About DonesLiD Dones per la Llibertat i la Democràcia (Women for Freedom and Democracy) was founded in Barcelona in 2001. The Association’s activities are inspired by the principles of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Dones per la Llibertat i Democràcia applies these principles, on which the Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is also based.
Activities _Performs periodically courses, conferences and seminars. _Promote research and publication on matters related to their goals. _Encourages ongoing promotion through media, educational and political projects. _Participate in international projects.
Objectives _ Defending of human pace and freedom. _Raising women’s awareness of their political, economic, social and cultural rights and responsibilities. _Promoting women’s participation in political, social and economic sectors of society. _Promoting the information, training and participation as elements of devolopment. _Implementating gender mainstreaming as an instrument for prevent gender discrimination. _Strengthening relationships and exchange among women worldwide and promoting the application of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. _Promoting the participation of women in international organizations.
Bureau President: Joaquima Alemany Roca Vicepresident: Maria Lluïsa Florensa
DonesLiD takes part in: International Network of Liberal Women (INLW)
Acting Secretary General: M. Carme Solsona Treasurer: Carme Servitge
Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (Special Consultative Status)
Foreing Affairs: Sílvia Flury
Contact C/ València, 306 Pral. 1a 08009 Barcelona Phone/Fax: 93 487 72 67 info@doneslid.org web: www.doneslid.org
European Women's Lobby (LEF)
Council of Women of Catalonia (CNDC)
Dones per la Llibertat i la Democràcia