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Culsters/ Based On 100 Scraped Archdaily Projects

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(0, 0): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 95, 98],

(5, 2): [6, 52, 69, 91],


(4, 4): [8, 34, 48, 60, 74],

(5, 5): [9, 58, 79],

(2, 2): [12, 25, 28, 86, 87],

(4, 1): [14, 66],

(3, 5): [15],

(4, 3): [19, 31, 56, 70, 94],

(3, 3): [20, 55, 75],

(2, 1): [22, 97],

(6, 0): [23, 59],

(3, 2): [24],

(2, 3): [26, 57],

(5, 4): [27, 83],

(8, 5): [29, 30],

(3, 4): [32],

(5, 3): [33, 54],

(6, 4): [35],

(5, 6): [37],

(1, 3): [38, 50],

(4, 5): [41],

(2, 4): [44],

(4, 0): [47],

(6, 3): [51],

(5, 0): [53, 92],

(5, 1): [61],

(7, 4): [68],

(4, 2): [78],

(7, 2): [80],

(7, 3): [81],

(1, 1): [82],

(7, 5): [93],

(3, 0): [96],

(1, 2): [99]}

The word input('Istabul') output_Title:

1 : Jan Boelen and Deniz Ova, Curators of the 2018 Istanbul Design Biennial, Discuss the Future of Design Education

2 : SO? Wins YAP Istanbul Modern 2013

3 : 2018 Istanbul Design Biennial, "A School of Schools", Launches Open Call

4 : Introducing GSAPP Conversations' Inaugural Episode: "Exhibition Models"

5 : AA Visiting School Istanbul: Cellular Re-Visions

6 : AA Istanbul Visiting School: Vertical Interventions

7 : AA Visiting Schools 2013: Athens & Istanbul

8 : When Urban Planning Gets Political: The History of Taksim Square

9 : 4th Istanbul Design Biennial Opening Program | A School of Schools: Orientation

10 : "A School of Schools": Interview with Jan Boelen, Curator of the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial

11 : AA Athens Visiting School: CIPHER CITY - Recharged

12 : Details Emerge on World’s Largest Airport Terminal in Istanbul

13 : Conversation / Cose Turche: Architecture in Istanbul

14 : After "Are We Human?" – Beatriz Colomina and Mark Wigley Discuss the Istanbul Manifesto

15 : New Publics: Contemporary Architecture and the Public Sphere in Turkey

16 : Tema Istanbul Showroom / Yazgan Design Architecture

17 : 2015 YAP Istanbul Modern Shortlist

18 : The Ultimate Guide to the World's Architecture and Design Biennials

19 : AURA Summer Academy / Istanbul: Past, Present, Future

20 : SO? Unveils Prototype Floating Emergency Structure in Istanbul








































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