St. John Bosco Today January-March2023

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The Salesian Bulletin Philippi January - March 2023 | Volume 51 No. STRENNA 2023 The Lay
A I I M a g e r e n d e r e d b y B r . P a u l D u n g c a , S D B
Dimension of the Family of Don Bosco ST. JOHN BOSCO

Aftermorethanayearof hiatus,theSt.JohnBosco Todayspringsbacktolife-albeit,onlyinthedigitalform

Withoutanyothermeansto continuewiththeprintededition, thiswillbethewayforward inthemeantime. Thisissuecomesouttoday, January24,thefeast ofSt FrancisdeSales, titularsaintof theSalesianSociety, andpatronsaint ofwriters,editors, andjournalists.

TheimageexploreshowthePreventiveSystem mayhelpovercomeobstaclesincascadingthe messageoftheRectorMajorinourlocalsettings. OwnerSalesianSocietyofSt.JohnBosco PrinterDonBoscoPress,Inc. PublisherDonBoscoPress,Inc. Editor-in-ChiefFr.DonnieDuchinDuya,SDB Lay-outFr DonnieDuchinDuya,SDB Managing EditorMs.SusanLiwanag CopyEditorFr.RichieSantos,SDB CirculationMs.Ma.NicoleEspanillo Tosubscribe,pleasecontact FINCommissiononSocialCommunication (CSCom) 3/FDonBoscoProvincialOffice,DonBosco Compound,C RocesAve cor A ArnaizAve, MakatiCity,thePhilippines Tel(02)8893-8227loc.114 Annualsubscription(4issues)P300.00 Sendyourcommentsandsuggestionsto
country,"TheBreadofLifeinthePhilippines: WilltheYeastbeEnoughfortheDough?"
Major Thecover,apaintingdevelopedthroughArtificial
depictsthe"BreadofLife"amidsttheyoung,and begsthequestionofwhetherornotyeast,an
EDITORIAL TEAM /salesian.bulletin Copyright©2023byFINCSCom Allrightsreserved Nopartofthis magazinemaybereproducedwithout expresspermissionfromthepublisher. FROM THE EDITOR
Itakethischancetothankthosewho havecontributedtothisissue, particularlyMs.SusanLiwanag(ASC), managingeditor,andFr.RichieSantos, SDB,copyeditor Ourreadersmayaccesspastissues throughthisportal:


That Young Man Said to Me:

I think it has been many years since I heard that expression from any young person, in such a casual context, and in the presence of his classmates (since some others had approached as we were speaking).

We have begun a new year We find ourselves in 2023 At least to me, that sounds like an unimaginable number, perhaps “galactic time ” I don’t know if it is, but certainly, we are living in the 21st century

Nowadays many ways of living, of expressing oneself, of communicating have changed greatly But we can still be surprised by something we experience, something we see, something we hear

What I want to share with you now is something that I believe to be very opportune for this greeting for the Salesian Bulletin for the month of January, “Don Bosco’s Month” – as we are used to saying in Salesian colloquial language

A few weeks ago I visited the Salesian works in the United States of America Very early on, I visited St John Bosco High School in Bellflower, California, and spent several hours with hundreds of students –middle school children from St Dominic Savio Grammar School and the high school students Following that, there was a roundtable with 45 young people from the high school

We talked about their personal plans and dreams They were very pleasant and enriching hours At the end of the morning, the young people and I ate lunch on the patio I was sitting at a wooden picnic table with four other Salesians, in the open air, on the patio, with my sandwich and a bottle of water I greeted many young people, some sitting at tables, others standing, during this lunch period

At my table, there were two open seats. At one point two young men came up and sat with us. Naturally, I spoke to them and struck up a conversation.

Not even two minutes had elapsed when one of the young people said to me: “I want to ask you a question.” I replied, “Ask.”

The young man inquired: “What do I have to do to become Pope? I want to be the Pope.”

I was left with a surprised look on my face, even if I was smiling. I told him that I had never been asked that question before and that I was surprised that he was so direct and decisive. I said that from among the 1,600,000,000 Catholics, it is not so easy to become the Pope. Then I added something else to my answer. I said, “Look, you could start by becoming a Salesian.”

