1796 Gr-rtNC/H,·O(y'( "1, pinning-\\'heel Premium Emitkmcl1l Lists As pan of a gOHTnl11cnt schcme to el1Cour:u?;e the linen trade. free spinning-\ \'heds or were gra11lt'd to illdi\iduals planting a certain area of land \\1th flax, The lists of those entitled to the a\\ 'ards, covering almost 60 .000 indi\ iduals. were published in 1796. and record only the name of the indi\ idual and thc ci\ il parish in \ \'hich hc li\·cd. As might be cxpected. the 0\'('[ 6+ per cen t of'the 10tal. were in Ulster, but some names appear from ('I 'cry county exccpt Dublin and' "ickJo\\', In the county-by-coumy so u rcc-lis ts on ly those counties \\ 'ith signifi cant numhers \1110rC than 3.000 namt's include a refercllcc. A microfiche indcx 10 the lists a \ 'ailabk in the ;\atiollal ,\ rc h i\'('s, and the Public Record Offlcc of' !\onhcrn Ireland.
.\ L.IST of . Flax-feed by the PERSONS to whom PREMIUMS for fovving in the. Y I796 have been adjudged _ of the Linen ManufaCture.
l\lr!uant to the Scheme . offered by them ' for encouraging the Growth of FL:AX t1lll1 11 'T llOut the Kingdom 1 viz. "To the Perfon who ihould fow betwt:en the J oth .. DJY of March an,d the dl: Day of June 1796, yvith a ,?f ,,()()J found Flax-feed, any of Land, well prepared and fit for the purpok, lds than I Acre-4 Spillning Wheels,--3 Roods 3 Ditto,-2 Roods.. Dittci,-'-I Rood, I Ditto. And to the Perfon who ihould fow in like ,. \latlner any of like Land, not than 5 Acres, a Loom, or Wheels, .. or Hatehells to the Value of 50 Shlllings, and for every 5 Acres over and ., abOVl the ' firfi five a like Premium."
, .' T he Claimapts for one Rood, who are entitled to one Wheel each, are reque'fled to apply (0 I!.c Cuunly InfpeCl:or Mr. Robert Cochran, for their Wheels, there ' being a fufficiem Number read)' : ) ',jill rib re among them: The other Premiums will be difch:uged in Rotation as thQ Wheels cau t< Ill auc, of which due Notice !hall be given.
E,cry Perron preferring Reels may ilave two of them in iieu of a Spinning Wheel.
Th e Scheme of Premiums offered by the Board for the Year r79 6 , has had fo extenfive an E/f.!Ct. Ik, r ir will require 37,135 Wheels to difcharge the One Rood Claimants; and not lefs than 88.7 1 9 Whtc.ls• .together with ' 227 Looms, to difcharge the whol e, whi.ch necelfarily produces much delay III Jd,ycnng.
As rhe highell: Price is paid for the Wherls in to have them of !the bell: Fabric, of feafoned f ill bcr, and of. full Size; no Claimant is to receive any Wheel deficient . in any refpeCl:: They ue allrv lhlllped with the Board Seal delivery, and with the Maker's Name.
,\ nu in order to render the national benefit bY' the Trufl:ees as pollible, they rtclucn that any negleCl: or delay of the Inlpector in delivering Wheels of the befi: quality and equal to the Pattern depofited with him , be inflantly made known to them by intormacion to an}' r rul l tc, or to the InfpeCl:or General, or by Letter to their Secretary, at the Linen-Office, Dublin.
N. B. Any InfpeCl:or, Deputy InfpeCl:or, or Surveyor, or other Pcrfon aCl:ing under him or th;!:11, \Iho (hall JireCl:ly or indireCtly receive any Fee, Gratuity, or Reward for the performance of his dut )' , 1«ulllcS by fuch dif'lualified by: ACl: of Parliament to hold any Employment un<i r Li!'......,. l!u.1 r
Stcphen Taylor
WilJiaffi Mafon
John and Samuel Davuon Fi/her,
John M'!!gregor
Da\'id.Reed ' . Lo.",l. WiUiam Hamilton :z. ' John M'Cr:lb ' I JohI! Wrig!lt _ - , ' I James Patt!rfon ' _ , " ' bavid . 1. '.. s : .. Samuel
, t'Jexander Reed •. ' -
\Villiam Park • ,- - ,; ,:1 " Mary 1' lames Clendennon
Henry M'Cay
Wm, CarrlpbeU , .- .s WilIiam Chambc:r.s " - I .l , Samuel Alexandc:r : ,__ " r, fYhe'</:, S'411ud Filher
10hn Crnmlilh, , 4- John Thompfon
William Gillilan 4- Samuel Alexandc:r
EdlVard Taylor , - 4 David Patterfon ' -
HughM'Gintay ', ' 4' " WilIiam Hamilton ,
Thom:.!!' Doug:d < - ' " 4- WilIain Orr
John M'Crea. ,1 '4: ; :James Orr
.lames Hood ..,.. 4 '" Willi:lm Annor -
Arcmbald Hood - ''j ' ,, - ", : 4- John Rodgers -
Samuel Currav , :: 1,_ , - 4 John Reed
Rev, John Ewing -, - ' " . - 4- \ Thomas Hamilton
James Donaghey : ";,;. 4. , James Kdly
Davis Donaghq ' 4 "Dennis Coyle
\viIIi'm , ::.. , 4 William Clendennin
John Elder - 4- - Alexander Roddy
Matthew Hood.; ,4 ' , James lJoggs
Danid Clarke 4 ; ,Mofes M'Adoo
Patrick C:lrlen '4 ' Tames Carvan
Tames Smith ' - ,-4 • Thom3s Crock(!tt
Robert Kerr 4- John Cow:m
John Rodger 4 Anth()ny Hamilton
T-homas 4 \ John Mahon '
Robert llr:ldlav , ' " A- Samuel Nl'Kay , J:unes Kenned'y - ,,' , - 4 Samuel Patterfon
Anthony Ga laugher - " - 4 David Kinki.. d 'Phomas Cald\vell ' -" • - ' A- ' David M71'kev
James Gallaugher 4 \V.illiam Clocket
John Fnlton - - 4 Mathew Campbell
John Youn!!: ;; , , ' , 4 : Thomas Smilay , Alexander Wilfon - 4 - WilIiam Q,lvis
John Donaghe,v - ;:' 4 : Willilffi Mor,heral ' WiLiam Wilfon ,, 4 , William Law, Efq, David Hamilto n 4- Wm. Rulk,, " ' 4' ' JamesRlIlk
John Caldwel 4 Hugh Peoples
Patrick Wvnne , " , 4- ,la,roes Mitchel- Willi:un D'otlgle " • 4 : Wilfiam A1exander R=obert W.ilfon- " ' , - ' ' : 4 , • Patrick Tumblil\g
lames Motheral ' - ' ':' 4 - Hag! 'l -
Thomas y -" , ' 4 John Loughead P
William Young - I - 4- John CIOlig
WiJliam l:: inkertoft ' ". :.. " • 4 ' ,: Ge()ree Colhoon
Andrew Gamble , :- :. " , J 4' ,,Tames G,.mble
Wil ' iamJa,c:kfon " -:- " - -:;:4 ' • Tay1or , Tames Meh:Ufey , - ' 4 Charles M'Laugblin
Elizabeth Smi av, 7'( ' ' - -4 Wm, WrightCulbert " : - 4- Wm"Tayl oz:
:Tofeph Fulton ' - ' " .' 4 :' John Douds
Long John Furton . """ . ' .,' 4 i Wm. Gtin ' 10l1n FlIlton - 4 .lames Doddy, , 4- rohn Haragh
-Samuel rtdmi(lon 4 : ,Hug!"! M'Gip,by
William HuIl:on ' 4- Philip Canny
Tames ,Duddl
Wm. Teas
Daniel Hanagin
Tc:age O'Farrel
John Parker ::
Henry Kinkead • Jos, Irw ille -
Patrick Harraghty
Ann G lIaught::r
Leathom Mehaffey
Robert Crockt![t
Hamilton Armor
Charles Henr,v Tbompfon
John Tavlor
Edward Sheals
Giles Kennedv
John M'Gimlv ,Daniel M<Gint'ay
Ch1l'les Donne! ' Day'id M'Cleland . Murtah Kerrigan .Tames BovC".u-d Alt:xandcl L::ther •
Mary M'C en:lchan "famf$ GalJaugher
Thomas Rodgcrs
Moft::r Hatlet
Mary Clenclinm:n
M:orv M'Cluncns 'Samut:! M'Cbllmins ] amt!s Rankiu
Arthur Connor
Thomas Campbdl
Patrick ColcllIan
Moli:s Jamt:foll tlryan W m, O'Donlll:1
Robert Paine
'Villiam Buchannon
Francis Mansfield
Samuel ElJiot
James M'Elhinny , John Rufi'e1)ohn Hemphill .John Hunter ,baviJ Ramfay, ft:u. 'Tohn Noule 'James Loc;brt
Jofeph Locbrt '
Denis Caflan
Henry Lee
Tames Spatt 'lames Hunter
William Wilfon
Willi,un Hooi
' !llIud M' El hinny
UCllp min Hopkin .
Thu mJS Grove
Jl l"l' h Bogie
I:wa Deeney
l' l:;ic k Crampfay
lI u.. h T oner -
i\1 'C!efkey
r.llll'J rU!.WCl e/key
t 'll.l b:th RuHel
JJb ckwood
W iIliam Croifa!l
Willinm Croifon
GharIes M'Afon
Terg:!l Gallnugher Archibald BoO'O's
, , " I . " ': "' ...-'
, . . .: ' .\ . , ./ InleeiJ. :". Wheels.
Edward <l.!!igly ';., .. Arthur Dogherty ,.. - : - I
James O'Donnell .. . ..... :.} :.' :, Domiriick lVl.' Colgan .. '
C:u-!=y- <l.!!igl.v. . ." ..
Phlllip Dogherty- .,;, .(. - ' .. ., Neal M'Colgan ..
Patrick Herald - :.; : ':':. ,> , Daniel Doug.herty
Owen Dogherty - ' : ; c:"''' !:· :-s ; . Qwen Gllbbm.
Shane I-hrold 2·iL: ;-=:' ' Philip R oddy
, George Dogheny'- • ,:V· · +'; '20' Charles Brefiand
Daniel Dogherty- ' .;.. .:.. ,;. Dogherty , . .
Michael M'E,ny ".;: ': i ; !'.': ':z.' ' , James Gubbin.. ' '" ' ,
Michael Dogherty :';' : . J ohllMooney • '!
Patrick Dogherty- . - " ... : : .;: ,. Owen Harlcin
James M-'Aleny '\ •-i'; '. :. ' Willlam Harlcin '" " ... - Lynd ' ·.v .:· :' · .. t •..: .' Harki.n
John M'Aleny f; ' '1" , ', i ", ·.··' 1· Damel.Harkm
Bridget Divlin ": ',/!. : ' : ,.7, 1 ;': Richard M'Calgan Dog.herty. : • - : ', ',: - ':';';;1; ': Antliany ., -Neal Laughlm 1", • •' >.:... Thomas Scott.. ,
Br,van Dogherty . • . .... : . ",;, ' I. John Colhoun . / Donaghy .. :.1 :.-:.. . I-: {latrick.M'Conegal
Anthonv Dogherty .} .!. , ;'· 1 ; Brvan M'Geeagnan
Patrick Dogherty : ; ::. l ' _ Edwatd.Dougherty ,, _.
Margaret .' I ' '. Owen Devlin
John Margy , ' . ' - : .. - " t
- ".: . . J:uncs M'Luc:lS
Dudley Dougherty' ' ' : :' _ ',':,( :, Mary Dogherty
Owen M'Afrey :'; -:-: :. I l ; Patrick Poght:rty
Neal Dogherty - '.. - z ; :. ; J Dogherty -
Charles O'DonneU . . _ . 1.: . M'Kmny
Genrge Doghertv ' " ,,;.,. . .:: t ". JQhn Dogherty " .
0:veIlO'D0ru:tell r · ; M'C olgan
Patrick Harkin
James Th>gherty
Patrick M'C onegal
Owen Diver
Charle. Dogklerty ; , ;, -
Cornelius Dermot
Owen Duffy.
Henry D ogherty .,
Charles. M'Gaughan
Owen D ogherty
Owen Granny
.Tames Sheil
Elias M'Dunnell
Daniel Gill
Hugh M'Cool -
Anthony Dogherty
James TolandShaue M'Geohan , Flederick Dogherty
James.DoghenyWm. Th>gherty
Teage Toland
Patrick M'Kean
Edward Dogherty
Roger Gill . lliniel Dogherty
, Roger Dogherty
Edward Gubbin
Neal Harkin
Patrick Diver , -
Mlchael pevhn - ',.. 1 ; Mlchael Pogherty 1, ' Bryan M'Conaghan
Martin - ': i i Ow'en M_'Laughlin
Dogherty , . :: -,-" " • 1; \ John Devlin , -
J ames Dogherty - - ,,;' . ,_ I': , Michael
DanielM'Fall :, "':- '. :': I ', \ John Gill -'
Michael Dogherty ' . r ;. :. i 1 ; Dilniel 'Cqrmohan
J ohn Doo-hertv- "! - : . ,: I f- Daniel M'Laughlin
o ( Malcolm Sinclair -... ':" ':'.\01 I i M;ary M'Devitt
Will iam M'Aleny " :. .;. I ! Neal M'Dermot
Catherine M'Kevin - ':'.; ': ; ! Porter
, James M 'Conegal ; ... .;. It 'Dudley Ooygherty
Edward M 'Conegal . ' :': ' I Thomas Smith
J ohn " ,:,- - " i l ' i Patrick 'Kenny
Wid ow Doghetty ' :,,-: 'l ,:
DanIel . - <. ; DOmmlc
Camack Sntals, c _.,,, ; Owen
Williarn Gobin . , ' . ' :" ' r": J1· ! Edward Toland '.
Phi1lip Gill -'. --' . . -' :. t !' } Owen Toland
Patrick M'Cool '' , ::. :' 1... i-:. L" ,' AndrewM'Cool
Charles Gill - :; ;' - ' , ! --: ,'-i ! .lames Gubbin
Fauny H:lrtin - .: _. • " Philip M'Cool
Phi 1lip<Harton .: '. : :: ' 1!. : M.ichael Nelfon
Richard Kelly - ". :.. ' I. ' , Oharles Kellv
John Dogherty ' . ... ; " . ::: ;. ..., .. z;i' r Charles Lynch :::. : .lames Dogherty 'T t Thomas Alexander :: Fatrick Dogherty _ • ; William Roddy
John M'G1:oghag:m - 11 Audly Lynch
Yryan Dogherty, ", • :',:, i ; Wm. Dougherty . . ' -
Charles Dogherty - I. Neil M'Devitt '. iriall' ... . Wm. Dougherty
Denis Kelly .- - . ' - •:; , ":'1- James Hamil -
P-atrick Kel!y. . " 'r' ':, • ;' l :: D ougherty
M'Laughlm "• . - ' :;' ::Pi, . I ;MlchaelHarkin " ( 1.' ;.L t .. . : '"P
Cornelius Dogherty
John Hunter
John Hunter -
William Hunter
Jane Ramfay
Thomas Pat ton
Patrick Wall
John M'Intire
John ::WMul1n
Samuel Mercer '. Hugh Ward"
David Grier ..
William Hood
Thomas M'Clean
Denis Covle
Denis M'Clean '. -
Daniel lluchannan
James Ramfay
Charle's Cultein
Charles Galhuo-her
Patrick Bradly
Anne Taylor'R:obert Phillij»
Martha Baird
Stephen Ranki n
William White
P hilip Dou gh art,v , ' Bryan Cafferty
Tohn Bovainl z ' ConnoUy Sweeny
) ames Ramfay, Patrick Harkil!
Marv Patterfon " .- '. .• ,_ Charles Galaugher
Ne li Maveeha n P I '; .• Galaugher
JOhn .M,Cawley - ' : ; Clarke " M'Davi tt · - , ·,.1 ,Anthony Galaugher
Daniel ,Dougherty. : Matthew Peoples . .Tames Gallal!ghcr , ' ;-]lImes Sweeny
J ames Cu nmngham , : .: _ P .• : ' Z '/ ' Gloud Stevenfon _ WiJliam RUlTell ,- .. .: • . . r 2., Matthew M'Clean . Wilib m Ha rkin - _" . " : 'r' __ 2.. ' : A,chibald M'Clay
J ames Patterfon rT • Robert Colhoun
:;\1ary Rulfel _. :z. : Neal M'Cafferty
thmuel Gibfon , ' ,. 1 lP , , lllmes Hanl),
John Gnllaughcr • ,'.-: ,'l. , Cllarles Cormea
\Villilm M orrifon " .:. 2. ' Catherine. Galaugher
Tohn R\llfd _ -" .2. Matthew' Curray
Fergal l\-l'Fadden : "' , ,; , ' !l.,. •
John Mitchell , 2. WilllamHunter
CIl3rles A nderfon .' ., 1 20 • Alexauda D1ack
Dudley Galaugher ' .,,. : ; •. ' ;,: z " .' J Qhn Sayers _.
