Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
ST. JOHN BOSCO TODAY Mary Help of Christians Special Issue Volume 46 I Number 4 M arch-May 2017
CONTENTS Message of the Rector Major Message of Fr. Anthony Paul Bicomong, SDB Message of Fr. Remo Bati, SDB Message of Fr. Bernard Nolasco, SDB
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a Magazine of Information and Religious Culture of the Salesian Family in the Philippines OWNER Salesian Society of St. John Bosco PRINTER Don Bosco Press, Inc.
History of the Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco Mary Help of Christians in the Philippines Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines Diocesan Shrine of Mary Help of Christians The National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians (Parañaque) Mary Help of Christians Quasi-Parishes in the Philippines Centerfold Poster Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines Non Mary Help of Christians Parishes and Chapels in the Philippines with Her Statue Our Lady’s Grand Homecoming A Radio Program to Promote Devotion to Mary Mary Help of Christians Carroza in the Annual Grand Marian Procession, Intramuros, Manila Acknowledgment
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Fr. Fidel Orendain, SDB Sr. Mariel Demata, FMA & FMA Past Pupils Sr. Sophia Akiko Oshita, SCG SCG Lita Cuaresma, ASC Dr.Victor B. Endriga DBAPNF Maria Junifer Maliglig ADMA Evangeline Dolliente FADS ART DIRECTOR Early Macabales GRAPHICS & DESIGN STUDIO DBPI-Multimedia Section CIRCULATION Commission on Social Communication For subscription, please contact Commission on Social Communication ) 'RQ %RVFR 3URYLQFLDO 2IÀ FH Don Bosco Compound, C. Roces Ave. cor. A. Arnaiz Ave. Makati City, Philippines Tel (02) 893-8227 loc. 114 Telefax (02) 892-8174 Annual subscription (4 issues) P300.00 Send your comments and suggestions to salesianbulletinphilippines@gmail.com Visit us at www.sdb.org.ph
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All rights reserved © 2016 by Don Bosco Press, Inc. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission from the publisher.
My warm congratulations to the Salesian community and parishioners of the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Better Living, Paranaque for their initiative in trying to spread and deepen the devotion to our Mother under the title of Mary Help of Christians nationwide by visiting all the forty churches and chapels, dedicated to Her from North to South of the Philippines. It is quite an achievement, considering the many islands where these churches and chapels are located, the time and expenses incurred to achieve their goal for reaching out to them. I was told that it took them almost two years to make this round with constancy and joy in their heart that their goal is gradually becoming a reality. For sure, Don Bosco is very happy in heaven, seeing that his children continue his work of letting his “Madonna” be known better and loved more by so many people in different parts of the world. Furthermore, I was also informed that the Shrine has a regular radio program every 3rd Saturday of the month in the well-known national Catholic radio station “Radio Veritas 846” entitled “THANK GOD IT’S MARY” (TGIM) to promote this devotion to Mary Help of Christians all over the country. Bravi! May Our Blessed Mother continue to bless you in your noble endeavor, which is so dear to the heart of our Father Don Bosco and which is one of the main characteristics of an authentic Salesian, a devotee and propagator of the devotion to Mary Help of Christians.
Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime, SDB Rector Major
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Message ,Q RXU FXOWXUH WKH UROH RI D PRWKHU LQ WKH )LOLSLQR IDPLOLHV UHĂ HFWV D SRZHUIXO LQĂ XHQFH LQ WKH XSEULQJLQJ RI FKLOGUHQ 7KH PRWKHU LV LQ FKDUJH RI KRXVHKROG PDWWHUV and responsibility of the children lies mainly with her. Indeed,Filipino children have special DIĂ€ QLW\ IRU WKHLU PRWKHUV 7KH JUHDWHU DWWDFKPHQW WR WKH PRWKHU LV RI FRXUVH LQHYLWDEOH not only because of biological circumstances, but also because of the prolonged intense emotional nurturing received from her. %HFDXVH RI WKLV VSHFLDO DIĂ€ QLW\ ZLWK PRWKHUV )LOLSLQRV DUH NQRZQ DV D ÂśSHRSOH devoted to Mary, a people who love Mary.’ No less than the late Pope St. John Paul II expressed such impression that Filipino Catholic people have received a precious gift,not shared by other races: a special fondness to our Blessed Lady. From our history, we can view that the pioneers of Christianity promoted Marian devotion which the early Filipino Christians saw in harmony with the culture. Although not as well known, it is perhaps that the Mother of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, played an extraordinary role in the remarkably rapid process of Christianization. The early Filipino Christians took very readily the practices of Marian devotion: prayed the Rosary specially, joined Marian associations the early missionaries organized and venerated Marian images. Each image had its own story to tell: stories of faith and its rewards, stories of devotion and love and its blessings, stories of prayers offered and wonders wrought, miracles duly recorded, investigated and given credence by Church authorities‌ all received through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, revered in so many of her images and invoked under different names and titles. Incidentally, the devotion to Mary Help of Christians which Don Bosco ardently SURPRWHG FDPH WR WKH FRXQWU\ DORQJ ZLWK WKH DUULYDO RI WKH 6DOHVLDQV LQ 6SHFLĂ€ FDOO\ devotion to Mary Help of Christians got its impetus with the inauguration of the parish of Mary Help of Christians in Paranaque in 1975. For a short span of time that this Marian devotion was introduced in the country, so many parishes, quasi-parishes, chapels, and GLRFHVDQ VHPLQDULHV DUH FRQĂ€ UPHG WR EH RIĂ€ FLDOO\ QDPHG DIWHU DQG GHGLFDWHG WR 0DU\ Help of Christians as patroness. We cannot claim the credit to this growing devotion to Mary Help of Christians without our true devotion and gratitude to her maternal intercession from whom our Salesian vocation came about. We need to fervently pray, singularly and communally every day, to strengthen our commitment to continue and intensify more our fervor in propagating the devotion to Mary Help of Christians. May our fervor in propagating the devotion to Mary Help of Christians be likened to the early Christian community . . . that more “churches continue to be strengthened in the faith and to increase in numbers every day.â€? (Acts 16:5) May we perpetuate Don Bosco’s words,“have devotion to Mary Help of Christians and see what miracles are.â€? May the Lord bless our efforts and bring to fruition the good He has begun in us. Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.
Fr. Anthony Paul E. Bicomong, SDB Provincial – FIN Province
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
“All is grace!â€? (1 Chronicles 29:14) As I grow older I become more and more convinced that this Biblical quotation is not merely a pious prayer of gratitude but was based on the King David’s personal experience of the goodness of Yahweh towards him in spite of his sinfulness. With King David, I also experience even up to now that “All is grace,â€? that all comes from God and that I have received all from his hands, in spite of my sinfulness. I consider my present assignment as Rector of the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians since May 2014 as an extraordinary grace and opportunity given to me to express my sincerest gratitude for the countless blessings that I, as a Salesian and a priest, have received from God through Mary’s intercession. The primary duty of the Rector of this National Shrine is to propagate the knowledge of and devotion to Mary Help of Christians nationwide. Thanks to my zealous predecessors, this noble endeavor has been initiated: “from her house here, her glory shall shine forth.â€? Actually, I was inspired by Fr. Chito Dimaranan, SDB, and by Mr. Nolan Angeles, alumnus of Don Bosco Mandaluyong, who personally visited some of the churches and chapels dedicated to Mary, Help of Christians. I thought how interesting it would be to discover why they chose this title for their churches and chapels and how do they were manifesting their devotion to her. I also imagined how we, at the National Shrine with printed materials and religious articles, and they in their chapels, many in remote places, could enrich one another. Thanks to the support of my Salesian community and of the members of the Marian Commission, we were able to visit forty FKXUFKHV DQG FKDSHOV DOO RYHU WKH FRXQWU\ IURP ,ORFRV WR 'DYDR ,W ZDV WR WKH EHQHĂ€ W RI DOO 7KH\ ZHUH KDSS\ WR ZHOFRPH XV :H grew spiritually (and deepened our knowledge and love for Mary), socially (We gained more friends!) and even physically (We gained more weight with the food they served us.) Thanks also to Fr. Drans Nolasco, editor-in-chief of Saint John Bosco Today, we are happy to offer a very special issue on “MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS IN THE PHILIPPINES,â€? the fruit of our two years of pilgrimage to these sacred places. May this Commemorative Issue on Mary enrich your knowledge and warm your heart. May you grow in greater love for our Blessed Mother, the Help of Christians and the Patroness of our Salesian Family. Fr. Remo Bati, SDB Rector – National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
The devotion to Mary under her title as Help of Christians may not be as popular in the Philippines as her other titles like Our Mother of Perpetual Help and Our Lady of Manaoag or of Antipolo or of Guadalupe. The National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Paranaque and the Diocesan Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Canlubang may not be very much frequented by pilgrims compared to the other shrines dedicated to her other titles I previously mentioned. The main objective of this Special Issue of St. John Bosco Today is to make readers become aware of the historical UHOHYDQFH DQG VLJQLÀ FDQFH RI WKLV 0DULDQ WLWOH ¶+HOS RI &KULVWLDQV· DQG KRZ 0DULDQ GHYRWHHV FDQ UHODWH WR KHU XQGHU WKLV title. ,W LV DOVR WKH DLP RI WKLV 6SHFLDO ,VVXH ¶0DU\ +HOS RI &KULVWLDQV LQ WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV· WR VKRZ KRZ WKH GHYRWLRQ WR 0DU\ Help of Christians is spreading around the country not only through the efforts of the members of the Salesian Family but through other people and circumstances that are worth noting in this issue. “Have devotion to Mary Help of Christians and you will see what miracles are.” This was St. John %RVFR·V À UP FRQYLFWLRQ DQG KLV OLIH LV D WHVWLPRQ\ RI VXFK D FRQYLFWLRQ /HW WKLV 6SHFLDO ,VVXH RI 6W -RKQ %RVFR 7RGD\ GHGLFDWHG WR 0DU\ +HOS RI &KULVWLDQV DOORZ XV WR H[SHULHQFH 6W -RKQ %RVFR·V FRQYLFWLRQ LQ RXU OLYHV DQG WR VKDUH LW WRR with the people around us. Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.