In response to what he heard, the young man told me: “Well, I won’t say ‘NO,’” adding, “because, without a doubt, MY PASSION IS CHRIST ”

I have to tell you that in the face of such an answer, I was absolutely surprised, pleasantly surprised I think it has been many years since I have heard that expression from any young person, in such a casual context, and in the presence of his classmates (since some others had approached as we were speaking)

I told my friend that I really liked his answer since I saw that he was absolutely sincere And I added that if he gave me permission, I would like to comment on this dialogue of ours at some other time and place I am doing so here

At that moment my thoughts turned to Don Bosco Surely Don Bosco would have greatly enjoyed a dialogue with a young man like this

Undoubtedly, many of the dialogues he had with Savio, Besucco, Magone, Rua, Cagliero, Francesia, and numerous others had a lot of the same: the desire of young people to do something beautiful with their lives

I thought about how important it is still today, 163 years after the beginning of the Salesian Congregation, to continue to believe deeply that young people are good, that they have so many seeds of goodness in their hearts

They have dreams and plans that often carry with them much generosity and self-donation How important it is to continue believing that it is God who carries out the good work in the hearts of each one of us, in each one of His sons and daughters

It seems to me that today, in our times, we run a very great risk of becoming practical and efficient when looking at everything that happens to us and what we experience so that we lose the ability to surprise ourselves and others – and what is more worrisome –not to allow ourselves to be “surprised by God ”

That young man said he was fascinated by Jesus, to the point of saying that He was his passion in life That same thing has happened, I think, with many of us, and with millions and millions of other people

I invite you, friends who are readers of the Salesian Bulletin, friends of Don Bosco's charism, to join this numerous group of people who perhaps could be described as “naive” or “gullible” because we believe that there is so much good to look forward to and so many beautiful things of which to dream, to wish, and to commit ourselves.

I think that just as it was with Don Bosco yesterday, today there are thousands and thousands of young people who want to see Jesus, who need to experience friendship with Him, and who want others to accompany them on this beautiful journey.

Happy feast of Don Bosco, the Saint of Youth, the “Father and Teacher of the Young!” (Pope Saint John Paul II)
Courtesy of USA West Province. The Rector Major Fr Ángel Fernández Artime visits the works in East Los Angeles.


On 12 to 15 January 2023, the 41st Salesian Family Spirituality Days (SFSD) was held in Valdocco, Turin in Italy It was estimated that there were about 300 members of the Salesian Family from different countries who attended the event

Meanwhile, the East Asia Oceania (EAO) Salesian Family, had its two days of online events from 13 to 14 January 2023 It was viewed via live streaming on Salesian Family EAO YouTube channels that were available in different languages

In the Philippines--North Province (FIN), on 14 January 2023, the Salesian Family groups from different Districts simultaneously gathered to attend the Salesian Family Recollection and to celebrate the 41st Salesian Family Spirituality Days

Different guest speakers were invited to reflect on the Strenna 2023 of the Rector Major, “As the Yeast in today’s Human Family” – The lay dimension in the Family of Don Bosco.

Fr Joel Camaya SDB, Fr Vester Casaclang SDB, Fr Donnie Duchin Duya SDB, Sr Joy Impelido FMA, and Sr Claudia Deypalan FMA were invited as guest speakers for the Salesian Family Recollection of the District of South, Paranaque, Makati, and Central, respectively

After the Recollection and group sharing, it was followed by the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a Holy Mass, and fellowship and games over lunch

Other Districts, stayed at the venue to watch the live streaming of the EAO SFSD During the groupings, members of the Salesian Family were able to share their respective charisms and mission and committed to take on the challenges presented on how to be a “yeast” as an individual and together as a group, the Salesian Family

The members of the Salesian Family were able to share their respective charisms and mission and committed to take on the challenges presented on how to be a “yeast” as an individual and together as a Salesian Family.
South District Parañaque District Central District
Makati District


"Caritas must reign in this house. It must flow limitlessly. All those who will dwell here must feel the love of God through you.” These are the usual words of our founder to every apostolate and house of the congregation. These words are essential to living up as his daughters, for the name Caritas must incarnate and be felt by the people we deal with in our works and apostolates

