Merry Christmas to all of our readers and their family.
We are in December, the very last month of the year 2022. We are happy we are alive today. Although some of us may have lost family members and friends throughout the course of the year, but God’s grace is the sole reason we are still alive today. Therefore, we only need to express our gratitude to God for His kindness and mercy toward us. My prayer is that once more, through God’s mercy, we will all live to see 2023.
In this year, we have witnessed the recurrence of mass killings, political antics, and celebrity drama in practically every city, state, country, and, dare I say, the seven continents. To put it lightly, the world is once again in chaos. We see people who love money and will kill for it, people who love themselves, and people who are unthankful and ungrateful. We are witnessing storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, and a lack of love and even understanding for one another. What are we, the body of Christ, doing about it? Let us make unity our goal as we prepare for 2023. We must pray to God to free us from the disunity caused by differences between denominations in the Christian faith. We must remember that as the Body of Christ, we can only walk in unity so that God may command His blessings in this way. Please remember that I am not referring to an earthly Gospel but to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
As the Body of Christ, let us continue to remind God of His Word “Ask of me and I will give you the heathen as an inheritance (Psalm 2:8). No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him [giving him the desire to come to Me]; and I will raise him up [from the dead] on the last day.(John 6:44).
Let us finish this year strong and believe in God to do the greater things that He spoke about in John 14:12 for us as believers.
On behalf of all the Contributors, we wish you Merry Christmas and we encourage you to remember that Jesus is truly the only and true reason for this season. Love to all.
Donna Royalty Ross
Most of us have faced the gift giving dilemma of trying to find the perfect gift for that hard to buy for person. Think about it. We shop and shop and shop but somehow never seem to feel comfortable with any gift for that certain person. There are many possible reasons for this to happen. One reason may be that you simply do not have the money for the type of gift you think the person would expect. Another possibility is that the person that you are buying for is very picky and you are not sure what color, shape, size, or brand they would like. Then there is the problem that you really don’t know the person very well and you truly have no idea what their likes and dislikes are. That is when you fall back on the one size fits all remedy and simply give cash. One downside to such an option is that you risk being thought of as uncaring, unthoughtful, or too lazy to go shop. How do you win!
Many years ago, three men from the East followed a star that led them to where Jesus the Christ was living. In their curiosity or obedience, they came to this place and somehow knew that this was no ordinary human being. They had been following a star so at some point they must have realized that God was leading them to this special occasion. After their arrival, they must have felt a strong urge to give gifts of some sort but what should they give? You talk about a problem. They couldn’t run to the mall, or even shop on E Bay, Amazon, or some of the conveniences that we have today. What could they give? What would be appropriate? What were they willing to offer? Well, the answer was Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
Now that sounds like some high dollar gifts to me, but I would like for you to consider something deeper than the monetary value. They gave what they had!
That is what Jesus has always liked the most. It doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate but it needs to be what you have that you are willing to give Him. Here is the best part. When you give freely and from your heart as the Wise Men did, Jesus always gives back and gives more. There was a little boy that was willing to give his lunch for Jesus to use. Jesus took the loaves and the fish, blessed it, and then fed five thousand people. That little boy gave but got to eat also because of his willingness to give.
So, I ask the question, what would you give if you had to come up with something to give Jesus? What do you have? How about your talents, giftings, money or special abilities? If you offer them from your heart, they will be accepted as precious in Jesus’ sight. Look deep and pick a great gift for the King of kings and the Lord of lords and remember you can’t out give Him. Merry Christmas!
Interview with Elder Lena Dennis
On behalf of Transformational4Real Magazine, Elder Lena Dennis, it is a great honor to interview you, and I appreciate you for giving me this opportunity.
Elder Lena we have been friends for the better part of eighteen years. Should I say how time flies? Funny enough, I never believed I would have my own magazine and never imagined myself interviewing, but here I am today, right before you for an interview. As we have said over the years, “isn’t God good.” I dare to say, He certainly is.
Our main objective for this interview is to constantly bring articles to our readers that will experience transformation and urge their hearts to be transformed by the renewal of their minds. With that stated, could you please tell our readers how God and His Word have transformed you?
T4RM: Elder Lena, I remember when I first met you at Restoring Life International Church as we were attending the foundation class together, I found out that you were a seamstress; I was so excited because when I lived in New York, I had a seamstress. How quickly time has passed. Did you ever believe that God has a bigger plan for your life, particularly in this season and beyond?
