Smarandache Sequence of Happy Cube Numbers

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Smarandache Sequence of Happy Cube Numbers Munee r lebreel, SS-Ma th-Heb ron, UNRW A Field Educat ion Officer , Box 19149 Jerusal em, Israel

Abstr act: I have studied the Smara ndache Happy Cube Numbe rs and I have got some interes ting results and facts . I have discov ered some open proble ms a bout the Happy Cube and Smara ndache Happy Cube Numb ers. Keywo rds: Fixed Happy Cube Numbe r (FHCN ) ,Cycli c Happy Cube Numbe r (CHCN ), Consec utive fixed happy cube numbe rs, Genera l Happy Cube Numbe rs(GHC N), Happy numbe rs, Fibona cci numbe rs, Lucas numbe rs, Pell numbe rs, Smara ndache Fixed Happy Cube Numbe rs (SFHC N), Revers ed Smara ndache Fixed Happy Cube Numbe rs(RSF HCN), Smara ndache Cyclic Happy Cube Numbe rs (SCHC N), Revers ed Smara ndache Cyclic Happy Cube Numbe rs(RSC HCN), Smara ndache Genera l Smara ndache Happy Cube Numbe rs(SGH CN), ), Revers ed Smara ndache Genera l Smara ndache Happy Cube Numbe rs(RSG HCN) Detinit ion1 : A positiv e integer is called Fixed _Happy Cube Numbe rs (FHCN ) in case, if you are cubing its digits and adding them togethe r one time you got the same numbe r. For examp le, 370 = 33 + i + 03 , and, 371


3 3 + 7 3 + 13 ,it follow s that 370

and 371 are both consid ered as Fixed Happy Cube Numbe rs (FHCN ). While it's worth notably that any permut ation of the digits of the(FH CN) doesn' t end with the same .intege r e.g. 730 f. 3 3 + i + 03 . In this case, the integer called unhapp y cube . So the propos ed sequen ce of the FHCN , is FHCN = { 1,153, 370, 37l,40 7 , .. , }. Open Proble ms needin g answer s 1.

Is the sequen ce of the propos ed FHCN finite or intinite ?


If it is infinite , what is the next numbe r of 407 ?


Wh,:t.t is the density of FHCN ?


Is there any ,sequence of FHCN follow ing a definit e mathem atical pattern s?


How many primes are there in FHCN ?


Is there FHCN and Happy Numbe r at the same time?



Is there relations between FHCN and the following numbers :Happy Numbers, Fibonacci Numbers Lucas Numbers and Pell Numbers? J

8. 9.


What about other bases or higher powers of FHCN? We have 370 , and 371 consecutive FHCN, are there other consecutive FHCN?

Smarandache Fixed Happy Cube Number ( SFHCN ) Definition2 : Smarandache Fixed Happy Cube Number ( SFHCN ) is the number formed from FHCN , as a result: SFHCN = { I, 1153 , 1153370, 1153370371 , 1153370371407 , ... }. Note the following observations:


1153 is a prime number.

1153370 is happy number (Because 12 +12 +5 2 +3 2 +3 2 +72 +02 -> 92 +4 2 _> 92 +7 2 _> 12 +3 2 +0 2 _> 12 +0 2 -> 1 . 3. 1153370371407 . if we are squaring the digits and adding them together we get the number 153 i.e. FHCN.


Open Problems needing answers I)

How many prime numbers are there in SFHCN ?


How many SFHCN and Happy Numbers are there at the same time?


Is there a relationship between SFHCN and FHCN numbers?


Are there consecutive SFHCN? Reversed Smarandache Fixed Happy Cube Number (RSFHCN) Definition3 : Reversed Smarandache Fixed Happy Cube Number ( RSFHCN ) is the number formed from SFHCN , as a result: RSFHCN = { 1,1531 ,3701531 ,3713701531 ,4073713701531, ... }. Note the following observations: 1. 1531" and 3713701531 are bothe prime- RSFHCN . 2. 3701531 is happy - RSFHCN . Open Problems needing answers


How many prime numbers are there in RSFHCN ?


How many RSFHCN and Happy Number are there at the same time? 140


Is there a relationship between RSFHC N and SFHCN ?


