to avoid the vices of alcohol, gambling, cigarettes, and lust; thus neighbors lose interest in joining for in their mind the members did not change (Kesyo di naman sila nagbago.) Sometimes, the members want WKH %LEOH VKDULQJ WR EH GRQH RQO\ LQ their houses and not by turns (ayaw
sa kapitbahayan); they even become choosy with the facilitators. Several instead are afraid or ashamed to share GXULQJ WKH %LEOH VKDULQJ VHVVLRQV DQG SXUSRVHO\ DYRLG WKH %(&V The kingdom of God continues to unfold as members overcome these GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOWLHV +HUH DUH WKHLU PDLQ VRXUFHV of strength: *RG¡V JUDFH DQG PHUF\ 7KH ]HDO DQG SHUVHYHUDQFH RI WKH %(& FRRUGLQDWRUV IRU WKH barangays 0DODPLJ 'RQ -RVH .DPSR 6WR 'RPLQJR 0HVD +RPHV 6-9 3K EP 3K 3K 6UY 6UY 3. The support of the priests who join the weekly sessions. The members maintain their link with the local Church through several activities: courtesy visit to the Bishop, yearly Bisita Iglesia, parish Lenten activities, Marian pilgrimage, Marian procession, Block Rosary, parish
12 st. john bosco today december 2016 -february 2017
spiritual talk, and Sunday barangay 0DVVHV $W SUHVHQW WKH %(&V FHOHEUDWH their monthly Masses in seven barangay FKDSHOV .DPSR 0DODPLJ 3KDVH 3KDVH % 6WR 'RPLQJR 3KDVH DQG Mesa Homes. 7KH %(&V DOVR UHQGHU VHUYLFH WR their neighbors through the dental PLVVLRQ DVVLVWDQFH WR Ă RRG YLFWLPV DQG JLIW JLYLQJ $ERYH DOO WKH PHPEHUV EXLOG their faith on the foundation of the :RUG RI *RG WKURXJK ZHHNO\ %LEOH sharing in their chapels, the annual Bible Convention, the kapitbahayan, and WKH <RXWK %LEOH VKDULQJ 7KH %(&V LQ 6WD 5RVD 3DULVK strive to be living witnesses of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s HQGXULQJ DQG XQFRQGLWLRQDO ORYH (YHU\ day they answer this special call of God, expressing their belief in God through their battle cry: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Speech acts, and acts speak.â&#x20AC;? (Ang salita ay gumagawa, at ang gawa ay nagsasalita.)
Kristo sa mga
Parish Structuce or Interior
Parokya ni San Juan Bosco, Tondo, Manila
Layunin ng parokya na sa bawat taong darating hanggang sa pagsapit ng taong 2019, na kung saan ay magdaraos ang parokya ng ika-50 taong anibersaryo ng pagkakatatag nito, ay madagdagan ng anim na barangay kada-taon na mayroon nang cell groups ang BEC ng parokya.
december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
DRQJ VD SDPXPXQR QL 5HY )U -HVV 7D\DJ 6'% ELODQJ .XUD 3DURNR QDQJ VLQLPXODQ VD SDURN\D ang gawain ng Munting Sambayang .ULVWL\DQR R % ( & Basic Ecclessial Community ,WR D\ QDLWDWDJ VD WXORQJ QJ ELNDU\R QJ SDURN\D QD VL 5HY )U )HOL[ 5RWRU 6'% 6LQLPXODQ QL\D LWR VD pagtatatag ng tigdadalawang cell groups sa bawat kanto na nasasakupan ng parokya. Ngunit nahinto ito sa panahon QL )U -XQ /LQJDG 6'% QD QDJVLOEL ELODQJ NXUD SDURNR PXOD WDRQJ KDQJJDQJ 6D KDOLS D\ QDSDOLWDQ LWR QJ PJD Bible Prayer Groups na nagkakaroon ng VDPD VDPDQJ SDJWLWLSRQ VD 6LPEDKDQ SDUD VD SDJ DDUDO QJ 6DOLWD QJ 'L\RV Sa panahon ng pamumuno ni Rev. )U (UQLH &UX] WDRQJ DQJ Catholic Lay Evangelization &/$< ang lumaganap. Muling napanumbalik DQJ %(& VD SDPXPXQR QL )U $EHW &DEDOOHUR QRRQJ WDRQJ KDQJJDQJ 6L 0U 'DQQ\ +HQVRQ ELODQJ Parish Pastoral Council President, kasama sina Mrs. Juliet Lansangan, Mr. Caloy *RQ]DOH] 0U $WLO 6DOGLWRV DW 0U (G DW Zeny Cultura ang naging Core Group ng SLQDEDJRQJ JDZDLQJ LWR QJ %(& 1DQJ magbitiw si Mr. Danny Henson bilang Coordinator QJ %(& VL\D D\ QDSDOLWDQ QL 0U (G &XOWXUD 1DJSDWXOR\ DQJ %(& SDJNDWDSRV QLWR VD SDQDKRQ QL )U -RKQ $QGUHX 6'% QJXQLW KLQGL gaanong naramdaman ang misyon nito sa parokya sa kadahilanang nanatili itong maliit na prayer groups sa mga barangay. 6D SDQDKRQ QL 5HY (OLVHR 6DQWRV 6'% WDRQJ D\ PXOLQJ VLQXEXNDQJ SDQXPEDOLNLQ DQJ %(& VD SDPXPXQR QL 0U (G &XOWXUD 3LQDODNDV QLOD DQJ XJQD\DQ QJ %(& VD ELNDU\DWR at arkediyosesis sa pamamagitan ng pagdadala ng mga miyembro para sa paghuhubog ng mga namumuno at pagdalo sa mga seminars at symposiums SDUD VD SDJSDSDODNDV QJ JDZDLQ QJ %(& sa lokal na parokya. 1DLWDODJD VL 5HY )U (GXDUGR +LOD 6'% ELODQJ EDJRQJ NXUD SDURNR QRRQJ -XO\ $QJ %(& D\ QDVD SDPXPXQR SD ULQ QL 0U (G &XOWXUD at nagpapatuloy ang cell groups sa ilang piling barangay. Nahalal si Mr. Cultura sa bikaryato bilang Vicariate &RRUGLQDWRU QJ %(& ND\DW QDLOLSDW niya ang pamumuno sa kanyang butihing maybahay. Tuloy ang pagdalo QJ %(& VD PJD SDJSXSXORQJ QJ SDURN\D VD EXZDQDQJ 33& PHHWLQJ Nagpapadala pa rin sila ng kinatawan sa mga pagpupulong ng bikaryato at
Ito ay ang Sambayanan ni Kristo sa mga barangay na nagsasama-sama upang matugunan ang pangangailangang espirituwal at pisikal ng komunidad. arkediyosesis. Ngunit nanatili pa rin ang mabagal na paggalaw at paglago ng %(& VD PJD QDVDVDNXSDQJ EDUDQJD\ Hindi tumagal ang pamumuno ni Mrs. Zeny Cultura bilang Coordinator dahil sa kanyang mahinang pangangatawan at siya ay napalitan ni Mr. Gabby Gubaton bilang bagong Coordinator VD %(& ORNDO QJ SDURN\D 0XOLQJ sinumulan ni Mr Gubaton ang pagpapalakas ng mga kasalukuyang %(& FHOOV VD DQLP QD EDUDQJD\ QJ 3DURN\D 6D XQDQJ SDJNDNDWDRQ ay nagkaroon ng pagpupulong ang parokya sa mga kinatawan ng EDUDQJD\ RIÃ&#x20AC;FLDOV XSDQJ LVXORQJ DW SDWDWDJLQ DQJ %(& VD SDPDPDJLWDQ ng programang Ugnayan ng Barangay $W 6LPEDKDQ 8%$6 *LQDQDS DQJ SDJSXSXORQJ QRRQJ 6HSWHPEHU VD SDURN\D QD GLQDOXKDQ QJ apat na barangay at nagkaroon ng magandang pagbabahaginan ng opinyon at suhestiyon upang magkaroon ng mga gawaing maaring isulong ng Simbahan at barangay para sa kapakanan at ikauunlad QJ VDPED\DQDQJ VDNRS QJ 3DURN\D QL San Juan Bosco. KASALUKUYANG ESTADO NG BEC NG PAROKYA Ang parokya ay opisyal na bumibisita at nagdaraos ng misa sa bawat barangay QD QDVDVDNXSDQ QLWR EDUDQJD\ dalawang beses sa isang taon. Ito ay idinaraos tuwing buwan ng Oktubre, upang pagbuklurin ang mga pamilya
14 st. john bosco today december 2016 -february 2017