Robert Beveard " • z . .' John Gallaugher
John Martin ." I •. .,. .:.20 • Robert ,stony
William Gallaugher .P : T :2. : M'ConnoIogue
Da\' id Rulfel · - ." , _ " >. z : j fphn Woods ' _ 'J ohn DO\1gherty .. .. .2. ' Edward iWLaughlin
Rob ert Boveard , . z . : Margaret M'Laughlin
lames 13rodley Z,j : Peter GalJaugher
William M'Grenry Z Thomas Barnett
George Tames ., ,. .2. ; ; Patrick Calfedy •
Samuel Teas 'T '! ' :l, ; Jphn Peoples _
Matthe w Blac k " :': - 0.2. ' Mathew Burk.e
\Vi l1ianl Ke rr .. . .; . :// . Jphn Gallaugher
William Dougherty .z ' J!1mes TOller
' l ames Galaugher . _ z George Malewne
J ames M 'Aw:lJ'd - :lo Shalle M'Daviet
King Balan tine, ' z' Jphll SheaL
Thomas Kelly -, '! :z. ' John Floyd _ Cornelius M 'Grona '1' .2. , Wm,
Hu gh Croffon ' : , Z ' Patrick. M'Glin
WiUiam M 'EJwee - " ,. \. .! lames Dunlap , Richard Gregg • ;-- ' Charles Anderfon
John G ailey "' ; - :, ; ; hmes Wilkin
GIVen Harkin . $ t John Wilkin ' ..
Fanny Kelly - Wm. James'
WiLliam Buchannon ", . _ ,. z lames White •
Thomas Burke ",. " ' , ' , : .lames T'Elhinney
Danid Wallace ._ z ; Qwen Strain -:
Dennis Mu rray :0 , ; : Daniel M'Laughlin
JWles M 'Glin .. :."" :1. l Neal Harkin
Brvan Higarty . _ . . . Patrick..Galaughley
Charles M'Cay T S/. , ! Alexander Rulfel
\ John M!Corkle ,. RobertM'Elhenny A1exandel'M'Cl.ty . .. ., ' . ;
J.ames M otro\v .,,:" " u ; Denis..M'Menamy: or
Archibald M'CIar '. ' .' : ; Hugh O'Donru:ll . , _, .
)Daniel Gaily' j l'iltrick M'Laugblin _
Patrick Freel - M'C{oddiu , 1ll'l'an M 'Bride" ( ' ; ,!: ; Gilefpy Sayers
Tofeph Hunter ' T1-,, ' " f! 3 j l Charles James '
WiUiam Teas (l \. ' .' ., , . i Anthony lame:!
Hugh Spco\ll l - ". 1 1 Cilark.s Jiunes t .
Tames Gullaugher
IV/ary Ellis _ J CJhn Colhoun
Margaret Haughey_
Wm. Peoples .. .Tohn GJafs
Daniel Kellv
William Stewart
l\1ichael Hawkin .. ' '':' " "! " ,.,
Edward KelIv <"
Edward M'Davitt
John Gallaugher
Cormack M 'Cabrq
Charles Wier
Margaret l'Jonagle
Alexander Stewart
Charles Dermott
\Vm. Callaghan
Wm. Boy
SjJfan M'Davitt
Anthony Wilkinfon
John Carbery
Robert Moor .. . r' ,.
Trufiy Kemp
Thomas Fergufon
.lane Gallaugher
Dominick IV1'Laughli n
Roger M'Laughlin
. Stewart J amefon
Wm. HeIferty •
lames Thompfon
Richard Greg
Henry Keunedy
Francis Duffy
Wm. Con:tn
Patrick MIShane
James Rodgers
Hugh Gallaugher
Edward Callahun
Char'es Dougherty
Philip M'Cool
Patrick Roonev
James M'Comiel
John M'Swine
Wm. Logan.
Wm. Jamefon
Tames M'Laughlin
David M'Junkin
Patrick M'Elhear
David Curmy
James Curmy
Jofeph Rulfd Harkin
David M'Kinlay
JOlmes DonneU
Henry Tete
: Samuel M'Clay , Steven ElIiott
Martha Stewart
Robert Maltfatl , - :
,',' :' !-: cn:lcdyI \'I ,ljli llchy
", ' I) 'H I·,ht:rty
I .J :;)
' ' \11> [)CV ILt
j!<::a J:lI llCS -
\ : !,I.il V J:u nes
" Il': 'J)t:veny
i "rll L :\Jillt' r
•• ,:.1111 Carbry
1 :::.\
I Eu fl el
'} 'lId :-.i'J)avitt
,ri,·, DlIrnin g
' , \ '1 1.1111 Sweeny
/:JIIC :V1' Nl:!rtin
;III1 C I i\1' Elwain
I :.lucch Ruffd
\\. dliJ IIl Sto reY
• ,'11(" Gbfs '
\: ub Dev cny.
i.,III';l nl Callaghan
•.1111 \\, ilkin
\ !I:!u I1Y Wilkin[on
I :r:1 k G abugher
"ber[ Dol>fon
11"11I. i1l Croffon
l1 lIl1.ill Croffon
I w11rd Wilkinfrm
Ulllid Ivlull and
I ,l lll !)oll gherty
1•.111 1 l Jark in
Ilr,,:\ Cro(f.1n
1!1I1(') Calallgher
""IC'. DOllt,herty
\ .rllS Davitt
l.rl.1 l1 .v l' .'\ward
1,':111 Woods
Higg ins
lJ.rhv K. dl v
": :dip :<. br tia
I .!I II \, 1'Ca tfertv
.) !\ .\ I' L:l II !'; 11Iin , M'Gunagle
1"'111 DeviJ
t-.: dl v _ _
iJulllillic k M'Cormlck
.J ril! \"b rtin _
1. •.:Jll(lr Kel ly
I r c; M'Gahan
!J.riJ), Co li ins
"'.lIl1d Gormlay '
· • r:t:k Galauaher
I n'"l1as Dolln"herty
I). en G ibbons
;.Jl I( IIlrel I.
· I.illid- 1"1'1\1 - h : rn ', llnnag c" 0 1)01JIlel _ I.: n" Kclfo
, • • lie ) : lexander
/I'h a
Henry James
Stew art Peo ples
Gcorgt E1liott
.lofeph Ralfron
Wi liam Wallace
John Barr
Edward Conney
Charles Harkill
Owen M'Laughlin
Rrock Campbell
.lacob Boggs
Patricl<; G rortrv
.T ames Gab.ugher
Edward Bovle
francis Bnidley
John M'Bride
Oliver M'Cafland '
John M'Ginlay
Daniel M'Laughlin
Owen Loufihry
Hugh M'E har
Mary Harkin
Willi:lm Staury -
Fergale M'Fadden
Daniel Devin
Owen Scan Ion -
William Carfon
Hugh Duffy
Michael Harkin
Thomas Dobfon, JUD.,
Samuel Neeley _
Robert James -
Gufravus Morrow
J ames Sweeney
.Tames Thornton
.Tames Patchel
James Moor
George Lvnch
Tames Ro;"ers
J ofeph Wailer
Anne Roartey
Philip IVI'Gunagle
James Kelly _
Cornelius Higgarty
Alexander Stewart
Thomas Armfrrong
Hugh M'Cool
.Tames Glafs
Cornely Sweeney
Daniel O'Br ien
Stewart Jam elon
Crocher Anne M'Clure
Elizabeth lWClure Dominick M'Lauuhlin
Roger _
EdwJrd Kelly
E1eanor Ke ' l v
Eleanor M ' Glin Neal Diver
Jane Smyth
Mary Gill
Gardiner 'Fulron
Charles M'Colgan
Catherine Campbell
John M'Loughlin
James Caflon
Con. Doght:rty I
Shane Dogherey I
Michael Dogherty
Evenue M'Loughlin·
Bryan Dogherty
Denis Faron
Patrick M'Loughlin
John Faulkner ' I ( r Shane Dogherty I
James Lynch
' David M'Loughlin
\Vidow Gorman I'
James Guthrit: I I ' James M'Allen
P:arick M'Gill
Catherint: Dogherty
Wm. Lone -
James Lynch t Peter'-M'Oolgan
John Doo-hertv I James M'Co}gan
Patrick :6'ogherty - Tames' Moore -
Hugh M'Ruddy ' 1 Philip M'C01g;m M'Eldowny 1 'William Campbell
Wm. Kirkpatric.k . 1 Neil Q'Donnell
D.:injel Dogher!y I ' James'r.orgey '. -
l\il ichael Dozherry :- 1 William MfElhinney , . Owen 'Bradley
Dominick Dogherty _ - .' Dan iel M'Laughlin
J h B Id . k . i' John Gallaugher ';"17, a ' ." 4 , " Hugh 1 lam awn 4 Char _ l ,es Do gherrY
Cornelius Kelly 4-
John Dogherty 4- James Beard
Fredc:rick Weir " ,4 -
Alexander Williain- n .) Tholruls Dunlan
"vanlelll1'Kinney ." 3 Neil M'Conaloae
Robert Porter z to
John Vnnce _ '. ifmes Dogherty Harward z ichael Doghercy
Edward .M'Cla!hiQ : ' z , John .Atkinfon . • '
Th B "11 h . Hugh .GiIl -. omas rl ag an - .,; - Z Daniel Harkin
' Patrick Hart:old z
James Dogherty ..z ' Michael Carney..
John Vance . , z Owen
James Toland .z . Denis -Dogherty :.
Thomas Lynch , z Mofes Campbell
Owen Dogheny z ' James M'Murray
Frederick Dogherty ..a George Neilfon
Jimes M'Kinny • I' Elizaberh Aufiin '
JamesDogherty " 'George Carey
Widow Divli.n'; William Groves
Charles Carey
Owen Dogherty', .':' - - l ·, Richard E 'der
Widow Dogherty _ , 1 ' , Bridget-Gallaugher
Thomas Vance' .. , I
Widow M'Loughlin l' Edward M'Davitt
Henry Dogherty ' ' '1 ' Daniel M'Conaloge
J l.._ T Peter M'Shefry, ()1I-l1 olarld • . - 1 M'Shefry
Dennis. Lynch , " . ' 1 W illr.:m Duncan
James M'Monagle 1
Philip M'wmghlin· I ' :. 'Brlfen \
Roger Dyermond - 'I. . :
Jeremiah ,1 Owe ' Calloghan
J)avid Rankin " ,( Shane
_ Qeorge Rankin ; . I '. John bogherty, Tames RaiUdn . -1 - Daniel.M'EHllr,ny
. John Caffidy .' I Shane]d'Elhinny \ John DO<Theny l ' " Evenue William Gill
Michael - 1 'Jrarry Craig , -; r Prlh. 0 1 DON!\G , ·H. ,' Denis..M'Colgan..
Franc1s 'Boggs.....
Wheeh : . :Bryan M'Conaloge
Hugh M'D avilt
John Cunn ingham ,- , " 4 . Daniel M',Keig' : :
Tarltt!S Wall.ace ,,' - .' 4- Parrick Dogherty } ,: hn eampb-ell ' ' ". '1- ; Roddan .J1110l1j:1S· 5tnw"bridge .? 'i t>at;rick Ha!kin :\.
Philip Dogherry -
Francis M'Davite
James Piv'er
James Carqphell _
Ckrles M 'Colgan'
Charles Diver '
William Smyth
Alexander Smyth
Denis M'Aaron
Spmuel LongWilliam M'Conaloge
Matthew Smith
James -Callaghan
Jame.s Gallaugher
Charles l\1'Ginnis
Patrk'k Dogheny
Owen Dogheny
· Owell Dwycr
John Cra ig .
Michael Carney
] ohn e arneyr
Shane! Dogherty
Owen 0' Donnell
Henry Dogherry
Francis M ' Devitt
Alexander Scote
Bridger M'Cool
James Brateon . Widow Doghet;ty
"Widow . Dogheny , Prfo. 0/ DONEGAL.
J p hri .
· Thomas D iver
Hu,gh -l:itt l:he :n
Thomas Hawkins
Wm. Greer
.Iofeph Gicn
Francis ,\V ray '
] ohn"M' Clure
- Thomas 13arclav
Patrick M'Giut:iy
John H rr mmond
JalTlc!S ] ohnfton
John Finby . l'atrick Monaghan
C;;eorge Stephenfon
J ohn Sccyltenfon -
Michael O· Do n"ne! · Stcphens '
Joha Irw 1l1e!
Thomas Ir\\'ine
WiUiam Im' ille
Samuel Litt le
Ad:un Rutherford
Patrick S It!'.Ivill
\\ • .:.10 LOlny
\\ " m Gr ha m
;I (..0<, rJ hJ Ill
:r. .. I \,J' Cord ac k 1
l,crt \ J'K c: e : " :. i 'Cordac k riVAf homas
• , :1.
lIS .' I' Davi t[ -
.,. 1., ' ILmm ond
,/ -e ll
\ I ell Liilklpe y :, lartin
a :,c) ,\ l:trtln
j :-' lurr:l V
Ion C rn ey .,,"1
',\'''''.111 \\' J'J.y
d Ar n 11'Cay
\ \ ,if UIIl J ohn!lon
J I.UI 1.l l Ebni l1l ,t u ".!,·r StOlt
LO'IJ' Il :lll na
,', I.L JIlI Li, t1e
\ \ . 111 Ga l<igher
'\;,:•., (o hn!lon
' 11I1 n t;alag hcr -
I !l r l\; k \ Ionag han
b:1II Cal li dy
\rlilllr Carn ey
I clcr
I\ ux n 1 \ I'Kee
1. .le, CJ rney
1-1,(') Br uwbi n
1\, a :)'c I'cn!on
I ' 11 Johnllon
,l:li C'", Ca rfcaduen
III La wn
\ ; 1:! 1JJ1I Cbrke
", lJIll ;\1' Kee
1. ,1111 'l ll!h erfnrd
I '" h.t! Thomas
I • I.r> Ru thaford
\I' '; :lJlTl Virtue
'. 1.d l cl Callidy _ ',:111Lil!l e _
• ul n I' earfon
\t; /Iu r KClrney
,1I ,hony MuUill
•'!><n Lilt le
I',:r; ck Kelly . -
Ul VIJ Little _
1. :.uhtlV Cunnigan
\ ! l IlUS tvl' Elher _ fr lnc i, Elliott _
T:lolllas Montgoll]ery
( ; oltd flell
I:u (b rd
\ ...Ir'" !l tin fon
\ ,.tllt l" 1I Virtue
John' Ca ffidy '-
Alexander Patterfoll
James Hammond
LeOy Kiltoyle
Thomas Virtue
Pa trick Carnev
Hugh M'Aruddy
James Rea
John Rea
David Crawford
Patrick M'Aready
John Hammond
WilJiam Hammond
Charles O ' Donnd
Charles Bufrard
George Haz lit
Amho,lY Dunleavey
Widow l\l ' Gintay
John P lood
Arthur Stevenfon
WiJliam Jolmfion
Altne Johnfl:o ll
Manus Keavin
George llarclay
.Alexander Love
James Kelly
Francis Oliver
Fnncis Thomas
Bryan Sleavin -
Alexander Stevenfon
Edward Eakin
Alexander Ingram
Mofes Scott
James Pearfon
Denis Martin
John Pringle
John Stevenfon
Andrew Love
Andrew R ickey
James Buchannon
Michael KeJly _
Daniel Cunnlllp;ham : John Clark
Andrew Stevenfon
Andrew Lowtey
John Lowrey Lowrey
" Robert Virtu e
Reverend WiIJiam Houfton
I William Corry
Hugh MuJl in Mathew Kilp:1trick
Hl1 g h Mac/d en -
Hugh Lawn
Patrick Monaghan
PheJim BoyleWidow Thompfon
Hugh Stevenfon
Edward Rock
Chrifiopher Lawn
10hn Mullin
Danid P. ovd
G eor?,e TvI' G lin
Patri c k R c illv
I.lryan Gall:lligher
Jofeph ReaAlexander Sti n fon
John Graham
Samuel Wray
John Lynch
David Cumminc
ThDmas Hart
Thomas V irtiue
J ames C a llen \Vi lIum P :ltterfon
Hugh Leckey
J :unes Harpuf
William !:icott
Alexander Heburn
Edward Gallou ghe r
John Ewin g -
Andrew Thompfon
Andrew Long
James Fair
Charles Holmes
WiIliam Allefon
James Lynch
Dinis M'Carron
Alexander' Henderfon
Hugh O'Donn ell
John Bratton
Williaw Wrav
Robert Rofs
Andrew Leiny
Robert Neilfon
10hn Cames
Samuel Rofs
Thomas Boal
James Finlav
Lldowick Wr IY
J ames Wray
Agnis Finlay
Samuel Schoal s
John Holmes
l'atrick M'Kinney
Patrick Meehan
William Blair
Robert Holmes
James RouHl:on
Matthew Stevenfon •
Charles Roulfion
David Sh:tw
John M'Devitt
Nathaniel Rodgen
Vvilliam Taylor
Georze Stephenfon
Patrick M'Minn lmin
John WiJfo n
J Ohll \ViJfoll
John Wilfon 0
, 1neel!,
WiIliam M'C\lllnch ' - ', I , lames ' Porter
Edward Galbughcr " I ': , t ; William Ewing ,.