In our congregation’s spirituality seminar this year, we once again looked back at our history and reflected on our different settings and apostolate to see if we were still upholding the important words of our founder Coming from different provinces, we studied, prayed, and came home together to our roots We reflected and remembered the memories of our founder in significant places in his youth until he was sent to do missionary work in Japan

In my reflection as one of the participants in this year’s spirituality seminar, Father Antonio Cavoli’s life from his youth was enveloped with love from his family, which made him love the giver, who is God, the source of unconditional love

Caritas must reign in this house. It must flow limitlessly.

All those who will dwell here must feel the love of God through you.

And his work and sacrifices in founding the congregation has radiated this great love that inspires and motivates me as well to live in this kind of love in my religious life as I fulfill God’s will in my day-to-day apostolate.

November 22, 2022, is the 50th death anniversary of Father Cavoli, the utmost time to renew his passion for the salvation of souls and missionary work for the glory of God.
Sr Wency Sagun, SCG Fr Antonio Cavoli
The man in black seated at the center is Fr. Cavoli's brother.


The Association of Salesian Cooperators had their retreat last November 26–27 at the Assumption Sabbath Place in Baguio City

This is the first retreat in two years due to the pandemic The attendees exceeded the capacity of the retreat house

Fallen captives of COVID-19, they found themselves confined within the four corners of their respective abodes, defined by restrictions and limitations

A total lockdown drove them to go digital, from audio to visual

Apparently, each day was a ride to nowhere, yet this didn't discourage them As vaccines and boosters made their way in, the health protocols loosened, and the new normal came into being

As Salesian Cooperators, they welcomed the bouncing back, the new beginnings, the new certainties, and the new challenges!

Taking a breather, they wasted no time for a spiritual retreat
Ms Susan Lao Liwanag

The retreat zeroed in on the Lay Dimension in the Salesian Family Strenna 2023 (a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough)

The preacher was Fr Rolo Alcasid, economer of Don Bosco Training Center in San Jose, Nueva Ecija The Provincial Delegate on Salesian Family Fr Bobby MAC Roxas was present to hear the confessions


Ms Gene Hilado

The Asociacion Damas Salesianas (ADS) Philippines, through its International Regional Councilor for the Far East Asia Region, Ms. Gene Hilado, attended the Directorio Internacional Ampliado (DIA) (Expanded International Directory Assembly). It was held via Zoom on October 12, 13, and 14, 2022, at 9 a.m. (Caracas, Venezuela time) 9 p.m. (Manila time).

This assembly is held every two years, and all the International Regional Councilors of the different ADS member countries are summoned to attend. The DIA Encounter is a very appropriate means for formation, motivation, encouragement, and a way for the ADS member countries to better know each other and for the continuation of the fascinating adventure of the mission and charisma of the Asociacion Damas Salesianas

All ADS Regional Councilors present were given a timed PowerPoint presentation of their

respective country’s activities during the pandemic, and how human promotion and evangelization were carried out in each center of their region following the three stages of the evangelizing process: missionary action, catechetical action, and pastoral action.

Also covered during the DIA were the topics on Synodality, the lines of action, and recommendations presented by Ms Maria Luisa Ungredda, ADS International Directory Secretary, and the ADS International delegate to the ADS Far East Asia region

The DIA concluded with a Thanksgiving mass celebrated by Father Rafael “Fucho” Montenegro, Salesian Provincial

The author is the Far East Asia Region International Councilor and FADS Philippines National President


in the North Fr Fidel Orendain, FIS Provincial

presided over the

in thanksgiving for the 150 years of God's faithful love and Mary's constant maternal care

The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians celebrated its 150th foundation anniversary last year (1872-2022) The spiritual preparations began four years ago

The running theme for the celebration is the constant presence of Mary–our mother and teacher, who continues to walk with us Filled with gratitude, the local and provincial educating communities celebrated it in various ways this year, amongst which are the following:

The Salesianity renewal organized by the Salesianity team which included monthly Salesian Spirituality inputs, prayer, and reflection as well as modified sharing Video clips on Salesianity topics were uploaded on FB pages for the educating communities The commemorative tree planting in Sitio Sapinit Brgy San Juan, Antipolo City