Fr. Bernard P. Nolasco, SDB Delegate-Social Communication (FIN) Editor - St. John Bosco Today Magazine
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
History of the Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians he devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, (Latin: Sancta Maria Auxilium Christianorum; Spanish: Nuestra Señora María Auxiliadora; Filipino: Maria, Mapag-ampon sa mga Kristiyano), is a Roman Catholic Marian devotion with the feast day celebrated on May 24. Since the time of the apostles, Christians have turned ZLWK JUHDW FRQÀ GHQFH WR WKH %OHVVHG 9LUJLQ 0DU\ IRU spiritual and temporal help. Knowing that the Mother of God is also their spiritual Mother, Christians have always sought her motherly aid and intercession. Saint John &KU\VRVWRP ZDV WKH À UVW WR XVH WKLV 0DULDQ WLWOH LQ \HDU 345.
Pope Pius V, in 1571, the last year of his papacy, tried to rally the nations of Europe to join a Holy League to drive back the Muslims who were threatening the entire continent. In the dawn of October 7, 1571, he gathered the faithful in Rome to pray the rosary till dusk, as the Christians and Muslims battled at Lepanto. The warring Muslims were defeated. Don John of Austria, who was the commander of the expedition, attributed the great victory not to the military’s ingenuity but to our Lady, Queen of the Rosary. Consequently, Pope St. Pius V declared the commemoration of our Lady of the Rosary every October 7 and added the title “ Help of Christians” to the Litany of Loreto.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
History of the Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians
Barely twelve years later in 1683, the Muslims again swept into Europe, spreading fear across the land. With 200,000 men, they laid siege on Vienna. For months, a small garrison valiantly resisted the enemy. Finally, the city was saved by an army under John Sobieski, King of Poland. Our Lady’s rosary, to which the King was strongly devoted, was again instrumental in the military’s victory. Pope Innocent XI set aside September 12 for the Holy Name of Mary. Later, Pope Clement XI extended the feast of our Lady of the Rosary to the universal Church.
In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself Emperor and began to persecute Pope Pius VI. Five years later, the Pope was imprisoned in Fontainebleau, France. With unfailing trust in Mary, Help of Christians, he enjoined all the Christians to pray and ask for her intercession. In 1814, Napoleon vacated the throne and the Pope was freed. He led a Marian procession from France to Rome and was warmly welcomed at the Vatican on May 24, 1814. In gratitude for his release from prison, Pope Pius VII established May 24 as the liturgical feast of Mary, Help of Christians. 0DU\ LV LQGHHG RXU ORYLQJ 0RWKHU 7KHVH VLJQLÀ FDQW HYHQWV VKRZ YHU\ clearly her motherly intervention in the history of the Church, particularly under the title of Help of Christians and Mother of the Church.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco evotion to Mary under the title, Help of Christians, would have been forgotten had not the Spirit raised up St. John Bosco (1815—1888) for the salvation of the youth. As a young priest, Don Bosco promoted the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to our Lady of Sorrows, devotions which had been popular for centuries. But in 1863, Don Bosco began to honor Mary under the title Help of Christians. It was in those years that anti-clericals were strongly attacking the Church and the Pope. From the human point of view, the “boat of Peterâ€? was sinking and was desperately in need of miraculous assistance. In 1862, the image of Mary in a painting which the Archbishop of Spoletto venerated under the title “Help of Christiansâ€? was seen by many to shed tears miraculously. Moreover, Pius IX, in his conversation with Don Bosco, had shown his predilection for this title of Mary. Most of all, Don Bosco had been led through supernatural guidance to build in Turin a church dedicated to Mary, Help of Christians. Despite the numerous obstacles IURP DQWL FOHULFDO FLYLO RIĂ€ FLDOV DQG WKH ODFN RI Ă€ QDQFLDO UHVRXUFHV LQ WKLV JUHDW %DVLOLFD RI Mary Help of Christians was completed. For Don Bosco, Mary’s help was more than ever needed in those days because there “were so many lukewarm Christians to make fervent, sinners to convert and innocent to protect.The Catholic Church herself is being assaulted.â€? Invoking Mary, Help of Christians, he journeyed with thousands of youth and led them to God, with countless miracles all along the way. He never ceased spreading this GHYRWLRQ HQFRXUDJLQJ DOO WR KDYH FRQĂ€ GHQFH LQ
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco
Mary’s intercession. “Be devoted to Mary, and you will see what miracles are,” he often said. Countless miracles, the founding of the Salesian Congregation, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and of the Salesian Cooperators, the large numbers of youth who were transformed by his Preventive System of education, the great Basilica of Mary in Turin—these and many more were all attributed by Don Bosco to his co-foundress, Mary Help of Christians. For Don Bosco, Mary was the powerful Help of the Pope and the Church. On May 14, 1862, he dreamed about the battles the Church would face in the future. He saw the Pope, anchoring the “ship” of the Church between two pillars. On top of one was the statue of Mary, Help of Christians, and of the other, the large Eucharistic host. Today, Christians everywhere implore the help of Mary and continue to experience her powerful intercession. In God’s plan, she has always been and will always be the Help of Christians. She will continue to assist the Church, especially in times of crisis and pain, of sorrow, confusion, fear, and loneliness—indeed, in moments when life is at its darkest!
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians in the Philippines 922, Pope Pius XI appointed a great Marian devotee and faithful son of Don Bosco, Archbishop William Piani, SDB, as Apostolic Delegate to the Philippines. That marked the birth of the devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, in the Philippines. According to his secretary, Fr. Louis Ravoire Morrow, SDB, (who later became the Bishop of Khrisnagar, India), Archbishop Piani spread the devotion far and wide during his 27 years in our country and he succeeded to set Mary, Help of Christians, as the second patroness of the Philippines. When the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) DUULYHG LQ WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV LQ WR VHW XS WKH À UVW community, they were happy to discover that this devotion was already all over the country. Several dioceses adopted Mary, under this title, as their second patroness. In many parishes, the association of the Archconfraternity of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) was established and Á RXULVKHG 6RPH SDULVKHV chose Mary, Help of Christians, as their titular patroness: Marawi City (1934), San Enrique, Iloilo (1937), and Basista, Pangasinan (1947). $UFKELVKRS 3LDQL Á RRGHG WKH country with images, novena prayers, uniforms, and statues. Some can still be found in many churches, copies of the original statue he kept in his Delegation House in Malate, Manila.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
In 1955, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) also arrived in the Philippines. From then, the Salesian Fathers and Brothers, and Sisters, continued to spread the devotion through their schools, training centers, parishes, youth centers, hostels, and retreat houses, and media centers. Today, with the Salesians present throughout the country – Luzon,Visayas, and Mindanao – more and more people are calling on Mary, the Help of Christians and through her intercession are experiencing the miracles promised by St. John Bosco. 7KH Ă€ UVW VKULQH RI 0DU\ +HOS of Christians, in the Philippines was solemnly blessed and inaugurated in 1969 at the Don Bosco Seminary, Canlubang, Laguna. Six years later, 1975, a bigger Marian shrine was built in Better Living Subdivision, Bicutan, ParaĂąaque. In recognition of the growing devotion to Mary, under this title, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), on August 15, 1985, bestowed on this church the privilege of becoming a national shrine. Two Salesian parishes are dedicated to her—Mayapa, Laguna (1973) and Dacudao, Davao City (2007). Today, we can identify forty churches and chapels in the Philippines where communities invoke Mary, Help of Christians, as their patroness. Most of them have no direct connection to the SDBs or the FMAs. Instead, Mary found her way through diocesan priests and lay persons. Already in 1863, the Blessed Virgin Mary told St. John Bosco: “From my house, my glory will shine forth.â€? These words are becoming true right here in the Philippines.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
ccording to Church records, the parish of Maria Auxiliadora was formally established in April 2, 1934. It was then under the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro, and was entrusted to the Jesuits. On May 25, 1977, the Prelature of Marawi was set up, ZLWK %LVKRS %LHQYHQLGR 7XGWXG '' DV WKH À UVW ELVKRS 7KH church became the Cathedral of Maria Auxiliadora. In 2000 the name of the Prelature of Marawi was changed into the Prelature of St. Mary—Maria Auxiliadora! Catholics in the Islamic City of Marawi are a minority, barely 1.5% of the population. They continually experience the challenges of fostering peace and understanding between Christians and Muslims. The Church has opted to follow the path of sharing of life and faith through dialogue. The witnessing to Christ is founded on the efforts to live together without prejudice and discrimination, and to forgive and seek reconciliation with one another. There is also the humbling realization that the Church is dependent on the acceptance and protection of the Muslims who are the majority. Mary, Help of Christians, is the constant companion and help of the &DWKROLFV LQ WKLV VORZ DQG GLIÀ FXOW MRXUQH\
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH San Enrique, Iloilo | Founded: September 1937