Richard Bolme:; . '- ' :. " 1 ' K.obert
John Snodgrafs ! ' ' - 1 ':' '1 ' • William- Alconi
WiIliam Long , ' : ';' : l ' I IfilbellaAllen
Robert F:u-ron '1; : MathelV 130y le '
Samuel 'Henclerfon ' I hn K Il ' , Rb MF l ' j O eyo ert 'arbnd ., l ' \ ominiCk Kellv
Edwerd Harraglttr - .: 1 ; ' ! William M'C:uln
M:musO'Oonn el - · f l ; Thomas
John Dorrin'' 'I J I C
D:miel iWMuni ;,r le' :- " : ., OlD ooper .' 1 , : James Warrell -
PatrickG:d !augher __ i JamesDougherty
John A lien " " ,. /' \ ;'" I'" i Kelly
John Elliott ' :',;, '"',) - '!' I )\ Jcihn Dona!dfon
Peter fiiggarty :.' .. ; : ':' 1 , MylfsSweeney
James Cadir I ' B K \"i ll iam Scott .' - (: , arney earney 'v ,. l ", Samuel Ralfion
JarnesGallaugher- ' \ 1' · ' Widow Parker '
Miles ' " I Bogan '
Francis ivl'Fallgher - - '.. ' • l ' '. JQhn Kennedy
Willi:Ul1 Cadir ' - " : Samuel Kirkpatrick
Ralph Rogan ' " - I : James M'Caffery
W illiam Wachub 1 ' Nathaniel Wachub
.lames Kemps ., 1',' DanierSheals
William Gillefpy ' I ' ' ,' Hugh Quin
Edward ',I r · : John Guy -
Mofes Jenkins ' , I , ' Owen M'Laughlin
Tohn Farrou ' l 7 , Michael Boggan '
George Shanklin l , : James Hart -
James Dougherty.:. ,. '1 ' Uohn Crawford
Robert Ward ' -"" 1 ' Wray
John Young' l " , Neal Boyle
PatrickMumy ' I i James Fram-:
Corne lius _' I ' Michael Cullen
lames Lakev" l , JaneTaylor
Bryan,O'Conn:lghan : - ' I , Michael
Abraham Wilfoil. ., I , ,John Anderfon
Joh1l Canidy . "-k KilIenAgnis Orr - ' '. .J l . ,Willlam"M'Bride
Hugh Muney"' I .;: : Jolm ,MeneyJoftph Dayley' -,: :>1 ' : Mllthew M'Divitt
Thomas !'lixo..il Jabn M'Cool
John Wray _ .:. . w T' I ' Charles M'Kirilay .. ,lofeph Pollock - I ,Robert _ . -
Hugh M'Laughlin' , ,i. 'Andrew M'Kmlav •
James Cunningham " '-. . • .:.. '" l Peggy O'Brien '
John l\l'Coikel' - - ;; ' . I ,Mjchlel M'Girr / -
Samuel Wilfon -.. ! I ' James_Shawdun,
David Bates '" '. ' I Jl!P1CS Gallon
Robert Moorhead.: 'I , George Craig
James P: terfon' ' : Hugh M'Menamon
George Birnev _ , _ • :c f Teadly
Stophen M'Creery , J . iD'\rby Kelly
John Dougherty I ,CQmelius' Kellv
Wil!iam Wray -, ; ' I ". Walter Warreil - .lames Kelly 1 - Samuel Morrow
Pa(rick M'Laughlin ' . ; I ' , ' 'Wjlliam"Taylor
Archdal Byers ' :' James Sweeny
Dominick O'llonnell , l ' James Hawks
.lames Bryan , - ' l .' Phiiip Dougherty
William Luke - ,' ' 1 .: John Moor:\ndrew Magher I ' WiUiani\Vray .
Samuel WraY', 'I WiUiam Cat her - "l , Horner
Carland .
Slavill;; .lames Gallon -. '
Philil.' Galaugher ,_
, Archlbald Campbell .,, f Thomas Wallh ' '" f.'
Patnck M'Laughlin
·J ame:; Gorman
James Kilday
.Robert Dunlap
'Thomas & Andrew
:William Dinfmore
,Abraham Mackey
IMichael Conolly
:Richard Aughartay
Robert M'Kerrin
Thomas Taylor
.William Elliott
'owen O'Donnell
'John Dunlap
John LoveAndrew Mouot
George M'Kee
James Scot[ - ' WilliamlhompfonWilliam M'Kt\'!
John Kirkpatrick
William Wanton
", er J\ irkp.1tnCI>.
[ ! ;) ]
z Frndcis Gilldpey
2 Wil iam
lrlteclJ. /r;:e, !:;
Edwanl Kcllv
Hugn Ke ,ly ' M IIII:n COllllolly
z \Villiam M'Mullen
2 Michacl Portice
z Noher A'Hillev
i bJlliDOnd z
J "illCS C.lrrO:l
Thomas Pain
John Kelly . . John M'Kinlcy .'
Edward Bovle -/ -
John ' .' 5'(lHt
James Gabugher
2 Sentt - z John C:;rfcadden
GJI"I:s her = Edward Doughtrty
John Deerey
2 Patrick Barron .T ohn Decrev
OloJPIr. \, urtlll z John Hammond
2 Charles l brron
'" .: J Gre;;o ry
! .1 ,' i, FJrcl z P:ttr;ck Lanrcan
lVlanht:w Heslay
Richard \V:lll11
E(hn cd T i, () fI1F/(,;l :r, 1lf(5: 11I 1han • - z , Francis Tip ett J oh"( r: :\ b!te z Mich" eI rv 'Clllfcrty
Olil'er z · Thomas Kilpatrick .J ,1 016 '&tilr id'I . : :111 1 Cbri:e z Owe11 MY" ade
Ioil! • .x.olt: ' f /(lk Love z Benr ' Harron
Made Ta:t lor z Philip Welfh P .;triek /r1t Vf:t'$ I ( ).ou di us Ha 1nilton z Patrick ",eafiey
Arlllrcw H::.rron
1&:1.<'> :,lolVbr:ty z John TUl1lonv j\nne Deerev ! i v I1lJ S IIellllerfon
Thomas :rl'C;lllock
John Harroit :, n Kar
Parrick M'Calferty
Georsc SaUllderfull I ',n Freeliern
John M'Int ire
Jarnes O'Neal I :J• .nl
Rodger M'Gargle
James 1\'i'Creerey ( (Vf( C FerrY I Darby Leon:lrd
Daniel IVlartin ,J :01 Galallgher I Cornelius CanrabelI
Francis Galaugher
Thomas James Thomp on WiIliarn Kirkpatrick I
·. 'l'\J nJcr IIarrin
William Stephens
James Freeburn i,:. n \'ihite
John Lo\'e l\lich:teI Conolly IL( Il ri Carrigan - l"'lichael BoyIe
Hugh Deerey ;.J:i ;] (: lF d tt
' :. I: :r\\, Smith
John I\1<Ca"lfem' I Owen M'Cue
Denis lVl'Grot1e)' I Robert Kinkead , , 11 \\ hiT,! I Guy Graham
'j J:ms Trtacey
': Flood
I rlll ( i, M'Cafferty
h lrcw f-I: llIliiton
I John Henderfon
Andrew Kirk
Richard Mahon
John M 'Gargle
W illiam Harron
Michael M'Garglc
Andrcw Love
P:urick Love
Thomas Bannigan
Patrick Kennedv
Daniel Gommn
II' dh.un M'MlIllen
Robert Harron I
Thomas Gorman [
Hugh Spence I George Patter fOil I 1\ (,liJIIl G !Jrll)an
John Green
Neil Mullough
Simoll MulhartaUCTh
Patrick Ward 0_ i ul,, rt Ml;llin
IlJl.rs Devrney
Henry Kilpatrick I James Coil em
David Wilfon 1 Patrick M'Qu:.de \\ illi lm Hmin I John Dorrien
iI illi .un l\l 'Cauahil
Edward M'Dead
John Watfon
Michael BoyIe i Thomas K;. lo.ltrick J James \Vellh
IJ N:,rd Scott
k il lS Gabugher
Patrick Scan Ion
John Langan
Andrew Galbraith
Bryan Beirn
Phelim MlIlchertaugh I '.nJmv
k orue MlIlhert
Garret Dougherty
Andrew Dunlap
Arthur Carfcaddin 1
Charles Galaugher 1 \ ,' 0 Thomas
BT/an Travers I Thomas Love I i.h n \V oddcfard - .Iaines M'Cordack
r ;c hard \Val1h _ Guy Freebllrn
!I , M 'Conaghey
)O n Thc1mpfon
James Mount
Bryan BoyIe
John Kennedy
Andrew M'CIc:av
Michael O'DonnelJ I John I,hn Coli in
':.: r. e, Gai ' ur;her
W.lilnJ Harrill
Georlre Trimbit: I i'atrick Timont:y
Edward Deerey
Edward Deerey .,. "! nrr:\ Kerriflan
Patrick M'C::fferty
John Galaugher I Patrick Leonard r.·r:l k
Darby .lames M'Gargle
Dooghan - .. Thomas l3igby
Thoma$ M'Jntire
Robert Nelfon
Margaret H :l1T:1ghv
Jamts Knee
John Cramfey
Daniel ElIiott ... I : " .0:'''4 ' CenisBoyle ,
. '- 4 Wi ll iam Holme1i l ;';·',J. -( .1." '4-: J a ne Ailen - . " ,4
Robert Neilfon - "-J "' !' 4" OharlesT-F-1l lor ".
John ElIiott ' ''': :i.... I :: 4. , I James Pon'erfield,' 4 ' ',ohn M'Curday - '." ' ""' 4;' p John Cochr.m /. I . .• 4 '
Robert Brown - I, : ., ;:;'4 " I MOKinlay ' .- - ,: , 4 ,
William M'Clilre ;. ',\ " 4J . Daniel-Gillefpy, ,, ' , ). -4,
RobertHolmes .: ! RobertAIJc:n ' ,, -
Wi!liam _ :., , <:;, "" 14 , Denis Cole - - 7 ',
Thon11S Elliot - " :: ::' ,.j ! William Martin : ,: ' - '
William Fofie! -. I James Walker ', I " 3
Aaron • I • ' - . ' n ) '. Georl'e Gmr - -. '. t.', ' 4 ; I illiam R:mkin - ' . • . , ' '?
Jo!llCrawfoJd ' '';';, t' Oliver Ralfron " - '" 3 lohn Eaird ' ""4 ' · 3
RobatM'Kinlav - 4 : , Garrett-Coventry - ';' 3
Tames 'l3eats
George Elliott ' .Tames M ' Cordav
ViCtor Moth erai
William Ga 11a1lg her
Jofeph F aulkn er '
WilJi am M'Gowan
Mathew Fleming '
John M'ClIllock
tiarah' Pur<iun
Roberf Le ckey
Denis Call1l oll
Tames GormanSamuel Rice
James Sm ith
Hobcrf Col hoim
Robert Colhol1n
Ed\\'ard Colhoun
Robert Elliott
James Moor '
Andrew TaYlor
James KelJyJaUles Co'chran
Roberr Thomfon
Samuel M a11in
Patrick Bo Y: e
Vv idow M itchell '
rohn Rors
O liver mackourne
John Alexander
Andrew en 111S • ':-;" • 4 r I matt e\v J., "': " '
Wi!liam YOUI1(>" . ' - ' : WUliaorM'Name· ' 3 ' 1 k" " ,,: 1:.'\ " ' i 1 ,,11 h Y ' - 1 3
J\ndrewBllchann:m JdhnCanne - -, ' , 3
james - I William M'Laughliu ::, C.: 3 "
John M'Devllt ' ;. l it. • • ·'4 : I Robert Dennifl.ln • nlJ 3i '
Thomas Crnig, ., ' '-''''1" \ AhdrewFleming c. , 3"
yYilIiam Craig .. 4\"1 IWllliam ¥.oung . , ". IJ J 3 '
John Havburn -', , ,d ... 'J4' Samuel WaHace - • '., .1 ; 3'
WiUiam 'Hunter :1. ," / [ ::.: ': :::! ,; .-. 30'\
RobertHunter ' .:.:.' ,r. '.:" '-;4< l\ndrew WaHace" .' '; :, •• -3 :
James Edmiftoh" .; ' ." ' ,(,' 4- ' John Stewart- - ' - : ,:.. ; r d : Willhm Ewing • ' ' ',"'4- ' Samuel Clouke ·L:. : '. - > !;·3." Wray - . ' ; 4 !WiUiam Rllilell - • , I: 3 '
William Wr:ly ,..,'. , ." f ; fPatrickM'Co'Jka. " >\,. 3 4 • JohnWrny ' . • ", 4 ', • ' ,: _ ,: · 3 ' ' , -.', :-" ' .' 4 ' lAfchibaldShaw • • 3 : John dbm ;. '"' " ' , 4 ' Haines W'iJev , "" , • ', .' 3' -C ubriel Elliot .' " ' - J '.!. '''t
1.'homasAllell "..
Oliver Leckey .
' ; WilJiamTc';'ple .', - z ; .Tames Ewillg , John E\ving - 1.:<; .. .... : Zj
I James Frood '.: " .! : '
: .J:1mes Blatkburn '
1 Charles'Barron • '( .) ,
! David Beats . 1Eoward ShelkranI Matthew Walker'
1 John Crow
; Belljamin Pinkerton ' , John Patterfon '. 1 titevenfoll
:.John C:i r!on
; WilJiam 'Stevenfon
i J:nnes Catteribn
, Michael Lawn "', '.!..-: , .
I Patrick 1\-1'Name .--
; John Stewart
Whiifh. 1nuh, Doueherty - ',,, - ":,:, •. :t Richard G ::dl auJher
Hug h Bl ac k 1.- • Andrew Jack
\\,i ll iam Long - • "". ::' William Black
James M'Gowan ,' ;:1'1 ,;z. lames M'Pherfon
JO!Ul Flood - ;' -: ../;.; I),a: J amts Friend
J:l nles Gallon .; 7' ,; : James Alexander
Gar;l!d Bratton _ '- c :: ;, 1, Stephen Gorman
\Vlllbm Jolmfton . " .- .:.. :" , ,:, i•.2 , ; James Mimnoll
Joit:ph Stepbenfon'_" , ::;' , i' Robert 'Porter -
W illiam White • :.:-.•.• , John Alcorn
Il ry an Murray ! vvi l!i am Leckey
Edll'ard Sweeney : I Patnck Ca nnon
James Harrold - u •.dj W · I Hugh Dougherty
Robert Elliott
Tohn M'Golr'ick
.lames M'Loom
Samuel Steyenfon
Widow M'Gowan
George Crow
Dominick O'Ntill
Samuel Lawfon
George Keys
Williarn Stcwart
John Stewart
Dayid Ol!in
J ames M 'Call
John Long , -.-. 2 " O wen M'ClIe
Hugh -. ,;- I AdamBarr
Mofes \ - ..• Thom as M'Gobrick
David . Mitchel " I Mofes Keady .
Gcor ge Holmes - : ;.;: z i i Robert Ewing • I-
Joh n Hill - /, '" " d z/ I Thomas Bog an
WiIli am Hill · _ ":h;' !, i ! Thomas Monre
lo hn \ Mi1fon · -; 1. i SamuerTorrens
. Samuel Rall10n
Hugh M'Devitt
Jobn Irvine
Darby M'Cally
Denis Lun gan
John Johnfion
Alexander M'Naught
Joh n Cather .'. - L.o - !:: 2 : ! WalterKdly _. -
Mary Roulfion '," ". - I ' : i HUj O' h K elly -
Hu Zh Wilfon _ '.' 2 i Patton _
Franc is Nixon : , r ;.·, , .) 2 ' 1Hugh Meahan
Elizab et h ·Armfuong . .. .. . :- ·.,·,,;. z·. ; J:\Ines fen, loh n Be ncr - " " ' - : bavid Ralflon i-hi gh M 'Cormick ', ... i .•..: z ... Ns:al Sweeny r.1ary I"awfon - " .,' ,. ,.'" ' •. z . ! Wil i lm Elliott
Charles Tenflone ." .\. ) :1 <.,.'Y Z !. ! King -
Hu gh Kelly • - lL 2.'. I Ja..mes Pearfon .lohnM.agee :-.: lj .. "J :ti:i:.. z:'. I]Qhn .Pinkert.on . Natha!1ld Patterfon .; ; .- 2, 1 I James Shaw.lQh n HI:nderfon ' /, ...1, ', : .- j R.obert Snod'grafs l\'l ' Cll1re ' .., 0.- " ,: [ I S<imuel Br:ltton
Will i:un Kelly. " :. , ::.;:,.1 I Pa.trick M'Coolj Robertl\!ansfiel4
Wdharn Bates :, ." - .' '% ' .,:: 2 :1 I Charles Xelly
Patrick (2.!!in " ., (Jalnes -Johnfion
Francis O!!itl ,, :; ,1'. ' . J.. ,.. l I ' I\jlthony. Meahon .
James Kt;ady - ii Piltrick M ' Gotrick
!JlIl e, Brifon "; Pc:.ter
itllbert .E wing ",;j, kj \ Denis M'Lallgh ill G allon , ,,, ';1 ·.. . .o "'T u n Z j Jobn Ralfion
Wiili am Marlay :i'l :"I;Lll' I " , lames Oi!ill
Georg e Armfirong , ';' .,, j< .:•• • •. Olven Q!)in _
DJnietBrifon _' - i WLiliaI!lKain
J ohn Dougherty_ - ;. ? he. ;..; Little
. Ba rr y, o: Roben Lecky
JahnSh:mklin_' - ":·.'I.'!- l : • ]aines- M'K.eevor ' - '
Joh n T:'.: ' - ,.': 1 Mofes Ft!i,gnfol! l'l trick I\l'Gwin - - John Coventry , - - . ',
Ch:rles M'Fal1ghy I r - " .• - ' .:.