LD: I did not have a clue. At that time, I was at RLIC to save my life and to be restored.
T4RM: You sewed my daughter’s prom dress, and she was excited about it, and she still wears that dress to this very day. I know you and I have discussed it, but please inform our readers about your charitable ministry. God’s truth while sewing?
LD: Sewing has been my passion, and even now. I started sewing at the age of four and even till sixty four years later. I’m still amazed at how God uses me to create other people’s designs and visions. I believe that her prom dress, as well as everyone I sew for, is original and not to be duplicated.
T4RM: After listening to you on Facebook, Growth Radio, and Growth Live Stream on YouTube, I would love for you to let our readers know when and how God revealed to you that you are to minister His Word diligently bringing freedom to anyone who would trust God enough to listen to your broadcast on broadcasting throughout the seven continents.?
LD: After being at RLIC for seven years, God told me through confirmation from two different people that didn’t know each other that it was time to leave and be still. I left the church, but I did not leave God. God instructed me to continue to study His word and spend time in His presence. For two years I was still and told God I was not going back to church until I knew it was him sending me, and I gave Him three stipulations. God met all three, and I started attending Essence Of Faith Ministries.
T4RM: Did you accept God's call to minister His Word right away, or did you fight with it?
LD: I was an Armor Bearer for the Apostle at Essence Of Faith Ministries. But unknown to me, she was grooming me for ministry leadership. I was in training to become a Minister. At first, I wasn't excited about it, but as time passed, I discovered it was God calling me. I am not the one to minister in front of people, but she was a great mentor and allowed us to take baby steps. The first time I ministered publicly, a lady from the audience came and placed a $100 bill in my hand. It was my greatest surprise at that moment, sincerely, I didn't expect it, and I immediately sowed the seed into my Apostle.
T4RM: I am a passionate and strong believer in God's Word. God revealed to me through His Precious Holy Spirit that He has called me to be a voice for the world. I love the passion, honesty and transparency you bring to Growth Radio. What are you passionate about while ministering on the topic "Freedom" God's Word? I could tell by just listening to you that you are passionate about teaching God's Word.
LD: Between having a very dysfunctional upbringing and my first marriage at the age of 20, where I faced more than a year of domestic violence and verbal abuse, to being a heroin addict in my mid thirties, I don't want anyone else to be in bondage or feel rejected.
T4RM: Is there any specific project you're working on right now, either as a minister of God's Word or as a seamstress, that you'd like our readers to know?
LD: God is so amazing that He elevated me to an Elder. Two years later, Bishop Elect Keith Massenburg of New Beginnings Christian Ministries appointed me to the position of Co Pastor. Regarding business, I am collaborating with three other entrepreneurs on an event to take place prayerfully in May 2023.
T4RM: What would you say to others, especially women, who are called to God's ministry but may not feel they are worthy to be bold and honest because of challenges they may have faced in the past?
LD: God does not make mistakes. He will give you confirmation from two to three witnesses, empower you by ordering your steps, and give you the His Words to speak with boldness and confidence. Do whatever it is God is calling you to do. I’m still in training and will continue to believe so; mostly, I will always be teachable and modest. I’m still a work in progress, and I have to keep on moving despite my fears.
T4RM: What are your young long term goals for your ministry as you continue to share your truth and honesty through the Heavenly Father’s directives?
LD: I surrender to God that He will reign in my life. I’m open to His guiding and leading me in His path, and I trust Him to shut all doors that are not of Him.
T4RM: I remember when I was a child, I knelt before my mother, who was ready to beat me because I told her I would pray for her. At that time, I didn’t realize that God was calling me to be an intercessor. Was there anything specifically or any one incident that you can look back at now and realize God was indeed showing you your calling?
LD: I remember when I was 4 years old, I told my younger sister, sitting in her high chair, that I needed to get out of there. I was packing my bags in my head! I also remember I was in my 20s, and I told my Mom what the plight of one of our relatives would be. It happened just the way I told her.
T4RM: What would you say to anyone who wants to do God’s will and be all that He has called them to do?
LD: Trust God and walk by faith. God will put the right people in the right place to mentor, guide, encourage and befriend you but remember, some of these people may only be there for a season.