sa pamamagitan ng pagdarasal ng 6DQWR 5RVDU\R DW WXZLQJ (QHUR ELODQJ SDJKDKDQGD VD .DSLVWDKDQ QJ 3DWURQJ si San Juan Bosco. Layunin ng parokya QJ SDJ LVDKLQ DQJ PJD EXPXEXR QJ %(& XSDQJ PDJWXORQJ WXORQJ VD mga gawaing pastoral ng parokya. Hinihikayat ng parokya na makibahagi hindi lamang ang mga cell groups QJ %(& kundi maging ang mga kasapi ng ibaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ibang samahan ng Simbahan na sakop ng naninirahan sa barangay tulad ng $SRVWRODGR QJ 3DQDODQJLQ .UXVDGD QJ 3DQDODQJLQ Legion of Mary, Lay Ministers, Lectors,Youth Ministry at iba pa. Hindi EDJRQJ VDPDKDQ DQJ %(& +LQGL ito tulad ng mandated organizations. Ito ay ang Munting Simbahan na naninirahan sa barangay. Ito ay ang Sambayanan ni Kristo sa mga barangay QD QDJVDVDPD VDPD XSDQJ PDWXJXQDQ ang pangangailangang espirituwal at pisikal ng komunidad. Sa kasalukuyan ay anim pa lamang sa mga barangay ang may cell groups. Layunin ng parokya na sa bawat taong darating hanggang sa SDJVDSLW QJ WDRQJ QD NXQJ VDDQ D\ PDJGDUDRV DQJ SDURN\D QJ LND taong anibersaryo ng pagkakatatag nito, ay madagdagan ng anim na barangay NDGD WDRQ QD PD\URRQ QDQJ cell groups DQJ %(& QJ SDURN\D 6D EL\D\D QJ 3DQJLQRRQ DW VD PDNDSDQJ\DULKDQJ pamamagitan ni Maria Tulong ng mga .ULVWL\DQR D\ EXR DQ JDPLQJ SDJ DVDQJ maisasakatuparan ang layuning ito.
LONGING for Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Punta Princesa, Cebu City Fr. RANDY Figuracion, SDB
Through the Word of God and the guidance of their priests, they strive to integrate faith and daily life.
december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
gnes washes clothes for a living. She is hired four times D ZHHN DQG UHFHLYHV 3KS for a dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work. Her husband is a construction worker; he brings home what is set as the minimum wage in the FLW\ (YHU\ GD\ LV D VWUXJJOH WR PHHW WKH QHHGV RI WKHLU IDPLO\ DQG Ă&#x20AC;YH FKLOGUHQ with their combined yet meager income. The leaking roof of their simple house needs repair, but this has to be postponed because of more urgent expenses.Yet at the end of the week, they join other neighboring households for a prayer meeting with their small cell group or â&#x20AC;&#x153;selda.â&#x20AC;? ,Q &HEX WKH %DVLF (FFOHVLDO &RPPXQLWLHV %(& DUH JURXSV RI six to ten families, called â&#x20AC;&#x153;selda.â&#x20AC;? They gather together each week to proclaim DQG UHĂ HFW RQ WKH :RUG RI *RG DQG hopefully put it into practice. They are neighbors who know each other and face similar challenges because they live on the same street. Through the Word of God and the guidance of their priests, they strive to integrate faith and daily life. They share their concerns, both material and spiritual, and with their faith as compass, they direct their common longing for a better life and for change. Lay leaders or â&#x20AC;&#x153;alagadâ&#x20AC;? JXLGH WKHLU %LEOH VKDULQJ VHVVLRQV DQG prayer. Agnesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cell group is one of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;seldaâ&#x20AC;? RI /RXUGHV 3DULVK The movement to foster the basic ecclesial communities goes back to the th $UFKGLRFHVDQ 6\QRG LQ 7KLV ZDV JLYHQ VWURQJHU LPSHWXV E\ WKH nd 3OHQDU\ &RXQFLO RI WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV 3&3 ,, LQ ,Q YHU\ FOHDU ZRUGV WKH FRXQFLO GHFODUHG %(&V DV â&#x20AC;&#x153;the new way of being Churchâ&#x20AC;? and set as a pastoral SULRULW\ WKH IRUPLQJ RI %(&V )U -RVH %RVFK 6'% SUHSDUHG WKH way by building the parish church, literally, stone upon stone. It was )U -RVHSK *LDLPH 6'% ZKR WKHQ SLRQHHUHG WKH IRUPLQJ RI %(&V LQ +H VHW XS D %(& )RUPDWLRQ 7HDPÂłHTXLSSHG ZLWK SURSHU WUDLQLQJ and studyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and fostered renewal along WKH GLUHFWLRQ RI 3&3 ,, &RQWLQXRXV formation and catechesis, weekly
The experience of journeying together has empowered the Catholics on the grassroots level, enabling them to experience mission and communion, participation and commitment, conversion and evangelization. SUD\HU JDWKHULQJV LQ WKH FKDSHOV DQG \HDUO\ SDULVK ZLGH FRQJUHVVHV FKDUDFWHUL]HG WKH OLIH RI WKH %(&V 2WKHU 6DOHVLDQ SDVWRUV DPRQJ WKHP )U 'DQLHO (OHPLD DQG )U $QDVWDFLR 2URF continued this vision and even moved ahead with livelihood programs to help the poorer members. ,Q WKH $UFKGLRFHVH RI &HEX LGHQWLĂ&#x20AC;HG /RXUGHV 3DULVK DV D SLORW SDULVK IRU WKH %(& 3URJUDP 7KH SDULVK SULHVW )U $UWXUR 6DQFKH] 6'% GHOHJDWHG )U 5DPRQ ´0RQL[Âľ 3DFDGD 6'% WR KDQGOH LW )U 0RQL[ and the â&#x20AC;&#x153;alagadâ&#x20AC;? targeted the forming of at least three seldas LQ HDFK FKDSHO seldas LQ DOO 7KH VHVVLRQV RI WKH %(& 3ULPHU &$03 , (Cebu Archdiocesan Mission Program), LQWURGXFHG WKH %(& vision to eager parishioners in the nine areas of the parish. Graduates of the program became mission teams ZKR NHSW WKH %(& VSLULW DOLYH LQ WKHLU FKDSHOV WKURXJK ZHHNO\ %LEOH VKDULQJ sessions.
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Through the years, each basic ecclesial community has had its journey with its own â&#x20AC;&#x153;ups and downs.â&#x20AC;? Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s active presence continually fused with various human factors: the pastorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s support, the leaderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s zeal, and the parishionersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; involvement. The experience of journeying together has empowered the Catholics on the grassroots level, enabling them to experience mission and communion, participation and commitment, conversion and evangelization. Agnes, just like the other selda members, continues to long for change. In their basic ecclesial community, she can already see signs of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kingdom gradually unfolding. She is hopeful that one day people would be more caring, more ready to share, more committed to respect and justice, more open to *RG¡V :RUG 6KH LV FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQW WKDW RQH day her children and grandchildren ZRXOG Ă&#x20AC;QG WKHPVHOYHV LQ D EHWWHU world.