The renewal of vows of our sisters celebrating their 25th, 40th year of religious profession
Sr. Mariel de Mata, FMA The FMA Sisters renew their vows at SJB Parish--Makati last October 15 in the presence of the Salesian Family and the Educating Communities Superior Eucharistic Celebration,
Gifting the institute with new missionaries: Sr Carmina Pajarillo, FMA, and Sr Eustacia Mendoza, FMA

Responding to the call of the Church to be in the peripheries by having a new presence in Taytay, Palawan.

With audacity, firmly holding on to Mary, they move forward together with the Educating Communities to generate life in contemporaneity for the next 150 years.


The Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) in the Philippines celebrated its 40th National Convention held on 15 October 2022 at the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Paranaque City

Its theme, “ADMA, living the Salesian way and serving with love” was an inspiration from the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the death of St Francis of Sales This is a challenge for the ADMA members to continuously commit to love, live, and serve others, with Mother Mary as their model and guide

Fr Nestor Impelido, SDB, formerly the ADMA National Delegate and Spiritual Animator of the Philippines North Province (FIN) was the guest speaker

Some 200 delegates from eighteen (18) chapters that are actively present from different places in the country participated

Also, with the support of Fr Godofredo Atienza, SDB, the Salesian Family, and ADMA Delegate of the Philippines South Province (FIS), three (3) members from ADMA FIS together with Fr Rooney John Undar, SDB were able to join National Convention
Ms Maria Junifer L Maliglig
This is a challenge for the ADMA members to continuously commit to love, live, and serve others, with Mother Mary as their model and guide.

The members prayed the holy rosary and offered flowers as a thanksgiving to Jesus and our Mother Mary

ADMA members from the Mary Help of Christians Chapter in Marinduque rendered a traditional ceremony uniquely performed in their province that comprised of song and dance, in thanksgiving, hope, and prayer for a good life.

Fr. Cris Magbitang, SDB, presently ADMA FIN’s National Delegate and Spiritual Animator and also the Rector and Parish Priest of the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians, presided over the Holy Mass.

Before the final blessings, the ADMA pledge was recited, to live and renew a faithful and responsible personal commitment as a member of the association and of the Salesian Family.

ADMA members from the Mary Help of Christians Chapter in Marinduque rendered a traditional ceremony uniquely performed in their province that comprised of song and dance, in thanksgiving, hope, and prayer for a good life.
OneoftheimageswasourMaryHelpof ChristianswhichwasPontificallyCrownedlast May24,2022 AnumberofMariandevoteescametoshow theirloveforMHC:FMASisters,Associationof MaryHelpofChristians(ADMA),andNational ShrineMarianCommissionandministries, alongwithyoungpeopleandtheirrespective families. LastDecember4,2022,heldthe41stIntramuros GrandMarianProcession. Thisisanannualgatheringandcelebrationof thedifferentMariantitleswhichhaltedfortwo yearsduetothepandemic. Thisyearwasspecialforthefocusofthe processionwastheimagesoftheBlessed VirginMarywhichwasgrantedPontifical Coronationthroughoutthecountry P h o t o M s . E J S a g a n d o y CROWNED MHC IMAGE JOINS GRAND MARIAN PROCESSION Mr Andrew Chanco 14



CalambaCity,thePhilippines Itwasahappy 8December2022forVolunteerswithDon Bosco(CDB)inthePhilippines.

AmidsttheSolemnityoftheImmaculate Conception,fourCDBmembersmadetheir professionattheDiocesanShrineofMaryHelp ofChristiansinCalambaCity,LagunaProvince Oneofthevolunteersmadehisfirstprofession, whiletheotherthreerenewedtheirtemporary professionthatday.Thisbringsthenumberof professedCDBsinthePhilippinestofour.

