Club Doncaster Foundation - Impact Summary and Strategic Plan 2022 -2025

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Supporting Doncaster to become a healthier, better connected, inclusive City Impact summary and strategic plan 2022 - 2025 #HeartOfDoncaster

Welcome to the Club Doncaster Foundation strategy and community impact overview. When we started this journey, never did we imagine the challenges that the last few years would bring to us personally and to our organisation. We are immensely proud of how our charity was able to be agile and continue to put our participants at the heart of everything we do. During this time, we have been able to review our services and most importantly set a vision for what we want our charity to be and how we will support the people of Doncaster in the future.

This strategy document tells a story of who we are, who we want to be and how we want to use our unique position at the heart of professional sport in Doncaster to improve lives across the city.

There are no better people to ask what our services mean than the people and communities we serve. This year, you’ll see key insights from participants who form the forefront of this document, telling the stories about the impact that our staff and volunteers have had on their lives.

Our participants and key stakeholders, together with our staff team have played a key part in shaping our direction of travel and we wanted this to be evident in the stories showcased in this document.

Finally, this work wouldn’t be possible without the fantastic staff, volunteers and trustee board that I have the privilege to work with on a daily basis. Our team genuinely care about our provision and they are the lifeblood of what makes our Foundation what it is. I hope you enjoy reading about where we feel we can support people in our community over the next 3 years. Together we can support Doncaster to become a healthier, better connected and inclusive city.



We wouldn’t be able to do the work we do without the support of our partners, patrons and our incredible fundraisers. We wouldn’t be able to do any of this work without your vital support.

Programme funders and Patrons


Meet Emily

Emily joined Club Doncaster Sports College in 2014, studying on the BTEC Level 3 Sport programme. She said, "My reasons for joining the college arose from coming to an open evening, and from meeting the staff and looking around the facilities I would be learning in, I was instantly inspired ".

As Emily progressed through the 2-year course, she thrived in the college environment, commenting "I really enjoyed the lessons and the environment my education was in, it was engaging and allowed me to develop both knowledge and skills in a variety of different topics".  On completing her BTEC L3 Sport with Distinctions, Emily opted to take her degree whilst staying at Club Doncaster Sports College, where she flourished,

"For me, it was the best decision I've ever made, as from this I was able to not only complete my bachelor’s degree, but also my teaching qualification through a placement here".

Emily successfully applied for a teaching post at Club Doncaster Sports College where she currently teaches BTEC L3 Sport and trains the ladies football academy.

Emily's Story

From being at the sports college, the support from staff is something unique and you won't find it in many other places. The second you walk through the door, they get to know you and determine the best way to support and develop every individual. If it wasn't for the staff at Club Doncaster Sports College, I wouldn’t be where I am today."
Qualification/pass rate 99.3% pass rate across all sports qualifications #HeartOfDoncaster
Impact Overview Here is our 2021-22 delivery year in numbers: Impact 2021-2022 Delivery year 91.9% Retention rate 99.3% Overall pass rate Targeted session delivery Average of 22 people attending every targeted session for under-represented groups 371 sessions 8518 attendances Number of school sessions delivered 6407 sessions Fit Rovers Participants 8 courses 240 participants Fit Rovers Vets Participants 291 sessions 9336 attendances Total weightloss across health provision 325.2kg (51.2 stones)
#HeartOfDoncaster Kicks engaged 1101 Staff team 53 staff NCS Audit result 99.07% external quality audit score Financial performance 1.62 million turnover Volunteer action 8700hrs Youth mentoring sessions delivered 120 126,057 reach (Facebook - Kicks page, Foundation page, Sports College) 625,600 impressions (Twitter) Social media reach 625,600 impressions 126,057 reach Player visits recorded 117 player visits delivered across Doncaster

Improving lives across Doncaster

A registered charity at the heart of Doncaster

The Foundation is a leading charity, operating in the heart of our community. We deliver provision that seeks to support Doncaster to become a healthier, more connected and inclusive City.

TheHeart Of Doncaster

Improving Lives Inclusion Education



Doncaster’s young people have historically suffered from poor levels of social mobility and a continuous legacy of under performance at school. For the adult population, there are significant health inequalities across the borough, with high levels of obesity in adults and children, high rates of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and high levels of cancer in all forms.