T4RM: I know that you have taught others to sew. Would you say that God has used you or is using you to transform the lives of those in your community and beyond?
LD: I always teach all my employees basic sewing techniques and encourage them to become business owners, whether it is sewing or not. I also have had many students that have pursued sewing related jobs or careers.
T4RM: What is the vision for your Sew So Sassy and your ministry as God continues to broaden your horizons?
LD: I’m praying to God to increase my horizons and borders. I’ve been complacent for too long.
T4RM: What do you see yourself doing in the years to come?
LD: Preparing for open doors and assignments to serve God.
Elder Lena, I thank you so much for allowing me and our readers into your life and walk with our Heavenly Father. May God continue to bless you abundantly for taking the time out of your schedule to answer our questions and sharing your heart with our readers.
ADORE means to worship!
Sadly the world is following satan's plot to give worship to man instead of God.
Some worship celebrities, waiting in line for days, sleeping on sidewalks just to get a glimpse not even a picture or meeting, swooning and fainting when they pass by, or attending their concerts and crying and trembling and fainting with outstretched hands and also at games they shout, sing, raise their hands, some become obnoxious. The media and those participating see nothing wrong with that but can't understand us worshipping and spending an hour or two in church. Some lineup, sleep outdoors overnight waiting for pop up shops to open to purchase overpriced celebrity's clothing but can't understand us giving into the Kingdom to see lives changed and have our lives continue to be changed.
TO ADORE OUR GOD means we acknowledge Him as creator, infinite, and all The Names attributed to Him, and when we worship HIM, it should be in spirit and truth. That's what He wants and expects, and He will not accept anything else, as He shares His glory with no one. So we can't worship HIM and give the same kind of worship to our spouse, jobs, children and material things etc. No, no, no! When we do, He will show us who God is, and He'll take that rug from under our feet. When the captain said not even God could sink the Titanic, it sunk, and when a singing group said they were more popular than Jesus, that group broke up. Don't let us place anything before God. He created us for His pleasure, not the pleasures of this World. Some adore
their intellect, how knowledgeable they are, some themselves how they look, how they appeal to others, and sadly we've allowed it to creep into the church and our Christian way of life. Preparing for church is more about how we look; we spend more time looking at ourselves in the mirror than looking into His face with worship and being in tune when we get into the church. We can't focus on worship or the sermon as we're in our thoughts, is my hat slanted right? Did they see my red bottom shoe? Let me go up front so I can sit where the camera can see the bottom of my shoe. It's all about the image of ourselves. Even though we say we're living The Word, we're living a word which is about the wrong type of worship and sermons together with how big the church has grown, how jealous people are of our vehicles, our clothes, our lives. We should deal with such in our inner circles, our board etc. God's people didn't come to hear that, they have many struggles and need deliverance does not dwell on who we call our haters. Just get on with God's business or check ourselves to see if we didn't give them a good reason to say what they said. We need to get back to true spirit and truth worship!
Making it to Heaven means we have to start worshipping on earth. We love to use it as it is in Heaven, so shall it be on earth for health and wealth, but we need to add worship because that's what's happening in Heaven. Revelations 4:8 11 says the angels and elders worship day and night, they never stop telling God how HOLY HE IS!! The elders even take off their crowns and worship the lamb bowing down in His Presence! We worship for a few minutes and we're tired, our hands can't even go all the way up, our knees can't touch the floor, we'll rip our stockings or dirty our pants, but we want to make it in. Saints let's learn to worship HIM down here and not any kind of worship, He wants worship in spirit and in truth. Saints and sinners, we need to bind ourselves with God's Word. This Christmas, if you celebrate, don't let it be about the World's standard of Christmas. Let it be about knowing Him and adoring Him. Shopping till you drop for Christmas is dropping your knees to the World's system. We need to drop before God in repentance and worship.
Celebrations are normal activities of families around the world. The format differs, but generally, families and friends constitute the gathering. The month of December brings a special aura and excitement that adults and children enjoy. The atmosphere is charged with the desire to purchase several new items for oneself, the home, family members, relatives, and friends. They are all categorized as “gifts.” There is a special feeling and freedom in being kind to whoever one meets. There is also a desire to help others who are less fortunate. By now, you’ve realized that these specific activities are powered by our gratitude to God for the first coming of Jesus to the world.