Challenge Sto. Nino Parish, Pasil, Cebu City By Ms. MARIMINDA Lopez
asil in many ways is the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tondoâ&#x20AC;? of Cebu City. Not as vast but just as dense in population and just as FKDOOHQJLQJ )U /XLV 5LFFLDUHOOL EURXJKW 6W -RKQ %RVFR WR 3DVLO LQ WKH V ZLWK the setting up of the youth and training centers. It was then the â&#x20AC;&#x153;garbage dumpâ&#x20AC;? RI WKH FLW\ )U -RKQ 'HLDQD FDUHG IRU the people with the clinic, and for the children and youth with the rondalla, choir, and scholarship programs. When WKH 6WR 1LQR 3DULVK ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG )U -RVHSK *LDLPH ZRUNHG KDUG WR EXLOG both the parish church and the basic HFFOHVLDO FRPPXQLWLHV %(&V %(&V (called GSKs for Gagmayng Simbahanong Katilingban) LQ 3DVLO IDFH D JUHDW FKDOOHQJH )DPLOLHV DUH PRUH than neighbors; with houses packed into such a small land area, their doors and windows literally open up into RQH DQRWKHU 3HRSOH FRRN DQG HDW RQ the small alleys; they also sleep and bathe there. Many however are afraid to shareâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;their food, their ideas, their time, themselvesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;because of their meager resources and because of the rat race they are forced to run. When the basic need of survival is foremost, the other needs of belonging and prayer are set aside. %XW %(&V DUH WKH â&#x20AC;&#x153;new way of being Churchâ&#x20AC;? HVSHFLDOO\ LQ 3DVLO 7KH ODQG DUHD of the parish is small and the parish priest can easily make the rounds in half an hour. The parish church is accessible
The challenge of the BECs has become all the more urgent in Pasil today. Cyber media and materialism are gaining inroads that make the gang wars of yore and the present drug menace pale in comparison.
to everyone, the walking distance easily done in not more than ten minutes. But scattered in the neighborhood are FKDSHOV JURXSHG LQWR VL[ FOXVWHUV with varied patrons and with their FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WUDGLWLRQV DQG Ă&#x20AC; HVWD FHOHEUDWLRQV )RU WKH SHRSOH WKHVH DUH their chapels. In a way, the Catholic faith needs to be planted differently in each of these areas and chapels. In several chapels, families were grouped into smaller cells or â&#x20AC;&#x153;seldas.â&#x20AC;? Leaders were chosen and IRUPHG 0HWKRGV RI %LEOH VKDULQJ were introduced. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jerusalem,â&#x20AC;? a comprehensive adult formation program was designed and implemented to ensure the basic IRXQGDWLRQ IRU DOO WKH %(&V PHPEHUV 3HRSOH FDPH WR WKH SDULVK FKXUFK
IRU DQ KRXU ORQJ VHVVLRQ VHVVLRQV for three years. Today, many of the groups are still alive; others need to be renewed. The children and youth were SUHSDUHG IRU SDUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ WKH %(&V through the various children and \RXWK JURXSV LQ WKH 'RQ %RVFR <RXWK Center. In these groups, they learned the rudiments of sharing, leadership, and responsibility. Today, they are the young adults leading their own chapels. 7KH FKDOOHQJH RI WKH %(&V KDV EHFRPH DOO WKH PRUH XUJHQW LQ 3DVLO today. Cyber media and materialism are gaining inroads that make the gang wars of yore and the present drug menace pale in comparison. God and his Word alone have the power to bring genuine and lasting transformation.
december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
St. John Bosco Parish â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Liloan, Cebu By FR. ONIE Baclay, SDB
DLQW -RKQ %RVFR 3DULVK LQ &RWFRW /LORDQ LV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW &HEX SDULVK GHGLFDWHG WR RXU )RXQGHU DQG )DWKHU DIWHU PRUH WKDQ VL[W\ \HDUV RI 'RQ %RVFR¡V SUHVHQFH LQ WKH LVODQG )U 3HWHU 3RULR WRRN XS WKH SLRQHHULQJ ZRUN LQ RUJDQL]LQJ FKDSHOV DQG %(&V )LQDOO\ LQ WKH SDULVK ZDV RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDOO\ LQDXJXUDWHG ZLWK )U -KXQ 3DUDGLQJ DV SDULVK SULHVW The parish straddles the four barangays of Cotcot, Cabadiangan, DQG 0XODR LQ /LORDQ DQG 7DPLDR LQ &RPSRVWHOD $ SRSXODWLRQ RI sparsely situated in the mountain barangays. Half of the people are in the subdivisions and coastal communities of Barangay Cotcot. 7KH %(&V DUH LGHQWLFDO ZLWK WKH FKDSHO FRPPXQLWLHV RI WKHP DW the moment. The people come for the sacraments and show great respect for the priest. However, much has to be done in the area of renewed evangelization and catechesis. Initially, leaders balked at the challenge of becoming chapel presidents for fear of not being able to perform well. Now, they are called chapel coordinators and do so willingly. I was installed as parish priest
, DP GRLQJ DZD\ ZLWK WKH Ć&#x201C;[HG VWLSHQG for every Mass; instead I ask the communities to give whatever amount they can, on condition that they invite their neighbors for the celebration.
ODVW -XQH 0\ LQLWLDO GLUHFWLRQ LV ´21,(Âľ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Observe. Negotiate. Interact. Eucharist.â&#x20AC;? I envision meaningful (XFKDULVWLF FHOHEUDWLRQV LQ DOO WKH FKDSHOV 0\ WDUJHW IRU LV WKH formation and training of chapel leaders and ministers who will prepare the monthly Masses. I am doing away ZLWK WKH Ă&#x20AC;[HG VWLSHQG IRU HYHU\
18 st. john bosco today december 2016 -february 2017
Mass; instead I ask the communities to give whatever amount they can, on condition that they invite their neighbors for the celebration. These are the early steps in what will be a long journey. In time, St. John Bosco will make his presence felt in the %(&V HVSHFLDOO\ DPRQJ WKH FKLOGUHQ and youth.
CARING for the PEOPLE of God
St. John Bosco Parishâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Mambukal ELMER Juanitas, JOVELINDA Larawan & ANGIE Tesaluna
Fr. Ed focused his attention on caring for the people and considered the building of a parish church his last priority.
december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
t was a bit of heaven carved on the PRXQWDLQVLGH LUUHVLVWLEOH IRU )U )UDQFR 8UDV ZKR LQ WKH PLG V EXLOW D UHWUHDW KRXVH )URP WKLV LQLWLDO 6DOHVLDQ SUHVHQFH )U -RVHSK *LDLPH made pastoral inroads into the distant barrios, zealously bringing the Gospel and the sacraments to the people. )LQDOO\ LQ WKH %LVKRS RI %DFRORG HVWDEOLVKHG WKH 6W -RKQ %RVFR 3DULVK LQ 0DPEXNDO ZLWK )U (GJDUGR (VSLULWX DV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW SDULVK SULHVW )U (G IRFXVHG KLV DWWHQWLRQ RQ caring for the people and considered the building of a parish church his last priority. When visitors would ask directions to the parish, the parishioners would point to themselves, for there was actually no parish church. He was a born hiker, always on the go. No family or FRPPXQLW\ ZDV WRR IDU IRU KLP )RU ten long years, he formed and nurtured EDVLF HFFOHVLDO FRPPXQLWLHV %(&V LQ three barangays: Minoyan, San Miguel, and Bacong. In his care for the people, education was his second priority, the key to transforming their lives. He opened what is now the Don Bosco Kindergarten. He also established scholarship programs for high school and college students. The construction of the parish FKXUFK EHJDQ ZLWK )U )HOL[ )XUODQ WKH VHFRQG SDULVK SULHVW 7KH HYHU MROO\ )U Adriano Satura made the people â&#x20AC;&#x153;laugh their wayâ&#x20AC;? to its completion. He even worked it out to have it recognized as the diocesan shrine of St. John Bosco. Care for the people continued even after the parish church was LQDXJXUDWHG )U )HUQDQGR â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dingâ&#x20AC;? 3HUDOWD FRQWLQXHG WKH MRXUQH\ ZLWK the basic ecclesial communities. He enriched the parish program with more Masses and scholarships, and the IRUPDWLRQ RI FKXUFK RUJDQL]DWLRQV )U Jaime Carmona in turn expanded the parish ministry to serve other groups: soldiers, senior citizens, and street children.