Are there consecutive RSFHC N? Definition4 : A positive integer is called Cyclic Happy Cube Numbe rs (CHCN), in case, if you are cubing its digits and adding them together many times you got the same numbe r. For example , 160 -> 13 +6 3 +0 3 ->217 ->2 3 + 13 +i -> 352 _>3 3 + 53 +2 3 -> 160 . So 160 is cyclic happy cube numbe rs. Consequently the proposed CHCN ,is CHCN = { 55, 133 , 136 ,160,217 ,244, 250,352,919,1459, ... }. Note that the numbers 919, and 1459 are prime numbers ,and the numbe r 55 is Fibonacci number. Open Proble ms needing answers


Is the sequen ce of the proposed CHCN finite or infinit e?


What is the next numbe r of 1459 ? If exist!


What is the density of CHCN ?


Are there any sequence of CHCN following a definite mathematical patterns?


How many primes are there in CHCN ?


Is there CHCN and Happy Number at the same time? ,


Is there a relations between CHCN and the following numbe rs: Happy Numbers Fibonacci Numbe rs, Lucas Numbe rs, and Pel! Numbe rs? J


What about other bases or higher powers of CHCN ?


Are there CHeN , 2, 3,4,5 , ... etc, consecutive CHCN ? Smara ndache Cyclic Happy Cube Numbe r ( SCHC N) Definition5 : Smarandache Cyclic Happy Cube Number ( SCHC N ) is the numbe r formed from CHCN , hence SCHC N = {55, 55133 ,55133 136,55 13313 6160, ... }. Open Proble ms needing answers


How many prime numbers are there in SCHC N ?


How many SCHC N and Happy Numbe r are there at the same time?


Is there a relation between SCHC N and CHCN ? 141


Are there consecutive SCHCN?


What is the density of SCHC N ?


Is there any sequence of SCHC N following a definite mathematical patterns?


How many prime numbers are there in SCHC N?


Is there SCHC N and Happy Numbe r at the same time?


Is there a relation between SCHC N and the following numbe rs: Happy Numbers Fibonacci Numbers Lucas Numbers and Pell Numbe rs? J




What about other bases or higher powers of SCHCN?


Are there SCHCN, 2, 3,4,5 , ... etc, consecutive SCHCN? Reversed Smarandache Cyclic Happy Cube Numbe r ( RSCH CN ) Definition6 : Revers ed Smarandache Cyclic Happy Cube Number ( RSCH CN ) is the numbe r formed from SCHCN , Consequently, RSCH CN == { 55,13 355,1 36133 55 ,16013613355 , .. , }. Open Problems needing answers


How many prime numbers are there in RSCH CN ?


How many RSCH CN and Happy Number are there at the same time?


Is there a relation between RSCH CN and CHCN ?


Are there consecutive RSCH CN?


What is the density ofRSC HCN ?



there any sequence of RSCH CN following a definite mathematical patterns?


How many prime numbers are there in RSCH CN?


Are,there RSCH CN and Happy Numbe r at the same time?


Is there a relation between RSCH CN and the following numbe rs: Happy Numbe rs Fibonacci Numbe rs, Lucas Numbe rs, and Pell Numbe rs? J


What about other bases or higher powers ofRSC HCN?


Are there RSCHCN, 2, 3,4,5 , ... etc, consecutive RSCH CN? 142

Definition 7: If there are union between the set of the (FHCN) and (CHCN) , We will get the Genera/ Happy Cube Numbers (GHCN), namely; GHCN={ 1, 55,133,136,153,160,217,244,250,352,370,371 ,407,919, 1459, ... }. Definition 8 :Smarandache Genera/ Happy Cube Numbers ,formed from GHCN i.e. SOH CN ={1, 155, 155 133, 155133 136, 155 1 136153, ... } . Definition 9 : Reversed Smarandache General Happy Cube Numbers, which formed from SGHCN , i.e. 1, 136133551 ,16 1531361 1, ... } . RS G H CN ={1,55 1, 1 All the above opened questions need answers. Curious notes: 1) The digit 8 doesn't appear. So is there happy cube number has in its digits the digit 87, or as I think it is impossible! 2) The sum of the digits of any General Happy Cube Number follows the pattern { 1, 10,7,10,9,7,10,10,7,10,10,11,9,19,19, ... }.

Acknowledgment: The author is grateful for Mr. Akram lawabreh. References: 1) 2) http;// 3)


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