James - l .nR-4i ' Mary Anne Cowden
.lames Collms - - ; " /,:"' Maxweil ) l mesEwing os - ; !.lames Ward law, btterfon ;- Ralfi.on _ Wdham Orr·,<l lri1!D · H l rpur _
WiUiam Crow_ . • - .:. I Lewis Mulreine •. - -
hanC l$ Nlxan _' . '" :: (,I.":I' ? ,. . !P'!ntd DUl1gher,ty
Andrew IlulfeL - H,: 'T " !Tqomas 'Gcorge Crow _ - "": .,_ :" _ ',::: ·lfanllY Carnm ..-., I I •
James Irwine" tatthel'; Long uwen Gallaugher
Daftid Dougherty
Denir Ga 1laugher
Oliver Wallace
James Wallace
John Porter
James Snodgrafs
William Black
Jafper Snodgrafs
James Brown
Tames Mulherrin
Lauren'ct" Calallgh1n
James Galau,gher
James Seamour
Thomas Seamour
T40mas Seamour
,lobn M'Laughliu
J atj1es Starrett Ktlly
M'ltthew Kt:'lly
Philip noy le
Eleanor Glacken
David Holmes
\Villiam Holmes
John Brady
John Carland
Ol¥en :\Iarl<lY
Wllliam Mitchell
John M'Call
i;mes Irwine omiciick Kelly
Denis M'Ready Ol!iri
James Hawks
Michael Laughlin
Edward Harvey
Michael Nlcholfon
WiUiarn Boggs
n;yan Boga,!1
George 1rv}nc
Edward Crumliik Widow Glm 3 Patrick M'Lal1ghlin
J!JnuS Toland 3 Richard Porter
D.tniel Lynch - 3 GeorgeM'Devitt
William Dunlap 3
Georee Rilk 3
Willi am Lee
Roger.;r hompfon
Hafiings 3 Mary Dougherty -
:\ndrew Scot 3 Patrick M'Menamy
Patrick DOllgherty 3 Patrick Lynch
EJlI'ard Sweeny - -3
lames Longeville 3
lohn M'Fela
Philip M'Laughlin
Richard Longeville 3 Patrick Higgarty
J;lIlIes Bradley 7. Denis M'Gunigle
John Free! - z William Cook
Patrick Gill - 7. Cnrnelius O'Donnell
l':itrick B.l rr z James L vnch
llrpn Donaglley z Edward Sharkey
John Cook - 7. Richard Duffy
Jam es Watt
lohn Barr
z James Roddy
z Richard Dougherty
'Philip M'Gowan 7. -J an:es Doui',htrty
John M'Carter z Nell M'Kenny
John Wallh
Patrick M'Gowan
Robert White
Hugh M'Gettigin
Teague M'Gettigin
John M'Sheffl'Y -
John Barron
William Kerr
Audrew 13arr
James M'Gowan
Daniel Dougherty
Shan. Lockart
Patrid: M'Kenney
Neil Bare
Neil Barr
Danid Douggcrty
John Dougnerty -
Owen DOllgtlerty
Manus M' owan
Michael M'Gowan Carney - z Mary Free!
Pbilip Dougherty
lames Quigley
z Michael M'Laughlill
z ThonJ1S DOllgherty
Cornelius M'Lauuhl in
lames Sherridan l.> I
Margacet HalHngs I ;\ Ildrew Elder -
Alexander Davis
Hem Dougherty
.I Jmes M'Laughlin
Hu gh M'Laughlin
Robcrt Starrit
lames Dyormott
jall1es Dixon
;\ nthony Dougherty
z John Ewing -
7. John M'Cammy
7. James M'Corkd
7. William M 'Kei"
z John Dougherty
z 'Hugh Dougherty
7. John Mulligan
z Hugh Bevitt
z Jofeph Bell
7. Biddy <;oyle
William Sharkey I Patrick Lynch
\l'illiJm With..ral . -
John Dougherty -
:\rchibald Beatty,jun.
Hmry Vance -
7. Denis Dougherty
7. Owen M'Devitt
7. Henry Covle
Ifaac Kilpatrick _ I
Michael Blt rr I
Nell M'Fadden
Owen M'Lauohlin
Henry Donnghey 1
John Dougle I
John Harton I
Hugh Barr
Hugh Kel1y
Patrick NH:::ay
Patrick Doulan
Robert Caldwell I
Andrew Porter
Daniel M 'Kin ny
z Richard Lllls Doug;herty
2. f'atrick Coylo
John Fergufon z Cornelius Boy le
Samuel G len
John M:tgin -
Owen Douuhertv
Thomas -
Gcorge Gillihan
George Logan - I
Robtrt Jack I
7. Andrew Darr I l\1ary Ivlurrin I
7. James Harr I Peter Porter
z RobertFawn
Thomas Wallace
7. Samuel Brifbnd I John DouEiJerty
z George Ml)rrin 1 Parrick O'Donndl
2- Neal Cramp[ay
7. Owen Crampfay ",.:i(liam Patterfo n I
William Rogan I lVillilm Dougherty
Dlniei Dougherty z Nea! Crampfey
l':!!rick M'Elhenny L Michael Crampfey
Daniel Campbell\Uen Stewart I Cornelius lWC;lllion
\Villi "m Kees
John Han . I Bryan - Henry
George Dougherty
Iames M'Graw
DJllid Harkin
EdlVard IvI< :dlion - Miles M'Gro ry
D:lJliel M'Callion
John Dougherty
John M'Lou17hlin .l Charles Boyle
lames Lynch"
Edward Gillefpy
Samuel Ndfon
Tt,o;nas 1\e1fo n
Hugh Ivl.'Callion
Philip fVIol'rifon
Kobert Cooke . Michael Mooney I Philip Donag hc:y
koberr Glenn
Widow Dpugherty 1 Daniel Holki n .1 IJ I111 Witherow I James Gilluvey
Henry M'Deyitt I Ferdilland Carland
Charles Rodd y
Henry Bury
:' ij fc POrtt!r J M' Lell!lY • George Doug herty ·- r .;
p:ltrick Dou?,berty
Dwen i-hrwn
TYhuIJ.. l. 1
Toal Kelly
Owen Carran
Daniel Bradley -
James Duffey - -
Henry Sweeny " -
James Duffey
Ja mes Bradley
James Moore
George Swee ny
P:mick Reed
Dllvid Hanah
John CoyIe I '
William Brow ll
Brian Du ffey
Fra ncis M'Award
James Stewar t
William Fle ming
Thomas Baxtrr
William Rufrd
James Wil kin
David Bar:lU d
Anthony S eel
Denis Callag han
Owen Gallagher
I WjJliam Morlimer
laUles Hamilton
Reverend Dr. Hamilton
John Diver
Thomas Grier
:Alexa!1der Morrow
Mark Campbell
William Patton
Jdm Dill
Mark Dill
Francis Dill
Mark Campbell
James Toland
William Hay "
John Free! • -
Gt!orge Stc:wart _
James Stewart
Michael Freel
Peter Po\ver ' .!.
William M'Garvey Ferry . , -
Thpmas M'Garvey
Samuel Hay
John fen, William Fofier
Edward Gal aghcr , Michael Power
James 1\1 Davitt -
Parrick M'Naid - -
Edward l\1'Fa'dden
Charles M·La':!ghten
Edward M' Laughtan
Hugh M'La ughran
eal M 'Conncll
Bryan O' :qon nell -
Daniel Dogherry
Cnarles M ' Dead
Darby M 'Award
lames IVl' Award
Mofes Freel
William M ' Award
Hugh DQg herry
James Dogherty
Manus Murray
Charles M urray
Widow Gedea
Widow M'Elhor - I
Samuel Fofier I
James . Francis GaUaugher__
WiUi am Sweeney
James M'Gettigin
James M'Intire , Loom.':
Mofes M'Elwain Hay ' .
, James F ofiee
lohq FofierFrands Fofier . Hmnah Fofier
John Connolly
Samuel Dill
Tames M'Elwaln
Denis ShealJohn M'Coucn
Thomas M'Eleton , Patrick Gallaugher
John M'Clean
Samuel Walker
Darby M'Ateer
Patriclt Kelly
William Culbert
Patrick Blaney
John M'Ferfin
bennis She:lIs
Charles Sneerin
Daniel M'Fadin
Catherine Reed
1fabella Bofland
J ames BIaney.
13rien M'Ateer ' lames Sweeney ' ,Archibald Boreland
Edward M'Ateer I James Doreland
benis M'Swine: William Love
Andrew M'Carvey
Patrick M'Glafhin
Henry BoreIand
Robert M'Coach
Charles M'Veigh
David Dill
William Peoples
John Peop'es
H enry M'Dermott
Miles M'Elhere
lames M'Elwain , David Doach
Alexander Dill
Mofes Dil!
George Dill -
Michael M'GIatker _ Catherine Fofier
lane Gal;1ugher
benis M'Carron
James M'Caff'ry
Denis M'Clolky
John Sheal
George Galaugher
Shane M'Elwain
Denis CovIe
WiIliam Coy le
Owen Callen
Daniel M'EIwain
Michael Griffin
Denis Culleu
John Griffin
Owen Deeney
Patrick Griffin
Charles Col!
William Horeland
Mark Boreland
Bryan Toland , Neal Sheerin
Jolm Sheals
Patrick M'Glalkin
James Brice
Hugh M'Gettigin •
John M'FadinFargIe Galaugher
Hugh BIaney
John BoreIalld
Hugh GaIaugher
Daniel GaIagher
Charles O'Donnell
lames Deaney
Michael GaIaugher
John DonnellRobert Love
Hugh M'Gertigin
Robert BoreIand
Andrew Boreland
Alexander Dixoll
Samuel White
John M'Elwain
Daniel M'Glalkin
George Hlaney
John Corrin.
D,lI lid Bon:l:Ind
lI :ph Coil • !\I'Veigh
1.!lI cS
lVl'Velgh Scott -
\\,iililm Fofrer, fen.
:'.:1111: Frid
l" hn r,-l' A n:ll?h
'[h'J!nas Davls
iJ:1II Swewey
1.IIlCS Coyle
Gibbons '
\\"iltiam l'eoplcs M'Eheney
Gcorp. e l'eople.
J 1\1' Intire
J"IIIC; ivI 'Ehcnny
I,mcs Reed
\\'illianl Buchanllan
Henry Cannon
b::ts \)a vite '
: i:lil m rvl'Elhcre
\\ I!:i:un M'Gowan.
\l:!le, Free!
\'::::iaffi Horehlnd
l"hn Hood
'ioiUl D"ack
I (pn M'Aveigh
Tno mas M'Alteer
lohn M'Elwain
J:I:e \V ilfonbne, toll'Glaihiri
Ci:ar!es Sweeny
eluries M'Closkey
htri ck M'Keviskan
\\'i!liam Carran Corran
lJhn Heragh tylludlev IV!' Elhere
[dward Free!
:.I;chlei Campbell
bh n iVi' Gla{hin
\\" i!liJm Stew:lrt
Wil!i, m M'Cart
D. r.:e! Coy le ,Dunleavey Sweeney
i"!m Durnan Higgarty
:\ td Coy
hmes 1vPElherr
'lolnn iIl'Swine
Wdli:un M'Swine
Smuel Slirling
John Dobbin
John Faucit
John Donnell
Ow en Tummoney
James Hilley
James Kilpatri ck
John Kilpatrick
John Kilpatrick
Andrew Nefbitt
Patrick Tummonney
Hu g h Henderfo n
John Henderfon
George Henderfon
John Henderfon
Archib.lld Henderfon
James Henderfon
William Allingham
Charles Gillefpey
Francis Gunn
· Thomas Mehaffey
Thomas Ba{k.11l
Ol iver Bafkin
Robert Bafkin
Daniel Kirk
Michael Mulrine
William Kirk
Matthew M'Junkin
James f\4'Junkin
Robert M'Junkin
Thomas M'i.oughlin
Daniel I\1egara
Parrick Monday '
John Daley
Widow Daiey
William M'Nu!tey
Michael Kerri ga n
Anthony T erence M'Lour),':!') Thornp , Phil ,p R ud1eJ3; GI'(' f" e M'Lu ll b\.lC.k ]i1r1r:;!. l'1d.1y 01J£1o\ JiI" " }, :,n I ]-"hn K,I1ll r ey
Tlt umas [",ll!I,."""" Georg,;
Miles M'Du!w:: !1 H.uberr F<J u.::irr
John Gew i;;il1 Owen
Widow Ki irny
James Loul"h lin , ., J\nne Rag n Michael Damel Mu!I,errin
Owen IVJ,ulherrin
Neil Madden
Owen Mu lherri n I Dwen Mulherrin 1
Patrick M'Nulty
Owen M.'Nulty
Catherine Smit h r
Prfh. IS L AND of INC
George D oghe rty
Edward Sharke y
John Haggan
, / CraigJa Des [ll'Micbael
V illi am Herold
Oe xander Craig
Tho mas
I,' Wi1 ia m Templecon
Ja,rlles..M'Gar\'cy . l ames Dogherty
Michael J?erm o t ' ,
Humphrey' Lipfitt
John Ward
James Ward
WilliaIl}: Hills _ l ' John Ward _ 1 , Oolan , I I John 'Galllugher , John Mqnd y Btym Ropet: Matthew, Mulherrin . George. S\veeney ,PrJk , oj KILLIBEGS... James Sheerin
Thomas l\l'Gr.llh
Robert Grunl<lw
Albert 'M'Il wa in Charles Dle<ln .IWG hee
James M'G,Rthj.lmes M'Swine
John Knox
Will am Cannon
Robert l\1onrgomery . Willi3m lWLoughlin
lames M'Laughlin
Matt hew Aikill
Wil ia m Lungi u
John WOlfun
Ja mes Watfon - ' WiI u /r.
Mich,at:.! Q.u in2. ,"Barmby j!;lliotMorgan Sweeney
I - Chri£lopher Patterfon I Hugh G avaghan 1, ', Owen l ' ! James al ack _ Q ,therinc; Ofb.4rn . James Grah arq •
I M'4ltire -. ' W idow Sweeny
Robert Virtue -;
1 , .:rholl\pfon I Dllniel I,.ung:!.Q , _ William Morrow ' "' : Prfh. of KILLCAR. Humphries , Manus M'Corkil
'fl: omas Carfcaddin
D.niel !' 13rCJftey
• orIes M' Ilre l rty
Joh n Cocltran
\ nd rew Gartb y
Joh n Carfcaddin
Th omas Lenoghan
Denis Cannon M'Bre ,rry
Cb2r1es M'Fadden
Jl mes
C<>Ollell M'l ntire .' -'
Owen Doolan Widow -Tun nry lames Tunney
I Andrew Sweeney B:mnagan Daniel Afh ' -f ' Willirl m Kerrig ?n 1 1 ..Fr.' ncis Moore ' ' Edwald Kdly . ' 1' :- Joh n1 · Daniel Dougherty I ' , James GallaUf.her' I John Hills} , Owen Hills -
Prftl. of . . .' ' JohnPatten..,, IFhulr: , JQhn -
J'mes Clurey 4 Williflm Patten -•
:l,t!am King !t John patten' -
Joh n hite 4 t'rancis Kerrig;m -
James Galbug1ter ' , ' . 3. Owen .Kerrig:: n '- -
Oll en 3 ' ' D llftieL euf.'\ck
John M'Oue - '3 ', J.1 mes Green
Mif;;' 2 " William'Green ' 'Tho rn s M'Cawley z Widow Connollv ' , . lich el Lungan ' • " .. - " JI ' James Monagha;',. 2 ' . Thomas
Fra ncis Tunney ' - ." . z WiIliam- Lipflt t T .:lney - ' :& 'fhom:!.S Lipfitt r OIlll.S Tunney z ;Michael Liplitt
John Cooney
Daniel M'Cann
Owen M'Cann
James Ward Allingpam
Thoffiil S Harraghey .
John Genins
P atr ick Gettins
Widow Gallen CunniganJohn SIe:l\'mPatrick Sleavin
Widow Kerriga n
Williilm Garvin
Patrick M ' Intire
Roger Fox - -
William M'Cawley
Eryan Fox -
P atrick Gavaghm
George Moore
Neil Mu ' herrin
William M'Gay
Con , M ' PheJim
John Morrow
Daniel M ' Shee
J ames Morrow
Patrick l\1'Cafferty
Thom 2S Q!lin -
.l ames Smith Gittins
Widow Duggan
lames Sherid au John Dawfo n
Owen Sheridan
J ames D alv
Thomas Ellis
Hrvan Kee nan
Cannel M' Cay
John Weay
Manus Ktrrigan
JaJn es ROl-er "
Thomas Roper
D an iel ROl .:r .