,Q 2FWREHU )U 5H\QDOGR *DUFLD ZDV installed as the 5th parish priest. Assisting him WRGD\ DUH WKH 3DULVK 3DVWRUDO &RXQFLO DQG WKH %(& &OXVWHU /HDGHUV EDVLF HFFOHVLDO communities are thriving among the thirty chapels of the parish. Hopefully, many more shall rise up in the future, in testimony to the FRQWLQXLQJ FDUH IRU WKH 3HRSOH RI *RG
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When visitors would ask directions to the parish, the parishioners would point to themselves, for there was actually no parish church.
The NEW WAY of Being a
St. Joseph Parish, Victorias, Negros Occidental By ELSIE Jacolbe Lising, Salesian Cooperator
There are two things we have to ask: One: Where does God wants us to go? Two: What does God wants us to do?
december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
or many years, the Salesians took care of the St. Joseph the Worker Chaplaincy in the Victorias Milling &RPSDQ\ FRPSOH[ )LQDOO\ LQ %LVKRS $QWRQLR )RUWLFK UDLVHG WKH FKDSODLQF\ LQWR D SDULVK ZLWK )U )UDQFR 8UDV DV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW SDULVK SULHVW )U )UDQFR EHJDQ WKH ´QHZ ZD\ of being Churchâ&#x20AC;? by forming the parish community through meaningful OLWXUJLHV +H HQOLYHQHG WKH (XFKDULVWLF life of the parish church, particularly through the choir and youth rondalla. +H EURXJKW WKH (XFKDULVW DQG WKH sacraments to the barangays and haciendas. Lay leaders were trained and IRUPHG WR FHOHEUDWH WKH ´3DQLPEDKRQÂľ in the chapels. Trained catechists continued the tradition of the Oratory RU <RXWK &HQWHU (YHQ WRGD\ PDQ\ VWLOO remember the Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Masses and WKH Ă&#x20AC;OP VKRZLQJ DW WKH 'RQ %RVFR gymnasium after the Mass. 'XULQJ )U $JXHGR 3DORPR¡V WHUP the parish organizational structure started to take shape. Ministries and organizations multiplied and the Lay Organizations Movements and $VVRFLDWLRQV /20$ ZDV VHW XS 0DUULDJH (QFRXQWHUV HQULFKPHQW sessions, and livelihood programs were conducted to promote the spiritual and economic conditions of the community, especially the poorer ones. )U (OLJLR 6DQWRV LQWURGXFHG WKH dawn Rosary procession with the KHOS RI %UR 5RQD RI &HEX (YHU\ GD\ at four in morning, the image of Mary would be carried in procession from one house to another, accompanied by songs and the recitation of the rosary. The devotion continues to this day, although with fewer numbers. 7KH 6XQGD\ 3DQLPEDKRQ ZDV UHJXODUO\ celebrated in the haciendas and Salesian priests took turns to celebrate Mass as least once a month in every area. )U )HUQDQGR ´'LQJÂľ 3HUDOWD strengthened the social services to empower the marginalized members of the parish. He established scholarship programs, a cooperative, and a foundation for the parishioners. ,Q )U -DLPH &DUPRQD
The Salesian Cooperators took a lead role in fostering the Salesian spirit of communion and solidarity. attended seriously to the integration of the spiritual, economic, political, and cultural life of the people. He encouraged all the parishioners to participate actively in the life of the parish, both in the center and in the outlying areas. The Salesian Cooperators took a lead role in fostering the Salesian spirit of communion and solidarity. 7KHUH ZHUH KDFLHQGDV EDUDQJD\V SXEOLF VFKRROV DQG Catholic chapels within the parish territory. Basic ecclesial communities %(&V WRRN WKH IRUP RI FKDSHOV RU ´NDSLO\DQVÂľ DOO LQ DOO (DFK KDG D ORFDO pastoral council, working hand in hand ZLWK WKH SDULVK SDVWRUDO FRXQFLO )RU WKH nd 'LRFHVDQ 6\QRG LQ WKH â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tagbalayâ&#x20AC;? team from different parish groups gathered the main concerns of the parish. )U -RHPDU %DFXFDQJ FRQWLQXHG the parish programs with a handful in the center and more leaders from the kapilyans. He gave priority to visitation and Masses in the areas, serving even areas beyond the jurisdiction of the parish. He promoted backyard farming to raise funds for the scholarships. His primary targets
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and agents of evangelization were the youth, especially young catechists in the public schools and kapilyans. New lay volunteers, collaborators, and organizations helped in the programs for the poor. The parish partnered with schools in feeding programs and the daycare â&#x20AC;&#x153;hilamosâ&#x20AC;? program through its QHZ DUP WKH 9,3V 9LFPLFDQ ,QVSLUHG 3HUVRQV In his inaugural celebration, the QHZO\ LQVWDOOHG %LVKRS 3DWULFLR %X]RQ of Bacolod said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are two things we have to ask: One: Where does God ZDQWV XV WR JR" 7ZR :KDW GRHV *RG ZDQWV XV WR GR"Âľ 7KH QHZ SDVWRUDO leader needs to ask the same together with his sheep With a clear option IRU %(&V DV WKH ´QHZ ZD\ RI EHLQJ &KXUFK Âľ WKH 6W -RVHSK 3DULVK DOUHDG\ KDV VHYHUDO DQVZHUV WR WKRVH TXHVWLRQV 7KH MRXUQH\ FRQWLQXHV ZLWK )U 'RQDWR 2Ă&#x20AC;QD ZKR WRRN RYHU WKH OHDGHUVKLS ODVW -XO\ +LV Ă&#x20AC;UVW VWHS ZDV WR UH YLVLW WKH NDSLO\DQV DQG JHW WR NQRZ KLV Ă RFN )XUWKHUPRUH KH has scheduled a series of dialogues with the newly elected leaders of the kapilyans. We look forward to more growth and more small communities as Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kingdom gradually unfolds.