he Parish of Mary Help of Christians in San Enrique was formerly a chaplaincy in the municipality of Passi. As the population of San Enrique grew, a bigger place of worship was needed. The church was built, and this gave rise to the clamor for the establishment of a new parish. In 1937, through the efforts of the parish priest of Passi and the people of San Enrique, the Maria Auxilium Christianorum Parish was established by Msgr. James McCloskey, Bishop of Jaro. The image of our Lady was donated by a certain Mr. Simon Padios sometime in 1880. During World War II, this image was burned by the Japanese. The present statue was donated by Mr. Jose Pama. Today, novena Masses prepare for the feast of Mary on 0D\ 7KH VROHPQ FHOHEUDWLRQ LQFOXGHV Ă RUDO RIIHULQJV and a procession. In the months of May and October, the parishioners intensify their daily Block Rosary.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Brgy. Navatat, Basista, Pangasinan | Founded: January 1, 1947 he Mary Help of Christians Parish in Basista traces its early beginnings to a little chapel made of nipa and wood in Barangay Navatat. Because of the growing number of people coming for Mass, a bigger chapel had to be built. Eventually, the community felt the need of the continuous presence of a pastor and asked the bishop for a priest. On January 1, 1947, Archbishop Mariano Madriaga, DD, blessed the piece of land donated by Doña Clemencia de Guzman DQG DSSRLQWHG WKHLU À UVW SDULVK SULHVW 7KH QHZ SDULVK ZDV dedicated to Mary, Help of Christians. Through the years, the parish priests and parishioners grew in their faith, and eventually completed the construction of their church. Devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, in Pangasinan goes EDFN HYHQ HDUOLHU LQ KLVWRU\ 7KH À UVW ELVKRS RI 3DQJDVLQDQ was Most Rev. Cesare Marie Guerrero, DD. He was a good friend of Msgr. William Piani, SDB, DD, the Salesian Papal Legate whose devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, became OHJHQGDU\ %LVKRS *XHUUHUR ZDV WKH À UVW )LOLSLQR ELVKRS WR become a member of the Archconfraternity of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA). Today the Mary Help of Christians Parish enjoys its twinning with the Shrine in Parañaque. Novena masses in honor of Mary are held in preparation for her feast on May 24. The solemn Eucharist on the feast is complemented by Á RUDO RIIHULQJV DQG D SURFHVVLRQ
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Balimbing, Boac, Marinduque | Founded: September 23, 1953
ince 1929, the people in Balimbing, Boac, Marinduque, venerated St. Joseph as the patron saint of their chapel and celebrated his feast on May 29. When Fr. Alfredo Cordero was preparing the groundwork for the community to become a parish, he realized that the people were not celebrating the feast of St. Joseph on its proper date, March 19. He went through a process of catechesis and consultation with the community. Consequently, they moved their ½ IWXE to May 24, the feast of Mary, Help of Christians, and took Mary as their patroness. On September 23, 1953, Msgr. Alfredo Ma. Obviar, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Lucena, established the parish and entrusted it to Mary, Help of Christians. Today, the people fervently believe that it was the wish of the Blessed Mother that devotion to her be propagated in the southern part of Marinduque. Numerous cures and answered prayers are a testimony to her, Mother and Protectress of their homes and families. The community celebrates the parish ½ IWXE on May 24 with novena Masses, the solemn Eucharist on the day itself, à RUDO RIIHULQJV DQG WKH FXOPLQDWLQJ SURFHVVLRQ (YHU\ th RI WKH PRQWK WKH\ KRQRU 0DU\ ZLWK à RUDO RIIHULQJV DQG D procession.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARIA AUXILIADORA PARISH (MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH) J. P. Rizal Street, Maypajo, Caloocan City | Founded: 1956
he Parish of Mary, Help of Christians, traces its early beginnings to 1952 when the residents of Maypajo, Caloocan City, decided to buy a piece of land and build a permanent chapel under the jurisdiction of the San Roque Parish. After a fair amount of negotiation, the former Mayor, Macario Asistio, and the people agreed on the site of the chapel. Three parishioners donated their religious images to the new chapel. Among them was Mr. Catalino Mauricio, who bequeathed the image of Maria Auxiliadora. It was this title that the community adopted. The parish was established on May 20, 1956 with Msgr. 9LFWRU 6HUUDQR DV LWV À UVW SDULVK SULHVW 7KH LQDXJXUDWLRQ RI WKH church came later on May 1960. To this day, the parishioners keep the tradition of celebrating Mass and reciting the novena to Mary, Help of Christians, every Saturday. A nine-day novena serves as preparation for the annual parish ½ IWXE on May 24.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Mocpoc Sur, Sandigan Island Loon, Bohol | Founded: 1961 he parish in the islands of Sandingan and Cabilao ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG LQ 7KH Ă€ UVW SDULVK SULHVW ZDV Fr. Gorgonio Pueblos. Under his care, the church site was transferred. In 1961 the original patron, San Roque, was replaced by Auxilium Christianorum, or Mary, Help of Christians, upon the suggestions of Bishop Manuel M. MascariĂąas, Ordinary of the Diocese of Tagbilaran. In 1963, Fr. Tirso Maglente took the helm and continued the work on the church building.The island of Cabilao became a separate parish in 1990. Fr. Desiderio “Kikingâ€? Magdoza was appointed parish priest of Sandingan in 1993 by Bishop Leopoldo Tumulak, DD. The powerful earthquake of October 15, 2013 severely damaged the parish church together with many other churches and houses in Bohol. A temporary shelter was built for the Sunday and weekday Masses. With the help of the Bishops &RQIHUHQFH DQG RWKHU GRQRUV D QHZ DQG PRUH PDJQLĂ€ FHQW church will hopefully rise, to give greater glory to God and honor to our Blessed Mother.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna | Founded: December 1, 1973
n December 1, 1973, Bishop Pedro Bantigue, DD, established the Parish of Mary Help of Christians in Mayapa, Laguna. It covered Barangay Mayapa and sixteen other barangays. )U -RKQ %HQQD 6'% ZDV WKH À UVW 6DOHVLDQ SDULVK priest. Fr. Benna immediately launched the parish evangelization team composed of legionaries and catechists to spread the Gospel in all corners of the vast rural parish. Eventually, other Salesian priests took the helm and guided the parish community in its growth. The parishioners were united in spreading the faith through their personal involvement in and support for WKH SDULVK SURJUDPV 6LJQLÀ FDQW KDV EHHQ WKH JURZWK RI WKH people’s devotion to the Blessed Mother. The parish celebrates the feast of Mary, Help of Christians, ZLWK D QLQH GD\ QRYHQD 6ROHPQ 0DVVHV RQ WKH GD\ LWVHOI à RUDO offerings, and a procession in her honor.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Talogtog, Candon City, Ilocos Sur | Founded: May 24, 1975
he Mary Help of Christians Parish was established in Talogtog, Candon City, Ilocos Sur, on May 24, 1975. It was named Sta. Maria Auxiliadora Parish because the Abaya family in Candon donated a statue of Sta. Maria Auxiliadora. Initially, the church was built with coconut lumber, but after three years, a strong typhoon destroyed the building, sparing only the statue of Mary.The church was rebuilt, but to present time renovation is still ongoing to accommodate the growing number of people coming for the Sunday Masses. 7KH %ORFN 5RVDU\ LV LQWHQVLÀ HG GXULQJ WKH PRQWKV RI October and May. The ½ IWXE of the parish is preceded by the QRYHQD 0DVVHV 7KHUH DUH Á RUDO RIIHULQJV DQG D SURFHVVLRQ WR mark the day itself.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Brgy. Buhisan, Cebu City | Founded: June 20, 1999
or years, Salesians from Don Boys Town, Punta Princesa, Cebu City, celebrated Mass in the chapel of Mary, Help of Christians, in Barangay Buhisan. After all, the chapel was under the Salesian parish of Lourdes. In 1998, after consulting the people and listening to the recommendations of the priests of parishes of Lourdes, Guadalupe, and Holy Cross, Cardinal Ricardo Vidal gave the go-signal to start the process of establishing a new parish in Buhisan. A year later, on June 20, 1999, a decree was promulgated declaring the parish under the protection of its patroness, Mary, Help of Christians. A diocesan priest took the helm of leadership. The Christian community has been steadily growing with more and more families settling in the area. Today, there are thirty-seven barrio chapels. Construction of a bigger church began in 2007 and was completed in 2009. 7KH %ORFN 5RVDU\ LV LQWHQVLÀ HG GXULQJ WKH PRQWKV RI 0D\ DQG October. Novena Masses are celebrated in preparation for the parish ½ IWXE 7KH GD\ LV PDUNHG E\ D VROHPQ (XFKDULVW à RUDO RIIHULQJV DQG WKH procession.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Barangay Malasin, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija | Founded: April 24, 2006
he church of Mary, Help of Christians, in San Jose City was built in 1987 through the donations of the people and the assistance of Catholics in Germany. Bishop Leo Drona, SDB, DD, suggested to one of the benefactors, Dr. Violago, that the church be named in honor of Mary, Help of Christians. In 2000, Bishop Drona declared it a quasi-parish. Even when Bishop Drona was transferred to the Diocese of San Pablo (Laguna), the community continued its efforts to be declared a parish. On April 24, 2006, Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara, DD, set the boundaries of the new parish and placed it under the title of Mary, Help of Christians. 7KH SDULVK FHOHEUDWHV WKH À HVWD RQ 0D\ ZLWK QRYHQD Masses as preparation and the procession as culmination.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Barangay Dacudao, Calinan, Davao City | Founded: June 6, 2007
he Parish of Mary, Help of Christians, in Dacudao was inaugurated on June 6, 2007. Fr. Medellino Borgueta, SDB, who had already been staying for some time in the mother SDULVK RI &DOLQDQ ZDV LQVWDOOHG DV WKH À UVW SDULVK SULHVW LQ ceremonies graced by the presence of Archbishop Fernando Capalla, DD, and Bishop George Rimando, DD. For three years, the parish church and convent were housed in the existing chapel of the Birhen sa Fatima. During the term of Fr.Adriano Satura, SDB, the new parish church was built on a piece of land donated by two generous parishioners. ,W ZDV DOVR DW WKLV WLPH WKDW WKH SDURFKLDO À HVWD ZDV PRYHG IURP WKH À UVW ZHHN RI 6HSWHPEHU WR 0D\ This young parish community is steadily growing under the guidance of the Salesians. Already, parishioners are sharing stories of miracles received through Mary’s intercession. Novena Masses precede the actual feast of Mary, Help of Christians, which is celebrated with great solemnity.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Parishes in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH Blk. 42, Southville 1, Barangay Niugan Cabuyao City, Laguna Founded: September 17, 2015