I had the privilege of visiting Israel three years ago, of which Bethlehem is a part. In Bible times, this land was not as it is now. At that time, the country was governed by the Romans, and the people were subjected to harsh treatment. However, God had a Redemption Plan for the whole world, including Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Micah 5:2 is a prophecy from the prophet Micah which says, “But you Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me, the one to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.”
God never fails to keep His promises or prophecies. In the fullness of time, when infrastructural improvements, such as straight highways, aided transportation, God chose righteous Jews to fulfil His plan. After then, God began to perform a series of miracles in the lives of individuals He had selected. One amazing attribute of God is that He knows everything about each and every one of us and has specific plans for our lives. The young lady, Mary, was the first to be approached by an angel. His message to her revealed that God had highly favored her lifestyle, as one who lived according to God’s laws. As believers or non believers, we must be aware that we cannot hide from God. It is, therefore, important that we be intentional about our relationship with Him. He seeks intimate relationships with each of us.
The angel’s visitation to Mary proclaimed that she would conceive a son to be called Jesus. The child would become a king and reign upon the throne of David. The concern that Mary had was that she was not married. She was engaged to a young man Joseph. She was assured that the Holy Spirit would be instrumental in this miracle of the conception of the child.
It is amazing that Mary did not prolong the conversation with many questions but just accepted the angel’s announcement. This was the first miracle in the events of the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This miracle was foretold by the prophet Isaiah in 7:14. It reads “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.”
On my visit to Israel, our tour guide showed us where Joseph lived and explained that Mary passed that way as a routine on personal business. This just assured us that God’s chosen ones were human beings who chose to live godly lives. We are reminded that God knows our uprising and down sitting. He is indeed omnipresent and sees us as we travel on this journey of life.
At the end of the message, the angel informed Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was pregnant; this was miracle number two. Elizabeth and her husband were both advanced in age and had no children. The angel assured Mary, “For with God nothing will be impossible.” These words are for us today also. God’s plans for us are for our good to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). The other reason for us to believe in God is the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible with Him. The fulfillment could be immediate, or it may require a period of waiting. In both instances, all glory belongs to God. What have you been believing God for? It could be the need for a baby like Elizabeth, the salvation of a family member, a promotion, you name it. God has not changed. The days of miracles are not over. He can do it again! God just needs submissive hearts and lives. His promises are yes and amen to all who would believe Him.
The young man Joseph was in distress when he discovered that his fiancé was pregnant. God knew Joseph was a just man and could handle a situation unfolding in his life. However, he felt about Mary, and every visible evidence suggested that she had betrayed him. Don’t judge him. It’s not easy to accept betrayal from loved ones. It’s harder than from a friend. How do you think Jesus felt when Judas approached Him in the Garden of Gethsemane? Joseph had contemplated separating himself from Mary quietly. However, before he could act, God continued His miraculous interventions and appeared to him in a dream. An angel explained what God was doing in Mary’s life. Joseph accepted what he heard and proceeded to marry Mary. Joseph was a descendant of David, and this made it possible for Jesus to be born into the house of David. Can you beat God? When we carefully observe the responses of Joseph and Mary, one could conclude that they displayed what I call ‘unquestionable obedience’ Mary remained a virgin until after the birth of Jesus.
In the meanwhile, Mary went to visit Elizabeth. Immediately they met, and Mary greeted her cousin, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy. Miracle number three was just manifested. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, reassured Mary that she and the fruit of her womb were blessed. Mary praised God for all that was done and thanked Him for recognizing the poor and weak. I’m reminded of that chorus that we sing; “Give thanks with a grateful heart because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. And now, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done for us.” I hope you were encouraged to sing and experience the joy that filled Mary’s heart.
I would like to imagine that John and Jesus have days of bonding because Mary spent about three months with her cousin. Mothers, please keep in mind that the baby in your womb is very sensitive to voices; speak positively to your baby and read the word of God aloud. The miracle of conception and the growth of a baby in the womb continues to baffle the minds of scientists. Be thankful, careful and intentional about what you do and say during your pregnancies. Women who have been praying for the fruit of the womb, be patient. In the fullness of time, if it is God’s will, you will receive a miracle, like Elizabeth. John was born and grew to live in accordance with God’s will.
God never stopped working. When we read in Luke 21:1 5, these words are found: “In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city.” This meant that Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem, the home of Joseph’s ancestors, and Jesus was born in the city of David. That’s our omniscient God.