From Mountain
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Mati, Davao By FR. JUDE Albarando, SDB
It is evident in the parish that the growth of the people in faith comes from the meaningful liturgies celebrated in their GKKs and schools. december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
RQ %RVFR 0DWL 'DYDR 2ULHQWDO ZDV WKH Ã&#x20AC;UVW 6DOHVLDQ SUHVHQFH LQ 0LQGDQDR )U )UDQFR 8UDV )U Leonard MacManus, and Bro. Stephen Giubergia were the pioneers. Mati was then a very young diocese, and Bishop 3DWULFLR $OR PRYHG KHDYHQ DQG HDUWK to have Don Bosco come. The Salesians worked for the diocese, celebrating Masses for the religious sisters and the basic ecclesial communities (Gagmayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ng Kristohanong Katilingban or GKK) in the area. They were under the Cathedral 3DULVK WKDW KDG DOPRVW *..V VSUHDG over a land area RI VTXDUH NLORPHWHUV 3ULHVWV had to travel far by motorcycle or [ YHKLFOHV (YHQ today, many of those communities can only be reached on foot. ,Q WKH &DWKHGUDO 3DULVK ZDV GLYLGHG LQ WZR The new parish, six kilometers to the east of Mati City, was dedicated to the Sacred Heart and entrusted to the Salesians. It was a challenging PL[ RI Ã&#x20AC;VKHUIRON DQG IDUPHUV RQ WKH peripheries. There were the coastal DUHDV IDFLQJ WKH 3DMDGD %D\ DQG WKH 3DFLÃ&#x20AC;F 2FHDQ 7KHUH ZHUH WKH mountainous areas where farmers tilled their lands or worked in the coconut plantations. Who would imagine that today, Mati City is rapidly progressing towards the direction of these peripheries. In fact, several churchgoers work in the city as WHDFKHUV DQG RIÃ&#x20AC;FH VWDII 3UHVHQWO\ WKH SDULVK KDV GKKs, corresponding to the chapels LQ WKH GLIIHUHQW DUHDV 7KH (XFKDULVW is celebrated at least once every month in each of them. Many parishes are not so fortunate; their GKKs FHOHEUDWH WKH (XFKDULVW RQO\ GXULQJ WKHLU DQQXDO Ã&#x20AC;HVWD 7KHVH FRPPXQLWLHV can be reached by vehicles, except two that are situated on the top of the mountain and without any road access. 7KH KRXU ORQJ FOLPE LV VWHHS EXW LV rewarded with the beautiful vista of the bay and two little islands. A short walk further on opens up to the view of the YDVW 3DFLÃ&#x20AC;F 2FHDQ
Indeed, the saying: Lex orandi, lex credendi. It is evident in the parish that the growth of the people in faith comes from the meaningful liturgies celebrated in their GKKs and schools. 7KH *..V DUH GLYLGHG LQWR VL[ ]RQHV 6DYH IRU =RQH WKH FORVHVW WR the parish church, the people are poor. Their main concerns are their basic GD\ WR GD\ QHHGV 6HYHUDO LQLWLDWLYHV have been launched to alleviate their SRYHUW\ 7KH PRVW VLJQLÃ&#x20AC;FDQW LV WKH Don Bosco Training Center, where high school graduates are given the opportunity to learn a trade. Davao Oriental is the top producer of coconuts, but Mati City, its only city, offers very little openings for technically skilled workers. Hence, most of students eventually land a job in the big cities elsewhere. Catechesis is an urgent need. There are eleven schools wide open for evangelization. But catechists are hampered by the distance they have to cover to reach the remote schools. 7KH SDULVK RIÃ&#x20AC;FH DVVLVWV WKHP IRU their transportation and makes an even bigger step towards preparing ZHOO WUDLQHG FDWHFKLVWV &DWHFKLVWV and lay ministers work hand in hand to prepare the monthly celebration
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RI WKH (XFKDULVW IRU WKH FKLOGUHQ DQG youth. Indeed, the saying: /H[ RUDQGL OH[ FUHGHQGL. It is evident in the parish that the growth of the people in faith comes from the meaningful liturgies celebrated in their GKKs and schools. The chapels are the point of reference of the GKKs. It is also one of their primary responsibilities. But because of their poverty, the people are not able to maintain them. Many of them are falling apart. In fact, some no longer have the Blessed Sacrament in their tabernacles because they do not PHHW WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI VHFXULW\ 7KLV \HDU WKH 6DFUHG +HDUW 3DULVK ZLOO EH \HDUV ROG 0DQ\ RI WKRVH baptized as infants are now young WHHQDJHUV )RU D \RXQJ SDULVK ZKRVH boundaries go from mountain to VHD WKH REVWDFOHV DQG GLIÃ&#x20AC;FXOWLHV DUH actually opportunities to look beyond and to dream. With the GKKs, the seeds of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kingdom that have already taken root are assured of growth.
in the Big City Mary, Help of Christians Parish, Dacudao, Calinan (Davao City) By FR. MARCELINO Benabaye, SDB
In Davao, the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) correspond to the chapel communities.
december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
Salesian parish is unfolding in Davao City, considered to be the biggest city in the world! It should be listed among the urban parishes. However, it has all the characteristics of a rural setting. 7KH DFFHVV URDG IURP WKH 'DYDR Bukidnon highway cuts across rice Ã&#x20AC;HOGV DQG EDQDQD SODQWDWLRQV 7KH Davao River meanders through the parish boundaries, rendering several chapels accessible only through IRRWEULGJHV )DPLOLHV DQG VPDOO villages live far apart, separated by wide tracts of land planted to fruit trees and coconuts. To gather the parishioners in the parish center is next to impossible. This is the Mary, Help of &KULVWLDQV 3DULVK LQ 'DFXGDR &DOLQDQ 'DYDR &LW\ ,W ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG LQ ZLWK )U 0HGHOLQR %RUJXHWD 6'% DV WKH Ã&#x20AC;UVW SDULVK SULHVW 7KH nd 6DOHVLDQ SDULVK LQ 0LQGDQDR WKH th parish of the archdiocese of Davao. The new parish church sits on what was once a durian orchard, the generous donation of Dr. Anthony 3ULQFLSH DQG 'UD (XFDULVWLD )HOLFLDQR $OO DURXQG DUH FKDSHOV VFDWWHUHG RYHU Ã&#x20AC;YH EDUDQJD\V ,Q 'DYDR WKH %DVLF (FFOHVLDO &RPPXQLWLHV %(&V FRUUHVSRQG to the chapel communities. They are commonly referred to as GKKs, Gagmayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ng Kristohanong
With the GKKs in place, Salesians and lay people can dare to dream. The vision of a transformed society seems within reach. Katilingban. +HQFH WKH *..V RI WKH SDULVK 7KH 6XQGD\ (XFKDULVW is the central event of the GKK, and the chapel is their visible point of reference. (YHQ ZKHQ WKH\ EHORQJHG WR WKH mother parish of the Sacred Heart, the GKKs already had leaders who went through a regular formation program on the parish and diocesan OHYHOV :KHQ )U %RUJXHWD WRRN RYHU he was fortunate to have these
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trained leaders assisting him in the running of the parish. How else could he reach these rural communities in WKH ELJ FLW\" ,Q )U $GULDQR 6DWXUD became the parish priest. He worked hard for the construction of the new parish church, without neglecting the formation of the GKK leaders and the ministry among the young. He even increased the chapels from WR 7RGD\ DW WKH KHOP RI WKH SDULVK LV )U 0DUFHOLQR %HQDED\H He continues to build on the initial foundations by focusing also on the GKK leaders and the young. No doubt, the unfolding of this Salesian parish is making a difference in this part of Davao City. There DUH VWLOO WKH WKUHDWV RI 13$ PLOLWDU\ encounters, the effects of widespread poverty among the farming families, and the health hazards of big banana plantations. Certainly, it will not be an easy journey. But with the GKKs in place, Salesians and lay people can dare to dream. The vision of a transformed society seems within reach.