n 2007, a quasi-parish was set up in Barangay Niugan under the jurisdiction of the Parish of St. Polycarp, Cabuyao City, to take care of a large number of people relocated from Metro-Manila. They were informal settlers living along the south rail tracks of the Philippine National Railway in Paco, Manila, and the barangays of San Antonio, Pio del Pilar, Bangkal, and Magallanes of Makati City. They were predominantly Christian; 93% were Catholics and the majority were parishioners of San Ildefonso Parish in Makati. Through the assistance of Salesian priests, the community grew and developed a particular devotion to Mary under the title of Help of Christians. On September 17, 2015, the quasi-parish was elevated into the Parish of Mary Help of &KULVWLDQV ZLWK )U 6DOYH 0 /ORQD DV WKH À UVW SDULVK SULHVW 7KH FRPPXQLW\ FHOHEUDWHV LWV SDULVK À HVWD RQ WKH th of May, with Masses and a procession during the nine-day novena.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Shrines in the Philippines
DIOCESAN SHRINE OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS Don Bosco Seminary College Compound J. Yulo Sr. Blvd., Calamba City, Laguna | Founded: April 20, 1969 onorable Jose Yulo, Sr., gifted the Salesians with land in Canlubang, Laguna, wide enough to house the seminarycollege and the novitiate, as well as the farm, training center, and Salesian cemetery. In 1965, the chapel was built with the assistance of American benefactors. Alas, a powerful typhoon destroyed the structure in 1967. On November 8, 1968, the Rector Major blessed the chapel’s foundation stones. On April 20, 1969, the Papal Nuncio, $UFKELVKRS &DUPLQH 5RFFR DQG WKH À UVW ELVKRS RI WKH 'LRFHVH of San Pablo (Laguna), Bishop Pedro Bantigue, DD, dedicated the chapel to Mary, Help of Christians. The chapel became the principal Marian shrine of the Salesians in the Philippines, up until 1985, when the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines bestowed on the Church of Mary Help of Christians in Better Living, Paranaque, the status of a national shrine. It is now a diocesan shrine, thanks to the Salesian bishop, Bishop Leo Drona, SDB, DD, and the center of Marian devotion in Laguna and the adjoining provinces.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Shrines in the Philippines
THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS Better Living, Paraùaque t. John Bosco considered Mary, Help of Christians, the Co-foundress of his vast Salesian Family. No wonder Mary paved the way in the Philippines as early as 1922, years before the arrival of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) in 1951 and of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in 1955. For when Archbishop William Piani, SDB, DD, was sent as Papal Delegate to the Philippines in 1922, he began spreading devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, far and wide. The SDBs and FMAs and the rest of the Salesian Family simply continued what he started. ,Q WKH À UVW 6KULQH RI 0DU\ XQGHU WKH WLWOH +HOS RI Christians was established in Don Bosco Seminary, Canlubang, Laguna. Eventually, it was declared a diocesan shrine. On June 24, 1975, a majestic church was built on a piece of land donated by the Serrano and Dolor families of Better Living Subdivision, Paranaque City. The church became the center of the Parish of Mary, Help of Christians. Ten years later, on Aug.15, 1985, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) declared this church a national shrine.The solemn inauguration took place on August 24, 1985.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
The Salesian parish attends to the spiritual, as well as the social, needs of the parishioners, particularly of the poor and the young, in the spirit and style of St. John Bosco. The parish church provides a worthy venue for liturgical celebrations and popular devotions. Priests are available for confessions always. The church is also the National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians. It is a sanctuary where parishioners and pilgrims discover and deepen their devotion to Mary.There are stories, too many to count, of graces and miracles obtained through Mary, the Help of Christians. The shrine also welcomes those who come for recollections and pilgrimages. These are some of the activities in the Marian shrine. „ May 24 – Solemn Feast of Mary, Help of Christians. „ Every 24th of the month – The regular Masses for the people. At the 7:00PM Mass, the blessing of the sick. At the 7:00AM and 6:30PM Masses, the testimonies of those who received God’s blessings and miracles through Mary’s intercession. Before the 6:30PM Mass, the procession of Mary’s statue within the parish. In every Mass, the blessing of Mary, Help of Christians, as taught by St. John Bosco. „ Every 1st Saturday of the month – Dawn procession at 5:00AM and Morning Prayer before the Mass. „ On RADIO VERITAS 846 At 9:00PM every night, the prayer, “Entrustment of the Home to Mary, Help of Christians.â€? Every 3rd Saturday of the month – The radio program “Thank God, it’s Mary!â€? (TGIM) at 8:00—9:00PM. The members of the association of theArchconfraternity of Mary, Help of Christians (ADMA) are at the forefront in promoting and spreading the devotion to Mary. The most recent activity of the Shrine was born out of the desire to visit the forty churches and chapels dedicated to Mary, Help of Christians, all over the Philippines. This unfolded into a pilgrimage that enriched both hosts and visitors. Love for Mary became stronger and deeper everywhere, as stories were shared along with stampitas, OHDĂ HWV PHGDOV DQG VWDWXHV RI 0DU\ St. John Bosco’s words continue to become true each day. “Have devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, and you will see what miracles are.â€? Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Quasi-Parishes
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS QUASI-PARISH Zone 1, Barangay. Quios, Panitan, Capiz | Founded: 1959
he chapel in Barangay Quios traces its origin to Mr. Jose Besorio in 1959. Through the years the people celebrated regular Masses on every 1st Thursday of the month. In December 2001, they were fortunate to have Masses for the Simbang Gabi, Christmas, and New Year. In May 2006, they went through a series of dialogues and consultation, guided by Fr. Ramel Talabucon and the Pastoral Council. Thus, they came to a consensus that their initial patron saints, St. Isidore the Laborer and our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, would be replaced by a patroness, Mary, Help of Christians. This was approved by the Capiz Archbishop, Onesimo C. Gordoncillo, D.D. Moreover, on April 2012, the Chaplaincy of Quios was raised to the status of a Quasi-Parish. The people come regularly to the chapel to celebrate the 1st Friday Masses in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Wednesday Masses of our Mother of Perpetual Help, as well as the Sunday Masses and the sacraments. The feast of Mary, Help of Christians, is celebrated on May 24 with great solemnity.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Quasi-Parishes
CHAPEL OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS SUB-PARISH San Miguel St., Sitio Bitik Brgy. Gen. T. de Leon Valenzuela City | Founded: 1974 Under the Parish Of The National Shrine Of Our Lady Of Fatima Karuhatan, Valenzuela City | Founded: 1961 n 1963 a group of residents living in Sitio Bitik formed an association called the Tamaraw Hills Civic League. What began as a civic undertaking eventually ventured into the spiritual. With the support of the homeowners, the association initiated the building of a temporary chapel where the community celebrated Sunday Masses DQG HYHQ KHOG WKHLU À UVW À HVWD FHOHEUDWLRQ LQ WKH PRQWK RI 0D\ Because of the testimonies of their member, Mr. Rafael Munji, regarding the favors received through the intercession of Mary, Help of Christians, the community decided to adopt Mary, under this title, as their patroness. In time, the community grew and began looking for a bigger place to build a permanent chapel. Finally, in 1974, the Chapel of Mary, Help of Christians, was blessed by Msgr. Espiritu D. Izon, parish priest of Our Lady of Fatima Parish. 6LQFH WKHQ GHYRWLRQ WR 0DU\ KDV à RXULVKHG DPRQJ WKH SHRSOH The Sunday Masses continue, along with the Simbang Gabi during Christmas and celebrations on major religious feasts. Mary’s image is transferred from house to house with the Block Rosary. A nine-day QRYHQD SUHFHGHV WKH FKDSHO À HVWD RQ 0D\
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Quasi-Parishes
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Silangan Subd., Brgy Llano, Caloocan City | Founded: May 11, 1998 Under Sto. Cristo Mission Lano Road cor. Del Mundo Ave. Brgy. 167Caloocan City | Founded: 1984
he Silangan Subdivision in Barangay Llano, Caloocan City, falls within the jurisdiction of the Christ the King Parish. In 1984, a monthly Mass was started for the Catholics in the subdivision. Owing to the insistence of the people, the Sunday Mass became a regular weekly celebration for the budding Christian community. Owing to the initiative of Bro. Tacs Angeles and Sis. Bining Mena, the people decided to choose Mary, Help of Christians, as the patroness of their chapel. In 1995, Fr. Jimmy Lara entrusted the community to their chosen patroness. Mary did accompany the community in their efforts to become a sub-parish. Supporting them in their petition were the parish council president Art Galfo, Bro. Ben Bularan, and Rev. Rudy Tulibas. On May 11, 1998, the Sub-Parish of Mary Help of Christians was established comprising eight ugnayans or BECs. Today, the chapel is a witness to the growth of the community. Several programs and activities serve to deepen their faith, such as the regular Sunday Masses, Bibliarasal every Thursday and the Block Rosary among the ugnayans, recollections and retreats, and seminars and workshops. For the chapel ½ IWXE on May 24, there are novena Masses in preparation for the solemn Eucharist.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Quasi-Parishes
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS QUASI-PARISH Sitio Henares, Aranda Hinigaran, Negros Occidental | lFounded: May 24, 2002 Under Sta. Maria Magdalena Parish Hinigaran, Negros Occidental | Founded: July 22
he chapel of Mary, Help of Christians, in Hinigaran was built on a piece of land donated by one parishioner. That was enough to spark the bayanihan spirit.The people then pooled their resources and by December 24, 2002, WKHLU FKDSHO ZDV UHDG\ IRU WKH À UVW &KULVWPDV 0LGQLJKW Mass. Because of the many favors received from Mary, Help of Christians, Fr. Fred Guadalupe, a former Salesian priest, chose to name the chapel in her honor. The Vicar Forane and parish priest of the mother parish of Sta. Maria Magdalena worked to make it a Quasi-Parish. On May 24, 2004, Bishop Vicente Navarra, DD, Bishop of Bacolod, established the Mary Help of Christians Quasi-Parish. Every May 24, the people celebrate the feast of Mary with great fervor and devotion, and conclude their celebration with the procession.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help o Shrines
National Shrine, ParaĂąaque
Diocesan Shrine, Canlubang , Laguna
1959 Quios, Capiz