John Nl'A uulty .lames W hite
Geor ge White
:> hane M'Gaghla
John Sweeney
M i les Sweeney , D anid ::lInent:y
Bugh MoLl1I\
Johnfion Rooney
Alldrew Lockarc
Jam es Dutfey
Jall1es lJulfey -
Hugh M' Anulty
Slav in Froncis l\!ulh elr:n
' Jh n iv!'Oowan
\'. iJow l'ye
jvhll Dougherty
\,iI Dou gherty
;rcrcnce Gorman
fnncis Dunleavy
\\'illilm Gallaugher
Oll'en Donlgher
Dcnis tl.!!inI 1
Widow t-II'Gargle
John l\I'Gonagle
G.:orl'e Scott Lyons
.\kxJJldei Davis
John PJtrick Slelvlll 0' Donnell
John ,
John \1'An:l\v
\\ il :iJm M'Clintock
P.l lf1ck Murgan tvlcnce y I'.'illilm Kennv
Henry G 1rtlay· MurrlY
Robert Balkin
CJurles Devenv
Cornelius Dorrien Dcv/"!lv
Almnder Carfcadderi
i-Iugh M'Relc!Y
JO!1Il M'Gonagle
PJlrick Given
lohn Given
E.dward Hamilton
John Porter
John Nicholfon
John Deaa
John Rich:mlfon
Pmick Hrifiand
Robert Lungan
fdward Callidy
Thomas Deerey
P.mick Dorien
btrick Dean
John Gartlay
George Miles
.\Jroa M'Clintock
PJlrick Devenev
Ele:lllor Gartlay
\\ ilJiam W ilfon
Thomas Sh:mnun
James Perry
Maf7aret Bovd Perry
Rogt"!" Caffuly
John Boyd
Thomas Miles
James Faucit
John Lu ngan
Ellen Mirchd
James PorterDayid Crawford
James Connalhan
Thomas Clarke
Andrew Mencely
Willi:un Mencelv
Thom:ls Perry
Hllgh Murra.v .-
John Law
Widow Ib.rkin
Owen M ' Ready
John Callidy
James Buch:lOnan
Richard Walker
Edward Walker
Richard Murray
Tholn'ls Rrannan
,\\.'illiam Mencel y
John Shannon
George Wilfon
John WilfonAlexander "Vilfon
John Mencdy
Andrew Cunningham
Owen Raughter
Anctrew Mencdv
William Wilfon·
Andrew Mencely
Pat rick He::ney
Owen Caffidy
Hugh Boyd
David Boyd
.John Hamilton
Hugh Greenla\'1
Richard Parker
Edll'ard Walker
Richard IvIurray
Patrick \ Valker
Thomas Mencclv
Andrew Mencely
Cornelius Denny
Williams Cllnningham lWlnrire
Neil M'BrC"rry
John M'Inrirc:
Robert W :ltfon
Michael C:lnnon
Edll'anl \Varfon
l':!trick nrire
Parricle M'Gow:1n
Daniel 13irn
O\\"en Diver
P:ltrick Ivl'Fadden
Denis M'Fadden
Alexander Morrow
Conll<!1l Deyeney
l'atrick Deyen.:y
1 Robe!"t Mor row
Jame. M'Intire
\ViUiam Ca n no n
Pljh . of KILLEM/iRD .
Johll Henry
David Stewart
John Given
Hugh MelIer
Hugh Crawfo rd
Thomls Carr
Pa trick Steel
John Flagherty
William Coar
John Leech
Roberr Houfio n
J ames Hilferry
Andrew Houfi on Connell Lyons
Jane Crawford
James l\1'Kee
Patrick lYl'Kew n
Richard Knieht
Edward Knight
Mark M'Bride
John Crummer
Edward Fbgherry
, Samuel GiYe n
Thomas Give n
John fohnfi on
John Brog:lll
Neal nrifiand
I · I-Ienrv Coar
I Edward Sleayin
Edward Higgarty
James Coulter
I l I George Scott
John l3rogan
1 1 . 1 Andrew fauci tt
Patric:C Br0 6-a n
I I John SconI William Car fcadd en I Hugll Cal:ney
MidueJ Foag an
G}Jarles Carney
David Rea
Philip M'Cadden
Edward M'C:ld d en
John Thomas
John KeIly
rames Meeha n
William Coul ter
1 John CoulterI P.lexander M 'Mu ll in
I Robert William fo n
J GaIlin aug h M'Gu rry
Andrew Floo d
Dayid Stewart
Juhn Scott
Thomas Hende rfo n
Denis Gal:mgher
Milc:s Slveeney
John M:lrtill
Hugh KcslJy
Pmrick M 'Nllltv M'Laughlin -
J ohn Birns
N1arv Law -
JO!1l1 Montgomery -!!;Qw:u-d Grillith
' William Dougherty
Michad J ohnfton .
John Laman •
AJexander Lyons
P-atrick M'Deacl
Willbm Brogan
lohn Gl\laugher
Roger Sweeney -
T ho mas Murray
W illiam Hendcrfon
Charles Hood
W illiam Perry
Robert E!lis
Da rby Bi rn
James Ward
Patrick Meeh an
WiHi:tm Scott
H enry !:leott
Tohn Seott
Dalliel Colgan
J ohn Kdly
. I
W illia,:l M'Cmb
Robert Edmifton
\v iI jam Edmifton
Jofeph M ' Conncll
Patrick Canny , , WhetlJ.
John Olbum_
J\ lex:lDder ThompfoQ
Jofeph Curray
J am es
Hans Hamiltdn
Robert W jlJjams_
Alexander M'Pherfo n
T homas Culbert
James Stewart _
Jofeph M'Naught
William M' augbt
James Monlgomery , -
George Cr ockett
Robert M'Clintock, Efq.
And re\\' Gmv ::
James Smitli, jun,
James Walker
WiIliam Smith
William Mackey
Thomas Irwin
lames Edmifion
John M'Chaifey ' ..._
William Mafou,.
lames Mafon ..; , 'if illiam Reed . ,
Robert Smith
Patrick Buims
WilJiam Dnugherty
lames Smith _
WilIiam Smith _ And rew OfT
Alexandt'r Fofiel' :.
Robert Hunter
Andrew B<:ll
Tames Beattev
.EdwarcJ Carbry
William Hunter
Hugh Smith
Robert Mackey Walk , Ohver Heuderfou,
John Harkin
Andrew M'Ilw ain
Samuel fen .
· R obc::rt Reed
, J ames DIaney
Mofes !:imith
· James Graham
, Thoma.s Swift '
lames Gregg , R obert RalHon
· J ofeph Clark
James Irwiu
Thomas Scott _ , Reverend David AlIen
· James M'illwee
Michael Dougherty
J ohn Campbel1
James Greer
Daniel Gamble ,
Matthew Fergufon
Richa rd -Greg g
. R obert Gregg . _ R obert Rodgers
John Stevenfon
WiIliarn AlIen, fen. , · JohnAlIeu
James Grabam . ToleKelly
Charles W.illiams
· Ja mes M'Elwee M'Elwain
: J ohn Sims : -
J ()hn M'Elh.inuy I
A dam Rutherford , Samuel Chc:atly \ _ ·:\1ary Gregg
John 'M'GrJo
John Ewilll" _ Thomas Hr;;wll
Alexander Colholln
Matthew Colhoun
lames M ' Garve v ba"id' Campbeli
Matthew Ga iley
William Grah:lJn _ _
R everend Archibald M'Calland
R obert Huchanno n _
Robert Putterfon
Darby M'Glin
Samuel Kelfady
Miles Sueny
James Starrett
James Sweeny
Archibald Harpur
Archibald M'.Elhioney
Thomas Graham _
James Graham
Robert M'Elw ain
Robert Chambers
John Peoples
Mofes Teas
Samut:l Teas
William Stewart
Brian M'Hride
Manus Lochev
John Deerin' _ John Galauaher
Bryan HarJdn _ _
Anne Kirkpar rick _
John Harpur _
Robert Allen _ _
John Allen, jun.
Charles Coyle
Patrick Galaugher
Patrick Dougherty
Hryan Freel
Pa trick Brown
Bryan Murrav , _
William Rutherford
James Rutherford
lames Stocan
Ri-yan Harkin
Alexander l\:['ClinlOck . James Black _ '
James Nec:ly
James Stevenfon
Matthew Hafiings
Henry M'Davitt
Cormack Brannon
John Gabu g her J ames IWEhinny
Williim Kelly , Bryan Murray
Micliac:l Sheals
D. CampbeIr
Mark M'Graw
Fraucis M'Graw -
John Park
An1rew Irwine z John Hunter
'Vii iJ Ill Nl'Catfery z Michael Terry
)l;'l1ric e free!' z W illiolm Al geo
John C:l l1lpbell
z J:tmes Galaugner
z Robert
z Brien C a nnon .,
z Robert Algeo
z Alexander Al geo
Hunter z Patrick M'Nute
:;lIlhony Boyle ' 2 Ph ilip M' Gettigin
z William Kelly
z Edward Kelly
z llatrick Gobin
z George Dougherty r
JO:III ScuttCahi er O'Donnell z Barry M'Anulty -
IIdrelV Williams z W iJl iam Graham 20
Jul. n 2 Francis Andrew
,.II.e, M'Donndl :. D aniel Harkin
Thomas Bu rke
Frdncis Hr:ldley
Thomas Cole I M'Bride z john Rickey
lilhael M'L augh z Samuel Culbert, jun•
limks M'Fadd en 2 Bry:1O Sterritt
\\' i:liJ m M'Teague 20 John Harkin
Grurge Bell z James Peoples
2. Hugh Peoples
juli-ph Campbell z John Peoples
PJlfick M'Tagart z Edward Co yle
l'::rick IvI'Ta 3ue
10111: Sta rritt
Roberr White
2 J a ne Galaugher
2 Thomas M 'Grory
2. lames Culbert
William Cole I ,
Bryan Boy 'e
Will iam Black
William Shea uhney 1
Patrick M'Coll um
Cornelius M'Tio-art
Alexander I'eoples
Alexander Peoples
.Iamc:s Buchannan
Patrick Whi te Ilmes j I'Davitt z Hugh 0' Donnell
lhnie l M'Tague z WiJliam Harpur
Willi. 1O Linehan
2. James Allen
Slnllld Rulfell ;. 2. john Alien
Itoberr Stewart
John Rlllfell
{ohn Harkin
2. Margaret AlIen
2. John M' Ati gart
2 Jofeph Rob lnfon
Sweeny :. Peter Hea fkin
Domin ick Kdly - z {;mes H ealkin
Ilmes Patterfon z arbv Davitt
Patric k lWLaughlin z Patrick Heafkin
Dougherty , - \- z Patrick M'Laughlin
Xca l M'Glinfuy
C.in Shtals
20 Denis M'Ginlay
2 Phi lip O'Donnell
John Helferty z Manus O'Donnell
Hugh Kelfady
J) I'id Hay
: aroa W ilfon
\\-iJo lV Hunter
Owell Galaugher
20 1°1.11 O'Donnell I
Ifaac M'Cormack
WilIiam Li ndfay
James Lindfav
V/illiam j ohn{[on
Robert john{[on
Michae1 M'Bride
Robert Hav
Char\(-s O'Fred
Patrick F reel I
Charles D,ougherty r·
Thomas Scott
I John M'Elwee
l Patrick M'Tagart
tohn Maltfeed
lizabeth H W1ter
Patrick. Cannon
Z ames Galau?,her I James Wilfo n
2. Widow Ward
z Daniel M'L:tUghlin
James Hays
Margare t A llen ..
z Neal Murray - Robert Hays
Jl mes Galaugher z W idow Ru therford
loh n I\1'Garvey z htrick Hilferty
Francis Bradley
Jo hn Gobin ' I M'Geevor
1]111t'S Dougherty
\\'llIiam Campbdl
z George Stewart
2. Margaret lWFadden
z Andrew Spcer.
Roger Harki-n z Teague Coyle
John Harkin, jun. z Patnck Co vle
Robe" Alien - 2.. Alexandar M ' Cay
loh ll Bennon 2- James Sweeney
Will i3ll\ Alie n 20 John Durning
Joh n DOllgherty z Unity Cool
Owen M 'Cawley
Anth ony Galau'uh er
William. Black <>
W illiam Ral{[on
Robert Campbdl
.lames M' Devitt
Hugh Diver
Hugh Diver, fe n.
John Buchan non
Archibal d Reed 20 Patrick Galaugher I E hhr:1im Storey
Owen O'Cor-ran z James Helfc:rtv L C arles Mu rragan .:
Daniel Broadley -
John M'Tagart
James Duffey 2 James Wallace
l;i cnry Sweeney
z Chai-les Kdly
-'JOl t S Duffev z Charles- Galaugher
James M ' Ga'rvey z Bri:Jn Doug herty
Thomas Scott, [e n.
Matthew Smith I
John Shar p r
William RUlTell
Widow M 'Tague I I\ ijam Reed 2o William Ncelv
Jo hn Peoples
20 Samuel Neely '
M'Bride- 2 Fraucis Ndfon
J-ohn O'Donnell I
Fr:lncis K clly
Darby Ke1 ly
Owen Galau gher
l\Janus Brown
Owen O'DonneIl
I3ricn Dou gh erty
Edward H ilferty
loh n H ilfertv'role Gala ugher
Pat rick M urray
flria n Strain
HllP"h Sweeny
Hugh Sweeney
And reil' PattOll
Pete r Stewart
Owen M'Cay
\Vill iam Stew ar t
.lames Swee ney
Charles Ca vina gh
.'\nd rew Chambe rs
Tohn M 'Cav
Richa rd M:lrrick
Ifaa c Peoples
lohn M'Ewai n _
\villiam I\nc..lerfo n F rancis rrwin
Samuel H ay
Thomas Hay
Patrick Doueherty
Hugh Lynch
AI C:Jo::antic:r M'EIwe e
Margat'e t
, 0 wcn fI 'l'C:Hvley
George l\1 'Cawley
John M'Con ncll
Jamts M'Co1.in n Jame; Robinfon •
Hobc:1: Smith
Alexander S\"eeney
lame s \\'hite
\Villi..un M-G race
John Diver _
T homas BoyIe
Jam es Moor
Geo rge Sweenc:y
D avid Hannah
Richard Reed
Joh n Coyle
\Iv ill iam Bro wn
Hryan Duffy
Fraucis M ' Awa rd
r:l mes S'tew ;, rt
\V illi:!m- F leminCT
Thomas l:l:Jxl"t' r 0
William H nffd
Illnes W i ll-:iu
)<lmes M'Togue
Dav id Hoveard
Ant hony Steel
Dcnis G .• l ugher
OIVeu G=.laughet·
Edward GaJaugher
.rames l\f IDa vi ct
Patrick M'Daid
Edward M'Fadden
t Charles M'Loughlin
, Edward M'Loughlin
• 1 , Hugh M'Swine
- •. t Neal M 'Connell
Brva'n O'DonncU
t ' Daniel ,Dougheny , I Charles M'Daid
· Darby M'Award
Patrick Fred
Michael M'Laughlin
Ch:rries M'Fadden
Mofes Fred
Charles Frt!el
Widow Roden
Charles Sweeney
William Irwin r , Janet Jrll'in
William Ward
James Diver
' Daniel· O'Donllell t '
WilJiam Henderfon
John Fowler
Patrick DlJrnilll' , Hc:nrv Kerr '" _ Richard Diver
Francis Anderfon , Francis Black
Dniliel M'Cuilum
Henrv Stew art
Patrick Hagin
WiIliam Clryoll
John Stewart
William Burns
lfaae Madfon
Marg:. ret Rulfd
Andrew Ruffell
Mofes Morrifon
Jane Morrifon
Hugh Sweeny
John Graham
George M'Gowan
Samuel Culbert
Alexander Eakins
Peter Edwards
Robert Tltornpfon
Brian Dougherty
James I3radley
ShiJagh Ftrgufon - 1
Edward Freel
Eatrick Bradley :. I ! , 1 • Daniel Sweeny H Thomas-J :leOD , 1 , , 1 , ' 1 1
John Stewart
John Paton
james Patan
'., , J '. ft\mes Sweener 11 t I Hugh M'Geltlgin : J ' i Bryan Galaugher - " J i -James Galaugher .,.; ,.. >I ' Daniel M'LnJO"hlin f Michael M'Hride :' I ' i Alexander BrolVn I '-.1 ! John Buch:dillO n ;' I ' ; John M'KainI " i Alexander Ti rn ·
• I ' I James Strean " I - • Wil liam Huntel' NeiJ Free!
, ; IPrfo . KILLYGAR VIN. ; , J •. 1.
' t · !' Rnbert1.ocbrJ ,' I Thom'ls Smith ,. I James Smith ,.. :' 1: fen. ;' I : , ; .(ohn ,NoLle _ - 1,., : '. '. r.- , \'V JllIa01 Gibbons - I;. Lockard .', 1.: Alexander lVI'Califit'r
M'Va . y/illi.1n1 LocI-art!
Tames M
Henry Thomp[oll
James El1ue _
Wil!iam Eakin •
John Hagin
P:ltrick G3l1all :> her
Jnmes llIack "'_
Tames Maltfeed
Daniel Deaney
lolJn And rews
John M'Gleikin _ Eleanor Hagill
Hugh M'Davitt
] ames Morifoll H3gin
Patrick Har;in ' Re\'. ]ohnM'EllI'ee
Owen Sherridan '
George , Henry Diver
Nicholas Dougherty
Owen Dougary • Patrick Catlield
Neil Ferrv _ Danid Daney Ferrv
Charles Dougherty
Owen MPire _ _ ,Tames Doughert,v
James Daney _ Bugh
P a trick M'Collin , .Tames M'Califier . John .. .