Meanwhile,fourCDBaspirants,togetherwith membersoftheSDBPostNovitiatecommunity, aswellasarepresentativefromtheVolunteers ofDonBosco(VDB),assistedintheceremony. Hopefully,theseCDBaspirantsmayeventually professinthecomingyears

TheMasswascelebratedbyFr.Vitaliano Dimaranan,andconcelebratedbyFr Bobby Roxas(FINdelegatefortheSalesianFamily), Fr.RichieSantos,andFr.EliCruz(Ecclesiastical AssistantfortheCDB)coordinatedtheentire event.

Selectedfriendsandfamilymembersofthe volunteersattendedthesolemnceremony. TowardstheendoftheMass,brother volunteersfromVenezuela,Malta,andMexico gavetheirheartfeltwishes,virtually.

Asimplelunchcappedtheevent,and,allinall, ablessedmorningwasexperiencedby everyone.

TheCDBCentralEcclesiasticalAssistant,Fr. JoanLluisPlaya (DelegateoftheRectorMajor fortheSalesianFamily)senthis congratulationsandgreetings. 15


Crystal is an architecture student at a prestigious university in Cebu Being a youth leader and an active choir member of the Archdiocesan Shrine of our Lady of Lourdes in Punta Princesa, she has to juggle school, parish duties, and work because she is also a working student On top of it, she dedicates her precious time to be part of the Salesian Music Ministry or SMM She doesn’t mind grueling heavy traffic to commute more than a kilometer away to attend practices religiously rain or shine for the past five years Crystal is just one of the thirty-some members of SMM who frequent the Don Bosco Formation Center in Lawaan, Talisay City for its Wednesday practices Being present is part of their commitment

The idea of forming SMM began with a dream It all began during the bi-centennial celebration of St John Bosco’s birthday A 200 - Voice Grand Choir was organized for the Eucharist Liturgy of August 16, 2015 These “voices” consisted of choir groups coming from different Salesian settings and would come together for the 200th closing event held in Cebu. That same year, the inspiration came to form an official choir to act as “ambassadors” of Salesian Music was conceived. Thus “Pagdayeg Choir” was founded on May 24, 2015, named after the popular Pagdayeg Liturgy Guide Don Bosco Technical College - Cebu used to publish.

Two years later on May 24, 2017, the second member-group named PraiStrings, a string ensemble, became part of the SMM Family PraiStrings is guided under the baton of Mr Norman Glodove; while the Pagdayeg Choir is trained by its Choir Director Ms Rechelle Base The overall Music Director and Resident Arranger of the Salesian Music Ministry is Mr Niño James Bañares, a multi-talented

and arranger
The Pagdayeg Choir

The very aim of SMM is to compile, archive, publish, perform and promote songs written by Salesians or their lay affiliates In its sevenyear lifespan since its inception, SMM had borne several fruits

It has published four songbooks: Songs of Praise – Misa Figuracion 1 (October 2014); Mga Awit sa Pagdayeg – Misa Figuracion 2 (August 2015); Memorare – Songs for the Blessed Mother (May 2017); Saulugon Ta –Volume 1 (August 2019) Soon this May, it will publish Mga Awit sa Pagdayeg – Misa Figuracion 3 Despite the pandemic restrictions, it was able to produce online SMM Under Covers – Season 1 & 2 (2020) and Canti e Lodi Episodes (2021) which can also be found on Spotify and iTunes

It has also organized annual concerts: Memorare (May 24, 2017); Pasko na Usab (Dec 9, 2017); Hail Mary (Sept 8, 2018); A Symphonic Night in Lourdes featuring the Classic Youth Orchestra (Dec 1, 2018); Christmas & Classics with the Classic Youth Orchestra (Nov 30, 2019); WFH: Worship From Home with special guest Ms Jehramae Trangia, 2020 Sinulog Idol Grand Champion (Dec 5, 2020); Melodies from Lourdes: A Virtual Marian Concert with the special participation of Ms. Raki Vega (Feb 11, 2021).

Most recently, SMM brought to the Cebuano Community the world-renowned and UNESCO Artist for Peace the Philippine Madrigal Singers in a once-in-a-lifetime concert at the Pedro Calungsod Chapel, SM Seaside last September 30, 2022.

SMM believes that it can promote the Salesian spirit and its values in a sublime and powerful way through music. As somebody said: “the true beauty of music is that it connects people. It carries a message and the musician are the messengers. This is how SMM communicates joy, optimism, and hope.