Our 3-year strategic plan is focussed on expanding reach into communities, supporting more people with health and wellbeing activities, education attainment, diversionary and inclusive based activities in order to improve lives and make a real difference in Doncaster.

Strategy Overview


To improve lives in Doncaster by using the power of sport to deliver excellence in education, community outreach and youth engagement provision.

Increase our health and wellbeing offer to affect change across Doncaster, focusing on mental health support, reducing obesity and improving heart health and cancer prevention.

Develop comprehensive brand awareness that underpins every communication. Everyone across the Borough should know who we are and what we do.

Support work on social inclusion enabling all young people to access programmes and opportunities.

Ensure everything that we do is underpinned by being inclusive, treating people fairly and equally and valuing diversity.

Grow the reach and impact of our education offer, through increased opportunities and qualifications through the college.

Develop fundraising income to enable us to expand over-subscribed services, addressing local need.


Vision, mission and values


To support Doncaster to become a healthier, more connected and inclusive City.


To improve lives in Doncaster by using the power of sport to deliver excellence in education, community outreach and youth engagement provision.


To be inclusive in our approach

To care about what we do and who we work with

To work with and across the whole Borough

To be professional in all that we do

To be different and to push the boundaries

Strategy Overview


Meet Ellie

Ellie joined Club Doncaster Foundation on an NCS programme in the Autumn. Ellie is a bright and bubbly individual and when the opportunity arose for her to take part in NCS with her college, she was extremely keen to participate. Being a wheelchair user, Ellie was unsure how much of the programme, if any, would be accessible for her. However, Ellie said ‘even if it means I have to sit out of some of the activities, I’d rather be there and feel apart of something’.

Inclusivity is one of the programmes core values so work began to ensure Ellie could participate in as much of the programme as possible. Adjustments were made to transport, venues and additional staff were taken. As part of the programme, participants get to take part in some outdoor activities, this is something Ellie hasn’t considered being possible for her. The activity centre reassured us that many of the activities are accessible, and made special adjustments for Ellie to be able to take part in the abseiling, rock climbing and zip-lining.

Ellie successfully completed the programme and even won the special recognition award at the celebration event.

Ellie's Story

“As a wheelchair user, the chances of me being able to go zip lining and rock climbing was never something I imagined could happen. The NCS project made it happen. I am so grateful for the opportunity. ”
365 young people engaged in the programme

Meet Bea

Bea epitomises everything we’ve hoped to achieve from our community gym project –Foundation Fitness. Our aspiration was to open a facility for the community and remove as many barriers to participation as possible.

Bea has ADHD, ASD Tourette’s syndrome and FND which has put her in a wheelchair. Bea is also transgender. Bea attends our targeted sessions which allow us to open the facility for community members that we don’t see represented in our membership.

“Foundation fitness is incredibly accessible which makes attending so easy. The staff are nothing short of amazing with their support and acceptance making it the perfect place for protected groups. The protected groups mean I can go to the gym with no anxiety, work out in a calm and peaceful environment when it’s not full of other people, use the changing rooms without “looking over my shoulder” all the time, and have open, free conversations with other LGBTQ+ people that I wouldn’t be able to have in a public setting.

Getting around in my wheelchair is a breeze, free parking makes it incredible, and I feel so safe. I’m looked after and protected by the staff I honestly would struggle to find anywhere else like this. These group sessions are my escape from the outside world that I would struggle to achieve elsewhere.”

Bea's Story

“Foundation fitness is incredibly accessible which makes attending so easy. The staff are nothing short of amazing with their support and acceptance making it the perfect place for protected groups. The protected groups mean I can go to the gym with no anxiety... and have open, free conversations with other LGBTQ+ people...I honestly would struggle to find anywhere else like this.”
LGBTQ+ and Transgender Gym Groups 72 sessions 624 attendances 46 unique participants #HeartOfDoncaster

Following the launch of our targeted gym provision, we worked with Healthy Her and then Doncaster Council to develop provision that removed barriers for Muslim women across Doncaster by offering a closed group session that has gone from strength to strength. Here are a number of quotes about the impact of this provision from our participants and why it’s been so valuable.

Our approach has been to listen and adapt our provision, whilst ensuring that we create a welcoming and safe environment for all.