1974 Bitik,Valenzuela City
1998 Silangan, Caloocan City
2002 Hinigaran, Negros Occidental
1967 Mambaling, Cebu City
1970 Mangumit, Laguna
1972 Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro
1982 Mandaluyong City
1984 Parang, Marikina City
1986 Sta. Cruz, Laguna
1989 Nangka, Marikina City
1997 Carolina, Naga City
2010 Hagonoy, Taguig City
of Christians in the Philippines Parishes
1934 Marawi City, Lanao del Sur
1937 San Enrique, Iloilo
1956 Maypajo, Caloocan
1961 Mocpoc, Bohol
1999 Buhisan, Cebu
2006 San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
1947 Parish Basista, Pangasinan
1973 Mayapa, Laguna
1953 Boac, Marinduque
1975 Candon City, Ilocos Sur
2007 Dacudao, Davao City
2015 Cabuyao City, Laguna
1972 Clinicville, BF, Parañaque City
1975 Sunrise Drive, Quezon City
1979 Brgy. Maricaban, Pasay City
1980 Novaliches, Quezon City
1986 Bangkal, Makati City
1987 Sucat, Parañaque City
1988 Cuenca, Batangas City
1989 Cembo, Makati City
2014 Malibay, Pasay City
2015 Marabut, Samar
2016 Southern Leyte
2016 Tanyag, Taguig City
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
CHAPEL OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS Maria Gochan Barangay Mambaling | Founded: 1960s Under Our Lady Of Lourdes Parish, Punta Princesa, Cebu City
o one remembers clearly how the chapel of Mary, Help of Christians, came to be built along Maria Gochan Street.The older families have moved elsewhere or have passed away. An old man, perhaps the last among the elders, recalled that a Salesian priest started the chapel. It must have been in the late 60’s, one of the sixty-six chapels built by the parish priest then, Fr. Jose Bosch, SDB. He remembered the Masses on the 24th of May and the long procession of youth and “sagalas,” while the Rosary was being recited and songs were being sung to the accompaniment of guitars.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Mangumit, Canlubang, Laguna | Founded: 1970 Under St. Joseph The Worker Parish, Canlubang, Laguna he chapel of Mary, Help of Christians, in Barrio Mangumit was built in the late 60’s for the people working in the Canlubang Sugar Estate. By the 1970’s the community enjoyed regular Sunday Masses, thanks to the concern of Fr. Aloysius Ferrari, SDB, Rector of the Don Bosco Seminary. Frs. Leo Drona and Remo Bati, then newly ordained Salesian priests who had just returned from theology studies in Italy, were assigned to celebrate Masses in the barrios. There was also Fr. John Monchiero, SDB, who traversed the sugar plantation in his Volkswagen Combi, celebrating Sunday Masses and transporting the poor people who otherwise would have had to walk. Fr. Adolf Faroni, SDB, likewise spent his Sundays celebrating Masses in Barrios Mangumit and Matangtubig. Instead of giving Mangumit a new statue of Mary, Fr. Ferrari RSWHG WR JLYH VRPHWKLQJ PRUH SUHFLRXV³RQH RI WKRVH À UVW statues brought by Archbishop William Piani, SDB, from Italy, as DWWHVWHG WR E\ 5XÀ QR &DUGLQDO 6DQWRV
The people of Mangumit displayed a strong devotion to Mary; in fact, big favors were obtained by invoking her under the title of Help of Christians. Every 24th of May, they FHOHEUDWHG WKHLU À HVWD SUHFHGHG E\ WKH QRYHQD 0DVVHV DQG culminating with the solemn Eucharist and the procession.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Barangay Suqui, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro | Founded: 1972 Under the St. Francis Of Assisi Parish, Barangay Lazareto, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro | Founded: 1991
alapan City had always been the place of summer camps for the Salesian aspirants. The presence of the Salesians must have inspired the people of Barangay Suqui. For through the efforts of the community, a chapel of Mary Help of Christians was established in 1972. As it was being constructed, the people sought the intercession of our Lady, Help of Christians. They even organized a procession around the homes and villages of their barangay, reciting the Rosary as they walked. In a little bit more than a year, the chapel was completed. Today, the people show an intense devotion to our Lady. Novena Masses prepare the way for her feast on May 24, which culminates with a grand procession. Their band and choir add solemnity to the celebration.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Clinicville, Barangay BF, Paranaque City | Founded: 1972 Under the Parish Of The Resurrection Of Our Lord, J. Cabarrus cor. Elsie Gaches Sts., Phase 1 B.F. Homes, Paranaque City
he chapel of Mary, Help of Christians, was built in Clinic Site, an area populated by informal settlers from the Visayas. Msgr. Ceferino Sanchez, then the parish priest, requested the Social Action Group of the parish to look into the welfare of the informal settlers living in the periphery. Ms. Rosalinda P. Pabalan, a member of Damas Salesianas, headed this group. Assistance was given to the people while a chapel was being constructed. It was dedicated to Mary, Help of Christians, and was blessed in 1972. Msgr. Sanchez, delegated a Columban, Fr. Dave Clay, to preside over the Sunday Masses. The feast of Mary is celebrated every 24th of May with QRYHQD PDVVHV WKH VROHPQ À HVWD 0DVV DQG WKH SURFHVVLRQ The chapel also serves as the venue for catechism classes, prayer meetings, seminars, and livelihood projects. ,Q 0DUFK D À UH EURNH RXW LQ WKH DUHD DQG JXWWHG
GRZQ WKH KRXVHV RI IDPLOLHV $V WKH À UH ZDV QHDULQJ WKH chapel, it suddenly changed direction. Many houses were saved. The people attribute this miracle to their love for Mary, Help of Christians.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Sunset Drive, Santolan Road, Quezon City | Founded: 1975 Under Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Cubao, 40 Lantana St., Cubao, Quezon City orking together as a community, the Catholics living along Sunset Drive, Quezon City, built a small chapel sometime in 1966. During this time they were also actively promoting the Family Rosary Crusade with the image of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception being brought from one house to another. They were fortunate to have Masses in the chapel during special occasions such as Christmas Eve, anniversaries, and birthdays. In 1970, the parish priest of the Immaculate Conception Parish agreed to have regular Sunday Masses in the chapel. 0V $XULQJ 3DVFXDO RQH RI WKH RIÀ FHUV RI WKH FKDSHO FRXQFLO joined the Senior Praesidium of the Legion of Mary in the parish. In 1975, she formed a Junior Praesidium in the chapel. She was inspired to name the praesidium after Mary, Help of Christians, after attending a retreat at Mary’s Shrine in Paranaque. Similarly inspired, the people also dedicated their chapel to Mary, Help of Christians. The ½ IWXE of the chapel is celebrated every May 24. There is the novena prior to the feast, solemn Mass on the day itself, and a culminating procession.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL St. Peter cor. St. Catherine St.Brgy. Maricaban, 1300, Pasay City | Founded: 1979 Under Mary, Comforter of The Afflicted Parish, Maricaban, Pasay City aricaban in Pasay City was formerly under the Parish of San Juan Nepomuceno in Malibay. During one Life in the Spirit Seminar, Ms. Remy Garcia of Maricaban met Ms. Remy Pabalan, a staunch devotee and active promoter of the devotion to Mary, Help of Christians. Thus began the devotion to Mary in Maricaban. Ms. Pabalan donated an image of our Lady that was brought around the houses by the Block Rosary group of Ms. Rose Lema. Eventually, the people began to build D FKDSHO LQ 0DU\¡V KRQRU ,QGLYLGXDOV GRQDWHG ZRRG URRÀ QJ materials, and cement. Church organizations, even from the Santuario de San Antonio Parish in Forbes Park, donated materials and furniture. 2Q )HEUXDU\ D ELJ À UH EURNH RXW LQ 0DULFDEDQ More than 2,000 houses were razed to the ground. Only the chapel of Mary, Help of Christians, remained standing. The SHRSOH DWWHVW WKDW DW WKH KHLJKW RI WKH À UH WKHUH ZDV D ODG\ standing on the roof of the chapel. She was dressed in white DQG FDUULHG VRPHWKLQJ WKDW GHà HFWHG WKH à DPHV DQG SUHYHQWHG WKHP IURP EXUQLQJ GRZQ WKH FKDSHO $IWHU WKH À UH WKH\ IRXQG
the image of Mary but with her hand burned. The chapel did not suffer any damage. In fact, there was no trace at all of the À UH ZLWKLQ WKH YLFLQLW\ Today, Sunday Masses are celebrated regularly in the chapel. The Block Rosary movement continues. There are novena Masses to prepare for the chapel’s feast on May 24. Flowers are offered during the solemn Fiesta Eucharist, which is followed by the procession.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Forest Hills, Gulod, Novaliches, Quezon City | Founded: 1980 Under the Holy Family Parish, San Luis St. cor. Villareal St.Gulod, Novaliches, Quezon City n 1980, the homeowners of Forest Hills Subdivision decided to build a chapel within their community to enable the people to attend the Eucharist regularly on Sundays.The chapel was located in the multi-purpose hall of the village along the banks of the Tullahan River. The priest who regularly celebrated Sunday Mass in the chapel suggested that they take Mary, Help of Christians, as their patroness. Everyone agreed and Mr. and Mrs. Romy Sanchez donated a beautiful statue of Mary. ,Q WKH à RRGZDWHUV RI W\SKRRQ 8QGR\ FDUULHG away the statue of Mary. It was never recovered. The people continued to celebrate the Eucharist in a nearby covered court. In 2011, they were gifted with a new chapel and a new statue! Today, the chapel stands as a symbol of the people’s UHVLOLHQF\ DQG À GHOLW\ WR -HVXV DQG KLV PRWKHU 0DU\ 0DVVHV DUH celebrated every Sunday.The chapel remains open every day to all who want to visit the Blessed Sacrament and pray to Mary, the Help of Christians.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Abella’s Compound Joriz, Mandaluyong City | Founded: 1982 Under San Felipe Neri Parish, Boni Avenue cor. Aglipay St. Mandaluyong City n the 70’s, Joriz was literally a swamp. People lived in houses built on stilts and moved around through a network of wooden, rickety, bridges. Because of the poverty of the people, Joriz caught the eye and the heart of the SDBs and Salesian Cooperators of Don Bosco Mandaluyong. Soon roads leading to the compound were built and from the muddy waters emerged a chapel on a lot donated by Mr. Jaime Abella. There were rooms available for meetings and activities of the Candle Sparkers and many other groups. It was called the Cardinal Sin Center and the Archbishop was invited to bless it. The people, especially the children and the young, actively participated in the Sunday Masses. Owing to the continued presence of the Salesians, the community gradually grew. The formula: catechism for the children, dynamic youth ministry, and the involvement of the lay people. In 1982, Mary, Help of Christians, became the patroness of the place, and May 24, the solemn ½ IWXE.