W idol\' Griffin ] MO,rrifon
Andrew Irwine , z John Hunter z James GaIaugh er
i\' iLiJ:n fvl'Caffery
z Michael Terry Z Robert a
\l;i ll ric e Free! M ' 2
z Brien Cannon , johll Call1pbell
z Robert Algeo - z William Kelly . z Alexander Algeo z Edward Kelly
Hunter 2. Patrick M'Nutt
:;nthony Boyle
JO:\l1 Scut t -
Philip M'Get'tigin
Cahier O'Donnell
llatrick Gobin
George Dougherty
Barry M'Anulty
IIdrew' Williams z William Graham z Thomas Burke
Jul. n lII'13riJe 2. Francis Andrew Frands Br:1dley
Daniel Harkin
"lI.es M'-D onndl
Thomas Cole I M'B ride
)lilhael M'L augh
lll:!rks M'Fadd en
John Rickey William Cole
Samuel Cull>ert, jun.
Bry:m Sterritt
\\' i:lil m M'Teague z John H a rkin
(jrorge Bell
I"ne Mdtfeed
jo(,ph Campbell
Brya n Boy 'e
Willi:un Black
WilIi a m Shea(1h ney
John Peoples Cornelills M'Ti o-aft M'Tagart
Edward Covle
I'":rick Ivl'Ta 6ue 2 Jane Galaugher
Jolll' Starritt z Thomas M 'Grory
Robe:t White 2 .lames Culb ert
IJm es NI 'Davitt 2 Hu gh O'Donnell
bJn:eI M'Taglle z WiJliam Harpur
Wilii. m Linehan Z James Allen
SllllU d Rlllfell ;. z John AlIen
Robw Stewart
John Rllffell
John Harkin
2- M argaret Alien
z John M' Ati gart
2 Jofeph Robinfon
Morg,m Sweeny P eter Heaikin
Domin ick Kdly - z tmes Heatkin
Ilmes Patterfon z arbv Davitt
Alexander Peopfes
Alexander Peoples
.lames Buchannan
Patrick Whi te
Ifaac M'Cormack
William Lindfay
James Lindfa v
'Villiam John!l:o n
Robert John!l:on
MichaeJ M'Bride
Robert Hav
Charles O'Fred
Patrick Freel I
Charles D.oug herty r,
PJtrick lWLaughlin z Patr ic k Heaikin ' Thomas S co tt
ShJne Dougherty , - 2- Patrick M'Laughlin
Xr.1 M' Glinfhy
2. Denis M'Ginlay
C,in Shtals :z. Philip O'Donnell
John Helferty z Manus O'Donnell
Hugh Kelfady z John O'Donnell
J)lvid Hay
: Jron Wilfon
z J ames Galaugher
2- Widow Ward
Wido w Hunter :z. Daniel M'Laughlin
Owell Galaugher 2- Nt:al Murray -
Jlmes Galaughe r 2. W idow Rutherford
John l\1'Garvey 2- htrick Hilferty
Tt:lelle M'Geevor z. George Stewart
illl1t'S Dougherty z Margaret M'Fadden
Wllliam Campbell :z. Andrew Spcer,
Roger Harkin z Teague Coyle
John Hnrkin, jun. :z. Patnck COY le
Roben Allen 2. Alexandar M'Cay
lohn 13enUon 2. James Sweeney
John M'Elwee
Patrick M'Tagart
tohn Malt feed
lizabeth Hunter
James Wi lfon
James Hays
Margare t Alle n
Robert Hays
Francis Bradley
John Gob in ' 1
Owen M'Cawl ev I
Anth ony G alau'gher I.
Willi:un, Blac k I
William Ral!l: on
Robert Cam pbell
lames M'De vi tt
Hugh Dive r Alien 2- J<>hn Durning
John DOllgherty
2 Un ity Cool
Archibald Reed z Patrick Galaugher
Ow en O'Corran 2- lames Helf\!rtv
Daniel Broadley - z John M'Tagart
James Duffey
l;!enry Sweeney
2. James Wallace
2. Charte.s KeJl y
JJmts Duffev - z Charles- Galaugher
James M'Garvey ' :I; Brian Dougherty
AUJm Reed
Hugh D i ver, fen.
John Buc han non
Ehhraim Storey
C arlt:s Mu rragan
Thomas Scort, (en
Matthew Sm ith
John Shar p
William R Ulfell
Widow M'Tag ue
2., William Ncel,Y )'ohn O 'Donne ll Pcople5 z Samuel Neely
M'l:lride- z Francis Ndfon
Fr:1ncis Kcll y
Darby Kell y
OIVen Galaugher
l\l anus Brown
OIVen O'Donnell
Edward HiJferty
John HiJhtv -
Tole G alaugher
Patricl<; Murray
flrian Strain
HllP"h S weeney Sweeny
Hugh Sw eeney
Andrew Patton
Peter Stew art
O wen lVI 'Cay
\Villi.1m Stewart
.lames Swee ney
Charles Cavinagh
: \ndrew Chambers
Joh n M'Cay
Richard l\Ib rrick
I(aa c Peo ples
John lVl' Ew ai n
Willia m \nderfon
Prancis r rwin
Samuel H ay
Thomas Hay
James M'Gee-ver
Hugh Lynch _
Alcxandc:r M'Elwee
Margal'Ct J."I'Atagur c , 0wen lVI ' Cawley
Georgc l\.1 'Cawley
Joh!l M'ConllcIl
Jamts M'CoLin n
Ja ml!s Robinfon '
]{obert Smith
ldcxa ndc:r S\l' eeney
lame s \\'hite
\Vil/i..uTI M-G race
Mich:1ellVl' A nul:y
Jo hn Diver _ Boy le
James Moor
George Sw eeney
David Hannah
R ichard Reed
Joh n Coyle
'N il/iam Bro wn
Hryan D uffy
Francis jI,:I'Award
T-ames S'tew r, rt
\vil/ia'm Flemino-
T homas H:Jx ter 0
William H nife!
1·1mes \\' j / kio .
:Iames M'Togue
David l:!ovea rd
Anthonv Steel
Deni s d l ugher
O we n
I Edward GaJaugher
Tames ,l'4'Davin
Patrick M'Daid
Edward M'Fadden
Charles M'Loughlin
, Edward M'Loughlin
Hugh M'Swine
L Neal M 'ConneIl
Brva'n 0' Donnell
Daniel .Dougherty
Ch:lrles M'Daid
Darby M'Award
Patrick Fred
Michael M'Laughlin
Ch:rrles M'Fadden
Charles Free!_
Widow Roden
Charles Sweeney
WiJliam Irwin
r , Janet Irwiri
", - '. I ' , William Ward
james Diver
Shilagh Fergufon I i Brian Dougherty
· '. I James Bradl er - j : Edward Freel
. ' I f Eatrick Bradley
:" ; I Daniel Sweeny
',' '. 1( Thomas·JacoD
, :. ' 'J l f James Peoples' I ' John Stewart
: { John Paton
• ' '.: james Paton
·c James Sweener
,., 1 I t Hugh M'GettJgin ,,,: Bryan Galaugher
,"',' i'. I -.J ames Galaugher
-,'; ' ''! ' I f I' Daniel M'La'ucrhlin :. I· Michael M'Bride
",':', I' i A lexandcr Brown
'< 1 ! John Buchalino n ;;,: I '. ; John M'Kain - ' i -' i Alexander Tii11 ' ;, ". I I Strean _. ' ,I', T, "Vi/ham ,Hunter , • >. I ' Neil Free! ; ( " 1 ' : -
ThonJ ;:!s Smith James Smith .Tame) fen. '." t '. ' [ohn NoLle _ .-' ..: ,:" f: : \VIIlIa01 Gibbons - ' f;._ ,:, R obLn Locko.rd .< . .. '. M'Caliiler
" , ' \\ dham M'Va
., s.. Y/illiam LockmJ
WiIJiam Hcnderfon
John Fowler
Patrick DIlT/lulI' , Henrv Kerr ,,J.,
Richard Diver
Francis Anderfon.
Francis Black
blliliel M 'Cullum
Henrv Stew3rt
Patrick Hagin
Willi:tm Clryoll
John Stewart
William Burns
Marg:, ret R ulfd
Andrew Ruifell
Mofes Morrifon
Jane lVIorrifon
Hugh Sweeny
Tohn Graham
George M'Gowan
Samuel Culbert
Alexander Eakins
Peter Edwards
Robert TI,ompfon
James M'CuJJum
I-Ienry Thompfon
James Ellue
Wil!iam E:;kin
John Hagin
Patrick Gallallr>hei,J:lmes llIack "'_
Tames Ma1tfeed
Daniel Ceanej Jol,n Andrews
John l'vi'Glelkin . Eleanor Hagin
Hugh M'Davitt
James Morifoll H 3gin
Patrick ,Hae in _ ' Re\'. JohnM'EIwee
Owen Sherridan '
Thomas Sherridan ' George M'Swillt: Henry Di ver ,_ . Nicholas Donghertj
Owen Dou gary _
Patrick. Catlield
NeiJ Ferry _ , Daniel Daney , Ferrv
ClJarles Dougherty
OlVen MPire _ .T ames Doughert.v_ , .Tames Daney
, Bugh Calbn
. Patrick ,M'Collill ; .lames M'Califrer
, John
Wido\\' Griffin ] ame, MO.rrifon " ,., ,..
Richard lWClllre
Thomas M'Gittigan -
Wiiliam M'Cormack
Daniel M'Gettigin ' Edward Croflim
Jamt!s Cro/fan
Cornelius M'Gettigin
David !'atte:fon
Cormack Connaghan
Edward Rooert Bucliannon
Henry D,vonnott
Owen M'Fadden
P;ltrick Ollin
Willbm Anderfon
Daniel Ollin
Rob;:rt M'Ca'y, Efq.
Owen NulllS -
Brvan Gallaugher
Edl'(ard Garland
Robert Loughrey
Bryan Shefcor:ln
Hugh Tinney
Samuel Mehaffey
William Tiuaey
John Mullan
Bryan Dougherty
Hugh M'Gowan
Henrv Lawn
Robt!'rt Colhoun
John M'LaUl"hlin
Daniel M'GinIav
[obn Duchannon
Dryan Divin M'Connell
\-VidolV M'Cunnell
Samuel Patterfon
James Dun lap
W iHiam Sharkey
1uhn Smith
Nhrv C!'u(f,n
William Loughrey
l<ubert tv.a
lames Meaholl
Hugh Tonntr
Will;am Taylor
Bryall Murr:l,v
Manu8 Harkin
]('Iho :Hamilton
Williiim Dyormott Moore
' llryan Coyle
Henry M'Cro{fan
Charles :M'Bride '
George M'Bride
Hryan MUTr:lY
James M'Colgan
WilIiam Porter
Hugh Stel'enfon
Mofes Colhoun
John Q}in ,
John nbckbuTIl
.lOhll Hamiltoll
t'hilip M'Curmack
Nt!J.I M'Kinney
Robcrt :\l'Oillian
Mkh:lei Loguc
Cathcrim: Jamcs
Charb Carri<;k \ P " tl'ick \Vintt:rs
Oliver Gillillin
John Cunnigan •
Nl:lrgaret M'Minamill
WihialI] Givill
Patrick Gallaughr:r
John M'Cue
Michael Howard
Hugh Harron , James Kevanazh
Ricmrd Magottigan
John Lynch . Laughhn M'Gowan
James Meldrum
Robert Orr
; Eleanor Edwards
, John Haley ,
Charles Simpfon
.fames Liddle
, Dryan Mullan
: Charles Simpfon
John Morriion
, Charles Portedield
Daniel Dougherty
John Connea
, J:lmes Heabron
Payick CalJaghau
lames M'Grinder
James Magill •
Henry Dyormott,jUll.
John M'lIhinney
Stuart MilgiJ{nis
Mary Magill _
Andrew Galbl·.l ith
Unity Qyin _
Patr!ck Harraghey
Patrlck M'Ginn
William ConaOhln
William M'De:ld
Richard Cameron
Thomas Smith
Patrick M'Davit
Magan:t Dougherty
Widow M'Cloiker
Widow Brozan
William M'Beath
David llrog:ln
Patrick l\l'Bride
Owen 1v'f'She:l
, Daniel M'Mullen
James Kellv • ,William M'Award
Patrick Buy
ChriGopher Kell,-
Widow l:!lail' • Patrick BigIay
13ernard Donnell
l'atrick M'Clatkey
Palrick Di,'en
Widow Haughey
William IVl'Beath
James Qyin
Frt:derick ryke -
John Sweeney -
Phillip Lynch
Michad Connelly
Patrick Loague
Tames C:lflandbavid
Anne Greer
John Hunter
John Jamefon
George Carey, Efq.
Samuel Cannichael
William Tharp
Waiter Beattey
Robert Wark
Reverend Dr. Call:lghan
John Hamilton, -
James Toy
William Beattey
Tames Donaldfon
Robert Ewing
Richard' Anderfon
Charles Harward
William M'Corkle
George Elkin
Ifenry M'fvlacan
Owen Dermott
Neal13e IT lay
Patrick Elgan,
Reverend Thomas Hamilton
.John Wilfon
Robert Carmichael
Gtorge Higgarty
Willi,,:1l iWDiIl
John Dogherty
Thomas Arbuckel
Fr:mcis Dogherty
),: U ,,:d GI'()" t
1 ,1"" UO\ le:
H'1t:dl. Ifi:m',
z Ch n'b I Hllgh M'.'\nllllagh
z· Cll'"rK.-" [)og btrty
j, , " ' , 2 i'aul J'Davitt
\i',l li 11ll Bradley
l ':..,rks iVl'L'iughlin
z Manus M'Gowan
z Robert Carey -
Nod e! Loughrey
101111 _ [
Roger Colli IlS I 1\1 'Laushlill
\ )C' Jl' :e Andcrfon
z Will i:l m M'Gow ln
z Rore !:i heals
J\.1'C;llldlis z WilliaOl Bcatte"
Tames SOliri.
Robtrt Wilron
Willi:ltll Smyth
lu!, n l\i'Doal z Elizabeth Dogherty I Neal Lochry
IVilliam Kerr
\l' ill::l1Il COlrrican
z Robert Carlon
z Edw a rd rvl'Shiffey
Williarn Pl a tt
Qwen Clllc Jack 2 Pm'rick Boyle - 1 Dluid Loag _ 1:': lI es Campbell
Deilis III 'Calli 011 2 WiIliam
:\d Faulkner
Thomas M'Cool
t'l'rick Hal'gan a. Jofeph Wark
P:: rick Carton z Michae1 Anderfon
DJni d Toy z Andrew M'Farland
\'d Dougherty - - z Thomas Gray
lohn C:mon z fatric k M'Acroi[l n
Q ren M'Kinny
Nea l i\I' I\croifan
jj1ni d H:llkin 2 Charles Do<Yhertv
James M'Grorte v
George Campbell
Charles Gill
John Dozherty
Hugh Doghertv
He:nry M'Davitt
NE.t M 'CaIJen
Widow M'Loughlin
JOhll Dogheny
Wi!Jiam Faulkner L l:d w:;rd l\1'Shane z ' Margaret 1{odd ·i Coyle
iu!. n Anderfon 2 .lames Smith .
Gtor; e Par ]in ' z Anthony Bradley
lohn Woods
Henrv Parke 1 Porrer
John Smith _
Phi lip Collins r ',:ne, Wnlker z WilliJm Mar g ey
Jofeph Carlen ! v ',rell J\.l'Lallghlin 2 George C lrmichael
Michael Doghertv I f\l'Culdwell z William Connell
Neal Harlon ' _ x Owen M'Cool z Charles DOgherty
Daniel Murphy r \\'illiam Dou<Yherty z .Tames M'Ginllis
John Diven "'.Dougher ty · z Philip M'Davitt
\\ ill i:lm Be:ltlev z John M'Davitt
Robert Rumf.1Y
David Simpfon I \\, illi lm Colhoun z James Higgarty
IlJ1l es Lynch I Charles Crow
Drnis Harkill
DlVid Mackey
John Loag
John Q!iglay I Charles M'Davitt
!,brv \Villiam Lanah1n I Manus M'Shepey lWMacon 1 Miclnel Hig9' art v Noacher !.1'Ginnis
Cc r:ldiu s DyerOlott I William Benfon
l' hl r'e:; Coli ins I Edward Duffey
I'.tric k ;'tl'Colly
Andrew M'Ginnis
Phi lip Dlllfey
John Faron -
William M'Laughlin I Toy • Michael Dogherty
John Lucas1 .. Bryan M'Lau<Yh :in
Roger Hawlin x , [.on.::> WMon I William
Robert Wilfon ilarr I Thomas Hunter
Robert Burns
Roger M'Laughlin
Thomas Haw lill Dogherty
John Davlin
./ohn Lyle r n) 'ln : l'Lau<Yhlin
Thomas Goor ley
Thomas - r l r.' rlcs Barr 0 I Wi ' liam Wilfon
luhn Ihrr 1 James Duffey
John M'Laughhn
George Gcorge rj ,il ip Lou<Yh x Henry Dermotl
John Dermott
Harney Develin
Edwurd Donaghy
Nocher Dutfey
.Tames M'Kever 1 :i uglt Ilradlev
:t, :icltati ,Faron
Denis M'Coih
Widow Rod(l.y
Thomas Donaghey
Henry Dougherty
William Larkev I Mofes Porter
Coul Hllgh 1 George Nawrey
Henry lJarr ,,1 Neal M'Klnney
Michad Gonaghy I Collins 1 Marg:trct Duffy , .lJ7z. LOWER MOVILL. r tr:c:" Sweeney
Francis Tov
Lom!J, ;'\1'Ginnis
William C arbn
Charles TOll
Geor&e Care,v, Efq
J' 11' I :?;gurty
lI' /'" dr t ,(/;;.d Tenor
Jumes LO:1g
Arthur Nel\'bllrgh .;
John fv'l'Laughlin A ,Roger M'Paul
Charles M'lntil't! If Conuor Kerfian
Edward ° Cannon
Patrick M'Keeney 4 udlev Kellv -
Denis Doghert v , 41
z Patrick Faron
z Henry Dogherty
z Andrew Haly -
z , Widow GiIJand
John M'l.a'2 hlinz Owen Latfertll
Neal M'Laughlin " 3' , Michael M' ona Joage
James Gillan . - 3
Hugh Dougherty , 3'
James Henry0 3
Michael DoelJerty - 5.
