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Spirituality Days

FIN-Salesian Family
joins the 2021 Salesian Spirituality Days
By Br. John Joseph Aguila, SDB and Br. Jogar Villanueva, SDB

Together with the other 22 Provinces from the East Asia and Oceania (EAO) Region, the Philippine North (FIN) Province actively participated in the 39th Spirituality
Days of Salesian Family from 15-17 January 2021.

“Let us work while it is day. When night comes,
the Lord will provide.” (Venerable Ignac Stuchly, SDB)
As the opening salvo, the participants were invited to a virtual tour of the newly opened Don Bosco Museum in Valdocco.
A moving segment of the day was the testimonials of hope by the persecuted Christians from Lahore, Youhanabad, Pakistan. It encouraged everyone to be steadfast in living the Christian faith despite the many challenges. The students of theology at the Seminaryo ng Don Bosco in Parañaque animated the concluding prayer.
Bishop Joseph Prathan, SDB of Thailand delivered the Good Night Talk. He zeroed in on joy as a way to relationship, optimism in di cult times, and hope most especially in depressed areas, and the migrant tribal people.
That same afternoon, the FIN Salesian Family Members were divided into 38 small zoom breakout groups for the rst workshop and to share insights on what struck, inspired or challenged them the most from the testimonies they have heard. The responses were collated and submitted to the Provincial Delegate of the Salesian Family for the nal collation to be forwarded to the regional coordinator.
At 8 in the evening, the participants gathered online around the Rector Major who at the time was in Sacro Cuore for the presentation of the Strenna 2021: Moved by Hope. A 15-minute video was shown regarding the Strenna, followed by a short commentary by the Rector Major himself stressing that we are in God’s hands and we must trust and hope.
The second day was also lled with excitement. The EAO meeting started with a report given by Mr. Niel Evangelista of the Past Pupils. He shared the top three inspirations and challenges of the Salesian Family which were a fruit of the previous day’s sharing: (1) To listen better to the voice of the young people; (2) Faith and the hope of the persecuted Christians in Pakistan, and (3) The young people are our Hope.
The members of the Salesian Family also re ected on the life of Bishop Giuseppe Cognata, a victim of slander who su ered greatly almost throughout his life.
The regional program was capped o by a moving prayer that was led by the Caritas Sister of Jesus and their mission partners. The Good Night Talk was given by Ms. Phyllis Tang, a lay collaborator in Hong Kong. Her talk centered on how the Salesian Family can animate the young people and how they can bene t from their zeal and love for the work of Don Bosco.
After the regional program, the FIN Salesian Family members proceeded with the breakout groups for the workshop and the sharing of insights on how they can become witnesses of hope. The evening was lled with presentations coming from all over the world with the

various members of the Salesian Family showcasing their respective charisms and apostolate.
The Eucharistic Celebration capped o the event presided over by the Rector Major himself at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Rome. Prior to the Mass, the copy of the homily of the Rector Major was translated into di erent languages and circulated to each participant.
Indeed, this event was extraordinary not only because it was done online but because it has achieved its goal of motivating every member of the Salesian Family to be moved by hope.