Arooba, Arisha & Asama’s Story

“ At 36 no-one had ever welcomed me into a gym and due to this initiative, I’ve overcome and realised I’ve enjoyed it.” – A. Din
Meet Arooba, Arisha and Asama
“This gym session has been a lifesaver for me. It has not only got me out the house, it has also given me hope to improve my health and also see and meet people I have not met for a very long time ” – S. Rashid
“ We try our best to attend the session every week. It has really helped with our mental health and confidence. Attending these sessions has become the highlight of our week!”
– Arooba, Arisha and Asama.
Under-represented communities engaged 223 sessions 6647 attendances 269 unique participants #HeartOfDoncaster

Meet Derek

Derek is 83 years old and attends our walk & talk sessions that take place weekly around the stadium. The sessions were born on the back of the national lockdown and were specifically put on to support people transition from the challenges that the lockdowns faced, back into light exercise and reduce the isolating effect of the pandemic.

Derek started attending our walk and talk sessions after lockdown to meet new people and to be more active having previously undergone a triple heart bypass. Here’s what he had to say about the programme:

“The session is something I look forward to every week and the sense of achievement when I complete the walk gives me positivity for the week ahead.

Socially, the group provides a fantastic atmosphere for which I have formed many new friendships.

I appreciate all the hard work of the Foundation team and everything they have done for me and many others”

Derek's Story

“The session is something I look forward to every week.”
“When I complete the walk it gives me positivity for the week ahead.”
Social Isolation (Walk and Talk) Eco-Power Stadium, Hexthorpe and Askern 70 sessions 1210 attendances 177 unique participants #HeartOfDoncaster

Our Foundation wouldn’t be where it is today without the support of our fantastic local community. One of the many questions we get asked is “how can we help you do more?” The good news is there are many ways you can support us as an individual or as an organisation can help us grow, and grow our outreach.

Direct debit donations

This enables you to give small amounts every month to The Foundation to support our work. These regular gifts mean we have a predictable income stream so that we can commit to reaching people across the City.

Corporate Social Responsibility

There are so many ways for businesses to support us, summarised below:

• Choose us as charity of the year

• Become a patron, bronze, silver or gold partner

• Fundraise through your own events or on one of our events

• Fund delivery of our programmes

• Display our collection boxes

• Staff volunteer days

• Choose us as your chosen charity for purchasing websites (such as Amazon smile)

Payroll giving

Through your wages also offers tax relief, depending on the rate of tax you pay. To donate £1, you pay:

• 80p if you’re a basic rate taxpayer

• 60p if you’re a higher rate taxpayer

• 55p if you’re an additional rate taxpayer


A growing number of people are now leaving either money or assets to charities and this is something that can really help charities like ours support more people. Increasingly, fans are leaving legacy gifts to the Foundation to make an impact in the community after their passing. By choosing to leave a gift to our Foundation in your will, your legacy will be positively impacting the lives of your friends and neighbours.

If you have any questions, please contact

Every single penny makes a difference

• £3 could pay for one person to attend a Fit Rovers session to improve their physical and mental wellbeing

• £15 could pay for 5 people to have a hot drink and snack at our social café

• £25 can cover a targeted youth mentoring session for vulnerable children across the City

• £50 could pay for one young person’s entire NCS experience, where they will meet new people, learn new skills and support their local community

• £100 could pay for 5 activity session bookings

• £5000 could support young people with diversionary activity for a delivery year

Donate or find out more here:

How to

suppo rt us


References and supporting documents

The following documents and organisations have contributed to the creation of this strategy:

Doncaster Delivering Together 10-year Borough strategy

Get Doncaster Moving Doncaster Council

Uniting the Movement Sport England

Stronger, healthier, more active communities EFLT

National Football Facilities Strategy The Football Foundation

Unlocking Youth Work UK Youth

A huge part of this strategic work was based on talking to our stakeholders, participants, and supporters to find out what our charity meant to them and how we could provide the best service and support as we move forward. This has helped us shape our values, our mission and reflect on everything we want to be as an organisation. By putting our community at the heart of everything we do and working in partnership with community minded organisations, we’ll be able to help change more peoples lives across Doncaster.

Thank you

Thank you
Stadium, Stadium Way, Doncaster, DN4 5JW 01302 764663 Eco-Power Charity No. 1122676

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