Daniel M'Ginnis- ' , ' .:3.
z Hugh M'Giqnis f ;
Charles M'Conaloage :z. Neal BuovleI"
Philip M'Carron :: John Tharp t '
Peter M'Laughlin
Brvan Kelll '
z George Tharp - I
z Edward M'LauihJin t,
Daniel M' ntirez Daniel M'Laug lill "-
Henry ' ;' Michael M'Laughlin z William Faron - "
Sh:me M'Laughlin .:, " , bames Barr1. Michael 1 ,.'
Daniel M'Laughlin .; 3 allieI M'Davitt
Thomas lYl'L:lUghlin _ - 31 Owen
M'Laughlin - 3) James M'LaU2,hlin
Dwell M'Davltt 3,- Peter Sweeney
James Dogherty . 1 Charles Dougherty
James M'Laugh in
John M'Laughlin
Daniel M'Conagle I ,
BrYiln M'Cormick
Hugh Cavinagh i ' Dudlev Harrold Widow Mulean - I
John Bonniton Owen' Cairney I William M ' Laughlin I
lohn M'Keeney ,' a: . Widow Deehan -1 Higgarty t
George Diver .. :i.- Sal'l.luel Cooke
Edward Bradley 1 2. John M'Murray
Hugh M'Laughlin I :
Patrick M'Conway "."
Patrick Sweeney Archibald M 'Murray Cormick Kelly I Phi Yi p Loag _- 2. Mkhael Rody
George Kirk-land , William M'Davitt
Mich:lel ' M'Lau ghlin I
Patrick Ratfeny z
James Hempin .; . , · z' Roger M'Davitt
Patric-k M'Laughlin.
WjIliam' Fan-en- ' i. , Daniel Latterty
John M'Conezal I , t Loag ' 2. , - Bryan M'Laughl in I 1 Edward M' heffry .()wen Gilland z - 1 ] ohn 1,
Denis Gilland 2-, - Michael ' ogherty I
Daniel Loughrey ' .;. - !J: Daniel Dartlll
Henry Care.v · 2:' Barney -Cain
Widow Carithers , Daniel Halk in
Patrick M'Larkey
James Doghcrty
Willillm lVl'Kinney I
Edw:lrd i'vl'D avitt • '1 :; I
James AkornI D aniel Leffcrty I
John M'Larkey ' ohn Dougherty - George Sternev ' 2- I ' 1
Owen M'Cormack
James Hemphd
John Crumlilk I·
Charles Quigl.v - SbaneFaron I Charl es Kdly - I
Neal Harkin . : . Hugh M'DoaI Faron - 2., 1 I :
Neal M'Langhlin· 2.' J<lmes Hempdl
James Faron .. .. ,
John Farren . • ::. Robert Park, - - -1 Owen Faron I r I' £:hn lWLaughlin Eunas - ·.:1
Patrick M I aniel Dougherty
Thomas Faren
William Thompfon
Neal M'La ughlin z _: James M'Davitt
.lames M'C rron " IAndrew Gilland
J ames Faron - . -
Owen Faron
Shane Doghert)'
John M 'Eldarrey z,..'l
,. Thomas M'Davitt jilhn Hark in ,
'. "] ames Toner - James M'Colgan
Sh:lOe M'Laughlin , 1 Michael Mulbrke v John M'feeler
Widow M'C:u:r on"2, ' , 1 George H arkin
<Jwen F'aroll -
P:mi ck Rodden
James lVl'Intire '
.z' ,
Patrick M'Feeley
Andrew C'iillefpey .. 2 I Samuel Ca ' dwcll Patrick M ' Colg all ' I -; R-oger Farol!,- , z :; l ,Tcbu
Hu gh Rodden '
Edward -Gillafpey
Adam M'Ghee -
Patrick M'Laughlin
Thoma s LO:1ghr'ey
John Duchan
M'Teeky 'rhomas Doghertr
D nh M ' Ginni3 z Peter ,Gilland -
Michad M'C am .
Ja;ne:. M ' Ginn is
CIVln fvJlfallden ]eTTJcs G::l1lcr
l"wick Handlt:y
)latr ick Ward
M'Gintay -
',lilli:lI11 Stun
:\ndrew Knox
illne:; Wall:!ce
\', iili:un Sh:nv
vVilli am Moore
William Jcnkins
J ames Gray, fen.
I J\l11I1 Duffy
! Udw:ml Moore
J ohll Duffv
i fames lWDevitt l'atrick Haughcy Edw;u'd Moore
,W m. J e nkin s
Wm. Wilkin
Andrew Stone
Alexander Fofier
James Finlay
J:lilies N1 'Elhillny
.I ames Patterfon
John Dougherty
WiJliaql M ' Glanaghan
Willia.m Morcer I Ward
John Gibfon
James Duffy Duggan
iln ilip iVl'Cormack
Wid ow Dougherty
lames tvl'Clean
Wm DOllgherty ,
Alldrcw Brogan
William lloveard
Cnnfiant M'Caffrey Iwry .lohnfion
James M'Caffrey
CilJ rles 1\1' Dougle
\bt hew Denning
Sarah Higgills ilJl1ei M'Laughlin
ll::l m Maorhead
lo:ourrt Ramfay
lu hn llrown
Cl:Jrle; Haughey
Richard M'Clure
\\' illiam Black
Ch ll' les Black
Jofeph Humes
Charles Dougherty
Willi:un Cowan ,Io hn Gallaugher
J.mes Deerey
by M'Laughlin
Joh n Rulfel
Margaret 5myth
Patrick M'Ginlay , '-' muel Bl ack
PllIick Crampfay
Patrick Bovle
Robert LOllghead
Charles M'Laugh'!in
James M'Laughlin lvl'Canan
itA ,;) Wilfon
il;}l CS Snodgrdfs
Rolxrt Stevenwn
\\ illilm Hamilton :.
J:.:nes lWElwee \ -
Owen M'Catferty
Owen Dyormolt
James Lee
Robert Gregg
Michael Cannon
Nancy Holmes
James Gallaugher
Hugh M'Laur;hlin
James M'Gahan
Willi:lm Olbum
Samud Henderfon
Samuel Crawford
William Patterfon
John l\1'Elhinny ',i ib
Patrick M'Devitt
I'h ilip M'Clure z Charles M'Elhinney
Robert Patterfon
William Laird
Thomas Hullart
Hryan M'Gahan
Edward Tinney
John Brown :'c iJ M'Carron
Andrew l\1'Clintock
Parrick Durey I ,Ioh n Gray '
John M'Connell
John Forrelt I '. li chJel M'Carron
John M'Incire
Francis M'Ghee r Tinney z ' Hugh M'Devitt
Marcus M'Elwee I \ , 1I 11J111 Davis
Andrew Hcazlct
Michael Dl'ormott
Duncan z William Finney - Wilfon
, ' r,hi bald Little z Francis G allaugher
\', illi:'iTl Killan 2 I\lich 'l el Doog a n
) M'Davitt z John Mecullen
William Doack
.lames Golden
J o hn M ' C:uron
King ].llne[onI 'l -Alexander M'Clintock .Charles GallaugtLa
lohn M'Connell .. 'I . M'Conaghey
Edward Donndl ... . ,. ryan 1) hi[coran
Robert Orr
Daniel Bovle .: -
o-.ven Loughrey -
John M'Laughlill
Andrew Hohnes :..
John M'Jlhinncy
M'lIhinney ..,
lames Broadley . Alexander
W iUi"m Boy le
Samuel M'Clellaud
John CliJe ! loCes Jame.fon.
Sheals -
Patrick M'Ke"l!ver
Clarke -
wen Boylc
Wi llia m Nickle
David Moore
M'Colium John Cunningham
-Sarah Pinkerton
-John Sawers-
. ] ap1cs-A lexlnder . -
John Patterfon
-John TurnerAlexander Moody "<: t/lofes Laird.
Jane Rolmes' -
Willi:un Broad'ey J ames- Patierfon
-lames Dougherty
Widow Alexander 'Georgf Barelay: .
Francls Laird "
Bryan M 'Gonegal
John Laird '1 ·1):umler Cowan Robert Patter[on -Samuel Laird - ,. -Hugh-M'Name
Jane Black 'I James-Sherwin
Jofeph- TeOls·
] ame, Pattn:fon
WiUiam M'Carron ' - t Archibald M'Clevn
James ' narcby ' k ' • It
'P,jh. -of' RYE.
William Moodey'
Hugh Barc1ay 'jVv M'Cobb
Thomas Skiltoar .; , ' I Lomts. \Viuow-Patterfon
Nclbitt -' .;. , , , 11 Colho\ln z Thomas M'Cobblilliam' - ''" -; 'Wrnes z James Br.own- -
Hugh O'Donncl ;:... .- , ': homas M'Cobb. I M'Groddy
\Vm. Buchannon - -. " 1 ames JJl 'Collaghey ,I fen.
Catherine Dougherty ,. .. --, ..:J ames -l\-l'Cle land"1 John Smith, :tun.-
Brhn M'Mullen '-1 Wmiam Montgomery '1 W::tfon. ..
V.,r m. G:uner .. - 't -;lame. M'llhinllcy , ':lohn M'Intire. ':-
qeorge Gray :.. ::Andrew Magili Eli7.abeth Brew '
Matthew Wil1iamfoII-' I ' William Magill :-
{olm M'Elwee ..! ' • It ,.samuel M'Connell 1 Francis Wal!is
¥m. Patterfon .;. '1 Widow Doughccty 11 John Graham
Gabriel Johnfion .; ' I Clark.: '1 James Houfion _ : 1
Wm. Donnell ..; "'1 John Alien '1 Mofes Houfion 1 <· .lofeph Spllr -James Johnfion 'I John M'Dav-itt " : 14
Tohn Nttley :. 't :Archibalu W nods 11 \Valter Stewart.. .. ' " .
James Tinney .'ViCtor FerR;ufon - Wi 'liam !)tewart '- : .Mofes Wilfon ) William Carbnd - 1 Robert Rodgers .,. [" ;
M.atthew M'Conegal , - ' ' ll Wheels. James Graham · .. , ' ;',
Wm. M'Laughlin' [ ":Tames M'Monamoo' '4- Williilm Campbelt ;' - " •.
M'lVIunaghtee ' . ' I IW illum Cowden -'4 John Stewart ;.,':mlck Toner·" . • lDavid Hunter .. 4 John Campbell
John Gray 'I '.lames Brown -• 4 George Watfon : -
Robert Orr ' 'I WiIliam Cow-den ' - "4- Wiliam Crawford
Thomas' O'Donnel - 'I ;Patrick M 'Laughlin '} Henr.v·Montgomsry.
Thomas Glen .. - -1 -c har Clee - 4 .Jofeph T eas
lohn Moorhead '' '1 1ames Dill 4- John. Shannon -(
JOt:l Henderfon. ' [ . Owen Connagham -4- Tholn<ts M'Elhinny Flanag':m 't JohIl Dyormond 4 Thomas M'J:lwifle Galaugher - '[ George Wafon - 4
John Harkin" t I lames Sweeney ' - 4- ,Robert C ke I -
John M'Cnraey - 'I John M'Connellogue 4- 'David !\I1urray H ugb.M'Gintay - .. t, . Mofes Allefon' 4- John Wilfon' "
J::mes M'Laughlio. - .I, Alexander Ewing ' '4- , Jamcs Forfyth
John -.; ' \ 'John Teas ' 4 'Samey ·Galaugher
Neal O'Donnel . - '1 William Cochran '4' Robert Caldwdi
Alexander Lee -' ' \ James M!Cawley .J am cs Stewart
Rob:rt Grigg 1 L'hi!ip Ll och 4 John Clarl:c
George Brown
Denis Cain •
l.1mes Scott
('h3 r1es KeJly
Thomas Gormm
HUl'h Nefbitt
Patton -
\'. il i:1m Culbertfon
Pmick Kerrigan
Anthony Kenny
Owen Meaney
P_nrick Connor
lohn Harrifon
Be 'rd
William M'Gee
Ro!!er Dougherty
_\ndre\v Dougherty
AnthollY Clearey
Hugh Loughrey M'Menamon
Willi:!m Barihmes M'Clure
[dward Eoyle
r-, hn Patron
'!,Ime3 Kelly
'/"Itn Lepper
D,ll"id Tavlor
\\'illi:1m Bell
Thoma M'Ghee
r.Iichael Bogan.
Alexander M' Keonp.mes Blackbum
John Humes
PJtrick M'Menamin
Patrick M'Glin -
Eobert Sprowle
\Ii illiam Griffith
J;1h n JlJ\'Creery
I"hn Griffith
)imes Boyle
l'arrick Murlav
lames M'Coo'l
ConnelI M'Awee
Richlrd Withers '_
Victor Armflrong' _
Robert Knee
John Ho'ward
'[homas I\1'Ghee
I'mick Higg1rry
lohn IrlVin
./.Imes Winter
L.uke M'Cool
foh n Toye
Jullll Toye
Michael Cal1an
William I:randon
Andrew Bell
Hugh PattonDCilZley
James l\1'Creery
Robert M'Creery
Edward Arnold
Abraharn Willfon
Robert C'ampLJell
James KirkpJtrick
A ndrew Lepper
Oliver M'Clea
Robert Barr
Robert Lepper _
Thomas Armfirong
James Freil -
Thomr.s Shaughney
Michae ' l\l'Dermo[[
Samuel RaLJb
Hugh M Gltee
Wil:i _' m Gregory
Tohn Houfio ll
Charles 1'I1ulheran
Patrick M'Devitt
Jofeph Litt!e
Ed lYard Cain
James Griffin
James Reed - - - I
M:lthew Hamilton
Anne Park
Andrew Hamilton
Robert ' Cochran
John Stevenfon _
Solomon Cll1mbers
Alexander M'Mullen
fames Wilfon
koger DOllgherty
T01111' Marlhal
Rev. Vim. Cnnningh:lill
John Colholln
Samuel Lowrev
S<ll11uel -Alex:l1ider
Andrew M'Cafland
.Tames Morrow
John Teenan
Jane Cowan
.lames Woods
S1mud l\Ibrlh:tl
Jofeph ' R:1ll1o n
Tames M'Dcvitt
George Rankin
Michael G:vllaugher
John Latt:t
J:I m \!s SOlY lay
Aline Pinktrton
\Villlam -M'C!cOlrn Culber.
1o[eph Pattcr[on
Richard Carland
D:lVid Smith :lIJathew M'Crab .1 ofeph M'Crab
John M'Clintock
John Stevenfon
Humphry Galbraith
George r'lIonteeth
John Elliott _
William Alexander
Alexander Hamilton
J ames Lowrey _
William Doack
Robert Lowrey
Sarah DOllg lafs
'oliah Gafbraith
Samuel Clendennin
Robert Vance
William RodgersHllgh CampelJ
\".'ilJiam Rankin
Adam Starret
Andrew Hlltchinfon
.George Jame3
Mrs. Scott
Mathew Orr
Alexander Lowrey
William M'Carron
JohJl ' .-\doO' _
WilJinm GilJilanTames MarOlal
Samuel Hamilton
Tames M'Adoo -lames i'vI'Adoo I"fugh COW:1n
Da\'id Rankin
John Rnnkin
Samuel Rankin
J"mes Motheral
James Wright
:rames \,Vilfon
Thomas !'vI'Naught
Solomon Chambers
Thomas I\lFNlorris ThomJs
IP11eelt. , ' ,'
C61hollr\ -'4- -
Samuel Gourlc!y - 4 ' A!Jraham M'Crab
Anru-ew Lourt!y - :. '40- ' • Willian1 Forrdt
Renjamin Rankin , ", " 40
Robert "llen - ". 4 D.lvid Orr _ .\ lexander Latta - 4 '; James Co'rvan'.1ofc!phM 'Kain " ' ': : ! Wm. :Glllilan,- fen.
