Why Solar Panels is your Best Alternative to Fossil Fuels
Long before, fossil fuels are the hero of every industry sector for its ability to support the industrial and residential energy needs. However, the cost of it is inflation on the prices of the commodities and destruction of nature due to the side effects of extensive use of fossil fuels – the pollution. But what else people can do? The fossil fuel has been ever supportive on every endeavor of men and people cannot just readily turn its back to the energy source that has been here for hundreds of years. However, with the continuous efforts of men to provide people with clean energy and to prevent great dilemmas of exhausting every bit of the fossil fuels, a new technology was born. And that is the solar panels.
The solar panels are considered to be the greatest technology that has ever been invented. What makes it the greatest and the cleanest? Well, it’s the fact that this profound technology can harness the energy coming from the sun, which is renewable and will always be available 24/7. It does not require any smoke emitting machines to convert the sun’s energy into electricity that can be used at home. Moreover, it can be placed anywhere in your property as long as it will be able to catch the sunlight.
People become joyous at the birth of this technology because as time pass by, the solar panel prices keeps on plummeting – allowing even low and middle-income people to avail this technology. Since recently many scientist have claimed that fossil fuels is in near extinction that have encouraged many countries to switch to solar panels, and that fossil fuels had created a tremendous destruction on our ozone layer which is the primary cause of global warming – it can be said that its time for solar panels to shine and help people make a brand new start by choosing a greener and cleaner life.
The solar panel prices compared to the year it was first launched continues to decrease while the demands and production of this technology constantly increase. Nations including Japan, United States, China and the United Kingdom have started their campaign in using clean energy from the sun by converting unused areas into solar panel farms that will help provide electricity to households nearby. And this proposition has been beneficial in reducing the use of fossil fuels on machinery that produces poisonous fumes that make our air we breathe almost unhealthy to breathe in.
Resources: http://www.getsolarprices.co.uk/solar-panel-calculator/ http://observantpaper.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/10/19/202311