Masses are celebrated every Sunday in what is now a beautiful chapel. So also Lenten activities and the Simbang Gabi masses. To this day, Bishop Broderick Pabillo, SDB, and $UFKELVKRS )UDQFHVFR 3DQĂ€ OR 6'% DUH UHJXODU JXHVWV 7KH nine-day novena Masses prepare the people for May 24 and the solemn Eucharist, complete with choir and rondalla. The feastday culminates with the Marian procession.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Lourdes St., St. Mary Subdivision Barangay Nangka, Marikina City | Founded: 1984 Under Holy Family Parish, C.M. Recto St., Parang, Marikina City ometime in 1982, the homeowners of St. Mary Subdivision EXLOW WKHLU À UVW FKDSHO PDGH RI EDPERRV DQG QLSD URRI Masses were celebrated in this chapel every Saturday evening (anticipated mass) by priests and guest priests either from Ateneo, the Immaculate Concepcion or Holy Family Parish. In early 1983, St. Mary Realty donated 240 square meter lot to the homeowners and the construction of a permanent chapel was initiated through the combined efforts of the homeowners of St. Mary Subdivision and realty developer. It was also at this time that a life size image of Mary Help of Christians was donated by the Tiamzon sisters, which is now prominently venerated inside the Chapel. Mary Help of Christians became the Patroness of St. Mary Subdivision and the homeowners celebrate her feast every 24th of May with a nine-day novena as preparation, then a SURFHVVLRQ LV KHOG DURXQG WKH VXEGLYLVLRQ ZLWK Á RUDO RIIHULQJV on the day itself. Sunday masses are also celebrated in the Chapel.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Sta. Cruz, laguna | Founded: 1986 Under Immaculate Conception Parish, Sta. Cruz, Laguna he PIME Fathers got a plot of land (280 sq.m) from Mrs. T Mercedes Bonifacio Ortiz that is just opposite the public school and built a small chapel that could accommodate only
12 people. The Salesian Fathers under the leadership of their Parish Priest and Rector, Fr. Dominic Curto, SDB took over and celebrated Mass there every Tuesday.There was no Mass when WKH SODFH ZDV Ă RRGHG 7KH JRRG SHRSOH RI Bagumbayan begged for a bigger chapel. But Fr. Curto thought that Bagumbayan was too near the main church and refused setting up a chapel there for fear that people would be lazy to go to their parish church. A group of devout ladies from Bagumbayan volunteered to clean the chapel every week. On seeing their goodwill, Fr. Curto gave in to their appeal and approved the construction of a bigger chapel in Bagumbayan. As the lot was too small, Fr. Curto approached the good Mrs. Ortiz so as to have a wider
space. The lady added 14 sq.m to the land, lengthwise. It was dedicated to Mary Help of Christians by the Salesian Fathers as an expression of their devotion to Don Bosco’s Madonna. The agreement was to have a Mass celebrated every 24th of the month besides the usual Sunday Masses.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Estrella Street, Bangkal, Makati City | Founded: 1986 Under the San Ildefonso Parish, 4963 A. Arnaiz Avenue corner. M. Reyes Street Pio del Pilar, Makati City n 1986, a generous lady, Ms. Baby Arenas, gifted Fr. Larry Tamonan, SDB, with a piece of land in Barangay Bangkal (Makati City). The lot was gradually cleared after negotiations with the informal settlers occupying it. Parishioners of the San Ildefonso Parish voluntarily offered their services to build the chapel. A Bosconian and parishioner, Sid Hildawa, drew up the plans. Construction proceeded slowly, with parents and children helping during weekends. After 89 days, the chapel was completed. The parish priest, Fr. John Ma. Rizzato, SDB, and then parochial vicar Fr. Broderick Pabillo, SDB, celebrated the inaugural Mass. Fr. Tamonan chose the title, Mary, Help of Christians, for the chapel. Today, Masses are being celebrated every Sunday. The chapel also serves as the meeting place of the Bible Study group, the Kristiyanong Kapitbahayan, the Charismatic group, and the choir, as well as the venue for the catechism classes of the streetchildren. Triduum Masses and a solemn procession prepare the people for the feast of Mary Help of Christians on the 24th of May.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Garcia Heights,S ucat,P araĂąaqueC ity| Founded:M ay,1 987 Under Our Lady Of Grace Parish, Dona Irenea Ave., Ireneville 1 Subdivision, ParaĂąaque City n 1987, through the collaborative efforts of the residents of Garcia Heights, a chapel was built where the homeowners were able to attend weekly Sunday Masses. It was also at this time that a resident-devotee of Mary Help of Christians transferred from Better Living Subdivision to Garcia Heights and began promoting the devotion to our Lady. Mrs. Cora Nava donated a big statue of MHC for the chapel; and as president of the homeowners association, she spearheaded various activities in honor of Mary Help of Christians. The parishioners recite the Consecration to Mary Help of Christians every 24th of the month and celebrate her feast day with a 9-day novena Masses. On the feast day itself, the people participate in the Marian procession, Flores de Mayo and Santacruzan. Aside from the weekly anticipated Sunday Masses, prayer meetings led by the Spirit of Love Catholic Covenanted Community and the BEC Bukluran are being held at the chapel.They also bring the image of MHC to each family in the area through the Block Rosary Crusade.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
CHAPEL OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS Barangay Emmanuel, Cuenca, Batangas | Founded: 1988 Unde the St. Isidore Labrador Parish, Cuenca, Batangas he devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, began in Cuenca, Batangas, as early as 1930. The people of Brgy. Emmanuel venerated an image of the Blessed Mother, unaware that it was the image of Mary, Help of Christians. In 1988, a new and sturdier chapel was built. Ten years later, the adjoining lot was bought and the chapel was enlarged. Since the original image of Mary, which was lent to the chapel since 1930, was no longer available for their religious activities, Mr. Pedro Rosales had another image made and enthroned permanently in the chapel. On June 2, 1994, the feast day of the chapel, Fr. Aurelio Dimaapi, parish priest,
LGHQWLÀ HG WKH HQWKURQHG LPDJH DV WKDW RI 0DU\ +HOS RI Christians. Mary must have worked a small miracle, for the owner of the original statue decided to donate it to the chapel. On May 24, 2010, the barangay celebrated, with the two images carried in procession. Sunday Masses are celebrated regularly in the chapel. A QRYHQD LQ SUHSDUDWLRQ IRU WKH IHDVW ZDV GRQH IRU WKH À UVW time in 2012.Today, the barangay sets aside May 15 to May 23 for its novena, and celebrates Mary’s feast with the solemn Eucharist and the culminating procession.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL (Chapel of Charity in Guadalupe Bliss) J. P. Rizal St. Barangay CEMBO, Makati | Founded: 1989 Under the St. John Mary Vianney Parish, 472 Narra St., Brgy. CEMBO, Makati City n 1985, the Guadalupe Bliss Community (Phase 1) RUJDQL]HG D FRPPXQLW\ Ă€ HVWD GXULQJ WKH PRQWK RI 0D\ The leaders, under Mr. Danny Dupaya, thought of choosing a patron for their community. They consulted their parish priest at the Lady of Guadalupe Church, who recommended either Our Lady of Fatima on May 13 or Mary, Help of Christians, on May 24. Mr. Dupaya was struck by the title “Help of Christiansâ€? and so encouraged the others to make her their patroness. ,Q WKH SDULVK SULHVW 0VJU 'DFX\FX\ XQLĂ€ HG WKH religious services of the communities of Phases 1 and 3.The image of MaryHelp of Christians was transferred to the Guadalupe Bliss Chapel in Phase 3. Mary, under this title, then became the patroness of the entire Bliss Community (Phases 1, 2, 3, 4, and the Guadalupe Mansions).