To achieve its second objective which is to assist, educate and enhance the Music Ministries, especially under the Salesian Houses, SMM has organized several music seminars: Lourdes Parish Choirs in Cebu (April 2017); SLS – DB Dumaguete (Sept 2017); Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish – Mati, Davao Oriental (Oct 2017); Mary Help of Christians Parish – Calinan, Davao (Oct 2017); Ormoc Choirs (April 2022) and Bantayan Island Choirs (May 2022)
SMM believes that it can promote the Salesian spirit and its values in a sublime and powerful way through music.


“Totum amoris est” (Everything Pertains to Love) is the official title of the Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis on the 400th anniversary of the death of St Francis de Sales in 1622 It was published on December 28, 2022

The Holy Father lifted the phrase from the preface of his book, “Treatise on the Love of God ” We read, “In Holy Church, everything pertains to love, lives in love, is done for love, and comes from love ”

This was not only because he wrote about divine love, but because “he was an outstanding witness to that love ”

In 1923, Pope Pius XI named St Francis de Sales the patron saint of Catholic writers and the Catholic press because of the tracts and books he wrote He is also the patron saint of the deaf

St. Francis de Sales and Don Bosco Don Bosco chose him as the titular patron of the religious congregation he founded, the Society of St Francis de Sales That is why its members are called Salesians And the members of the female congregation that he founded with Mary Domenica Mazzarello
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A P r o v i n c e

The Teachings of St. Francis de Sales and their Relevance Today

The Universal Call to Holiness Vatican II in the Dogmatic Constitution, “Lumen Gentium” declared: “Therefore in the Church, everyone whether belonging to the hierarchy, or being cared for by it, is called to holiness, according to the saying of the Apostle: “For this is the will of God, your sanctification” (I Thes. 4:3; cf. Eph. 1:4)”. But already 350 years before, St. Francis de Sales taught that everyone was called to holiness and that call was specific to each person, tailored to fit that person’s talents, shortcomings, and state in life, so wrote the Pope.

Everything is grace, including the call to holiness. But that grace given out of love also requires a response the acceptance of that love and all that it entails "Each person, therefore, is responsible for cooperating with his or her own fulfillment, with spreading his or her wings with confident trust before the gust of God's wind," the Pope observed

"To live in the midst of the secular city while nurturing the interior life, to combine the desire for perfection with every state of life, and to discover an interior peace that does not separate us from the world but teaches us how to live in it and to appreciate it, but also to maintain a proper detachment from it -that was the aim of Francis de Sales, and it remains a valuable lesson for men and women in our own time," the Pope concluded


Devotion is a keyword in the writings of St Francis of Sales and therefore, needs to be understood at the outset It is the calling to holiness which St Francis insists can be pursued by everyone, regardless of one’s station in life Developing this further, Pope St Paul VI on the fourth centenary of the birth of St Francis quotes him, “Devotion must be practiced differently by the gentleman, the craftsman, the chamberlain, the prince, the widow, the young woman, the wife Moreover, the practice of devotion must be adapted to the abilities, affairs, and duties of each ”

Devotion may also be described as that attitude that enables us to practice the commands and counsels of God frequently, carefully, and promptly It is that spirit that inspires us to love God, ourselves, and one another in a lively, enthusiastic, and energetic manner Devotion then can be said to be a manifestation of charity

But St Francis de Sales cautions us against false devotion He illustrates this with an example “Another will consider himself devout because all day long he mumbles a string of prayers, yet remains heedless of the evil, arrogant, and hurtful words that his tongue hurls at his servants and neighbors ”


How is devotion a manifestation of charity? Charity may be likened to a spiritual fire that when fanned into flame becomes devotion. It is devotion that makes charity prompt, active and diligent.

Reflecting on St. Francis de Sales’ teachings on love, Pope Francis writes that love is “the first act and principle of our devout or spiritual life.”
Feature I m a g e c o u r t
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“Devotion must be practiced differently by the gentleman, the craftsman, the chamberlain, the prince, the widow, the young woman, the wife.
Moreover, the practice of devotion must be adapted to the abilities, affairs, and duties of each.”