Joseph and Mary had to travel by road. Mary rode on the back of a donkey while Joseph guided the animal, and the journey took about five days. What humble beginnings for the King of Kings! It is worthy of our thoughts to note that these two young people displayed faith, courage and sincere love for God. They demonstrated deep love and not outward show. Can God say the same about us?
Let’s reflect and try to picture this call for a National Census. In this time of our history, FIFA World Cup is in progress. We’ve heard of the difficulties of providing accommodation for all the fans who are eager to be spectators. Well, Joseph and Mary had a similar challenge. There was no suitable comfortable place for a pregnant woman to conceive. Was this part of God’s plan? I believe it was God who demonstrated to us that life is not without challenges, but as long as God is ever present, the battle is His, and the victory is ours. Joseph went to an inn and was told that there was no room. No time for negotiation? The question has been asked down through the ages and is relevant today; Do you have room for Jesus in your life? Revelation 3:20 recorded Jesus words, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door will come in to him and dine with him and with Me.” This call is for everyone. The call is for us to open our spiritual hearts to Jesus. I encourage you to prepare a room for Jesus in your life, in your family, and in your world. Despite the odd occurrences surrounding his family at the time, Jesus was born a healthy baby boy. The Angels visited the shepherds in a field that night and proclaimed the most momentous birth in the history of the world as Jesus was sleeping in a manger surrounded by animals. Was the shepherds’ visit a coincidence? I don’t believe so! Jesus is a descendant of David, a shepherd. Shepherds symbolize unconditional love and care. These shepherds were watching their sheep when they could have been sleeping. Is it strange that Jesus described Himself as the Good Shepherd?
The shepherds were given directions to find the baby. They were told what to look for as a sign of confirmation. When the angels vanished, the shepherds hurried to see for themselves. The shepherds were so convinced that they spread the Good News as they were told. Are you convinced about the truth of God’s word that you are prepared to spread the Good News? They were shepherds. They were not considered worthy of recognition by man, but God’s ways are not man’s ways.
Visiting a newborn baby is always done by family and close relatives in our modern world. Jesus’ birth, however, was welcomed by strangers. God organized everything so that the insignificant and the intellectual entered the same space. A Group of astrologers observed that a star they had cited revealed that a King was born. They arrived in Jerusalem and were specific when they said that they had come to see “He who was born King of the Jews”. Where would you look for a King? In a palace, of course. When the astrologers checked at the palace, they were disappointed at the response of King Herod. God, in all His glory, organized that the same star that was seen to miraculously lead them to the manger where Jesus was. They had brought gifts fitting for the newborn King, Jesus. They were not intimidated by the environment and did not think that some mistakes were made. The miracle of the star that led them was enough to convince them that this baby was the King whom they sought. They bowed and worshiped the newborn King, presenting their treasures willingly. Do you have a gift for Jesus? Jesus does not need you to search for one. The best gift to give Jesus is your life, not a fraction, but your whole life, that He will reign as a King.
Not everyone accepted this good news of the newborn King. Even King Herod, the King of Judea at that time, definitely did not. He was fearful of losing his throne. He had instructed the astrologers to return to inform him where the baby could be found because he wanted to worship Him, but nothing could escape God’s attention. The astrologers were instructed through a divine dream that they should not return to King Herod. As a result, Herod planned to kill the newborn King, Jesus. Can the enemy kill God’s purpose? This was history repeating itself. When Moses was a baby in Egypt, Pharaoh commanded that all the newborn Israelite baby boys should be killed. The miraculous intervention of the Mighty God preserved Moses’ life. Here again, God was at work. God gave Joseph another dream that persuaded him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt. Matthew 2:13,14 records this miracle. While my visit to Israel, at one point, the tour guide pointed in the direction of the border of Israel and Egypt. Therefore, it was not an impossible mission. God had a plan to preserve Jesus’ life when many innocent baby boys were killed. The astrologers had told Herod that the King had been born. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but God’s purposes will always prevail.