Sunday Masses are celebrated in the chapel at 8AM and 6PM.The families are active with the Block Rosary movement. Her feast is celebrated with a nine-day novena, the solemn Eucharist, and the procession on the feastday.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Senegal St., Brgy Nangka, Marikina City | Founded: 1989 Under San Isidro De Labrador Parish, No. 6 Buenmar Ave., Greenland 1 Subdivision, Nangka, Marikina City n May 1983, a group of women from the Marikina Greenheights Women’s Circle started Masses in every street of their subdivision at 4:00 PM every Sunday. The parish priest of the Holy Trinity Parish presided over the Masses. During rainy days, the people sought shelter in the surrounding houses. Because of this predicament, the Women’s Circle began looking for an open space where they could construct a chapel. Bishop Protacio Gungon, DD, of Antipolo gave the go-signal, so also the developer,V.V. Soliven Realty. In 1989, the chapel was dedicated to Mary, Help of Christians, by the parish priest of the Holy Family Parish, Fr. Marcelino Prudente, a Salesian at heart who grew up in D 'RQ %RVFR VHPLQDU\ 'HYRWLRQ WR 0DU\ Á RXULVKHG DPRQJ the people who attributed to her the numerous blessings they received, the deliverance from natural calamities, and WKHLU VSLULWXDO JURZWK DV D FRPPXQLW\ 7KH FKDSHO ZDV À QDOO\ completed in 1995 and was placed under the direction of the San Isidro de Labrador Parish of Nangka.
Masses are held regularly at 9:00 AM every Sunday. Novena Masses are held prior to the feast of Mary Help of Christians RQ 0D\ 7KH VROHPQ (XFKDULVW LV FRPSOHPHQWHG E\ Á RUDO offerings and a procession.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Urban Resettlement of Naga Brgy. Pacol,Naga | Founded: 1997 Under Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Carolina, Naga City, Camarines Sur n 1994, Fr. Mario Villaraza, SDB, was appointed the parish priest of Mt. Carmel Parish in Carolina with Fr. Jesus Tayag, SDB, as parochial vicar.The former took charge of the mountain area while the latter focused on the communities along the plain. Fr.Tayag found a piece of land within the city’s resettlement area for a possible chapel. With the help of Mayor Jess Robredo, the Salesians procured the land at low cost. The Salesian Province of Hongkong offered Fr. Francis Gustilo, SDB, Provincial, a thousand dollars on condition that Saints Louis Versiglia and Callisto Carvarrio, Salesian protomartyrs in China, would be the second patrons of the chapel. ,Q VSLWH RI WKHLU OLPLWHG À QDQFLDO UHVRXUFHV WKH SDULVKLRQHUV were very generous and cooperative. Within a short span of time, they succeeded in completing the chapel. In 1997 it was blessed by the Archbishop of Caceres, Leonardo Legaspi, OP, DD, and was dedicated to Mary, Help of Christians. Today, the parishioners celebrate their chapel feast on May 24, and prepare for it with novena Masses, the praying of the 5RVDU\ DQG WKH RIIHULQJ RI à RZHUV
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Dreamland, Hagonoy, Taguig | Founded: 2012 Under St. Michael The Archangel Parish, Hagonoy, Taguig City In 1999, families from different areas of Fort Bonifacio were relocated at the Conga Area, Hagonoy, now known as Dreamland Subdivision. 90% of them were Catholics. The nearest church was in St. Michael Parish, Hagonoy, or the Sto. Nino Parish. With no permanent place for their Sunday Masses, they made do with their Multi-Purpose Hall. In 2008, Fr. Bernardo Carpio, a former Salesian, took the reins of the parish. He encouraged the people to build a chapel and take Mary, Help of Christians, as their patroness. The bayanihan spirit unfolded. Together, they cleaned up the slum area behind WKH 0XOWL 3XUSRVH +DOO DQG OHYHOHG WKH JURXQG 7KH À UVW 0DVV ZDV celebrated on the site and construction of the chapel began. Finally, the chapel was blessed on April 18, 2010 by Bishop Francisco San Diego, DD, to the great joy of the community. Today, nine-day novena Masses prepare the way for the ½ IWXE on May 24. The Rosary is recited before the Mass. On the feast day itself, there is the solemn Eucharist, followed by games, singing and dance contests, and a Fun Run around the subdivision. The bayanihan spirit continues to grow, and Mary, Help of Christians, is with them to make their dreams come true.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL P. Santos St. cor. V. Mayor St.Malibay, Pasay City | Founded: April 2014 Under San Juan Nepomuceno Parish, C. Jose St., Malibay, Pasay City r. Rodrigo Garcia of Malibay would often dream of a beautiful Lady carrying a child and holding a scepter in her right hand. He told his wife about it, so together the couple went around the churches in Metro Manila looking for that image but in vain. Imagine their surprise when their daughter got married at the Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians, in Better Living Subdivision. There was the image of the Lady who often visited him in his dreams. Thus started the devotion to Mary, Help Christians, in Malibay in 1978. Mr. and Mr. Garcia would bring the image of Mary to the parish church for the Mass on the 24th of every month. After the Mass, the couple would then carry the image in procession from the church to their home. This caught the attention of Msgr. Juan Bautista, who asked the couple about
their devotion and how they could share it with the other people in the community. By the early 80’s, Mary, Help of Christians, was known and venerated throughout Malibay and Maricaban. In 1990, Malibay separated from Maricaban. Another chapel was built in Malibay with the help of a benefactor from Forbes Park. In April 2014, the chapel was blessed by Cardinal Chito Tagle. Fr. Tony Navarrete, parish priest of the San Juan Nepomuceno Parish named it the Chapel of Mary, Help of Christians. Today, people come to the chapel for Sunday Masses.The feast of Mary is kept on May 24, with a novena of preparation and a culminating procession.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Canyoyo V illage, Samar | Found ed: J une 8, 201 5 Under the St. James the Apostle Parish, Marabut, Samar hen the super typhoon “Yolanda” struck the Philippines in 2013, it left the chapel of San Roque in Brgy. Canyoyo, Samar, completely destroyed. The Salesian Sisters (FMA) found their way to the barangay and carried out relief operations with the help of the Camillians. They DOVR UHEXLOW WKH FKDSHO WKURXJK WKH À QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH RI benefactors. The reconstruction took two years. A beautiful chapel emerged over the ruins. The parish priest suggested that it be dedicated to Mary, Help of Christians, since she was responsible for bringing the Sisters to the village. On June 8, 2015, the chapel was blessed, and Canyoyo became the adopted community of the FMA Sisters. The Sisters promote devotion to Mary through novena prayers, stampitas, and the Prayer of Entrustment of the Home to Mary. They also animate Bible-sharing sessions and provide formation to the youth and catechesis.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Brgy. Malapoc Norte, Maasin City | Founded: 2016 Under Our Lady of the Assumption Parish-Cathedral Maasin City, Southern Leyte he chapel in Brgy. Malapoc Norte (Maasin City) was initially dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Bishop Precioso Cantillas, SDB, DD, who was appointed Bishop of Maasin in 1996, himself a devotee of Mary, Help of Christians, proposed that Mary, under this title, be the patroness of the chapel. On December 13, 2015, Fr. Alfredo Briones of the Society of Divine Vocations (SDV) was appointed chaplain of the chapel. It was then that the chapel started to be called the &KDSHO RI 0DU\ +HOS RI &KULVWLDQV 7KLV EHFDPH RIÀ FLDO RQ 0D\ 24, 2016 with the canonical decree issued by Bishop Cantillas. The celebration of Mary’s feast on May 24 is preceded by a novena. The solemn Mass concludes with the coronation of her statue.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Mary Help of Christians Chapels in the Philippines
MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHAPEL Dimson, Village, Bagong Tanyag, | Founded: 2016 Under Our Mother Of Perpetual Help, Brgy. Bagong Tanyag, Taguig
he Christian community was founded in Dimson Village in the year 2000, when there were still few inhabitants and there was no chapel of their own until the Brgy. Tanyag was declared a Parish by the Diocese of Pasig in 2010. Before having a chapel, the Sunday Masses was held in the Day Care Center that was made up of bamboo walling DQG ROG JDOYDQL]HG URRÀ QJ DQG ZLWK RQO\ D JXHVW SULHVW WR celebrate the Mass. ,Q WKH À UVW WKUHH \HDUV 6W 3DXO ZDV WKH SDWURQ VDLQW RI WKH place and the feast was celebrated in May. Fr. Doods Dabalos, a priest from the Sagrada Familia Parish observed that it was not appropriate to celebrate St. Paul’s feast in May. Instead it
would be more proper to have Mary Help of Christians as their patroness since her feast falls on May. And so from 2004, the chapel of Dimson Village was dedicated to Mary Help of Christians. In 2007, typhoon Milenyo destroyed the Day Care Center, including the statue of MHC. In 2010, through the fund raising efforts, the residents succeeded in building a chapel that was EOHVVHG LQ DV WKH RIĂ€ FLDO FKDSHO RI 'LPVRQ 9LOODJH The Feast of Mary Help of Christians is celebrated every th 24 of May. The Sunday Mass is regularly attended by the villagers at 7:00am.