Robert AlIen . - :. 4: i : 'l'bomas Olburii
:3:1muel Gilgo _ -. 4- ,: MoCes Sterratt '
James Alexander - • 4 ,; Jimes M'Crea
Alexander M'C1intack , - ',. 4· ' : Ol.iver Ffannigall
Jolm Heafiey - - ..4 t S:imuet Gornla v
Andre\v Alexander • ,. 4> Wm, Elliott ' -
Robert Orr ':' ', 4 . Wm. Kelly_ -
An<.lrcw Sm \, .th .. ! A1tldrew"1tI'Co-nnell '
Jofeph 4 ' Mofes Jordan
WiIlii:un Elliott - 4 Ja'mes Wefr-
\ -3 , WaIter Hogfuead, 3 Neal Hlee -
3 Gt:6rge M'Kain
3 " .AndreIV Roulfron -3 Jofeph' Allefon -
3· James Porter' -., 3 Andre;v Lowrv
3 Robert Lowrr'
3 Wm. Thompfon.' 3 I Robect WiUock
3 I Tames D6ugherty3',! Finlay Buch:mnon
3 i IIIIichael M'Gini;IY
3 , J!I.mes Patton -
3 ' I J!imes Glackin
3 I lilmes..Statford
3'" I: John WiUiams
T:unes Te:!s - ' . 4 · James Thompfon
Robert Martin "4: Anthony Smuh
William Hazleu: , +. John Hannagin _ Tames Steen '': , ': 4:; \ Samuel Porter _ ) ofep.h S-teen' , : ... " ! James M'Kean ' _ Steen - 4· ! Andrew.Mitchell
ohn M'Cannell " - ' "': 4',' I i\lexallder MfConnell
obm Alexaoder .:. "-, I J9hn M'Kain.-
Jofeph M'Clintock - - -',, "', ! J,mesM'KaiQ
.I()hn Gilfillin - 4 I Jehn Gordoll
J:unes l\1'Clintock " - + . I j!lmcs M ' Girr
J:unes M'Ghee, ' + , I Robert MitcheL
Patricle M'Ghee - ' - 4 1: John AlJeQ _ Tpomas ' ' l ROQett Galbraith
Samuel M'GjI! - 4 1 ; Jt!.mes Stt-venfOR '
Samuel Boya ' 4 ' ' Richf.rd Wile;"
.lames Smyth 4 " Widow Rankin Martin 4-' ]ofeph Bailit
John M'..l,.doo:- 4- Mathew Graham 'l ames M'Comb - 4 " Mathew Chambers 'ivhrgerjrNloods 4' ! Andrew Colhoun
Robert Wi!fon 4 C I JRfeph RaHlon
Willhm Wafon 4 :' l' ]Hmes Tay].>r
Jlll1es Laird .4 ' ! Jofeph Boggs
ftobert Smilily -: 4- " , 1 William Beacofl
Samuel M'Gill - " 4 : l John V-ance '
Mongo M'Adon. 4:-' \ Robert Italfrof)
John Allen ' , 4 ! ' Matbew Orr •
WiIliam Mitchell , 3, l John utta
Daniel M'Clintock 3' I Jlme OlT-_ l:u-nes M'Crab' 3 Andrew Roulfron
'Tames Steen 3.- Cnwford -
Thomas M'Gettigin ' lohn Roulfro.n
J:unes M'Girr':' .3 ' . JQhn Porterfield
Williarri Mitchell, fen. 3 ' , 30feph Roulllon
WaIter l>haw - 3 : Rpbett White
Matthew Chambers - 3 WUlial,l Gordon
lames l:1utchinfon 3 ; AndrellL Hamilton
Thomas Moore' , , -' .3: ' Rpbert M.Clintock
John M'L:mghrin s: Mathe\W: Lackev
Thomas' Crawford .3 1 J9bn Duncan
A-ndrew Stevellfon . • .3', : Jqhn Gall:!\Igher
Cairns Alexander 3' Alexander Porter
Henry Galbraith , 3: i M'Calli:n
Samuel Doaclc \ - 3 1 Latta
Andrew Leckey .5 ; Mafes
3' I: John M'Cloud -3, i Willi:un Wasfon . : 3" \. Daniel Dougt!erty ·l', 1 John GalbraitlJ or •, '; 31: James.Anderfon
3' \ \yillil.m La,tta , ' . l ' Rryan Coy le
V John King , 3 ' :Tohn Campbelr
3 John CampbelI . 3 ! MichaerFbnmgln ,. 3 I Andrew M'Connei1
2 ' 'I Morrah Porterfield'
Z James Camer-on
, z. ,I WiHiam M'Garra
Z , ! Robert 'SpeerJohn H :'! {1etc -
z Michael Haw
2 Nell
z I Patrick t?ovle
2 I William Gallaugher
2 Samuel flair_
2 Marg:lret Lindfay
Z Jofeph Kilpore
:. Margaret Halrrige .
z Tohn Douo-bfs-z · John Gafuughe£
2 Tomes Covle _
z · HughN'..!Nulty
Z J!imes Wiley
Z Patrick Haragh
z , WiUiam Kelfo
Z .lane Forfyth , z limes M'Nu/cv
z :rohn Carppbell ;
Z J; mes Olbum, -
z · Jeremiah M'Intire
z Robert M'Connel
2 Gt:or.e;e Duncan
z Wilham Bartlv
2- Willirun M'Cricken
2 ' rohn Diveney '
2 :Tohn DOlCk
2 Edward WCally
z ' Thorr,:ls Leetth
z · Phelirn Lynch
lYhceh. I
N3lhan Porter
lames Buchannon
\ '1 nl. Leckey 9-
Andrew Thompfon
Moody ,1
j!n'an Cl!! in I
Ic;hn Lynch
i!u"h WardM'Award
lofeph Ralfion -
brrick Loughrea
lohn Ralfion
'lo!1ll Watfon
Ed\l'ard M'Calkin
Huoh Conaher
lolln M'Nulty
\\ idow' Frame
WiIliam Armfirong
James Houfion prJlt. TEl\1PLECARN.
\\'iiliam Smith 4
Thomas Moore 3
Ktl·. Nicholas Cochran 3
vd\id Virtue
John Virtue
Thomas Ellis
lonn Reid
hilip Good
John Johnfian
James Johnfion
Paul Fuufion
Ma']' Patterfon
James Sprowl I
William Srew:J.rt
Jllhn Srewart
Nicholas M'Hee
William M'lntire
James Virtue
Ual'id Reed
Thomas Reed
D-Jniol Kellum
J.mes Reed
lohn Maore
William Bolmes
A,ex:lIlder Bolmes
Willi:lm Wacheel
Robert Wacheel
Thom:ls Wacl,eel
j;lInes Gormlay
:',ndrew Knox
George JohnHon -
John Carn
btrick Carn
Albert Maxwell
\\' Porter
wtherin D_vis
George M'Adaw
P2.trick M Graw
Jane M'Clelland
Robert M'Clell ?nd
Richard Dill
Victor G ibfon
James French
John Bonner
WilliaIT\ Houfion
Thomas Fulton
James Hull
James and John M'Nutt
AndrelV Downey
Hugh M'L1ughlin
John Wil1fon
Hugh M'Gittigan
David Reed -
Alex. and Hnrvey Marfhall
David Crier
Trifiram Alien
Hugh Brook
Alexander Dean
James Bredin
Lewis WiIJiams
James Smith
John Gwyn -
Alexander Atkinfon
Thomas Kelly
William Craig
John Mether t!l
William Ewing
Andrew l\1'Nallght
S )muel Starret .,.
James Dyfart
William M'llwain
Francis M'Adoo
Robert Elder
Roger Dougherty
John Dean
Allan Ramfay
John Reerer ' - '
james Crumlill1
Ikyan ·prumlifh
Nicholas Watch ' . '
George Atkin{illl ' .-
, Widow MulherrUi -
' Arihib:tld Johnfton "
Widow Atkinfon
John M'Carter
, penis Duffey
Samuel Rath
;; -:.I " John Miller .. Andrew Mairs
• Robe.r.tHuc: .' James Walih ' . :' Platt
John Cer.ey - ) -:-
WiIlicm Leatham lU¥'
• David MorrifOll -
WiIliam M'Laughlin '.
Patriok Gill ' ' s
Mathew Platt
John Plait
Mofo> Mitchell
James Gallaugher
John CorrinsWm. Carlin
Wm. M'Leanny
Thomas \.y iley
Wm; Wiley
Nathalliel Erown
James EngHfu
John Wilfon
Manus Cro1fan
Adam Walker
Bryan M'Laughlin
George Houfion
Wm. Beatty
GeQrge Beatty
Thomas M'Calla
John M'Calla ., a. ' ' Wm. Caldwell '. : ' : M'Carter " Kellr:- .,..,!. ,John Mitc'het· Ilr , Thomas Ramfay lO ,- : James Mulheron ,John Simpf1ln
Robert Ramfay • William Long
Patrick Barr
Daniel M'Connell
' John Watt _
Michael CarJidelJ
.. :.
Owen Barr ., " , Wm. Entrikin
Hugh M'Laughlin
James Lyon
John Wiley
llhilip M'Gilway
"' , illiam -
Owen M'Gilway
Alex3nder Ewing
Nogher Colin ' William Carney -
James Lynch .-
Thomas Jolulfton
Henry Ramfay
James Ewing
Andrew M'Corkil
Wm. Barnett
John Gnrmley Hugb<!S
' Charles Det!IlY
l'atrick Dougherty
l'atrick Dougherty
Wm. Eilkeen
.iamo Dougherty
Thomas M'Carter " 'Thomas Morrow
Wm·lofcphWidow Grunfheel
Wm. Walker
G.eorge Gilliy
Samuel Lo.ckart
Robert Gwyin
S:lmuel Steel .'
Wm. Mullinher
AleX:lnder Henny
JereIuiah Smith
Wm. Walker -
Hugh M'Laugulin '
::, : .' ] §JOhn ..' .es Brattoll -. " ' 2. ' -ames ,Walker 2. ; obert Miller
2. Wm.tlmitha. DOlyid M!Gowan ••'P ,Il ,' Jahn Bell . -
James Rulfd 1 .:
Mofes Morrifon
William Morrifon
David Morifoft
Thomas Grier
Alexander Grier
David Grier
Alexanoer Grier
2. Thomas O'Donn.ell
James Morrifoq
Hugh :>mit",' .,. John Shark.ey
2. lames Dixon
2. N.eilDougberty .
1 , " 1
John Klmmingl»atricK M'Laughlln Wm. Gray ,Archibald M'K.aill _ _ " '. WIdow Orr
1 JObl1 d!!igly ,
1 I Wm. Haflett
Alexander Grier
Robert Grier
Th(lmas Stewart
David Grir.r
William WiUiams
James Black
William Bell
WiJ\iol.ln Rodgers
George Hamilton
David Grier
James Heron
Robert Haflett
I t ' : David Hafleit _ J : James Hood" t - ' ', . , -
" : Wm Salfb\sry
Robert P. ick.ey
Samuel Hailetl
Robert Hall _ -
Elizabeth Hall
" J I W m. Cunninghalll
I , , Al'Idrew Lefli.e
I , :' John M'Keage
Matthew Wray.
Matthew 'Carr
David M'Cleln
D:tniel Williams
Alexander Matfon
Robert Allen, JUDo
Robert Allen, fen.
1 ; Sarah Ewinl' .' -
r Jo1l1lDougherty
t " James CunoinghOlm : Wm. WHey, '- r : ,John M'Colgan ' . I Jofeph- Little . ". , . . Samuel Duffey
. Owen Farin -' -
.' 1. - James M<Colgan
- • I. lohn Smith; JIjlhn GaJlaugher - t": i Kelly ,.: J:lcIr,es Wall ace
Bernard Leonard lohnCrow , John Dermott '" a james M'J\ljunagle
Robert Hay , -
John Buchanuoll
WilIhm Richer
Widow Reed
John WilliiUIl5
John Dearin
Edwacd M'Grorey
Michael M'Ginlay
Robert Algoe , -
Daniel.Ga.all.lle .. ,-
F.obert Stewart
DOlIgherty , ' , _
Francls Duffer
Samud Dayifon
( James Galaugher
Michael [\1'<l!!e
Laird , Thomas Starrit
Daniel Gordon
James Dixee ' "
John Treafiey
Hugh Deen'ln " : ,.1ol1'n Treafiey
Hugh Donefe
Edward M'Avigh
Edward John M'Swiue Diver _
John M'Dade " • George DOlIgherty
Jme Galaugher
.lames Stewart
Charres Stewart
Hugh lohn Williams
:John Mahon
Clucks Km
J:unes Black ,John Monteomery
Mary Swe$ney , George Filher , Jofeph M'Elwec; Samuel Richley
Mattltew ... _
Robert M'Entire
Philip Buc,hannon
Andrew Starritt
1£1ac Hutchinfoll
\\Talter 1:!uchannon
\.valter Davis
.Tofeph Dayis, jUll, James Water,
Jofeph Hay \ ,
John Kerr -
Cormack Loage
Neal Dougherty
Rryan M'Hride
\Villiam Treany
Jofeph Gamble
10hn M'Clure
David Ward
Tohn Ward
John M'Grorey
Ed ward p,ou gherty
• David M'Coach
John Galaugher '
Daniel Kdly _ 'Vidow Divet
Jol11\ Boyle
baoiel Murrien
John Stewart ..
- ' 1 WiIliam Stewart
i James Starrert ,, 1 I WiIIiam Dixon
'1 ' 'navid Martin
1 ; Edward Kerr, J ;' J Sarah""White ..
J : Catherine Sweeney
J I J Wilham Harkln
' 'I ' ' George Mageehey ;"\'1 Deuis M'Glalken
1 William Porter , ,. : " 1 : Richard Porter
J ' Hugh Diver ' , '.', 1 ,' Daniel Sweeney ' .' 1 ; Murgan, Sweeney
" John Sweeney
·1 ' lameS' Sweeiley
1 Catheririe Galaugher
: 1 :'James Galaugher
1 Edward Sweeney
Williarri Griffith ,. " "I I ' Miles Sweeney
, Daniel Dou$herty
Edward Galallgher
Miles Sweeney
: Patrick Rogan
I Sarah Gilkefon , J Elizabeth Gilkefon
l ' Charles' DuffeyGeorge Fiilier
: Elizaoeth Black _ Shane M'Bride
, Anne Johnfion
; Mary 'Anne Taylor , ' 1 ; Martha Taylor '
• Fanny O'DonnelI
" \ \. 1 ' 'lames Maltfeed , .
. James Maltfeed, jun.
; Daniel 'Lynch _ . lames Bogie
J ; John Shannon
I John Kyle
I John Greg
I - Robert Greg
, I ' Robert Kyle
1 · . William Kyle
I ' Sarah Maltfeed
Margaret Maltfeed " ,1 :' John FulIerton
; John Kearne,Y
, benis Sheerin
[ Robert Lowrey
I \ Robert Hufion
Con Maghon
: Wi lliam Broadley
, Hugh M'Teer
Hugh Rodgera
George BogIe
Hugh M'Ginlay
I , 1 Tames Maltfeed
Samuel Maltfced, jun.
Jane Brown
Michael Lynch
Varby M'Award
Owen Martin '. _ ' _
Roger M'Clafferty , " Jghn M'Gregger ' , "',11
Thomas Wilfon
John Hunter '
David Brown
Samuel Fu!lerton
Frands Heron
William Hcnderfon
George Brown
Edward Delap
JohnScott '
John Hunter
Wm, Tavlor
John Belt
James M'Corkle
John Reagh
David Moore
Alexander Black , John M-Caley
Mathew Colhoun
Nathalliel St'!wart
Alexander Stewart
Andrew Allifon
Thomas Stewart
Thomas Moore
Jofeph Hunter
Robert Starritt
John Elder
James HafJett
James GalJallgher
Thomas Smith
Wm. Colhoun
John Colhoun
John Morrifo n
Anne Morrifllll
Mary White '
John Gallaugher
Andrew Maltfeed
William M'Kinney
\Vil'; :m Curran
Aaron Black
John Sprolll ..;
Henry M'Kay
Alexander Black
Oliver H1:lck '
Abraham Moo re
Henry Moore
NeaJ Gal/:lugher
Hugh Diver
JJhn Leetch
Joil n Iv! ,EIlVee
George M'Mtnamon
i 4lT1CS ivl' Bride z James ,vi'Col\um
lnl n M'Donae:h
Denis Helfcrty z Pr/h.
Ahander Pinkerton
)"!In Pmon
Charles Cr'eran M'Cormack ,
Carland • James WiIfon •
John Brown ' ':
Matthew Donaghey
Charles Donnel!. '
John Leech '
Widow Wellh
Henry Magill
John Miller ." -
John M'Teague
Murtv Laffor.ty
,Thomas Janes', '" '
Jofeph ] anC3 , Thomas Hannah
Henry Sirnpfon
John Dorragh
Robert Sims , • WJu,ls. ' . ';,
• tames Dougherty
John Boyle
Robert Bair
Charles Bim
John Scandlon
Michael Higgins
John PottsF'rancis M'Kinney
Willi:un M'Kinney
Hugh Frie1 ' I Micbael Latferty i Andrew M'Intire , P:ltrick Conaglin
Daniel Rogan
Matthew Voragh
James Conllglan
John Flinn
James CYHlU"a
tohn Toodey
Fdix M'Nulty -
Jofeph Brow n
John Kireant
Patrick M'Devitr
Samuel Blackbum
Catberine Latferty
Wil liam Bogan
John Griffith •
Robert M'Doonel
Samuel OrifonHugh M'Devitt
Hugh KdlyJohn Rogan . • John KiIIgrace, _ Thomas • ) O",;,u,/ iN DONAGHMOP.I Cochnlll • ). '\
John Cochrlll1 '':' HCII to .J
kobc:rt Taylor
, Margaret Reed
, John Crawford
, John Taylor
Denis Martin -
Robert Rea ,