“The source of this love that attracts the heart is the life of Jesus Christ. ‘Nothing sways the human heart as much as love,’ and this is most evident in the fact that ‘Jesus Christ died for us.” It is no wonder that many Saints counseled meditating on the cross – St Ignatius of Loyola, St. Paul of the Cross, St. Faustina, St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Teresa of Avila, St Bonaventure, and many others.

The nurse attending Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in the early morning hours of his last day reported that his final words were, “Signore, ti amo,” “Lord, I love you.” Is this not an indication of the devotion that St Francis de Sales was speaking of? And could it not be that it is this devotion to Jesus that prompted many of the faithful who were present at his Funeral Mass to shout, “Santo subito!” (Sainthood now!)

Discernment and Spiritual Direction

When we speak of discernment and spiritual direction, it is undoubtedly St Ignatius of Loyola that comes to mind for many people But St Francis de Sales was a sought-after spiritual director in his day

Pope Francis in his letter noted that for this Saint, the most important question a Christian can ask when making any decision in life is where the greatest love is to be found "More important than any kind of useless rigidity or self-absorption keep asking at every moment, in every decision, in every situation in life, where the greatest love is to be found "

St Francis de Sales also initiated a new way of doing spiritual direction, a new approach, if you will Pope Francis said, "It was a method that renounced all harshness and respected completely the dignity and gifts of a devout soul, whatever its frailties " And he concludes: “These words display that insight that was to make Salesian optimism famous and leave a lasting mark on the history of spirituality through its later flowering, as, for example, in the case of St John Bosco some two centuries later ”


The centenary of Don Bosco’s birth in 1988 was a grand celebration for the Salesian Family and the friends of Don Bosco Some had hoped that John Paul II would bestow on Don Bosco the title of “Doctor of the Church” on this occasion But that was not to be (Instead, on the Hill of Youthful Beatitudes the Pope bestowed on him the title, “Father and Teacher of Youth”)

For Don Bosco was not an armchair, theoretical thinker and writer What he wrote and what he did was based on lived experiences that he deeply reflected on

This Don Bosco shares with St Francis de Sales "His (St Francis de Sales) writings were no theory concocted behind a desk, far from the concerns of ordinary people," Pope Francis said "His teachings were the fruit of a great sensitivity to experience " In another part of the Letter, we find: "Partly by God’s gift and partly thanks to his own character, but also by his steady cultivation of lived experience, Francis perceived clearly that the times were changing ”

In today’s world, we find it difficult to keep still We tend to surf in frenzy cable channels or the internet St Francis de Sales teaches us to find time to sit still and reflect on our lived experiences In this way, we may be able to discern what God may be telling us about ourselves and about the world at this moment in time.
Feature I m a g e b y R e n a t a S e d m a k o v a / S h u t t e r s t o c k 20 21


As the Philippines wrapped up its celebration of the 500th year of Christianity last year, the Salesians of Don Bosco–Philippines North Province have come up with Youth+, a sourcebook designed for people who accompany the young This is FIN Province's gift to the Church in the Philippines

Backed up with up-to-date research that has implications for the lives of young people, this publication was conceptualized five months after the series of lockdowns began due to the COVID19 virus in 2020.

Heeding the pastoral call to guidance amidst the challenges that rose during the pandemic, the editorial team invited professors, counselors, priests, sociologists, psychologists, school administrators, and spiritual directors, who have endeavored to offer their time and talent to write about young people

And as a way of dialoguing with them, young people were asked to contribute their personal take on the topics.

An aesthetic and easily digestible read, the structure of the book is patterned after the Salesian Educative Pastoral Plan (SEPP), that is, (1) Education to the Faith, (2) Education & Culture, (3) Group & Social Experience, and (4) Vocation Orientation

The book has 288 pages, with a dimension of 5 5 X 7 5 inches Illustrated by a young person herself, this volume is a visual delight.

This is a book that is urgently needed by those who want to help the young people in this and future generations grow into good Christians and upright citizens. It is a perfect all-year-round present for benefactors, and also for those with whom we collaborate in our ministry with the young
FIN News Service

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