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
Have devotion to Mary Help of Christians and you will see what miracles are. - St. John Bosco
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Non Mary Help of Christians
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Brgy. Ususan,Taguig City
St. Jude Thaddeus Parish Brgy Sta. Lucia, Pasig City
St. Martin of Tours Parish Bocaue Town Proper Street, Poblacion, Bocaue Bulacan Nuestra Signora de Katipanan Camarines Sur
Immaculate Conception Parish Victorias, Negros Occidental San Ildefonso Parish Makati City
Churches with Her Statue
St. John the Baptist Church Calumpit, Bulacan
Parokya ni San Marcos Calumpit, Bulacan
Marist School Marikina Heights, Marikina
St. Mary Goretti Parish Pope Pius XII United Nations Ave, Paco, Manila
St. Joseph the Worker Parish Canlubang, Laguna
Our Lady’s Grand Homecoming Enthronement of the Image of Mary Help of Christians In the Manila Cathedral By Mr. Nolan Angeles hey say that “discovery is seeing what everyone has seen and thinking of what nobody has thought of.â€? That may explain why I have been travelling here and there to discover different images of Mary Help of Christians in the Philippines. My interest stems from the desire to give our Lady, under such title, with a canonical coronation. Through this institutional act of the Pope, duly expressed in a Papal Bull, a Papal Legate or the Papal Nuncio designates a crown for WKH LPDJH RI 0DU\ XQGHU D VSHFLĂ€ F GHYRWLRQDO WLWOH EHLQJ venerated in a particular place. Since the oldest image of Mary Help of Christians was brought to the Philippines in 1922, the FRURQDWLRQ ZRXOG EH PRVW Ă€ WWLQJ LQ DQG ZRXOG VSDUN greater devotion on the national level. It was June 26, 2015, an ordinary Friday. I went for my usual visit to the Black Nazarene in Quiapo, dropping by the nearby Sta. Cruz Church to pay homage to our Lady of the Pillar and making that long walk to the Binondo Church for a little prayer to our Lady of Prompt Succor (Biglang Awa). San Agustin Church would have been next, but an inner force seemed to be pushing me to go to the Manila Cathedral. I entered the cathedral and went through my usual devotion of “kneel, pray, meditate.â€? There was nothing new, nothing strange. As I made my way out, I bumped into this “information machineâ€? just beside the main door. Out of curiosity I tinkered with it. Lo and behold, surprise of DOO VXUSULVHV 2Q WKH Ă€ UVW SDJH ZDV WKH “gallery mapâ€? of the cathedral. There I saw written: “Chapel of Mary Help of Christians.â€? I was astonished and excited. The map pointed WR WKH Ă€ UVW FKDSHO RQ WKH ULJKW QDYH IDFLQJ WKH PDLQ DOWDU +XUULHGO\ , ZDONHG EDFN RQO\ WR Ă€ QG D UDWKHU GDUN URRP illuminated by the light coming from the image of our Lady of Antipolo. There were also the images of our Lady of the Pillar,
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
the Immaculate Conception, and a male saint. But there was no image of Mary Help of Christians. I wondered to myself. “Was I wrong?â€? I went to the other chapels and even crossed to the four others on the left side of WKH FDWKHGUDO KRSLQJ EXW QRW Ă€ QGLQJ what I was looking for. So I returned to the machine and intently looked at the gallery map. “I cannot be wrong,â€? I thought as I read again “Chapel of Mary Help of Christians.â€? Undaunted, I walked back to the nave, and examined every corner, every stained glass window, and even the roof. I gave up. There was no image of Mary Help of Christians! I went through my history, and remembered that Monsignor William Piani, a Salesian and the Papal Nuncio to the Philippines, brought the image of Mary Help of Christians to the
Manila Cathedral in the 1920’s. During the war, the image was transferred to the Loreto Church in Sampaloc for safekeeping. Eventually it was recovered and was enthroned in the National Shrine in Paranaque. I kept asking: “Why name a chapel inside Manila Cathedral after Mary Help of Christians when there is no such image?� That evening, I posted my
experience and questions on Facebook. There were many comments but no clear answers. What stuck in my mind was one comment pointing to an image of Mary Help of Christians inside the $U]RELVSDGR GH 0DQLOD WKH RIĂ€ FLDO residence of the cardinal. The following day was June 27, the feast of our Lady of Perpetual Help. After a visit to the Baclaran Church, I rushed back to Intramuros, to the Arzobispado de Manila. It was Saturday, a non-working day. I had to show all my ID cards and beg for permission to get in. In the Archives Division, I talked with a staff-member and leafed through a thick book about the Manila Cathedral, page after page, paragraph after paragraph, picture after picture. There were no answers to my questions. I kept wishing: “If only Msgr. Piani were alive‌â€? I went on to Guagua, Pampanga, and found a beautiful image of Mary Help of Christians, owned by the Twano family. I returned to San Juan City; there in front of the cemetery was a small chapel with another image. As I ended my day, I asked Mary to guide me and
give me the answers. I was at peace, for I knew she had miracles lined up for me. On June 29, I made my way to Sitio Mangumit in Canlubang, Laguna. There were stories that this image of Mary Help of Christians was one of the three brought in by Msgr. Piani. It ZDV QRW HDV\ WR À QG WKH SODFH D VPDOO community hidden in a vast area of posh villages and communities in the recently developed Nuvali estates. There I was in front of a chapel, seemingly left behind by time. I was ecstatic, in front of the 100 year-old image, but sad for it was poorly kept. The colors were fading and termites were slowly eating the image. Many had attempted to transfer the image, but the people were not willing. More TXHVWLRQV À OOHG P\ PLQG It was Wednesday, July 1, when I had a meeting with Fr. Remo Bati, SDB of the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Paranaque City. I presented to him my two discoveries in the Manila Cathedral and Sitio Mangumit. He was so accommodating and promised immediate action.
Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Finding fulfillment in every image I discovered, I realized that Mary Help of Christians had been around all along. “Hindi lang natin pinapansin o hindi lang natin napapansin.” She came long before we ever imagined. The churches and chapels were there. Devotion to her was widespread. Many Filipinos knew her and prayed to her. From the north to the south of the Philippines, from Ilocos Sur to the Islamic City of Marawi in Lanao, not just in Don Bosco schools and parishes, but also in places where there were no Salesians.
But my discoveries were not over. There was an antique image at the Saint John the Baptist Parish (Dambanang Kawayan) in Taguig City; another at the National Shrine of Saint Michael and the Archangels in Malacañang; also at the main altar of the Parokya ni San Marcos in Calumpit, Bulacan and at the
400 year-old Calumpit Church. There were two small chapels named after Mary Help of Christians in Nangka, Marikina. )LQGLQJ IXOÀ OOPHQW LQ HYHU\ LPDJH I discovered, I realized that Mary Help of Christians had been around all along. “Hindi lang natin pinapansin o hindi lang
Saint John Bosco Today | Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017
natin napapansin.” She came long before we ever imagined. The churches and chapels were there. Devotion to her was widespread. Many Filipinos knew her and prayed to her. From the north to the south of the Philippines, from Ilocos Sur to the Islamic City of Marawi in Lanao, not just in Don Bosco schools and parishes, but also in places where there were no Salesians.
It was January 1, 2016, the feast of Mary Mother of God at the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians that I received the good news from Fr. Bati. The image of Mary Help of Christians would be enthroned in the Manila Cathedral, in the Chapel named in her honor. The rest is history. We were there last February 20, 2016 for the historic “re-enthronement” of Mary’s image in the Manila Cathedral. :H ZHUH WKHUH LQ IXOO IRUFH WR À OO XS the Cathedral as one big Salesian Family. We were there with our Salesian joy, with our songs and cheers, with the youth and the children. As the Salesians of Don Bosco through the hands of His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle gifted me with a special award of recognition, I could not but rejoice. One of my many questions about Mary Help of Christians’ presence in the 3KLOLSSLQHV KDV EHHQ À QDOO\ DQVZHUHG More questions emerge as my discoveries continue. Shall all these lead to the crowning of Mary’s image in 2022? I am hopeful and getting truly excited! VIVA MARIA!!!
A Radio Program
to Promote
Devotion to Mary he radio program called TGIM (Thank God, it’s Mary!) is part of Fr. Remo Bati’s advocacy to promote the devotion to our Blessed Mother under the title of Help of Christians. He has blocked off the 3rd Saturday of every month to brave the EDSA WUDIÀ F ZLWK KLV “ka-tropa” for the live broadcast. The dynamics of the program assure the listeners of “aah” moments at every episode. Father Bati makes it easy to grasp matters pertaining to the Christian faith while inputs shared by various guests like Bishop Pabillo, SDB, DD, and other resource persons bring further enlightenment on the topics. The lay co-hosts provide insights on “daily human experience” and bring the discussions closer to the audience. Other witnesses share stories of how they experienced the deep love of our Mother. Since Mary is mother of all, TGIM appeals to both young and adult audiences. So far, the topics have ranged from the roots of the devotion to Mary, Help of Christians, and St. John Bosco’s love for the Blessed Mother to current issues such as extra-judicial killings and Filipino families today. TGIM is here to stay and promises many more interesting discussions on the air.
Join us. “TGIM: Thank God, it’s Mary!” Radio Veritas 846, at 8PM, every 3rd Saturday of the month Follow us.
MHC’s Thank God, It’s Mary at Radyo Veritas 846. Special Issue: March---M - ay 2017 | Saint John Bosco Today
Most Holy Immaculate Virgin, Help of Christians, Mother of the Church, we place ourselves under your motherly protection. We promise to be faithful to our Christian vocation and to work for the greater glory of God and the salvation of our souls. With faith in your intercession, we pray for the Church, for our family and friends, for the youth, especially those most in need. You are our Mother and Teacher, show us how to imitate your virtues, especially your union with God, your purity, your humility and simplicity, your goodness and total giving of self for others. Amen