The history of Jesus’ life on earth speaks so much to us as individuals. It shows us how God’s plan of redemption was preceded by miraculous events that have boggled the minds of men through the ages. Many have tried to discount the truth of the word of God. As believers, we are encouraged to depend on the Holy Spirit for the wisdom needed to understand God’s word. It is important that we must feel confident enough to defend the message to non believers, those with opposing beliefs, and believers who are not confident enough to represent the faith. We must all come to the place where we can testify of the experiences in our lives that show us that God is alive and intervenes in the affairs of men. God’s love for all mankind, regardless of one’s state in life, is evident. Jesus can relate to the needy, the learned, those whose families may be in crisis, those whose lives may be under severe attack by the enemy, those who may have to find refuge in a foreign land, to rulers and Kings. His life shows us that one’s beginning does not dictate one’s destiny and purpose.
After studying everything that God’s word has revealed concerning the events surrounding Jesus’ birth, I have many questions. Where did all of the special preparations fit into the welcoming of the King of Kings? We have definitively removed Jesus from the focus of our year end celebrations. I don’t mean to criticize; I only want to remind us that there can be no Christmas without Christ. God bless us all as we strive to praise God and unite with angels in singing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to all mankind.”
How fast time changes, we are quickly approaching 2023, and I can't help but feel optimistic about this year that is before us. It's that time we begin to look back on the days and months of precious spiritual opportunities. We are not proud of many of the goals we set and couldn't achieve them or the resolutions we made and couldn't keep to them; too often, we have been long on commitments and short on accomplishments, but we are still alive because of the Love of a forgiving GOD. We are little insight or no idea of what this forthcoming year will bring, but we will continue to hope and trust in the LORD.
The new year isn't an end or a beginning, but it's a continuation of life, but as always, we will now be in a preparation mood. Take a moment to reflect, thinking back from the beginning of 2022 and forward to 2023 with a tremendous expectation of what is to come and get closer to the ALMIGHTY.
We must congratulate one another and wish them true Love and promise of a brighter future. We will be setting goals for this New Year, seeking GOD'S permission first; we must put HIM first in everything we do because HE decides what, where and when. We will be setting new goals that will propel us, Sophia Sparkle Youth Group, towards fulfilling our objectives and checking to see
what worked this year and what didn't, and what needs to be changed in order to make a positive difference in the lives of our children and the community.
We can achieve anything we put our minds to, and when we work together, we are set for greater heights. To the parents of the children I tutor, I appreciate you for believing in me, you have entrusted me with your most prized possession, and I feel honored. I hope I have lived up to your expectations and look forward to better coordination in the future.
To the children, the teachers who volunteered, Miss Landa Welcome, Mis Tsheia Wickham, Ms. Nelvana Singh, Miss Kellyann Waddell, Miss Keneifa Ellis, Sir Elron Anthony Lutchman, Sir Alex Lutchman Miss Akeicia Cornelius Ms. Denita Washington, Ms. Jacqueline DeRouche, Dameion Mark Mclennon, Godfrey Joshua Mc Lennon Michael Lutchman, Matthew Mc Lennon, Ms. Tomeka Fraser. A special thank you to Ms. Karen K Ann Abrams, Coordinator of the STEM GUYANA LEARNING PODS PROGRAM, Ms. Alicia Pompey for bringing technology into our class, I thank you all.
I want you all to know that we are anticipating a great year. We have grown and learned so much, enjoyed some of the most beautiful moments, and bringing the world into our classroom has been extremely powerful and motivating.
Seeing you put your heart and soul into all of your endeavors has been invaluable. We have walked through all of this together, the great moments and some challenging times; it has helped us create not just a class but our class. Creating a friendly and safe environment where we all felt safe and happy. Each of you has offered your best, and each of you has worked equally hard. I
cannot find the words to describe how proud I am. Thank you for making me feel that my job is not just a job, but a passion.
Special thanks to the Editor of the Transformational 4 Real Magazine, Ma'am Donna Royalty Ross, for her willingness to include us in her monthly publications. The positive exposure is perfect for our organization. I'm incredibly proud to be a contributor to this magazine, and I am quite passionate about the position that I have taken, and we are very thankful to her for all of her contributions to our group's affairs.