͞ ųŽŐŽƐųĂǁŝĞŶŝ ŵŝųŽƐŝĞƌŶŝ͕ ĂůďŽǁŝĞŵ ŽŶŝ ŵŝųŽƐŝĞƌĚnjŝĂ ĚŽƐƚČƉŝČ͊͟
he sweet and heart-warming sound of the theme song of the XXXI World Youth Day held in <ƌĂŬŽǁ͕ WŽůĂŶĚ͕ ĞǀĞƌLJ Ɵ ŵĞ ŝƚ ŝƐ ŚĞĂƌĚ͕ brings in the good memories of the ŐƌĂĐĞͲĮ ůůĞĚ ĞǀĞŶƚ͘ >ŝƚĞƌĂůůLJ͕ ƚŚĞ ƉŚƌĂƐĞ means: “Blessed are the merciful, for ƚŚĞLJ ƐŚĂůů ŽďƚĂŝŶ ŵĞƌĐLJ͘͟ /ƚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ Į Ō Ś ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĞŝŐŚƚ ĞĂƟ ƚƵĚĞƐ ƉƌĞĂĐŚĞĚ ďLJ :ĞƐƵƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ 'ŽƐƉĞů ĂĐĐŽƌĚŝŶŐ ƚŽ DĂƩ ŚĞǁ ;ϱ͗ϳͿ ƚŚĂƚ ǁĂƐ ĐŚŽƐĞŶ ĂƐ ƚŚĞ ƚŚĞŵĞ͘ WHY KRAKOW, POLAND? WŽƉĞ &ƌĂŶĐŝƐ ĚĞĐůĂƌĞĚ ƚŚŝƐ LJĞĂƌ (November 2015 to November 2016) ĂƐ ƚŚĞ džƚƌĂŽƌĚŝŶĂƌLJ :ƵďŝůĞĞ zĞĂƌ ŽĨ DĞƌĐLJ͘ dŚĞ ĐĞůĞďƌĂƟ ŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ :ƵďŝůĞĞ for the Youth was made the World zŽƵƚŚ ĂLJ ĞǀĞŶƚ͘ ^ƚ͘ :ŽŚŶ WĂƵů //͕ ǁŚŽ initated the World Youth Day, lived in <ƌĂŬŽǁ͘ /Ŷ ĨĂĐƚ͕ ƚŚĞ ŚŽƵƐĞ ǁŚĞƌĞ <ĂƌŽů Wojtyla and his father lived belongs to ƚŚĞ ƚĞƌŝƚŽƌLJ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ^ĂůĞƐŝĂŶ ƉĂƌŝƐŚ ŽĨ ^ƚ͘ ^ƚĂŶŝƐůĂƵƐ <ŽƐƚŬĂ ŝŶ <ƌĂŬŽǁ͘ DŽƌĞŽǀĞƌ͕ ƚŚĞ ĚĞǀŽƟ ŽŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ŝǀŝŶĞ DĞƌĐLJ ŽƌŝŐŝŶĂƚĞĚ ŝŶ <ƌĂŬŽǁͲ>ĂŐŝĞǁŶŝŬŝ ǁŚĞŶ ƚŚĞ >ŽƌĚ :ĞƐƵƐ ĂƉƉĞĂƌĞĚ ƚŽ ^ƚ͘ ^ŝƐƚĞƌ &ĂƵƐƟ ŶĂ <ŽǁĂůƐŬĂ͘ ^ŝŶĐĞ <ƌĂŬŽǁ ŝƐ ǁŝĚĞůLJ ŬŶŽǁŶ ĂƐ ƚŚĞ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ŽĨ ǁŽƌƐŚŝƉ ŽĨ ŝǀŝŶĞ DĞƌĐLJ͕ ƉŝůŐƌŝŵƐ ǁŚŽ ǁŝůů ĐŽŵĞ ǁŝůů ƐƵƌĞůLJ ƐĞĞ ƚŚĞ ƉůĂĐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƌĞǀĞůĂƟ ŽŶƐ͕ ^ŝƐƚĞƌ &ĂƵƐƟ ŶĂ͛Ɛ ƚŽŵď͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƐŚƌŝŶĞ ʹ ƚŚĞ ƉůĂĐĞ ǁŚĞƌĞ ^ƚ͘ :ŽŚŶ WĂƵů // ĞŶƚƌƵƐƚĞĚ ƚŚĞ ǁŽƌůĚ ƚŽ 'ŽĚ͛Ɛ DĞƌĐLJ͘ /ŶĚĞĞĚ͕ ƚŚĞ yyy/ tŽƌůĚ zŽƵƚŚ ĂLJ ƉŽŝŶƚƐ ƚŽ <ƌĂŬŽǁ͕ WŽůĂŶĚ ĂƐ ƚŚĞ
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
Despite the different spoken languages, the young people did not feel inhibited to express themselves to others; the smiles, the UDLVLQJ RI HDFK RWKHUōV ŴDJ DQG WKH KLJK ƓYHV ZHUH HQRXJK WR strike and celebrate friendship with one another. ďĞƐƚ ƉůĂĐĞ ƚŽ ŐĂƚŚĞƌ ƚŚĞ LJŽƵŶŐ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ĂŶĚ ĐĞůĞďƌĂƚĞ 'ŽĚ͛Ɛ ŵĞƌĐLJ͘ dŚĞ ^ĂůĞƐŝĂŶ zŽƵƚŚ DŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ WŚŝůŝƉƉŝŶĞƐ ;^zDͿ͕ ĐŽŵŝŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ ďŽƚŚ ƚŚĞ ^ĂůĞƐŝĂŶ WƌŽǀŝŶĐĞƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ EŽƌƚŚ ;&/EͿ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ^ŽƵƚŚ ;&/^Ϳ͕ ƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƚĞĚ ŝŶ ƚŚŝƐ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů ĞǀĞŶƚ ŚĞĂĚĞĚ ďLJ &ƌ͘ :ŽĞďĞƚŚ sŝǀŽ͕ ^ ĂŶĚ DƐ͘ :Ž 'ƌĂĮů͘ dŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞŵ͕ ƚŚŽƐĞ ĐŽŵŝŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ &/E WƌŽǀŝŶĐĞ ǁĞƌĞ͗ :ĞƐƐĂ DĂƌŝĞů ĚĞůĂ WĞŹĂ ;^zDͿ͖ ŚĞƌƌLJ ĂŵŝůůĞ ĞƉĂŶŽ ; dŽŶĚŽͿ͖ &ƌĂŶĐĞƐ ĞƌŶĂĚĞƩĞ ZŽŵĞƌŽ ĂŶĚ ZŽĚŽůĨŽ sŝǀĞŶĐŝŽ ZŽŵĞƌŽ ; d/ dĂƌůĂĐͿ͖ :ŽŚĂŶŶ DŝŐƵĞů ŽŵŝĂ͕ ĚƌŝĂŶ dŚŽŵĂƐ ^ƵĂƌĞnj ĂŶĚ ĂƌůŽƐ :ŽĂƋƵŝŶ dĂďĂůŽŶ ; d DĂŶĚĂůƵLJŽŶŐͿ͖ <Ăƌů ŽŶƌŝĐŚ DĂŐƉĂŶƚĂLJ ĂŶĚ :ŽƐĞ DĂƌŝĞ &Ğůŝdž :ƌ͘ ZĂŵŽƐ ; d/ DĂŬĂƟͿ ĂŶĚ ZĞǀ͘ WŚŝů sŝŶĐĞŶƚ ƵŵĂŶĂĐĂů ; ŝŽĐĞƐĞ ŽĨ DŽŶƚĞƌĞLJ͕ ĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂ͕ h^ Ϳ͘ dŚŽƐĞ ĐŽŵŝŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ &/^ WƌŽǀŝŶĐĞ ǁĞƌĞ͗ &ƌ͘ ZĞŐŝŶŽ ĂƌůŽ 'ŽĚŝŶĞnj͕ ^ ;>ŽƵƌĚĞƐ WĂƌŝƐŚͿ͕
28 st. john bosco today december 2016 -february 2017
ĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ ǁŚŽ ƉĂƌƚĂŬĞƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ ĂŶĚ ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚĞŶŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶǀŝĐƟŽŶ ƚŽ ďĞ ŵĞƌĐŝĨƵů ĂƐ ƚŚĞ &ĂƚŚĞƌ ŝƐ͘ DŽƟǀĂƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƐŚĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ũŽLJ ƚŚĞLJ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞĚ͕ ƚŚĞ ĚĞůĞŐĂƚĞƐ ǁŽƵůĚ ůŝŬĞ ƚŽ ƐŚĂƌĞ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƌĞŇĞĐƟŽŶ ĂďŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ƐƉŝƌŝƚƵĂů ĞǀĞŶƚ͘ ****** ******* My World Youth Day experience is a LIFE-CHANGING journey. God renewed, refreshed and ignited a burning desire and passion in my heart to love and serve more. It was a great encounter with Jesus. He reminded me that He loves me very much and He is merciful despite my sins, failures, weaknesses and unworthiness. No one can ever separate us from the love of God. Also, the one big message that I will always cherish in this journey is to TRUST GOD always. (JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU!) — Cherry Camille Depano (DB Tondo)
WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 FIN-FIS NEWS In the World Youth Day in Krakow, I have learned to be more open, to be more friendly to the people around me. My faith was strengthened; and the way I view life changed. As a young member of society, I found out that I am supposed ƚŽ ůĞĂǀĞ Ă ŵĂƌŬ ŝŶ ƚŚŝƐ ǁŽƌůĚ͘ Ō Ğƌ ƚŚĞ tz ͕ ǁĞ ŚĂĚ Ă pilgrimage to Austria and Italy. The highlight of the pilgrimage for me was the visit to the places of St. John Bosco of which I’ve longed dreamt of going to as a Bosconian. — CJ Tabalon, Grade 11, DBTC Mandaluyong ****** ******* For everyone who has been a part of my WYD and pilgrimage, thank you so much for all the love, support, encouragement and family spirit I received from you for the past three weeks. I wish we can remind ourselves everyday before we get ŽƵƚ ŽĨ ďĞĚ ƚŚĂƚ ŽƵƌ ďĞĂƵƟ ĨƵů ĞŶĐŽƵŶƚĞƌ ǁŝƚŚ 'ŽĚ ŵĂLJ ŝŶƐƉŝƌĞ us to believe that there is always goodness in the world… and ŽƵƌ ũŽď ŝƐ ƚŽ Į ŶĚ ŝƚ͕ ƉƌĞƐĞƌǀĞ ŝƚ ĂŶĚ ƐŚĂƌĞ ŝƚ͘ — Adrian Suarez, Grade 11, DBTC Mandaluyong ****** ******* Being in the presence of the Pope and the youths in ĚŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ͕ ďƵƚ ƵŶŝƚĞĚ ĂƐ ŽŶĞ ŝŶ ĨĂŝƚŚ͕ ƌĞŬŝŶĚůĞĚ ƚŚĞ Į ƌĞ ŽĨ 'ŽĚ͛Ɛ love in my life. It inspired me to His love with my family, my friends at school and in my neighborhood – not to focus on ŽƵƌ Ěŝī ĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ ďƵƚ ŝŶƐƚĞĂĚ ďƵŝůĚ ďƌŝĚŐĞƐ ƚŽ ďƌŝŶŐ ƉĞŽƉůĞ together. I can only do it through God’s love and mercy. My dependence and trust in the Lord became deeper as I ĐŽŶƋƵĞƌĞĚ ƚŚĞ ŵĂŶLJ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐĞƐ ĂŶĚ Ěŝĸ ĐƵůƟ ĞƐ ƚŚĂƚ / ĨĂĐĞĚ during this pilgrimage. — Johann Miguel Comia, Grade 10, DBTC Mandaluyong
The World Youth Day made a BIG BOOM in my life, a boom inspired by the challenge from the message of Pope Francis during his opening mass at the Blonia Park. It was a message that pains and worries him seeing young people who have thrown in the towel before the game has even begun, and who are defeated even before they begin to play the game in their life. It kindles my desire to bring this challenge of the Pope in my own simple way, to empower the young people in their own uniqueness and talent. — Dominic Hagoriles Magdato (Victorias) ****** ******* My World Youth Day experience is more of a spiritual journey. Every day I got the chance to renew my faith and deepen my sense of responsibility as a youth leader. To be ƉĂƌƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ tŽƌůĚ zŽƵƚŚ ĂLJ ŝƐ ŝŶĚĞĞĚ Ă ŐŝŌ ĨƌŽŵ 'ŽĚ ĂďŽǀĞ͘ / ƌĞĂůŝnjĞĚ ƚŚĂƚ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ďĞƐƚ ŐŝŌ Ɛ / ĐĂŶ Žī Ğƌ ,ŝŵ ŝƐ ƚŽ ďĞĐŽŵĞ more loving and merciful especially to my fellow youths. — Nineth Cuadernal (Mambucal) ****** ******* WYD Krakow 2016 is a testament that God, my Father, remembers, loves and values me. Jesus is the Face of God’s Mercy and Love. God is telling me, telling us, to build a real ƌĞůĂƟ ŽŶƐŚŝƉ ǁŝƚŚ :ĞƐƵƐ͕ ,ŝƐ ^ŽŶ ĂŶĚ ŽƵƌ ƌŽƚŚĞƌ͕ ŝŶ ƐƉŝƚĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ many obstacles in our own soul or those that we encounter in the world. With Jesus, let us share our faith, hope and love. Pope Francis commissioned all of us in the Closing Mass in Campus Misericordiae that “World Youth Day begins today ĂŶĚ ĐŽŶƟ ŶƵĞƐ ƚŽŵŽƌƌŽǁ͕ ŝŶ LJŽƵƌ ŚŽŵĞƐ͕ ƐŝŶĐĞ ƚŚĂƚ ŝƐ ǁŚĞƌĞ Jesus wants to meet you from now on.” Jezu, ufam tobie! —Rodolfo Vivencio Romero (Grade 11 student, DBTI Tarlac)
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We walked 25 kilometers to reach it, ate packed food, slept under the stars on sleeping bags, woke up to wait for Pope Francis to say Mass; walked again for 7 hours to go back home. We experienced heat, rain and cold – all in 2 days’ Ɵ ŵĞ͘ / ŝŵĂŐŝŶĞĚ ƚŚĂƚ ǁĞ ǁĞƌĞ ůŝŬĞ ƚŚĞ ƉŝůŐƌŝŵƐ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ :ĞƐƵƐ͛ Ɵ ŵĞ͕ ũŽƵƌŶĞLJŝŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ ĨĂƌĂǁĂLJ ƉůĂĐĞƐ͕ ďƌŝŶŐŝŶŐ ĨŽŽĚ ĂŶĚ ŵĂƚƐ͕ ǁĂŝƟ ŶŐ ŽƵƚĚŽŽƌƐ͕ ƚŽ ĐĂƚĐŚ ďƵƚ Ă ŐůŝŵƉƐĞ ŽĨ :ĞƐƵƐ͕ ĂŶĚ to hear Him speak. The weeklong gathering has made me feel the spirit of Jesus very much alive in the youth. Ͷ&ƌĂŶĐĞƐ ĞƌŶĂĚĞƩ Ğ ZŽŵĞƌŽ ;'ƌĂĚĞ ϵ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚ͕ ĐĂĚĞŵŝĂ ĚĞ ^ĂŶƟ ĂŐŽ͕ dĂƌůĂĐͿ ****** ******* The words that inspired me from Pope Francis’ talks in the World Youth Day were: “build more bridges of friendship than walls.” Those words struck me because before the WYD, I was a very quiet guy. I was not very social and didn’t like to talk with people. But during the events of the WYD, I made the decision to step up and try to interact with people. Instead of building walls to shut myself from people, I made bridges