My most profound gratitude goes to all our generous donors, on behalf of Sophia Sparkle Youth Group. Our organization could not have been where it is today without you all, and we pray for your continuous support. You are important to us, and we must take time out to acknowledge my sister Lynette Shelto Johnson who has been with the group from the formation and is still here with us up to the time, June A Matthews, Administrator of the Anything Guyanese First Group who is a champion in campaigning for donations for our Annual Christmas event, they all must be commended, Mr. Stanley Ming we salute you, you've been with us too for years, we take our hats off to all our donors, you are important to us. As we continue to struggle to create a safe environment for our children, we must understand that they are a great responsibility and parents assume in raising a child/children. Once you bring a child into this world, the child's well being must come first. They must be loved, nurtured, guided and protected because they are blessings to the world.
Let us teach ourselves love, compassion, and tolerance and work together to create an inclusive Society where peace and harmony prevail.
Season Greetings to you all, and a happy and a prosperous 2023.
I would love to have a CAREFREE life but to be carefree I have to put in the work as The Word says in Philippians 4:6 7.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, not some situations, by prayer, petition and thanksgiving, I would present my request to God. Only then will the peace of God, which no one, not even me, will understand, will guard my heart and mind. You see, if I become that carefree in Him, my heart and mind will be guarded from the high thoughts and vain imaginations of the enemy. The thoughts wouldn't even try to come because the enemy would know I'm sold out to a carefree life.
1 Peter 5: 7 says to live this carefree life, we have to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand and then cast all our cares on Him, because He cares for us. We have to be humble, or else we could get haughty and high minded in our carefree life, feeling we're all of that and a bag of chips.
John 13: 23 24. Shows us John was that carefree disciple who would throw back (rest in His bosom) on Jesus. I could be wrong, but I feel Jesus loved all His disciples, but He was close to John because John stayed close to Him and rested and relied on Him in every way. We need to rest in Him and allow Him to work every situation out for us. We need to give our all to Jesus and not take it back. Even when we crucify Him again, He is well and able to care for us again.
Mary cast all her worries on God when she accepted bear God's Precious Gift to humanity, Jesus. She might have rejected it, fearing death and rejection from family and community, but she cast her worries on God and accepted the call, trusting God to see her through, and God did!
At the wedding of Cana, when they ran out of wine, Mary trusted in Jesus for a miracle, even though Jesus wasn't ready to perform miracles. She told Him what she needed Him to do, walked off and told them whatever He says, just do it. That's total dependence and also being carefree in Christ, knowing He'll show up and work it out. She moved His hand by asking but not just asking but believing He'll come through! The Word says we have not because we ask not, but we have to ask in faith, ask to believe, ask with the right motive (not for our fleshly desire), ask in humility, and God will answer our prayers.
We could live a THROWBACK CAREFREE LIFE if we totally trust God. It may seem too good to be true, but it's that simple. God's ways are true and easy, and He is the light to the right path. So let's accept His way of life and be free from the enemies' vain imagination and high thoughts. When we allow Him to set us free, we'll be free indeed! CAREFREE, FREE
A child has been born for us. We have been given a son who will be our ruler. His names will be Wonderful Advisor and Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace. His power will never end; peace will last forever. He will rule David's kingdom and make it grow strong. He will always rule with honesty and justice. The LORD All Powerful will make certain that all of this is done. [Isaiah 9:6 7 CEV]
Hallelujah! We have a Savior, who is the Wonderful Advisor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father and the Prince of peace. Everything is in control, according to this translation. God is our everything, which means that no problem we encounter has escaped His awareness, and as the Creator of the Universe, He has already brought you through it. Don’t worry or be anxious since you are in the mighty of hands that works everything for your good.
I encourage you to reflect on the fact that the Creator of the Universe has chosen you to reveal His mighty deeds on your behalf.
Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for loving me and working all things out for me, amen.
According to the scripture above, God already knew that He would send Jesus to be a propitiation for our sins. He knew we needed Jesus to be our Wonderful Advisor, a mighty God, our Eternal Father and the Prince of Peace, and the government would be upon Jesus’ shoulder, etc. Here is a list of some of the things God already knew.
1. He knew Peter was going to deny Him (Matthew 26:69 75)
2. Jesus would go to the cross to die for sins He did not commit.
3. That Elijah would run away and hide because of words Jezebel spoke over his life.
4. He knew that the Ethiopian would be in the carriage.
5. He knew that Naaman would get healed of leprosy.
6. He knew that the Holy Spirit would take up residence in us after we have accepted His Son Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
As we celebrate Christmas, I want you to remember that God already knows what you are going through and will take care of you IF you give Him ultimate control over your life.