to ƌĞůĂƚĞ ĂŶĚ ƐŚĂƌĞ ŵLJ ƐƚŽƌŝĞƐ ǁŝƚŚ Ěŝī ĞƌĞŶƚ ƉĞŽƉůĞ͘ / ŵĂĚĞ ŶĞǁ ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ ĂŶĚ / ĨĞůƚ Ă ŶĞǁĨŽƵŶĚ ƐĞůĨͲĐŽŶĮ ĚĞŶĐĞ ŝŶƐŝĚĞ ŽĨ ŵĞ͘ Build bridges of friendship, that’s what I learned. Ͷ :ŽƐĞ DĂƌŝĞ &Ğůŝdž :ƌ͘ ZĂŵŽƐ ;'ƌĂĚĞ ϭϬ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚ͕ d/ DĂŬĂƟ Ϳ ****** ******* dŚĞ tŽƌůĚ zŽƵƚŚ ĂLJ ĐĞůĞďƌĂƟ ŽŶ ŝƐ ŶŽƚ ŽŶůLJ ĨŽƌ ZŽŵĂŶ Catholic youth but also for young people of other religions. This gave me an opportunity to encounter lots of youth from Ěŝī ĞƌĞŶƚ ďĞůŝĞĨƐ ůŝŬĞ ŽƌŶ ĂŐĂŝŶ ŚƌŝƐƟ ĂŶƐ͘ ͞:ĞƐƵƐ / ƚƌƵƐƚ ŝŶ you.” If there is one takeaway from the whole experience it is that in life there will always be problems and challenges. But in these experiences of pain, Jesus is with us. —Karl Donrich J. Magpantay (Grade 10 student, DBTI DĂŬĂƟ Ϳ ****** *******
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I should allow God to work through me, so that the love I am receiving inside will radiate for other people to feel. I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough. I have always been afraid of going to confession because of the shame I feel because of my sins. But if there is one thing I learned during the World Youth Day, it is that in the eyes of God, it’s that I am worthy. I am worthy of the mercy that God so willingly gives. The joy of being in the light of God’s face and in His loving embrace is something I should always strive for. I should allow God to work through me, so that the love I am receiving inside will radiate for other people to feel. —Jessa Mariel dela Pena (Salesian Youth Movement) dŚĞ ŶĞdžƚ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟ ŽŶĂů tŽƌůĚ zŽƵƚŚ ĂLJ ǁŝůů ŚĂƉƉĞŶ ŝŶ ϮϬϭϵ ŝŶ WĂŶĂŵĂ͘ dŚĞ LJŽƵŶŐ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ůŽŽŬ ĨŽƌǁĂƌĚ ƚŽ ƚŚŝƐ ŶĞdžƚ ĞŶĐŽƵŶƚĞƌ ǁŝƚŚ ŽŶĞ ĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ͕ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ,ŽůLJ &ĂƚŚĞƌ ĂŶĚ ǁŝƚŚ 'ŽĚ͘ ,ŽǁĞǀĞƌ͕ ǁŚŽ ǁŽƵůĚ ĨŽƌŐĞƚ <ƌĂŬŽǁ͍ &ƌŽŵ <ƌĂŬŽǁ͕ ƚŚĞ ĚĞůĞŐĂƚĞƐ ǁĞŶƚ ŚŽŵĞ ďƌŝŶŐŝŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞŵ ƚŚĞ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŐĞŶĞƌŽƵƐ ŚŽƐƉŝƚĂůŝƚLJ ŽĨ ƚŚĞŝƌ ŚŽƐƚ ĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐ͕ ƚŚĞ ǁĞůĐŽŵŝŶŐ ƐƉŝƌŝƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ WŽůŝƐŚ ƉĞŽƉůĞ͕ ƚŚĞ ĐĂŵĂƌĂĚĞƌŝĞ ƚŚĞLJ ŚĂǀĞ ĨŽƌŐĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ LJŽƵŶŐ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ŽĨ ŽƚŚĞƌ ŶĂƟ ŽŶƐ ĞƐƉĞĐŝĂůůLJ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ^ĂůĞƐŝĂŶ LJŽƵƚŚ͕ ƚŚĞ ůŝĨĞͲĐŚĂŶŐŝŶŐ ŵĞƐƐĂŐĞƐ ŽĨ WŽƉĞ &ƌĂŶĐŝƐ͕ ƚŚĞ ƐƉŝƌŝƚƵĂůůLJͲĞŶƌŝĐŚŝŶŐ ƉŝůŐƌŝŵĂŐĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ƐĂŶĐƚƵĂƌŝĞƐ ŽĨ :ŽŚŶ WĂƵů // ĂŶĚ ŝǀŝŶĞ DĞƌĐLJ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ĞŶĐŽƵŶƚĞƌ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ &ĂĐĞ ŽĨ DĞƌĐLJ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶƚĞdžƚ ŽĨ ƉƌĂLJĞƌ ĂŵŝĚƐƚ ƚŚĞ ƐĞĂ ŽĨ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ǁŚŽ ǁĞƌĞ ĂůƐŽ ƚŚĞƌĞ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƐĂŵĞ ƉƵƌƉŽƐĞ͘ /ƚ ŝƐ ĨƌŽŵ Ăůů ƚŚĞƐĞ ͞ƐŽƵǀĞŶŝƌƐ͟ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚĞLJ ĐĂŶ ŐŝǀĞ ďŝƌƚŚ ƚŽ Ă ŶĞǁ ůŝĨĞ ŵĂƌŬĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ 'ŽĚ͛Ɛ D Z z͘
GONE TO THE FATHER FR. DANIEL DENNIS MEIM, SDB Born: January 3, 1959 First Religious Profession: April 01, 1982 Priestly Ordination: December 7, 1991 Died: September 04, 2016
WĂƐĂLJ ŝƚLJ͕ ϭϮ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϮϬϭϲͶ &ƌ͘ ƌŵĂŶĚ ZŽďůĞnjĂ͕ ^ ƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĚ ƚŚĞ ,Ăůů ŽĨ &ĂŵĞ ǁĂƌĚ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞĐĞŶƚůLJ ĐŽŶĐůƵĚĞĚ ϯϴth Catholic DĂƐƐ DĞĚŝĂ ǁĂƌĚƐ ; DD Ϳ ĨŽƌ ǁŝŶŶŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĞƐƚ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ ^ŚŽƌƚ ^ƚŽƌLJ ŽŽŬ ĂƚĞŐŽƌLJ Į ǀĞ Ɵ ŵĞƐ ;ϮϬϭϭ͕ ϮϬϭϮ͕ ϮϬϭϯ͕ ϮϬϭϰ͕ ϮϬϭϱͿ͘ ,ŝƐ ŬƐ ͞, Zdz͕͟ ͞ Z ,͕͟ ͞'>Kt/ ͕͟ ͞zK,t >͕͟ ĂŶĚ ͞D/<,K>͟ ĂƌĞ Ăůů ĂďŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ Ěŝī ĞƌĞŶƚ ĐŚĂƌĂĐƚĞƌƐ ƚŚĂƚ ǁŝƚŶĞƐƐĞĚ ƚŚĞ ďŝƌƚŚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ^ĂǀŝŽƌ ŽŶ ƚŚĂƚ ŵŽƐƚ ŚŽůLJ ŶŝŐŚƚ͗ ,ĞĂƌƚLJ ƚŚĞ ĂŶŐĞů͕ ĞƌĂŚ ƚŚĞ ŐŽĂƚ͕ 'ůŽǁŝĞ ƚŚĞ ŚƌŝƐƚŵĂƐ ƐƚĂƌ͕ zŽŚǁĞů ƚŚĞ ďĞŐŐĂƌ͕ ĂŶĚ DŝŬŚŽů͕ ƚŚĞ ĞĚĂƌ ƚƌĞĞ͘ dŚĞ ƐĞƌŝĞƐ ŽĨ ƚŚŝƐ ĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ ƐŚŽƌƚ ƐƚŽƌLJ ĐŽŶƟ ŶƵĞƐ ǁŝƚŚ ͞E d, E͟ ƚŚĞ ƐŚĞƉŚĞƌĚ ďŽLJ ĂŶĚ ͞' ^W Z͟ ƚŚĞ ŬŝŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ŐŽůĚĞŶ ŚĞĂƌƚ͘
december 2016 -february 2017 st. john bosco today
32 st. john bosco today december 2016 -february 2017